Konu: Savas Icin Degil, Baris Icin Kimya
"Kimya, son yuzyilda hic olmadigi kadar hayatlarimiza sirayet etti. Ve ne yaziktir ki, bu
durumun etkilerini iyi yonde gordugumuz kadar kotu yonde de bir hayli tecrube ettik. I. ve II.
Dunya Savasi’ni, Irak-Iran Savasi’ni, Halepce’yi, "Hayata Donus Operasyonu"nu ve
benzerlerini dusundugumuzde kimyanin kotuye kullaniminin ne kadar cok insanin hayatina
mal oldugunu goruyor olmak hepimize aci veriyor.
20. yuzyilin baslarinda klorin gazi, hardal gazi, arsenik gibi orneklerle karsimiza cikan
kimyasal silahlar son yillarda biber gazi adi altinda karsimiza cikmakta.
Fakat kimya biliminin, tum bu kotu orneklerin yaninda, aslinda hayatlarimizi kolaylastiran bir
misyonu da var. Bu misyon, iyi insanlarin ellerinde daha iyi orneklere donusecek ve dunya var
oldukca yasamaya devam edecek. Buna inaniyoruz.
Bu baglamda bizler, kimyanin doganin ve tum canlilarin hayatinin surdurulebilirligi icin var
olan, savas icin degil baris icin var olan bir bilim dali olduguna inanan insanlar olarak
karsiniza cikiyor ve yarismamizi sizlerle bulusturuyoruz."
Yarisma Duzenleme Kurulu
● Bu yilki konusu "Savas Icin Degil, Baris Icin Kimya" olan karikatur yarismasi TMMOB
Kimya Muhendisleri Odasi Istanbul Subesi’nin 2013 yilinda "Is cinayetleri" konulu
karikatur yarismasinin devami niteliginde ikinci yarismasidir. Yarisma TMMOB Kimya
Muhendisleri Odasi Istanbul Subesi, Istanbul Tabip Odasi ve Deriteks Sendikasi
tarafindan duzenlenmektedir.
● Yarisma tum profesyonel ve amator karikaturistlere aciktir.
● Secici kurul, konunun uzmani karikatur cizerlerinden olusmaktadir.
● Karikatur Yarismasinin odul toreni 19.12.2015 tarihinde TMMOB Mimarlar Odasi
Istanbul Buyukkent Sube’sinin binasinda (Kemankes Mah. Kemankes Cad. No:31
Karakoy) gerceklestirilecektir. Ayrintili program daha sonra paylasilacaktir.
Genel Kurallar ve Katilim Kosullari
1. Yarisma "Savas Icin Degil, Baris Icin Kimya" konuludur.
2. Konu ile ilgili karikaturler, Turkiye’de ve dunyada artan kimyasal silah kullanimlarinin,
kimyanin savas teknolojilerinde artan oneminin, "biber gazi" olarak adlandirilan
kimyasal silahin gittikce artan kullanimina bir karsi durus olarak, kimyanin insana, tum
canlilara, dogaya karsi degil, doga icin, ‘baska’ bir dunya icin kullaniminin onemine
dikkat cekecek, kimyanin oldurme, zarar verme amacli kullanimini elestirecek
nitelikte olmalidir.
3. Yarismaya katilim karikatur cizip katilmak isteyen herkese serbesttir. Her profesyonel
ve amator karikaturist bu yarismaya katilabilir.
4. Yarismaya orijinal karikaturle katilinmalidir. Fotograf, fotokopi vs. kabul
edilmeyecektir. Bilgisayarla cizilmis ve renklendirilmis karikaturler de, katilimcinin
kendi el cizimi olmasi, kopyalanmis urunler kullanilmamasi kosulunda kabul
5. Katilimcilar yarismaya en fazla 2 karikatur ile katilabilir.
6. Karikatur seciminde cinsiyetci, irkci, heteroseksist/homofobik karikaturler
degerlendirmeye alinmayacaktir.
7. Yarismaya katilanlar karikaturlerini, www.kmo.org.tr adresinden ya da Kimya
Muhendisleri Odasi Istanbul Subesi’nden elde edip dolduracaklari katilim formu ile
birlikte Kimya Muhendisleri Odasi Istanbul Subesi/Caferaga Mah. Neset Omer Sok.
No:17/3 Kadikoy-Istanbul adresine posta yoluyla ya da elden ulastirabilirler. CD ile
yollanacak eserlerde, CD uzerinde ve CD’nin icine kondugu zarf uzerinde katilimcinin
adi, soyadi yazmalidir. E-mail ile gonderilecek calismalar icin gonderi adresi ise
istanbul@kmo.org.tr ve ercanzincir@kmo.org.tr’dir. Katilimcinin beyan ettigi e-posta
hesabindan baska bir hesap ile yollanacak karikaturler ise kabul edilmeyecektir.
Katilim formuna ulasilamadigi durumda Kimya Muhendisleri Odasi Istanbul Subesi’ni
8. Posta / Kargo sirasinda zarar gormus karikaturlerden kurumumuz sorumlu degildir.
Bu yuzden, eserlerinizi paketlemeniz hususunda dikkatli olmanizi ve eserinizi iyi
muhafaza edilmis bir paketle yollamanizi rica ederiz.
9. Gonderilen karikaturler Kimya Muhendisleri Odasi arsivinde kalacaktir. Eserler odul
programini duzenleyen yayinci kurulusun hazirlayacagi ajanda, takvim, afis, poster,
album, katalog, kitap, slayt gosterisi, egitim etkinligi ve web sitesinde eser sahibinin
ismini acik olarak belirterek, kullanim hakkina eserin ait oldugu kisinin izni dahilinde
eser sahibi ile birlikte sahip olacaktir. Eserlerin yayinci kurulus disinda ucuncu
sahislarca, izinsiz kullanimi durumunda, sanatci fikir ve sanat eserleri kanunundan
dogan haklarini tek basina kullanabilir.
10. Katilimcilar katilim formunu imzalayarak yarismaya katilabilir, imzasiz form ile
gonderilen karikaturler yarismaya alinmayacaktir. Katilimcilar yarisma kosullarini
kabul etmis sayilirlar.
11. Yarismada odul kazanan ve dereceye giren karikaturlerden, odul toreninin yapildigi
gun bir sergi duzenlenecektir.
12. Yarismaya son gonderim tarihi 30.11.2015’dir.
13. Juri uyeleri ve duzenleme kurulunda gorev alan kimse yarismaya katilamaz.
Secici Kurul
Sefer Selvi (Karikaturist)
Semra Can (Karikaturist)
Ergin Asyali (Karikaturist)
Sinan Arik (Karikaturist)
Duzenleme Kurulu
Saadet Selin Top (Kimya Muhendisleri Odasi)
Beril Akaydin (Kimya Muhendisleri Odasi)
Fahrettin Yilmaz (Kimya Muhendisleri Odasi)
Ercan Zincir (Kimya Muhendisleri Odasi)
Cansin Caglar Ozdemir (Kimya Muhendisleri Odasi)
Selcuk Erez (Istanbul Tabip Odasi)
Samet Menguc (Istanbul Tabip Odasi)
Ali Ozyurt (Istanbul Tabip Odasi)
Engin Celik (Deriteks Sendikasi)
Birinci: 1500 TL ve birincilik plaketi
Ikinci: 1000 TL ve basari plaketi
Ucuncu: 500 TL ve basari plaketi
Mansiyon (3 Kisi): basari plaketi ve cizim seti
Son Basvuru: 30.11.2015
Eser Teslimi: Kimya Muhendisleri Odasi Istanbul Sube
Adres: Caferaga Mah. Neset Omer Sok. No: 17/3 Kadikoy-Istanbul
Tel: 0216 449 37 10 – 11 – 12, 0533 486 55 49
E-posta: istanbul@kmo.org.tr, ercanzincir@kmo.org.tr
The Contest is open to all cartoonists from all over the world and beyond.
To speak, to give an opinion, to demonstrate publicly, to express yourself through the most essential forms of social
communication are rights than more and more are being treated as merely political-economic interests. A sick intolerance
to freedom of speech grows with impunity in many parts of the world. Journalists, political dissidents, human rights
activists, mothers and relatives of the "disappeared", intellectuals, cartoonists, are brutally repressed; many have their life
threatened or are pushed into exile. And there are those who die because they believe in free speech. To express
criticism or to oppose an authoritarian government or large scale organized crime that use murder as a common practice
of censure means constantly dicing with death.
This year we invite you to share your ideas with us, to express freely your thoughts about freedom of speech, the controls
placed on it and the world-wide violation of this basic human right.
1st Prize: $27000 Mexican pesos.
2nd Prize: $23000 Mexican pesos.
3rd Prize: $17000 Mexican pesos.
Winners will be notified by e-mail after 11 December 2015.
A maximum of 3 works can be submitted by E-mail in any media, in black and white or colour, but they should not have
received a prize in other contests.
Works should have a minimum resolution of 200 dpi, size 21.5cms x 27.9cms. They should be sent to any one of the
5. DEADLINE: November 25, 2015
downloaded from http://concursosinaloa2015.orgfree.com).
. Name
. Photograph
. Address
7. A catalogue with the winners and selected works will be available on the web page of the contest:
8. Participants that were winners in 2014 can participate but if they win again they will only be entitle to receive honorary
Copyright belongs to authors. The Contest will use some works, but only for promotional purposes, such as publicity, the
catalogue and the press.
announce the international cartoon competition
announce the international cartoon competition
Brain Sneezing – from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back
Topic 2015 : ANTI & CORRUPTION
Deadline : 24th October 2015
Competition terms :
Each author can send maximum 5 original works.
The competition is open to everybody and is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods.
The format of works should not exceed the A4 dimension.
The competition is non-anonymous.
The works can be sent either online, by filling the electronic application form, or via regular mail, with each work signed on the reverse with the author´s name and their address.
The rewarded works will become the property of the organiser.
The exhibition of the works and the announcement of the results will take place in December 2015 in Prešov. The most successful authors will be awarded by the international jury as follows:
1st prize 500.00 EUR
2nd prize 300.00 EUR
3rd prize 200.00 EUR
The competition Jury reserves the right to grant other special prizes or not to grant some of the prizes.
The organisers will accept all the works that will be delivered online at the web address:
The organisers reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to re-install the exhibition. The catalogue will be sent to each competitor whose works will be published in the catalogue.
The authors agree that their works become the property of the organisers at no charge, that copies of their works might be made and used in re-installing the exhibition in other venues and that their works might be published free of charge in order to promote the exhibition.
International competition and exhibition "Brain Sneezing – from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back" is financially supported by the Government Office of the Slovak Republic and Embassy of the Unites States of America in Slovakia.
We are happy to announce that we are going to arrange an international cartoon contest on tOOns MaG.
Theme: Women Rights.
Deadline: 20 February 2016
Size: A4, 300 DPI.
1st place prize: Wacom Intuos Pen & Touch Medium and certificate.
2nd place prize: Wacom Intuos Pen & Touch Small and certificate.
3rd place Prize: Wacom Intuos Pen Small and certificate.
And an additional 7 cartoonists will receive Honorable Mention Awards certificates.
1. Any cartoonist can participate in this contest.
2. The cartoons should be original and must not be formerly published. Copied workes are not accepted.
3. Participants may send a maximum of 5 works, in black and white or color, and preferably without text. In case of including a text, it must be in English.
4. A group of International jury will make a selection out of the submitted cartoons which are to be exhibited and published in www.toonsmag.com.
5. The International Jury members will be considered as participants in the exhibition and represent their own countries. Their names will be automatically added to the List of Participants (They will participate only in the exhibition and not contest as a part of the honorary participation).
6. Cartoons can be used for any promotion purposes (Printing, Websites, Newspapers, Calendar, Posters, Invitation cards etc.) without the permission of the cartoonist and without any payment.
7. Cartoons have to be sent to the following email address: wr@toonsmag.com
with Cartoonist’s recent C.V. , address (in doc. format) and a personal photo.
8. tOOns MaG reserves the rights to change the date or any other condition of the contest.
We will publish the results of contest on March, 8th, 2016, International women’s day.
For further information please visit www.toonsmag.com
We wish you good luck,
tOOns MaG Team
The published a tender attended by 218 authors from 55 countries, who have sent 481 work, and the exhibition has selected them 66. As part of the exhibition are set and caricatures jurors first MIKS, Damir Novak, Niko Titanic (and Nicholas Withers) Darijana Gotal Sokolovic and Nenad Ostojic.
The first prize was won by Andrei Popov from Russia, other Valentin Dubinin, also from Russia, and the third Alrezi Pakdel from Iran.
A total of five special awards MIKS, and were declared the winners of the special awards that were awarded international magazines Fenamizah (Turkey) and Good Humor Party (Poland).
Special recognition MIKS received: Roko Idžojtić – Croatia, Zoran Petrovic – Germany, Arash Foroughi – Iran, Nikola Angelkoski -Makedonija and Oleksy Kustovsky (Cousteau) – Ukraine
The special prize of the international e-magazine Fenamizah from Turkey got Jiri Srna from the Czech Republic.
The special prize of the international e-magazine Good Humor Party, went to Goran Ćeličanin from Serbia.
A special prize awarded by the MIX 2015 visitors will declare after the end of the exhibition.
With their performance exhibition accompanied jazz guitarist Damir Kukuruzović and members of his band Django Group.
The exhibition will be open until August 1.
In fact, thanks to everyone who helped to MIKS 2015 comes to life!
Nenad Ostojić
The aim of organizers is through the media of comics as a link between literature, fine art,
animation, cinema and caricature to unify and stimulate various art communities in the
field of comics and visual arts.
The contest is carried out in two categories: traditional comics and blitzanimation.
Anyone aged 18 + of any nationality of any profession may participate.
1/ Traditional comics category:
Number of artworks participating: Authors are allowed to send up to 3 graphic works, four
Pages: Maximum 6 pages. The number of each page must be put at the back of it.
Format: Format of artwork must be А3 or А4.
Plot: Artwork plot must be complete within the number of pages sent.
2/ Blitzanimation category
Minimum film duration: 30 seconds
Maximum film duration: 60 seconds
Technique: free: puppet, classical, 3D animation
Format: HD
Synopsys of film up to 500 symbols; three digital advertisement film photo shoots.
Necessary documents for participation
A filled in and signed Application form accessible at: www.libruse.bg. Incomplete and
incorrectly filled in application forms shall not be regarded. In case of change of data, authors must
undertake to inform the Library.
The international competition for comic and blitz animation is realized with the financial support by
Municipal Foundation "Rousse – City of free spirit"
Artwork is to be sent via post mail (date on stamp holds valid), deadline is 30.08. 2015
Artwork must be received at the following address:
7000 Russe, Bulgaria
1, Dondukov-Korsakov St,
Regional Library Lyuben Karavelov
Films must be sent online in HD Format using dox.bg or other at the e-mail address :
service@libruse.bg, libruse@libruse.bg
Right of ownership, rights for use and publication of artworks participating in the
The artworks sent become property of the Regional Library Lyuben Karavelov Ruse and are
not returned to their respective authors. They become part of the permanent exhibition
Museum of the Comics, and Regional Library Lyuben Karavelov Ruse acquires following and
simultaneously with the right of
by karayel
by karayel
by karayel
The 11th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2015
T h e m e :
The Victory
Caricature section
• 3 cartoons max, A4, 200 dpi, JPG/JPEG and free techniques.
• Deadline: 25 /4 / 2015
• Prizes: Golden, Silver, Bronze and 5 Special Prizes.
• Jury members will be considered as participants in the exhibition
and represent their own countries.
Their names will be automatically added to the List of Participants
(They will participate only in exhibition,
Not in contest (just honorary participation).
• Cartoons can be used for any promotion purposes
(Printing, websites, Newspapers, posters, invitation cards….etc)
without the permission of the artist and without any payment.
• Cartoons must be sent to:
along with
Artist’s recent C.V, address (doc format), and personal photo.
Syria Cartoon website:
Thank you for participation
International Cartoon Exhibition OSOR Hrvatska / Croatia 2015
(Island Cres, Town of Mali Lošinj / Northern Adriatic)
Exhibition: July-August-September 2015
(more than 10,000 visitors – tourists from around the world on summer season)
Deadline: June 18, 2015
1 (one) Cartoon WITHOUT WORDS
Format: A4 (210×297 mm)
Original and digital computer art works (numbered and signed) will be accepted.
Photocopies will not be accepted.
First place: Personal exhibition in 9th OSCARfest 2016, sponsorship award, diploma
Second and Third place: sponsorship award, diploma
Works returned: No
Digital catalogue and results for all participants
Copyright issues:
The selected participants give the organizer (ARTour Association) permission to use their
cartoons for promoting the Festival. Organizer may copy the selected works in one (1) copy for
sponsors, awards to voters and promotions.
Address: Send by ORDINARY POST (Not recommended!) to:
Croatian Cartoonist Association (HDK)
Savska c. 100, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
(for 08 OSCARfest)
or by e-mail: dado.kov@gmail.com (A4, RGB, JPG, 300 dpi)
Informations / Entry Form:
dado.kov@gmail.com (Dado Kovačević), www.hdk.hr