The First International Productivity Cartoon Competition

The First International
Cartoon Competition

Productivity could simply be defined as ?doing the right work in the right way?.

Hence, to show this concept in patterns that make learning as simple as a smile,
We invite cartoonists all over the world to take part in
the first International Cartoon Festival with the theme of Productivity.

Productivity and city management
Productivity and city-dwelling
Productivity and nature
Productivity and technology
Productivity and culture
Productivity and human being
to see the winning cartoons in the First National Productivity Cartoon Contest ,click here:

 Also another special competition titled ?Productivity and Cell Phones (Mobile)?
 will be held whose winners will be announced separately.

 The regulations of the festival are as follow:

1-A maximum of 3 works in each section

2-Only original Artworks are accepted, without any kind of frame,
accompanied by the entry form and author?s short biography and photo.

3-Works by computers are also acceptable, provided the print
versions are signed by the cartoonist. The computer
version should be in TIFF format with 300-DPI resolution on CD.

4-No photocopies or photographs will be accepted.

5-Name , surname ,address , phone No and email of
 the participant should be written on the back of each cartoon.

6-The size of the works should be A4 and maximum A3 .

7-There is no limit on the techniques employed for cartoons.

8-The deadline for all submissions is April 30, 2007.

9-The opening Ceremony is May 22, 2007.

10-The participating cartoons will not be returned.

11-All cartoonists whom their cartoons are published in the catalogue will receive a free copy.

12-The organizers will do their best to protect all
submitted cartoons from any probable damage,
 but takes no responsibility of the damages caused by post or bad transport..

13-The organizers hold all  the rights to publish the cartoons
 submitted to the festival and use them in any form.

14-The works should be sent to the following address:
No.60, Western Golnabi (Ketabi) St., Hemmat Highway,
 Shariati St., Tehran, Iran, Iranian House of Cartoon 

Tel: (+9821)22868600
Fax: (+9821) 22867080


15-The Prizes:
1. First prize: 3000 Euro and Trophy
1. Second prize: 2000 Euro and Trophy
1. Third prize: 1000 Euro and Trophy 

In addition:The first winner will be awarded a mobile with the accessories valued at 1000 Euro as well.
The second winner will be awarded a mobile with the accessories valued at 500 Euro.
The third winner will be awarded a mobile with the accessories valued at 200 Euro.
Ten other top works will be chosen to be awarded.

It needs to be mentioned that the festival jury is comprised
of international members with a combination of artistic vision
 (cartoonists) and scientific vision (management scholars).

Organizers: Maad system group and Iranian House of Cartoon