3rd Biannual Global Mobility Cartoon Contest 2017, Belgium

3rd Biannual Global Mobility Cartoon Contest 2017, Belgium

3rd Biannual Global Mobility Cartoon Contest 2017, Belgium

1. Participation
All persons 18 years of age and older are eligible to participate in this international contest. Participants declare to agree to the terms and conditions of the regulations, and the decisions of the juries. Belgian law governing withholding tax on prizes won by foreign participants applies. Participation is free of charge.
2. Definition
A cartoon is a humorous drawing. This includes a caricature of a famous person, a parody of a real situation or simply an image of a funny situation. The cartoon can consist of one image or take the form of a short comic strip. The cartoon can be static (drawn) or moving (animated using a computer).
3. Theme
4. Submissions
Drawn cartoons, maximum 5 submissions. The cartoons may not contain text. They may not have been exhibited or awarded in any country. Drawings should be sent digitally and submitted by uploading them on the global mobility website >> here. Exceptionally they can be delivered by WeTransfer or by post.
The deadline to do this is 20 September 2017!
5. Registration form
Participation is valid only if your date of birth has been filled in and the form has been signed. The back of each cartoon must indicate: last name, first name.
Submission is at the expense of the participants.
6. Ownership rights
By participating, participants grant the organising body the right to use their submissions as advertising for the "Global B&C Cartoon Festival" and the seaside resort Knokke-Heist, (e.g. as cartoon book, catalogue, advertising in the press and other media, separate promotional printed works such as posters, leaflets etc., promotional gifts by the city council and/or photo festival organisation, calendar).
7. Jury
An international jury will make a selection from the entries for the exhibition, and will select the prize winners.
8. Visibility of the contest
All participants can visit the virtual exhibition free of charge upon presentation of their proof of participation.
9. Ownership by organising body
All submitted works become the property of the organising body.
10. Cartoon Book
In collaboration with Busworld INTL, a cartoon book will be published, subject to budgetary and technical constraints. Selected participants will be entitled to one copy.
The winners will be anounced on 20 October 2017.
First prize is 500 Euro
Second prize is 250 Euro
Third prize is 100 Euro.
Global Mobility Cartoon Contest 2017
Kasteel van Rumbeke, Moorseelseweg 2, 8800 Roeselare – Belgium
Tel: (+32) 051/22.60.60
E-mail: participate@globalmobilitycartooncontest.com
Source: globalmobilitycartooncontest.

8th International Award of Humor and Satirical Customs, Premio Novello 2017, Italy

8th International Award of Humor and Satirical Customs, Premio Novello 2017, Italy

“Novello: a good family gentleman”
8th Edition of International Award of Humor and Satirical Customs
Art director Andrea Fedeli
We are announcing the 8th edition of International Award of Comic and Satirical Customs:
“Novello: a good family gentleman”
promoted by the Town of Codogno with the support of public and private organizations.

The Award’s secretary office is located at
Town of Codogno
Services to the Citizens (Sector)
Culture Office
Via Gandolfi, 6
26845 Codogno (LO) Italy
Phone number +39 0377/314263- 31424- 314247


Each participant to the Novello Competition will submit a maximum of three inedited comic-satirical cartoons.
Are considered inedited all drawings never published on web or on paper magazines and never shown on any exhibition.
The participation to this Competition is open to professional and non-professional artists.
They will compete in two different categories.
At registration to this Competition all candidates will clearly indicate their professional category confirmed by at least one easily verifiable publication.
Present the requested credentials, based on the choosen category (professional category: have to indicate at least one simply verifiable publication).
Applications not specifying their professional category will be rejected.
(Where is not going to be declared the category of participation, the work will be void considerated.)
In case of junior competitors the family consent is requested in case of victory at the Competition.
Terms of participation
Each competitor can submit a maximum of three cartoons, according to the theme:


All authors will present their works according to this theme in its many variable aspects, giving an innovative and original vision in a satirical aspect.
Being a theme of great interest and hard debate, the Commission allows artists to use their personal vision about it. However all works must not be related to any political position or suggest messages that can be offensive against decency.
The judgement on works will be the unique and irrevocable decision of the Commission of Evaluation.
All works must be according to the real spirit of the Award, that is humour and satirical customs.
All works can be realized using any drawing technique, in fact works can be in black and white or in colours and they can contain written texts.
Technical peculiarities and expiration date
All drawings must be sent in electronic format and must be loaded (loading them) in the provided form on the following web site: www.premionovello.it not later than 1st October 2017.
All works must have these peculiarities:
JPG 300 dpi – high resolution – print size A4 – information characteristics max 10 Mbyte.
Other formats of presentation are not accepted.
The Jury
The Jury is set up by professional artists and well-known names in the world of Comics and Humour Cartoons, as well as journalists, critics and well-read personalities in the world of culture.
All works with a good evaluation by the Jury will be exposed at the exhibition “International Award of Humour and Satirical Customs” that will take place in January 2018 in the premises of the historical “Vecchio Ospedale Soave”, Viale Gandolfi 6- Codogno (LO)- Italy.
The winners will receive the following prizes:
Amateur Artists (COLLECTORS) 
First Prize Euro 1000 + diploma 
Second Prize Euro 500 + diploma 
Third Prize Euro 300 + diploma.
Professional Artists
First Prize Euro 1000 + plate
Second Prize Euro 500 + plate
Third Prize Euro 300 + plate.
Winners will enclose to their application their personal identity documents.
All works received for this Competition will be filed in the archives of the Award and will be used for its promotion purposes or for other cultural activities of the Town of Codogno in public or private communication as magazines, daily newspapers, books, on web, etc. in Italy or abroad.
Therefore, with the participation to this Competition all authors give their consent to the reproduction of their works, not for profit. (provided it has not lucre purposes)
Prize ceremony
The prize ceremony will be celebrated at the same time of the inauguration of the exhibition dedicated to the Award, in the premises of “Vecchio Ospedale Soave”-Codogno, at the presence of the members of the Selecting Jury.
This ceremony will be on January 2018 on a day to be chosen.

International “Tony Farsky” Cartoon/Poster competition 2017, en Praga

International "Tony Farsky" Cartoon/Poster competition 2017, en Praga

February 2017
Dear friends
The Ken Sprague Fund wishes to announce a new international political cartoon/poster competition. We would be grateful if you would publicise the competition in your magazine, on your website and throughout your affiliated members and organisations.
John Green
Karl Marx – bi-centenary of his birth
International ‘Tony Farsky’ Cartoon/Poster Competition 2017
The competition is open to artists and cartoonists from all nations.
There will be a first prize of £500, a second prize of £300 and a third prize of £200 to be awarded to the artists whose work best expresses the ideas of Karl Marx for our time. The judges’ decision will be final. The jury will be looking for clarity of message, artistic skill as well as humour. Entrants should be clear that the aim of this competition is to commemorate the great contribution made by Marx and his ideas to our culture and thinking.
Artwork should be submitted electronically (i.e. email attachment) in A4 format (high resolution – at least 300 dpi). 
Artwork with text and/or captions not in English should (if possible) be accompanied by a translation. 
Each entry must be accompanied by an address and contact details.
Entries to reach the organisers by October 1st 2017.
The results of the competition will be announced towards the end of 2017.
It is intended that the artwork of the winner will be reproduced on T-shirts, posters and cards. The artist will be duly credited on all such reproductions.
The organisers retain the right to publish or exhibit any of the artworks submitted, but undertake to give due credit in all cases to the artists and ensure they receive any royalties/payments that may accrue as a result.
The best of the works submitted will be displayed on our website at: www.kenspraguefund.org for a period of 12 months and later will become part of the page’s competition archive, accessible to visitors.
Artists submitting art work will automatically agree to abide by the above rules.
Sponsored by the Ken Sprague Fund together with the Marx Memorial Library and the Morning Star newspaper. 
Address to send submissions: Ken Sprague Fund Cartoon Competition, 11 Dorset Road, Ealing, London W5 4HU, United Kingdom. Email: infor@kenspraguefund.org
شباط 2017 Karl Marx – bi-centenaire de son naissance 
compétition ‘Tony Farsky’ internationale des dessins 2017
1. Tous réalisateurs de dessins peuvent prendre part à la compétition.
2. Prix de £500, £300 et £200 (et aussi deux T-shirts avec les dessins gagnant) sera attribué aux meilleur dessins. Cette année le thème est le bicentenaire natal de Karl Marx.
3. Le point focal du jury, qui sera composé de principaux réalisateurs de dessins et personnalités bien connus, sera la clarté du message et les compétences du réalisateur.
4. Pour qualifier, les dessins doivent être soumis dans le format électronique (email), de format A4 (de la bonne résolution – 300 dpi).
5. Les dessins avec les sous-titres et/ou texte (sauf ceux en anglais) doivent être accompagnés d’une traduction. Il serait aussi utile s’il y a une explication de la situation adressée par le dessin, en particulier s’il y a référence à un événement social ou politique spécifique qui n’est pas facile à reconnaître. 
6. Chaque oeuvre doit être accompagné de son adresse/détails de contact. 
7. Les oeuvres doivent atteindre les organisateurs le 1er octobre 2017 au plus tard. 
8. Les résultats de la compétition seront annoncés en décembre 2017.
10. À moins que l’artiste le stipule autrement, et à la suite de la concurrence, les dessins obtiendront le copyright des fonds de Ken Sprague. Ces fonds auront le droit d’offrir des dessins soumis à vendre/exposition et publication. Le montant de ces derniers, moins une petite commission et les frais de transfert, sera payé à l’artiste.
11. Les organisateurs entreprennent de donner le crédit dû aux artistes et de s’assurer qu’ils reçoivent les redevances/paiements qui pourraient s’accroître en raison de la compétition.
12. Les premiers dessins seront exposés sur notre web site à:www.kenspraguefund.org pour une période de 12 mois et deviendront plus tard une partie de l’archive publique du web site.
13. Les artistes qui soumettent des dessins consentiront automatiquement à se conformer aux règles ci-dessus.
14. Patronage pour el Ken Sprague Fund ensemble avec la Marx Memorial Library et le journal Morning Star.

14th International Graphic Humour Contest on New Technologies, Barakaldo Hermes 2017

14th International Graphic Humour Contest on New Technologies, Barakaldo Hermes 2017


FIRST.- To pass the public announcement of the 14th International Graphic Humour contest on new Technologies –Barakaldo Hermes Prize 2017, which is an official announcement regulated by the guidelines established in the regulations of the Barakaldo Cultural Competitions, published in the Official Biscayan Bulletin on February 12th, 2010.
SECOND.- The budgetary limit for the afore mentioned is set at four thousand five hundred Euros (4.500 €) charged against the Budget allocation 00700 33000 4810300, to face the obligations derived from the prizes to grant, in compliance with rules established under Article 7 of the regulation, prizes awarded will be as follows: First Prize – 1.500 €, Second Prize –1.000 €, Third Prize – 800 €, Fourth Prize – 700 €and Fifth Prize – 500 €.
THIRD.- Legal regulations which the competition will adhere to are as follows:
1. OBJECT Sketchers will send in a scene depicting graphic humour relating to new technologies which impacts on daily life (INTERNET, BIOLOGY, SPACE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, MEDICINE, ETC…) and which allows the citizens to reflect on new spheres of scientific progress. It can also be vignettes depicting geek attitudes generated by users of social networks or taking part in Web 2.0.
2. CONTESTANTS Anyone who so desires may take part with no age restrictions. Each contestant may submit up to three pieces of work. Anyone who was a Hermes prize-winner at the previous year’s renewal will not be allowed to submit entries to this year’s official announcement. (2015)
3. CATEGORY AND FORMAT Scenes and characters must be the personal creation of the author and unpublished. Work can be submitted either in black and white or in colour. Work will be prepared as a Din-A4 (210mm x 297mm) dimension, either horizontally or vertically. Resolution will be not less than 300 dpi.
4. LANGUAGES Works may be labelled in Spanish or Basque. It is permissible to enter humorous scenes without text written for those artists from different linguistic and geographical backgrounds.
5. PRESENTATION The participants will register in the web page of the contest and will insert later on their work in format JPG.
6. SUBMISSION PLACE AND DEADLINE Works containing the author’s details should be sent exclusively through the web page: http://www.barakaldo.org/portal/web/cultura/hermes before October 14th 2017.
7. ONLINE AND PAPER EXHIBITION AND CATALOG The presentation of works will entail the authorization to the City of Barakaldo to use the images for merely expository purposes and, or possible writing contests on the illustrations. The exhibition of the works does not mean that financial benefit will accrue to the authors of the illustrations. The winning artworks and other selected illustrations will be exhibited in the Virtual Museum established for that purpose, by the City of Barakaldo. This city launched a specialised website as an expression of the different subjects on which contestants have been providing creative illustrations with an humorous consideration. The publication of the works will not imply any retribution to the authors of the illustrations.
8. PRIZES The awarding of the Hermes de Barakaldo prize carries a financial reward amounting to 4.500 Euros and is divided into five categories: First Prize: 1.500 €, Second Prize: 1.000 €, Third Prize: 800 €, Fourth Prize: 700 € and Fifth Prize: 500 €.
After the winners are notified individually, and by email, of the resolution, the winners of theses prizes will have a maximum three months term to supply their details to the awarding organisation in order for the prize to be transferred to them. Should the time period of three months since the first communication have already elapsed, without the relevant data having been supplied, it is understood that the winner of the prize will relinquish his/her right to the relevant prize and the corresponding illustration will likewise be withdrawn from any medium the local council has published it in.
Required data:
Personal Data:
Name and Surname
Identity card / Passport
Postal code
Phone e-mail
Bank Data:
Swift Code BIB
Document written and signed by the bank to certify that the above data correspond to the awarded person.
9. JURY Any of the prizes may be declared void if none of the works come up to the required minimum qualitative standards.
10. SELECTION CRITERIA Prizes will be awarded according to the following criteria: a.- Quality and artistic relevance of the work: 50 points. b.- Adherence to the theme of the Competition and to the humorous language pertaining to it: 30 points. c.- Social and cultural impact of the cartoon in relation to the thematic aspect set out regarding new technologies and their implications for everyday life: 20 points.
11. FURTHER POINTS Participation in the competition implies acceptance of the rules and regulations as already laid down in the current Decree.
FOURTH.- Prizes will be awarded in accordance with the competition rules system, through comparisons of the works presented, and through the establishment of priority criteria amongst them, in conformity with the already outlined criteria, and the awarding of the corresponding financial amounts in compliance with the same with limits as stated in the official announcement, not exceeding the available credit.
FIFTH.- In order to analyse and evaluate the works presented, a Qualifying Panel or Jury will be convened, composed of Mrs. Nerea Cantero Gurtubay, Councillor for Culture, Education, Basque Language, Youth and Prevention of Drug Addiction, or who occupies this position at the time. She will assume the title of President of the said panel, and Mrs. Amaia Ballesteros, Mrs. Judit Allende, Mr. Juan García Cerrada, as people of renown prestige in the world of illustration and graphic humour and Mr. Juan Manuel de Los Santos Aranaz, a Technician in the Culture Department, who will take part as Secretary.
SIXTH.- The maximum allowable timescale for the resolution and notification of the prizes’ awarding procedure will be two months, starting from the closing date for the submission of entries.
SEVENTH.- All interested parties will receive notification under terms outlined in Article 58 of the Law 30/1992, dated November 26th, of the Law Regulation of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedures.
EIGHTH.- in case of any appeal against the decision, which exhausts the administrative procedures, an optional administrative reconsideration appeal may be lodged with the Council President to set aside the current resolution within a timeframe of one month starting from the day after the announcement of the results, alternatively an Administrative Reconsideration Appeal can be entered at the Court for Contentious Administrative Proceedings by virtue of the distribution of authority outlined in Articles 8 and 10 of the Law 29/1998, dated July 13th, which regulates the Contentious Administrative Jurisdiction within a timeframe of two months, also commencing, like the previous, on the day after receipt of official notification.
Source: ecomic-experience.

Çukurova Belediyesi 2. Çukurova Karikatür Festivali 2017, Türkiye

Çukurova Belediyesi 2. Çukurova Karikatür Festivali 2017, Türkiye 

Geçen yýl yapýlan 1. Çukurova Karikatür Festivali’nde olduðu gibi bu yýlýn kasým ayýnda gerçekleþtirilecek ikinci festivalde de Karikatür Yarýþmasý yapýlacak. Festival yönetimince alýnan karara göre bu yýl 10-15 yaþ aralýðýnda olanlar Aile, 16 yaþ ve üzeri olanlar ise Basýn Özgürlüðü alanýnda karikatür çizecekler.
2. Çukurova Karikatür Festivali ve Yarýþma hakkýnda gerekli bilgi www.cukurova.bel.tr adlý sitemizin ana sayfasýnda yer almaktadýr ve süreç içinde güncellemeler yapýlacak, ilgili ve duyarlý kamuoyu aydýnlatýlacaktýr.
2. Çukurova Karikatür Festivali Düzenleme Komitesi
Ufuk Tekin (Baþkan), Hicabi Demirci, Nuhsal Iþýn, Ý. Serdar Sayar, Mehmet Saygýn, Ýrfan Turhan, Onur Eskimez, Mehmet Ali Altun.
Çukurova Musa Kart Basýn Özgürlüðü Ödülü Karikatür Yarýþmasý
Ulusal ölçekli olan yarýþma iki kategoride düzenlenmektedir.
A – Yetiþkinler kategorisi – 16 yaþ ve üzeri
Yarýþma Konusu
Konu: Basýn Özgürlüðü 
Amaç: Ýnternet de dâhil olmak üzere yazýlý, görsel ve iþitsel kitle iletiþim araçlarýnýn (medya) özgürlüðü demokrasilerin olmazsa olmazýdýr ve bu durum tüm dünyada kabul edilen bir gerçekliktir. Demokrasilerin vazgeçilmezi olan basýn “4. Güç” olarak iktidarlara yönelik eleþtiri hakkýný özgürce ifade edebilmelidir. Bir ülkede demokrasinin varlýðý örgütlenme, toplantý ve gösteri yürüyüþlerini yapabilme gibi temel hak ve özgürlüklerin yaný sýra basýnýn özgürlüðünden geçmektedir. Basýný özgür olmayan, baþka bir deyiþle çekingen, hiç eleþtirmeyip hep destekleyen, haber yaparken otokontrol ihtiyacý duyan ve kendisini tehdit altýnda hisseden gazetecilerin varlýðý o ülkede demokrasinin ciddi biçimde yara aldýðýný gösterir. Genel olarak özgürlüklerin, özelde basýn özgürlüðünün doðru ve gerçek haber, özgür yorum ölçütü ile geliþmesi ana hedef olmalýdýr. 
B – 10-15 yaþ arasý kategorisi:
Konu: Aile
Amaç: Aile toplumumuzun en temel deðerlerinden biridir. Ýçinde doðup yetiþtiðimiz; þefkat, sevgi ve yardýmlaþma ile güçlenip huzur bulduðumuz ailemiz deyim yerindeyse hayat damarýmýz, nefes borumuzdur. Özellikle Türk toplumunda ailenin önemi çok büyüktür ve aile baðý diðer birçok bað ile kýyaslandýðýnda en baþta gelenidir. “Anne gezindiðin bað, baba yaslandýðýn daðdýr” diye boþuna denmemiþtir. Ýçinde saygý ve sevginin hâkim olduðu ev, küçük de olsa hiç bir zaman dar gelmez; çünkü orasý bir yuvadýr, ailedir.
Her iki kategori için genel koþullar þunlardýr:
1 – Yarýþma amatör ve profesyonel tüm çizerlerin katýlýmýna açýktýr.
2 – Her aday bir eseriyle yarýþmaya katýlabilir. Gönderilecek eserler daha önce yayýnlanmýþ ve bir yarýþmaya katýlmýþ da olabilir ancak ödül almamýþ olmalýdýr.
3 – Teknik: Çizim tekniði serbesttir. Elle çizim tercih edilse de bilgisayar çýktýlarý da ISLAK ÝMZALI OLMAK KOÞULUYLA yarýþmaya gönderilebilir. Gönderilecek eserin boyutu A-3’ü geçmeyecektir.
4 – Her katýlýmcý eserini gönderirken kimlik bilgileri (adý soyadý), telefonu ve adres bilgilerini karikatürün arkasýna yazmalýdýr. Ödül alan eser sahiplerinden fotoðraflý özgeçmiþ istenecektir. 
5 – Eserler en geç 16 Ekim 2017 Pazartesi akþamý saat 17.00’ye kadar KARGO yani POSTA yoluyla uygun büyüklükteki bir zarfýn üzerine  Çukurova Belediyesi KARÝKATÜR YARIÞMASI diye yazýldýktan sonra Belediye Evleri Mahallesi Türkmenbaþý Bulvarý No:61 Çukurova / Adana adresine gönderilmelidir. 
6 – Yarýþmada ilk 3’e giren Adana dýþýndaki eser sahiplerinin Adana’ya geliþ – dönüþ yol, Adana’da konaklama ve aðýrlama giderleri Çukurova Belediyesi tarafýndan karþýlanacaktýr.
Kaynak: www.cukurova.bel.tr.

Bayraklý Belediyesi 3. Ulusal Karikatür Yarýþmasý 2017, Ýzmir – Türkiye

Bayraklý Belediyesi 3. Ulusal Karikatür Yarýþmasý 2017, Ýzmir – Türkiye

Birinci Bölüm

Türkiye sýnýrlarýnda yaþayan her yaþ grubundan tüm karikatürseverleri buluþturmak, karikatüre olan ilgiyi pekiþtirmek ve devamlýlýðýný saðlamak amacý ile bu yarýþmayý baþlatýyoruz. Bu yýl üçüncüsü yapýlacak olan ulusal karikatür yarýþmamýzýn konusu: “ÝÇ ve DIÞ GÖÇLER” olacaktýr.
Uzun yýllar sürekli göç alan büyük þehirlerin baþýnda Ýstanbul gelse de, Ýzmir göç konusunda ikinci büyük þehir konumundadýr. Ýzmir’in göç alan bölgelerinin baþýnda yaþadýðýmýz Bayraklý ilçesi yer almaktadýr. Ayný zamanda komþu ülkelerde yaþanan iç savaþtan kaçan mülteciler ülkemizin sürekli gündemini oluþturmaktadýr.
Yarýþmamýz geçen yýl olduðu gibi 2 ayrý konuyu içermektedir. Ýç göç ve dýþ göç (mülteciler) oluþturmaktadýr. Her 2 konuyu ayrý ayrý deðerlendirebilirsiniz. Çünkü içerik olarak çok farklý olduðunu düþünmekteyiz. Kýsaca her 2 konuyu birlikte ele almak gibi bir kaygýnýz olmasýn. 
Siz deðerli karikatür sanatçýlarýndan bu önemli konular hakkýnda çizgili yorumlarýnýzý bekliyoruz. Çalýþmalarýnýzda baþarýlar diliyoruz.

Ýkinci Bölüm

1. Yarýþmaya profesyonel ve amatör herkes katýlabilir. Yarýþma konusu: “ÝÇ ve DIÞ GÖÇLER”. 
2. Yarýþmaya Bayraklý Belediyesi çalýþanlarý ve çalýþanlarýn 1. derece akrabalarý katýlamayacaklardýr.
3. Karikatürlerin çizim tekniði serbest olup, renkli veya siyah beyaz olabilir. Orijinal veya kaliteli bilgisayar çýktýsý kabul edilir, ancak ýslak imzalý olmasý gerekmektedir. Fotoðraf, fotokopi vs. kabul edilmeyecektir.
4. Karikatürlerin boyutu en küçük A4 (21×30 cm), en büyük A3 (30×42 cm) olmalýdýr.
5. Yarýþmacýlar en fazla 3 karikatür ile yarýþmaya katýlabilirler.
6. Yarýþmacýlarýn göndereceði karikatürler daha önceden hiçbir ulusal veya uluslararasý yarýþmalarda ödül almamýþ olmasý gerekmektedir (Sergilenmiþ veya yayýnlanmýþ olabilir). Sonuçlar açýklandýktan sonra 5 gün içerisinde benzer veya kopya karikatürler konusunda itirazlar, tekrar deðerlendirilecek, haklýlýðý tespit edilirse ödüller iptal edilecektir. Daha sonra benzerlik konusunda itirazlar dikkate alýnmayacaktýr. Jürinin kararý kesindir.
7. Ana fikir ve teknikte yenilik taþýyan karikatürlere özellikle önem verilecektir. 
8. Karikatüristler, eserin bütünüyle kendilerine ait olduðunu taahhüt edip, Bayraklý Belediyesi Ulusal Karikatür Yarýþmasý” özel þartnamesini aynen kabul ettiklerini belirten yazýlý ve imzalý (EK- 1) belgeyi, baþvurularýnda yer alan ve aðzý kapalý olarak teslim edilecek kimlik bilgilerinin olduðu zarfa koymakla yükümlüdürler. 
9. Karikatürleri son gönderme tarihi 31 Ekim 2017’dir..
10. Seçici kurul Kasým ayý içerisinde toplanýp deðerlendirme yapacaktýr.
11. Yarýþma sonucunda Bayraklý Belediyesi yarýþmada finale kalan karikatürlerin sergisini açacaktýr. Bir albümde toplayýp, eseri bulunan çizerlere kargo ile gönderilecektir.
12. Yarýþmaya katýlan eserler geri gönderilmeyecek ve eserlerin kullaným hakký Bayraklý Belediyesi’ne ait olacaktýr.
13. Karikatüristler, yarýþmaya gönderilen karikatürleri kapalý zarf içerisinde, arkasýna mutlaka ad- soyad, adres, telefon, e- posta bilgilerini yazacaktýr. 18 yaþ altý katýlýmcýlar yaþýný mutlaka belirtmelidir, dereceye girenlerden nüfus fotokopileri istenecektir.
14. Belirtilen adrese posta yolu ile gönderilen karikatürler için; postada oluþabilecek zarar ve gecikmeden Bayraklý Belediyesi Kültür ve Sosyal Ýþler Müdürlüðü sorumlu olmayacaktýr.
15. Ödül töreni saati ve yeri “Ýdare” tarafýndan belirlenecek ve yarýþmacýlara bildirilecektir.

Üçüncü Bölüm

Hasan KARABAÐ – Bayraklý Belediye Baþkaný
Selin ORHAN – Bayraklý Belediyesi Kültür ve Sosyal Ýþler Müdürü
Mustafa YILDIZ – Ýzmir Karikatürcüler Platformu Baþkaný
Ayten KÖSE – Karikatürcü
Sadýk PALA – Karikatürcü
Cemalettin GÜZELOÐLU – Karikatürcü
Murat ASIN – Karikatürcü
Halit ÞEKERCÝ – Karikatürcü
Not: Bayraklý Belediyesi, ön seçici kurul üyeleri arasýndan herhangi bir sebeple görev alýnamamasý durumunda yeni bir ön seçici kurul üyesi belirleme hakkýna sahiptir.

Dördüncü Bölüm

Son baþvurusu: 31 Ekim 2017 tarih mesai bitimi
Deðerlendirme: Kasým ayý içerisinde yapýlacaktýr.
Ödül töreni: Ödül töreni saati ve yeri “Ýdare” tarafýndan belirlenecek ve ilgililere bildirilecektir.

Beþinci Bölüm

1.lik Ödülü: 3000 TL ve Plaket
2.lik Ödülü: 2000 TL ve Plaket
3.lük Ödülü: 1000 TL ve Plaket
MANSÝYON ÖDÜLÜ : (3 adet) 500 TL
TEÞVÝK ÖDÜLÜ:18 Yaþ altý (3 adet) 250 TL.
Þartname Ve Baþvuru Dilekçesi Örnekleri:
275/ 7 Sokak No:4 Manavkuyu Mah. Bayraklý – ÝZMÝR
Telefon: 0232 477 20 00



Bayraklý Belediyesi “Bayraklý Belediyesi Karikatür Yarýþmasý” için gönderdiðim karikatür/ karikatürler çizimleri bütünüyle kendime aittir. Benzer veya kopya karikatür çizimi içermediðini; (BU HUSUSA AYKIRI DAVRANMAM DURUMUNDA YARIÞMA DIÞI TUTULACAÐIMI, PARA ÖDÜLÜ ALMIÞ OLMAM HALÝNDE, ALDIÐIM PARAYI ÝADE EDECEÐÝMÝ), Bayraklý Belediyesi “Bayraklý Belediyesi Karikatür Yarýþmasý” özel þartnamesini aynen kabul ve taahhüt ettiðimi arz ederim.




nternational cartoon contest “Down with…!” 2017, Russia

nternational cartoon contest “Down with…!” 2017, Russia

The Big Digital Encyclopaedia of Caricature has announced
an international cartoon contest, “Enough!”, dedicated to
the centenary of Russia’s October Revolution
(November 7th, 1917)

Conditions of Entry:
Participants are expected to produce work that is based conceptually on the theme of revolution, whether this references specifically the events of 1917 or any other revolution in history, be it red, black-and-white or indeed of any other colour.
We encourage the participants to caricature famous historical figures, making use of allegory and allusion.
Technical requirements:
We will accept works employing any drawing technique, in digital format, size A4, at a resolution of 300 dpi.
An individual artist may enter any number of works without limit.
Collages will be judged along with cartoons in the same category.
Caricatures in the form of portraits will be judged in a separate subcategory.
Deadline for submission:
Works must be submitted by email to postmarat@gmail.com no later than November 1st, 2017
Winners will be announced on November 7th, 2017.
1st Prize: 300 USD
2nd Prize: 200 USD
3rd Prize: 100 USD
Best caricature portrait: 50 USD
The Contest catalogue, poster and diplomas will be emailed in PDF format.
Please note:
At the close of the competition, we are planning to exhibit the best works in Barcelona. We will be happy to provide the works to those wishing to organize their exhibition at another location.
April 10th, 2017.
Source: cartoonia.
Theme title updated 25.04.2017
Source updated 21.06.2017.

9. Uluslararasý Turizm Karikatürleri Yarýþmasý 2017, Türkiye

9. Uluslararasý Turizm Karikatürleri Yarýþmasý 2017, Türkiye

9. Uluslararasý Turizm Karikatürleri Yarýþmasý 2017, Türkiye

Yarýþmanýn bu yýlki (2017) temasý, Geçmiþten Bugüne Tatiller‘dir
Katýlým koþullarý:
* Yarýþma amatör ve profesyonel tüm karikatür sanatçýlarýna açýktýr.
* Her sanatçý en fazla üç eserle katýlabilir.
* Yarýþmaya gönderilen eserler orijinal çizim, dijital baský ya da bilgisayar çýktýsýyla hazýrlanmýþ olabilir. Çizim tekniði serbesttir. Renkli veya siyah beyaz olabilir. Ancak, eserlerin üzerinde sanatçýlarýn imzalarýnýn yer almasý gerekmektedir.
* Katýlýmcýlar eserlerinin arkasýna ad, soyad ve adreslerini yazmalý ve karikatür gönderme sayfasýna ilgili bilgileri ve küratörünü ekleyerek göndermelidir. Ýstenirse, posta yoluyla da yarýþmaya katýlýnabilinir.
* Gönderilen karikatürler herhangi bir yerde yayýmlanmýþ olabilir, ancak daha önce bir yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmalýdýr.
* Yarýþmaya katýlan karikatürler Anatolia Turizm Akademisi ve bu organizasyon ile ilgili kitap, katalog, broþür, kartpostal, web siteleri ve afiþlerde yayýnlanabilecek, bunun dýþýndaki tüm yayýn haklarý eser sahibinin olacaktýr.
* Ýlk eleme sonrasýnda finale kalan karikatürler 16 – 22 Ocak 2018 tarihlerinde sitede ilan edilecek ve itirazlar bu tarihler arasýnda kabul edilecektir.
* Yarýþmaya katýlan eserlerden seçilecek bir bölümü albüm olarak yayýmlanacaktýr. Albümde eseri yer alan her sanatçýya birer albüm gönderilecektir.
* Dereceye girsin veya girmesin, albümde yer alsýn veya almasýn, hiçbir eser iade edilmeyecektir.
* Yarýþmaya katýlan bütün sanatçýlar katýlým koþullarýný kabul etmiþ sayýlýr.
* Yarýþmaya posta ile veya online sistem kullarak karikatür gönderilebilir.
* Yarýþmaya en son baþvuru tarihi 31 Aralýk 2017’dir.
* Posta yolu ile karikatürler aþaðýdaki adrese gönderilebilir:
Anadolu Üniversitesi
Turizm Fakültesi
Yunus Emre Kampüsü
26470 Eskiþehir.
Deðerlendirme Bilgileri:
1. Yarýþmaya gönderilen eserler iki aþamalý olarak deðerlendirilecektir.
2. Birinci aþamada, yarýþmaya gönderilen bütün eserler Ön Deðerlendirme Seçici Kurul Üyeleri’nin katýlýmýyla yapýlacak toplantýda deðerlendirilecektir. Bu toplantý sonucunda finale kalacak eserler belirlenecektir. Bu deðerlendirmede yarýþmaya gönderilen eserlerin en fazla 1/5’i finale býrakýlacaktýr.
3. Ýkinci aþama deðerlendirmeye geçilmeden önce finale kalan eserler 16 – 22 Ocak 2018 tarihleri arasýnda internet ortamýnda ilan edilerek içlerinde benzer, çalýntý, intihal, önceden ödül alanlar ve diðer itirazlar, Ön Deðerlendirme Seçici Kurul Üyeleri tarafýndan karara baðlanacak ve yerinde görülen itirazlar doðrultusunda ilgili karikatürler deðerlendirme dýþýna alýnacaktýr.
4. Ýkinci aþamada finale kalan eserler Final Deðerlendirme Seçici Kurul Üyeleri tarafýndan deðerlendirilecektir. Deðerlendirme iki alt aþamada yapýlacaktýr. Ýlk aþama deðerlendirmede finale kalan eserlerin sayýsý 45-50 sayýsýna indirilecek, son basamakta ise dereceye giren eserler belirlenecektir.
5. Yarýþmaya gönderilen eserlerin deðerlendirmesi aþaðýda belirtilen üç konu temel alýnarak yapýlacaktýr.
Konu seçimi ve konunun uygunluðu,
Mizah kalitesi,
Çizim özgünlüðü.
Yarýþmada iki ayrý kategoride eserler kabul edilecektir.
Yetiþkinler Kategorisi: 17 ve üzerindeki yaþlardan karikatürcülerin katýlýmýna açýktýr. Bu kategoride "Birincilik Ödülü, "Ýkincilik Ödülü", "Üçüncülük Ödülü", "Prof. Atila Özer Özel Ödülü" ve üç adet "Mansiyon Ödülü" verilecektir. Bu kategoride finale kalan bütün karikatürlere kitapta yer verilecektir.
Genç Karikatürcüler Kategorisi: Bu kategoriye 16 ve daha küçük yaþlardan karikatürcüler eser gönderebilirler. Eserlerin “Genç Karikatürcüler Kategorisi“ne gönderildiði belirtilmelidir. Bu kategoriye gönderilen eserlerden birine “Birincilik Ödülü” ve iki esere de “Baþarý Ödülü" verilecektir. “Genç Karikatürcüler kategorisinde finale kalacak bütün eserlere kitapta yer verilecektir.
Birincilik Ödülü: 3000 ABD Dolarý
Ýkincilik Ödülü: 5 günlük, iki kiþilik her þey dahil tatil
Üçüncülük Ödülü : 5 günlük, iki kiþilik her þey dahil tatil
Prof. Atila Özer Özel Ödülü: 1500 ABD Dolarý
2 adet Mansiyon: Plaket
Birincilik Ödülü: 1500 ABD Dolarý
Baþarý Ödülü (2 adet): Plaket.
Ayrýntýlar için bkz. kaynak: tourismcartoon.

The United Nations / Ranan Lurie Political Cartoon Awards for 2017

The United Nations / Ranan Lurie Political Cartoon Awards for 2017

for 2017
Award Grants:
The following provisions govern the granting of

The names of the winners of our thirteen prizes will be published on December 15, 2017, on this web site, together with their winning cartoons:
First prize, of us$10,000 and a plaque.
Second prize, of us$5,000 and a plaque.
Third prize, of us$3,000 and a plaque.
Ten honorable mention plaques granted by


All winning entries will be announced via the worldwide press and on the website on December 15, 2017. All winners’ prizes, either financial and/or plaques, will be sent via U.S. registered mail by December 31, 2017, to the winners.

Rules for Exhibits:

1. Entries must be submitted in writing and addressed to

25 Columbus Circle
New York, NY 10019

(No phone or fax calls or Emails, please). Entries for awards must be received on or before November 15, 2017, and represent work done from the beginning of September 2016, to the 15th of October 2017, reflecting the importance of human dignity, mutual respect and friendship among nations, as well as economic consideration and environmental responsibilities towards each other. While cartoonists may send in what ever they please, the contest does not encourage maligning member nations.
Winning cartoons will be chosen for their high professional standards in art, political analysis of events, projection of events to come, humor, while also reflecting the spirit and principles of the U.N.
2. Entries for these awards may be made by any professional individual, and should consist of political cartoons printed in any publication published anywhere, in any language. The entry must consist ofreproductions only. The cartoon reproductions will be accepted only as published, with name of publication, language, and date included, accompanied by a newspaper reprint, and translated into English. Exhibits are limited to two cartoons per person. Reproductions must be presented measuring no larger than 8,5 x 11 inches. Envelopes larger than 8,5 x 11,5 inches and that are thicker than one eighth of one inch will not be opened, and their entries shall not participate in the competition.
The entries should be sent in soft envelopes, easy to open.
The Committee requires that all entries conform to the stated limits and sizes before it can be given any jury consideration. All exhibits should include a biography of no more than 75 words long, be written in clear English, and a picture of the entrant.
3. All materials including prize-winning exhibits become the property of


and will not be returned. Again: Only copies (not originals!) will be accepted for consideration. All material may be used for promotional purposes, including but not limited to inclusion in special United Nations albums or any other albums and/or exhibits.
4. Our obligation is fulfilled upon the mailing of the plaques and/or valid checks to the award winners. Checks must be cashed within three months of mailing, after which time the checks will become null and void. The Committee will not be responsible for banking procedures and limitations of any country, or negligence that may create obstacles in cashing the check.
5. The decisions of the judges are final and irrevocable.
Entry Form on source: http://www.lurieunaward.com/ .


2017-05-30 16:22:01 From: Author: 【B M S】 Browse:1521次 Comment:0条 

1. Participation
The competition is open to all artists (Picture book artist,Illustrator, Cartoonist, Comic artist, Caricaturist, Printmaker and Painter) regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc:
1> illustrators, including professionals and newcomers, submitting unpublished works or works of published.
2> art colleges submitting projects produced by their students in the last four years of study.
3> publishers presenting their illustrators.
2. Organizer
Host:Gold Panda Foundation
Sponsor: Red Man Art Center.
Official website: www.redmanart.com
3. Theme
A) Elves, Monster, Wonderland, Myth, The fairy tale, Legend. (It could be China, it could be the world.) 
B) Cooperation , Link
C) Panda  / Free theme
You can choose any theme, painting works.
4. Entries
1) The works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted.
2) 8 original illustrations (minimum number), produced using any technique, including computer graphics (in case of mixed technique, please send both original drawings and printouts of the ultimate artwork).There are no quantitative restrictions in the Cartoon、Caricature、Comic group.
3) The minimum 8 — maximum 100 entries should be submitted for each category.These works form a story.Work is only allowed in Chinese or English. Words can’t appear in works. If you need to writing, must be in English(or Chinese), writing the other a piece of paper .English(or Chinese) words according to the serial number order of works to write clearly.
4) The works should be accompanied by the author’s resume and photo (or caricature).
5) First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number should be written on the reverse side of the works.   Please specify in envelope: “2017 Gold Panda”
6) Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Any painting, Print making, Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil painting, Watercolor, Crafts art or sculpture will be accepted.
7) Size of work : A3 .
5. Entry Form
Please down load the entry form on our web site:  www.redmancartoon.com/en
The self made entry form is not accepted.Each author must imperatively enclose the entry form, filled in every part and duly signed. 
The registration form  – must be sent back signed and scanned, together with the caricatures – to : hongtuart8@163.com  (or– hongtucp@163.com)
6. Deadline 
1) The first stage(Digital works):  31 of August, 2017.
2) The second stage(Original works):  10 of October, 2017.
1) The first stage:  
Please E-mail your works to: hongtuart8@163.com  (or– hongtucp@163.com), There is no limit on the number of works.
You can upload more than one book or some books illustrations.
2) The second stage:   
After your works was selected, the organizing committee will notify you, send your original works mail to the organizing committee, to participate in the final awards. The largest number 8 works.
Please send works to the address:
8. Judgment
1) The jury committee is composed of artists, press editors,illustrators,cartoonist.
2) The jury meeting will be held on December, 2017.
3) The committee will announce the result on January, 2018 on web site. At the same time organizer will contact the winning artists via postal mail or email.
9. Prizes
1) Gold Panda prize(Best Picture book)(1) – Golden Panda Medal + 10000 RMB 
2) Best work prize of Illustration(1)  – Silver Panda Medals + 3000 RMB
3) Best work prize of CG(1)  – Silver Panda Medals + 3000 RMB 
4) Best work prize of Cartoon(1)  – Silver Panda Medals + 3000 RMB 
5) Best work prize of Caricature(1) – Silver Panda Medals + 3000 RMB
6) Best work prize of Comic(1) – Silver Panda Medals + 3000 RMB 
7) The special prize of jury meeting(30 places) – Copper Panda Medals + Catalog 
8) Selected – Catalog

10. Copyright 
Explicitly participators have whole copyright for their entries. The committee has the right to use all the submitted works to spread competition on media, websites, posters, post cards, advertisements, etc.
11. Catalog
The authors whose works has been selected will receive one copy of the catalog made for the  competition.
12. Provisions
1) The submitted works will not be returned. They will be exhibited and displayed in Redman International Cartoon House. 
2) Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury’s decision.
For Information

Entry Form