4th International Cartoon Contest – Indianink – “Urban Life”

4th International Cartoon Contest – Indianink – "Urban Life"


You are invited to participate in the 4th International cartoon contest on City life brought to you by www.indianink.org, the Cartoon Competition intends to create awareness about urban life


(Industries Pollution, Urbanization, traffic problems)

This contest for cartoon aims to reflect the observations blended with a unique sense of humour and thoughts of the cartoonists on urbanization and life.

Deadline – 30th April 2007

1st Prize: Rs.15, 000
2nd Prize: Rs.10, 000
3rd Prize: Rs.5, 000
plus Special Prizes (12)

Rules & Regulations

1. Only original cartoons are accepted. Drawing technique is free.
2. Size A4 (210 X 297 mm). Cartoon Title, Cartoonists Name, Address and e-mail ID should be written on the reverse side of each cartoon. The drawings shall not bear subtitles.
3. Cartoons should not have been awarded previously. An artist can participate in the contest with a maximum 3 (Three) cartoons.
4. The cartoons should be understood by people in all parts of the world. Therefore, please avoid text and words in the cartoons. If you need to use words, they must be in English.
5. Submitted cartoons will not be returned.
6. Selected works recommended by the jury will be exhibited in India. At the end of the exhibition, an Album of the Cartoons will send to the artists whose work has been exhibited.
The organizers hold all the rights to publish the cartoons
submitted to the festival and use them in any form
(Cartoon album, publicity in the press and other media, posters, calendar, official gifts by the local authorities, organizers, etc.) Selected works shall be put up for auction for charity purposes.

Send your entries to:
Shyammohan, indianink
8-3-825/5/4/3/1, srinagar colony,

Mobile- 94405 95858, email- info@indianink.org

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International MEDITERRANEAN Cartoon Contest – Alanya / Turkey

International MEDITERRANEAN Cartoon Contest – Alanya / Turkey


Theme: Tourizm in Mediterranean


1. The contest organized by Alanya Tourism and Promotion Foundation and it is open to the cartoonists worldwide.

2. The works contributed to this contest may have been published before; however, they should not have received any prize in any type of contest.

3. Each artist should contribute with only one work. They should not be computer print-outs or photocopied.

4. If there is any script involved, it should either be in English or Turkish.

5. The size should not exceed 30×40 cm.

6. Participants should write their names, family names, country, address and telephone number(s) in capital letters on the back of their works and they should enclose a short biography either in English or Turkish.

7. The contributions should be received by the following address prior to May 1, 2007.

8. All the works sent to the contest will be kept by Alanya Tourism and Promotion Foundation. The foundation reserves the right to retain the rights of all works submitted whether they are given a prize or not.

9. Some of the cartoons may be exhibited along with the prize-winning works for a week after the ceremony.

10. If the contributions are collected and published in an album by Alanya Tourism and Promotion Foundation, the participants will receive a copy.

11. All of the participants are considered to have accepted the above rules.


Alanya Turizm Tanitma Vakfi
Ataturk Caddesi ALTSO Is Merkezi No: 19/1
07400 Alanya / Turkey

Kamil Deniz Som (Journalist, Istanbul-Turkey)
Kamil Masaraci (Cartoonist, Istanbul- Turkey)
Mahmut Karatoprak (Cartoonist, Kayseri-Turkey)
Cihan Demirci (Cartoonist, Istanbul-Turkey)
Nuvit Ozkan (Tourist Guide, Alanya-Turkey)
Ibrahim Tapa (Cartoonist, Istanbul-Turkey)
Marlene Pohle (Cartoonist-Germany)

Grand Prize: 2.000 USD + Flight ticket + One week vacation in Alanya for 2 people
Second Prize: 500 USD + Flight ticket + One week vacation in Alanya for 2 people
Third Prize: 500 USD + Flight ticket + One week vacation in Alanya for 2 people

Special Prizes:
• Alanya Kaymakamligi
• Alanya Municipality
• Alanya Trade ve Industrial Office
• Alanya Tourizm Association
• Alanya Tourizm Guide Office

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The organizer of the 12th International festival of cartoon Zagreb 2007. is the Croatian Cartoonist Association. The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex, or profession.

( falsification, forgery, deception, fraud )

Conditions of entry:
1. All entries must be original cartoons. Cartoons must be signed by the cartoonist in case that they are submitted as computer print outs.
2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured.
3. There should be the name, the surname and the adress on the reverse side of cartoons.
4. Maximum 3 entries will be submitted.
5. Size of entries is A4 or A3 format.

Entry deadline is the 3th of May 2007.


Gold Medal 800 EUR
Silver Medal 500 EUR
Bronze Medal 300 EUR
Five Special mentions

The exhibition will take place in Gallery Klovićevi dvori in Zagreb on the 11th of June 2007.

Authors of works that qualify to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition cataloque. The works will be returned only on the special request of an author. The postage (EUR 4) will be paid by author.
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Zagreb 2007, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used.
The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.

♥ Entry form on www.hdk.hr
e-mail: hrvdrukar@gmail.com

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„Humour …in Gura Humorului” – Cartoon and Humorous Literature International Festival The 17th Edit

„Humour …in Gura Humorului” – Cartoon and Humorous Literature International Festival The 17th Edition, 2007


The Suceava District Center for Conserving and Promoting Traditional Culture The Townhall of Gura Humorului "Best Western Bucovina” Hotel Terra Design’ Printshop, Gura Humorului Integrated in “The Festive Days Of Gura Humorului”, the 17th edition of „Humour …in Gura Humorului” – Cartoon and Humorous Literature International Festival will be held from 7 to 10, June, 2007.

The Festival Rules
The Cartoon Section

1. The theme of edition: “We Globalise”
2. Only the works that have never been published or awarded prises during other competitions are eligible.
3. All the works will be signed on the reverse side and will include information related to the authors ( address, telephone number and e-mail account)
4. Works’ dimensions: A3 or A4
5. Technique: free
6. As part of the patrimony of “Humour …in Gura Humorului” festival, the works will not be returned and the organisers can make use of them in the next editions, only with the name of the author mentioned.
7. The participants are required to fill in the enclosed entry form and send it with their works, including a brief CV and a personal photography or a caricature portrait/ self-portrait, having the minimum sheet dimensions: 6×9 or 710×1065 pixels digital format.
Entry form.
8. Number of works: 3 (three)
9. The deadline term for the paper is 15th, May, 2007 (the post date)
10. The prizewinners will be informed in due time (before 1st, June, 2007) to be present for the prize award festivity held on Sunday, 10th of June, 2007.
Organizers will provide accommodation (full board), but the guests or the organisation/the institution they represent should pay for the transport expenses. Any other persons joining the prizewinners will have to pay all the expenses and inform the organisers to make the necessary arrangements before 3rd, June, 2007.
11. The jury member list will be announced on the website www.gurahumorului.ro starting with 1st, June,2007.
12. The following prizes will be awarded:
1st Prize – 500 Euros
2nd Prize – 300 Euros
3rd Prize – 200 Euros
The “George Gavrileanu” Prize for the debutants from Bucovina – 200Euros
13. “In kind” registration fee: Each participant should enclose with their works a rough plan of the trophy for „Humour …in Gura Humorului”Cartoon and Humorous Literature International Festival. The organisers will create the trophy as a prize for the most valuable project and will award it in the next editions of the festival, having the name of the author mentioned on it.

The address to submit the papers:


For further information contact:

prof. Elvira Romaniuc
fixed telephone: 00 40 230 231 108 – The Muzeum
mobile: 00 40 724 576 000
mobile: 00 40 740 926 479

e-mail: umor@gurahumorului.ro

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Cartoons for wolf

Cartoons for wolf


Cartoon theme: wolf (defending the wolf)
Deadline: May 15th, 2007
1st prize : 2500 €
2nd prize : 1500 €
3rd prize : 500 €
7 other prizes
Number of entries: unlimited.
Copies are required (no originals):
cartoons and comics
Digital: Yes
Exhibition: yes
Free catalogue: unknown
Copyright issues: copyrights belong to the artists but awarded artworks may be used without payment
Address to send the artworks
Naturschutzbund Deutschland
Bundesgeschäftsstelle Bonn
Anette Wolff
Herbert-Rabius-Straße 26
53225 Bonn Germany

Contact for further information

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7th International Biennale Cartoon Písek 2007

7th International Biennale Cartoon Písek 2007

The International Biennale Cartoon Písek takes place every odd year since 1995 and is an open competition where authors from the Czech Republic and abroad can attend.
The International Biennale Cartoon Písek has it’s own logo which can only be used with the agreement of the organizers.
The organizers are
The Town of Písek and the Czech Union of Cartoonists
The main partner of the 7th Biennale is JITONA a.s.

Participation Conditions
The competition is declared by publishing in specialized press and by sending the competition rules to distinguished authors in the Czech Republic and abroad by electronic mail. The participant accedes to the rules of the biennale set in the statues by sending in the cartoons. The participant of the competition can be anyone who will meet the following requirements.

Content and Technical Conditions
Number of cartoons: minimum 3 (three), maximum 5 (five).
Format: minimum A4, maximum A3.
The cartoons can be coloured as well as monochrome; each cartoon must be signed with the name and address of the participant on the backside.
Cartoons can be accepted also in electronic form (JPG or PDF format, the cartoon size shall be under 1MB).
The competition cartoons must not have received any prize in the past in other international competition.
Current Regulations
– Selection of the cartoons for the exhibition, selection of 40 finalists and conferment of prizes will be performed by an international jury on it’s special session.
– The cartoons sent by electronic mail has to be sent in original after a call of the organisers in case the cartoon was chosen into the final collection of 40 cartoons.
– Each author chosen into the exhibition collection will obtain a catalogue in which all the participants will be named. The catalogue cartoons will be selected from the final collection.
– The participants agree that the cartoons can be used for promotion and presentation
of the Biennale in the biennale advertising materials and in the means of communication for it’s promotion and also in case of professional review of the author or the Biennale.
– The main partner JITONA a.s. has the right for use of 12 chosen competitive cartoons from the final collection and their non commercial use in his presentation or promotion free of charge and for the contact with chosen author for eventual long-term cooperation.
– Final cartoons – maximum 40 – will become the property of the Town of Písek. Other cartoons will be returned until June 30, 2008.
– The most appreciated foreign author and the most appreciated Czech author will have individual exhibitions within the Biennale 2009. The organizer will cover the travel costs and accommodation for one person and one night.
– The prize-winners and the jury will be invited to the varnishing day and their accommodation will be reimbursed. Foreign winners appertain to a travel contribution of 100 EUR.
– The other participants of the Biennale can book their accommodation through the Information Centre, Heydukova 97, CZ-39701 Písek, tel./fax: + 420 382 213 592, e-mail: icpisek@mupisek.cz.
– The accommodation can also be paid for invited guests on whom the organisers will agree.

The Main Prize: sandglass clock + 20.000 CZK
The Town of Písek Award: sandglass clock + 10.000 CZK
The Miroslav Liďák (Haďák) Prize: sandglass clock + 5.000 CZK
JITONA a.s. Award: bedroom furniture Tempio worth 40.000 CZK
3 prizes: sandglass clock + 1.000 CZK + in-kind award of JITONA a.s.
4 prizes: small bag with sand + 1.000 CZK + in-kind award of JITONA a.s.
Diplomas and honourable mention: the number is not limited; it depends on decision of the jury.
Not collected prizes including money awards will not be sent by post and will fail to the organisers.
Honorary Presidium
Tom Zajíček – Member of Parliament of the Czech Republic
Ing. Miroslav Novotný – Director general of JITONA a.s.
Ing. Miroslav Sládek – Mayor of the Town of Písek
Josef Kobra Kučera – Vice chairman of the Czech Union of Cartoonists
Place of action
The Gallery of the Prácheňské Museum in Písek.
The exhibition (the final collection) will be relocated to Prague in 2009.
Announcement: March 2007
Application closing date: May 18, 2007
Varnishing day: September 4, 2007
– after the open varnishing day there will be a festive evening with the participation of the invited authors, partners and organizers.
Exhibition: September 6 – 30, 2007
Mail: infocentrum Písek, Heydukova 97, Písek, Czech republic
E-mail: info@cartoon-pisek.cz

1) Representative of the Town of Písek
2) Representative of the main partner
3) Chairman of the Czech Union of Cartoonist and chairman of FECO Czech Republic
4) Maximum four foreign delegates
5) Maximum two representatives of the Czech Union of Cartoonists.
Format A5, approximately 148 pages, up to 1.000 copies.
Each exhibitor will receive one copy of the catalogue, Czech Union of cartoonists 100 copies, the main partner 50 copies, other partners 5 to 20 copies according to their agreement

All information is made public on the website /www.cartoon-pisek.cz After each year the information will be saved in the website archives.

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International Forum of Visual Humour KARIKATURUM – 4

International Forum of Visual Humour KARIKATURUM – 4


Russian version

The Surgut Fine Arts Museum invites all artists irrespective of age and nationality to take part in the International Forum of Visual Humour KARIKATURUM – 4.


Every day makes us face a choice: from banal presents, future beloved wives and husbands, honey-mouthed deputies, captivating professions to… And not only our present sentiments, but the whole of our future life may depend on the fidelity of this choice.

Time constraints:
1. The deadline for entry is the 1st of September 2007.
2. Action period of the Jury is 10-12 of September 2007.
3. Opening of the Exhibition and the Rewarding Ceremony will be on the 12th of June 2008. The exhibition will be open till October 2008.

Primary prizes:
Grand Prix – the “Diamond Ushanka” – 3000 euro
The “Golden Ushanka” Prize – 2000 euro
The “Silver Ushanka” Prize – 1000 euro
The “Bronze Ushanka” Prize – 500 euro

Special Prizes:
The Prize by Department of Culture, Youth Policy and Sports – 500 euro
The Prize by the Surgut Fine Arts Museum – 300 euro
Three special prizes – each worth 100 euro
All prize-winners will receive diplomas.
According to legislation of Russian Federation prize money are taxable.

The Jury:
Yury Kosobukin (Ukraine), Branko Najhold (Serbia), Viktor Bogorad (Russia), Mikhail Zlatkovsky (Russia), Rudy Gheysens (Belgium), Vladimir Stepanov (Russia), Svetlana Kruglova (Russia).

Special conditions:
· The organizes of the Forum provide the Primary Prize-Winners for trip to Surgut for the Rewarding Ceremony and back, and accommodation in Surgut.
· All participants are invited to the Opening of the Exhibition (trip and accommodation are at the expense of the participants).
· A catalogue will be issued as a result of the Forum. All the cartoonists whose works will be selected for the catalogue will receive a catalogue.
· The organizes and the sponsors of the Forum can institute some more special prizes after having received all the works. Entries:
· Only original works either new or having partaken in other competitions participate in the competition. The jury will not reward the cartoons which have won prizes in other competitions and Festivals. Creations sent by e-mail will not be accepted.
· Any style and technique is available.
· Size: from A4 (210х297) to A2 (420×590).
· Each cartoonist can submit a max of 5 original works.
· The works must be carefully packed up. All postal costs are borne by the participants. The Forum has no responsibility for any eventual damage during the sending of the works.
· The Form of the participant must be filled in with block letters. The works without the filled Form of the participant will not be accepted to the competition. On the back of each work the following information must appear: name of the author, address, telephone/fax number, e-mail, technique and materials used.
· Submitted cartoons will not be returned and will stay in the collection of the Surgut Fine Arts Museum. The works can be exhibited in the halls of the Surgut Fine Arts Museum, other galleries to discretion of the Museum. The works may be displayed at the Museum website.
· The organizers keep the right to publish and replicate the cartoons in the promotional pack of the Forum for promotional purposes of the Forum without feeing. The organizers promise to name the author and the county in all publications.
· All works are copyright. Each author is responsible of his own creation, the copyright of the eventual texts, titles and images belong to the creators.
· By submitting the works, the author accepts the rules and regulations of the Contest.

Contact us:
Tel./fax: +7 (3462) 51-68-16, 51-68-08, 51-68-12
E-mail: karikaturum@ramler.ru

International Forum of Visual Humour
The Surgut Fine Arts Museum,
21/2, 30 Let Pobedy Str.,
Surgut, Tyumen region, Russia, 628403

Click here for entry form

Burdur Müzesi 22. Karikatür Yarismasi- (07 Mayis 2007)

Burdur Müzesi 22. Karikatür Yarışması – (07 Mayıs 2007)
  Burdur Valiliğince (Müze Müdürlüğü), İl Özel İdaresinin katkılarıyla 18 – 24 Mayıs 2007 tarihleri arasında kutlanacak olan “Müzeler Haftası” kutlama etkinliklerinden olarak; 22. Karikatür Yarışması düzenlenmiştir.
Son yıllarda kültür varlığı kaçakçılığı, yurtdışına kaçırılmış olan kültür varlıklarımızın yurdumuza geri getirilmesi çalışmaları, tarihi ve doğal sitler, anıt eserler ve tarihi çevre bilinci ile bilimsel araştırmalar ve arkeolojik kazılarla müzelerimiz ülkemizin gündeminde sürekli yer almış ve başlıca gündem konusu olmuştur.
Bu nedenle; Amacımız karikatüristlerimizi özendirmenin yanı sıra konu ile ilgili düşünce ve eleştirilerini almak ve eski eser sevgisini geniş kitlelere yaymak ve bu konudaki mesajların ülkenin gündeminde sürekli olarak kalmasını sağlamaktır.

Genel şartlar:
1. Konu “Eski Eser – Müze – İnsan İlişkileri” dir.
2. Yarışmaya çizerler dilediği kadar yapıtla katılabilir.
3. Yarışmaya gönderilecek yapıtların özgün ve hiçbir yerde yayınlanmamış ve orijinallerinin olması, fotokopi vb. örneklerinin gönderilmemesi gerekmektedir. Fikri sorumluluk çizerine aittir.
4. Yarışmaya gönderilen yapıtların sağ arka köşesine katılımcının adı soyadı ve adresi ile telefon numaraları mutlaka yazılı olacaktır.
5. Yapıtların boyutları 35×25 cm ebadında olacak, daha büyük ve küçük yapıtlar yarışma dışı bırakılacaktır.
6. Yarışmaya son katılma tarihi 07 Mayıs 2007 Pazartesi günüdür. Yarışmacılar kısa biyografileri ile birlikte yapıtlarını saat 17:00’a kadar

“Burdur Müze Müdürlüğü
22. Karikatür Yarışması
15100 BURDUR”

adresine ulaştırmaları gerekmektedir.
7. Ön elemeyi kazanan yapıtlar (Sergilemeye Layık Görülen) Burdur Müzesi ve uygun görülen diğer illerde sergilenecektir. Yarışma sonuçları 18 Mayıs 2007 günü sergi açılışında açıklanacak, ödüle layık görülen yapıtların çizerleri bizzat ödül törenine katılarak ödüllerini kendileri alacaklardır.
8. Yarışmaya katılan karikatürler Burdur Valiliğinin (Burdur Müzesi) malı olacaktır. Yayınlanması halinde çizerler bir hak talebinde bulunamayacak, fakat bu yayınlar çizerlere ücretsiz olarak ayrıca gönderilecektir.

9. Ödüller;
Birinciye :1000 YTL
İkinciye : 800 YTL
Üçüncüye : 600 YTL
Mansiyon : 500 YTL
Plaketler ve yöresel içerikli değişik hediyelerden oluşacaktır. Ayrıca, Burdur Belediye Başkanlığı ve Diğer Sivil Toplum Örgütleri de özel ödül koyabileceklerdir.

10. Yarışmada ödül kazananların ödül törenine katılmak için geliş gidiş otobüs ücretleri ödenecektir.
11. Yarışmaya katılan sanatçılar bu şartname hükümlerini peşinen kabul etmiş sayılırlar.
12. Yarışma Takvimi:
Eser Teslim Tarihi : 07 Mayıs 2007
Değerlendirme : 09 Mayıs 2007
Ödül Töreni : 18 Mayıs 2007
