Obur Mizah tarafindan 2008 yilinda Abidin Dino’nun 95.yasgunu anisina 56 karikaturist, ressam ve heykeltras’in Dino portrelerinden olusan sergi Istanbul ve Ankara’da acilmisti. Bu sergiden 5 yil sonra amacimiz yeni sanatcilarin da katilimiyla Dino’nun 100.yasinda toplam 100 sanatci ve 100 portre ile sanatciyi hak ettigi gibi anmaktir. Bu duygularimizi paylasan tum sanatcilarin sergimize katilimindan buyuk mutluluk duyacagiz.
• Konu: Oncu sanatci Abidin Dino’nun portresi
• Sergi butun sanatcilara aciktir. Karikatur, resim, desen ve her turlu teknikle yapilmis calismalar kabul edilir. Her sanatci 1 calisma ile katilabilir.
• Sergiye katilim e-posta yolu ile olacaktir. Sergiye katilacaklar calismalarini oburgaleri@gmail.com adresine ad, soyad, sehir, ulke bilgileriyle yollamalidir.
• Calismalarin en az A4 (21×29,7 cm) boyutunda ve 300 dpi cozunurlukte taranmasi gerekmektedir.
• Sergiye yollanan en iyi 10 calisma sergi jurisi tarafindan diploma ile odullendirilecektir.
Sergi Jurisi:
Tan Oral (Taraf Gazetesi Karikaturisti)
Eray Ozbek (Nese ve Karikatur Muzesi Yoneticisi-Karikaturist)
Nezih Danyal (Karikatur Vakfi Kurucusu ve Baskani-Karikaturist)
Kamil Masaraci (Cumhuriyet Gazetesi Karikaturisti)
Erdogan Karayel (DQ Mizah Dergisi Genel Yayin Yonetmeni)
Halil I.Yildirim (Karikaturist)
Emre Yilmaz (Obur Mizah Karikatur Dergisi Editoru-Karikaturist)
• Sergi toplam 100 calisma ile sinirlidir.
• Sergiye katilacak sanatcilarin calismalarini en gec 15 Eylul 2013 tarihine kadar yollamis olmalari gerekmektedir.
• Sergi acilisi 7 Aralik 2013 tarihinde Istanbul’da yapilacaktir.
• Obur Mizah sergiye yollanan karikaturleri sadece sergi cercevesinde sergileme, kitap, afis, brosur, tanitim ve basin ilanlarinda kullanabilir.
2008 yilinda acilan sergimizin ayrintilarina linkten ulasabilirsiniz: http://www.oburmizah.com/oburmizah/abidin.html
ABIDIN DINO (1913-1993)
1913 yilinda Istanbul’da dogdu. Sanata cok kucuk yaslarda karikatur kitaplarina bakarak basladi. Dort kardesinden ikisi olan Arif ve Ali karikatur ve resimle ugrasiyorlardi. Kucuklugunun buyuk bir bolumu Isvicre ve Fransa’da gecmisti. Istanbul’a donuslerinde Dino sanat sevdasi nedeniyle ortaokulu yarida birakti ve sanat dunyasinda ilk adimlarini atti. 18 yasinda "Artist" dergisinde cizimleri yayinlanmaya basladi ve Nazim Hikmet’in "Sesini Kaybeden Sehir" kitabini resimledi. 20 yasinda bes arkadasiyla birlikte Turkiye’deki sanat anlayisinda devrim gerceklestiren D Grubu’nu kurdu. Daha sonra Sergey Yutkevic’in film studyosunda calismak uzere gittigi Rusya’da 3 yil kaldi. Rusya’dan Paris’e gitti ve bir arkadasi araciligiyla Picasso’yla tanisti. Picasso, Dino’ya yardimci olabilmek icin kendi seramik atolyesinde calismasini sagladi ve ikilinin dostlugu yillarca surdu. Daha sonra Turkiye’ye dondu ve 1943 yilinda Guzin Dino ile evlendi. Fakat donemin yonetim baskilarina dayanamayarak once Roma’ya sonra da olumune kadar yasayacagi Paris’e gecti. Dino Paris’te Picasso, Chagall, Aragon, Tzara ve Topor gibi dunyaca unlu sanatcilarla dostluklar kurdu. Dunya uzerinde bircok onemli sehir ve sanat merkezlerinde sergiler acti. Sanat yasami boyunca resim ve karikatur basta olmak uzere sayisiz desen, kitap resimlemeleri, seramik ve heykel calismalarina imza atti. 1993 yilinda dunyaca taninmis bir sanatci olarak 80 yasinda Paris’te hayata gozlerini yummustur.



The exhibition containing the DINO portraits made by 56 cartoonists, painters and sculptors was prepared in Istanbul and Ankara by "Obur Mizah" in 2008 for the remembrance of 95th birthday of Abidin Dino. Our aim now is to prepare another exhibition, after 5 years from then, to remember him as he deserves, during his 100th birthday with additional artists to reach 100 to increase it to 100 portraits. We will be pleased with the participation of all artists to share our feelings for this aspect.
• Theme : PORTRAIT of Pioneer artist Abidin Dino
• Exhibition is open for all artists. All the works done by any kind of technic – cartoon, painting, drawing etc.- are accepted. Each artist can participate the exhibition with one work only.
• The participation will be by e-mail to be sent to the address oburgaleri@gmail.com together with the info regarding name, surname, city and country of the artist.
• Works will be at least A4 ( 21×29,7 cm.) size to be scanned at 300 dpi resolution.
• Of the participating works, best 10 of them will be awarded Diplomas by the exhibition jury
Exhibition jury consists of:
Tan Oral (Cartoonist – Taraf newspaper)
Eray Özbek (Director of the Museum of Joy and Cartoon- Cartoonist)
Nezih Danyal (Founder and the president of The Cartoon Foundation- Cartoonist)
Kamil Masaracý (Cartoonist – Cumhuriyet newspaper)
Erdoðan Karayel (DQ Humor Magazine- Executive Editor)
Halil Ý.Yýldýrým (Cartoonist)
Emre Yýlmaz (Obur Mizah Cartoon Magazine- Editor in chief / Cartoonist)
• The exhibition is limited to a total of 100 works.
• The participants are asked to send their works latest Sept 15th. 2013
• The exhibition will be opened in Istanbul on Dec 7th. 2013.
• "Obur Mizah" will be authorised to use the works in books, posters, brochures, also in promotional and media announcements related to "the exhibition" only.
The exhibition prepared in 2008 can be viewed at the link : http://www.oburmizah.com/oburmizah/abidin.html
ABIDIN DINO (1913-1993)
He was born in Istanbul in 1913. His interest in art had started by reading cartoon books. Two of his four brothers, Arif and Ali, was doing paintings and cartoons. He spent major part of his childhood in Switzerland and France. After returning back to Istanbul, as a result of his passion for art he quit his education in intermediate school and took his first steps towards the world of art. When he was only 18, his drawings were published in the "Artist" magazine and he pictured the book "The city that lost its voice" written by Nazým Hikmet. When only 20 years old, he established with 5 of his friends the "D group" which originated a revolution in the understanding of art in Turkey. Later, he spent 3 years in Russia where he went to work in the film studio of Sergey Yutgevich. After Russia, he traveled to Paris and met Picasso through a friend. Picasso, in order to support Dino, enabled him to work in his ceramic workshop; thus the friendship of two lasted long years. Dino returned to Turkey and married to Güzin Dino in 1943. Not being able to stand the oppression of the regime, he first moved to Rome and later went to Paris where he was going to live until his death. He made friendship in Paris with the world known artists like Picasso, Chagall, Aragon, Tzara and Topor. He prepared exhibitions in many important cities and art centers of the world. During his artsitic life, he accomplished countless works in painting, cartooning, drawing, book picturing, ceramic and sculpture. He passed away as a world known artist in Paris at the age of 80 in 1993.
Translation: Recep BAYRAMOÐLU