May 19 ? September 30


Welcome. We wish your entry in the Eighteenth International Biennial Exhibition of Humour and Satire in the Arts every success.
1.This International Exhibit and Festival recognizes the highest achievements of humour and satire in the following CATEGORIES, each to have its own exhibit area:

2.SUBJECT MATTER: The World Lasts Because It Laughs
House of Humour and Satire, Gabrovo Municipality, the Ministry of Culture and the Humour of the Peoples Society. The Organizing Committee is chaired by the Mayor of Gabrovo.
May 19, 2007, 10.00 a.m., House of Humour and Satire
The exhibitions run until September 30, 2007
A jury of professional artists and former Biennial winners selects the works for the exhibitions and awards the prizes. The decisions of the jury are final and there is no appeal.
▪ GRAND PRIX – the GOLDEN AESOP statuette, 1 000 BGN, a certificate and an invitation to stage a one-artist show during Biennial 2009.
▪ PRIZE of the town of GABROVO – the GASCAR statuette, 800 BGN and a certificate.
▪ Prizes (six) of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria ? 800 BGN each and a certificate in each category.

▪ Prize for sculpture awarded by Skalni Materiali JS Co?Rousse ? 1 500 BGN and a certificate
▪ Prize of Skalni Materiali JS Co-Rousse – 500 BGN and a certificate – awarded to a young sculptor (up to 35 yrs.)
▪ Prize of LIONS CLUB of Baden/Helenental, Austria – 500 EUR and a certificate – awarded to a young Bulgarian graphic artist (up to 30 yrs.)
▪ Prize of Inter Data Systems Co. ? professional Lowepro photo backpack and a certificate. The prize goes to the funniest photograph submitted.
▪ Prize of the Humour of the Peoples Society – 400 BGN and a certificate
▪ Prize of the Directorate of CENTRAL BALKAN National Park for a cartoon on the subject of 'Safeguarding Nature' – a 3-day visit to CENTRAL BALKAN National Park and a certificate.
▪ Prize of Gabrovo Planet Society – the Gabrovo Planet statuette, 100 BGN and a certificate – awarded to the best work on Gabrovo subject matter.
The cash prizes in BGN (Bulgarian Leva) are subject to taxation in conformity with Bulgarian law. The prize winning works remain in the Humour of the Peoples collection of the House of Humour and Satire. The latter reserves the right to extend personal invitations to the prize winners to attend the prize-awarding ceremony.


The competition is open to all artists who accept the conditions of entry. The working languages are Bulgarian and English. In case of disagreement on the interpretation of the text, the Bulgarian text is the valid one.
2. DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: March 1, 2007
68, Bryanska St., P. O. Box 104, 5300 Gabrovo, BULGARIA
For contacts: Tel. +359 66 /807229/; +359 66 /804945/; +359 66 /807248/
Fax: +359 66 /806989/
E-mail: humorhouse@globcom.net

The conditions of entry, jury members and recognition of the entries received, selected, donated and awarded can be viewed at http://www.humorhouse.bg 
Inquiries can be made on telephone +359 66 /807248/. INDIVIDUAL NOTIFICATION WILL NOT BE MADE TO BIENNIAL ENTRANTS.
3. All art works should be originals and entrants' property.
 Any technique is acceptable.
– CARTOONS A4 (29 x 21 cm)
– GRAPHICS & DRAWINGS 50 x 70 cm
– PAINTINGS 150 x 150 cm
– SCULPTURE 80 cm maximum height and 20 kg maximum weight
– POSTERS 70 x 100 cm
– PHOTOGRAPHS 30 x 40 cm
5. Each artist may submit up to 5 entries for each category,
 but no more than 2 works can be selected for exhibition.
6. The artist's name, title of the work,
year of creation, technique,
value and category type should be printed on the back of each entry. Each work should be accompanied by an entry
form completed in block capital letters in Bulgarian or English.
7. Unless indicated otherwise, all entries submitted will be considered donations to the Humour of the Peoples collection at the House of Humour and Satire; therefore, artists are requested to complete and sign the Certificate of Donation on the entry form. The organizers greatly appreciate these donations which significantly enhance the international collections to be enjoyed by all. The donors' names will be listed down in the home page of the House of Humour and Satire; the donated works will be shown in future exhibitions in this country and abroad.
8. Artists who cannot donate their work and explicitly indicate TO BE RETURNED on the entry form should deposit by September 30, 2007 the following return sums which cover packing, dispatching and postage charges:
 ? 20 EUR
The artists will have their works back by December 31, 2007.
Works lacking return postage by September 30, 2007 remain in the Humour of the Peoples collection.
9. The return sums can be sent by:
– Bank transfer to:
House of Humour and Satire
DSK Bank PLc ? Gabrovo branch
IBAN number: BG83STSA93003110025400
BIC code of DSK Bank Plc: STSABGSF

– Money order payable to the House of Humour and Satire
– Cash at the pay office of the House of Humour and Satire (a happy circumstance for the organizers to meet you, the artist).
Sorry, NO cheques or charge cards.
10. All entries should be sent frameless and unmounted as printed matter with PRINTED MATTER noted on the package.
11. Artists should cover the transport costs franco Gabrovo. The organizers will not collect packages sent franco other destinations.
12. The House of Humour and Satire guarantees the safety of the works from the date of receipt to the date of return. No responsibility is assumed for damage or loss during transit.
13. The House of Humour and Satire reserves the right to reproduce the works on display and have them printed in its publications and other publicity materials.
14. The House of Humour and Satire publishes an art catalogue of the works selected for display.
Only artists with selected works are entitled to a free copy. The catalogue is available at the gift shop of the House of Humour and Satire and all other artists can have it for 48 EUR (postage included) remitted according to item 9.



6th Humo Daeva International Cartoon Contest

6th HumoDaeva
 International Cartoon Contest


1. The artworks must be presented in a FREE THEME, under the categories:

A. CARTOON: drawings without any relation to a specific fact;
portrait with anatomic and psychological distortion of well known personalities;
drawings in sequential panels;
good-humored photos with universal theme

 is an open competition for cartoonists all over the world.
 The Participation on the International Contest is free of charge.

3. You can submit an unlimited number of entries;
 the maximum format is A3 (30 x 42 cm).
 Drawings should not be framed in any way
 and sent packed flat without rolling or folding.

4. Works must be originals (photocopies are not accepted!),
using any technique, black and white or in colors,
without words
. If the works are made with the computer
? PC GRAPHICS ? you can send them by internet, at the address: HumoDAEVA@yahoo.com,
or on a CD or DVD. In this case,
the works must be digitized in 300 DPI resolution,
RGB color mode, in JPG format ? high quality
? with the maximum limit of 5 MB.

Works should be accompanied by the author?s photo or caricature and a short biography in English, including date of birth, education, profession, citizenship, awards, publications and exhibitions.

5. Each drawing realized in the classical mode,
 should bear on the backside the registration form.
 Only submissions arriving with a filled-in
 registration form (in block capital letters
 and glued on the back side of each work) will be accepted!
For the drawings realized on the PC, the registration form should
be completed and sent from our website.

6. Artists should cover the transport costs of works franco Deva.
 Works should be adequately packed to avoid damage.
 No liability at all for transport damages and/or loss
for submissions it?s assumed by the organizer.

7. The Deadline for sending works (postal stamp)
 is 1 March 2007 at the address:
(Horia CRISAN & Liviu STANILA)
OP 1, C.P. 174, 330.190 Deva, jud.
Hunedoara, ROMANIA

8. The decisions of the Jury are final.
The Jury will award the following prizes
for the best works, no mater the categories:

The GRAND PRIZE _______ 1200 Euro
(A full color Personal Album and a Special Honor Diploma)

The SECOND PRIZE ___________ 500 Euro and Special Honor Diploma

The THIRD PRIZE _____________ 300 Euro and Special Honor Diploma

10 ?Prizes of Excellence? _______ Special Honor Diploma

5 ?Prizes of the web-visitors? ___ Special Honor Diploma

Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded.

9. The contest results will be announced on the HumoDƖA web site: http://www.besthumor.info/html/humodaeva.html .
 The prizes can be paid in Deva or can be
posted to the cost of the receiver.
The organizer does not assume any liability
 regarding taxes or bank charges.

In the same time, all the arrived and accepted works
 will be scanned and exposed on the mentioned website
? there will be a poll and the first 5 placed will be also awarded.

10. All selected cartoonists will get, free of charge, a full-color Catalogue ? Calendar of the 2007 HumoDAEVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST.

11. The works will be returned, on demand and on the artist?s expense. The awarded drawings will not be returned, they will become property of the organizers. If no request of returning the drawings is made until 31.08.2007, the drawings will remain in the property of the organizers who retain the right to use all the drawings received (to make exhibitions in Romania or abroad, to publish them in newspapers, magazines, books, posters, postal cards, internet, multimedia products and in any other form, without any compensation or fee to the author).

12. For all the cartoonists accepted in the contest,
the drawings will be displayed FREE OF CHARGE
 on the site
from where those can be sold, case in
 which the artist will receive 50 % from the selling fee.

13. For further information: phone 0040 – 722 – 281314, e-mail: HumoDAEVA@yahoo.com .

14. By submitting the works to The HumoDƖA
the artists accept the decisions of the Jury and the rules printed above.

Founder & General Manager of Co-founder and Art Director of



(Please multiply, complete in block capital letters
and glued on the back side of each work.
 For the digital works, send the registration form by e-mail)

7th International Editorial Cartoon Competition-Canada

1. The theme of the 2007 Competition, is "Killing the Messenger."
More than 80 journalists have been killed in
the line of duty in 2006.
Many have been deliberately
targeted because of their investigative reporting or dissenting views such as Anna Polikovskaya in Russia,
 and Lebanese publisher Gebran Tueni.
Many methods are employed to curb the
 free press: kidnapping, intimidation, unjust jailing, and expulsion of foreign correspondents. Killing the Messenger has become a preferred method.

2. Three prizes will be awarded.

First prize: $1500, crystal trophy, and Canadian UNESCO certificate.
Second prize: $750.
Third prize: $500. All sums are in Canadian dollars.
Ten additional cartoons will each receive an Award of Excellence.
3. A maximum of three cartoons will be accepted from each cartoonist.
 They may be in colour or black and white. They may be sent as attachments to an e-mail. They may not have previously won an award. They will not be returned.
4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed 8.5 by 11 inches.
5. The cartoonist's name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address (if available) must be on the reverse side of each cartoon or in the body of the e-mail to which the cartoon is attached.
6. A short biography of the Cartoonist should be provided.
7. The National Press Club of Canada shall have the rights to use any of the cartoons entered in the Competition for promotion of the Luncheon or World Press Freedom Day. Participation in the competition implies agreement by the cartoonist to the conditions of this article.
8. An exhibit of the best cartoons will be held in the National Press Club Library.
9. The winners of the Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day Luncheon held at the National Press Club in Ottawa, on May 3, 2007 and will be advised by mail or fax or e-mail. The results may be posted on the National Press Club Web site
10. Entry deadline is 5 pm Eastern Standard Time, Friday, March 30, 2007.
Cartoons must be sent to:
The National Press Club of Canada, 150 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. K1P 5A4

or to Spencer Moore, by
Fax: 613-834 2657.
or by E-mail
For further information contact Spencer Moore, Phone: 613-824-2436
Formulaire en version fran硩se est disponible. T鬺 613-233-5641.

The First International Productivity Cartoon Competition

The First International
Cartoon Competition

Productivity could simply be defined as ?doing the right work in the right way?.

Hence, to show this concept in patterns that make learning as simple as a smile,
We invite cartoonists all over the world to take part in
the first International Cartoon Festival with the theme of Productivity.

Productivity and city management
Productivity and city-dwelling
Productivity and nature
Productivity and technology
Productivity and culture
Productivity and human being
to see the winning cartoons in the First National Productivity Cartoon Contest ,click here:

 Also another special competition titled ?Productivity and Cell Phones (Mobile)?
 will be held whose winners will be announced separately.

 The regulations of the festival are as follow:

1-A maximum of 3 works in each section

2-Only original Artworks are accepted, without any kind of frame,
accompanied by the entry form and author?s short biography and photo.

3-Works by computers are also acceptable, provided the print
versions are signed by the cartoonist. The computer
version should be in TIFF format with 300-DPI resolution on CD.

4-No photocopies or photographs will be accepted.

5-Name , surname ,address , phone No and email of
 the participant should be written on the back of each cartoon.

6-The size of the works should be A4 and maximum A3 .

7-There is no limit on the techniques employed for cartoons.

8-The deadline for all submissions is April 30, 2007.

9-The opening Ceremony is May 22, 2007.

10-The participating cartoons will not be returned.

11-All cartoonists whom their cartoons are published in the catalogue will receive a free copy.

12-The organizers will do their best to protect all
submitted cartoons from any probable damage,
 but takes no responsibility of the damages caused by post or bad transport..

13-The organizers hold all  the rights to publish the cartoons
 submitted to the festival and use them in any form.

14-The works should be sent to the following address:
No.60, Western Golnabi (Ketabi) St., Hemmat Highway,
 Shariati St., Tehran, Iran, Iranian House of Cartoon 

Tel: (+9821)22868600
Fax: (+9821) 22867080



15-The Prizes:
1. First prize: 3000 Euro and Trophy
1. Second prize: 2000 Euro and Trophy
1. Third prize: 1000 Euro and Trophy 

In addition:The first winner will be awarded a mobile with the accessories valued at 1000 Euro as well.
The second winner will be awarded a mobile with the accessories valued at 500 Euro.
The third winner will be awarded a mobile with the accessories valued at 200 Euro.
Ten other top works will be chosen to be awarded.

It needs to be mentioned that the festival jury is comprised
of international members with a combination of artistic vision
 (cartoonists) and scientific vision (management scholars).

Organizers: Maad system group and Iranian House of Cartoon

Aydin Dogan Foundation 2007

The Aydin Dogan International Cartoon Competition is held every year in Turkey by the Aydin Dogan Foundation. The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.

General Information

1) Participants take part in the competition with an original cartoon. Cartoons must be signed by the cartoonist in case that they are submitted as computer print outs. Photographs, photocopies, etc., will not be accepted.
2) Size of cartoons should not exceed 29.7 x 42 cm (A3 paper size).
3) The Foundation will not be responsible for damage that may occur during postage and handling.
4) Competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
5)subject is free.
6) Participants are expected to send the filled in participation form, a short curriculum vitae with photograph together with their cartoons. Otherwise applications will not be considered.
7) The Jury composed of foreign members will meet in June 2007.
8) The Foundation will cover the travel and accommodation expenses of the first three prize-winning cartoonists for the award ceremony in Turkey.
9) Award-winning cartoons will not be returned to the artists.
10) By filling in the entrance form attached, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he has turned over the financial rights (s)he holds over the cartoon or cartoons vis-୶is the public to the Aydin Dogan Foundation without limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties under Articles 21-25 of the Law on Intellectual Property Rights for publication. (S)he agrees that the Aydin Dogan Foundation may use such cartoons, exhibit them, keep them in its archives and publish them on the Internet or through other media.
11) Cartoons which do not win awards will be returned to the artists upon written request.
12) Participants may also leave the cartoons to the Cartoon Museum, to be established by the Foundation.
13) XXIV Aydin Dogan International Cartoon Competition will be celebrated with an award ceremony in November 2006 in Istanbul.
Deadline for entries is Friday May, 18th 2007.

The Prizes

First Prize : 8000 US Dollars and the First Prize of the Aydin Dogan Foundation
Second Prize : 5000 US Dollars and the Second Prize of the Aydin Dogan Foundation
Third Prize : 3500 US Dollars and the Third Prize of the Aydin Dogan Foundation
Awards of Success : 500 US Dollars and the Award of Success of the Aydin Dogan Foundation

Should the vote be tied, the prizes will be jointly awarded to the winners. A minimum of 5 and maximum of 12 success awards will be granted.

XXIV. Aydin Dogan Uluslararasi Karikatur Yarismasi, Dogan TV Center, 34204 Bagcilar, Istanbul, Turkey

Fourth International Cartoon Contest KOZUCHOW 2007

Fourth International Cartoon Contest KOZUCHOW 2007

Announcement and publication of the Competition
November 2006

Deadline for receiving works:
31-th May 2007

Sitting of the Jury
June 2007

Announcement of the Jury decision, seminar and the opening of the post competition exhibition
September – October 2007

GRAND PRIX – PLN 3500 and "Castellan Sabre"
1-st PLACE – PLN 2500
2-nd PLACE – PLN 2000
3-rd PLACE – PLN 1500
Sponsors' prizes

The Organizers have the right to the change in the amount of particular prizes, nonetheless, the total amount of prizes shall remain unchanged.

The Jury comprises of the Organizers representatives as well as artist dealing with art in practice or as theoreticians.

Both professional and amateur cartoonists are eligible to take part in the competition.
A maximum of three original works (format min. A5 – max. A3) in optional technique should be sent or delivered by May 31-st, 2006 to the following address:

KOKiS "Zamek"
Klasztorna 14
67-120 Kozuch��r> POLAND
tel. (48) 68 355 35 36
e-mail: zamek@kozuchow.pl

The Organizers are not responsible for damage or loss during transportation! The winners as well as cartoonists qualified to participate in the post-competition exhibiton shall be provided with a free copy of a catalogue published by the organizers.

The Organizers provide the competition prize winners with free accommodation and boarding during the exhibition event.

The winners receive their prizes on condition that they are either present at the opening of the post competition exhibition or else they indicate a bank account where the money is to be transferred. The works become the property of the Organizers and shall be included in the collection of the "False Mirror" gallery located in KOKIS "ZAMEK".

Every participant in the competition agrees to their free of fees delivery of works to the "False Mirror" gallery.

Every work delivered to the competition ought to be accompanied (on the reverse) with the author's signature, address and a telephone number.

By sending their works to the competition the participants agree to the abovementioned regulations and they further agree to the free of fees publication of their works for marketing purposes connected with the competition and post competition exhibition.

The exhibition organizers are the final judges in the interpretation of these regulations.

By sending his/her works and taking part in the competition the artist agrees to the abovementioned rules and regulations

The first international cartoonfestival, Zemst

The first international cartoonfestival, Zemst


VVV Tourism Zemst, an association of volunteers in Zemst (Belgium), organize in 2007, for the first time an international cartoonfestival with 'King football’ as topic. We thank you in advance for your collaboration.


1. Theme: “KING FOOTBALL”.

2. The number of entries is limited until 5.
They shall not have been exhibited or published before.

3. The works have to be sent to the following address:
VVV Toerisme Zemst,
Gemeentehuis, De Griet 1, B-1980 ZEMST, Belgium

4. The drawings shall have the following dimensions: 210 x 297 mm. The works shall not be provided by a passe-partout, neither be stuck on larger paper. The drawing must bear, on the reverse, the surname, Christian name and address of the participant. The drawings shall not bear subtitles.

5. By virtue of their participation, the participants authorize the organizers to publish some of their works that they have received.

6. The following prizes are foreseen: 500,00 euro + trophy – 300,00 euro + trophy – 200,00 + trophy.

7. Prize for the best Belgian participant: 100,00 euro.

8. By participating the participant lends his works to the organizers for exhibitions. The works received will remain at the disposal of the organizers during one year until august 2008.

9. The entries will only be sent back by the organizers on receiving a written request. The awarded works will become the property of the organizers.

10. Entry till 31 may 2007.

11. Exhibition: 28 july – 29 august 2007. Opening Friday 27/07/2007 at 8 pm.

Back to Cartoon Contests

The 16th Daejeon Int’l Cartoon Contest

The Daejeon city is inviting world cartoonists to take part in the 16th Daejeon International Cartoon Contest (DICACO).

1. This year' s contest comprises a Theme section
 (titled Relief / Service) and a Free section.
2. The size of works should be smaller than 297mm x 420mm.
3. Any color, free style, and unlimited items.
4. Each entrant should provide title, name, age, address, e-mail, telephone number, and career on reverse.
5. The deadline for entry is Jun. 30,2007.
6. Entries should be addressed to the Daejeon International Cartoon Institute, 450, Wolpyongdong, Daejeon city, 302-281, Seoul Korea.
7. The most creative cartoon will win the Grand Prix prize of $3,000, Gold prize of $1,000 Silver prize of $500, Bronze prize of $300, and 300 Selected works will be awarded.
8. Exhibit the prize works at the Daejeon Hanbat Library Gallery in Oct. 2007.
9. Submitted cartoons will not be returned, but exhibited forever in Korean public halls, galleries, & museums.
10. Your cartoon may be used for promotional purposes : cards, posters, catalogs, newspaper, magazine, and books etc.

From Cheong-San, Lim Ph.D & D. Min
Professor of the Daejeon Int'I Cartoon Institute
450, Wolpyongdong, Daejeon City, 302-852, Seoul Korea


The First International Cartoon Contest of Cheval Blanc


Themes: Firemen

1 – Each cartoonist can submit a max of (3) original works (black & white or colored). Works made by computer, or photocopies will be accepted;
2 – Size: strictly A4 (21X 29.7)
3 – Deadline: November 1st, 2007
4 – On the back of each work the following information should appear:
First name – surname – address – tel & fax – e-mail ?
5 – The works will be displayed at Infos-Matin website:
or may be used for promotional purposes; cards, posters, newspapers, catalogs, books, etc. Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions and are aware that their submitted works may be reprinted and used without permission.
6 – All the cartoonists whose works will be selected for the exhibition will receive a catalogue
7 – The jury will not reward the cartoons submitted to other festivals. The prize winners will be informed by mail. And the results will be declared on November 2007
8 – Frequency: Annual
Golden prize??????.150 Euros
Silver prize?????? 100 Euros
Bronze prize?????. 50 Euros
And 20 selected works will be awarded.( Album)
10 – By submitting the works, the author accepts the rules and regulations of the Contest and the decisions of the Jury.


All works should be sent to:
Y Delpech ,
17 voie ancienne poste
 30400 Villeneuve les Avignon

The First International China Olympic Cartoon Competition

Organizer: China Animation Association
           Beijing Red-Green-Blue Cinema & TV Advertisement Center

Jury Organizer: China Art Association Cartoon committee
The Competition open to any professional and
after-hours cartoonists and humor writers all over the world.

The tenet of Competition is: Healthy, facetious, Harmonious and Enterprising. All discrimination against religion or race will not be accepted, also all relate to obscenity or violence will be rejected.

A) All about Olympic, including Olympic Games and all relate to sports stuff;
B) My Choice (Free Theme), all about Humor…;
C) Humor essay and joke.

Jan.1, 2008.
Jury meeting: Mar.1-10, 2008.
Award ceremony: will be helden on The Great Wall before The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
Exhibition:  will be helden in Yufa
New Media Cinema & TV Advertisement City attach in The
National New Media Base, Daxing, Beijing before
The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, and
itinerant exhibitions around China.
1)Monthly Prizes:
Any author may win prizes repeatedly, and monthly Prizes
 will not impact the main prizes.
RMB 5,000 for 1-3 winners for each category (A and B category),
 RMB 1,000 for 1-3 winners (C

The Monthly Prizes will be awarded from Dec, 2006 to Jan, 2008, in number 14 months.

2)Main Prizes:
Grand Prize: RMB 250,000 for 1 winner;
Gold Prize:
RMB 50,000 for 1 winners each category
 (A and B category),
RMB 10,000 for 1

The Monthly Prizes will be awarded from Dec, 2006 to Jan, 2008, in number 14 months.

2)Main Prizes:
Grand Prize: RMB 250,000 for 1 winner;
Gold Prize:
RMB 50,000 for 1 winners each category
 (A and B category),
RMB 10,000 for 1

winners for C category.
Silver Prize: RMB 30,000 for 2 winners each category
(A and B category), RMB 5,000 for 2

Bronze Prize: RMB 10,000 for 3 winners each category
 (A and B category), RMB 3,000 for 3

100 Special Prizes will be awarded a special Jade medal.

1) No entry fee.

2) participator may submit up any quantity works,
no limited for entries, whether any


3) The entries may be sent by email or by postal mail,
For the works is submitted by email or CD,
the digital files must be A4 29.7cm), 300

dpi, Jpeg or Gif format;
For the works on peper, The maximum size of paperback is A4,
 the quality prints

will also be accepted;
For the 3D works, the maximum length of any side is 50cm,
the maximum weight is 20kg;
No limit about the essay and joke.  

4) All entry must be accompanied with the resume of author,
also the author's Name, title of

the work, address, telephone number,
email must be with works together.

5) The technique of entry is no limited, any drawing,
digital work, prints, photograph and

sculpture will be accepted.

6) Entries must not be framed.

7) Authors should be responsible for the originality of their works.

8) All entries will be not returned back, will be collected in
Yufa New Media Cinema & TV

Advertisement City attach in The National New
Media Base, Daxing, Beijing.

9) The organizer may use all entries for any objective
for spreadding the competition

without additional commission.

10) All selected artists and writers will get an free album.

11) The participator accept the conditions and provisions of these regulations and agree to

abide by the decisions of the jury.

12) The organizer have right to explain all the rules.


Postal mail to:
15 Floor-B, Shijijinyuan Hotel Business Building, No.69 Banjing RD,
Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China
Post code: 100089

15 Floor-B, Shijijinyuan Hotel Business Building, No.69 Banjing RD,
Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China
Post code: 100089

0086 10 88454391
Fax: 0086 10 88443757

Web site: