GHIBLI Logistics Cartoon Contest 2017


invites all professional and amateur caricaturists

to the „GHIBLI Logistics Cartoon Contest

with the following theme:


Forwarding (on the road, water and air),


Wharehouse logistic.


1. All participants must be a natural person over 18.


2. The contest has 1 turn. Each competitor is allowed to participate in the competition with a maximum of 5 caricatures. Entries should not content any text and should be made in A4 format. File details: CYMK, JPG, good quality, the maximum size of the mail is 10 MB.


3. E.mail address:


4. Deadline: 30th april 2017


5. Awards:

I. 300 Euro

II. 200  Euro

III. 100 Euro

+ Everyone on the podium gets a diploma


6. By applying, the participants accept that any decision of the jury – in connection with this contest – is final and not appealable.

– on the Ghibli website

– on the XIth Congress of the Logistic Leaders in Balatonfüred, on 1-2 June, 2017.

– on exhibitions, or events supported by the Ghibli

– on the offline and online media of Ghibli

– as decoration.



Continuous information on the

If you have any question, contact us at!

We wish you good work and a successful participation!

Ghibli Ltd. (H-1211 Budapest, Petróleum u. 2.)

FaceMi Humor Cartoon Exhibition -April 2017

FaceMi Humor Cartoon Exhibition (04,2017)

A) Cartoon Section:
Better Internet,Better Life
(Computer,Mobile Phone,WiFi,Robot,Tablet PC,Unmanned Plane,Network Shopping,Games,etc.)
B) CaricatureSection:
World Internet Leader:
Steve Jobs,Bill Gates,Tim Cook,Mark Zuckerberg,Larry Page,Elon Musk,Jeff Bezos,Eric Schmidt,etc.
Chinese Internet Leader:
Ma Yun(Jack Ma):Founder and Chairman of Alibaba Group
Liu Chuanzhi:Founder of Lenovo
Wang Jianlin:Founder and Chairman of Dalian Wanda Group
Ren Zhengfei:Founder and President of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Ma Huateng:Founder and Chairman of Tencent
Li Yanhong:Founder and Chairman of Baidu Inc
Dong Mingzhu:President of Gree Electric
Lei Jun:Founder and Chairman of Xiaomi Inc
Liu Qiangdong:Founder and CEO of
Jia Yueting:Founder and CEO of LETV
April 5, 2017
3,PC Entries:
1) Size: Min:A4(210mmx297mm), Max:A3(297mmx420mm).Vertical figure, not horizontal figure.
2) Quantity: Unlimited .
3) Please send digital original drawings to this contest. Black & white or colored, any style, any technique will be accepted.
4) Participants are requested to send together with their cartoons, an entry-form with digital signature, a photograph or caricature. The form can be downloaded at FreeCartoonsWeb.
5) Titles or entry-form must be filled out in understandable English or Chinese.
6) All cartoonists can participate in festival through your own E-mail by submitting your cartoons to:
Format:JPEG Size:max.4M per cartoon Resolution ratio:200dpi-300dpi
7) The excellent cartoons will be published in Chinese website,newspaper and magazine.
Excellent Prize (3 works): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF); 
Fans Prize (50 works): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF).
Venue:Shanghai Wujiaochang Circular Plaza,China
Time:April 10-30,2017
6,Facemi Portrait Art Union:
Facebook (@fcwfcwcom)
Search Group: Facemi Portrait Art Union
Twitter (@fcwfcw)
Build Homepage:
E-mail: (Only for Festival)

23rd International Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art that will open on 19th May 2017

23rd International Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art that will open on 19th May 2017 


Dear colleagues,


The Museum House of Humour and Satire in Gabrovo, Bulgaria launches a campaign for registration of entries for the 23rd International Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art that will open on 19th May 2017. The works selected by the jury will be on display at the Museum from 19th May until 30th September 2017.

The twenty-third edition of the Biennial is comprised of a competition and a curated exhibition. The competition is held in two sections – cartoons (in three categories) and contemporary art (works of art executed in any technique and media – painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, drawing, poster, installation, video and others).

The theme of the competition is Laughing in the Face of…. fear, crisis, adversity, the status quo – artists are invited to complete the phrase and make a statement by addressing the present day and its social, economic, political, cultural and daily problems and challenges.

In order to apply artists complete an online entry-form on the Biennial website, where the conditions of entry and additional information are published. The closing date for application and sending works online is 12thMarch 2017, midnight Bulgarian time (GTM+2). The selection of the works is made online by an international jury. The artists with selected works send the originals by post within the indicated deadline. 

The Biennial website is also accessible via, the official website of the House of Humour and Satire.

As organizers of the Biennial kindly request you to assist us in spreading this call for entry among the artists you work with, as well as, if possible, to publish it on your website.

We shall appreciate your responsiveness and cooperation, and remain at your disposal for any further questions.




Margarita Dorovska





Theme: “Respect differences!“


Societies differ based on their language, religion and racial features. These features create the basics of the “differences” description. In such terms, we may not talk about equality since every body has a different color. Amongst crowds, these concepts are unfortunately referred as discriminators. Whereas these differences should be seen as riches. Whilst facing differences, we should acknowledge everybody as they are and respect their differences. Respecting people’s thoughts, lifestyles, views of life are a must in the first place for societal values. These differences shouldn’t be a reason for imposition, othering and end up into opression. People’s values, lifestyles, visions, beliefs, anticipations, tastes, perceptions and interpretations pof the World may differ. All of them represents the riches of life. Acknowledging, understanding the other and whatever his/her differences are, knowing that he/she also owns all the rights we do, elevates our humanist side and universality. 

In a society where some masses want the others to be just like themselves and rejecting the others’ cultural heritage representing the differences is a menace towards societal values. In any society, all the people must live in equal conditions and rights.  We deserve living in a colorful World independent of race, language and religion. Respecting the differences.. 

The purpose of our contest is to underline the difference while showing its importance to societies and implement it through the cartoon art.


The Rules of Competition:


1) With participation in competition is possible only by Internet. (

2) All submitted work should be participating a contest for the first time. With an offence, there’s a risk of deprivation of the achieved prizes.

3) The designs are to be drawn in A3-Size to deliver in 300 dpi dissolution and in Jpeg format. They know both and black-and-white, and to be colored, the coloured representation is exactly the same as the colortechnical treatment of the work is incumbent on not a containment.

4) The closing date of the competition is 15 March 2017.

5) Pre-selective Jury will determine the 100 finalists between dates 20-31st March 2017. Finalists will be presented in social media and on DQ website for the following 10 days.

6) The jury exists, evaluates the works between 01. and 07. April 2017. Results of this evaluation and conception of the price-crowned works are published on 10 April 2017.

7) The award of the prize will take place in the context of the opening of the exhibition in 7 May 2017 in the municipal art gallery Filderstadt.

8) Received caricatures will be securely saved in Don Quichotte’s archive. We certainly will get permission from you if we need to use your caricatures for purposes other than displaying it in exhibitions and album. 

9) Contest Album will be developed in pdf and, if sponsored, will be printed.

10) Awarded and best performing cartoons will be exhibited in various European countries.


The Prizes:


– First Prize: 1.000 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal

– Second Prize: 750 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal

– Third Prize: 500 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal

– Special Awards

– 10 Mentions


Preselector Jury:


– Hayati Boyacýoðlu/Germany

– Ýsmail Doðan/Belgium

– Erdoðan Karayel/Germany


Jury Members: –


– Tan Oral/Turkey

– Gürbüz Doðan Ekþioðlu/Turkey

– Elena Ospina/Colombia

– Peter Nieuwendijk/Netherlands

– Jitet Koustana/Indonesia

– Marco De Angelis/Ýtaly

– Walter Toscano/Peru

– Valeriu Kurtu/Germany

– Ivailo Tsvetkov/Bulgaria

– Hicabi Demirci/Turkey

– Hayati Boyacýoðlu/Germany

– Erdoðan Karayel/Germany


Technich Assistance: 


Saadet Demir Yalcin/Turkey



Thema: "Respekt vor Verschiedenheit"


Die Gesellschaften unterscheiden sich in Sprache, Religion, Kultur und ggf. Herkunft oder Hautfarbe. Diese charakteristischen Merkmale von Menschen bilden den Begriff der "Verschiedenheit". Hier von Gleichheit zu sprechen, wäre Gleichmacherei. Denn jeder Einzelne hat eine andere Farbe, einen anderen Charakter. Oft sind die genannten Begriffe gegenwärtig leider negativ besetzt. Doch eigentlich sollten Unterschiede als ein Reichtum angesehen werden. In Bezug auf Verschiedenheit müssen Menschen akzeptiert werden, wie sie sind und ihre Unterschiede verdienen Respekt.

Die Meinungen, die Lebensstile und die Weltanschauungen der Menschen zu respektieren ist Einer der wesentlichen sozialen Werte. Unterschiede sollten nie als Ausschluss- oder Zwangsfaktor verwendet oder zum Druckmittel verwandelt werden. Persönliche Werte der Menschen, ihre Lebensstile, ihre Meinungen, ihr Glaube, ihre Erwartungen, ihre Geschmacksrichtungen, ihre Wahrnehmung und ihre Weltanschauung können unterschiedlich sein.  

All‘ das bildet den Reichtum des Lebens

Unserem Gegenüber – welche Unterschiede auch immer existieren –

die gleichen Rechte zu gewähren, die wir selber beanspruchen, beweist unsere humanistische Seite und verweist auf  unsere Universalität.
Mehrheitsgesellschaften streben häufig die Assimilation von Minderheiten oder Volksgruppen an. Das ist schlecht für das kulturelle Erbe und die sozialen Werte der Gesellschaft. Unabhängig davon in welcher Gesellschaft man lebt, sollten Lebensbedingungen und –rechte angepasst sein. Sprache oder Religion wir angehören – in einer bunten Welt zu leben, ist das Recht aller. Daher sollten wir Unterschiede respektieren.


Das Ziel beim Organisieren dieses Wettbewerbs ist es, einen Beitrag zu leisten, Unterschiede herauszufinden, die Bedeutung von Verschiedenheit in der Gesellschaft zu betonen und das Ganze in Karikaturen in seiner Besonderheit und Ästhetik zu erleben.




1) Die Teilnahme am Wettbewerb ist nur über das Internet ( möglich.
2) Die eingereichten Karikaturen sollen zuvor bei keinem Wettbewerb einen Preis bekommen haben. Ansonsten kann bei der Feststellung eines solchen Verstoßes der errungene Preis zurückverlangt werden.
3) Die Karikaturen sind in A3-Größe, 200 dpi-Auflösung und JPG-Format einzureichen (Schwarz-Weiß oder farbig;jede farbtechnische Bearbeitung ist zulässig)
4) Einsendeschluss ist der 15. März 2017.
5) Das Vorauswahl-Komitee wird, zwischen dem 20. und  dem 31.März 2017 aus allen eingereichten Karikaturen, 100 Finalisten bestimmen. Diese werden 10-Tage lang in allen Sozialen Medien und auf der Homepage von DQ (Don Quichotte) publiziert. 
6) Das Auswahl-Komitee wird zwischen dem 01. und 07.April 2017 auswerten und die Ergebnisse am 10.April 2017 bekanntgeben.
7) Die Preisverleihung wird im Rahmen der Eröffnung der Wettbewerbsausstellung am 07. Mai 2017 in der Städtischen Galerie Filderstadt stattfinden.
8) Alle eingereichten Karikaturen werden im Archiv von DQ (Don Quichotte) aufbewahrt.
9) Ein PDF-Dokument mit allen eingereichten Karikaturen wird erstellt und wenn die Sponsorenbedingungen erfüllt sind, wird ein Wettbewerbskatalog erstellt und veröffentlicht.
10) Alle preisgekrönte Karikaturen und weitere Teilnehmerwerke werden in verschiedenen Ländern Europas in Ausstellungen präsentiert.



–  Erster Preis: 1.000 Euro + Don Quichotte Medaille

–  Zweiter Preis: 750 Euro + Don Quichotte Medaille

–  Dritter Preis: 500 Euro+ Don Quichotte Medaille

–  10 Sonderpreise Auszeichnungen



– Hayati Boyacýoðlu/Deutschland

– Ismail Dogan/Belgien

– Erdoðan Karayel/Deutschland



– Tan Oral/Türkei

– Gürbüz Doðan Ekþioðlu/Türkei

– Elena Ospina/Kolumbien

– Peter Nieuwendijk/Niederlande

– Jitet Koustana/Indonesien

– Marco De Angelis/Ýtalien

– Walter Toscano/Peru

– Valeriu Kurtu/Deutschland

– Ivailo Tsvetkov/Bulgarien

– Hicabi Demirci/Türkei

– Hayati Boyacýoðlu/Deutschland

– Erdoðan Karayel/Deutschland


Tecnischer Assistent: 

– Saadet Demir Yalçýn/Türkei


Konu: "Farkliliga Saygi"

Dunya uzerinde yasayan toplumlar dil, din ve irksal ozelliklerine gore ayrisir. Bunlar "Farklilik" tanimini olusturan temel ozelliklerdir. Bu anlamda esitlik soz konusu olmayabilir. Zira her bireyin ayri bir rengi vardir. Genis kitleler icinde bu kavramlara gunumuzde ne yazik ki, ayristirici anlamlar yuklenmistir. Oysa bu farkliliklari birer zenginlik olarak gormemiz gerekir. Farkliliklar karsisinda yapilmasi gereken sey, insanlari oldugu gibi kabullenmek ve onlarin farkliliklarina saygi duymaktir. Insanlarin dusuncelerine, yasam tarzlarina, hayata bakislarina saygi gostermek toplumsal degerlerin basinda gelir. Bu farkliliklar asla oteleme ve dayatma unsuru olmamali, baskiya donusmemelidir. Insanlarin degerleri, yasam tarzlari, olaylara bakis acilari, inanclari, beklentileri, zevkleri, dunyayi algilama ve yorumlama sekilleri farkli olabilir. Tum bunlar hayatin zenginlikleridir. Karsimizdakini tanimak, anlamak ve farkliligi ne olursa olsun, sahip oldugumuz tum haklara onun da sahip oldugunu bilmek humanist yanimizi ve evrenselligimizi yuceltir.
Toplumda bazi kitlelerin digerlerini de kendilerine benzetmek istemeleri, onlarin kulturel mirasi olan farkliliklarini reddetmeleri toplumsal degerlere yapilabilecek en buyuk kotuluktur. Hangi toplum olursa olsun tum bireyler esit kosullarla ve haklarla yasayabilmelidir. Her irkin renkleri ayridir ama birlestiginde muhtesem bir ahenk olusur. Hangi irktan, dilden, dinden olursak olalim rengarenk bir dunyada yasamak hepimizin hakkidir. Farkliliklara saygi duyalim.
Bu yarismayi duzenlemekteki amacimiz, farkliligi irdeleyerek, toplumlarin yasamindaki onemini vurgulamak ve hayata gecirilebilmesine karikatur sanatiyla katkida bulunmaktir.

Yarisma Kosullari:

1) Yarismaya sadece internet uzerinden ( katilinabilir.
2) Yarismaya katilacak karikaturlerin daha once hic bir yarismada odul almamis olmasi gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde odulun geri alinabilmesi soz  konusu olabilecektir.
3) Karikaturler A3 boyutunda, 300 dpi ve JPG formatinda olacaktir. (Siyah-beyaz veya renkli olabilir, her turlu boyama teknigi serbesttir.)
4) Yarismaya son katilim tarihi 15 Mart 2017‘dir.
5) On Secici Kurul 20-31 Mart 2017 tarihleri arasinda gelen karikaturlerden 100 finalist belirleyecek. Finalistler 10 gun boyunca sosyal medyada ve DQ internet sitesinde yayinlanacaktir.
6) Secici kurul, gelen karikaturleri 1-7 Nisan 2017 arasi degerlendirecek, sonuclar  10 Nisan 2017 tarihinde aciklanacaktir.
7) Odul toreni ve sergi, 7 Mayis 2017 tarihinde Filderstadt Sanat Galerisi‘nde gerceklesecektir.
8) Gonderilen karikaturler Don Quichotte arsivinde muhafaza edilecektir.
9) Yarisma albumu pdf olarak hazirlanacak, gerekli sponsor destegi saglanirsa bastirilacaktir.
10) Odul alan ve sergilenmeye deger bulunan karikaturler, Avrupa’nin degisIk ulkelerinde sergilenecektir.


–  Birincilik Odulu: 1.000 Euro+Don Quichotte Madalyasi
–  Ikincilik Odulu:  750 Euro+Don Quichotte Madalyasi
–  Ucunculuk Odulu: 500 Euro+Don Quichotte Madalyasi
–  10 adet Mansiyon

On Secici Kurul:

– Hayati Boyacioglu/Almanya
– Ismail Dogan/Belcika
– Erdogan Karayel/Almanya

Secici Kurul:

– Tan Oral/Turkiye
– Gurbuz Dogan Eksioglu/Turkiye
– Elena Ospina/Kolombiya
– Peter Nieuwendijk/Hollanda
– Jitet Koustana/Endonezya
– Marco De Angelis/Italya
– Walter Toscano/Peru
– Valeriu Kurtu/Almanya
– Ivailo Tsvetkov/Bulgaristan
– Hicabi Demirci/Turkiye
– Hayati Boyacioglu/Almanya
– Erdogan Karayel/Almanya

Teknik Asistan:

Saadet Demir Yalcin/Turkiye