International Festival of Cartoons The shadow of Devil (The U.S and Israel)

The aim To Show The Real Charter of The U.S and Israel on International Stage The form of Work : cartoons
1-The Office of The Great Lead in Azad Islamic Universities
2- Azad Islamic University Branch Rasht
3- Guilan Cartoon Society
The topics are based on :
International Organizations wars
Palestine Cultural Invasion
Mono Polarization Fictions

Important points
1. The following points should be taken into consideration:
a. To send the original work that has never been on any exhibitions before
b. To fill out the form of the competition in the website
c. The number of works to send: at most five
d. The size of works: maximum A3 and the minimum A4
e. The method to perform: free technique
f. The dispatched works are not to be sent back and the office of the festival is allowed to use the works for the targets needed ( under exhibition name )

– Deadline: April 9 th
g.The date of exhibition : April 25-30 th
h. The date of the Congress: April 30 th
2. Awards:
a.The first ten winners will be rewarded .
b.The first winner : The Festival Gold Image, the Diploma of Honour and other precious awards
c.The second winner: The Festival Silver Image, the Diploma of Honour and other precious awards
d.The third winner : : The Festival Bronze Image, the Diploma of Honour and other precious awards
e.The Festival Crystal Image , The Diploma of Honour and some other awards will be dedicated to the other winners .
3. The selected people will be entertained as guests during exhibition date.
4. A Diploma of Honour will be given to all participants .
5. All entered works to the exhibition will be published in the form of books and will be available for all participants.
All entered works to the exhibition will be published in the form of books and will be available for all participants .
Address: The central Building of Azad Islamic University
Branch Rasht ,
92 street , Golsar avenue
Rasht , Guilan , Iran
Post code : 41635- 1681
Tel. 0131 7223757 0131 4224374
Fax. 0131 7229060
For further information see the following website :
E- Mail : f_

Entry Form

Caricature and Humorous Literature International Festival – “We Globalise”


 Caricature and Humorous Literature International Festival – "We Globalise"

The Caricature Section
1-The theme of edition: "We Globalise"
2- Only the works that have never been published or awarded prises during other competitions are eligible.
3- All the works will be signed on the reverse side and will include information related to the authors ( address, telephone number and e-mail account)
4- Works' dimensions: A3 or A4
5- Technique: free
6- As part of the patrimony of "Humour …in Gura Humorului" festival, the works will not be returned and the organisers can make use of them in the next editions, only with the name of the author mentioned.
7- The participants are required to fill in the enclosed entry form and send it with their works, including a brief CV and a personal photography or a caricature portrait/ self-portrait, having the minimum sheet dimensions: 6×9 or 710×1065 pixels digital format.
8- Number of works: 3 (three)

9- The deadline term for the paper is 15th, May, 2007 (the post date)
10- The prizewinners will be informed in due time (before 1st, June, 2007) to be present for the prize award festivity held on Sunday, 10th of June, 2007.
Organizers will provide accommodation (full board), but the guests or the organisation/the institution they represent should pay for the transport expenses. Any other persons joining the prizewinners will have to pay all the expenses and inform the organisers to make the necessary arrangements before 3rd, June, 2007.
11-The jury member list will be announced on the website starting with 1st, June,2007.
12- The following prizes will be awarded:
1st Prize 500 Euros
2nd Prize 300 Euros
3rd Prize 200 Euros
The "George Gavrileanu" Prize for the debutants from Bucovina – 200Euros
13-"In kind" registration fee: Each participant should enclose with their works a rough plan of the trophy for "Humour …in Gura Humorului" Caricature and Humorous Literature International Festival. The organisers will create the trophy as a prize for the most valuable project and will award it in the next editions of the festival, having the name of the author mentioned on it.
The address to submit the papers:

1ST International exhibition of nart cartoons

1ST International exhibition of nart cartoons

Ankara Caucasus association

"To enter the villages in the darkness became our usual thing. Russian soldiers were entering the houses one by one under the darkness of the night. This and following scenes were such horror scenes that none of the reporters were courageous enough to report them…" (Count Leo Tolstoy)
"Half of those who left to go to Ottoman Empire died before they reached there. Such a state of wretchedness is rare in the history of the humankind."(Russian I. DZAROV)
“Sailors were acquisitive. They were letting 200-300 people in to the ships that have a capacity of 50-60. The people left with a little bread and water. In 5-6 days these were all consumed and then they caught epidemic illnesses from starvation, they were dying in the way to Ottoman Empire, and those who die were dumped into the sea. The ship that started the trip with 600 people ended up with only 370 people alive…"(French Reporter A. Fonvill)
Such was the 21 May 1864 imprinted on the memory of the Circassian people. Day of victory for the Tsar and his armies, and the day of bitterness, sorrow, exile, disunity and death…
Despite everything, May 21 represents the resistance of the Circassian people for survival. It is resistance, rebellion, and rebirth. It is the struggle of Circassia to survive against all tyrants.
May 21 is the day on which we want to cry out all these bitterness, wars, insane practices which have been imprinted onto our memories to the world.

1- The exhibition is open to all professional and amateur artists all over the world.
2- Each artist can attend the exhibition with three caricatures at most.
3- Cartoons may be in black or colour.
4- Size of the works will be min. A4 max. A3.
5- Cartoons will be sent by their artists taking all the measures to prevent injury. KAFDER will not be responsible for any injuries to the works in the post.
6-Original works, signed copies and digitally created works will be accepted. Requirements for digitally works : min. A4 max. A3, resolution 300 dpi, color mode : RGB, format JPG. Delivery e-mail up to 5 MB per mail.
7- Works will not be returned.
8- KAFDER keeps all rights to publish, exhibit and copyrights of the cartoons attending the contest.
9- Artists will write their name, surname, address, telephone and e-mail on the back of the work.

10- Deadline: 27 April, 2007
e-mail :
ADDRESS: Senyuva mahallesi Kafkas sokagi no: 60 Bestepe/ ANKARA
1- Golden plaque + album
2- Silver plaque + album
3- Bronze plaque + album
4- Honourable mention plaque (three) + album
Deadline: 27 April, 2007
For additional information please visit our website.

10th international festival of graphic humour

10th international festival of graphic humour


The best of me

The festival is open to all professional cartoonist. Works must be presented with the participation form of the author (name, address, country, photograph or caricature of the author).
Dimensions: cm. 20 x cm. 30 – cm 30 x cm 40.
Quantity: no more than two drawings.

1. The authors must indicate behind the drawings if they want to participate to the competition or just require to participate out of the competition.

2. A jury made up of artists, journalists and other professionists will choose the best five drawings participating to the competition. Each of the most voted five drawings will receive:
• First prize: special silver plate “humoris causa”
• Second,third, forth and fifth prize will receive a special plate “humoris causa” of the international festival. The choice of the winning works will be communicated after the last date of presentation of the 10th international festival of graphic humour edition 2007.

3. After the last scrutiny, the festival direction will communicate to the authors the final choices on the festival website:

4. The drawings of the authors that will be chosen for the exhibition will be selected by the cultural association “lo scrigno dell’arte”, by the director of the international festival of graphic humour in accordance with the selection made by the jury. The authors that will be published will receive one copy of the catalogue at the and of the exhibition.

5. Each author is responsible of his own creation so the copyright of the eventual texts, titles and images belong to the creators.

6. All the sent works will not be returned and will be part of the “international festival of graphic humour museum”

7. The festival has no responsibility for any eventual damage during the sending of the works.

8. The festival has the right to expose the works in the exhibitions, to publish them on the catalogue or on any article concerning the festival.

9. The festival web site will keep you updated with news and images about the event.

10. The participation to the event implies the acceptance of all the above-mentioned points.

Date of expiration: may 28th 2007

Date of exhibition opening in preview: june 2007

Itinerant exhibition: july – december 2007

Works must be sent to:

10th Festival internazionale di humor grafico/itinerante
Casella postale 52
00045 – Genzano di Roma
Web site:
Entry form:

Biennale Internazionale dell’Umorismo nell’ Arte


24° Biennale Internazionale dell'Umorismo nell'Arte 2007
"Che fine ha fatto il maschio?"
"Where has the macho gone off to?"

7 luglio – 21 ottobre 2007
Tolentino (MC) – Italia

Direttore Artistico
Lorenzo Marini

Comune di Tolentino

tel. (+39)0733-901365/326 (+39)0733-969797
fax (+39)0733-966535

Regolamento / Regulations

Concorso: aperto a tutti gli artisti
Tema: CHE FINE HA FATTO IL MASCHIO? (Troppa mamma, troppa famiglia, troppo lavoro,…)
Entrate: max. 3 opere. Le opere (in ogni forma d'arte visiva) devono essere in originale, inedite e accompagnate dalla scheda di partecipazione, biografia dell'autore, disponibilità e prezzo di vendità dell'opera
Formato: libero
Tecnica: libera
Scadenza: 14 Aprile 2007
Premi: 1° Premio Vincitore della Biennale – Premio Internazionale "Città di Tolentino" + 5.000 €uro e mostra personale nella Biennale 2009; 2° Premio – 3.000 €uro; 3° Premio – 1.500 €uro; Premio Speciale Sezione fotografia – 4.000 €uro; Premio alla Carriera "Cesare Marcorelli"; Premio Accademia dell'Umorismo "Luigi Mari"; Premi Speciali
Esposizione: 7 Luglio – 21 Ottobre 2007
Catalogo: copia ad ogni autore selezionato
Vendita: l'Organizzazione provvederà a segnalare per le opere selezionate – escluse quelle premiate e quelle donate al "Museo Internazionale della Caricatura e dell'Umorismo" – la fascia di vendita scelta dall'autore tra le 3 previste (500 – 1.000 – 1.500 €uro). Il 20% del ricavato andrà all'Organizzazione.
Nota: le opere selezionate – eccetto quelle premiate e quelle espressamente donate che entreranno a far parte del "Museo Internazionale della Caricatura e dell'Umorismo" di Tolentino – saranno restituite. Le opere non selezionate saranno restituite solo su richiesta dell'autore.
Le opere dovranno essere inviate a:
Segreteria della
Piazza della Libertà, 3

Per ulteriori informazioni:

Scarica il bando completo di partecipazione in formato pdf
Download the complete regulations in pdf format

Italiano / Italian

Inglese / English

Francese / French

Tedesco / German

Spagnolo / Spanish

Giapponese / Japanese

Cinese / Chinese

Arabo / Arabic

Giuria / Jury 2007

Lorenzo Marini, Direttore Artistico della Biennale
Nick Anderson, Premio Pulitzer Editorial Cartooning 2005
Ferdinando Scianna, fotografo
Gianni Brunoro, giornalista
Davide Riondino, attore e chansonnier
Dario Vergassola, attore

Umoristi a Marostica 2007


C O N C O R S O     2 0 0 7
 English Version  English

Umoristi a Marostica
Concorso: aperto a tutti i cartoonists
Entrate: max. 3 opere. Le opere devono essere in originale, senza parole ed accompagnate dalla scheda di partecipazione e biografia dell'autore
Formato: libero
Tecnica: libera
Scadenza: 31 Marzo 2007
Premi: "Gran Premio Internazionale Scacchiera" per ciascuna sezione
Inaugurazione e Premiazione: Settembre 2007
Esposizione: Settembre 2007
Catalogo: copia ad ogni autore partecipante (da allegare 7,00 €uro per spese postali)
Nota: le opere non saranno restituite ed entreranno a far parte del "Museo di Umoristi a Marostica"
Le opere dovranno essere inviate a:

Per ulteriori informazioni:
tel/fax: +39-0424-72150

pdf Scarica il bando completo e la scheda di partecipazione (formato pdf)

Facsimile di scheda di partecipazione

The Third International cartoon contest (SYRIA 2007)

The Third International cartoon contest (SYRIA 2007)

Dear Cartoonist:

Under the auspices of Syrian Ministry of Information, Syria Cartoon website
invites you to participate in

Syria within cartoonists eyes. A:.
B; Free (Humorous)
C: (Caricature ? famous person in our times- Works made by computer or photocopies will be accepted),

1- Each cartoonist can submit a max of (6) original works (black & white or colored). Works made by computer, or photocopies will not be accepted- with exception to section ?C?).
2- Size: strictly A4 (21X 29.7)

3- Deadline: 20/2/2007

4- On the back of each work the following information should appear:
First name – surname – address – tel & fax – e-mail ? theme section& title.

5- (NOTE: entry- form is necessary).

6-The works will be displayed at Syria Cartoon website:
or may be used for promotional purposes; cards, posters, newspapers, catalogs, books, etc. Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions and are aware that their submitted works may be reprinted and used without permission.
7- All entry works must not be submitted as neither folded nor rolling form.
8 – The works will not be returned.

9 – All the cartoonists whose works will be selected for the exhibition will receive a catalogue& certificate.

10 – The jury will not reward the cartoons submitted to other festivals. The prize winners will be informed by mail. And the results will be declared On (March 2007),

11- Frequency: Annual


Golden prize: 25,000 SP & statue, Certificate, Album.
Silver prize: 15,000 SP & statue, Certificate, Album.
Bronze prize :10,000 SP & statue, Certificate, Album.
And all selected works will be awarded. (Certificate, Album)

13- (All awards are subject to necessary adjustment. Please check web bulletin.)

14- By submitting the works, the author accepts the rules and regulations of the Contest and the decisions of the Jury.

15-will occur and take place, including grant will occur and take place, including granting awards for children categorizing awards for children category



All works should be sent to:

The Third International Cartoon Contest (SYRIA 2007)


The international 7-77 Cartoon Competition

The international 7-77 Cartoon Competition

The 13th International Ankara Cartoon Festival is going to be held
between April 20th and 23rd, 2007 during 23rd April Children's Day
activities, which will be celebrated for the 77th time in our country.

The international 7-77 Cartoon Competition will be organized under the
13th International Ankara Cartoon Festival. The aim of the competition
is to make children; whom are going to be the future adults, like
cartooning to contribute the development of sensitivity towards humor and
to enrich their world with the help of cartoons you will draw.

All professional and amateur cartoonists will be welcomed to  join in
by drawing cartoons for children.

Cartoons can be drawn in black-white or colorful using any technique
in either A4 or A3 size.

Cartoonists can join in the competition with an original  cartoon that
can be understood by children. Competitors must write their names,
surnames and addresses on the back of their cartoons.


The deadline for the competition is February 15th, 2007.

 Cartoons should be sent to the  following address:




The sole prize of the competition is the 7-77 PRIZE ($2,000) and the
institutions commemorative plates.

The results of the competition will be announced on April 15th, 2007 in
press and on the web.

The winner of the competition will be invited to Ankara between April
20th  and 23rd, 2007 to be a guest for the activities to be held during
the 13th International Ankara Cartoon Festival and will receive the
award at the opening of the exhibition.

The International 7-77 Cartoon Competition catalogue and the
certificate will be sent to those  competitors whose cartoons were chosen by the
jury and were printed in the catalogue.

Cartoons will not be sent back and all rights will be reserved by the
Cartoon Foundation.

International 7-77 Cartoon Competition exhibition will be opened in
various cities of Turkey and abroad.

For information:


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Cemal Nadir Cartoon Contest is in progress
for 15 years with the attempt of Bursa Rotary Club – Turkey. This contest will be made under the sponsorship of Orhan Holding, Bursa Rotary Club and Cartoonist Federation within the year 2007. By this, it will give opportunity to continue work of
arts to our cultural and social life.
Cemal Nadir Cartoon Contest is commemorating Mr. Cemal Nadir, who is one of the most important characters in Turkish cartoon, for years. Moreover, causes sympathy to cartoon and contributes in presenting Bursa in an international platform.
We will be pleased if you publish our specifications as a courtesy of your association in your web site to announce the contest to professional and amateur cartoonists.
Thank you very much in advance for your attention and contributions.
Best Regards
Contest Committee

ADDRESS: Altıparmak Caddesi Petek İş Hanı Kat:6 Daire:32 Osmangazi / BURSA-TURKEY

Hotel Dilmen 1. Murad caddesi no: 68 16070 ǥkirge / Bursa – TURKEY

CONTACT: Bursa Rotary Club
E-Mail: ,
WEB: http://
TELEPHONE: +90 224 222 72 59
FAX: +90 224 222 72 59
ELIGIBILITY: Open National and International

1. Free
2. Latitude of thought

CATALOG AND CD: To every selected artist
NUMBER OF ENTRIES: Can send up both theme of 3 pieces each
MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS: A4 (210×297) mm.
DEADLINE:. February21 st 2007
EXHIBITION: March 21 st 2007- March 31 st 2007
AWARDS: Cemal Nadir Prize 2000$, Orhan Holding Prize 1000$, Bursa Rotary Club Prize 1000$, and six Honor Mentions 200$ of each. + Honor certificates will be given to finalists
ARTWORKS: Will not be returned. All the rights exhibiting, printing etc. of the works belong to the Executive committee
This Competition is held in collaboration with Bursa Rotary Club, Orhan Holding and Cartoonist Society of Bursa.

Jaka bede International Competition

Jaka bede International


The subject of the competition is a woman, modern and fashionable, joyful and upset one, a wife, mother and a friend but not also a sportswoman, a physician or just the woman… Everybody knows that it is not possible to live without her…

In the competition will take a part drawing, cartoons and other plastic acts made in optional techniques; those original works that have already been exhibited or published but not being rewarded.
1. Competition will be carried in two categories: DRAWING and SATIRE. The author qualifies his work for the chosen category by himself.
2. Format of work – max A3, amount of work – up to 2 works in each category
3. Entrants are responsible for ensuring the correct postage.
4. Entries must arrive at the address below by not later that 25.02.2007 /deadline/
Miroslaw Krzyskow
ul. Powstancow Warszawy 10/1
11-400 Ketrzyn
Poland (with additional note: Konkurs)
5. The reverse side of the cartoon and / or drawing should bear the surname, forename and address of the entrant in Latin block letters.
6. A short biographic note and some personal details (the surname, forename, address, mobile phone number, e-mail address) should be added.
7. The condition of returning of sent entries is handing down for the Gallery one selected by the author work.
8. Rewarded works will belong to the organizers.
9. Sending plastic works is synonymous with author's agreement for the regulations of the competition.

1. Entries will be appreciated by the jury selected by organisers among friendly artists and satirists.
(Tomasz Woloszyn (2001), Krzysztof Tobola(2002), Dorota Chwalek(2003) Andreas Malecki – Niemcy (2003) Daniel Strzelczyk (2005) Slawomir Luczynski (2006) Miroslaw Krzykow – organizator)
Never work of jurors subjected estimate and they are exposed (set out) beyond competition.
2. Prizes will be appropriate, unexpected and original.
3. Awards are handed in during the opening ceremony of the exhibition "Jaka bede…" or during the summer /plener/ in Jedwabno organized specially for laureates of the competition. On special request of a laureate his award can be sent by mail.

Privileges of the entrants
1. Authors of selected for the exhibition entries will get a gratuitous catalogue.
2. The decision of the festival is predicted to be announced on 10 March 2007 at 17 o'clock
3. The participating in the competition is free of charge.
If you need more details please contact: