Haifa Municipality 2013

Haifa Municipality 2013

for the International cartoon contest – 2013, taking place for the 19 year in a row.
Haifa’s multi – cultural nature of its residents of many religions, who are cooperating together in peace and harmony, and live in coexistence and tolerance makes Haifa a special city that deserves to host the International Cartoon Festival.
The Cartoon Contest main theme this year is: "Main Category: Tourism, vacation and Leisure.
This subject provides the opportunity to carry out a dialogue among artists from all corners of the world.
The cartoon, expressing a humorous perspective, plays an increasingly important role in today’s world of exciting events.
For your attention, please note that the submission

deadline is: 27, June 2013

The cartoons may be sent to:

Haifa Municipality, Culture Department, Ronit Eshet, the Coordinator of the Cartoon Contest, P.O.B. 4811, Haifa 31047, Israel.



The International Jury Committee members will decide upon cash prizes for the best cartoons during JULY 2013. A cartoon catalog will be published in Sept 2013.

Best Regards, Ronit Eshet, Haifa Municipality



Aiming to become a pioneer of life without obstacles, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality is preparing an international congress to find solutions to the problems of the disabled. "International Congress of the Problems and Solutions of the Disabled" will be organised between October 30 and November 3, 2013, under the leadership of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. In addition to being a scientific congress, ENGELSIZMIR 2013 is also a fair containing a series of artistic, cultural and social events. For this purpose, a cartoon contest themed "REMOVE THE OBSTACLES" has been organised.
Ten percent of the world’s population is disabled, meaning they are not able to hear, see and/or walk. They come across many difficulties in social life. When compared to the disabled in developed countries, the disabled living in Turkey are in need of great care. Most of them cannot read and they are leading their lives without any medical care. The discrimination against them and being treated as invisible lead them to live a life as invisible people. Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, who has established the first "Education and Cultural Complex for the Disabled" in Turkey, now wants to show the difficulties that the disabled experience with an international cartoon contest which is organised with the Güzelyalý Rotary Club.
Now, we are inviting you to think about them. We believe that the cartoonists can enlighten the "invisible" obstacles and raise awareness regarding this matter.
The theme of the cartoon contest is "Remove the Obstacles".
Artists from all over the world may participate in the contest. There are no restrictions regarding this issue. Each contestant can enter the contest with 5 cartoons at most. The cartoons can be previously published ones. However, they cannot be ones that have been awarded before. If they are so, they will be disqualified from the contest and the given awards can be taken back from the contestant.
1.) Original:
The drawing technique is not restricted and cartoons can be either coloured or black and white. The size of the cartoons should be 29.7 x 42cm at most on an A3 sheet. Cartoons sent in such a way are preferred.
2.) Digital:
If cartoons are to be sent digitally, cartoonists need to sign their cartoons before. Photographs and/or photocopies of the cartoons will not be accepted. Cartoons should be 29.7 x 42cm at most on an A3 sheet.
3.) Online:
Contestants can also enter the contest online. Cartoons can be sent using the "Cartoon Contest" menu on www.engelsizkongre.org. Cartoons should be sent in 300 Dpi, JPB or RGB formats without being zipped using programs such as Zip and Rar. The contestant will be asked to send the original copy of the cartoon via mail if it wins an award.
Cartoonists who are going to send the original or the digital copies of their work are to write their names and contact numbers on the back of the cartoon and add their photographs and personal backgrounds, bank accounts (IBAN No) and their ID Numbers. Contestants that apply via internet are to fill in the application form on www.engelsizkongre.org
Contestants under the age of 18 should also add a document regarding their parents’ approval of them participating the contest.
Cartoons entered in the contest will not be sent back to their owners but will be used in media such as brochures and exhibitions to be prepared by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and/or Güzelyalý Rotary Club under copyright. Participants are deemed to have accepted this term.
Cartoonists who do not reside in Izmir and are awarded with a prize will have to pay their own travel and accommodation expenses. For that reason, if an award-winning cartoonist cannot participate in the award ceremony, s/he will receive her/his award via mail. Likewise, award-winning cartoonists residing in foreign countries will be able to receive their awards via banks, Western Union etc.
The cartoons that are thought to be worthy of display by the jury will be displayed in an exhibition and will be included in an album. The owners of the cartoons will be sent a copy of the album.
On the condition that a cartoon does not meet the necessary requirements, it will be disqualified.
Güzelyalý Rotary Club,
International Engelsizmir Cartoon Contest, Cumhuriyet Bulvarý Bulvar Ýþhaný
No.109 Kat:2 Daire:202 Pasaport 35210 – Ýzmir / Türkiye.
Last Submission: 02 / 09 / 2013
Evaluation Date: 15 / 09 / 2013
Announcement of results: 18 / 09 /2013
Award Ceremony: 24 /10 / 2013
First Place: $1.500 and a plaque
Second Place: $1.000 and a plaque
Third Place: $750 and a plaque
2 Achievement Awards: $300 and a plaque
The Caricaturists’ Society Special Award: plaque
Latif Demirci ( Head of Committee ), Gören Bulut, Ertan Ayhan Sertöz, Raif Gökkuþ, Engin Boðaz, Ömer Çam, Mustafa Yýldýz, Cem Güzeloðlu, Hikmet Savatlý.
Tel: Gülþen Kitunur (Güzelyalý Rotary Club)
Tel.+90.232. 441 30 29 Fax +90.232. 441 30 25





Brief Personal Background:


ID Number:

Bank Account (IBAN No):









I verify that I have read and understood the terms of participation and that I have accepted
to participate in the contest and that the personal information I provide is fully correct.



(The terms of participation can also be downloaded from www.engelsizkongre.org).

Don Quichotte “Oktemer Koksal” Portrait Exhibition 2013

Degerli karikaturculer

Don Quichotte" olarak, kisa bir sure once yitirdigimiz cizgi ustasi "Oktemer Koksal" adina
bir portre karikatur sergisi planladik.
Sergimize gelen eserler hem Facebook "etkinlik sayfamizda
hem "Don Quichotte" websitemizde sergilenmeye baslamistir. 30 nisan’da sona erecek
katilim sonrasi 50 finalist calisma belirlenecek ve iclerinden bir calismaya
"En Basarili Portre" odulu olarak "Don Quichotte" heykelcigi verilecektir.
bildiginiz gibi heykelcikler ozel el yapimidir ve Þilili heykeltras Ciro Chavez tarafindan tasarlanmistir.
Ayrica oniki calismaya da "don quichotte" sertifikasi verilecektir.
Oktemer Koksal’in aramizdan ayrilmasi cok hazin olmustur. Karikatur camiasi
ona gereken onemi vermemis ve bir anlamda kendi kaderine terketmistir.
Sergimizin amaci bu usta cizeri uluslararasi karikatur platformunda cizgilerle sahiplenmek ve anisini yasatmaktir.
Katiliminiz icin simdiden tesekkur ediyor, bu anlamli sergiye
degerli calismalarinizi merak ve heyecanla bekliyoruz.

Don Quichotte


Oktemer Koksal/Biyografi

1936 yilinda Eskisehir’de dogdu. Onuc yasinda duyma yetenegini yitirdi.
60’li yillarda Bab-i Ali’de cesitli gazete ve dergilerde cizer olarak calisti.
1968 yilinda uc yil calistigi Cumhuriyet gazetesi’nden ayrilarak Almanya’nin Munih sehrine yerlesti.
Almanya’da basta "Kauka Verlag" olmak uzere cesitli yayinevlerine cizgiroman ve
cesitli cizgitiplerden olusan cizgi-bant calismalari yapti.
(Die Telemause, Fix-Foxi, Bussi Bear, vs…) 1983 yilinda
Hurriyet gazetesi’nde "Cin&Can" cizgibantlari yayinlandi.
Cizerlikten para kazanamadigi donemler de oldu.
Yirmi yili askin sure bir firmada "sef restorator" olarak calisti.
Ancak cok yonlulugunu hic yitirmedi. Kendi deyimiyle "sir avciligi" yaparak,
kimi kayip uygarliklarin yuzyillardir uyuyan gizemlerini aciga cikarmayi basardi.
Bu konuda derin arastirmalar yapti ancak bunlari bir kitap olarak bastirmayi basaramadi.
"Mevlana’nin Izinde Gercek Insanliga Yonelelim" baslikli bir girisimde bulunmayi da denedi.
Ancak ilgisizlik yuzunden bu cabalari da sonuc getirmedi.
Bitmek tukenmek bilmeyen enerjisi onu surekli arastirmaya ve gecmisi irdelemeye yonlendirdi.
Gecmisteki uygarliklarin sanildigi gibi "Tas Devri"nde yasamadiklarini ve
"Evrensel Yasa"nin bilincinde olduklarini dusunuyordu.
2002 yilindan itibaren dondugu ulkesinde de bu yonde cabalari devam etti.
Gecmisle ilgili olaganustu mesajlar veren kompozisyonlari tuvale aktardi.
"Siralilik" ve "Denge" konusunu yasadigi surece kitlelere ulastirmaya ve anlatmaya calisti.
"Toplum ve Birey" onun hep ilgi alani oldu. Aklimizda kalan en onemli tanisi ise sinsan" oldu.
Ona gore insan olamayanlarin adi buydu.
21.03.2013 tarihinde gecmis uygarliklari daha yakindan incelemek uzere bizlere veda etti.
Oktemer Koksal’in karikatur calismalari "Toonpool" sitesindeki kisisel sayfasindan izlenebilir:



Dear Cartoonists,

We planned an exhibition of portrait cartoon on behalf of the Illustrator
"Öktemer Köksal" who passed away a short time ago.
Drawing works coming to our exhibition are being published in our
"facebook" activity page and the website of "Don Quichotte".
Participation will end on April 30 and then, 50 finalist works will be determined.
And one work of them will be determined as "the most successful portrait" and
will reward with "statuette of Don Quichotte".
As you know, Don Quichotte figurines are hand-made and designed by Chilean sculptor Chavez.
In addition, 12 works will be given "Don Quichotte Certificate".
His demise has been very sad. The cartoon community did not matter to him sufficiently and in a sense,
he was abandoned to his fate.
The aim of our exhibition is to make a claim to this drawing master in
an international cartoon platform and embalm.
I thank you for your participation in advance.
We are looking forward your works to this significant exhibition.

Don Quichotte


Öktemer Köksal’s Biography

He was born in Eskiþehir in 1936.
He lost his hearing ability when he was thirteen.
In the 60s, he worked as cartoonist at various magazines and newspapers
in Bab-ý Ali (today Provincial office of Istanbul).
He quitted his job at the newspaper "Cumhuriyet", in which he worked
for three years and settled in the city of Munich, Germany.
For many various publishing houses and especially for "Kauka Verlag",
he drew comics and comic-strip line works,consisting of a variety of types of comics
(Die Telemause, Fix-Foxi, Bussi Bear, etc…). In 1983,
he published "Cin&Can" comic-strips in the newspaper "Hürriyet".
As a cartoonist, he also spent periods without making money.
More than twenty years, he worked in a company as a "chef restorer".
However, he never lost his versatility.
In his own words by doing "mystery hunt", he succeeded to uncover
some oflost civilizations’ mysteries, which were dormant for centuries.
He made deep research on this subject, but he was unable to suppress them as a book.
He also tried to attempt with the title of "Let’s turn to the real humanity in the light of Mevlana".
However, due to lack of interest, his efforts produced no results.
His endless energy, directed him to scrutinize the history and to research rapidly.
To the contrary of thought, he was considering that the civilizations did not live in "Stone-age",
besides they were aware of the "Universal Laws".
Since 2002, he went back to his homeland and continued to make an effort in this area.
On the canvas, he depicted his compositions which give extraordinary messages about history.
As long as he lived, he tried to tell and deliver the theme
"Sequentality" and "Balance" to the masses.
"Society and the Individual" was always his pursuit.
And his most important diagnosis in our minds is"human".
According to him, this is the name of people who are not human.
On 03/21/2013 he bade us farewell to examine the civilizations of past more closely.
Öktemer Köksal’s cartoon works can be viewed in his personal page on the website "Toonpool".


“The 3rd International Resistance Art Festival”

"The 3rd International Resistance Art Festival"

Technique: Free
Maximum sending artworks: 5 Artworks. Caricatures & Cartoons.
Size: Artworks must be by format (Jpg) minimum 2953 to 4135 pixel by 300 DPI dimensions, send by online application.

Caricature Section Theme:
Adolf Hitler, Richard Nixon, Ariel Scharon, Saddam, Muammar Al Gaddafi,Husni Mubarak, Al Khalifa, George W Bush, Osama Bin Laden.

Cartoon section Theme:
Palestine, Nuclear Energy for Everybody and Nuclear weapon for Nobody, crime against Humanity, New Cold War, Wall Street Movement 1=99

Cartoon & Caricature section Awards:
Resistance Trophy, Honorable Mention and 6 prizes of 17 million Rials in each section.
Please send your photo and biography with your artworks.
Please send your artworks via email:info@resistart.ir
or via Online Application: http://app.resistart.ir

Extra Time Deadline for sending Artworks: April,09, 2013
Tel: +98 21 88 911 214
+98 21 88 911 215
Fax: +98 21 88 911 219
Website: http://www.resistart.ir



To mark World Press Freedom Day on May 3, Doha Centre for Media Freedom has organised its inaugural "DCMF World Press Freedom Cartoon Contest." The centre is looking forward to receiving cartoons from artists all over the world, depicting the theme of

"Media Freedom."

May 3 was declared World Press Freedom Day by the UN General Assembly In 1993, and each year it serves as a reminder of the difficulties faced by journalists and members of the media around the world.

Cartoons can often express stories, news and opinions more clearly than words, and at times of conflict, cartoonists and artists are regularly among the first to be silenced.

For World Press Freedom Day in 2013, Doha Centre for Media Freedom would like to honour the bravery and creativity of courageous cartoonists and journalists who use their work to battle against restrictions imposed on the media and society in general.

DCMF has launched its inaugural "DCMF World Press Freedom Cartoon Competition," and looks forward to seeing how cartoonists around the world depict issues related to media freedom.

Criteria for entrants:

1. The theme of this competition is "Media Freedom." The cartoons should capture any major events related to media freedom in 2012-2013. Suggested topics include censorship issues, crackdowns on media outlets and attacks against journalists, etc.

2. This competition is open to all cartoonists from all over the world. Participants must be aged 18 and over.

3. Each participant can contribute only one cartoon to the competition.

4. Any text written on the cartoon should be translated into English or Arabic.

5. Cartoons can be either black and white or in colour.

6. Only original work will be accepted.

7. All submissions must include the name, email address, telephone number and a brief biography of the cartoonist.

8. Only still cartoons will be accepted.

9. The image should be in .png. gif. Jpg or . jpeg formats only and the minimum size is 3 MB.

10. DCMF reserves the right to reuse the received work at various platforms. The organisation does not take responsibility for returning the work to its author after the competition.

11. The size of the cartoon should be at least A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.50 by 11 inches.

12. All submissions must be sent to


by April 1st 11:59 PM AST.


1. A jury of five members, including award-winning cartoonists, will be presided over by the Director of Doha Centre for Media Freedom, Jan Keulen.

2. The decision of the jury will be final.


1. Cash prizes of $1500, $1000 and $800 will be awarded to the three top-placed cartoons on May 3rd.

2. Selected cartoons will be exhibited during the World Press Freedom Day celebrations.

3. Winners will be notified via email by April 20th.

7th International Biennial for Caricature Masters of caricature -Plovdiv 2013

7th International Biennial for Caricature Masters of caricature -Plovdiv 2013

Plovdiv 2013, Bulgaria
SUBJECT: Тhe fatal number 13
The year is 2013. What do the cartoonists around the world think about the number 13?
From ancient times the numbers have been perceived as carrying luck or misfortune. Nobody actually knows since when the fatalism to the number 13 dates back. But according to one version, the prehistoric man had 10 fingers and two feet, and could not count to more than 12. According to another, in the ancient beliefs the number 12 was the perfect one, but the number 13 violates this strict system and awakens the superstitions in people. On the contrary, in ancient Egypt the people used to believe that if you wanted to achieve immortality, you have to climb the ladder with the 13 steps; while in the Greek mythology, Zeus was the 13th and the strongest god. In fact the black glory, which is assigned to this number, appeared probably in the fourteenth century, after the defeat of the Order of the Temple.
But the truth is always somewhere in the middle. Originally Adam had 13 ribs, but God pulled out one of them, and said to him: "Be careful with the number 13! It is at the same time a number of righteousness and a number of evil in the world."
Address for submission:

Regional Ethnographic Museum
2, Dr. Chomakov Str.
4000 Plovdiv BULGARIA

1. The Biennial for Caricature is open to professional and amateur caricaturists from all over the world;
2. Each participant should send up at least one piece of work 210/297 mm (A4 format);
3. The caricatures may be colorful or black-and-white;
4. Participants should send their caricatures by 31 July 2013;
5. It is advisable that together with their caricatures, participants also send a photograph or take-off and CV;
6. An international jury will nominate five caricaturists who will be conferred the title Master of Caricature;
7. Prize caricatures are not sent back;
8. The rest of the caricatures will be sent back if authors state that in written form;
9. The Catalogue of the exhibition will be given free of charge to participants whose caricatures are included in the Catalogue.
Time and venue: October, 1-st 2013, at 18.00 hrs at the Regional Ethnographic Museum.
Submission deadline: 31 July 2013 (mail date)
The Nominated works will be kept in Works of Fine Art Stock of Regional Ethnographic Museum, Plovdiv
Phone: ++ 359 32 626328; ++ 359 32 626339.
E-mail: ethnograph@abv.bg .



Obur Mizah tarafindan 2008 yilinda Abidin Dino’nun 95.yasgunu anisina 56 karikaturist, ressam ve heykeltras’in Dino portrelerinden olusan sergi Istanbul ve Ankara’da acilmisti. Bu sergiden 5 yil sonra amacimiz yeni sanatcilarin da katilimiyla Dino’nun 100.yasinda toplam 100 sanatci ve 100 portre ile sanatciyi hak ettigi gibi anmaktir. Bu duygularimizi paylasan tum sanatcilarin sergimize katilimindan buyuk mutluluk duyacagiz.
• Konu: Oncu sanatci Abidin Dino’nun portresi
• Sergi butun sanatcilara aciktir. Karikatur, resim, desen ve her turlu teknikle yapilmis calismalar kabul edilir. Her sanatci 1 calisma ile katilabilir.
• Sergiye katilim e-posta yolu ile olacaktir. Sergiye katilacaklar calismalarini oburgaleri@gmail.com adresine ad, soyad, sehir, ulke bilgileriyle yollamalidir.
• Calismalarin en az A4 (21×29,7 cm) boyutunda ve 300 dpi cozunurlukte taranmasi gerekmektedir.
• Sergiye yollanan en iyi 10 calisma sergi jurisi tarafindan diploma ile odullendirilecektir.
Sergi Jurisi:
Tan Oral (Taraf Gazetesi Karikaturisti)
Eray Ozbek (Nese ve Karikatur Muzesi Yoneticisi-Karikaturist)
Nezih Danyal (Karikatur Vakfi Kurucusu ve Baskani-Karikaturist)
Kamil Masaraci (Cumhuriyet Gazetesi Karikaturisti)
Erdogan Karayel (DQ Mizah Dergisi Genel Yayin Yonetmeni)
Halil I.Yildirim (Karikaturist)
Emre Yilmaz (Obur Mizah Karikatur Dergisi Editoru-Karikaturist)
• Sergi toplam 100 calisma ile sinirlidir.
• Sergiye katilacak sanatcilarin calismalarini en gec 15 Eylul 2013 tarihine kadar yollamis olmalari gerekmektedir.
• Sergi acilisi 7 Aralik 2013 tarihinde Istanbul’da yapilacaktir.
• Obur Mizah sergiye yollanan karikaturleri sadece sergi cercevesinde sergileme, kitap, afis, brosur, tanitim ve basin ilanlarinda kullanabilir.
2008 yilinda acilan sergimizin ayrintilarina linkten ulasabilirsiniz: http://www.oburmizah.com/oburmizah/abidin.html
ABIDIN DINO (1913-1993)
1913 yilinda Istanbul’da dogdu. Sanata cok kucuk yaslarda karikatur kitaplarina bakarak basladi. Dort kardesinden ikisi olan Arif ve Ali karikatur ve resimle ugrasiyorlardi. Kucuklugunun buyuk bir bolumu Isvicre ve Fransa’da gecmisti. Istanbul’a donuslerinde Dino sanat sevdasi nedeniyle ortaokulu yarida birakti ve sanat dunyasinda ilk adimlarini atti. 18 yasinda "Artist" dergisinde cizimleri yayinlanmaya basladi ve Nazim Hikmet’in "Sesini Kaybeden Sehir" kitabini resimledi. 20 yasinda bes arkadasiyla birlikte Turkiye’deki sanat anlayisinda devrim gerceklestiren D Grubu’nu kurdu. Daha sonra Sergey Yutkevic’in film studyosunda calismak uzere gittigi Rusya’da 3 yil kaldi. Rusya’dan Paris’e gitti ve bir arkadasi araciligiyla Picasso’yla tanisti. Picasso, Dino’ya yardimci olabilmek icin kendi seramik atolyesinde calismasini sagladi ve ikilinin dostlugu yillarca surdu. Daha sonra Turkiye’ye dondu ve 1943 yilinda Guzin Dino ile evlendi. Fakat donemin yonetim baskilarina dayanamayarak once Roma’ya sonra da olumune kadar yasayacagi Paris’e gecti. Dino Paris’te Picasso, Chagall, Aragon, Tzara ve Topor gibi dunyaca unlu sanatcilarla dostluklar kurdu. Dunya uzerinde bircok onemli sehir ve sanat merkezlerinde sergiler acti. Sanat yasami boyunca resim ve karikatur basta olmak uzere sayisiz desen, kitap resimlemeleri, seramik ve heykel calismalarina imza atti. 1993 yilinda dunyaca taninmis bir sanatci olarak 80 yasinda Paris’te hayata gozlerini yummustur.



The exhibition containing the DINO portraits made by 56 cartoonists, painters and sculptors was prepared in Istanbul and Ankara by "Obur Mizah" in 2008 for the remembrance of 95th birthday of Abidin Dino. Our aim now is to prepare another exhibition, after 5 years from then, to remember him as he deserves, during his 100th birthday with additional artists to reach 100 to increase it to 100 portraits. We will be pleased with the participation of all artists to share our feelings for this aspect.
• Theme : PORTRAIT of Pioneer artist Abidin Dino
• Exhibition is open for all artists. All the works done by any kind of technic – cartoon, painting, drawing etc.- are accepted. Each artist can participate the exhibition with one work only.
• The participation will be by e-mail to be sent to the address oburgaleri@gmail.com together with the info regarding name, surname, city and country of the artist.
• Works will be at least A4 ( 21×29,7 cm.) size to be scanned at 300 dpi resolution.
• Of the participating works, best 10 of them will be awarded Diplomas by the exhibition jury
Exhibition jury consists of:
Tan Oral (Cartoonist – Taraf newspaper)
Eray Özbek (Director of the Museum of Joy and Cartoon- Cartoonist)
Nezih Danyal (Founder and the president of The Cartoon Foundation- Cartoonist)
Kamil Masaracý (Cartoonist – Cumhuriyet newspaper)
Erdoðan Karayel (DQ Humor Magazine- Executive Editor)
Halil Ý.Yýldýrým (Cartoonist)
Emre Yýlmaz (Obur Mizah Cartoon Magazine- Editor in chief / Cartoonist)
• The exhibition is limited to a total of 100 works.
• The participants are asked to send their works latest Sept 15th. 2013
• The exhibition will be opened in Istanbul on Dec 7th. 2013.
• "Obur Mizah" will be authorised to use the works in books, posters, brochures, also in promotional and media announcements related to "the exhibition" only.
The exhibition prepared in 2008 can be viewed at the link : http://www.oburmizah.com/oburmizah/abidin.html
ABIDIN DINO (1913-1993)
He was born in Istanbul in 1913. His interest in art had started by reading cartoon books. Two of his four brothers, Arif and Ali, was doing paintings and cartoons. He spent major part of his childhood in Switzerland and France. After returning back to Istanbul, as a result of his passion for art he quit his education in intermediate school and took his first steps towards the world of art. When he was only 18, his drawings were published in the "Artist" magazine and he pictured the book "The city that lost its voice" written by Nazým Hikmet. When only 20 years old, he established with 5 of his friends the "D group" which originated a revolution in the understanding of art in Turkey. Later, he spent 3 years in Russia where he went to work in the film studio of Sergey Yutgevich. After Russia, he traveled to Paris and met Picasso through a friend. Picasso, in order to support Dino, enabled him to work in his ceramic workshop; thus the friendship of two lasted long years. Dino returned to Turkey and married to Güzin Dino in 1943. Not being able to stand the oppression of the regime, he first moved to Rome and later went to Paris where he was going to live until his death. He made friendship in Paris with the world known artists like Picasso, Chagall, Aragon, Tzara and Topor. He prepared exhibitions in many important cities and art centers of the world. During his artsitic life, he accomplished countless works in painting, cartooning, drawing, book picturing, ceramic and sculpture. He passed away as a world known artist in Paris at the age of 80 in 1993.
Translation: Recep BAYRAMOÐLU

The 3rd Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration Competition

The 3rd Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration Competition

1. Participation
The contest is open to all artists regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc.


2. Organizer
Host:"HONGTU" Art institute
Sponsor: Red Man Art Center.
Official website: www.redmanart.com


3. Theme
A) Horse \ Zebra \ Pegasus
B) Panda
C) Free


4. Entries
1) The works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted.
2) Participators should summit the original works. Any slide, photograph or xerox will not be accepted.
3) The maximum 10 entries should be submitted for each category.
4) The maximum size of the works should be 200 ×200cm respectively.
5) The works should be accompanied by the author’s resume and photo (or caricature).
6) First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number should be written on the reverse side of the works. Please specify in envelope: "2013 Gold Panda"
7) Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Any painting, Print making, Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil painting, Watercolor, Crafts art or Children’s painting will be accepted.


5. Entry Form
Please down load the entry form on our web site: www.redmanart.com
At the same time, the self made entry form is also accepted.


6. Deadline
The deadline for entry is the 22 of September 2013.


1) The entries must be flat protected with hard cardboard, or rolled in a hard case. The folded works will not be accepted.
2) Please send entries to the address as follow:




8. Judgment
1) The jury committee is composed of artists, print engravers, cartoonist, illustrators and press editors.
2) The jury meeting will be held on October, 20, 2013.
3) The committee will announce the result on November, 10, 2013 on web site. At the same time organizer will contact the winning artists via postal mail or email.


9. Prizes
1) Gold Panda prize – Golden Panda Medal + 2000 US Dollars – 1 place
2) Best work prize – Silver Panda Medals + 300 US Dollars – 5 places
3) The special prize of jury meeting – Copper Panda Medals – 30 places
4) Selected prize – Certificate of merit


10. Copyright
Explicitly participators have whole copyright for their entries. The committee has the right to use all the submitted works to spread competition on media, websites, posters, post cards, advertisements, etc.


11. Catalog
The authors whose works has been selected will receive one copy of the catalog made for the competition.


12. Provisions
1) The submitted works will not be returned. They will be exhibited and displayed in Redman International Cartoon House.
2) Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury’s decision.


For Information




Web site



KONU : Demokrasilerde Yerel Yönetimler.
AMAÇ : Mizah olgusu ile ,demokrasilerde yerel yönetimlerin öneminin anlatýlmasý.
• Yarýþma ulusal ölçekte olup amatör, profesyonel tüm karikatürcülere açýktýr.
• Çizim tekniði serbesttir. Karikatürler bilgisayar çýktýsý olarak gönderilecekse, ýslak imzalý olmasý gerekmektedir.
• Karikatür boyutlarý en az A4(21*29.7 cm) en fazla A3 (29.7*42 cm) olmalý ve paspartusuz yollanmalýdýr.
• Gönderilecek karikatürler daha önce ulusal ve uluslararasý hiçbir yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmasý gerekmektedir.
• Yarýþmacýlar karikatürleriyle birlikte fotoðraflý özgeçmiþlerini, adres, telefon ve e-posta bilgilerini de göndermelidir.
• Her bir eserin arkasýna karikatürcü bilgileri (Ad-Soyad, adres, telefon, e-posta) yazýlmalýdýr.
• 18 yaþ altý karikatürcüler için ayrý bir kategori düzenlenecektir. Bu kategoride katýlacak katýlýmcýlar baþvurularýna nüfus cüzdaný fotokopisini de eklemek zorundadýr.
• Karikatürler gönderilirken postada hasar görmeyecek þekilde paketlenip gönderilmelidir.
• Karikatürün gönderileceði zarfýn üzerine " Atakum Belediyesi Karikatür Yarýþmasý" yazýsý eklenerek 10 Mayýs 2013 tarihi akþamýna kadar belirtilen adrese yollanmalýdýr.
• Yarýþma jürisinin sergilenmeye deðer gördüðü karikatürler ödül töreni esnasýnda sergilenecektir.
• Samsun dýþýnda oturan ve yarýþmada ödül kazanan karikatürcülerin yol masraflarý Atakum Belediyesi tarafýndan karþýlanacaktýr.
• 18 yaþ altý kategorisinde ödül kazanan katýlýmcýlarýn yalnýz kendi yol paralarý karþýlanacaktýr. Anne, baba vs. yol masraflarý karþýlanmayacaktýr.
• Yol masraflarý otobüs bileti üzerinden gidiþ-dönüþ olarak ibraz edilecektir.
• Katýlýmcý ödül alsýn, almasýn Atakum Belediyesi, karikatürlerin her türlü kullaným hakkýna sahip olacaktýr. Karikatürlerin baþka kuruluþlar tarafýndan kullanýlmak istenmesi durumunda, ilgili karikatürcülerden izin alýnacaktýr.
• Yarýþmaya gönderilecek karikatürler geri gönderilmeyecektir. Dereceye giren, girmeyen karikatürler Atakum Belediyesi tarafýndan kültürel amaçlý kullanýlabilecek veya yayýnlanabilecektir.
• Yarýþmaya gönderilen karikatürler arasýndan jüri tarafýndan seçilen karikatürler, Atakum Belediyesince düzenlenecek olan bir albümde toplanacak ve albümde eseri olan tüm karikatürcülere yollanacaktýr.
• Eserlerini yarýþmaya gönderen tüm katýlýmcýlar yukarýdaki koþullarý kabul etmiþ olacaktýr.
Orkun Ekinci – Atakum Belediyesi
Erol Özdemir – Karikatürcü
Aþkýn Ayrancýoðlu – Karikatürcü
Yýlmaz Muslu – Karikatürcü
Murat Ýlhan – Karikatürcü
Seyit Saatçi – Karikatürcü
E.Yaþar Babalýk – Karikatürcü
ÖDÜLLER : Birincilik :3 Tam Altýn + Plaket
Ýkincilik : 2 Tam Altýn + Plaket
Üçüncülük Ödülü : 1 Tam Altýn + Plaket
1 Adet Mansiyon : Yarým Altýn + Plaket
Bir kiþiye Mecit Özbek Özel Ödülü
18 yaþ altý kategorisi :
Mansiyon : Yarým Altýn + Plaket
Mansiyon : Yarým Altýn + Plaket
Son Katýlým : 10 Mayýs 2013 Cuma
Jüri Toplanma : 11 Mayýs 2013
Ödül Töreni : 16 Mayýs 2013
Karikatürlerin Gönderileceði adres :
Lale Saraç Genç
Atakum Belediyesi Özel Kalem Müdürlüðü ATAKUM – SAMSUN