Deadline: August, 20 2009 |
The cultural association ‘De Geus’, Belgium organises every two year a cartooncontest.
Every person older than 16 years may participate in this contest.
* The cartoons sent in should be original and not published before. All graphic technics are allowed. Text is not allowed.
* The themes treated are free.
* The cartoons should be designed on solid paper of 21 cm x 29,7 cm (Din A4).
* There is no restriction of the number of sendings in.
* On the backside of each cartoon the name of the cartoonist must be mentioned with his address.
4. Deadline
The cartoons (without passe-partout) must be solidly packed and at latest the 20th of August 2009 sent tot the following address together with the entry form/
Cartoonale ‘De Geus’ 2009, Clement Vlassenroot, Duivenkeetstraat 16, B-9280 Lebbeke BELGIUM
5. Right of publication
Participating in the contest the cartoondrawer agrees that the cartoons sent in will be used for an exposition as mentioned in the rules. The awarded cartoons remain property of the organisers.
The jury acts autonomously on awarding prizes.
There is no correspondence allowed with the jury about his decisions.
By the jury four prizes are adjudged:
1st prize : 500 Euro
2nd prize : 250 Euro
3rd prize : 150 Euro
4th prize : 150 Euro for the best classified artist under 25 years old.
The results of the contest will be announced on Friday the 25th of September at 19.30 h in gallery
‘De Fontein’.
A selection of the cartoons will be exposed in art – gallery ‘De Fontein’ in Lebbeke on the 25th, 26th, 27th of September and the 3rd and 4th of October.
The cartoons will be sent back only if it is marked on the entry form.
The organisator is not responsible neither for lost nor for damaged cartoons during the sending in and sending back.
10. By his or her participation the artist agrees with these rules.
Deadline: August, 14 2009 |
The 7th Salon of Humor from Mogi Guaçu is a promotion of the Secretariat of Culture in partnership with the ONG TUPEC. Will be held from 21/08/2009 to 11/09/2009 in the Mogi Guaçu Cultural Center.
The competition will be divided into four categories cartoon, political cartoon, caricature and Comics amateurs and professionals can participate.
The submissions should conform to the standard size of 30 x 40 mounted on paper cards in this size (without margins) without frame, with free theme can be color or black and white. They should, however, be unprecedented and not to have been awarded in previous exhibitions or published in any vehicle. Each applicant may enter up to two works in each category, except for comics that should have a maximum of two pages for each job, using only one side of the paper.
Xerox or computer work will not be accepted.
Registration: From 08/06/2009 to 14/08/2009
Entries must be sent or delivered in person at Department of Culture (see address below) accompanied by the registration form affixed to the back of each work and should include:
• full name of the author
• date of birth
• Title of work
• category to be entered
• address and telephone
• number of identity
• number of CPF
• Alias and Email
7º Salão de Humor de Mogi-Guaçu
Secretaria de Cultura
Avenida dos Trabalhadores,2651- Jd Camargo
CEP_13840-195 Mogi-Guaçu (SP)
The inscription implies the total agreement that all work can be used in the Hall of Humor to promote the event, in any way of public or private communication, where the author is mentioned. The author agrees that his works are reproduced and distributed without profit. The omitted cases will be evaluated by organization.
Works will be accepted if posted until 14/08/2009.
The Organizing Committee is not responsible for the work that arrives damaged or is lost by the postal route.
Will be awarded trophies for first, second and third placed in political cartoon, cartoon, caricature and comics.
The winning work will belong to the collection in this hall.
The award committee may stop rewarding a category for lack of qualification of the work presented then the trophy would be passed to the other categories.
The first placed will receive cash prizes.
The submissions will pass through a pre-selection committee composed by the Hall organizing team and the invited experts in humor design.
The questions not provided here shall be resolved by the jury, whose decisions are sovereign and irrevocable.
The non awarded works should be removed by the author or someone of his trust on presentation of ID, after the exposure.
More information:
Phone: (19) 3831 1844
E-mail: sc-contato@mogiguacu.sp.gov.br
National contest.
Monetary reward detailes not informed.
Deadline: August, 10 2009 |
Theme: 2009, the Year of Astronomy
Size: A4
Work: 10… Original or Photocopy
Deadline: 31 AUGUST 2009
Prizes: Porcelain Pen (One Person-The Best Cartoonist)
Salon International Caricature dessin presse&humour
5, rue de la Mairie
E-Mail: salon.humour@wanadoo.fr Web: http://www.st-just.com Tel: 05 99 09 26 70 |
Deadline: July, 31 2009 |
Theme: “crisis as an opportunity” 1.) General Information
The contest is open to all cartoonists and illustrators worldwide. Applicants can be either professionals or amateurs and must be 18 years of age by the date of application. Up to a maximum of 3 submissions will be accepted by each participant. Previously awarded works can not take part in the competition.
The “Austrian Cartoon Award” will take place excluding the jurisdiction of a court.
2.) Entry application
Entries must be submitted either via post and addressed to:
“Austrian Cartoon Award 2009”
c/o Werbeagentur Morré
Johann-Kamp-Platz 1
A-8074 Graz-Raaba
online under www.cartoonaward.com
Only application forms filled in correctly will be accepted.
3.) Procedure
1st round
All entries for this award must be received on or before 31st july 2009 either online or via post (only copies!) to be considered by the ACA Jury. The best 120 nominations of the first round will qualify for the final and deciding round of the Austrian Cartoon Award 2009.
Final round
All participants of the final round will be notified either via e-mail or post. Originals must be signed and submitted latest by the 10th september 2009 – copies will not be accepted!
Should the deadline not be met, the application will be disqualified and the following best entry from the first round will be nominated to take part in the final round.
From the final 120 nominations the jury will select the best three in each category. Finalist will receive a written notification.
4.) Jury
Jury members are caricaturists, artists and media representatives. The decisions of the judges are final and irrevocable.
5.) The ACA Cartoon Award Annual 2009
The M+N Medienverlag (publisher) will publish the 120 best cartoons in the ACA Annual.
6.) Copyright
Through the participation in the ACA contest the right of advertisements such as publications in the Annual, catalogues, newspapers etc. is given to the awards organizer. The submitted originals remain with the host.
The organizer reserves the right to reduce the advertised prize money in the event of an unexpected cancellation of sponsors’ consents. In that case, the awardees are entitled to 50 percent of the initially advertised prize money.
The “Austrian Cartoon Award” will take place excluding the jurisdiction of a court.
Compositor’s errors and printing errors excepted. Place of jurisdiction: Graz.
First round: Submission of cartoons
Requirements for online entries:
• Maximum size 15 x 20 cm (vertical or horizontal format)
• Colour profile: Bitmap, grayscales or RGB
• 240 to 300 dpi resolution
• dataformat: JPEG, JPG (maximum)
• max. data volume: 1,5 MB
Requirements for entries via post:
copies or prints (no originals for the first round), black and white or colour on paper
• minimum size 21 x 30 cm (A4 vertical or horizontal format
• maximum size 30 x 42 cm (A3 vertical or horizontal format)
The name of the contestant and the title of the entry have to be indicated on the reverse side of each submission.
Final round:
Submission of the best 120 original cartoons
Measurements of the originals
• minimum 21 x 30 cm (A4 vertical or horizontal format)
• maximum 30 x 42 cm (A3 vertical or horizontal format)
The name of the contestant and the titel of the entry have to be indicated on the reverse side of each submission.
Only cartoons on paper and on no other materials can take part in the competition.
It is required that every entry conforms to the stated limits and size before it can be given jury consideration.
posting of originals:
• flat not folded and placed between two pieces of carton
• or rolled up
The host can not be made liable for any damage caused by posting or caused during the exhibition.
“Oh the times!, Oh the customs!”
Contest is open to all cartoonists, both professional and amateurs.
Theme: “O tempora o, mores” (Oh the times!, Oh the customs!)
Entries: max.5
The works must be accompanied by the author’s biography.
Size: A4(210x297mm) – A3(297x420mm)
Deadline: 18th November 2009
First Prize – 1000$
Second Prize – 700$
Third Prize – 500$
Two Special Prizes with a value of 400 $ and 300 $ for a portrait of a well known world personality – any domain.
Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy.
Remark: the works will be not returned, they will remain the property of the House of Culture Urziceni for the future exhibitions.
The works should be sent to:
Contact details:
Tel: 0040 722 433 933 ; 0040 243 254 020.
konu: turizm
Anadolu Üniversitesi Karikatür Sanatýný Araþtýrma ve Uygulama Merkezi, Turizm Yazarlarý ve Gazetecileri Derneði ve Anatolia: Turizm Araþtýrmalarý Dergisi‘nin iþbirliðinde “Uluslararasý Turizm Karikatürleri Yarýþmasý”nýn birincisi düzenlenmektedir. Turizm, Türkiye’de ve Dünya’da en hýzlý geliþen sektörlerin baþýnda yer almaktadýr. Tatil amacýyla seyahat eden bireylerin tatil sýrasýnda yaþadýklarý her türlü deneyim turizm kavramý içerisinde deðerlendirilir. Konaklama, ulaþtýrma, seyahat acenteleri, yeme-içme, eðlence, rekreasyon,
Saveezme-görme, müzeler, çevre, turist-yerli iliþkileri, vb. turizm sektörü kapsamýnda yer alan konularýn, geliþmelerin ve yaþanan deneyimlerin karikatür sanatçýlarý gözüyle deðerlendirilmesi, bu yarýþmanýn temel amacýný oluþturmaktadýr.
katýlým koþullarý:
- Yarýþma amatör ve profesyonel tüm karikatür sanatçýlarýna açýktýr.
- Her sanatçý en fazla üç eserle katýlabilir.
- Yarýþmaya gönderilen eserler orijinal çizim, dijital baský ya da bilgisayar çýktýsýyla hazýrlanmýþ olabilir. Çizim tekniði serbesttir. Renkli veya siyah beyaz olabilir. Ancak, eserlerin üzerine ýslak imzalarýna yer vermeleri gerekmektedir.
- Eserler en az A4 (21×27,7cm) en fazla A3 (29.7×42.0cm) boyutlarýnda olmalý ve postada zedelenmeyecek þekilde gönderilmelidir. Postadan kaynaklanacak kýrýlma ve bozulmalarýn sorumluluðu göndericiye aittir.
- Katýlýmcýlar eserlerinin arkasýna ad, soyad ve adreslerini yazmalý ve web sayfasýnda Windows Word programý ortamýnda yer alan Katýlýmcý Bilgi Formu‘nu doldurarak eserleriyle birlikte gönderilmelidirler.
- Gönderilen karikatürler herhangi bir yerde yayýmlanmýþ olabilir, ancak daha önce bir yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmalýdýr.
- Yarýþmaya katýlan karikatürler Anatolia: Turizm Araþtýrmalarý Dergisi ve Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research ile bu organizasyon ile ilgili kitap, katalog, broþür, kartpostal ve afiþlerde yayýnlanabilecek bunun dýþýndaki tüm yayýn haklarý eser sahibinin olacaktýr.
- Yarýþmaya katýlan eserlerden seçilecek bir bölümü albüm olarak yayýmlanacaktýr. Albümde eseri yer alan her sanatçýya birer albüm gönderilecektir.
- Dereceye girsin veya girmesin, albümde yer alsýn veya almasýn hiçbir eser iade edilmeyecektir ve tüm eserler Anadolu Üniversitesi Eðitim Karikatürleri Müzesi arþivine alýnacaktýr.
- Yarýþmaya katýlan bütün sanatçýlar katýlým koþullarýný kabul etmiþ sayýlýr.
- Ödül töreni ve sergi, 25-30 Mayýs 2010 tarihleri arasýnda Nevþehir Dedeman Oteli’nde düzenlenecek olan V. Lisansüstü Turizm Öðrencileri Araþtýrma Kongresi sýrasýnda gerçekleþtirilecektir. Ödül kazanan sanatçýlar Kongre süresince Düzenleme Kurulu tarafýndan aðýrlanacaktýr.
- Yarýþmaya en son baþvuru tarihi; 31 Aralýk 2009′dur. Postadaki gecikmelerden dolayý düzenleyiciler sorumlu tutulamaz.
theme of the competition: tourism
The First International Tourism Cartoon Competition is held with the cooperation of Anadolu University Research Center for Caricature Art, Association of Tourism Writers and Journalists and Anatolia: Turizm Araþtýrmalarý Dergisi (Anatolia: A Journal of Tourism Research). Tourism is one of the fastest developing sectors in Turkey and all over the World. Individuals’ various experiences during leisure travels are evaluated within the concept of tourism. Cartoonists? comprehension of tourism related issues such as accommodation, transportation, travel agencies, food and beverage, entertainment, recreation, sightseeing, museums, environment, tourist-resident relationships and also of the developmental process and of experiences of tourism, constitute the aim of this competition.
submission guidelines:
- The competition is open to all amateur and professional cartoonists.
- Each performer is allowed to submit maximum three works.
- The cartoons submitted to the competition may be prepared as original drawings, digital printings or computer printouts. The drawing technique is open-ended. Drawings may be colourful or black and white. On the other hand, performers are required to put signatures on their drawings.
- Drawings must be minimum A4 (21×27,7cm) and maximum A3 (29.7×42.0cm) size and potential deformation during the sending process should be avoided. Participants are responsible for any deformation caused by the posting procedure.
- Participants must write their names, surnames and adressess behind their drawings. Also, they must complete the Participant Information Form placed below in the Windows Word format and post it together with their drawings.
- Cartoons sent may be of the ones previously published somewhere but previously awarded cartoons are not allowed to submit.
- Cartoons submitted for selection will be able to be printed in Anatolia: Turizm Araþtýrmalarý Dergisi, Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research and in other printed materials of this organization such as books, catalogs, brochures, postcards and posters. All rights for any other publishing except these belong to the owner of drawing.
- Some selected part of the cartoons submitted for selection will be published in the album. Cartoonists whose drawings published in this album will be sent a copy of the album.
- Regardless of award-winning or taking place in the album, all the cartoons submitted for selection will not be returned and will be archieved in The Anadolu University Museum of Cartoon Art.
- All the cartoonists participated in the competition are implied to agree on the conditions and regulations of the competition.
- Award ceremony and the cartoon exhibition will be organized during the The 5th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure which will be held in Cappadocia Dedeman Hotel between 25-30 May 2010. Award-winner cartoonists will be hosted by the scientific committee during the conference.
- Submission deadline is 31 December 2009. The organization committee is not responsible for any delays caused by posting process.
“Dereleri kirletmenin binbir yolu”
Doðu Karadeniz’in dünyada eþi benzeri bulunmayan doðal güzelliklere sahip olduðunu söylemeye gerek yok. Endemik bitki örtüsü, jeolojik yapýsý, fauna ve florasý ile bütünleþik bir yapýya sahip bu eþsiz coðrafya, dünya genelinde koruma önceliði bulunan 200 alan arasýnda bulunuyor. Karadeniz su yataklarý açýsýndan da zengin bir bölge olma özelliðine sahip.
Bu eþsiz coðrafya son yýllarda hýzla kirletiliyor. Karadeniz Sahil Yolunu saðlýklý tartýþamamanýn bedelini, kumsallarýný ve deniz kültürünü kaybederek aðýr bir þekilde ödeyen Karadenizli þimdi de derelerini kaybetme riskiyle karþý karþýya.
Uzun bir süreden beri, Karadeniz’deki dereler üzerinde Hidroelektrik Santralleri projesi denilen bir karabulut dolaþýyor.
Çevrecilerin ve uzmanlarýn, yalnýzca sularýmýz deðil, doðal yaþam alanlarýnýn da zarar göreceði ve denizden tahrip edilen Karadeniz’in karadan da yara alacaðý ve bunun çevresel tahribatýnýn çok büyük olacaðý konusundaki uyarýlarý…
Bütün bunlar yetmiyormuþ gibi bir de kontrol dýþý kalmasý nedeniyle sürekli çöp dökülen ve fabrika atýðý býrakýlan derelerimiz var. Yýllardýr çöp sorununu çözememiþ ilçe ve belde belediyelerinin çöplüðü haline gelen derelerimiz, irili ufaklý iþletmelerin atýklarýnýn ve zehirli sularýnýn akýtýldýðý vazgeçilmez yerler oldular.
Uzmanlara mý inanacaðýz yoksa bir þey olmaz diyen politikacýlara ve rantçýlara mý?
Dün radyasyon yok diyerek radyasyonlu çaylarý halka içiren devlet büyüklerimize mi güvenelim; yoksa denizine, topraðýna, deresine ve insanlýða temiz bir dünya býrakmak isteyen çevrecilere mi?
1. Yarýþma Amatör ve Profesyonel tüm çizerlere açýktýr.
2. Yarýþmaya gönderilecek eserler kesinlikle orijinal olacaktýr. Sanatçý tarafýndan (ýslak imza) imzalanmasý koþulu ile dijital baský ürünleri kabul edilecektir.
3. Karikatürler daha önce herhangi bir yerde yayýnlanmýþ olabilir, Ancak ödül almamýþ olacaktýr.
4. Teknik serbesttir.
5. Yarýþmaya gönderilen karikatürlerin arkasýna büyük harflerle ad, soyadý, adres, e-posta adresi ve en seri þekilde ulaþýlabilecek telefon numaralarý yazýlmalý, fotoðraflý kýsa bir özgeçmiþini zarfýn içerisine koymalýdýr.
6. Karikatürler postada kýrýlmayacak þekilde ambalajlanacak. Ambalajlamadan doðabilecek sorumluluk göndericiye aittir.
7. Derece alan ve sergilenmeye deðer bulunan karikatürler, Trabzon’da yapýlacak ödül töreni ile birlikte sergilenecektir. Ödül alan ve sergilenmeye deðer bulunan karikatürler bir albümde toplanarak yarýþmaya katýlan çizerlere gönderilecektir.
8. Yarýþmaya gönderilen karikatürlerin yayým, kullanma, kullandýrýlma ve telif hakký Trabzon Belediyesi’nin ve Karikatürcüler Derneði Trabzon Temsilciliði’nin olup gönderilen eserler ödül alsýn veya almasýn iade edilmeyecektir.
9. Ödül törenine katýlmak isteyen sanatçýlar, katýlacaklarýný telefon veya faks ile Trabzon Belediyesi Kültür Müdürlüðü’ne bildireceklerdir. Trabzon’a geliþ ve gidiþ otobüs ücretleri ve konaklama giderleri Trabzon Belediyesi’nce karþýlanacaktýr.
10. Yarýþmaya katýlmýþ olmak tüm þartlarýn kabul edilmesi anlamýnda deðerlendirilecektir.
Yarýþmaya gönderilecek tüm eserlerin ebatlarý 25×35 cm. olacaktýr.
Sanatçýlar yarýþmaya en fazla 3 Adet eser ile katýlabilirler.
Yarýþmaya Son Katýlma Tarihi : 25 Eylül 2009
Jürinin Toplanmasý : 03 Ekim 2009
Sergi Açýlýþý ve Ödül Töreni : 09 Ekim 2009
Birincilik Ödülü : 1.500 TL. + Plaket
Ýkincilik Ödülü : 1.000 TL. + Plaket
Üçüncülük Ödülü : 750 TL. + Plaket
Teþvik Ödülleri (Amatör çizerlere) : 100 TL. + Plaket ( 5 Adet)
Kurumlarca Konulacak Özel Ödüller
Erdoðan BOZOK
Karikatürcüler Derneði Eski Baþkaný ve
Ýstanbul Karikatür ve Mizah Müzesi Müdürü
Adnan TAÇ
Karikatürcüler Derneði Trabzon Temsilcisi
Hikmet AKSOY
Bülent SÜMER
It’s Gaza..!
It’s Gaza two scenes, pages, and pictures
A great people picture in his struggle and Resistance, beside another picture of savagery and downess ranging all history in registering his savage destruction, closure and massacures towards fresh kids, women, young men.
Yes it’s Gaza by two scenes.
A scene of people’s scream in versus to a greedy silence scene.
Gaza… a generation letter carring freedom minarat in all its carrings and a letter of full destruction and damage.
Gaza the two pages…
A page is written in martyr’s blood and mother’s path blessings.
Here in the second face a black page hitting silent, coward, scared people’s face.
This is Gaza the prophetic for a people resistening the most greedy enemies in a tiny margin satisfying their blessed job.
In order not to be silent as many and our scream not to waste in space we invite you to paint with us to relive, refresh, rebuild Gaza again.
Asking your corporation in publishing this and is our respect.
Dear cartoonists,
we would like to say that it will be a great pleasure and honor for us to have your Great artworks in the
“Scream of Gaza”
International Cartoon Exhibition
1. Maximum number of works allowed to send is 5.
2. Size of the works shouldn’t exceed A4.
3. Works can be send by email:
4. If you send your works by email, they should be in JPEG format and at least 300 DPI.
5. Works should be accompanied by the author’s photo a short biography (doc format).
6. All works will be printed in a brochure, on posters….
7. Every participant will receive a free copy of the catalgoue of the Exhibition, anyway.
8. All artworks will be awarded. (Certificate).
9. Deadline: 15/8/ 2009.
10-There will be an exhibition of cartoons on September 18, 2009 Jerusalem, Algeria, Damascus, Khartoum, Sana’a and Gaza.
We look forward to receiving your great artworks.
Best wishes
Cartoonists for Freedom Association
“Entegrasyon” kelimesinin sozluk anlami; butunlesme, kaynasma, uyum saglama anlamina gelir. “Asimilasyon” ise; degisim, benzesmek veya kendine uydurmak anlamlarini icermektedir. Birbirinden ayri gibi gorunen bu kavramlar, ozellikle goc ulkelerinde ayrilmaz bir butunun parcalari gibidir. Biri, digerinin de varlik nedenidir, ayni zamanda…
Gunumuzde, gocmenler ne yasadiklari topluma tam olarak uyum saglayabilmekte, ne de kendi etnik kulturlerini ozgurce yasayabilmektedirler. Bir gocmenin yasadigi topluma uyum saglama surecinde kendi kulturunden uzaklasacak kadar asimile olmasi, yani yabancilasmasi da mumkun olabilmektedir. Gunumuzde bir cok ulkede bunun ornegini gorebiliriz. Oysa, gercek anlamda “entegrasyon”, yabanci bir ulkede kendi kimligini kaybetmeden, degisime ugramadan yasayabilmektir. Kisinin etnik kokeni ne olursa olsun, yasadigi toplum ona etnik kulturunu ve dilini koruma hakkini kesinlikle tanimalidir. Aksi takdirde bir “asimilasyon” yani “zorunlu degisim” soz konusudur.
Toplumsal yasamda “ideal birey”, diger kulturleri ve halklari da kucaklayandir. Hedefimiz; “uyum ve degisim” kavramlarini birbirine karistirmayan, bireylere ozgurce kulturlerini yasatmalarini saglayan toplumlardir. Karikatur yarismamizin amaci, gercek anlamda yasama gecirilemeyen bu sentezi “karikatur” sanatiyla gerceklestirerek, goc ulkelerine gerekli mesajlari iletebilmektir.
1) Yarismaya sadece internet uzerinden katilabilinir.
2) Yarismaya en fazla 3 karikatur gonderilebilir.
3) Yarismaya katilacak karikaturlerin daha once hicbir yarismada odul almamis olmasi ve yayinlanmamis olmasi gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde odulun geri alinabilmesi soz konusu olabilecektir.
4) Karikaturler A3 boyutunda, 300 dpi ve jpeg formatinda olacaktir.
Siyah-beyaz veya renkli olabilir, her turlu boyama teknigi serbesttir.
5) Gelen karikaturler oncelikle (www.donquichotte.org) internet sitesinin “bugun” bolumunde sergilenecektir. Boylelikle kopya karikaturlerin veya sartnameye uymayan karikaturlerin elenerek, son zamanlarda oldukca sIk yasanan odul krizlerinin onlenebilecegini dusunuyoruz.
6) Yarismaya son katilim tarihi: 1 Aralik 2009.
7) DegisIk ulke karikaturculerinden olusan secici kurul, gelen karikaturleri gelen karikaturleri Aralik ayinda degerlendirecek, sonuclar ise 15 Ocak tarihinde aciklanacaktir.
8) Odul toreni Mart 2010’da Hollanda’da gerceklesecektir.
(Kesin tarih ve sergi salonunun yeri daha sonra aciklanacaktir.)
– Birincilik Odulu: 1000 Euro
– Ikincilik Odulu: 750 Euro
– Ucunculuk Odulu: 500 Euro
– “Semih Balcioglu” Ozel Odulu
– Mansiyonlar (10 adet).
Erdogan Karayel, Hicabi Demirci, Oguz Gurel, Hayati Boyacioglu, Ahmet Aykanat.
Marlene Pohle, Massoud Shojai, Marcio Leite, Marian Avramescu,
Vladimir Kazanevsky, Valeri Kurtu, Amorim, Julian Pena Pai, Raed Khalil, Willem Rasing, Seyran Caferli, Nezih Danyal, Eray Ozbek, Firuz Kutal, Huseyin Cakmak, Hicabi Demirci, Erdogan Karayel.
e-mail: donquichotte@donquichotte.org
Die Bedeutung des Begriffs “Integration” ist definiert als Vervollständigung, Eingliederung, als Sicherheit für Harmonie. Der Begriff “Assimilation” jedoch beinhaltet Veränderung, Angleichung oder Anpassung bis zur Selbstaufgabe. Diese beiden Begriffe sehen auf den ersten Blick verschieden aus, bilden aber besonders in Einwanderungsländern die Teile eines unzertrennbaren Ganzen. Der eine ist zugleich Ursache für das Vorhandensein des anderen Begriffs …
Heutzutage können die Einwanderer sich weder ganz in die Gesellschaft harmonisch einfügen, noch können sie ihren ethnischen Kulturen freien Lauf lassen. Es ist sogar möglich, dass ein Einwanderer während der verstreichenden Zeit, die er in der Gesellschaft lebt, um sich harmonisch einzufügen, sich von seiner eigenen Kultur so weit entfernt, bis er assimiliert wird; es ist sogar möglich, dass er einen fremdartigen Charakter annimmt. Jedoch im Sinne der tatsächlichen “Integration” bedeutet es, dass ein Fremder in einem Land ohne Velust seiner Identität leben kann. Ganz gleich, welche ethnischen Wurzeln die Person hat, die Gesellschaft, in der er lebt, sollte ihm das Recht auf Schutz seiner ethnischen Kultur und Sprache gewähren. Andernfalls handelt es sich um “Assimilation”, das heißt um “zwangsläufige Veränderung”.
Im Gesellschaftsleben ist das “ideale Individuum” dasjenige, welches auch andere Kulturen und Völker umfaßt. Unser Ziel ist, ohne Vermengung der Begriffe “Integration und Assimilation”, Gesellschaften zu schaffen, in denen gewährleistet ist, dass Individuen ihre Kulturen frei leben lassen können. Ziel unseres Karikaturenwettbewerbs ist es, die im wahren Sinne nicht ins Leben übertragene Synthese mittels der Kunst der “Karikatur” zu verwirklichen und auf diese Weise an die Einwanderungsländer die notwendige Botschaft richten zu können.
1) Bei Teilnahme an Wettbewerb ist nur durch Internet möglich.
2) Jeder darf höchstens mit 3 Karikaturen teilnehmen.
3) Die teilnehmende Arbeiten dürfen weder bei einem anderem Wettbewerb vorgestellt noch auf irgendeiner Weise veröffentlicht worden sein. Bei einem Verstoß, ist die Aberkennung der errungenen Preise die Folge.
4) Die Zeichnungen sind in A3-Größe zu zeichnen, in 300 dpi Auflösung und in JPEG-Format abzugeben. Sie können sowohl als Schwarz-Weiß, als auch farbig sein, Die Farbliche Darstellung ist genauso wie die farbtechnische Bearbeitung der Arbeiten obliegen nicht einer Eingrenzung.
5) Die eingesendete Karikaturen werden zuerst auf den Webseiten des “Don Quichotte” unter der Rubrik “Heute/Bugün” ausgestellt. Somit werden die Arbeiten die dem Reglement widersprechen, frühzeitig aus dem Wettbewerb ausgeschlossen. Somit werden die in der Vergangenheit nicht selten erlebte unberechtigte Nomienierung einer Arbeit vermieden.
6) Die Einsendeschluß des Wettbewerbs ist 1. Dezember 2009
7) Im Dezember wird unser Bewertungsgremium aus verschiedenen Ländern
die Werke bewerten und das Ergebnis am 15. Januar bekanntgeben.
8) Das Preisvergabefest wird im März 2010 in Holland stattfinden.
(Ort und Termin dieser Veranstaltung wird zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt bekanntgegeben).
– Erster Preis : € 1.000,00
– Zweiter Preis: € 750,00
– Dritter Preis: € 500,00
– Sonderpreis ”Semih Balcioglu”
– Auszeichnungs (10 stück)
Erdoðan Karayel, Hicabi Demirci, Oðuz Gürel, Hayati Boyacýoðlu, Ahmet Aykanat.
Marlene Pohle, Massoud Shojai, Marcio Leite, Marian Avramescu, Vladimir Kazanevsky, Valeri Kurtu, Amorim, Julian Pena Pai, Raed Khalil, Willem Rasing, Seyran Caferli, Nezih Danyal, Eray Özbek, Firuz Kutal, Hüseyin Çakmak,
Hicabi Demirci, Erdoðan Karayel.
e-mail: donquichotte@donquichotte.org
The word „Integration“ in dictionary means coalescence, cohesion and adaptation. „Assimilation“ contains the meanings of alteration, resembling each other or adjusting oneself. These conseptions which seem as if they are different from each other build the parts of a complement especially in migration countries. Also one of them is the entity reason of the other one.
Nowadays neither the immigrants can accommodate to the society where they live nor they can live their own ethnic cultures freely. At the process of accommadition to the society of immigrants where live it can be possible that they are assimilated as much they diverge from their own culture also that they become estranged. But the real meaning of „integration“ is to be able to live in a country without losing self-identity. Whatever the ethnic origin of the person, the society accord the right of protection of his ethnic culture and language. Otherwise there is an „assimilation“ in other words „obligatory alteration“.
In social life „ideal person“ is who embrace the other cultures and folks. Our goal is that the societies do not confuse „adaptation“ and „alteration“ conceptions and that they provide that people maintain their cultures freely. The aim of our cartoon contest is to actualize this synthesis which can not actualize in real terms- through the cartoon art and to convey the required messages to the immigrant countries.
1) The participation in contest is possible only by Internet.
2) At most three cartoons can be sent..
3) The participating work may have been published neither with another competition presented nor on any way. With an offence, the deprivation of the achieved prices is the result.
4) The designs are to be drawn in A3-Size to deliver in 300 dpi dissolution and in JPEG format. They know both and black-and-white, and to be colored, the coloured representation is exactly the same as the colortechnical treatment of the work is incumbent on not a containment.
5) The sent cartoons are issued first on the web pages of the “Don Quichotte” under the column “Today”. Thus the work those is excluded the regulation to contradict, promptly from the competition. Thus in the past
the pretty often experienced unauthorized counterfeit, of a work is avoided. 6) Deadline for the participation to the contest: 1 December 2009
7) The jury formed from the cartoonists of the different countries will evaluate the sent cartoons in December. The results will be announced on 15 January.
8) The prize ceremony will take place in Holland in March 2010. (Place and date of this meeting are communicated at a later time).
– First Prize: € 1,000, 00
– Second Prize: € 750,00
– Third Prize: € 500,00
– Special Prize of “Semih Balcioglu”
– 10 Mentions
Erdoðan Karayel, Hicabi Demirci, Oðuz Gürel, Hayati Boyacýoðlu, Ahmet Aykanat.
Marlene Pohle, Massoud Shojai, Marcio Leite, Marian Avramescu,
Vladimir Kazanevsky, Valeri Kurtu, Amorim, Julian Pena Pai, Raed Khalil, Willem Rasing, Seyran Caferli, Nezih Danyal, Eray Özbek, Firuz Kutal, Hüseyin Çakmak, Hicabi Demirci, Erdoðan Karayel.
e-mail: donquichotte@donquichotte.org