Call 4 international competition of caricature and graphic humor – NOTICARTUN COLOMBIA – 2018

Call 4 international competition of caricature and graphic humor – NOTICARTUN COLOMBIA – 2018 "Homage to Consuelo Lago" and woman 

4 International contest  
caricature and graphic humor 
"Homage to Consuelo Lago"  

NOTICIAS DE CARTOON COLOMBIA , is pleased to present you all the convening of the fourth edition of NOTICARTÚNCOLOMBIA , this time paying homage to the Colombian cartoon in the person of the teacher Consuelo Lago, figurehead of the contribution of women in this field Colombian graphic and to top this edition homage extends to the whole concept of woman. Also very pleased to tell you that this time we are supported by two events: Muestra de Comic Sin Fronteras of Pereira and Calicomix.



Born in Cali (Colombia), she studied painting at the School of Fine Arts in Cali and in the Politècnic School of Arts, London, England He participated in various international exhibitions such as in USA and Puerto Rico. In 1968 he created his character "Black Snow" published in newspapers like the Country and the spectator character that has also participated in various exhibitions and shows in the country. His work has remained as an example for generations of women to believe the caricature of opinion. In 1982, he won the "Journalist of the Year" award by the circle of journalists from Cali and the following year figure as the winner of Simon Bolivar in caricature

         1)  Open to all professional cartooniststhe world, preferably older (18 years). Deadline: August 5 this year.
2) There will be 2 categories Humor and Cartoon Graphic physiognomy 
A .:  physiognomic caricatures of  CONSUELO LAGO  (no pictures).
Images and information

B. Graphic Humor:  Female
3) AWARD: 
– Cartoon
1, 2, 3 Rank (+  3 Honorable Mentions): Diploma internet event.  
Graphic humour
1, 2, 3 Rank (+  3 Honorable Mentions): Diploma internet event.

"Recognition Cartoon and Graphic Humor Noticartun Colombia" (Diploma Printed)
In addition , a virtual catalog will be designed to house  NEWS CARTOON COLOMBIA 
4) Each participant can present in the event a maximum of 1 work subject but can only be awarded in a category and can participate with cartoons in black and white or color.
5) On the  JURY :
Forming caricaturists and cartoonists renowned professionals. They may participate with works but only by way of cooperation and not for awards. Soon their names)  and  may not be taken into account in awarding jobs or people with relatives who have work commitments now, if necessary. 
6) The cartoons will have a maximum dimension of 30 x 40 cms. JPG, 300 dpi. 
7) You can participate with cartoons that have already been published or rewarded previously. Selected works will be online so that if given case someone has a complaint about the originality of the work, the jury and Cartoon News Colombia, select a new job.
8) All drawings submitted must be made from original ideas, either analog (scanned) or digital, no photographs, scanned photocopies, photomontages, etc. will be accepted
9) Participants must send a brief CV in Word, contact details (name, email, web or blog and country of origin of the participant) and a photograph or caricature . 
10) Each author owns rights on their work and only authorizes  NEWS CARTOON COLOMBIA   to expose in this tribute online, without any financial compensation for the parties. Any problems with copyright shall be borne by the participant
11)  NEWS CARTOON COLOMBIA reserves the right to display works that understands they can attempt against individual or collective rights.
12) Participation in the contest implies full and unreserved acceptance of these conditions.
 13) Entries must be sent to: 

Noticartún Competition Director: 
Camilo A. C. Triana  "TRIANA"
Deputy Director Noticartún Competition:
Juan Camilo Lopera Arroyave  "JÚCALO"

Competition history Noticartún Colombia:

How to link the Competition?

2nd International Cartoon Contest 2018 Cittaslow Seferihisar, Turkey

2nd International Cartoon Contest 2018 Cittaslow Seferihisar, Turkey


SUBJECT:  globalize AmAdIklArImIzdAn YOU?

The contest is open to all cartoonists. 
The cartoons sent to the contest may have been published before. But he should have been awarded in another competition. 
Techniques are free. Draws can join up to 5 work from the competition. According to the original or printing 300 dpi it can be accepted by e-mail including the jpg format. Sent in different formats, from our institution is not responsible for opening the file. 
Cartoon maximum size of 30 X 40 cm. should be. 
Participants in the work of the name, surname, address, and phone number should write the country should put into the envelope in a brief curriculum vitae. 
Cartoons August 10, 2018 until the date should be sent to the following address. 
Address:Colak Ibrahim Bey Quarter May 19 Caddesi No: 10 Seferihisar Seferihisar Municipality Children – Izmir – Turkey
e-mail:  lsesen@seferihisar.bel.t is my
competition results will be announced on August 14, 2018. 
The cartoons submitted to the competition will not be returned. The winning entry or cartoons can be used for cultural purposes, it can be published. Participants are deemed to have accepted these terms. Works Seferihisar Municipality Caricature Children will be stored in the house. 
Works selected by the jury will be exhibited and will be included on the album. 
The award ceremony will be held on September 22, 2018. On the same day the exhibition opening and award-winning exhibition of cartoons Seferihisar Municipality Caricature Children will be held in the house. 
Contest contestants of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the road, accommodation and food expenses will be borne by us. 
Tunç Soyer Cittaslow Turkey Coordinator
Purple Pine
Ayten Köse
Kamil Masaracý
Izel Rozental
Selin Island
Eray Özbek
First Prize: Euphoria Aegean Resort & Spa Hotel in 1 Week (2) + Plaque
Second Prize: Club Resort Atlantis Hotel in 1 Week (2) + Plaque
Third prize: Foresters Teos Resort 1 Week (2) + Plaque
OTHER AWARDS: put their awards by various organizations. 
NOTE: Jury meeting will be held on August 11, 2018. 
Source:  Seferihisar Municipality .

Wonderful World 2018 2nd International Cartoon Exhibition, Tokyo – Japan

Wonderful World 2018 2nd International Cartoon Exhibition, Tokyo – Japan

2. International Wonderful World (Wonderful? Wonder World 2018) Cartoon Exhibition, Japan
event first organized in 2017 by the Japanese draw Yoshiaki Yokota and colleagues are prepared to 2nd edition this year. 
Amateur and professional artists 2018 Exhibition which is open to participation by all subject: the current problems of our world (recent world situation): War refugees, dictatorship, unilateralism, and so on. (w, refugees, dictator, poverty, unilateralis and so on). 
The exhibition will be held from 3-9 September 2018 unwritten, untitled work is required. Works does not have the condition of being newly manufactured. 
A draw may participate in a maximum of two works. The more work will come to the event, each participant will be represented by one works.
Participants must indicate the full name and country. You can add a short biography of the language. Participation for  at least 200 dpi  and  JPEG  format file from the Internet at work or to address these Facebook should be forwarded as a message to (all works submitted will be posted on this page). 
Join Date: 25 July-10 August 2018
address will open the exhibition: Motoazab the gallery, Motoazab of 3-12-3, Minato-ku, Tokyo. 
Participants are sent a certificate from the Internet.

The III International Salon of Graphic Humor of Pernambuco 2018, Brazil

The III International Salon of Graphic Humor of Pernambuco 2018, Brazil

Regulation of the III International Salon of Graphic Humor of Pernambuco 2018


The III International Salon of Graphic Humor of Pernambuco (III SIHG-PE) has as its general theme THE LITERARY WORLD, inspired by the following phrase of Jorge Luís Borges: "It becomes great for what one reads and not for what one writes." The focus will therefore be on encouraging reading as the greatest treasure of people. Thus, the theme of the exhibition and award will be Writers – in the category CARICATURE; Literature – in the CARTOON category; and Adaptation of Stories, Tales and Novels of the Universal Public Domain Literature – in the category COMIC STORIES/COMIC STRIPS.
a) The graphic artists in general, amateurs or professionals, of Brazilian or foreign nationality may compete. 
b) Each competitor may submit up to two (2) works in each category: cartoons, caricature and comic stories/comic strips, as long as they have not been awarded until the date of submission of the work to the III SIHG-PE. Comics should contain a maximum of 4 pages, in A3 format, vertical. Jobs that exceed the number of pages allowed will be automatically declassified. 
c) By entering this contest, the candidate is aware that he / she is solely responsible for the veracity of the data and authorship of the submitted works, responding civilly and criminally if it is proven, during or after the contest, the falsity of the data or authorship works submitted. 
d) Works of the comic stories/comic strips category will only be accepted based on authors in the public domain. Each participant must make sure of this condition to avoid having their work disqualified if the public domain concerning the chosen work is not confirmed. 
e) The persons directly associated with the organization, the award committee and the production of the III SIHG-PE, in addition to their respective relatives up to the second degree, are excluded from participation in the contest.
a) Application forms will be available at
b) Registration can only be made exclusively via the website or by e-mail available on the site. 
c) The participant must complete a registration form for each category, attaching the related works. 
d) The works must be sent in the format A3 (297 mm x 420 mm), horizontal (cartoon) or vertical (cartoons, caricature and comic stories/comic strips) in JPEG, with resolution of 300 DPI – maximum 5 MB.
e) The organization is not responsible for registration or work not received due to technical reasons of computers, congestion, failure of communication lines, as well as any other factor that makes it impossible to successfully send via the event website. 
f) The homologation of the registrations will be announced through a confirmation e-mail. 
g) The registration will imply the acceptance of this regulation, in all its terms, including the compliance of the final result of the contest and the items referring to the destination and use of the drawings.
a) The works will go through a pre-selection and the selected ones will be exposed in the III SIHG-PE showcase. The complete list of the chosen ones will also be published on the website
b) The authors of the selected works will assign the copyright to the III SIHG for the use of the hall for the purpose of disclosure during the event and the dissemination of the next salons. The winning works may be used on a permanent basis for the promotion of this and the next editions of SIHG-PE. In both cases, the possibility of charging for the use of the works is excluded, in view of the selection and award criteria described in this regulation.
a) The works will be received from May 13, 2018 until midnight on August 12, 2018
b) The selection of works will take place in August 2018. 
c) The trial of the works will occur on October 28, 2018.
d) The awards will take place during the opening ceremony of III SIHG on October 30.
e) The exhibition of the winning and selected works takes place from October 30, 2018 to December 9, 2018, at Caixa Cultural, Marco Zero, Bairro do Recife (Recife-PE).
a) For the selection and award of the works, criteria of creativity, originality and relevance to the proposed theme will be obeyed, in an evaluation that will be the responsibility of the judging committee, whose decisions must be accepted by the participants, with no possibility of challenge. 
b) The works sent to the SIHG will pass through two juries: one of selection and one of awards. The first, made up of professionals trained in the area of graphic humor, will select around 120 (one hundred and twenty) works that will compose the exhibition and the catalog. Among these, those awarded by the awards committee will be chosen.
c) Of the works selected, the first and second places of each category will be awarded. 
d) The panel of judges may select up to two works in each category to receive Honorable Mention, which does not include cash prizes.
e) Any omissions of this Regulation shall be settled by the jury.
a) The following prizes will be awarded to the selected category: 
CARTUM | literature 
1st place ………………………….. R $ 5.000,00 and trophy; 
2nd place ………………………….. R $ 3.000,00 and trophy; 
Honorable Mention …………….. Certificate. 
CARICATURA | writers 
1st place ………………………….. R $ 5.000,00 and trophy; 
2nd place ………………………….. R $ 3.000,00 and trophy; 
Honorable Mention …………….. Certificate. 
COMIC STORIES/COMIC STRIPS | adaptation of the public domain 
1st place ………………………….. R $ 8.000,00 and trophy; 
2nd place ………………………….. R $ 4.000,00 and trophy; 
Honorable Mention …………….. Certificate. 
b) In total, R$ 28,000.00 (twenty-eight thousand reais) in prizes will be awarded. 
c) All those selected for the exhibition will have their works published in the III SIHG catalog. 
d) The release of the winners will be held on October 30, 2018, when the opening of the exhibition, at 7:00 pm, and the site of the event. Winners will be informed via telegram and / or call and / or e-mail of their prize. 
e) The value of the award will be delivered within 40 days after its disclosure via deposit in bank account or via international transfer in the name of the holder. 
f) The value of the prize is subject to the legal tax in force at the time of its assignment. 
g) To receive the prize value, it is mandatory to hold a bank account in your origin country. 
Samuca Andrade – Organizer of SIHG – PE 
Clériston Andrade – Coordinator of SIHG – PE.
Source: sihg.

Uluslararasý Basýn Karikatürleri ve Hicivli Görsel Sanatlar Galerisi 2018

Uluslararasý Basýn Karikatürleri ve Hicivli Görsel Sanatlar Galerisi 2018

KONU: Serbest


1. Yarýþma tüm karikatüristlere açýktýr.

2. Daha önceden yayýmlanan karikatürlerle katýlmak serbesttir. Ancak baþka bir yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmasý gerekir.

3. Her teknik serbesttir. Karikatürist en fazla 5 karikatür gönderebilir. 300 dpi ve jpg formatýnda, e-postayla gönderilen, orijinal veya elektronik versiyonlar da kabul edilecektir. Farklý formatlarda gönderilen ve açýlamayan belgeler için hiçbir sorumluluk kabul edilmez.

4. Tüm karikatürler en fazla 30×40 cm olacaktýr.

5. Katýlýmcýlar ad-soyadlarýný büyük harflerle, adreslerini, e-posta adreslerini, ülkelerini ve telefon numaralarýný yazmalýdýr; kýsa bir özgeçmiþ de mühürlü zarf içinde gönderilmelidir.

6. Karikatürler en geç 15 Aðustos 2018 günü aþaðýdaki adrese gönderilmelidir:

POPA VAKFI TIMIÞOARA adres: Virgil Oniţiu Sokak No: 5, Posta Kodu: 300238, Timiþoara, Timiþ Romanya.

Telefon: 0040-(0)744 531 169.

7. Yarýþma sonuçlarý 5 Eylül 2018’de açýklanacaktýr.

8. Yarýþmaya gönderilen karikatürler geri verilmeyecektir. Ödül kazansýn veya kazanmasýn, tüm karikatürler kültürel amaçlarla kullanýlabilir ve yayýmlanabilir. Katýlým hâlinde bu þartlar kabul edilmiþ sayýlýr. Tüm karikatürler Uluslararasý Basýn Karikatürleri ve Hicivli Görsel Sanatlar Galerisi’nde tutulacaktýr.

9. Jürinin seçtiði karikatürler sergide gösterilecek ve albüm hâlinde basýlacaktýr.

10. Ödül töreni 5 Ekim 2018’de düzenlenecektir. Sergi açýlýþý ayný gün, ödül kazanmýþ veya sergiye seçilmiþ karikatürler için Uluslararasý Basýn Karikatürleri ve Hicivli Görsel Sanatlar Galerisi’nde yapýlacaktýr. Sergi 15 Kasým 2018’e kadar açýk olacaktýr.

11. Katýlýmcýlarýn seyahat, konaklama ve yemek masraflarý organizatörler tarafýndan saðlanacaktýr.

12. SEÇÝM KOMÝTESÝ: Ödül alan eserler dünya çapýnda büyük sanatçýlar tarafýndan, 6 baþkentten çevrim içi olarak seçilecektir.

13. ÖDÜLLER: Her biri 1000 Avroluk 4 mükemmeliyet ödülü verilecektir.

Free theme in the 14th International cartoon festival of Solin 2018, Croatia

Free theme in the 14th International cartoon festival of Solin 2018, Croatia


The organizer of 14th International festival of cartoon Solin 2018 is the city Solin. The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex, or profesion.
Conditions of entry:
1. All entries must be original cartoons. Framed works, also, will not be accepted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or colored.
3. There should be the name, surname and the address on the reverse side of cartoons.
4. Maximum 5 entries will be submitted.
5. Maximum size of entries is A3 format (40×30 cm).
Entry deadline is the 15 August 2018. Please write ; PRINTED MATTER – NO VALUE
Kralja Zvonimira 50,
21210 Solin, CROATIA
1. PLAQUE………………………………………….1014 EUR
2. PRIZE CITY SOLIN…………………………….. 1 PRIZE
3. TOURIST OFFICE………………………………. Plaque and Diploma.
The exhibition will take place in the galery of the culture home „ZVONIMIR“ Solin on the 30.08.2018.
The works will be returned only on the special request of an author: The postage EURO 5 will be paid by the author. The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Solin 2018, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used. The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.


LAST NAME ———————————————

FIRST NAME ——————————————–

PSEUDONYM ——————————————–

STREET —————————————————

POSTCODE ———————————————–

CITY ——————————————————-

COUNTRY ———————————————–

TELEPHONE ——————————————–

E-MAIL —————————————————


MALE-FEMALE —————————————-.

23. Individual Disarmament Award “Recognize the Right to Life” Cartoon Contest 2018, Turkey

23. Individual Disarmament Award "Recognize the Right to Life" Cartoon Contest 2018, Turkey

"Individual Disarmament: Survival rights were granted the" 
cartoon competition of

CARTOON , with which social problems are describing a humorous line there is a universal language, even not bring solutions to every problem, the problem is clearly revealed hicvederek an art tool. Umut Foundation’s traditional "28 September Individual Disarmament Day" organized within the activities of winning competitions, so the subject is devoted to the cartoon in the year 2018. 
The subject of Cartoon Contest " Individual Disarmament: Recognize the Right to Life " has been adopted. 
The purpose of this competition, using all possibilities of cartoon art in our society ever increasing individual armament probable cause to examine the consequences and dangers and the public will raise awareness on this issue. 
1. Competition Selection Committee Members, Umut Foundation employees and to all amateur and professional designers outside the first-degree relatives are welcome. 
2. Participation is free. 
3. not participate in the contest works have received awards before. 
4. Each contestant can participate in the competition with the work most 3. 
5. caricatures sent A3 (29.7 x 42 cm) or A4 (29.7 x 21cm) size will be. 
6. Competitors are encouraged to submit short stories and adding to the impression of the work. 
7. fill in the entry form must be complete and accurate. 
8. The terms of transportation will not be considered artifacts. 
9. Complete and error-filled entry form , printed works in cases of damage to cargo or mail should be packed and delivered by hand or sent to the Competition Secretariat. 
10. Shipping in the mail or damages occur, will occur not responsible for delays or lost Umut Foundation studies. 
11. Rewarded works will not be returned. 
12. Rewarding and not to the owners of Hope Foundation has donated works, the works can be received personally from Hope Foundation works to their owners or their packaging as sent by courier November 16, 2018 until the date of payment will be refunded. 
The applicant accepts the conditions written in the regulations adopted an integral part of the application form by writing gold has signed a nickname that he chose this specification. 
Name: Ebru Policy Binger 
Tel: 0212 216 06 70 
Address:  Hope Foundation, Yýldýz Posta Cad. No: 52/1 Gayrettepe – Beþiktaþ, Istanbul
Email: is – is 
Dr. Ayhan Akca that (Psychiatrist, Umut Foundation Board Member) 
Sedat Bozkurt (Fox TV. Ankara Representative) 
Nazira Dedeman Çaðatay (Umut Foundation Founder President) 
, Dr. Kadir Doðruer (Cartoonist) 
Av. Fikret Ilkiz (Umut Foundation Elected Trustee and Board Member), 
Metin Peker (Cartoonist, Cartoonists Association President) 
Sibel Savacý (Umut Foundation Elected Trustee and Board Member) 
Text Üstündað (Cartoonist) 
Deniz Zeyrek (Hurriyet Newspaper Ankara Representative). 
Cartoon Contest held as part of the Umut Foundation 28 September Individual Disarmament Day event, as a result of participating in the evaluation of the works of the First, Second and Third prizes will be announced by the Board of Selectors. The winning prizes will be given to the structure are as follows: 
• First Prize: 4,000 TL  
• Second Prize: 3,000 TL 
• Third Prize: $ 2,000 
In addition, the Jury, special awards in each category (plaque) and honorable mention (plaque) worth of praise works are free to determine interest. 
Closing Date: August 17, 2018 , Friday 
Selection Committee Meeting: September 5, 2018, Wednesday 
Award Ceremony: September 28, 2018, Friday 
The award-winning works of the prizes to the owners, September 28, 2018 the day will be held Awards will be presented at the ceremony. 
Hope Raising Honorable Leaders Foundation, the name of the participant and award-winning works in the competition will be donated entitled to use the 5846 law specifying the scope open. 
Awarded and work of forgiving participants, Hope Raising Honorable Leaders Foundation free of the artifacts right to use will be deemed to have transferred Hope Foundation in all its work, publicity, events and education, posters, catalogs, brochures, gift books and to be used in any promotional material like this, and to show that it has usage rights, including the right to publish in the media, duplication, dissemination, distribution and acknowledge that it has the right to nominate. 
Award recipients or work of forgiving participants, from the moment he submitted his work, written press as limited to the Foundation’s objectives, radio and television and other mass media publications on the internet, posters, brochures, catalog, calendar, posters, CDs, DVDs and all or the right to use digital media in the works participating in the competition in terms of calendar published over the foundation that accepts and commits.
Participants of the works sent to the contest completely belongs to him, because of this structure 3rd person of 5846, the Intellectual Property Rights and requests that may arise from other laws that he was the sole and absolute counterparts, the civil and criminal liability related to the work belongs to the wholly Umut Foundation regarding the mentioned issues’ that the absence of any civil or criminal liability (and that of his right of recourse of the author kept reserved) acceptance, and warrants. 
As the regulatory body with the right of use is the author of Hope Foundation. 
people participating in the contest will be considered to have accepted the conditions of the contest and the jury decision. 
Matters not mentioned in the specifications or in the case of doubt, in the settlement of disputes between Hope Foundation and Participant Selection Committee will arbitrate. Selection Committee is authorized in case of disputes. 
WEB: Hope Foundation . 
Source:  JPG .

12th International Biennial Cartoon Contest 2018 Hlohovec, Slovakia

12th International Biennial Cartoon Contest 2018 Hlohovec, Slovakia

12th International Biennial Cartoon Contest 2018 Hlohovec, Slovakia
Hlohovec is organized in cooperation with Your Ex Libris Hlohovec Dormitory Museum Association.

a) Obesity / Overweight   (Obesity),  B)  free subjects  (Free Theme) 
1. Competitors  at least 2 work on both issues  should be sent. 
2. Works must be original. 
3. Work size is free, but the  recommended size A4 ‘type. 
4. Each trace back side of your name, your age, your occupation, your address, phone number, enter your e-mail address ( Name, Age, Profession, Address, Telephone Number, E-mail ). 
5. prize-winning works become the property of the organizer. 
6. Other works by the artist returned upon request.
7. Participating works publicity, and so on. It can be used with purpose. 
8. Work sending deemed to have accepted all the terms of the contest participants who applied. 
9. Foreign participants communications / should use English for correspondence.  
10. To submit work to the following address competition  August 27, 2018  is the deadline: 
Námestie sv. Michal 3, 920 01 Hlohovec 
10. Enter the following note on the envelope:  FRAŠTACKÝ TRN 2018
11. The jury will meet on September 11, 2018. Winners will be notified by letter to competitors. 
1st Prize: 200 Euro 
2nd Prize: 100 Euro 
3rd Prize: 50 euros. 
The jury is authorized to give any other prizes or awards fails to find enough work to give. 
Exhibition and officially introduced the winners will be held on October 5, 2018 in Hlohovec Dormitory museum galleries. 
Additional information:  František which Bojnice  +421 905/352 506 
WEB: . 
Source: Seyran Caferli . 
See also. FBI .

9th International Competition for cartoonists on the world of wine, Spirito di Vino 2018

9th International Competition for cartoonists on the world of wine, Spirito di Vino 2018

Spirito di Vino 19° International Competition for cartoonists on the world of wine

Art. 1 – Subject of the competition
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia, together with the the Accademia di Belle Arti G.B. Tiepolo in Udine, holds a competition called “Spirito di Vino” to award prizes to authors of satirical cartoons focussing on the world of wine and wine culture. The participation to the competition is free of charge.
Art. 2 – Participation to the competition
The competition is open to artists coming from Italy and abroad, exclusively on an individual basis, over 18 years old (who turn 18 in 2018 and above). Participants will be split into two categories: the “under”, from 18 to 35 years old, and the “over”, above 36 years old.
Art. 3 – Work format and requirements
The satirical cartoons can be drawn manually with any technique, black and white or colour, only in A3 format with 1 cm of external border. Each participant is entitled to only submit one work. The works shall be sent as hard copies and signed in a non invasive way with ©Name and Surname of the author in the corner (front) or in the back of the page.
Art. 4 – Deadline and submission of the works
The works can be submitted from Wednesday 18 April to Tuesday 28 August 2018. To take part to the competition, the cartoonists need to register in the competition section of the website, download the competition rules, as well as the registration form.
The hard copies of the works shall be sent (properly protected) by registered mail, together with a signed copy of the registration form filled in every section, to the following address:
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia
Via del Partidor, 7 – 33100 Udine (Italy)
Only the works delivered within Tuesday 28 August midnight will be accepted.
In addition, the works shall also be uploaded on the website, together with the registration form, in jpg and high resolution (300 dpi) format.
The hard copies received after the aforementioned deadline will not be accepted. The organisers have no liability for any deterioration and/or damage to the works sent by mail or resulting from any other issue connected to the submission of the works (delays, no delivery, etc.).
Art. 5 – Return of the works
The hard copies of the works will not be returned.
Art. 6 – Exclusion
The works that do not comply with the rules stipulated by art 1, 2, 3, 4 will not be accepted.
Art. 7 – Members of the jury
Movimento Turismo del Vino selected a jury made of great masters of the Italian satire, such as Giorgio Forattini, Alfio Krancic, Emilio Giannelli, Valerio Marini and other leading personalities from the world of cartoons, graphics and food&wine. The decisions of the jury are unquestionable and irrevocable.
The jury will assess the capacity of the cartoonists to best interpret the proposed topic showing their manual designing skills, creativity and a precise technique. The works drawn using digital techniques will also be taken into consideration.
Art. 8 – Prizes
The prizes up for grabs for the three winners will be distributed as follows
1° prize – “under”: 75 bottles
2° prize – “under”: 50 bottles
3° prize – “under”: 25 bottles

1° prize – “over”: 75 bottles
2° prize – “over”: 50 bottles
3° prize – “over”: 25 bottles
Art. 9 – Awarding ceremony and exhibition
During the awarding ceremony, the works selected by the jury for the finals will be put on display in Autumn 2018 in an exhibition held at Villa Manin in Passariano di Codroipo (Ud).
A booklet with the works displayed at the exhibition will be published and one copy will be distributed to each author of the selected works and, upon request, to the authors of the works excluded from the selection. The event will be promoted in the Italian and foreign press. The exhibition could then become itinerant and put on display in other locations to be defined.
Art. 10 – Copyright
By participating in the competition, the cartoonists grant Movimento Turismo del Vino the non-exclusive right to reproduce, publicise and promote the works – with the sole obligation to mention the author – on digital material (websites, social networks, TV programmes, online magazines, etc.), on any material connected to the competition (brochures, flyers, folders, invitations, billboards, shoppers, etc.), on the catalogue of the exhibition, as well as on postcards, calendars and posters. This list is not complete and just gives some examples of the possible ways in which the organisers are entitled to use the works. The use of the aforementioned works by the organisers does not entitle the cartoonists to claim any income. The participants guarantee that they are the authors of the submitted works, explicitly lifting and removing any liability from the organisers in case any compensation is claimed by third parties for any circumstance. Such authors declare, taking full civil and criminal liability, that the submitted works do not violate the relevant legislation.
Art. 11 – Approval of the competition rules
By participating to the competition, the artists declare that they fully acknowledge and accept all the conditions and clauses illustrated in this document.
Pursuant to the Italian Legislative Decree n.196/2003 and subsequent modifications, the personal details and data that will be collected in the different phases of the competition shall be processed by complying with the principles of correctness, legitimacy and transparency, to guarantee the confidentiality and the rights of the involved parties. The collected data will be registered and stored for the purposes connected with the management of this competition. Personal data can only be processed by Movimento Turismo del Vino using both digital and non-digital tools. Under the terms of the aforementioned Decree, the personal data can only be processed provided that the involved party has granted his/her authorisation. By registering for the competition, participants explicitly agree with the processing of their personal data.
REGISTRATION FORM (to attach to the works) 
Born in
Date of birth
Tel / Fax 
Mobile phone
ZIP code and city/town
Technique used
Title of the work and short comment 
Source: spiritodivino

7. Sejong International Cartoon Contest SICACO 2018, South Korea

7. Sejong International Cartoon Contest SICACO 2018, South Korea

7. Sejong  International  Cartoon Contest SICACO 2018, South Korea

1 is organized in two parts: A) Subject section  (Theme section)  do x Destruction; Construction Demolition x  (Con x De + STRUCTIO’s) B) Free theme section  (Free section):  Running / Racing, Football, etc.  (Football, Game, Race, etc). Domain 2:  Works / drawing 297 mm x 420 mm (A3) should be small in size (paper may be A3). 3. Technical / Issue:  Free. However, it asked to be sent at least 3 original work for a good prize. (Last incoming message, the product will be accepted for digital output will be sent by traditional mail has been reported 

). In addition, posters, postcards, exhibition catalogs or album If you have, you can also add them to samples from. 
4. Each piece of the  back side of the artist’s title (Title eg Mr / Mr, Ms / Madam, such as DR / Doctor), name and surname (Name), age (Age), address (Address), telephone number (Telephone Number), to hand (e-mail) and career (Career: for example Cartoonist / cartoonist, Student / Student Worker / as workers) must be in writing. 
5.Ödül are:  Grand Prize 3000, Gold Award / First 1000, 2 Silver Award / Second 500, 4 Bronze Award / Third Place $ 300. And also selected artists – students covered by section – special awards or honorable mentions are given to young artists (300 Award Certificate to the winner of the competition album + is sent). 
6.Yarýþ The exhibition  will be opened in October 2018 in Sejong city galleries. 
7. cartoons will not be returned, is on permanent display in museums and galleries and Korea as promotional cards, posters, albums, newspapers, magazines, books, website, etc. used. 
8. Submission deadline:  August 31, 2018 
9 Contest address: 
Sejong Institute Int’l Cartoon  
450, Wolpyeongdong  
Daejeon,  Seoul 35221 
Korea  (Republic of Korea) 
10. Competition manager: 
Dr. San Lim Cheong , 
Sejong President of the Institute of International Cartoon 
Tel: 82 (070) 7757-9944 
Ceptel: 82-10-5425-6115 
E-mail: I 
http: //  (all participating works).

Audio update: 12.18.2017 18:20.
(Update: 09/07/2018 23:15)