Konu: “Genç/Beyin Göçü”
Günümüz dünyasında „Beyin Göçü“ yıllardır süregelen bir konu, aynı zamanda da sorun. Bizler, beyin göçünün başına “genç” kelimesini ekleyerek biraz daha güncelleyelim istedik.
Gelişmiş ülkeler, teknoloji, sanayi ve bilim alanındaki projeleri hayata geçirmek için gerekli olan beyin gücünü, az gelişmiş veya gelişmekte olan ülkelerden yaptıkları beyin göçüyle gidermeye çalışıyor. Neden başlığımızın başına “Genç” eklediğimize gelince; yetenekli ve yabancı dil bilen gençler daha çok tercih ediliyor. Tam bu noktada iki soru geliyor akla:
– Bu genç insanlar kendi ülkelerinde kalıp faydalı olmak ve bir gelecek kurmak yerine neden başka ülkeleri tercih ediyorlar?
– Beyin göçü alan ülkeler, neden kendi ülkelerinde bu eksikliği gidermeye çalışmıyor da dışarıdan göç alıyor?
Genç Beyinler, ne kadar yetenekli olurlarsa olsunlar, kendi ülkelerinde iş alanı bulmakta zorlanıyorlar ve yurtdışını bir kurtarıcı olarak görüyorlar. Son dönemlerde savaş halindeki ülkelerden ve Ortadoğu’dan gerçekleşen göçte doktor, mühendis, yazılımcı gibi meslekler öne çıkıyor. Gelişmiş ülkeler, bu gençleri deneyimli personele oranla daha ucuz ücretle çalıştırabiliyor. Gençlerin, çevrelerinden kopup gelmeleri o kadar kolay değil elbet, ancak gelecek konusu onlar için duygusallıktan çok daha önemli.
Bir de “Gizli Beyin Göçü” var. Kendi ülkelerinde kalıp yabancı sermayeye hizmet veren gençlerden oluşuyor. Bedenleri kendi ülkelerinde ama beyinleri yabancı ülkelere hizmet veriyor. En çok beyin göçü alan ve iş standartlarının yüksek olduğu ülkeler sıralamasında; Norveç, İsveç, ABD, Kanada ve Avustralya yer alıyor. Bu ülkeleri İsviçre, İngiltere, Almanya, İrlanda takip ediyor. En çok beyin göçü veren ülkelerin başında ise Hindistan, Çin, Türkiye, Balkan ve Ortadoğu ülkeleri geliyor. Türkiye, “Genç” Beyin Göçü‘nde önde giden ülkelerden biri. Sadece 2019 yılında 330.289 kişi yurtdışına göç etti. Göç edenlerden 50.151 kişi, 25-29 yaş arasındaki gençlerden oluşuyor.
Karikatürcü dostlarımızdan beklentimiz; “Genç” Beyin Göçü‘nü çizgilerle sorgulamak ve irdelemek. Dünyayı değiştiremeyiz belki ama en azından kağıt (veya tablet) üzerinde bunu deneyebiliriz, ne dersiniz?!.
Yarışma Koşulları:
- Yarışmaya sadece internet üzerinden (info@donquichotte.org) katılabilinir. (Özgeçmiş ve iletişim bilgileri de eklenerek..)
- Yarışmaya katılacak karikatürlerin daha önce hiç bir yarışmada ödül almamış olması gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde ödülün geri alınabilmesi söz konusu olabilecektir.
- Karikatürler A3 boyutunda, 300 dpi ve JPG formatında olacaktır. (Siyah-beyaz veya renkli olabilir, her türlü teknik serbesttir.)
- Yarışmaya son katılım tarihi 15 Ekim 2022‘dir.
- DQ Ön Seçici Kurulu 25 Ekim 2022 tarihinde internet üzerinden değerlendirme yaparak 100 finalist karikatürü belirleyecek. Finalistler 10 gün boyunca sosyal medyada ve Don Quichotte internet sitesinde yayınlanacaktır.
- Seçici kurul, 100 finalist karikatürü 5 Kasım 2022 tarihinde değerlendirecek, sonuçlar 7 Kasım 2022 tarihinde açıklanacaktır.
- Ödül töreni ve sergi, 26 Kasım 2022 tarihinde İstanbul’da Maji Art Gallery‘de gerçekleşecektir.
- Gönderilen karikatürler Don Quichotte arşivinde muhafaza edilecektir.
- Yarışma albümü pdf olarak hazırlanacak ve (sponsor bulunduğunda) ayrıca bastırılacaktır.
- Büyük Ödül: 750 Euro + Don Quichotte Sertifikası
- “Karikatür-Centilmenlik” Ödülü: 500 Euro + Don Quichotte Sertifikası
- Onur Ödülü: 250 Euro + Don Quichotte Sertifikası
- Özel Ödüller (Don Quichotte Sertifikası)
Seçici Kurul Üyeleri (A-Z):
- Bernard Bouton (Fransa)
- Beysun Gökçin (Türkiye)
- Gürbüz Doğan Ekşioğlu (Türkiye)
- Erdoğan Karayel (Almanya)
- Hayati Boyacıoğlu (Almanya)
- Hüseyin Çakmak (Kıbrıs)
- Ivailo Tsvetkov (Bulgaristan)
- Liu Qiang (Çin)- Marilena Nardi (İtalya)- Marlene Pohle (Arjantin)
- Silvano Mello (Brezilya)
- Tan Oral (Türkiye)
13th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest’2022
Theme: Young/Brain Drain
“Brain Drain” is an ongoing issue for years, but also a problem. We want to update it a little more by adding the word “Young” to the brain drain. Developed countries are trying to get hold of the brain power required to implement projects in the fields of technology, industry and science, through brain drain from underdeveloped or developing countries. As for why we have added “Young” to the beginning of our title; talented and foreign language-speaking young people are more preferred. At this point, two questions come to mind: – Why do these young people prefer other countries instead of staying in their own country, being useful and building a future? – Why the countries receiving brain drain do not try to make up for this deficiency in their own countries, but receive emigration from abroad? Young minds, no matter how talented they are, have trouble finding employment in their home country and see abroad as a savior. Professions such as doctors, engineers and software developers have come to the fore in recent migration from countries at war and the Middle East. Developed countries can employ these young people for cheaper wages than experienced personnel. Of course, it is not easy for young people to break away from their environment, but the issue of future is much more important to them than sentimentality. There is also the “Hidden Brain Drain”. It consists of young people who stay in their own countries and serve foreign capital. Their bodies are in their own country, but their minds serve foreign countries. Among the countries that receive the most brain drain and have high job standards; Norway, Sweden, USA, Canada and Australia. These countries are followed by Switzerland, England, Germany and Ireland. India, China, Türkiye, Balkan and Middle Eastern countries are among the countries that give the most brain drain. Türkiye is one of the leading countries in the “Young” Brain Drain. In 2019 alone, 330,289 people immigrated abroad. 50,151 of the immigrants are young people between the ages of 25-29. Our expectation from you, cartoonist friends; Questioning and scrutinizing the “Young” Brain Drain with your lines. We may not be able to change the world, but at least we can try it on paper (or tablet). So what do you think?
Rules of the competition:
- Joining the competition is possible only via internet ( info@donquichotte.org ). (with cv+contact information)
- All submitted pieces of work should be participating in a contest for the first time. In the event of violation of this requirement, any awarded prizes shall be returned.
- The caricatures are to be submitted in A3 size, with a resolution of 300 dpi and in Jpeg format (black and white or colour, no restriction as to technical colour processing).
- The closing date of the competition is 15 October 2022.
- Based upon the submitted caricatures, the jury will pre-select 100 finalists from 25 October 2022. These finalists will then be presented on social media platforms and on Don Quichotte’s websites for the following 10 days.
- The jury will evaluate the pre-selected works of art from 5 November 2022 and publish the results on 7 November 2022.
- The award ceremony will take place in line with the exhibition opening on 26 November 2022 at the Maji Art Gallery in Istanbul.
- Submitted caricatures will be securely stored within Don Quichotte’s archives. For any use other than contest related, permission shall be seeked from each author prior to use.
- A contest catalogue shall be issued in pdf format and published.
- Grand Prize: 750 Euro + Don Quichotte Certificate
- Cartoon/Fairplay Prize: 500 Euro + Don Quichotte Certificate
- Honor Award 250 Euro + Don Quichotte Certificate
- Special Prizes (Don Quichotte Certificate)
Jury Members:
- Bernard Bouton (France)
- Beysun Gökçin (Türkiye)
- Gürbüz Doğan Ekşioğlu (Türkiye)
- Erdoğan Karayel (Germany)
- Hayati Boyacıoğlu (Germany)
- Hüseyin Çakmak (Cyprus)
- Ivailo Tsvetkov (Bulgaria)
- Liu Qiang (China)- Marilena Nardi (Italy)- Marlene Pohle (Argentina)
- Silvano Mello (Brazil)
- Tan Oral (Türkiye)
12. International Don Quichotte Karikaturenwettbewerb’2022
Thema: “Jugend/Brain Drain”
Momentan ist „Brain Drain“ ein Dauerthema der letzten Jahre, aber auch ein Problem. Wir wollten es ein wenig aktualisieren, indem wir das Wort “Jugend” vor den Begriff Braindrain anfügten.Die hochentwickelten Länder versuchen, die für die Umsetzung von Projekten in den Bereichen Technologie, Industrie und Wissenschaft erforderliche Intelligenz mit Fachkräften aus Schwellenländern oder aus Entwicklungsländern zu decken. Der Grund weshalb wir „Jugend“ an den Anfang unseres Titels hinzugefügt haben ist, dass hauptsächlich talentierte junge Menschen, die die Sprache beherrschen bevorzugt werden. An dieser Stelle drängen sich zwei Fragen auf:- Warum bevorzugen junge, gut ausgebildete Menschen andere Länder, anstatt in ihrem eigenen Land zu bleiben um dort nützlich zu sein und eine Zukunft aufzubauen?- Warum versuchen die Aufnahmeländer des Braindrain diesen Mangel nicht im eigenen Land auszugleichen, sondern nehmen Talente aus dem Ausland auf?Junge Absolventen, egal wie talentiert sie sind, haben Schwierigkeiten, in ihrem Heimatland eine Anstellung zu finden und sehen das Ausland als Rettung. Berufsgruppen wie Ärzte, Ingenieure und Softwareentwickler sind bei der jüngsten Migration aus Kriegsländern und dem Nahen Osten in den Fokus gerückt.Industrieländer können diese jungen Menschen zu günstigeren Löhnen beschäftigen im Gegensatz zu eigenen erfahrenen Personal. Natürlich ist es für junge Menschen nicht einfach, sich von ihrem Umfeld zu lösen, aber ihre Zukunftsperspektive ist ihnen viel wichtiger als Sentimentalitäten. Es gibt auch den „Hidden Brain Drain“. Dieser besteht aus jungen Menschen, die in ihren eigenen Ländern bleiben, jedoch ausländischem Kapital dienen. Ihr Körper ist im eigenen Land, doch ihr Gehirn dient fremden Ländern.Zu den Ländern mit der größten Einwanderung von Fachkräften und hohen Geschäftsstandards zählen Norwegen, Schweden, USA, Kanada und Australien. Auf diese Länder folgen die Schweiz, England, Deutschland und Irland. An der Spitze der Länder mit der größten Abwanderung von Fachkräften stehen Indien, China, die Türkei, der Balkan und die Länder des Nahen Ostens.Die Türkei ist eines der führenden Länder im “Young” Brain Drain. Allein im Jahr 2019 wanderten 330.289 Menschen ins Ausland ab. 50.151 der abgewanderten Fachkräfte sind junge Menschen zwischen 25 und 29 Jahren.Unsere Erwartung von unseren Karikaturistenfreunden ist, dass sie den „jungen“ Brain Drain mit ihren Darstellungen hinterfragen. Wir sind vielleicht nicht in der Lage, die Welt zu verändern, doch auf Papier (oder Tablet) können wir es zumindest versuchen. Was meinst Du?!.
- Die Teilnahme am Wettbewerb ist nur über das Internet möglich (info@donquichotte.org). (mit lebenslauf+contact information.)
- Die eingereichten Karikaturen dürfen zuvor an keinem Wettbewerb teilgenommen haben. Bei Feststellung eines Verstoßes gegen diese Regel können verliehen Preise zurückverlangt werden.
- Die Karikaturen sind in A3-Größe, 300 dpi-Auflösung und JPG-Format einzureichen (schwarz/weiß oder farbig, der farbtechnischen Bearbeitung sind keine Grenzen gesetzt).
- Einsendeschluss ist der 15. Oktober 2022.
- Die Jury wird vom 25. Oktober 2022 aus allen eingereichten Karikaturen eine Vorauswahl treffen und 100 Finalisten bestimmen. Diese werden 10 Tage lang in sozialen Medien und auf den Homepages von Don Quichotte vorgestellt.
- Die Jury wird zwischen dem 5. November 2022 diese Arbeiten auswerten und die Ergebnisse am 7. November 2022 bekanntgeben.
- Die Preisverleihung wird im Rahmen der Eröffnung der Wettbewerbsausstellung am 26. November Maji Art Gallery in Istanbul.
- Alle eingereichten Karikaturen werden sicher im Archiv von Don Quichotte aufbewahrt. Verwendung der Werke außerhalb des Wettbewerbs bedarf der vorherigen Zustimmung des jeweiligen Künstlers.
- Es wird ein Wettbewerbskatalog der eingereichten Karikaturen als PDF-Dokument erstellt und veröffentlicht.
- Hauptpreis: 750 Euro + DQ Zertifikat
- Karikatur/Faires SPiel Preis: 500 Euro + DQ Zertifikat
- Ehrenpreis: 250 Euro + DQ Zertifikat
- Besondere Auszeichnungen (DQ Zertifikat)
- Bernard Bouton (Frankreich)
- Beysun Gökçin (Türkiye)
- Gürbüz Doğan Ekşioğlu (Türkiye)
- Erdoğan Karayel (Deutschland)
- Hayati Boyacıoğlu (Deutschland)
- Hüseyin Çakmak (Zypern)
- Ivailo Tsvetkov (Bulgarien)
- Liu Qiang (Chinesisch)- Marilena Nardi (Italien)- Marlene Pohle (Argentinien)
- Silvano Mello (Brasilien)
- Tan Oral (Türkiye)

Theme: Say NO to "violence against Women!"
We are taking on another global societal issue after covering child marriages. “Violence against Women” will be the theme of 12th Don Quichotte Caricature Contest.Violenst against women and childs is one of the most widespread violations of human rights. Some national studies show that up to 70% of women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime from an intimate partner. To raise awareness and trigger action to end this global scourge, the UNobserves International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November.Unfortunately, violence against women and girls is deep-rooted in our societies and the international observance serves as a symbol of resistance as well as a call to action to eliminate gendered physical, economic and psychological violence. Violence against Women has been increasing in emerging countries. Femicide-killing women because of their gender-is a longstanding issue in the world. For example, there were 430 female homicides in 2019 alone in Turkey. Although illegal, child marriage in Turkey remains also prevalent along with countries such as India, Iran, Mexico, Ethiopia, Chad and Niger.The purpose of this contest is to bring global awareness to this issue through the lens of caricaturists around the world and encourage solutions that will end this social crisis.
Rules of the competition:
1) Joining the competition is possible only via internet (violenceagainstwomen2020@gmail.com). (with cv+address..)
2) All submitted pieces of work should be participating in a contest for the first time. In the event of violation of this requirement, any awarded prizes shall be returned.
3) The caricatures are to be submitted in A3 size, with a resolution of 300 dpi and in Jpeg format (black and white or colour, no restriction as to technical colour processing).
4) The closing date of the competition is 31.03.2018.
5) Based upon the submitted caricatures, the jury will pre-select 100 finalists from April 10 to 20. 2020. These finalists will then be presented on social media platforms and on Don Quichotte’s websites for the following 10 days.
6) The jury will evaluate the pre-selected works of art from Mai 1 to 7, 2020 and publish the results on Mai 15, 2020.
7) The award ceremony will take place in line with the exhibition opening on Juni in Stuttgart.
8) Submitted caricatures will be securely stored within Don Quichotte’s archives. For any use other than contest related, permission shall be seeked from each author prior to use.
9) A contest catalogue shall be issued in pdf format and published.
– First Prize: 750 Euro+DQ Medal
– Second Prize: 500 Euro+DQ Medal
– Third Prize: 250 Euro+DQ Medal
– Special Awards (Certificates)
Proselector Jury:
– Farzane Vaziritabar (Iran)
– Aslý Alpar (Turkey)
– Shirin Gholipour (Iran)
– Erdogan Karayel (Germany)
– Adriana Mosquera (Spain)
– Anne Derenne (France)
– Cristina Sompaio (Portugal)
– Doaa Eladl (Egypt)
– Elena Ospina (Colombia)
– Marina Bondarenko (Russia)
– Marlene Pohle (Argentina)
– Martha Barragan Mar (Mexico)
– Maya Tcholakova (Bulgaria)
– Natalia Forcat (Brazil)
– Nicoleta Ionescu (Romania)
– Ramize Erer (Turkey-France)
– Shiva Zamanfar (Iran)
Technical Assistant:
– Elif Özer (Turkey)
Thema: Sagt NEIN zur "Gewalt gegen Frauen!"
Nach dem Thema Kinderehe haben wir nun einen weiteren gesellschaftlichen Mißstand "Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen" zum Gegenstand des 12. internationalen Karikaturwettbewerbes erkoren.
Die Gewalt gegen Frauen und Kinder ist weltweit eines der am meisten verbreiteten Verstöße gegen Menschenrechte. Nationale Untersuchungen einiger Länder ermittelten Raten von bis zu 70% Frauen, die im Laufe ihres Lebens physischer, psychicher oder sexueller Gewalt durch ihre Familienangehörigen oder ihrer Ehemänner ausgeliefert sind.
Um diesem weltweiten Problem ein Ende zu bereiten, die Sensibilität zu erhöhen und Lösungen zu finden, haben die Vereinten Nationen (UN) den 25. November zum "Tag zur Bekämpfung von Gewalt gegen Frauen" ausgerufen.
Die Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen ist in vielen Völkern tief verwurzelt. Internationale Beobachter glauben, dass dieser Tag zur Beendigung von physischer, ökonomischer oder psychischer Gewaltherrschaft über den weiblichen Teil der Gesellschaft dienen, zumindest ein Symbol des Widerstandes gegen dieses Unrecht darstellen kann. In Entwicklungsländern (in unterentwickelten Ländern) ist die Gewalt gegen Frauen sehr viel verbreiteter. Morde an Frauen aufgrund ihrer Geschlechtszugehörigkeit sind historische und tragische Tatsachen auf der ganzen Welt. Zum Beispiel wurden in der Türkei 430 Morde an Frauen allein im Jahre 2019 begangen. Trotz Verbote von Gesetzeswegen sind Kinderehen in Ländern wie Türkei, Ýndien, Ýran, Mexiko, Äthiopien, Tschad und Niger weit verbreitet.
Der Zweck unseres weltweiten Wettbewerbes ist, die Wahrnehmung dieser globalen Mißstände zu erhöhen und Beiträge zur Lösung zu finden, oder zielführende Anstrengungen dafür zu fördern.
1) Die Teilnahme am Wettbewerb ist nur über das Internet möglich (violenceagainstwomen2020@
2) Die eingereichten Karikaturen dürfen zuvor an keinem Wettbewerb teilgenommen haben. Bei Feststellung eines Verstoßes gegen diese Regel können verliehen Preise zurückverlangt werden.
3) Die Karikaturen sind in A3-Größe, 300 dpi-Auflösung und JPG-Format einzureichen (schwarz/weiß oder farbig, der farbtechnischen Bearbeitung sind keine Grenzen gesetzt).
4) Einsendeschluss ist der 31. March 2020.
5) Die Jury wird vom 10. bis 20. April 2020 aus allen eingereichten Karikaturen eine Vorauswahl treffen und 100 Finalisten bestimmen. Diese werden 10 Tage lang in sozialen Medien und auf den Homepages von Don Quichotte vorgestellt.
6) Die Jury wird zwischen dem 1. und 7. Mai 2020 diese Arbeiten auswerten und die Ergebnisse am 15. Mai 2020 bekanntgeben.
7) Die Preisverleihung wird im Rahmen der Eröffnung der Wettbewerbsausstellung am Juni in Stuttgart.
8) Alle eingereichten Karikaturen werden sicher im Archiv von Don Quichotte aufbewahrt. Verwendung der Werke außerhalb des Wettbewerbs bedarf der vorherigen Zustimmung des jeweiligen Künstlers.
9) Es wird ein Wettbewerbskatalog der eingereichten Karikaturen als PDF-Dokument erstellt und veröffentlicht.
– Erster Preis: 70 Euro + DQ Medal
– Zweiter Preis: 500 Euro + DQ Medal
– Dritter Preis: 250 Euro+ DQ Medal
– Besondere Auszeichnungen (Zertifikate)
Vorab Jury:
– Farzane Vaziritabar (Iran)
– Aslý Alpar (Türkei)
– Shirin Gholipour (Iran)
– Erdogan Karayel (Deutschland)
–Adriana Mosquera (Spanien)
– Anne Derenne (Frankreich)
– Cristina Sompaio (Portugal)
– Doaa Eladl (Ägypten)
– Elena Ospina (Kolumbien)
– Marina Bondarenko (Russland)
– Marlene Pohle (Argentinien)
– Martha Barragan Mar (Mexiko)
– Maya Tcholakova (Bulgarien)
– Natalia Forcat (Brasilien)
– Nicoleta Ionescu (Rumänien)
– Ramize Erer (Türkei-Frankreich)
– Shiva Zamanfar (Iran)
Technischer Assistent
– Elif Özer (Türkei)
Konu: "Kadýna Karþý Þiddet"e HAYIR deyin!..
Çocuk evliliklerinden sonra baþka bir toplumsal toplumsal konu olan “Kadýnlara ve kýzlara yönelik þiddet”i, 12. Don Quichotte Uluslararasý Karikatür Yarýþmasý’nýn konusu olarak belirledik.Kadýnlara ve çocuklara yönelik þiddet, insan haklarýnýn en yaygýn ihlallerinden biridir. Bazý ülkelerin ulusal araþtýrmalarý, kadýnlarýn % 70’inin yaþamlarý boyunca yakýnlarýndan ve eþlerinden psikolojik ve/ya cinsel þiddet yaþadýðýný belirtiyorlar. Bu küresel sorunu sona erdirmek, farkýndalýðý artýrmak ve çözüm üretmek adýna Birleþmiþ Milletler, 25 Kasým’ý "Kadýna Yönelik Þiddetle Mücadele Günü" olarak ilan etti.Kadýnlara ve genç kýzlara yönelik þiddet tüm toplumlarda derinlere dayanmaktadýr. Uluslararasý gözlemciler, bu günü toplumsal cinsiyete yönelik fiziksel, ekonomik ve psikolojik þiddeti ortadan kaldýrmak için ayný zamanda bir direniþ sembolü olarak da iþlev göreceðine inanmaktadýrlar. Geliþmekte olan (geri kalmýþ) ülkelerde kadýna yönelik þiddet daha da ileri boyutlardadýr. Kadýnlarýn cinsiyetlerinden dolayý öldürülmesi ne yazýk ki tüm dünyada uzun zamandýr devam eden trajik bir sorundur. Örneðin; Türkiye’de sadece 2019 yýlýnda 430 kadýn cinayeti iþlendi. Yasadýþý olmasýna raðmen çocuk evlilikleri; Türkiye, Hindistan, Ýran, Meksika, Etiyopya, Çad ve Nijer gibi ülkelerde yaygýn þekilde devam ediyor.Y arýþmamýzýn amacý, dünyadaki karikatürcüler aracýlýðýyla bu konuda küresel Yarýþmamýzýn amacý, küresel kriz olarak ele aldýðýmýz bu toplumsal sorunun çözümüne yönelik çabalarý teþvik etmek ve bu alanda farklýlýk yaratmaktýr.
Yarýþma Koþullarý:
1) Yarýþmaya sadece internet üzerinden ( violenceagainstwomen2020@
2) Yarýþmaya katýlacak karikatürlerin daha önce hiç bir yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmasý gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde ödülün geri alýnabilmesi söz konusu olabilecektir.
3) Karikatürler A3 boyutunda, 300 dpi ve JPG formatýnda olacaktýr. (Siyah-beyaz veya renkli olabilir, her türlü boyama tekniði serbesttir.)
4) Yarýþmaya son katýlým tarihi 31 Mart 2020‘dir.
5) DQ Ön Seçici Kurulu 10-20 Nisan 2020 tarihleri arasýnda gelen karikatürlerden 100 finalist belirleyecek. Finalistler 10 gün boyunca sosyal medyada ve Don Quichotte internet sitelerinde yayýnlanacaktýr.
6) Seçici kurul, gelen karikatürleri 1-7 Mayýs 2020 arasý deðerlendirecek, sonuçlar 15 Mayýs 2020 tarihinde açýklanacaktýr.
7) Ödül töreni ve sergi, Haziran ayýnda
8) Gönderilen karikatürler Don Quichotte arþivinde muhafaza edilecektir.
9) Yarýþma albümü pdf olarak hazýrlanacak ve (sponsor bulunduðunda) ayrýca bastýrýlacaktýr.
– Birincilik Ödülü: 750 Euro+Madalya
– Ýkincilik Ödülü: 500 Euro+Madalya
– Üçüncülük Ödülü: 250 Euro+Madalya
– Özel Ödüller (Sertifikalar)
Ön Seçici Kurul:
– Farzane Vaziritabar (Ýran)
– Aslý Alpar (Türkiye)
– Shirin Gholipour (Ýran)
– Erdogan Karayel (Almanya)
Seçici Kurul Üyeleri:
– Adriana Mosquera (Ýspanya)
– Anne Derenne (Fransa)
– Cristina Sompaio (Portekiz)
– Doaa Eladl (Mýsýr)
– Elena Ospina (Kolombiya)
– Marina Bondarenko (Rusya)
– Marlene Pohle (Arjantin
– Martha Barragan Mar (Meksika)
– Maya Tcholakova (Bulgaristan)
– Natalia Forcat (Brezilya)
– Nicoleta Ionescu (Romanya)
– Ramize Erer (Turkey-France)
– Shiva Zamanfar (Iran)
Teknik Asistan:
– Elif Özer (Türkiye)
2019 “Philosopher Lao Zi & Zen Master Huineng Caricatures” in the “Eyes of Artists International Competition & Exhibition”
The objects of the competition are cartoons, drawings, graphics and other works of fine art created by artists.
A. Philosopher Lao Zi
B. Zen Master Huineng Caricatures
Both themes are open to submission without limitation of quantities. Works awarded in other competitions Can be included in this competition.
a) Maximum A3 (297mm x 420 mm), minimum A4 (210mm×297mm).
b) Printed submissions will not be accepted (work can be submitted in either digital or hand-drawn format; however, the electronic-version of all submission are definitely required).
c) Participants can also send digital files (scanned copy) with a minimum size of “300 dpi” in “.TIFF” or “.JPG” to cmiassn@vip.163.com.
1.Works for the competition will be judged by the international Jury.
2. The Jury will award the following prizes and electronic Diplomas for each winner.
3. Jury has the right of final distribution of the statutory prizes, change of their amount, or non-awarding them. Jury’s decisions are final.
4.The competition results will be announced after the final selection in May 2019 at www.cmiassn.org. Awards are subject to taxation according to Chinese tax regulation.
◆Awards and Prizes
Grand Prize (1)1500 USD
Gold Medal (2)1000 USD (1 for Theme A and 1 for Theme B)
Silver Medal (4) 800 USD (2 for Theme A and 2 for Theme B)
Bronze Medal (6)600 USD (3 for Theme A and 3 for Theme B)
Special Prize (30)300 USD (15 for Theme A and 15 for Theme B)
◆Participant Privileges
1. Artists of work qualified for the exhibition will be given an electronic catalogue.
2. Artwork sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition.
◆Competition Provisions
1. Organizers reserve the right to use all submitted artwork for advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the artists that include being exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
2. The prize-winning works become the property of the organizers and will be included in the collection of the Gallery.
3. The exhibition organizers are the final judges in interpretation of the rules and regulations.
4. By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations.
5. By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the publication of the author’s profile in the post-exhibition album.
6. The finalist artworks are requested to send the original artworks to the mailing address so that the organizer can keep them in the museum permanently.
7. No submissions will be returned.
◆ Notice
1.Participation in the competition is free of charge.
2.Organizers reserve the right to include the submitted works in the Gallery and publishing.
3.The submitted art works would be promoted on the internet and media.
4.Works should be accompanied by their author’s photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a filled application form.
◆ Timetable and Contact Information
Submissions(original scripts are preferred) for receipt of artwork:
From January 28, 2019 to April 18, 2019
Deadline: Date of the postmark April 10, 2019
Deadline: Electronic submissions midnight April 18, 2019
◆Contact Information
E-mail address: cmiassn@vip.163.com
Mailing address: 902 Suite, 3 Flat ,No.3 Building, Tianle Yuan, Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100107
Tel: 0086-10-84937681
(Organizers are not responsible for damages during transport. )
For reference
Introduction of Lao Zi
In traditional accounts, Laozi’s personal name is usually given as Li Er (李耳Laozi is traditionally regarded as the author of the Tao Te Ching (Daodejing), though the identity of its author(s) or compiler(s) has been debated throughout history.It is one of the most significant treatises in Chinese cosmogony. As with most other ancient Chinese philosophers, Laozi often explains his ideas by way of paradox, analogy, appropriation of ancient sayings, repetition, symmetry, rhyme, and rhythm. In fact, the whole book can be read as an analogy – the ruler is the awareness, or self, in meditation and the myriad creatures or empire is the experience of the body, senses and desires.
The Tao Te Ching, often called simply Laozi after its reputed author, describes the Dao (or Tao) as the source and ideal of all existence: it is unseen, but not transcendent, immensely powerful yet supremely humble, being the root of all things. People have desires and free will (and thus are able to alter their own nature). Many acts "unnaturally", upsetting the natural balance of the Tao. The Tao Te Ching intends to lead students to a "return" to their natural state, in harmony with Tao.[45] Language and conventional wisdom are critically assessed. Taoism views them as inherently biased and artificial, widely using paradoxes to sharpen the point.
Introduction of Huineng (Hui-neng) (638—713)
Huineng (Hui-neng) is a seminal figure in Buddhist history. He is the famous “Sixth Patriarch” of the Chan or meditation tradition, which is better known in Japanese as "Zen”. The focus of an immense body of lore that grew over the centuries, Huineng’s life mirrors the fortunes of Chan itself – a provincial Chinese version of Buddhism that rose to become a major religious and cultural force throughout East Asia. Tradition holds that Huineng was an uncouth “barbarian” youth who, because of his innate intuitive insight, surpassed his more cultured fellow monks to earn the official “dharma seal” certifying the authoritative transmission of Buddhist enlightenment, and thereby earning a lasting place in history. He is intimately associated with the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, one of the most influential texts in all of Chinese Buddhism. Alleged to be a sermon from the lips of Huineng himself, this text provides a gripping first-person account of the Master’s life.
Its cryptic yet insightful discussion of Chan practice lays out the central concerns of Chan cultivation. Huineng’s discussion of the themes of inherent enlightenment, sudden awakening, and the non-dual nature of wisdom (Sanskrit: prajna) and meditation (Sanskrit: dhyana) resounds through later generations of Chan teachers, and continues to pose difficult philosophical challenges to this day.
2019 Philosopher Lao Zi & Zen Master Huineng Caricatures in the Eyes of Artists International Competition Deadline:April 18th, 2019
Title |
Author |
Name |
Gender |
□male □female |
Nationality |
Resident Country |
Contact |
Address |
Post Code |
Tel No. |
tax |
e-mail |
website |
Biography of Author |
Signature |
The International Cartoon Festival Brilland Minds: LA CIUDAD DE LAS IDEAS
1. The contest is open to professional and amateur artists from around the world older than 18 years old.
2. All work submitted must be completely original and unpublished. Submissions must not be simultaneously participating in any other contest or event.
3. The concept to develop and theme of La Ciudad de las Ideas are the following:
What is the most burning question of today?
What questions should we be asking about current education? What new questions should be asked regarding the exercise of reading and education? What consequences sprout in an era where a lot of digital information is read in cell phones or computers and not in books? What difference do we find between reading books and digital reviews? What role does the evolution of our species have in the act of reading or not reading? What should we be reading? What books need to be written? Who should write a book and has not yet done so? What topics do we need to read? WHAT ARE THOSE BURNING QUESTIONS THAT YOU HAVE NOT DONE concerning READING?
*The organization reserves the right to withdraw from the contest all work considered offensive or that infringes upon human rights and gender equality.
4. Each contestant will be able to participate only with three different works (those contestants who send more than 3 works will be disqualified).
5. All techniques will be accepted (digital or manual, color or b/w).
6. The work may not exceed the following sizes: 22cm x 33cm or a proportional size; and if it is a digital work, the resolution must not be less than 300dpi and no heavier than 10 Megabytes.
7. If the contestant submits his/her original work, the following information shall be attached in a sealed envelope:
•Author’s full name and pen name
•Author’s photo or cartoon
• Address:
• Phone number
• Email:
• Nationality:
• Title of each work:
• Is this the first time you participate?
• Brief biographical summary (CV).
8. The contestant will sign a certification. If the work is sent by means of the form, the contestant should only click on the acceptance box; if the work is physically sent, the contestant should sign and include the following legend:
Example: I, (name of the author), certify being the author of the work of the 2017 contest, Beyond the Blank Slate, and submit them to the contest of La Ciudad de las Ideas. I, (name of the author), accept, for the simple fact of submitting this work under the terms of the contest, the use of said work for the purposes that are considered appropriate by Poder Cívico A.C.
SIGNATURE: ________________________
9. Works can be sent by two in two forms: Original or Electronic.
Original: send the author’s information in an envelope to the following address:
Décimo Concurso Internacional de Caricaturas Burning Question
Colima 158, Col. Roma
Delegación Cuauhtémoc C.P. 06700 México D.F.
Electronic: the form must be completed and the works must be uploaded on the following website
*Fill out a form for every work submitted. The resolution must not be less than 300dpi and no more than 10Mb.
10. The selected works will be exhibited in Puebla, Mexico, on November 16th, 17th and 18th 2018, and they will also appear on the various broadcast medium of Poder Cívico A. C. In our website and social networks.
The cartoons will only be used to broadcast the festival in various media, including reproduction in catalogs, postcards, books, Internet or television according to the agreements with the sponsors.
11. This call will be valid from June 27th until September 24th, 2018. All the work sent by mail or courier service should have this date registered as deadline on the postmark or mail.
12. The contest results will be announced on the official website of La Ciudad de las Ideaswww.ciudaddelasideas.com, on Twitter @cddelasideas, and on Facebookwww.facebook.com/laciudaddelasideas
Winners will be notified to the email included in the information submitted. Please ignore any confirmation mail if it does not contain the domainciudaddelasideas.com or podercivico.org.mx.
13. The jury will be selected by Poder Cívico and it will be able to solve any situation related to the contest that does not obey the established in these terms. The prize might be declared void if the jury deems that none of the works presented have sufficient quality, whose decision will be final. The jury members will be announced once the call is ongoing.
14. Non-winning original works may be claimed by the authors at Poder Cívico A. C. offices three months after the ruling. Any unclaimed original work will remain in custody of Martha Barragán Méndez to return the works after the date established by Poder Cívico A. C.
15. Prizes
• First place:
– An all-expense-paid trip to Puebla, Mexico including: transportation, lodging and food.
– A ticket to attend the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas, which includes more than 40 conferences from personalities who are changing the world.
– Access to alternative activities of the festival, theme parties, artistic interventions, exhibitions and more.
– The presentation of his/her work within the framework of the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas.
– A certificate granted in the framework of the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas.
• Second place:
– An all-expense-paid trip to Puebla, Mexico including: transportation, lodging and food.
– A ticket to attend the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas, which includes more than 40 conferences from personalities who are changing the world.
– Access to alternative activities of the festival, theme parties, artistic interventions, exhibitions and more.
– The presentation of his/her work within the framework of the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas.
– A certificate granted the framework of the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas.
• Third place:
– An all-expense-paid trip to Puebla, Mexico including: transportation, lodging and food.
– A ticket to attend the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas, which includes more than 40 conferences from personalities who are changing the world.
– Access to alternative activities of the festival, theme parties, artistic interventions, exhibitions and more.
– The presentation of his/her work within the framework of the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas.
– A certificate granted in the framework of the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas.
Three honorable mentions will be awarded: Each one of them will have a diploma that will be sent during the days after the festival
Note: Prizes cannot be paid in cash nor be transferred to another person.
If you come from abroad, please be sure to have a valid passport and visa in order to attend the festival in Puebla, Mexico to pick up your prize.
Yours sincerely,
Martha Barragán Méndez “Mar”
Coordinator of the International Cartoon Contest of the
International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas
Call 4 international competition of caricature and graphic humor – NOTICARTUN COLOMBIA – 2018 "Homage to Consuelo Lago" and woman
NOTICIAS DE CARTOON COLOMBIA , is pleased to present you all the convening of the fourth edition of NOTICARTÚNCOLOMBIA , this time paying homage to the Colombian cartoon in the person of the teacher Consuelo Lago, figurehead of the contribution of women in this field Colombian graphic and to top this edition homage extends to the whole concept of woman. Also very pleased to tell you that this time we are supported by two events: Muestra de Comic Sin Fronteras of Pereira and Calicomix.
Juan Camilo Lopera Arroyave "JÚCALO"

2nd International Cartoon Contest 2018 Cittaslow Seferihisar, Turkey
The contest is open to all cartoonists.
The cartoons sent to the contest may have been published before. But he should have been awarded in another competition.
Techniques are free. Draws can join up to 5 work from the competition. According to the original or printing 300 dpi it can be accepted by e-mail including the jpg format. Sent in different formats, from our institution is not responsible for opening the file.
Cartoon maximum size of 30 X 40 cm. should be.
Participants in the work of the name, surname, address, and phone number should write the country should put into the envelope in a brief curriculum vitae.
Cartoons August 10, 2018 until the date should be sent to the following address.
Address:Colak Ibrahim Bey Quarter May 19 Caddesi No: 10 Seferihisar Seferihisar Municipality Children – Izmir – Turkey
e-mail: lsesen@seferihisar.bel.t is
leventsesen@hotmail.co my
competition results will be announced on August 14, 2018.
The cartoons submitted to the competition will not be returned. The winning entry or cartoons can be used for cultural purposes, it can be published. Participants are deemed to have accepted these terms. Works Seferihisar Municipality Caricature Children will be stored in the house.
Works selected by the jury will be exhibited and will be included on the album.
The award ceremony will be held on September 22, 2018. On the same day the exhibition opening and award-winning exhibition of cartoons Seferihisar Municipality Caricature Children will be held in the house.
Contest contestants of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the road, accommodation and food expenses will be borne by us.
Tunç Soyer Cittaslow Turkey Coordinator
Purple Pine
Ayten Köse
Kamil Masaracý
Izel Rozental
Selin Island
Eray Özbek
First Prize: Euphoria Aegean Resort & Spa Hotel in 1 Week (2) + Plaque
Second Prize: Club Resort Atlantis Hotel in 1 Week (2) + Plaque
Third prize: Foresters Teos Resort 1 Week (2) + Plaque
OTHER AWARDS: put their awards by various organizations.
NOTE: Jury meeting will be held on August 11, 2018.
Source: Seferihisar Municipality .
Wonderful World 2018 2nd International Cartoon Exhibition, Tokyo – Japan
2. International Wonderful World (Wonderful? Wonder World 2018) Cartoon Exhibition, Japan
event first organized in 2017 by the Japanese draw Yoshiaki Yokota and colleagues are prepared to 2nd edition this year.
Amateur and professional artists 2018 Exhibition which is open to participation by all subject: the current problems of our world (recent world situation): War refugees, dictatorship, unilateralism, and so on. (w, refugees, dictator, poverty, unilateralis and so on).
The exhibition will be held from 3-9 September 2018 unwritten, untitled work is required. Works does not have the condition of being newly manufactured.
A draw may participate in a maximum of two works. The more work will come to the event, each participant will be represented by one works.
Participants must indicate the full name and country. You can add a short biography of the language. Participation for at least 200 dpi and JPEG format file from the Internet at work yoshiakiyokota@yahoo.co.jp or to address these Facebook should be forwarded as a message to (all works submitted will be posted on this page).
Join Date: 25 July-10 August 2018
address will open the exhibition: Motoazab the gallery, Motoazab of 3-12-3, Minato-ku, Tokyo.
Participants are sent a certificate from the Internet.