nternational cartoon contest “Down with…!” 2017, Russia

nternational cartoon contest “Down with…!” 2017, Russia

The Big Digital Encyclopaedia of Caricature has announced
an international cartoon contest, “Enough!”, dedicated to
the centenary of Russia’s October Revolution
(November 7th, 1917)

Conditions of Entry:
Participants are expected to produce work that is based conceptually on the theme of revolution, whether this references specifically the events of 1917 or any other revolution in history, be it red, black-and-white or indeed of any other colour.
We encourage the participants to caricature famous historical figures, making use of allegory and allusion.
Technical requirements:
We will accept works employing any drawing technique, in digital format, size A4, at a resolution of 300 dpi.
An individual artist may enter any number of works without limit.
Collages will be judged along with cartoons in the same category.
Caricatures in the form of portraits will be judged in a separate subcategory.
Deadline for submission:
Works must be submitted by email to postmarat@gmail.com no later than November 1st, 2017
Winners will be announced on November 7th, 2017.
1st Prize: 300 USD
2nd Prize: 200 USD
3rd Prize: 100 USD
Best caricature portrait: 50 USD
The Contest catalogue, poster and diplomas will be emailed in PDF format.
Please note:
At the close of the competition, we are planning to exhibit the best works in Barcelona. We will be happy to provide the works to those wishing to organize their exhibition at another location.
April 10th, 2017.
Source: cartoonia.
Theme title updated 25.04.2017
Source updated 21.06.2017.

9. Uluslararasý Turizm Karikatürleri Yarýþmasý 2017, Türkiye

9. Uluslararasý Turizm Karikatürleri Yarýþmasý 2017, Türkiye

9. Uluslararasý Turizm Karikatürleri Yarýþmasý 2017, Türkiye

Yarýþmanýn bu yýlki (2017) temasý, Geçmiþten Bugüne Tatiller‘dir
Katýlým koþullarý:
* Yarýþma amatör ve profesyonel tüm karikatür sanatçýlarýna açýktýr.
* Her sanatçý en fazla üç eserle katýlabilir.
* Yarýþmaya gönderilen eserler orijinal çizim, dijital baský ya da bilgisayar çýktýsýyla hazýrlanmýþ olabilir. Çizim tekniði serbesttir. Renkli veya siyah beyaz olabilir. Ancak, eserlerin üzerinde sanatçýlarýn imzalarýnýn yer almasý gerekmektedir.
* Katýlýmcýlar eserlerinin arkasýna ad, soyad ve adreslerini yazmalý ve karikatür gönderme sayfasýna ilgili bilgileri ve küratörünü ekleyerek göndermelidir. Ýstenirse, posta yoluyla da yarýþmaya katýlýnabilinir.
* Gönderilen karikatürler herhangi bir yerde yayýmlanmýþ olabilir, ancak daha önce bir yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmalýdýr.
* Yarýþmaya katýlan karikatürler Anatolia Turizm Akademisi ve bu organizasyon ile ilgili kitap, katalog, broþür, kartpostal, web siteleri ve afiþlerde yayýnlanabilecek, bunun dýþýndaki tüm yayýn haklarý eser sahibinin olacaktýr.
* Ýlk eleme sonrasýnda finale kalan karikatürler 16 – 22 Ocak 2018 tarihlerinde sitede ilan edilecek ve itirazlar bu tarihler arasýnda kabul edilecektir.
* Yarýþmaya katýlan eserlerden seçilecek bir bölümü albüm olarak yayýmlanacaktýr. Albümde eseri yer alan her sanatçýya birer albüm gönderilecektir.
* Dereceye girsin veya girmesin, albümde yer alsýn veya almasýn, hiçbir eser iade edilmeyecektir.
* Yarýþmaya katýlan bütün sanatçýlar katýlým koþullarýný kabul etmiþ sayýlýr.
* Yarýþmaya posta ile veya online sistem kullarak karikatür gönderilebilir.
* Yarýþmaya en son baþvuru tarihi 31 Aralýk 2017’dir.
* Posta yolu ile karikatürler aþaðýdaki adrese gönderilebilir:
Anadolu Üniversitesi
Turizm Fakültesi
Yunus Emre Kampüsü
26470 Eskiþehir.
Deðerlendirme Bilgileri:
1. Yarýþmaya gönderilen eserler iki aþamalý olarak deðerlendirilecektir.
2. Birinci aþamada, yarýþmaya gönderilen bütün eserler Ön Deðerlendirme Seçici Kurul Üyeleri’nin katýlýmýyla yapýlacak toplantýda deðerlendirilecektir. Bu toplantý sonucunda finale kalacak eserler belirlenecektir. Bu deðerlendirmede yarýþmaya gönderilen eserlerin en fazla 1/5’i finale býrakýlacaktýr.
3. Ýkinci aþama deðerlendirmeye geçilmeden önce finale kalan eserler 16 – 22 Ocak 2018 tarihleri arasýnda internet ortamýnda ilan edilerek içlerinde benzer, çalýntý, intihal, önceden ödül alanlar ve diðer itirazlar, Ön Deðerlendirme Seçici Kurul Üyeleri tarafýndan karara baðlanacak ve yerinde görülen itirazlar doðrultusunda ilgili karikatürler deðerlendirme dýþýna alýnacaktýr.
4. Ýkinci aþamada finale kalan eserler Final Deðerlendirme Seçici Kurul Üyeleri tarafýndan deðerlendirilecektir. Deðerlendirme iki alt aþamada yapýlacaktýr. Ýlk aþama deðerlendirmede finale kalan eserlerin sayýsý 45-50 sayýsýna indirilecek, son basamakta ise dereceye giren eserler belirlenecektir.
5. Yarýþmaya gönderilen eserlerin deðerlendirmesi aþaðýda belirtilen üç konu temel alýnarak yapýlacaktýr.
Konu seçimi ve konunun uygunluðu,
Mizah kalitesi,
Çizim özgünlüðü.
Yarýþmada iki ayrý kategoride eserler kabul edilecektir.
Yetiþkinler Kategorisi: 17 ve üzerindeki yaþlardan karikatürcülerin katýlýmýna açýktýr. Bu kategoride "Birincilik Ödülü, "Ýkincilik Ödülü", "Üçüncülük Ödülü", "Prof. Atila Özer Özel Ödülü" ve üç adet "Mansiyon Ödülü" verilecektir. Bu kategoride finale kalan bütün karikatürlere kitapta yer verilecektir.
Genç Karikatürcüler Kategorisi: Bu kategoriye 16 ve daha küçük yaþlardan karikatürcüler eser gönderebilirler. Eserlerin “Genç Karikatürcüler Kategorisi“ne gönderildiði belirtilmelidir. Bu kategoriye gönderilen eserlerden birine “Birincilik Ödülü” ve iki esere de “Baþarý Ödülü" verilecektir. “Genç Karikatürcüler kategorisinde finale kalacak bütün eserlere kitapta yer verilecektir.
Birincilik Ödülü: 3000 ABD Dolarý
Ýkincilik Ödülü: 5 günlük, iki kiþilik her þey dahil tatil
Üçüncülük Ödülü : 5 günlük, iki kiþilik her þey dahil tatil
Prof. Atila Özer Özel Ödülü: 1500 ABD Dolarý
2 adet Mansiyon: Plaket
Birincilik Ödülü: 1500 ABD Dolarý
Baþarý Ödülü (2 adet): Plaket.
Ayrýntýlar için bkz. kaynak: tourismcartoon.

The United Nations / Ranan Lurie Political Cartoon Awards for 2017

The United Nations / Ranan Lurie Political Cartoon Awards for 2017

for 2017
Award Grants:
The following provisions govern the granting of

The names of the winners of our thirteen prizes will be published on December 15, 2017, on this web site, together with their winning cartoons:
First prize, of us$10,000 and a plaque.
Second prize, of us$5,000 and a plaque.
Third prize, of us$3,000 and a plaque.
Ten honorable mention plaques granted by


All winning entries will be announced via the worldwide press and on the website on December 15, 2017. All winners’ prizes, either financial and/or plaques, will be sent via U.S. registered mail by December 31, 2017, to the winners.

Rules for Exhibits:

1. Entries must be submitted in writing and addressed to

25 Columbus Circle
New York, NY 10019

(No phone or fax calls or Emails, please). Entries for awards must be received on or before November 15, 2017, and represent work done from the beginning of September 2016, to the 15th of October 2017, reflecting the importance of human dignity, mutual respect and friendship among nations, as well as economic consideration and environmental responsibilities towards each other. While cartoonists may send in what ever they please, the contest does not encourage maligning member nations.
Winning cartoons will be chosen for their high professional standards in art, political analysis of events, projection of events to come, humor, while also reflecting the spirit and principles of the U.N.
2. Entries for these awards may be made by any professional individual, and should consist of political cartoons printed in any publication published anywhere, in any language. The entry must consist ofreproductions only. The cartoon reproductions will be accepted only as published, with name of publication, language, and date included, accompanied by a newspaper reprint, and translated into English. Exhibits are limited to two cartoons per person. Reproductions must be presented measuring no larger than 8,5 x 11 inches. Envelopes larger than 8,5 x 11,5 inches and that are thicker than one eighth of one inch will not be opened, and their entries shall not participate in the competition.
The entries should be sent in soft envelopes, easy to open.
The Committee requires that all entries conform to the stated limits and sizes before it can be given any jury consideration. All exhibits should include a biography of no more than 75 words long, be written in clear English, and a picture of the entrant.
3. All materials including prize-winning exhibits become the property of


and will not be returned. Again: Only copies (not originals!) will be accepted for consideration. All material may be used for promotional purposes, including but not limited to inclusion in special United Nations albums or any other albums and/or exhibits.
4. Our obligation is fulfilled upon the mailing of the plaques and/or valid checks to the award winners. Checks must be cashed within three months of mailing, after which time the checks will become null and void. The Committee will not be responsible for banking procedures and limitations of any country, or negligence that may create obstacles in cashing the check.
5. The decisions of the judges are final and irrevocable.
Entry Form on source: http://www.lurieunaward.com/ .


2017-05-30 16:22:01 From: Author: 【B M S】 Browse:1521次 Comment:0条 

1. Participation
The competition is open to all artists (Picture book artist,Illustrator, Cartoonist, Comic artist, Caricaturist, Printmaker and Painter) regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc:
1> illustrators, including professionals and newcomers, submitting unpublished works or works of published.
2> art colleges submitting projects produced by their students in the last four years of study.
3> publishers presenting their illustrators.
2. Organizer
Host:Gold Panda Foundation
Sponsor: Red Man Art Center.
Official website: www.redmanart.com
3. Theme
A) Elves, Monster, Wonderland, Myth, The fairy tale, Legend. (It could be China, it could be the world.) 
B) Cooperation , Link
C) Panda  / Free theme
You can choose any theme, painting works.
4. Entries
1) The works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted.
2) 8 original illustrations (minimum number), produced using any technique, including computer graphics (in case of mixed technique, please send both original drawings and printouts of the ultimate artwork).There are no quantitative restrictions in the Cartoon、Caricature、Comic group.
3) The minimum 8 — maximum 100 entries should be submitted for each category.These works form a story.Work is only allowed in Chinese or English. Words can’t appear in works. If you need to writing, must be in English(or Chinese), writing the other a piece of paper .English(or Chinese) words according to the serial number order of works to write clearly.
4) The works should be accompanied by the author’s resume and photo (or caricature).
5) First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number should be written on the reverse side of the works.   Please specify in envelope: “2017 Gold Panda”
6) Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Any painting, Print making, Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil painting, Watercolor, Crafts art or sculpture will be accepted.
7) Size of work : A3 .
5. Entry Form
Please down load the entry form on our web site:  www.redmancartoon.com/en
The self made entry form is not accepted.Each author must imperatively enclose the entry form, filled in every part and duly signed. 
The registration form  – must be sent back signed and scanned, together with the caricatures – to : hongtuart8@163.com  (or– hongtucp@163.com)
6. Deadline 
1) The first stage(Digital works):  31 of August, 2017.
2) The second stage(Original works):  10 of October, 2017.
1) The first stage:  
Please E-mail your works to: hongtuart8@163.com  (or– hongtucp@163.com), There is no limit on the number of works.
You can upload more than one book or some books illustrations.
2) The second stage:   
After your works was selected, the organizing committee will notify you, send your original works mail to the organizing committee, to participate in the final awards. The largest number 8 works.
Please send works to the address:
8. Judgment
1) The jury committee is composed of artists, press editors,illustrators,cartoonist.
2) The jury meeting will be held on December, 2017.
3) The committee will announce the result on January, 2018 on web site. At the same time organizer will contact the winning artists via postal mail or email.
9. Prizes
1) Gold Panda prize(Best Picture book)(1) – Golden Panda Medal + 10000 RMB 
2) Best work prize of Illustration(1)  – Silver Panda Medals + 3000 RMB
3) Best work prize of CG(1)  – Silver Panda Medals + 3000 RMB 
4) Best work prize of Cartoon(1)  – Silver Panda Medals + 3000 RMB 
5) Best work prize of Caricature(1) – Silver Panda Medals + 3000 RMB
6) Best work prize of Comic(1) – Silver Panda Medals + 3000 RMB 
7) The special prize of jury meeting(30 places) – Copper Panda Medals + Catalog 
8) Selected – Catalog

10. Copyright 
Explicitly participators have whole copyright for their entries. The committee has the right to use all the submitted works to spread competition on media, websites, posters, post cards, advertisements, etc.
11. Catalog
The authors whose works has been selected will receive one copy of the catalog made for the  competition.
12. Provisions
1) The submitted works will not be returned. They will be exhibited and displayed in Redman International Cartoon House. 
2) Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury’s decision.
For Information

Entry Form

The first International Caricature Portrait Festival 2017

The first International Caricature Portrait Festival 2017

(the festival for short) in Beijing is a grand event of creation and communication on caricatures. 

The main purpose : The festival collects and exhibits contributions of high level and high-profile from caricaturists all over the world to develop the academic exchanges and stimulate the development of caricatures:

1) Collect 123 pieces of excellent contributions.

2) The festival will be organized in Beijing with a first class exhibition and academic exchanges, and all the selected works will be published.

3) The organizer will award certificates to the caricaturists attend the exhibition, and publish all the selected works. (The caricaturists of all the selected works would be invited to Beijing )


1. Events details:

1) Deadline: Dec. 30th 2017

2) Exhibition: Mar. 2018 (Tentative)

3) Location: Guardian Art Center Beijing China


2. Contribution themes:

World’s famous Portraits in politics, culture, economy, entertainment and etc.


3. Contribution requirement:

1) Innovative and individual works with unlimited style. Unpublished and hand-drawn works would be prior.

2) For published works, need clear indications of creation date, exhibition date and awards.

3) The maximum number of works for each caricaturist to send to the exhibition is 5.


4. Work requirement:

1) After the primary selection, the original manuscript would be needed.

2) Each work must be with autographic signature on.

3) Printed and airbrushed work is declined.

4) The size of each work must be between 420x300mm and 800mmx600mm.

5) A form in Chinese or English is required to attach to the back of the work with the information of nationality, full name, work type, title, address, zip code, e-mail address, contact number, one photocopy of I.D or passport, beneficiary bank, personal account(or SWIFT code for foreign caricaturists) . Make all the information correct. The organizer would not take any responsibility for any bounce caused by incorrect information.


5. Caricaturists’ remuneration:

All the selected 123 works would be collected by Zhejiang Tao’s Culture & Art

CO.,LTD(Tao for short).The best 30 works would be collected for RMB4000 each, and the rest 93 works would be RMB2000 each.(or US dollars as the latest exchange rate)

*30 and 93 are approximate numbers, they might be changed according to the exhibition.


6. Submission methods:

1) Send the photocopy of the work by e-mail.

Deadline: 23rd Jun 2017-23rd Oct 2017

2) After the primary selection, send the original manuscript to the organizer by post.

Deadline: 23rd Oct 2017-23rd Dec 2017

The caricaturists from China mainland can send the original manuscript to the organizer by post directly.

3) E-mail address: Taosart@Taosart.CN

4) Mail address: 中国浙江省杭州市上城区定安路68号定安名都商务大厦A座503-505


Zhejiang Tao’s Culture & Art

CO.,LTD Room503-505 No.68 Dingan Rd. Shangcheng Dis. Hangzhou China

Zip code: 310000

5) Contact number: 0086-571-8561123

6) Contacts: Miss. Chen   008613735804085   Mr. Zhu  008618058800172


7. Organizer’s statement:

1) The organizer has the right to exhibit, publish, study and broadcast all the works.

2) The organizer would not assume legal responsibilities for any copyright issues.

3) All the caricaturists must follow the rules above, and Zhejiang Tao’s Culture & Art CO.,LTD reserves the right to the final interpretation of the above terms.


8. Organizers:

China Institute of Newscartoon

Zhejiang Cartoonists Association

Zhejiang Tao’s Culture & Art CO.,LTD

Curator: Mr. Xiaoming Tao

Wechat: 陶氏艺术

World Humor Awards 2017

Dear Artist,

We have the pleasure of inviting you to take part in the second edition of the international cartoon exhibition “World Humor Awards”, that will be held in Italy and more precisely in the area that corresponds to writer and cartoonist Giovannino Guareschi’s “Mondo Piccolo” (Little World).

The event will include a competition for cartoonists and the awarding of prizes for works of literature and show business that have made the most of humor.

The themes of the 2nd edition of the competition:

Theme Design: “Artificial Culture”
From artificial intelligence to virtual reality, internet, web, and social networks… How is our way of life changing.

Caricature: “Opera and Music” 

Participation in the cartoon competition is reserved for a limited number of selected artists and is therefore not open to entrants other than the cartoonists, caricaturists and professional illustrators indicated by the organisation.
For this reason, the competition rules and participation form will not be published on the website, as they will be sent only to the invited artists.
The event will take place from August 24th to December 15th 2017
The award ceremony will take place on 25th of August at the Terme Baistrocchi in Salsomaggiore.
The exhibition will also travel to Busseto, Fidenza, Fontanellato, Fiorenzuola d’Arda, Piacenza and Parma.

The deadline for sending artworks is June 10th 2017.


Gianandrea Bianchi
Artistic Director
with the counseling of Lucio Trojano e Marco De Angelis

ICACF 2017 • Green Gem International Competition

ICACF 2017 • Green Gem International Competition


The Application Form: 






  “Libo International Children Animation & Comics Festival 2017” (ICACF 2017)—Green Gem International Competition organized by Culture & Multimedia International Association is an open competition.

  The entries for the competition include all artworks and animation which reflect content about ethnic children using various subjects by qualified artists implementing a variety of techniques. Children are encouraged to submit their works for competition, exhibition and publication.



1. The Ethnic Children in My Eyes

2. Topics about Children

◆ Categories 
1. Category (A): Still image works
 Single-frame work, comic strips, illustrations, caricature, drawings, graphics and other works of original fine art. It is encouraged that the artists create ethic children with unique  characteristics and customs from their own countries and regions in order to reflect the rich and various races of the world.


 2. Category (B): Animation works
 All animation works suitable for children submitted must be 1-22 minutes in length. Any of the  following animation types are acceptable: Computer-assisted or Computer-generated, stop-motion (including clay animation), 2D works, 3D works, FLASH, puppet animation,  paper-cutting works, in fact, any format except live action!


◆  Qualifications
 1. Entry for the Category (A) (Still Image Works):
  a) Maximum A3 (297mm x 420 mm), minimum A4 (210mm×297mm).

  b) Any printed submission will not be accepted (work can be submitted in either computer or hand drawing; however, the electronic-version of submission is definitely required).

  c) Participants can also send electronic edition (scanned copy) with a minimum size of “300 dpi” in “.TIFF” or “.JPG” to cmiassn@163.com.

 2. Entry for the Category (B) (Animated Works):
  a) All works must be PAL formal with high definition (prefer to be minimum size of 720×576,minimum bit rate of 1000 bps)

  b) Animated submissions (including FLASH) should be submitted in “.MPG” or “.AVI” or “.MOV” format and 5 still images are required separately, which is used to present character and background with a minimum size of “300 dpi” in “.TIFF” or “.JPG”. For each  FLASH works, a copy of “.SWF” submissions are required.

  c) In case of multiple submissions, please separate each individual submission. An uninterrupted multi-work submission is not allowed.

 3. Language:
  a) All works are preferred to be subtitled in English.

  b) The story background, synopsis, brief introduction, and character description are required in either Chinese or English electronic-version.

 4. Entry Form and Photo
 Artwork should be accompanied by their author’s photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a completed Application Form (PLEASE USE CAPITAL LETTERS).

 5. Copyright

 The applicant must be the copyright owner of the submission.


◆   Awards and Prizes 
 1. Adult Group
 Artwork submitted for competition will be judged by an International Jury. The Jury will award the following cash prizes along with a certificate for each award.

       2 Gold medals, each 1500 USD (1 for category A and 1 for category B)

       4 Silver medals, each 1000 USD (2 for category A and 2 for B category)

       4 Bronze medals, each 800 USD (2 for category A and 2 for B category)

       20 Special prizes, each 300 USD (10 for category A and 10 for B category)

  a) The jury has the right of final distribution of statutory prize and all of the jury’s decisions are final.

  b) Organizers plan to award the artist with the best debut and will give him/her the opportunity for an individual exhibition at the Gallery which will be included in the 2017 program.


 2. Children Group
  a) Artwork submitted for competition will be judged by an International Jury. The Jury will award the certificate to the finalists.
  b) Submission finalists would be included in the album. And the certificates and albums or presents (if the album is not released on time), will be sent to the finalists.

All results will be announced on July 2 , 2017.


◆  Participant Privileges
 1. Artists of work qualified for the exhibition will be given a presentation copy of the catalogue.

 2. Artwork sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main  exhibition.


 ◆  Competition Provisions
 1. Organizers reserve the right to use all submitted artwork for advertising purposes without  any special fees paid to the artists that include being exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
 2. The prize-winning works become the property of the organizers and will be included in the  collection of the Gallery.

 3. The exhibition organizers are the final judges in interpretation of the rules and regulations.

 4. By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations.

 5. By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the publication of the author’s profile in the  post-exhibition album.

 6. All the submissions will not be returned.


◆  Timetable and Contact Information
 1. Submissions(original scripts are preferred) for receipt of artwork:  
  From April 25, 2017 to July 2, 2017 
  Deadline: Date of the postmark July 2, 2017
  Deadline: Electronic submissions midnight July 2, 2017 

  Please send your submission(s) to the following mailing address or send to our email address via the internet:

     Organizing Committee ICACF
  Building 6-2 #39, Xiaoshicheng Yunyan
 Guiyang, Guizhou 550004
 TEL:+86 10 84937681
 Mobile: +86 15185169898
 Email: cmiassn@163.com

 Website: www.cmiassn.org  www.icacf.com 

The Big Digital Encyclopaedia of Caricature has announced an international cartoon contest, “Enough!

The Big Digital Encyclopaedia of Caricature has announced an international cartoon contest, “Enough!”, 

dedicated to the centenary of Russia’s October Revolution (November 7th, 1917).


Conditions of Entry:


Participants are expected to produce work that is based conceptually on the theme of revolution, whether this references specifically the events of 1917 or any other revolution in history, be it red, black-and-white or indeed of any other colour. 

We encourage the participants to caricature famous historical figures, making use of allegory and allusion.


Technical requirements:


We will accept works employing any drawing technique, in digital format, size A4, at a resolution of 300 dpi.


An individual artist may enter any number of works without limit.


Collages will be judged along with cartoons in the same category.


Caricatures in the form of portraits will be judged in a separate subcategory.


Deadline for submission:

Works must be submitted by email to postmarat@gmail.com no later than November 1st, 2017


Winners will be announced on November 7th, 2017.




1st Prize: 300 USD

2nd Prize: 200 USD

3rd Prize: 100 USD


Best caricature portrait: 50 USD


The Contest catalogue, poster and diplomas will be emailed in PDF format.


Please note:


At the close of the competition, we are planning to exhibit the best works in Barcelona. We will be happy to provide the works to those wishing to organize their exhibition at another location.

Best Regards, 
Marat Valiakhmetov

Big Encyclopedia of the Cartoon 

Фотографии и карикатуры

Cartoon festival “Kolašin 2017

Dear colleagues,
I would like to inform you that Cartoon festival "Kolašin 2017" has announced The Second International Cartoon Contest. Therefore, we carry on with the festival in Kolašin, Montenegro, after ten year break. Despite having far fewer resources this time, we are more optimistic and therefore we hope that this festival will last and will become a traditional one. We start with modest means but we are convinced that the festival will become more significant and notable in years to come. Well, may this new beginning be happy! 
CONTEST THEME: HAPPY T-SHIRTS You shall send two of your works you consider to be the best. Cartoons can previously be published or rewarded and should be creative, funny and amusing. Works have to be graphically convenient for printing on T-shirts. The participants may send a maximum of 3 works to compete. TECHNIQUE: Free All entries must be send by e-mail only.
FIRST PRIZE: 300 Euro, Trophy, Honorable mention and a T-shirt 
SECOND PRIZE: 200 Euro, Honorable mention and a T-shirt 
THIRD PRIZE: 100 Euro, Honorable mention and a T-shirt 
Three special prize –Honorable mention of the salon.

DEADLINE: 31st of May 2017  
The international jury will choose the cartoons. The caricatures shall be delivered to the address: festivalkarikature@opstinakolasin.me

THE DECISION will be published on 15th of June 2017, on all cartoon websites. Winners will officially be announced with the beginning of Jully and the announcement will take place in the Cultural Center in Kolašin. 
Festival organizer: Municipality Kolašin 
Darko Drljević




A Colorful Human World” International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition, Norway 2018
A Colorful Human World!

"It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair", Dickens wrote. Words, we recognize only too well. Or rather, 
we instantly recognize the despair, seeing it in the eye of refugees, who travel across the sea in spite of the danger, 
because staying would be infinitely more dangerous. 
We see the refugees, who never make it to Europe, drowning in the attempt, and those who make it ashore, 
only to be met with hate speech and the suspicion that they are extremists. Mainstream media are stimulating that populist speech, 
which incites hate, while right wing parties everywhere in Europe are calling on the nation state and 
closing of the borders to the exclusion of others. There is always some "other" to blame for everything. 
In fact, our societies consist of many "others" at the risk of a situation of fracture in which everyone is made scared of one another. 
Cartoonists have an important task at hand, and The International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition 2018 invites 
all cartoonists to make us forget to be scared and find different ways of (re)connecting. 
Cartooning at its finest is a spring of hope. It gives us ways to critically rethink and
 find alternatives to bridge the "us" and "them". We get to see the human in the other. 
Differences in culture or language are no longer too strange or too much to take in. 
We see that differences are what make for a colorful world. We deserve to be living in a colorful human world and 
The International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition 2018 invites all cartoonists to take part to make it a reality.

Theme: Colorful Human World.
Deadline: 15th of March 2018. 
Size: A4, jpg format, 300 dpi. 
Email: colorworld2018@gmail.com

The Contest is open to cartoonists from all over the world. Cartoonists can send their published or unpublished works of art to the Contest.
The cartoon can be produced traditionally or digitally.

Deadline :15th of March 2018
Each participant may present up to 3 cartoons (size A4). Resolution must be at least 300 dpi.

The Prizes
Grand Prize: 5,000 kr. 
Second Prize:3,000 kr.
Third Prize: 2, 000 kr.
Honour Prizes (5): 1000kr.

All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a Digital Certificate of Participation
A short CV, personal photo, the e-mail address, Skype account (if available), 
and the postal address of each participant is required.

Norwegian and International Jury of ten members will make a selection of the submitted cartoons 
which are to exhibited in the Norwegian Literature House in Oslo and published in
 Cartoon Home Network International (Facebook platform)
The jury members can be participants only in the exhibition.
They will be exhibited to 100 drawings to be evaluated by the Jury Committee.
All participating drawings may be exhibited in a touring exhibition in Norway or abroad.

The drawings may be used in the advertising campaign of the exhibition. 
On no account should drawings or copies be sold. 
Commercial exploitation of part or the whole exhibition is prohibited.
Copyright of the exhibition belongs to the organizers.
Participants will receive a digital catalog of the exhibition.
If you have any questions, we’ll be happy to answer them. Please send an email to: chni2016@gmail.com
You can visit our Cartoon Home Network International on Facebook:

Good Luck
Cartoon Home NetworkInternational | CHNI

Kendi karikatür serüvenini yaratmaya ne dersin?..

Usta karikatürist Hicabi Demirci rehberliðinde, içindeki gizli karikatüristi uyandýrmaya hazýr mýsýn?

Çizginin Çizgisi, herkesi kendi çizim yeteneðini keþfetmeye çaðýrýyor.  

Kitabý incelemek için hemen týklayýn: https://goo.gl/ZjcDsW

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