Call 4 international competition of caricature and graphic humor – NOTICARTUN COLOMBIA – 2018 "Homage to Consuelo Lago" and woman
4 International contest
caricature and graphic humor
"Homage to Consuelo Lago"
NOTICIAS DE CARTOON COLOMBIA , is pleased to present you all the convening of the fourth edition of NOTICARTÚNCOLOMBIA , this time paying homage to the Colombian cartoon in the person of the teacher Consuelo Lago, figurehead of the contribution of women in this field Colombian graphic and to top this edition homage extends to the whole concept of woman. Also very pleased to tell you that this time we are supported by two events: Muestra de Comic Sin Fronteras of Pereira and Calicomix.
Born in Cali (Colombia), she studied painting at the School of Fine Arts in Cali and in the Politècnic School of Arts, London, England . He participated in various international exhibitions such as in USA and Puerto Rico. In 1968 he created his character "Black Snow" published in newspapers like the Country and the spectator character that has also participated in various exhibitions and shows in the country. His work has remained as an example for generations of women to believe the caricature of opinion. In 1982, he won the "Journalist of the Year" award by the circle of journalists from Cali and the following year figure as the winner of Simon Bolivar in caricature
1) Open to all professional cartooniststhe world, preferably older (18 years). Deadline: August 5 this year.
2) There will be 2 categories Humor and Cartoon Graphic physiognomy
A .: physiognomic caricatures of CONSUELO LAGO (no pictures).
Images and information
B. Graphic Humor: Female
– Cartoon
1, 2, 3 Rank (+ 3 Honorable Mentions): Diploma internet event.
Graphic humour
1, 2, 3 Rank (+ 3 Honorable Mentions): Diploma internet event.
"Recognition Cartoon and Graphic Humor Noticartun Colombia" (Diploma Printed)
4) Each participant can present in the event a maximum of 1 work subject but can only be awarded in a category and can participate with cartoons in black and white or color.
Forming caricaturists and cartoonists renowned professionals. They may participate with works but only by way of cooperation and not for awards. ( Soon their names) and may not be taken into account in awarding jobs or people with relatives who have work commitments now, if necessary.
6) The cartoons will have a maximum dimension of 30 x 40 cms. JPG, 300 dpi.
7) You can participate with cartoons that have already been published or rewarded previously. Selected works will be online so that if given case someone has a complaint about the originality of the work, the jury and Cartoon News Colombia, select a new job.
8) All drawings submitted must be made from original ideas, either analog (scanned) or digital, no photographs, scanned photocopies, photomontages, etc. will be accepted
9) Participants must send a brief CV in Word, contact details (name, email, web or blog and country of origin of the participant) and a photograph or caricature .
10) Each author owns rights on their work and only authorizes NEWS CARTOON COLOMBIA to expose in this tribute online, without any financial compensation for the parties. Any problems with copyright shall be borne by the participant
11) NEWS CARTOON COLOMBIA reserves the right to display works that understands they can attempt against individual or collective rights.
12) Participation in the contest implies full and unreserved acceptance of these conditions.
13) Entries must be sent to:
Noticartún Competition Director:
Camilo A. C. Triana "TRIANA"
Deputy Director Noticartún Competition:
Juan Camilo Lopera Arroyave "JÚCALO"
Juan Camilo Lopera Arroyave "JÚCALO"
Competition history Noticartún Colombia:
How to link the Competition?