The International Cartoon Festival “SMILEANAPA”.

The International Cartoon Festival "SMILEANAPA".

Administration of the city-resort Anapa and archaeological museum-reserve "Georgippy" announces about realization of the international Cartoon Festival "SMILEANAPA".

Festival ""SMILEANAPA" will take place in the city-resort Anapa from August 20 till September 20, 2007.


The first premium – 20000 rub. and " Gold keg " (20 liters of elite anapas wine).
The second premium – 15000 rub. and " Silver keg " (15 liters of elite anapas wine).
The third premium – 10000 rub. and " Bronze keg " (10 liters of elite anapas wine).
There are also five special prizes from the organizers and sponsors of the festival.

THE REQUIREMENTS TO WORK: Only the original pieces of designed for any engineering and manner of performance are supposed to participate the competitive program of the festival.
QUANTITY OF PIECES OF: is not limited.
Deadline for entries: July 31, 2007.
All sent caricatures will not be returned and can be used by the organizers in the advertising purposes. According to the jury the best works and spectators will be included in the catalogue of the festival and will make an exposition of the Museum of caricature.

General post-office, box 14,
Krasnodarsky region,
RUSSIA 353440


ANAPA -is the best resort on the Russian coast of the Black sea. The unique combination of the ecologically pure sea, perfect beaches and natural reserves promotes perfect improving rest. resting at the sea is always new impressions, acquaintance and adventure. The Rest at the sea includes beach games and entertainments, windsurfing and diving, romantic meetings and good mood!

GEORGIPPY is an archaeological museum – reserve, created in a place of excavation of ancient city, which excited about 2500 back. Till nowadays archaeologists find the certificates of antique culture: amphora, ornament and statuette of the gods in territory of the modern Anapa. It is possible to see subjects of crafts, sarcophaguses and ancient frescos devoted to feats of Hercules in the museum.

TEMA VAKFI-Doga ve Insan Karikatür Yarismasi

Doğa ve İnsan Karikatür Yarışması

2007 Yılı Konusu: Küresel İklim Değişimi ve Dünyamız.

Son 10 – 15 yıl içinde insanlığın temel ekolojik sorunlarına bir yenisi eklenmiştir. Bunun adı,  “Küresel Isınma ve Küresel İklim Değişimi”dir. Bu olayın önemi; “yeni bir atmosferik tehlike”, “artık dünyanın ateşi yükseliyor” gibi ifadelerle vurgulanmaktadır. İnsan etkisinden kaynaklanan ve “yapay iklim değişimi” olarak da nitelenen bu sürecin, tüm canlılar ve cansız çevre için potansiyel tehlikelerle dolu olduğuna ve bu değişimin artık geriye çevrilemeyeceğine inanılmaktadır. Yapay iklim değişiminin, milyonlarca yıldan beri jeolojik devirlerde cereyan eden doğal iklim değişiminden tamamen farklı olduğu, bu nedenle bütün ülkelerin endişeyle üzerinde durduğu bildirilmekte ve bu farklılıklar şu şekilde açıklanmaktadır:
 a. Yapay iklim değişimi, insanların çeşitli aktivitelerinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu zararlı aktiviteler artan hızla devam ettiğinden, bu gelişimin potansiyel tehlikeler doğuracağına kesin gözüyle bakılmaktadır.
b. Jeolojik çağlarda meydana gelen iklim değişimi çok uzun zaman dönemlerinde (binlerce, hatta milyonlarca yıl) cereyan etmiştir. Oysa, yapay iklim değişimi 15 – 20 yıl gibi göreli olarak çok kısa zaman periyodu içinde ortaya çıkmıştır. Bilim insanları bu konuda şu bilgileri vermektedirler:
Özel yöntemlerle belirlenen uzak geçmişteki sıcaklıklarla, son 10 – 15 yılın (özellikle 1988 – 2002 yılları arası) belirlenen hava sıcaklıkları karşılaştırıldıklarında, son yıllardaki hava sıcaklığının şimdiye kadar 600 yıl içinde yaşanan sıcaklıkların en yükseği olduğu anlaşılmıştır.
c. Küresel ısınmayı, jeolojik devirlerdeki ısınma veya soğuma gibi iklim değişiminden ayıran en önemli özelliklerden başka birisi de, bu değişimin bölgesel olmayıp, küresel olmasıdır. Gerçekten, hem kuzey, hem de güney kutbunda buzulların eşzamanlı olarak erimesi, ayni sürecin birçok ana karalardaki yüksek dağlarda cereyan etmesi küresel ısınmanın en belirgin kanıtıdır.

Küresel ısınma ve buna bağlı olarak meydana gelen iklim değişimi sürecinin yaratacağı veya yaratmış olduğu ekonomik, ekolojik ve sosyolojik sonuçlar, dünyanın her yerinde henüz tam anlamıyla yaşanmamıştır. O nedenle, bu sürecin potansiyel tehlikeleri tam anlamıyla kavranılamamıştır. Ancak, bilim insanları yapmış oldukları araştırmalarda, insanların bu tehlikelerle er geç karşılaşacağını ve bunların yaratacağı sonuçların neler olabileceğini bilimsel verilere dayanarak açıklamaktadırlar. Bunlara ait bazı somut örnekler aşağıda verilmiştir:
a. Sıcaklıklar artınca, büyük su yüzeylerinden (deniz, göl, baraj, akarsu vb) buharlaşma artacak, toprak kuruyacaktır. Bunun sonucunda bölgesel olarak iklim değişecek, tarımsal ürünler ve ormanlar zarar görecektir.
b. Buzullar eriyecek, bunun sonucunda göller, denizler ve akarsularda su düzeyi yükselecek, kıyı bölgeleri sular altında kalacaktır, sel afetleri yaşanacak ve toplumsal göçler başlayacaktır.
c. Dengesiz küresel ısınmalar hem sayı hem de şiddet bakımından son derece zararlı kasırgalar yaratacaktır.
d. Küresel ısınma ile Sibirya ve Kanada’daki buzlu tundra toprakları çözünecek ve bataklık haline gelecektir. Buralarda bol miktarda bataklık gazı (metan) oluşarak atmosfere karışacak, artan sera gazları nedeniyle küresel ısınma daha da artacak ve böylece kısır döngüye girilmiş olunacaktır
Örnekler daha da arttırılabilir. Ancak bu sınırlı sayıdaki örnekler bile, insanlığın karşı karşıya bulunduğu ekolojik tehlike potansiyelinin ne kadar büyük olduğunu göstermektedir
Karikatürcüler Derneği, TEMA Vakfı ve Cartoon Yayıncılık insanların bu tehlikelerle er geç karşılaşacağını ve bunların yaratacağı sonuçların neler olabileceğini karikatürlerle anlatarak, onları daha fazla düşünmeye yönlendirmek, bu sürecin en azından şimdiden yavaşlatılması için toplumda tutum ve davranış değişikliği  oluşmasını sağlamak amacıyla bu yarışmayı düzenlemiş bulunmaktadır.
• KONU : Doğa Ve İnsan
• Yarışma karikatürleri yalnızca internetten gönderilecektir.
• Yarışma amatör, profesyonel tüm çizerlere açıktır.
• Karikatür yayımlanmış veya ödül almış olabilir. Teknik serbesttir. Renkli veya siyah beyaz olabilir. Boyutları A4 (21×29.7)
• Ödüller: Her ayın sonunda o ayın “En İyi 3” karikatürü seçilecek ve adlarına 20’şer adet  fidan TEKİRDAĞ Hatıra Ormanı’nda dikilecektir. Dikim bölgesine tanıtıcı bir levha dikilecektir.
• Yarışmaya gönderilen eserler Karikatürcüler Derneği, TEMA Vakfı ve Cartoon Yayıncılık yayınlarında, internet sitelerinde sergilenecektir.
• Yıl sonunda ödül alanlar ve seçici kurulun belirleyeceği eserler bir CD’de toplanacak, eser sahiplerine ücretsiz gönderilecektir.
• Yarışma karikatürleri ödül alsın veya almasın 5846 Sayılı Yasa’dan kaynaklanan çoğaltma, yayma, temsil, umuma iletim hakklarını bedelsiz olarak (yarışmanın tanıtım duyuru sergilerinde kitap, dergi, afiş, poster, kartpostal baskıları yapılabilecektir.) Karikatürcüler Derneği, TEMA Vakfı ve Cartoon Yayıncılık’a bırakmıştır.
• Bu amaçların dışında ve üçüncü şahısların kullanılması durumunda ise eser sahibinden izin alınacaktır.
• Yarışmada ödül alan eser sahipleri, TEMA Vakfı İktisadi İşletmesine gelir elde etmek amacıyla kullanım hakkını da verdiğini kabul etmiş sayılır
• Eserlerin kullanım hakları Türkiye sınırları içindir.
• Sergi: “Erozyon”, “Orman ve Çölleşme” karikatürleri ve bu yarışmanını karikatürleri ile 05 Haziran  2007 tarihinde İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Karikatür ve Mizah Müzesi’nde yapılacaktır.
• Yarışmaya katılan sanatçılar katılım koşullarının tümünü kabul etmiş sayılacaklardır.

Bu yarışma Karikatürcüler Derneği, TEMA Vakfı ve Cartoon Yayıncılık tarafından organize edilmektedir.

Ödül Töreni: ?
Gönderme Adresi: e-mail ile
Jüri Değerlendirmesi:

Organizasyon Genel Sorumlusu: Muhittin Köroğlu
Seçici Kurul:
Karikatürcüler Derneği Temsilcileri
TEMA Vakfı Temsilcileri
Cartoon Yayıncılık Temsilcileri

The 2nd International Cartoon Contest -Funny Hi-Tech in Art-


The 2nd International Cartoon Contest
-Funny Hi-Tech in Art-

Prestigio starts series of artistic contests in 2007 with cartoon contest. Contest will be open to cartoonists from around the globe, from all backgrounds, ages and levels of experience The 2nd International Cartoon Contest is opened with theme �Funny Hi-Tech in Art�. Smile opens doors and hearts. If you can see funny in everyday life, your world is full with warmth and colors. Prestigio offers you to show computer world in the light of fun. But the main rule is contest�s cartoon have to be drawn in high artistic level that can be determined as ART. Contest is opened for people from all countries and all ages.  


  • Contest term: 19 February � 1 April, 2007

  • Submission deadline: 24 March

  • Voting via website: 25 � 29 March

  • Announcement of the results: 1 April

Any author can submit either a digital or a print version of the artwork.

Digital Artwork Submission

  • Sign in as author or enter to site with login and password that you mentioned in registration form

  • If you log in you have to see member menu:
    In �My works� you can mange your artworks:
    Download new work:
    Press button �Upload work to contest�. Add information and work. The button upload is available only if you accept with rules and Copyright Release.

    Deleting Photo
    If you want to delete photo, press to photo preview and after that press button delete.

    Profile changing
    In profile you can change information about you. After changes, press save profile

Print Artwork Submission
Any author can submit the artwork by regular mail
to one of the following Contest Entry Centres:

Prestigio Europe, spol. s r.o.

Tichonick� 29
104 00 Praha 22 – Uhř�něves
Czech Republic

Attn: Ms. Simona Blumentritova

Prestigio Russia
Business-centre "Vereyskaya Plaza"
Office 8, building 134a, 29 Vereyskaya Str.
121357 Moscow, Russia

Attn: Mrs. Tatiana Lazutina

Prestigio Technologies Cyprus
Diamond Court, 43 Kolonakiou Str.
Ayios Athanasios, 4103 Lemesos
P.O.Box 50231, 3602 Lemesos

Attn: Mr. Slavi Slavchev

Entry Requirements
The Jury will only accept completed original graphic products matching the definition of Cartoon, as well as meeting the purposes and goals of the Contest, its theme and priorities. The artworks submitted to the Contest should be executed on a high artistic and technological level.

The print version of the artwork must be executed on an A3 sheet of paper (420 x 297 mm). The author must enclose the signed Copyright Release which are available for download at the Contest website The artworks which are not accompanied by the signed Copyright Release will not be accepted. All artworks must arrive at Contest Entry Centres no later than 26 March, 2007. The Organizers cannot be hold liable for any damage or loss of entries incurred during the delivery. The submitted artworks will not be returned to authors.

When submitting the entry via email, the authors must attach a scanned copy of the signed Copyright Release which is available for download at the Contest website The artworks which are not accompanied by the signed Copyright Release will not be accepted. The artworks must be presented in one of the following formats: jpg/gif/tif with resolution of no less than 300dpi and having the size of no more than 2MB.

The following types of cartoons will not be accepted for participation in the Contest:

  • materials of erotic and/or pornographic nature;

  • artworks executed (or published) with infringement of third party copyrights, or of other current legislation.

The Contestants who have been exposed of plagiarism or use of other person's ideas, shall be permanently disqualified and shall not be allowed to further participate in the Contest.

for more informations:

27th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest

27th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest

a) The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world.
b) The cartoonists are free to participate with already published works as long as these works have not previously been awarded in any other contest.
c) The theme of the cartoons is free for the participants to decide.
d) The participants may send only one work.
e) The dimensions of works should not exceed 30 x 40 cm and only originals are accepted.
f) Name, surname, address, phone number and country of origin of the participant should be written on the back of his/her work. And also a short CV of the participant should be attached.
g) The works must reach the organizing association not later than  16th July  2007.
h) The results will be announced on 1st August 2007.
i) The participating cartoons will be kept at the Cartoon and Humour Museum of Istanbul by the Association of Cartoonists.
j) The participating cartoons will be put into album. The cartoons for the album and the exhibition will be selected by a jury. An album will be sent to the cartoonists whose piece of work are exhibited and published in the album.
k) The participating works will be exhibited first in Istanbul then the big cities of Turkey such as Ankara, İzmir, Adana and Antalya.
l) Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions. 
The Prizes
a) Grand Prize: 3.000 $
b) Honour Prizes: 4 Honour Prizes, each 750 $
Special Prizes: Special Prizes offered by various establishments, associations, newspapers, art magazines, syndicates and agencies
Special Prizes of the Association of Cartoonists
27th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest
Karikat�rc�ler Derneği, Alemdar Caddesi,
Yerebatan Sarnıcı �ıkışı Sultanahmet 34122 İstanbul / TURKEY

Tel: +90 (212) 513 60 61
Tel: +90 (212) 519 90 21
Fax: +90 (212) 527 26 18

The Novye Izvestiya International Cartoon Contest

The Novye Izvestiya International Cartoon Contest

To celebrate its tenth anniversary the national daily newspaper �Novye Izvestiya� is announcing a new international cartoon contest.

Contest rules and regulations:

– The theme of the contest is �We don�t see the world in black and white.�
(This slogan is a longstanding motto of our newspaper)
– Everybody can participate in the contest.
– Originals and high quality copies are accepted.
– Any technique is accepted including the digital art.
– The size should not exceed A3 format (297×420 mm.)
– Published works, works exhibited before, and award-winning works are accepted. However the jury will give preference to new works.
– Submissions by e-mail are not accepted.
The deadline is September 1st 2007.
– Entries should be addressed to:
�Novye Izvestiya�,
33 Elektrozavodskaya st.,
Moscow, 107076, Russia


– Grand Prize � 3000 US Dollars
– Three equal Prizes � 500 US Dollars each
– Ten Honorary Diplomas
Prizes are subject to tax withholding in accordance with RF laws.

The catalog with 100 best works will be printed after the selection is complete.
The exhibition will be held in the �Novye Izvestiya� editorial office and in the Central House of Artist in November of 2007.

Jury chairman – Mikhail Zlatkovsky, President of Russian Cartoonists� Union, Vice-President of FECO (Federation of Cartoonists� Organisations), the Novye Izvestiya political commentator-artist.

The Contest Organizers reserve to themselves the right to use the works without any compensation. The entries will not be returned.
 Web site:

The First International Cartoon Contest of Cheval Blanc

Themes: Firemen

1 – Each cartoonist can submit a max of (3) original works (black & white or colored). Works made by computer, or photocopies will be accepted;
2 – Size: strictly A4 (21X 29.7)
3 – Deadline: November 1st, 2007
4 – On the back of each work the following information should appear:
First name – surname – address – tel & fax – e-mail �
5 – The works will be displayed at Infos-Matin website:
or may be used for promotional purposes; cards, posters, newspapers, catalogs, books, etc. Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions and are aware that their submitted works may be reprinted and used without permission.
6 – All the cartoonists whose works will be selected for the exhibition will receive a catalogue
7 – The jury will not reward the cartoons submitted to other festivals. The prize winners will be informed by mail. And the results will be declared on November 2007
8 – Frequency: Annual
Golden prize������.150 Euros
Silver prize������ 100 Euros
Bronze prize�����. 50 Euros
And 20 selected works will be awarded.( Album)
10 – By submitting the works, the author accepts the rules and regulations of the Contest and the decisions of the Jury.


All works should be sent to:
Y Delpech ,
17 voie ancienne poste
 30400 Villeneuve les Avignon

National Liberty Museum’s 2007 CARETOON CONTEST

Entry Details

What is a �Caretoon�:
It is an original cartoon that reflects a positive theme. The theme for 2007 is Anti-Violence.

Who should enter:
The Caretoon Contest is open to anyone interested in participating.
All ages and levels of artistic ability are invited to submit an entry(ies).

Deadline for entries: December 31, 2007

Entries will be judged in two categories: Adults (age 18 or older) and Students (under age 18)
Caretoons will be judged by a panel of professional cartoonists, educators, Museum staff and others.
Entries will be judged on creativity, originality and message. All judges� decisions are final.

A $1000. prize will be awarded in each of the two categories.

How to create a Caretoon:
A Caretoon must be your original creation.
Caretoons featuring copyrighted or pre-designed clip art or other images are not acceptable.
You can create your Caretoon freehand or electronically.
Caretoons may be created in black & white or in color.
Caretoons must include a graphic; text is optional.
Each Caretoon must be presented on a separate 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper.
Caretoons may be any size provided they fit on an 8.5 x 11 sheet.

How to enter the contest:
There are no entry fees; no purchases of any kind are required.
Print out and complete a Caretoon entry form from
There is no limit to the number of Caretoons you may submit.
Print your name on every Caretoon exactly how it appears on your entry form.
If you are submitting your Caretooon(s) via email, attach your entry form
and each Caretoon in jpeg format: must be 300 dpi; no larger than 8.5 x 11.

How to submit your entry:
Caretoons may be submitted by mail, in-person, or by email.
Mail to: Caretoon Contest, National Liberty Museum, 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19106
In Person: Bring your Caretoon & Entry Form to the Museum. Hours are 10am-5pm, Tuesday �Sunday.
The Museum is open 7-days a week during the summer months. You will receive FREE admission if you bring an original Caretoon. Note: Free admission does not apply to guided group tours.

Usage rights:
Caretoons will not be returned to their creator. The Museum reserves the right to display and/or publish any and all Caretoon entries. The creator will be credited for the work wherever his or her Caretoon appears. All entrants receive free membership to the National Liberty Museum and copies of any publication in which their Caretoon appears.
Located just steps away from
the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall at 321 Chestnut Street,
 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Ph: 215-925-2800 Fax: 215-925-3800

Entry form

Who should enter:
The Caretoon Contest is open to anyone interested in participating.
All ages and levels of artistic ability are invited to submit an entry(ies).

Deadline for entries: December 31, 2007

Entries will be judged in two categories: Adults (age 18 or older) and Students (under age 18)
Caretoons will be judged by a panel of professional cartoonists, educators, Museum staff and others.
Entries will be judged on creativity, originality and message. All judges� decisions are final.

A $1000. prize will be awarded in each of the two categories.

How to create a Caretoon:
A Caretoon must be your original creation.
Caretoons featuring copyrighted or pre-designed clip art or other images are not acceptable.
You can create your Caretoon freehand or electronically.
Caretoons may be created in black & white or in color.
Caretoons must include a graphic; text is optional.
Each Caretoon must be presented on a separate 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper.
Caretoons may be any size provided they fit on an 8.5 x 11 sheet.

How to enter the contest:
There are no entry fees; no purchases of any kind are required.
Print out and complete a Caretoon entry form from
There is no limit to the number of Caretoons you may submit.
Print your name on every Caretoon exactly how it appears on your entry form.
If you are submitting your Caretooon(s) via email, attach your entry form
and each Caretoon in jpeg format: must be 300 dpi; no larger than 8.5 x 11.

How to submit your entry:
Caretoons may be submitted by mail, in-person, or by email.
Mail to: Caretoon Contest, National Liberty Museum, 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19106
In Person: Bring your Caretoon & Entry Form to the Museum. Hours are 10am-5pm, Tuesday �Sunday.
The Museum is open 7-days a week during the summer months. You will receive FREE admission if you bring an original Caretoon. Note: Free admission does not apply to guided group tours.

Usage rights:
Caretoons will not be returned to their creator. The Museum reserves the right to display and/or publish any and all Caretoon entries. The creator will be credited for the work wherever his or her Caretoon appears. All entrants receive free membership to the National Liberty Museum and copies of any publication in which their Caretoon appears.
Located just steps away from
the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall at 321 Chestnut Street,
 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Ph: 215-925-2800 Fax: 215-925-3800

Entry form


1.Gogol's World in the cartoons (characters, ethnics, mystics, black humor etc.)
2.Free theme
1.Each participant is requested to submit the original cartoons created in different textures. The cartoons may be in colour or in black and white, may have the formats 297×420 (A3) or 210×297 (A4).

The deadline for entries is March 28th 2007.
2.It is requested to point out the personal data of the artist (forename, surname, home address, contact phone number, e-mail) on the back of each cartoon.
3.The participants will take the necessary measures to avoid damage during the forwarding.
4.The cartoons will be left up to the organizers and may be returned to the artists upon their request.
5.The organizers hold the right to publish and use the cartoons sent to the competition without their authors' permission.
6.Cartoons' evaluation is carried out with secret voting according to three criteria: cartoon's conformity to the theme of the competition, style, humour.
1.Nomination “Gogol’s world” -first prize “Golden Nose”, $ 500 USD
2.Nomination “Free theme” –
I st place – $ 300 USD
II nd place – $ 200 USD
III d place – $ 100 USD
Send the works at the address of organizer
Chapaeva st; 30; Poltava, 36039, Ukraine
With the mark “Cartoon Competition”
Tel.: +38(0532) 56-11-34, 50-90-77, 50-94-07




The First International Cartoon Contest of Cheval Blanc (FRANCE 2007 )

Dear Cartoonist: The Festival off Cheval Blanc,The site Infos-Matin and the town of Cheval Blanc
invit you to participate in
The First International Cartoon Contest of Cheval Blanc (FRANCE 2007)

Theme: Firemen.

1- Each cartoonist can submit a max of (3) original works (black & white or colored). Works made by computer, or photocopies will be accepted;
2- Size: strictly A4 (21X 29.7)

3- Deadline: 01/11/2007
4- On the back of each work the following information should appear:
First name – surname – address – tel & fax – e-mail –
5-The works will be displayed at Infos-Matin website:
or may be used for promotional purposes; cards, posters, newspapers, catalogs, books, etc. Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions and are aware that their submitted works may be reprinted and used without permission.
6 – All the cartoonists whose works will be selected for the exhibition will receive a catalogue
7 – The jury will not reward the cartoons submitted to other festivals. The prize winners will be informed by mail. And the results will be declared On (November 2007),
8- Frequency: Annual
Golden prize……………….150 Euros
Silver prize……………… 100 Euros
Bronze prize……………. 50Euros
And 20 selected works will be awarded.( Album)
10- By submitting the works, the author accepts the rules and regulations of the Contest and the decisions of the Jury.

All works should be sent to:
Y Delpech , 17 voie ancienne poste 30400 Villeneuve les Avignon  – France

6th annual open competition of graphic humour – Czech

In co-operation with the Czech Cartoonists’ Union
ABF announces the 6th annual open competition of graphic humour- Czech
(Joke for FOR)
Rules for competitors:
1. Participation conditions
The organisers will announce the competition by publishing the conditions for participation in periodicals and distributing them to selected artists in the Czech Republic and abroad. The competition is open to all who realise the following conditions. By sending in their pictures, each competitor accepts the rules of competition.
2. Content and technical conditions
Theme: “The brick can not be replaced”
(The competition is the part of the 18th International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH 2007)
Number of pictures: maximum of 4
Format: minimum A4 – maximum A3
Signatures: All pictures must be signed by the author on the front side and the author’s name, address and e-mail address must be written on the back side.
Notice: a) the original piece only
b) the graphical techniques must be signed by an author on the front page and marked by
the specification of number of prints and the serial number of an entered exemplar
c) the competition works can not be awarded on the other international competition in the past.

3. Valid regulation
– 40 pictures will be chosen for the competition and exhibition; an international jury will select the prize-winning entries.
– Each of the authors of the pictures selected for inclusion in this year’s collection to be displayed at a biennial exhibition will obtain a catalogue.
– The competitors agree that their work could be used for publicity and promotion in materials promoting the competition, or could appear in the media for the purpose of promoting the event or presenting the results and the authors.
– The competitors agree that the sponsors and advertisers of the competition have privilege options to use works selected by them for their own presentations or promotions at the author’s regular fee, and the right to contact selected authors for further co-operation.
– The prize-winning works and the final collection of a maximum of 40 works will become the property of the organisers. Unselected work will be returned to the authors if the envelope with address and stamp is enclosed.
4. Prizes and awards (total donation CZK 33 000,- » ca.EUR 1200 )
1st place:FOR-pencil – gold + diploma+10 000 CZK (350 EUR)
2nd place:FOR-pencil – silver +8 000 CZK
3rd place:FOR-pencil – bronze+6 000 CZK
4th place:Honourable FOR-pencil+ 4 000 CZK
5th place:Special FOR-pencil+2 000 CZK
3x honourable mention + 1000 CZK (for Czech authors only)
The author of 1st prize-winning work will be invited to attend the awards ceremony and his expenses for the travel and one night in hotel in Prague will be covered (foreign author – from the borders of Czech Republic to Prague and back).
The glass trophy for the winners will be given to the author only, who attends the ceremony on September 6, 2007, or the persons entrusted by the author.
For the excused authors, there will be delivered diplomas and money by the post.
5. Location of competition
Exhibition hall of ABF, a.s., Vaclavske namesti 29, 111 21 Prague, Czech Republic
Prague Letnany Exhibition Centre, Beranovych 667, 190 00 Prague 18
The exhibited collection will be displayed at other regional exhibition centres in the Czech Republic.
6. Important dates
Date of announcement: 8th February, 2007

Deadline for competition:22th May, 2007
Jury session: 29th May, 2007
Viewing of exhibition in the centre of Prague:6th September, 2007 – 16th September , 2007
Awards ceremony:15th September, 2005
Winning ceremony and the price giving:6th September, 2007
Opening of the exhibition at the trade fair FOR ARCH: 18th September, 2007
7. Jury
The jury will have at least five members. Both, organisers and sponsors, will have their own members in jury. The organiser reserves the right to name the jury and its chairman and secretary. The jury will receive remuneration for serving on the jury. Transportation will be covered for members of jury living outside of Prague. The organiser reserves the right to set the criteria for judging the competing works after consultation with the chairman of the jury. The jury will select 50 of the best works for the final competition and will select the prize-winning works according Point 4 of this statute.

Pictures should be sent to this address:

ABF a. s.,
Vaclavske namesti 29; 111 21 Praha 1,
Czech Republic
tel.: 02 22 89 11 15