




Dear cartoonists,

We think that World Cartoon is not developing well. In particular, on  the cartoon contests ”with a subject” it is possible to come cross a  lot of cartoons with a idea similar each other. Beside that lately the different cartoon contests have launched awards for similar works. We are facing frequently in anxiety that we consider less ethical values of doing cartoon. We have prepared some questions focussing all these concerns and aiming some important issues addressed to you. If you would be kind to write down some short answers to these questions we may do something to establish  and to solve some problems we have today and even perhaps we could move further. So, What do you think about these questions?

1) World Cartoon
, especially when we are thinking on “subject with humor” have a stoppage. Almost without any researches we are working on a very first idea that comes to our mind. The result of this ends with similar cartoons. Do you think, we need to solve this problem? What can be done?

2) According to us, one of the biggest responsible of frequently appearance of ”similar” cartoons is jurors of the contests. In particular the jurors who do not use the Internet as a medium votes for similar cartoons. We have a suggestion to prevent similarities on cartoons: Just to exhibit all submissions posted for contest in a digital gallery on the web site of the arrangers. This can maintain a healthy result for the final cartoons. ”Don Quichotte” has already lunched this method for a while ago. Do you have any different suggestions about this?

3) What is your opinion on ”Censorship in Cartoon?” Should a cartoon be restrictions on it? If yes, what is the borders of this?

4) Also at recent periods we find more technically perfect cartoons, almost close to ”illustration” in definition and it seems they concern more plastic art which replace the traditionally cartooning with simple lines. It is a reality that there exists cartoonists/artists who produce on this track and who be very successful too. Our concern is mostly on that the priority of humor -the gag or the idea if you wish- stays in background. As it is known, the cartoon in definition is an expression with ”least and original” lines. Do you think so you too?

5) What kind of structures the cartoonists need to act in solidarity, organized as a whole against lawsuits? We need your alternative suggestions in order to create more strong cartoon unity, shoulder to shoulder, which will work internationally. Do you have any suggestions?

Dear Cartoonists,
As we mentioned, your responses to these questions can contribute to solve possible problems of World Cartoon. Beforehand we appreciate and thank for sharing your time for this poll.


Deðerli Karikatürcüler…

Dünya karikatürünün bir týkanma süreci yaþadýðý düþüncesindeyiz. Özellikle “konulu” karikatür yarýþmalarýnda ayný esprilerden çokca görmekteyiz. Bunun yaný sýra deðiþik yarýþmalarda ödül alan karikatürler arasýnda da son dönemlerde oldukça benzerlikler görmekteyiz. Karikatürün etik deðerinden biraz uzaklaþtýðý endiþesini son dönemlerde sýkça yaþýyoruz. Tüm bu kaygýlarý içeren ve önemli konulara deðinen birkaç soru hazýrladýk sizler için. Bu sorularýn kýsa yanýtlarýný vermenizle belki de karikatürün önündeki sorunlarý çözebilir veya bu yolda adýmlar atabiliriz. Ne dersiniz?

1)    Dünya karikatüründe, özellikle “espri-tema” konusunda bir týkanma söz konusu. Konu üzerinde fazla araþtýrma yapmadan ilk akla gelen espriyi kaðýda döküyoruz. Bunun sonucunda da birbirinin benzeri karikatürler türüyor. Sizce, bu sorunu çözmemiz için ne yapmalýyýz?

2)    Bizce “Benzer” karikatürlerin sýkça ortaya çýkmasýnýn en büyük sorumlularýndan biri de yarýþma jurileri. Özellikle internet ortamýný kullanmayan karikatürcülerin oluþturduðu jurilerin belirlediði sonuçlarda “benzer” karikatürlere sýkça rastlýyoruz. “Benzer” karikatürlerin önlenmesi için bizim bir önerimiz var. Yarýþmayý düzenleyen kurumlarýn internet sitelerinde gelen karikatürler bir sanal galeride yarýþma süresince yayýnlanmalý. Böylelikle finale kalan karikatürlerin ödüllendirilmesi daha saðlýklý olur.  “Don Quichotte” yarýþmalarýnda da bu yöntemi uyguluyoruz zaten. Sizin farklý bir öneriniz var mý?

3)    “Çizgide Sansür” konusunda ne düþünüyorsunuz. Karikatürde bir kýsýtlama olmalý mý? Olmalýysa bunun sýnýrý ne olmalý?

4)    Yine son dönemlerde karikatürün salt çizgiyle anlatýmýnýn yerini, plastik kaygýnýn aðýr bastýðý “illüstrasyon”a yakýn bir tekniðin aldýðýný görüyoruz. Bu doðrultuda üreten ve oldukça baþarýlý olan karikatürcülerin olduðu bir gerçek. Ancak kaygýmýz, öncelikli olmasý gereken “espri”nin ikinci planda kalmasý. Bilindiði gibi, karikatürün açýlýmý “az ve öz çizgiyle” ifade etmektir. Sizce de öyle mi?

5)    Dünya karikatürcülerinin örgütlü ve karikatüre karþý açýlan davalarda bir bütün halinde hareket edebilmesi için ne gibi bir yapýlanmaya gereksinim vardýr? Uluslar arasý platformda daha güçlü bir karikatürcü dayanýþmasý için önereceðiniz alternatif düþüncelerinize ihtiyacýmýz var.

Deðerli karikatürcüler,
yukarýdaki beþ soruya verdiðiniz yanýtlarla, dünya karikatürünün olasý sorunlarýnýn cözülmesine az da olsa katkýda bulunabilirsiniz. Þimdiden deðerli zamanýnýzý ayýrdýðýnýz için çok teþekkür ediyoruz.





MORDOÐAN BELEDÝYESÝ 2.Karikatür Yarýþmasý’nýn konusu


olarak seçilmiþtir.



Birincilik Ödülü

1.500 TL + 2 Gün (2 kiþilik ) yarým pansiyon tatil

Ýkincilik Ödülü

1.000 TL + 2 Gün (2 kiþilik ) yarým pansiyon tatil

Üçüncülük Ödülü

750 TL + 2 Gün (2 kiþilik ) yarým pansiyon tatil


Seçici Kurul Özel Ödülü

3 adet 250TL(18 yaþýndan küçük 3 çizere)



Ahmet ÇAKIR              

Mordoðan Belediye Baþkaný

Sabiha TANSUР                     

Yazar Etnolog

Ali KAYADÝBÝ              


Nedim ATÝLLA             

Gazeteci Yazar

Ömer ÇAM                              


Mustafa YILDIZ                      


Sadýk PALA                             




H.Cem LÝMAN             

Mordoðan Belediyesi



2.Ulusal Karikatür Yarýþmasý

Mordoðan Belediye Baþkanlýðý

35970 Mordoðan- ÝZMÝR


e-posta(Bilgi için)



Son Baþvuru                                       

31 Temmuz 2009 Cuma

Katýlým Koþullarý                                             

• Yarýþma ulusal ölçekte düzenlenmiþ olup amatör, profesyonel tüm karikatürcülere açýktýr.

• Çizim tekniði serbesttir. Karikatürler bilgisayar çýktýsý olarak gönderilecekse orijinal imzalý ( ýslak imza ) olmasý gerekmektedir.

• Karikatürlerin boylarý en az A4 ( 21 x 29.7 cm ) en fazla

A3 ( 29.7 cm x 42 cm ) olmalý ve herhangi bir zemine yapýþtýrýlmamalýdýr.

• Gönderilecek karikatürler daha önce hiçbir ulusal ve uluslar arasý yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmalýdýr. Seçici kurulun ayný

ya da benzer saydýðý veya baþka bir karikatürcüye ait olduðunu bildiði karikatürler deðerlendirilmeyecektir. Her tür olasý tartýþmalar, çalýntýlýk ve benzer iddialarýnýn sorumlusu katýlýmcý olacaktýr.

• Seçici kurul toplantýsýnda 10 finalist karikatür belirlenecek ve ilan edilecektir. Ödüller bu karikatürler arasýndan seçici kurulun yapacaðý ikinci deðerlendirme sonucu belirlenecek ve açýklanacaktýr. Seçici kurulun ilandan sonraki deðerlendirmesi ve sonucu kesindir.

•Yarýþmacýlar, karikatürleriyle birlikte fotoðraflý özgeçmiþlerini, adres, tel ve e.posta bilgilerini de göndermelidir.

• Yarýþmacýlar en fazla 5 adet karikatür gönderebilirler.

• Karikatürlerin en geç 31 Temmuz 2009 tarihinde adresimizde olacak þekilde, hasar görmemesi için paketlenmiþ olarak gönderilmesi yada elden teslimi gerekmektedir.

• Sonuçlarý 16 Eylül günü www.mordogan.bel.tr internet sitesinde duyurulacaktýr, ödüller ayný gün Mordoðan’ýn Kurtuluþ Günü Eðlenceleri sýrasýnda düzenlenecek bir törenle verilecektir.

• Eserler Mordoðan Belediyesi Çok Amaçlý Salonunda sergilenecektir.

• Yarýþmada ilk üç dereceye girenlerin, törene geliþ gidiþleri (Otobüs) ve 1 günlük otel konaklamasý belediyeye ait olacaktýr.

• 2 günlük 2 kiþilik tatil Mordoðan sýnýrlarý içinde ve

16 Eylül 2010 tarihine kadar geçerlidir. Tatil ödülünü kullanamama durumunda karþýlýðý olarak herhangi bir ücret ödenmez.

• Katýlýmcý ödül alsýn veya almasýn karikatürlerin her türlü kullaným haklarýný MORDOÐAN BELEDÝYESÝ’ne devreder.

• Sergilenmeye deðer bulunan Karikatürler bir albümde toplanacak ve yarýþmacýlara gönderilecektir.

• Yarýþmaya gönderilen karikatürler ödül alsýn veya

almasýn hiçbir þekilde iade edilemez.

• Çalýþmalarýný yarýþmaya gönderen tüm katýlýmcýlar

yukarýdaki koþullarý kabul etmiþ sayýlýr.


Sanatçýlarýmýza baþarýlar dileriz.


Mordoðan Hakkýnda Geniþ Bilgi Ýçin Adres





Nuclear Proliferation 101, Courtesy of Pyongyang

By John Metzler (*)

UNITED NATIONS — The political choreography was perfect — an American president visiting majestic Prague and setting out an ambitious plan for nuclear non-proliferation. An East Asian dictator, defying world opinion, firing off a ballistic missile just hours earlier. And the UN Security Council, gathering in urgent session, discussing, but not quite condemning, the rogue state with even a slap on the wrist.

President Barack Obama’s speech at the storybook Prague Castle aimed high in soaring rhetoric but was punctured by the announcement that half a world away from the medieval spires of Prague, a North Korean dictator had, as planned, tested a long range missile. Flying over Japan, the Taepodong-2 rocket capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, was fortunately a dud, falling short of expectations but still raising the specter that the enigmatic Kim Jong-il will try again and thus continue to hold East Asia hostage to his nuclear saber rattling.

While President Obama painted the grand if Pollyannaish picture of a world without nuclear weapons, he was acutely aware of the growing risk from rogue states and black market atomic bomb technology being a clear and present danger. The U.S. while reducing nuclear arms in parallel with such states as Russia, remains committed to counter the risk from terrorist groups such as Al Qaida to who are “determined to buy, build, or steal a bomb.”

Yet given the Obama Administration’s planned military cutbacks in anti-missile defense research and development, such hopeful dreams are directly challenged by a nightmare of North Korea’s nuclear reality. Precisely the sort of nuclear threats by North Korea, Islamic Iran or someday perhaps Pakistan threaten America, as well as Japan and the European Union. Thus in this setting, the speech could be viewed as Kafkaesque.

Indeed Pyongyang’s challenge has less to do with North Korea’s current capability but with the intent and aspiration; and its inspiration to radical regimes elsewhere.

North Korea already has nuclear weapons, and the regime is working on the rocket technology to deliver them. Japan is seriously threatened by this and thus has taken particularly strong diplomatic moves in the UN Security Council to slap sanctions on Pyongyang regime.

In 2006 responding to Pyongyang’s rocket firings and nuclear tests, the UN Security Council passed two binding resolutions #1695 and #1718 which forbade North Korean “not conduct any further nuclear tests or launch of a ballistic missile.”

Despite the robust rhetoric from the Obama Administration both before and after the missile test, “Rules must be binding. Violations must be punished…the world must stand together to prevent the spread of these weapons. Now is the time for a strong international response,” the response remains tepid.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton later scolded that North Korea’s test had “It’s a provocative act that has grave implications.” She advised a forceful UN response.

But back at Turtle Bay in New York, both the People’s Republic of China and Russia played interference and blocked the Security Council discussions from going further offering the sonorous advice that the missile only put a satellite into orbit, let’s not overreact, and in the words of Beijing’s delegate take a “Cautious and proportionate” response. Eventually the Council may make a pro-forma declaration

Still the multilateral Six Party talks in which both South and North Korea are joined by China, Japan, Russia and the USA in discussing a nuclear free North Korea probably remain the best diplomatic path ahead, though Pyongyang will use the test as leverage in the stalled negotiations.

Pyongyang’s missile plan to launch a satellite (portrayed as a glorious scientific victory in communist media) has more to do with internal regime mobilization as it does with bullying East Asia.

In the bizarre political hagiography of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea the missile test is clear and logical; it offers a political benediction to the regime, the Kim Cult, and the military. Kim Jong-il has just been “re-elected” by proclamation in the Supreme Peoples Assembly in Pyongyang as dictator. This period constitutes the celebratory Loyalty Festival, between Dear Leader’s Jong-Ils birthday in February and that of the deceased Great Leader Kim Il-Sung on 15 April. The moribund Marxist state needs rallying points, through both domestic mobilization and international brinksmanship. Rebuffing Japan and the U.S. is grist for Pyongyang’s propaganda mill.

It’s crucial that the USA, South Korea and Japan stand firm against North Korea’s latest provocation. It’s ironic that President Obama’s speech was made in Prague, after all the capital of the Czech Republic, a country whose name has been synonymous with the tragic legacy of appeasement. History must not be allowed to repeat itself, this time in the Far East.

(*) John J. Metzler is a U.N. correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He writes weekly for WorldTribune.com.





Cartooning for Peace in Berlin

Eski BM Genel Sekreteri ve 2001 Nobel Barýþ Ödülü sahibi Kofi Annan’ýn himayesinde
Le Monde’un baþçizeri Plantu tarafýndan hayata  geçirilen
„Cartooning for Peace“ vakfý çalýþmalarýný sürdürüyor.
Pek çok ülkede sansürle ve çalýþtýklarý gazete yönetimleriyle  baþetmek zorunda kalan,
aðýrlýklý olarak siyasi karikatür çizen meslektaþlarýna yalnýz olmadýklarýný hissettirmek amacýyla
bir karikatürcüler aðý oluþturduklarýný dile getiren 500 bin tirajlý
Le Monde’un 34 yýllýk çizeri Plantu,
Almanya’nýn baþkenti Berlin’de çizerlerle biraraya geldi.
Almanya’nýn ciddi gazetelerinden 100 bin tirajlý Tagesspiegel’in çizeri Klaus Stuttmann,
son yýllarda ard arda yayýnladýðý albümler satýþ rekorlarý kýran Erich Rauschenbach,
Alman siyasi karikatürünün aðýr topu Rainer Hachfeld,
 deðiþik kültürlerin karþý karþýya gelmelerinden doðan durumlarý baþarýyla çalýþmalarýna yansýtan
Don Quichotte Yayýn Kurulu üyesi Hayati Boyacýoðlu,
karikatürcüler arasýndaki almanca-fransýzca iletiþimi saðlayan karikatür dostu Walter Fekl ile
bir akþam yemeðinde buluþan Jean Plantu,
Danimarka’da yaþanan karikatür krizinin ardýndan ortaya çýkan durumun
dünya karikatürcülerini derinden etkilediðine dikkat çekti.
Kültürler ve dinlerarasý iliþkilerin, dünyadaki göç olgusunun, deðiþen adalet anlayýþýnýn
çaðýn konularý olduðuna dikkat çekerek meslektaþlarýndan
„Cartooning for Peace“ inisiyatifine destek istedi.
Almanya’dan Erdoðan Karayel ve Valeri Kurtu’nun da çalýþmalarýyla
destek vereceklerini belirttikleri inisiyatife katýlan karikatürcüler arasýnda
Türkiye’den Ramize Erer, Meksika’dan Cintia Bolio, Filistin’den Baha Boukhari,
Khalil Ýsviçre’den Patrick Chappatte, ABD’den Jeff Danziger, Liza Donnely, Mike Luckovic,
Ranan Lurie, Cezayir’den Ali Dilem, Kenya’dan Gado, Ýtalya’dan Emilio Gianelli,
Danimarka’dan Carsten Graabak, iran’dan Hassan Karimzadeh, Ýsrail’den Michel Kichka,
Arjantin’den Marlene Pohle, Rusya’Dan Mikhail Zlatkovsky, Fransa’dan Plantu
Lübnan’dan Stavro, Japonya’dan No-Rio ve Belçika’dan Pierre Kroll bulunuyor.

Cartooning for Peace Vakfý’nýn projeleri arasýnda uluslararasý karma sergiler açmak,
konferanslar ve vermek ve ortak albümler yayýnlamak bulunuyor.
Vakfýn çalýþmalarý ile ayrýntýlý bilgi;


adresinden edinilebilir.

Cartoonale Brugge Cartoon Contest 2009 – Crisis!

Cartoonale Brugge Cartoon Contest 2009 – Crisis!

Article 1 – Concept
The cultural department of the City of Bruges organises Cartoonale Brugge, a cartoon contest. From among the entries, a jury will select a number of works that will be exhibited, and from among these exhibited works, the same jury will also appoint three prize-winners.

Article 2 – Organisational committee
The Organisational Committee consists of:
� The Alderman for Culture (chairman);
� Three delegates of the Cultural Department of the City of Bruges.

All administration work concerning this contest will be carried out by the Cultural Department of the City of Bruges, A.C. �t Brugse Vrije, Burg 11, 8000 Brugge (050/44 82 84, 050/44 82 80, dirk.van.royen@brugge.be).

Article 3 – The jury
The jury consists out of three members who are selected by the College of Burgomaster and Aldermen on the basis of their knowledge and experience.

The prizes will be awarded at the suggestion of the jury. Their decisions are final and
cannot be challenged.

Article 4 – Prizes
There are three prizes: the first prize is 1000 euro, the second prize 500 euro and the third prize 250 euro.

Article 5 – Theme

Article 6 – Participation conditions
The members of the organisational committee and the members of the jury are excluded from entering Cartoonale Brugge. Participation is free of charge. The entrant guarantees Contest rules Cartoonale Brugge the originality of his/her works. Disputes and potential claims in relation to all forms of plagiarism etc. are the sole liability of the entrant.

Every participant can send up to three cartoons before 27 July 2009, by post to:

College van Burgemeester en Schepenen
Dienst Cultuur
Cartoonale Brugge
Burg 12
8000 Brugge

The cartoons may also be hand-delivered, against receipt, at the following address:
A.C. ‘t Brugse Vrije
Dienst Cultuur
Cartoonale Brugge
Burg 11
8000 Brugge.
Opening hours: from Monday till Friday, from 8.30 a.m. till 12 a.m. and Tuesday afternoon also from 2 p.m. till 4 p.m.

In both cases, it is recommended to put the cartoons in a sealed protective envelope bearing the words “NIET PLOOIEN – DO NOT FOLD”. This will allow us to display the works in an orderly fashion.

The cartoons must be original drawings or digital prints on paper or on light cardboard. The maximum paper size is A3 (29,7 cm x 42,0 cm).

In addition, the following elements must be mentioned on the back of the cartoon:
– surname and first name;
– full address;
– phone number;
– birth date;
– sex;
– statement whether or not the cartoon(s) should be returned.

All cartoons can be displayed at the exhibition or published in a virtual catalogue created for this purpose, without any financial compensation for the artist. Furthermore, the cartoons may be used to make publicity for the cartoon contest and for the City of Bruges.

The three prize-winning cartoons will become property of the Municipality of the City of Bruges. The cartoonists who stated that they wanted their cartoons returned will receive their works by post. The organizers will take care when returning the cartoons, but cannot take responsibility for any loss or damage caused by postal service.

By entering the contest, i.e. by sending in one or more cartoons, each entrant agrees to abide by the contest rules.

Article 7 – Exhibition and prize-giving
The exhibition will take place from 19 September 2009 till and including 14 October 2009 in the �Hal voor Cultuur�, A.C. �t Brugse Vrije, Burg 11, 8000 Brugge. The exhibition is open every day from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m and entrance is free.

The public announcement and the prize-giving ceremony will take place during the
vernissage on Saturday 19 September 2009 at 7 p.m.

Article 8 – Disputes
All disputes over matters that are not dealt with in these contest rules will be settled by the organisational committee whose decision will be final and cannot be challenged.