Africa: No Opportunities, Continent of Crises or Renaissance

G l o b a l   C a r t o o n   C o n t e s t   I n v i t a t i o n


Africa: No Opportunities, Continent of Crises or Renaissance


Africa’s image largely depends on the extent to which news and background are covered in the media in a diligent and differentiated manner. Africa mainly continues to be perceived as a continent ravaged by disasters, crises and failing states, including extremes such as genocide, civil war and escalating violence (also in every day life), increasing poverty, widespread hunger and malnutrition and exploitation of resources and destruction of nature. The economic deprivation of many Africans has motivated people – among them many celebrities – in the rich industrialised nations to support and donate for development and charitable projects. At the same time, the African „welfare cases“ and neo-patrimonial systems have deterred foreign investors. These conditions are not suitable for a partnership based on equality.

Recently, however, a surprising change of perspective has been offered by development experts: „Africa on the rise“. It has been welcomed that most of the civil wars have been brought to an end, that a growing number of countries are now governed democratically and by the rule of law, that governance is improving and that the economic conditions in most African countries have become more favourable – from macroeconomic policies to increased efforts in the fields of education, health and utilities (e.g. water supply). African projects such as the "New Partnership for Africa‘s Development" (NEPAD) and the Peer Reviews are being acknowledged and appreciated. There has also been a fundamental shift in the conditions for private business activities in Africa. China is not the only new country increasingly investing in Africa. India, Korea and Malaysia are in the process of starting and expanding their activities. This, in turn, has challenged Western governments to strengthen their efforts in order not to be left behind by the emerging powers. In Africa, this has given rise to a new self-confidence.

The cartoon contest under the title „Africa: No Opportunities, Continent of Crises or Renaissance“ is meant to contribute to a critical discussion of these ambiguous images which partly date back as far as the early years of colonialism and the times of the slave trade. We therefore invite you to contribute your highly appreciated creative ideas to overcome prejudices and clichés about the African continent.

It is safe to assume that many of the cartoons sent in will find their way into the print media, especially into daily newspapers, since Africa is increasingly being covered. The image of Africa is also an important subject in development education.

We would like to ask you to kindly submit cartoons for the contest by 26th August to: and


The cartoon contest is being supported by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (Switzerland), the protestant development agencies Bread For All (Switzerland) and German Church Development Service, the Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund and Misereor (Germany) as well as Dritte Welt Journalist/innen Netz (Third World Journalists’ Network, Germany). We are seeking cooperation with one of the influential daily newspapers. The contest builds on the experiences from previous contests in 2000, 2003 and 2005.




If you participate in the contest…

After 26th August 2007 (deadline for submissions), the cartoons will be screened by an international jury.

We are happy to welcome prominent members to our expert jury this year, such as Nobel Peace Prize laureate Prof. Wangari Maathai (Kenya) and Erich Stather, Minister of State, German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The awards are to be handed over to the winners of the contest at a ceremony planned as highlight of an event to be organised in Berlin.

The organisers of the contest will encourage the reprinting of cartoons in print and online media. We will bring out a special publication and will present the cartoons in the contest website and other relevant websites.


C o n d i t i o n s  of  P a r t i c i p a t i o n


The theme of the contest is


Africa: No Opportunities, Continent of Crises or Renaissance


Terms and Conditions of Entry

Members of the jury or the organisers/promoters (and their families) may not enter the competition.

Entrants may submit one cartoon each. No strip cartoons.


Technical details and format of entries

The cartoons must be in b/n for PC and suitable for reproduction. As a selection of cartoons will be enlarged to A1 size (594mm x 841mm), the following file formats and resolution must be strictly observed.

Size: A4 (max 294 mm)
Resolution: 300 dpi
File format: jpg

The entries must be without any previous award history. The cartoons should be understood by people in all parts of the world. Therefore, please avoid text and words in the cartoons. If you need to use words, they must be in English. Please submit the title of the cartoon as well as your personal details (cartoonist’s name and address) along with the cartoon.


Rights of use and fees

All entries submitted are offered to the organisers of the contest for publication. If they are published, the cartoonist will be paid according to the standards applicable. The copyright owners of the winning cartoons grant the organisers the right to publish their cartoons free of charge within the context of the contest. All entrants agree to their works being featured on the contest website and being published in the magazine “eins Entwicklungspolitik”.

Furthermore, all entrants agree to their works becoming part of an exhibition free of charge, provided that their works are considered suitable. The cartoons selected will be used in the field of development education. The exhibition will be shown at the award ceremony and on other occasions. If applicable, we might contact entrants with requests for the temporary use of copies in preparation of the exhibition.


The jury’s decisions are final and non-contestable.

With the cartoons and the results of the contest being publicised, the media will be interested in using and especially in reprinting the cartoons. Cartoonist should therefore provide their bank details and conditions for reprinting, so that those interested can be informed accordingly.



The three winners will be awarded as follows:

1st prize           =   Euro 3,000.00
2nd prize          =   Euro 2,000.00
3rd prize          =   Euro 1.000.00


How to Submit Entries:

The cartoons are to be sent to, and, to be safe, to be copied to

by 26th August 2007 !!!


No Legal Recourse

The jury’s decision is final. The organisers assume no responsibility for any loss of entries. Costs of dispatch are to be borne by the sender.


Please address further inquiries to: Juergen Weber at



“Ricardo Rendón”


El más destacado caricaturista Colombiano nacido en Rionegro – Antioquia (1894 – 1931), llamado " El Emperador" de la caricatura.
Uno de los más perspicaces y finos humoristas latinoamericanos del siglo XX, en su obra el humor fue sátira, se caracterizó especialmente por la caricatura política.
Sus caricaturas eran verdaderas radiografías de los hechos y de los individuos.  Fue pionero de la publicidad gráfica en Colombia.


Apoyado por la Administración Municipal de Rionegro durante trece años consecutivos en homenaje a Ricardo Rendón.
El Festival, único en la historia del país por su trayectoria y continuidad; ha permitido mirar la percepción de autores de más de 80 países, protagonistas de los cambios y vivencias de los pueblos que con el mismo humor aportan al crecimiento de la humanidad.
El pensamiento risueño y su idioma universal, con la Caricatura logramos el sueño y el anhelo universal de borrar fronteras tanto territoriales como ideológicas que nos impiden vivir en armonía y visualizar la luz de la libertad como principio de paz y convivencia.

Las Condiciones :

a)   El Concurso está abierto a todos los caricaturistas de el  mundo.
b)   El último día para la participación en el concurso es el día sábado 20 de Octubre 
de 2007.
c)   Los Temas del concurso son Dos: 1. EL COMERCIO,  como se refleja la cultura
del comercio y su desarrollo universal, la actividad socioeconómica consistente en la compra y venta de bienes, sea para su uso, para su venta o para su transformación; El trueque, el Comercio Callejero, Internacional, Libre Comercio, y todo aquello que se relacione con el tema, y Tema 2. LIBRE.
d)   Cada participante puede presentar en el concurso un máximo de      
cuatro caricaturas por tema.
e)   Se puede participar con caricaturas en blanco y negro o en color.
f)    Las caricaturas enviadas han de tener como máximo una dimensión  
de 30 x 40 cms.
g)  También se puede participar en el concurso con caricaturas que ya
hayan sido publicadas o premiadas con anterioridad, todas las
caricaturas presentadas deberán ser originales, no se aceptarán 
fotografías, fotocopias, etc, y el envío de las obras correrán por cuenta
del  participante.
h)   Los participantes han de enviar un breve currículum vitae y una   
fotografía junto con sus obras.
i)    En el reverso de cada caricatura debe ir el nombre, apellidos,
dirección, número de teléfono y país de origen del participante.
j)    Los Caricaturistas seleccionados recibirán un catálogo.
k)   El jurado estará compuesto de caricaturistas colombianos y 
l)    Los resultados se anunciarán  en el mes de Diciembre de 2005.
m) Las caricaturas presentadas en el concurso no serán devueltas.
n)  La organización se reserva el derecho de exhibir aquellas obras que
entienda puedan atentar contra derechos individuales o colectivos.
o)  La Participación en el concurso supone la aceptación íntegra y sin
reservas de estas condiciones.

Los Premios

1)        1º Puesto Tema El Comercio

1000 Euros

2)        2º Puesto Tema El Comercio 300 Euros
3)        1º Puesto Tema Libre 600 Euros
4)        2º Puesto Tema Libre 300 Euros
5)        Premios Especiales por diversas instituciones.  

Dirección :

Los Trabajos deben enviarse a:
14° FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CARICATURA Palacio de la Cultura/ Fernando Pica Cr 50 # 48 – 05, Rionegro Rionegro – Antioquia -COLOMBIA 

1st International Saloon of Humor for the Amazon Forest / Brazil

1st International Saloon of Humor for the Amazon Forest / Brazil

1. Dates:
Registration: From June 27th to August 31st.
Result of the previous selection: September 2007
Result of the selection by the International jury and the releasing of the final result: October 2007

2. Participation:
All cartoonists, professional or not, are allowed to submit original works, since they have not been awarded in other saloons up to the deadline for registrations (August 31st 2007). Each author may submit up to 3 (three) works developed under any technique, including those ones done by computers. For each work sent, one entry form must be filled up. The entry forms are available at

3. Theme.
Humor for the Amazon Forest

4. Sending the works.
All works, including those ones drawn by hand, must be sent by e-mail, resolution 300 DPIs, color mode RGB, JPG (average quality – 5) or PDF up to the limit of 1,5MB for each work. Each e-mail must contain only one work and it must come with the respective entry form.

5. Prizes:
5.1 The guiding criteria for selecting and awarding will be:

Originality (The work must not have been published in any kind of media and must not have been awarded in this kind of competition either).
Quality of the drawings.

5.2 Prizes.
The prize for the first place will be R$ 10.000,00 (Ten thousand Reais) plus a trophy and a certificate.
The second and third places will receive trophies and certificates. The jury may give honorable mentions to the participants.
• The awarded works will be part of the brazilcartoon Artwork Collection.
• Prizes not taken in 90 (ninety) days after the releasing of the results will become worthless. The value of the prize for international works will be converted to dollars according to its value on June 27th 2007, date of the beginning of the competition. The prize will be paid in March 2008.

6. Copyright:
By submitting their works, the authors transfer automatically all copyright of their awarded works to brazilcartoon, which may use the works freely. The awarded works will be part of the brazilcartoon Artwork Collection.

7. Disagreement on results:
If the jury verifies any kind of fraud or plagiarism on one or more works, it will cancel the prize. The works will be on the website in October 2007 and the results may be contested up to 10 (ten) days after the opening of the saloon, supported by proper proves of any mistake made by the jury.
Works sent that are not according to these rules and regulations or those containing any kind of plagiarism will be automatically excluded of the contest.

8. Where to register:
To ensure that the works will be sent properly, we suggest that the works be sent through our website, using the system bellow, filling out the entry form and attaching your drawings.

Deadline: August 31st 2007. The date the e-mail was sent will be observed.
9 – Further information:
Brazilcartoon Organization.
Marcio Leite
55 38-3216-1109

Medijana City Municipality Nis / Serbia

Medijana City Municipality Nis / Serbia

Medijana Fest

opens the call for international cartoon competition

Theme: "CHILD"

Technique: free

Maximum 3 works

Deadline for works: July 20 2007

Exibition: July 25 2007

Works to be sent to:   

/ JPG 300 dpi / 



1st    TV set

2nd   DVD player

3rd    Audio mini line


Thre diplomas

Art Direktor  Medijana City Municipality president

A. Blatnik   D. Cirkovic


2nd Greekartoon Int’l Cartoon Contest


   Contest rules         

1.   The contest theme is  “The Future Children”
2.   The contest is open to all cartoonists and illustrators worldwide. 
3.    Each artist may submit up to three entries. The size of the works should be from
       210 x 297 mm  to 297 x 420 mm (max.). Any technique shall be accepted. Works should be
       submitted  unframed and  unmounted.
4.    Word cartoons will be accepted. In this case, a translation in English must be provided.
5.    Previously awarded works will not be accepted. 
6.    The right to resolving of any arising dispute or conflict of interests or in any other matter 
       deemed appropriately (e.g. regulations compliance, artistic, technical or otherwise), 
       after consultation with  the Jury Members, rests with the GREEKARTOON, whose 
       decision is  final and uncontestable.
7.    Collective work will not be accepted.
8.    Entries should be accompanied by a completed entry form, a short biographical note
       and a  photograph of the artist.  Name, correspondence address, telephone number and 
       e-mail address of the artist should also be indicated on the reverse side of each entry. 
9.      Deadline for entries is August 24th, 2007  
10.  The International Jury will meet in September 2007 for the selection and award of the   
       works. The jury’s decision is final and cannot be contested.
11.   Prizes:
                 First Prize:         8.000,00 euros and Trophy
                 Second Prize:   3.500,00 euros and Trophy
                 Third Prize:        2.000,00 euros and Trophy
                 Seven (7) Honorary Mentions
         Prize winners will be invited at the award ceremony.
12.   All selected works will be displayed in an exhibition and one free copy of the exhibition      catalogue will be sent to the artists whose works have been selected.
13.   Awarded works will not be returned to the artists. 
         Non-awarded works will be returned to the artists upon request, not before May 2008.
         Click appropriate box: YES O   NO O 
         Unclaimed or offered works by artists could be used for cartoon art making promotional
14.   The works will be displayed at and may be used for promotional
         purposes  printed or electronically or otherwise and permit third parties to reproduce   
         them for promotional purposes of the exhibition and used without any monetary or otherwise  compensation.  Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions stated herein.
15.   The organizers are not responsible in any way whatsoever and cannot also be hold
         responsible for any liability arising from any damage cause by shipping or handling of the
         third parties.
16.   By filling and signing the entry form, the artist unconditionally agrees with the above
         mentioned  rules of the contest.
17.  The award ceremony will take place in Greece, October 2007.
18.  All entries should be sent to:

P.O. Box 3953,
102 10 Athens,

web site:



Tip Deadline: 24 August, 2007



ST JUST LE MARTEL&26 years old!

ST JUST LE MARTEL…26 years old!






May 28th, 2007




In a few weeks, St Just-le-Martel is celebrating the 26th anniversary of the SALON INTERNATIONAL DE LA CARICATURE, DU DESSIN DE PRESSE ET D’HUMOUR.


Architects are working on the conception of the future CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE LA CARICATURE, DU DESSIN DE PRESSE et D’HUMOUR : plans and a model of this exceptional equipment will be presented during the next SALON.


Indeed, 25 years later, owing to the first steps of ignorant but enthusiastic “neophytes”, owing to their tenacity and to the constant support the profession; also owing to the financial grants of respectively the State, the Limousin Region, the Haute Vienne Department and St Just-le-Martel village, this project is about to materialize.

Naturally, we will have the opportunity to talk about it with you during the next Salon, asking for support, advice and suggestions…


In the meantime, we have carried on with our activities, multiplying exhibitions, in France and abroad, particularly with “Cartooning for Peace” that took us from New York to Brussels via Geneva and Paris in collaboration with the United Nations.


But for the moment, we have to conduct simultaneously all those activities and this new challenge of preparing the next SALON…


For the 26th time (!) the «SALON INTERNATIONAL de la CARICATURE, du DESSIN de PRESSE ET d'HUMOUR » is being prepared at St Just-le-Martel… Thus proving its vitality, the enthusiastic tenacity of the organisers, and the friendly trust of the whole profession.


St Just Festival is today the most ancient, without any doubt the most important of all manifestations dedicated to press and humour cartoons certainly in France and probably in Europe… The seriousness, the professionalism (at best meaning of the word), the quality of its associative engagement are unanimously recognized…


For the 26th edition, we obviously need your support and participation, your presence through drawings of course but also "personally", even if it should only be for a short visit between 28 September and 7 October.


The 2007 edition is conceived around expression “Hotting up” with all possible significance:


 “Hotting up” in the literal sense of climatic changes:

(drawings about the environment, the protection of the planet greenhouse effect, recycling, energy control, etc…)


“Hotting up” in the figurative sense of “ burning “ situations:

(tense, difficult, agitated, urgent situations…Conflicts, keen competitions, in all international relations…)


“Hotting up»: The presidential election, French politics since the election…

caricatures of the candidates…caricatures of the face-to-face SARKOZY/ROYAL.


“Hotting up” in all human activities:

sport competitions, music, concerts and Show biz…


The 26th SALON will obviously open the usual rubrics:

– story pages, “ Europe, 50 years ago…”

– eisure pages, drawing-games and riddles…

– hildren and young public pages .

– butes and highlights on special works…


It will show highlights, too, on news about press drawings in other countries, especially Lebanon, Quebec (400 years old), Switzerland and their views on France…

It will present all the cartoons drawn during the year for the United Nations exhibition

“Cartooning for peace”.

This exhibition will be the context of a conference around the role and place of press cartoons in our so-called “information” society, also in the globe sectors that are torn and oppressed by conflicts.


You can either choose one or the other column, or send us drawings (12 to 15, size A4) about all the themes mentioned above.

It would be ideal if we could receive them before the end of August.


The works are insured, presented with great care and of course sent back as quickly as possible after the manifestation.


As far as your coming to St Just is concerned, on either weekend (the last one in September or the first one in October), could you please let us know in good time of your participation. Since it is “Hotting up” the earlier, the better…


There again, your travelling expenses to and fro St Just-le-Martel on French territory, based on the SNCF rate, and your accommodation are taken care of by the organisers like last year.


We are looking forward to hearing from you shortly. Let us insist on how particularly important your participation is for the actual realisation, proof of your attachment and support.


Best wishes,

Most sincerely,


For the Salon, The President:



P.S. St Just website ( is visited quite regularly

(between 200 000 & 350 000 connexions per month, from all over the world).

We continue to issue a database about caricatures and press cartoons (Biographies, bibliographies, educational documents, recent publications etc…)

We can only expand this site by adding at any time any information that you wish to see appearing. Just send us the necessary information.






SUBJECT: Nature and Man

The Subject of the year 2007: Global Climate Change and Our World

   Caricaturists Association, TEMA Foundation and Cartoon Publishing had organized this contest aiming to direct people for focusing more on this matter by describing through caricatures that mankind will sooner or later face these dangers and by focusing on their probable results and also aiming to create an attitude and behavioral change in the society in order to slow down this process.

  • The contest is open for all the amateur and professional caricaturists.
  • The caricature may be published or awarded. Technique is free. Can be colored or black and white. The dimensions A4 (21 x 29.7)
  • Contest caricatures can be sent only through internet.
  • Awards: By the end of each month, the best 3 caricatures of that month will be selected and 20 saplings will be planted in TEKÝRDAÐ Memorial forest on their behalf. An introductory sign will be erected on the plantation region.
  • The works that are sent to the contest will be exhibited through internet.
  • By the end of the year, those works awarded and those works to be determined by the selection committee will be collected in a CD and will be sent to the owners of the works as free of charge.
  • The caricatures of the contest, whether awarded or not, may be exhibited in the introductory announcements of the contest and they can be published in books, magazines, posters, postcards. Copyrights will not be paid to the owners of the works due to these publications.
  • In case they are used for other purposes or by third parties, then permission will be obtained from the owner of the work.
  • Those who send their works to the contest, will also indicate whether they can be used or not, in the t-shirts to be produced by TEMA Foundation’s Economic Management in order to obtain revenue.
  • The utilization rights of the works are for Türkiye.
  • The caricatures may be used in postcards for introductory purposes.

The artists participating in the contest will be deemed to accept all the participation conditions.
This contest is organized by Caricaturists Association, TEMA Foundation and Cartoon Publishing.

Since environmental disasters are continuous, our contest will also continue without interruption. Exhibition: The exhibition of the contest caricatures that were drawn previously will be realized at Caricaturists Association Hall.

Award ceremony: will be announced later.

Sending address: by e-mail and

Jury evaluation:
Election will be held in every month .

General Authority of the Organization: Muhittin Köroðlu
Selection Committee
Representative of Caricaturists Association
Representative of TEMA Foundation
Representative of Cartoon Publishing

"Doða Ve Ýnsan" Karikatür Yarýþmasý Þartnamesi

Tema Vakfý, Karikatürcüler Derneði ve Cartoon Yayýncýlýk'ýn ortaklaþa düzenlediði "Doða ve Ýnsan" konulu karikatür yarýþmasý küresel ýsýnmanýn, her türlü çevre felaketinin karþýsýnda karikatür sanatçýlarýnýn duyarlýlýðýný anlatmak ve bu tehlikeden herkesi haberdar etmek amacýyla düzenlenmiþtir.

• KONU : Doga Ve Insan
• Yarisma karikatürleri yalnizca internetten gönderilecektir.
• Yarisma amatör, profesyonel tüm çizerlere açiktir.
• Karikatür yayimlanmis veya ödül almis olabilir. Teknik serbesttir. Renkli veya siyah beyaz olabilir. Boyutlari A4 (21×29.7)
 Ödüller: Her ayin sonunda o ayin “En Iyi 3” karikatürü seçilecek ve adlarina 20'ser adet  fidan TEKIRDAG Hatira Ormani'nda dikilecektir. Dikim bölgesine tanitici bir levha dikilecektir.
• Yarismaya gönderilen eserler Karikatürcüler Dernegi, TEMA Vakfi ve Cartoon Yayincilik yayinlarinda, internet sitelerinde sergilenecektir.
• Yil sonunda ödül alanlar ve seçici kurulun belirleyecegi eserler bir CD'de toplanacak, eser sahiplerine ücretsiz gönderilecektir.
• Yarisma karikatürleri ödül alsin veya almasin 5846 Sayili Yasa'dan kaynaklanan çogaltma, yayma, temsil, umuma iletim hakklarini bedelsiz olarak (yarismanin tanitim duyuru sergilerinde kitap, dergi, afis, poster, kartpostal baskilari yapilabilecektir.) Karikatürcüler Dernegi, TEMA Vakfi ve Cartoon Yayincilik'a birakmistir.
• Bu amaçlarin disinda ve üçüncü sahislarin kullanilmasi durumunda ise eser sahibinden izin alinacaktir.
• Yarismada ödül alan eser sahipleri, TEMA Vakfi Iktisadi Isletmesine gelir elde etmek amaciyla kullanim hakkini da verdigini kabul etmis sayilir
• Eserlerin kullanim haklari Türkiye sinirlari içindir.
• Sergi: “Erozyon”, “Orman ve Çöllesme” karikatürleri ve bu yarismanini karikatürleri ile 05 Haziran  2007 tarihinde Istanbul Büyüksehir Belediyesi Karikatür ve Mizah Müzesi'nde yapilacaktir.
• Yarismaya katilan sanatçilar katilim kosullarinin tümünü kabul etmis sayilacaklardir.

Bu yarisma Karikatürcüler Dernegi, TEMA Vakfi ve Cartoon Yayincilik tarafindan organize edilmektedir.

Gönderme Adresi: ve
Degerlendirme Her Ayýn sonunda yapilacaktir.

Organizasyon Genel Sorumlusu: Muhittin Köroglu
Seçici Kurul:
Karikatürcüler Dernegi Temsilcileri
TEMA Vakfi Temsilcileri
Cartoon Yayincilik Temsilcileri



Festivali Botëror i Karikaturës

Konkursi: I hapur për të gjithë karikaturistët

Tema: Lajmi

Teknika: E lirë

Punimet: 3 karikatura max.

Punimet të jenë origjinale,
pranohen dhe realizime digjitale të shtypura, të nënshkruara nga autori,
të bashkangjitet fletëaplikimi / biografia

/ Punimet e shpërblyera në konkurse tjera, fotokopje, etj.
nuk do të pranohen. /

Formati: max. B3 / 50 x 35 cm

Afati për dërgimin e punimeve:  1 Gusht 2007 / data postale /


Grand Prix……….10 000 Euro,
Çmimi i Parë:……..5 000 Euro,
Çmimi i Dytë:……..4 000 Euro,
Çmimi i Tretë:…….3 000 Euro,

/ Përfshirë dhe shpenzimet e udhëtimit, akomodimin në Kosovë,
gjatë Ceremonisë-ndarjes së Çmimeve… /

dhe 5 Çmime Speciale…

Juria ndërkombëtare: 23-25 Gusht 2007

Rezultatet: 1 Shtator 2007

Ekspozita: Muzeu i Kosovës / 21 shtator 2007 / në orën 19.00

Katalogu: Autorëve të selektuar iu përkon nga një kopje

Shënim: Punimet e shpërblyera mbesin pronë
e Galerisë / KOSOVA Festivali Botëror i Karikaturës. /
Pjesëmarrësve, që kanë kërkuar kthimin e punimeve
dhe cekur në fletëaplikim, punimet do t’u kthehen, pas gushtit 2008.
/ Karikaturat, mund edhe t’i dhurohen
Galerisë / KOSOVA Festivali Botëror i Karikaturës. /

All rights reserved : © KOSOVA Festivali Botëror i Karikaturës

/ Organizatori mbanë të drejtën e publikimit të karikaturave,
në media dhe materiale të tjera publiçitare si në web-faqe, katalogje, posterë, kalendarë, kartolina, etj…
gjithçka që ka të bëjë me sensibilizimin, afirmimin e Festivalit…/


Festivali Botëror i Karikaturës
Fahu Postal 257
10000 Prishtinë

+377 / 0 / 44 666548

The 16th Daejeon International Cartoon Contest

The 16th Daejeon International Cartoon Contest
The Daejeon City is inviting world cartoonists to take part in DICACO 2007 (the 16th Daejeon International Cartoon Contest).

1.This year's contest comprises a Theme section (titled Relief & Service) and a Free section.

2.The size of works should be smaller than 297mm¡¿420mm.

3.Any color, free style, and unlimited items.

4.Each entrant should provide title, name, age, address, career, and telephone number on reverse.

5.The deadline for entry is June. 30, 2007. (effective until end of june's postmark)

6.Entries should be addressed to the Daejeon International Cartoon Institute,
    450, Wolpyongdong,Daejeon city, 302-852, Seoul Korea.

7.The most creative cartoon will win the Grand Prix prize of $3,000, Gold prize of $1,000, Silver prize of $500,
   Bronze prize of $300, and 100 Selected works will be awarded.

8.Exhibit the cartoons at the Daejeon Hanbat Library Gallery in Sept. 2007.

9.Submitted cartoons will not be returned, but exhibited forever in korean public halls, art galleries, &  museums.

10.Your cartoon may be used for promotional purposes : card, posters, catalogs, newspapers, magazine,
     and books etc.

From : Cheong San Lim, Ph.D
Professor of the Daejeon International Cartoon Institute, 450,
Wolpyongdong, Daejeon city, 302-852, Seoul Korea.
Tel : 82(42)487-5034 / fax : +82(42)487-0531
E-mail :

9 JUN 2007

Master Cup International Cartoon and Illustration Biennial


Master Cup International Cartoon and Illustration Biennial 

1. Participation
The contest is open to all artists regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc.
2. Organizer
The organizers are "Master" Illustrators's Federation and Beijing Cartoon Center.
3. Theme
A) Fish –The artwork of demiurge? The spirit of water? Human's pet? or for our food and sport?
B) Butterfly –The world becomes beautiful for you.
4. Entries
4-1) The works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted.
4-2) Participators should summit the original works. Any slide, photograph or xerox will not be accepted.
4-3) The maximum five entries should be submitted for each category.
4-4) The maximum size of the works should be 300 x 420 mm(11.81 x 16.54 inch) respectively.
4-5) The works should be accompanied by the author's resume and photo (caricature).
4-6) First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number and selling price should be written on the reverse side of the works.
4-7) Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Any painting, print making will be accepted.
5. Entry Form
Please down load the entry form on our web site:
At the same time, the self made entry form is also accepted.
6. Deadline and Exhibition
6-1) The deadline for entry is the 1st of October 2007.
6-2) The Opening of the exhibitions will take place in "Master" Illustrators's House on December,2007.
7-1) The entries must be flat protected with hard cardboard, or rolled in a hard case. The folded works will not be accepted.
7-2) Please send entries to the address as follow:
CUI PING XI LU 86 HAO (101100)
8. Judgment
8-1) The president of jury group is Dachuan Xia, well known artist and the secretary-general of China artist's association cartoon committee.
8-2) The jury meeting will be held on 20th October 2007.
8-3) Biennial will announce the result on November,1,2007 on web site. At the same time organizer will contact the winning artists via postal mail or email.
9. Prizes
9-1) Grand Master prize –Master Cup plus 2000 US Dollars (after tax).
The winner will be invited to Beijing for ceremony and one week holiday, the organizer will cover the traveling tickit and hotel.
9-2) "Master" Illustrators's Federation prize –Master Cup plus statuette.
The winner will be invited to Beijing for ceremony and one week holiday, the organizer will cover the traveling tickit and hotel.
9-3) Master prize –Master Cup plus statuette –10 works.
9-4) Special prize of organizers and sponsors–10 works.
9-5) The honorary prize –30 works.
10. Copyright and selling
10-1) Explicitly participators have whole copyright for their entries, of course organizers
may use some works on web site and other media for spreading biennial and artists.
10-2) All the works will be available for selling base on selling price given by authors. Organizers will keep 10% of the selling price, the others will be remitted to authors directly, but the authors should bear the tax according to the Chinese tax regulations.
11. Catalog
The authors whose works has been selected will receive one copy of the catalog made for the contest.
12. Provisions
12-1) The submitted works will not be returned. They will be collected in "Master" Illustrators's house.
12-2) Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's decision.
For InformationMs. XIAO GU YUE
GE RUI YA JU 206 HAO LOU 122 SHI (101100)
Web site