“Ironic Art Images about the Past, Present and Future of the Silk Road” 2014 In.Exhibiton


1."Ironic Art Images about the Past, Present and Future of the Silk Road" 2014
International Exhibition is an open competition.

* Ironic Art Images about the Past, Present and Future of the"2014 Silk Road
International Exhibition" is an open competition.
* The entries for the competition are to include: Cartoon, comics, caricature, strip ,
drawings, graphics and other works of original fine art created by qualified artists
using a variety of techniques.
The theme categories of the competition are:
1.Ocean, Desert and land
2.City and Countryside
3. Caricatures and People
5. Science and Technology
6. Nature and Environment
7. Customs and Daily Lives of People
8. Sports and Entertainment
4. Legend and Folk Arts
9. "Present Silk Road in the Eyes of Artists"
(Art images are preferred without captions)
* Artwork that received awards in other competitions are welcome. The format and
size of the works are limited to a maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm).
* Artwork must be sent or delivered by March 9, 2014 (date of postmark) and packed
in a protective cover to:
Organizing Committee of SRIC:
2801 Suite, No.7 Building, Tianchang Yuan Media Village Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang
District Beijing,China Post Code: 100107
Tel/Fax:: 0086-10-84827182 Email: cmiassn@163.com
* Participants wishing to participate in the exhibition and in the catalog only may send
a print copy to the mailing address above or email it to cmiassn@163.com (JEPG,
* Participation in the competition is free of charge. However, organizers reserve the right to include
submitted works in the Gallery.
* Artwork should be accompanied by their author’s photo or caricature, a short biographical note
and a completed application form

* Organizers are not responsible for any transportation damages.
– Artwork submitted for competition will be judged by an International Jury.
– The Jury will award the following cash prizes along with a certificate for each award.
• Grand prize amounting to 5.000 USD
• 2 gold medals amounting to 3.000 USD
• 2 silver medals amounting to 2.000 USD
• 2 bronze medals amounting to 1.000 USD
• 9 special prizes amounting to 300 USD
– The jury has the right of final distribution of statutory prize and all of the jury’s
– Competition results will be announced on May 1, 2014 on this website. www.cmiassn.org
– Organizers plan to award the artist with the best debut and will give him/her the
opportunity for an individual exhibition at the Gallery which will be included in the

* Artists of work qualified for the exhibition will be given a presentation copy of the
* Artwork sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the

– Organizers reserve the right to use all submitted artwork for advertising purposes
without any special fees paid to the artists that include being exhibited and
reproduced in a variety of advertising materials as well as printed and circulated in
– The prize-winning works become the property of the organizers and will be included
in the collection of the Gallery.
– The exhibition organizers are the final judges in interpretation of the rules and
– By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and
– By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the publication of the author’s profile in
the post-exhibition album.
Organizing Committee of SRIC:
2801 Suite, No.7 Building, Tianchang Yuan Media Village Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang
District Beijing,China Post Code: 100107
Tel/Fax:: 0086-10-84827182 Email: cmiassn@163.com
Website: www.cmiassn.org

– Submission deadline for receipt of artwork: March 9, 2014 (date of the postmark)
– Post-competition exhibition August 8 to August 28,2014

2014"Silk Road" International Competition Form

□ Individual work □ Group work

□ Student □ professional

Entrant’s info:

□ Male □ Female

Given name: _________________ Surname: _________________

Nationality: _________________

Home address:


Zip/Postal Code: _________

Email Address (for receipt notification): _________________

Company’s name: __________________________________

Contact person: _________________

Tel: ___________________ Fax: _____________________

Email: _________________ Website: __________________

Office address:


Entrant’s biography

Type of submission:

□comic □cartoon □Strip □Caricature □Graphic □Drawing

□Other: _________________________________

Language to be used in the submission: _______________________

My signature below attests:

A. To the accuracy of all information provided.

B. That the enclosed submission is my original work and that I own all rights to it and all its


C. To my holding SRIC and all those involved in it, harmless from and defend them against

all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, judgments, liabilities and expenses (including

attorneys’ fees) arising out of or in connection with any and all claims of third parties,

whether groundless or not, based on any submissions made to this contest.

D. That I grant to SRIC the right to use my submission and name for publicity and promotional

purposes now and in the future.

E. That the burden of obtaining copyright or otherwise protecting any proprietary interests in

this submission rests entirely with me.

F. That I have obtained present permission from the artist and/or studio for the incorporation

of any unoriginal characters or other graphics, or those such characters or graphics (if any)

are in the public domain and may therefore be used without permission.

G. That I absolve SRIC of any and all responsibility and/or liability for any copyright

infringements, and that I (the entrant) accept responsibility and/or liability for respecting

China and International (Berne Convention) copyright law.

H. That I agree to be bound by the rules of this contest, and any decisions made by AYACC

respecting it, including interpretations of these rules and the results of the juried judging.

Signature: _______________________________ Date: _________________


Please send your submission(s) to the following address:

Organizing Committee of SRIC

2801 Suite, NO.7 Building, TianchangYuan Media Village, Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District,

Beijing, China

Tel/Fax: 0086-10-82847182 Post Code: 100107

Email: cmiassn@163.com

Official Website: http://en.cmiassn.org




Yarisma sartnamesi:
Son gonderim tarihi: 15 Ocak 2014
Yarisma ulusal capta olup amator, profesyonel tum
karikaturculere aciktir.
Katilim: En fazla uc karikatur, email ile 300 dpi jpg formatinda,
A4 boyutunda bursa@kalder.org adresine, posta ile KalDer
Bursa Subesi Fethiye Mah. Sanayi cad. No:317/2 Nilufer Bursa
adresine gonderilebilir.
Gonderilen karikaturler yayinlanmis olabilir. Ancak baska bir
yarismada odul almamis olmalidir. Calinti ve benzerlik tespiti
icin gonderilen karikaturler www.kalder.org web sitesinde
17-24 Ocak 2014 tarihleri arasinda yayinlanacaktir. Bu tarihten
sonra yapilacak itirazlar dikkate alinmayacaktir.
Yarismaya gonderilen karikaturler KalDer’in
organizasyonlarinda (afis, kitap, album, kartpostal, brosur,
davetiye, sergi vs) basilip kullanilabilecek, internet ortaminda
yayinlanabilecektir. Eserlerden birisi 18-19 Nisan 2014
tarihlerinde Bursa’da duzenlenecek olan 12. Kalite ve Basari
Sempozyumu’nun gorseli olarak kullanilabilecektir. Bunun
disinda tum yayin haklari eser sahibine aittir. Yarismaya eser
gonderen sanatci bu sartlari kabul etmis sayilir.
• Birincilik Odulu 3000 TL ve Plaket
• Ikincilik Odulu 1500 TL ve Plaket
• Ucunculuk Odulu 500 TL ve Plaket
• Uc adet mansiyon plaketi
• Anadolu Karikaturculer Dernegi Ozel Odulu (plaket)
Odul kazanan sanatcilara para odulu ve plaketleri 2014 Mart ayi
icerisinde gonderilecektir.
Juri uyeleri 26 Ocak 2014 Pazar gunu toplanacak ve sonuclari
27 Ocak 2014 Pazartesi gunu aciklayacaktir.
Juri Uyeleri;
Ahmet Aykanat (Karikaturist)
Mehmet Kahraman (Karikaturist)
Cuneyt Senyavas (Karikaturist)
Kemal Akkoc (Karikaturist)
Halit Kurtulmus (Karikaturist)
KalDer temsilcisi
KalDer temsilcisi
BUSIAD temsilcisi
Sponsor kurulus temsilcisi
Yarismanin ilk sergisi 18-19 Nisan 2014 tarihlerinde Bursa’da 12.
Kalite ve Basari Sempozyumu organizasyonunda acilacaktir.
KalDer diger sehirlerdeki subelerinin etkinliklerinde sergi
Organizasyon Sorumlusu:
Arzu Ozel
0224 241 60 10
KalDer Bursa Subesi
Fethiye Mah. Sanayi Cad. No:317/2 Nilufer Bursa
KalDer Bursa Subesi ve Anadolu Karikaturculeri Dernegi
isbirliginde 18-19 Nisan 2014 tarihlerinde Bursa’da
gerceklestirilecek olan 12. Kalite ve Basari Sempozyumu
kapsaminda Ulusal Karikatur Yarismasi duzenlenmistir.
Yarismanin konusu; Sempozyumun ana temasi olan
"Yolculuk Nereye?" basligi secilmistir.
KalDer Hakkinda:
KalDer Turkiye Kalite Dernegi Bursa Subesi 1998 yilinda
kurulmustur. Merkez Istanbul’dur. Bursa, Ankara, Izmir,
Ekisehir’de subeleri bulunuyor. Amaclari;
• Cagdas kalite anlayisinin Bursa ve cevresinde etkinlik
kazanmasi ve yayginlastirilmasi,
• Kalite bilincinin yerlestirilmesi, kalite calismalarinin tesvik
• Kurumlarin dis pazarda rekabet edilebilir seviyeye ulasmasi
icin gerekli teknik destek ve koordinasyonun saglanmasidir.
Mukemmellik kulturunu yasam bicimine donusturerek,
ulkemizin rekabet gucunun ve refah duzeyinin yukseltilmesine
katkida bulunmak.
Cumhuriyetimizin 100. yilinda surdurulebilir kalkinma yaklasimi
cercevesinde ulkemizi cagdas yasam duzeyine ulastirmak
amaci ile Turkiye’nin tum bolgelerinde mukemmellik kulturunu
icsellestirmis, rekabetci kurum ve kuruluslar yaratilmasina
katkida bulunan bir kurulus olmak.
• Guvenilir Olmak
• Insana Saygi
• Surekli Iyilestirme
• Gonulluluk
Kalite ve Basari Sempozyumu Hakkinda:
Kalite ve Basari Sempozyumu Bursa ve cevresinde cagdas
kalite anlayisinin yayginlasmasi ve genis bir dusunce paylasim
forumu olusturmak amaciyla 2003 yilindan bu yana her yil
degisIk bir ana tema cercevesinde gerceklestirilmektedir.
Sempozyum sonunda olusan goruslerin bolgemizdeki tum
kurum ve kuruluslarin gelecek stratejilerinin belirlenmesinde
yasamsal katki saglayacagi ve yon gosterebilecegi hedeflenir.
Sempozyuma; kamu, ozel sektor ve sivil toplum kuruluslarindan
her yil 3000’nin uzerinde kisi katilmaktadir.
12. Kalite ve Basari Sempozyumu 18-19 Nisan 2014 tarihlerinde
"Yolculuk Nereye?" temasi ile gerceklesecektir.
Yolculuk Nereye? sorusuyla calisma hayati icin cevaplar
Yolculuk Nereye?: Kalite ve Basariya
Yolculuk Nereye?: Mukemmellige
Yolculuk Nereye?: Paylasmaya
Yolculuk Nereye?: Surdurulebilirlige
Yolculuk Nereye?: Yenilikcilige
Yolculuk Nereye?: Gelecege
Yolculuk Nereye?: Bireysel ve Toplumsal Kalkinmaya
Yolculuk Nereye?: Yasam Kalitesine
Yolculuk Nereye?: …….

Beltud Cartoon Contest 2013

Beltud Cartoon Contest 2013

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Turkish and Moroccan communities
in Belgium, Beltud, the Belgian-Turkish Friendship Association, is launching the
second edition of the cartoon contest in collaboration with its partners Press
Cartoon Belgium and European Cartoon Centre. Through the competition "50
years in Belgium" that is open to all, Beltud calls all creative minds to illustrate
the 50 years of immigration, the aspects of living together in a multicultural
society and the bonds between different communities.
A jury of professional cartoonists, of which Clou, duBus, Vadot, Philippe Bercovici, Kim, Marec
and Canary Pete will select the first three winners who will be awarded the respective prizes of
1000 €, 750 € and 500 €. A selection of the best cartoons will then be exhibited across the
country, in important places of several cities, including the Flemish Parliament.
For more information and to participate: www.concoursdecartoon.be
We wish you success!
The Beltud team
Cartoon Contest Rules
The competition is open to all, amateurs and professionals, living in Belgium or abroad. Entrants
declare that they accept the terms and conditions of the Regulation and the decisions of the jury.
Participation is free. Entry Deadline: 24th January 2014.
The first prize is €1,000, the second prize €750 and the third prize of €500.
Ceremony and Awards
The finale and the awards ceremony will take place in February 2014. Information regarding the
date and venue of the finale will be announced later on our website.
A cartoon may be for example a caricature of a famous person, a mockery of a current event or
just an illustration of a comic situation. This cartoon may be composed of one image only or be
designed like a comic strip. The cartoon must be static (drawn) .
The contest cartoon, entitled "Through the cultural features of Belgium", celebrates the 50th
anniversary of the presence of Turkish and Moroccan communities in Belgium, their 50 years of
history, cultural heritage and plural identity but can be themed around more general topics such
as immigration, cultural diversity in our society, prejudice and stereotypes, issues of
interculturalism, living together, friendship and co- citizenship.
• Maximum 3 cartoons.
• Black and white or colored.
• If the drawing contains text, it must be written in French, Dutch or English.
• A3 dimensions (max. 30 x 42 cm)
• The designs can also be realized digitally. In this case the drawing must have A3 dimensions, a
minimum resolution of 300dpi, preferably 600dpi in JPEG format.
• Please refer to the back of each cartoon: your name, surname and postal address.
• Electronic sending: info@beltud.be
• Postal shipping:
Cartoon Contest
Rue des Palais 27
1030 Schaerbeek
Your participation is valid only if you have completed and sent your registration file on the
You will receive a confirmation e -mail after receipt of cartoons.
By participating to the contest, participants give the right to the host association to use their
cartoons in brochures and catalogs of the association for exposure and promotional purposes.
A jury makes a selection for the exhibition among all the entries and chooses the winners .
By submitting your drawing to Beltud, you agree to leave your works in our possession for
display in traveling exhibitions, and until January 2015.
The cartoons will then be shipped to their authors after written request thereof.
The association is in no way responsible for any damage or loss.
The sender remains responsible for the originality of his works. If the jury notices a case of
plagiarism after the announcement of the winners, the prize will be forfeited.
Rue des Palais 27
1030 Schaerbeek
Phone +32 (0) 2 212 19 06
E -mail info@beltud.be


































Türklerin Belcika’ya Gelisinin 50. Yýlý Konulu Karikatür Yarismasi

Beltud (Belcika Turk dostluk dernegi) Turklerin Belcika’ya gelisinin 
50.yili kutlamalari cercevesinde bir karikatur yarismasini duzenliyor.
Yarismanin temasi, Turklerin Belcika’ya gelisinin 50. yili cercevesinde birlikte yasama kulturu, 
kulturel cesitlilik, cogulculuk, empati, diyalog, hosgoru ve dostluk.

Belcikali veya yabanci herkes, www.concoursdecartoon.be ve 
siteler uzerinden basvurularini yapabilirler veya posta yoluyla karikaturlerini gondererek 
yarismaya katilabilirler (afis ve yarismanin kurallari ektedir).

Yarismanin juri uyeleri arasinda Belcika’nin onde gelen gazete ve dergilerinde cizen karikaturistler yer almakta.
Ilk 50’ye giren karikaturlerin sergilenecegi yarismanin final gecesinde ilk uc dereceye giren katilimcilara para odulleri 
(1.ye 1000€, 2.ye 750€ ve 3.ye 500€) takdim edilecektir.

2014 yili boyunca katilimcilarin eserleri, Belcika’nin farkli sehirlerinde, parlamentolar gibi 
onemli mekanlarda (gezen sergi seklinde) halkin ziyaretine sunulacaktir.

6th International ” Smiling Cat” Cartoon Web Contest-2013

6th International " Smiling Cat" Cartoon Web Contest-2013

Contest: Open to all cartoonists
THEME: Shadow
Deadline: 20 December 2013
ENTRIES: Max. 2 cartoons

A4 size max. 100 dpi, format (JPEG). Max one entry in each section:
black & white or colored, any style, any technique will be accepted. Name, address, tel and e-mail.
At the end of competition there will be an exhibition on internet from the selected cartoons.
The participant must send their photo along with their autobiography.
All cartoonists can participate through their own e-mail by submitting your cartoons to:



First Smiling Cat prize: Diploma
Second Smiling Cat prize: Diploma
Third Smiling Cat prize: Diploma

Honourable mentions: 5 (certificate)

The results will be on http://www.cartooncenter.net on 30 december, 2013,
right after the international juries’ evaluation.

Organizer: Seyran Caferli

Az 1000, Post BOX N0 1, Baku-Azerbaijan

The 19th International Ankara Cartoon Festival 7-77

The 19th International Ankara Cartoon Festival 7-77

The 19th International Ankara Cartoon Festival is going to be held from April 18th to 20th,
2014 during the 85th Children’s Day activities, which are celebrated in our country every year
in on the 23rd April .
The international 7-77 Cartoon Competition will be organized under the 20th International
Ankara Cartoon Festival. The aim of the competition is to make children familiar with the art
of cartooning and to contribute the development of sensitivity towards humour by enriching
their world with the help of cartoons you will draw.
All proffessional and amateur cartoonists will be welcomed to join in by drawing cartoons for
Cartoons can be drawn in black-white or colourful using any technique in either A4 or A3
Cartoonists can join in the competition with an original cartoon that can be understood by
children. Competitors must write their names, surnames and addresses on the back of their
The deadline for the competition is February 1st, 2014. Cartoons should be sent to the
following address:
The sole prize of the competition is the 7-77 PRIZE (1000 €) and the institutions’
commemorative plates.
The results of the competition will be announced on April 10th, 2013 in the local press and on
the web.
The winner of the competition will be invited to Ankara from April 18th to 20th, 2014 as a
guest for the activities to be held during the 20th International Ankara Cartoon Festival and
will receive the award at the opening of the exhibition.
The International 7-77 Cartoon Competition catalogue and the certificate will be sent
to those competitors whose cartoons were chosen by the jury and were printed in the
Cartoons will not be sent back and all rights will be reserved by the Cartoon Foundation.
International 7-77 Cartoon Competition exhibition will be opened in various cities of Turkey
and abroad.

Karikatur Vakfi 20. Uluslararasi 7-77 Karikatur Festivali

*Karikatur Vakfi tarafindan duzenlenen 20. Uluslararasi 7-77 Karikatur Festivali 18-20 Nisan
2014 tarihlerinde uc gun sureyle Ankara’da yapilacaktir.
*Festival kapsaminda yer alan 7-17 Karikatur Yarismasi’nin amaci cocuklar arasindaki
kardeslik, sevgi, dostluk baglarini gelistirmek ve onlari bariscil bir gelecege hazirlamaktir.
*7-17 Karikatur Yarismasi 7-17 yaslari arasindaki tum cocuklara aciktir.
*Yarisma konusu, ‘Guzel Doga Guzel Yasam’ dir.
Yarismacilar Iyi , saglikli bir yasam icin dogayi kirletmememiz, kotu kullanmamamiz ve
korumamizi dikkate alan karikaturler cizebilirler.
*Karikaturler A4 ya da A3 boyutlarinda her tur kagida istedikleri teknikle, siyah-beyaz, renkli
olarak cizilebilir.
*Karikaturculer en cok uc karikaturle yarismaya katilabilirler. Yarismacilar karikaturlerin
arkasina ad-soyadlarini, dogum tarihlerini, telefonlarini, okullarini, adreslerini yazmalidirlar.
*Yarismacilar karikaturlerini 1 SUBAT 2014 tarihinde kadar ‘7-17 KARIKATUR YARISMASI –
PK:364 YENISEHIR 06443 ANKARA’ posta adresine gondermelidirler.
*Jurinin sececegi en iyi karikaturu cizen karikaturcuye Scrikss odulu 1.000,00 TL (Bin Turk
Lirasi), plaket ve diploma verilecektir. Ayrica karikaturleri sergilenmeye deger gorulen tum
karikaturculere diploma gonderilecektir.
*Yarismada odul alan karikaturcu 18-20 Nisan tarihinde yapilacak 20. Uluslararasi 7-77
Karikatur Festivali’ne davet edilerek 7-17 KARIKATUR YARISMASI karikatur sergisi acilisinda
odulunu alacaktir.
*Yarisma sonuclari 10 Nisan 2014 tarihinde basin, yayin organlari ve internetten
*Juri tarafindan secilip, karikaturleri katologda yer alan karikaturculere 20. Uluslararasi 7-77
Karikatur Festivali Katalogu, katilim belgesiyle birlikte gonderilecektir.
*Karikaturler geri gonderilmeyecek ve basim yayin hakki Karikatur Vakfi’nin olacaktir
*7-17 KARIKATUR YARISMASI karikatur sergisi daha sonra Turkiye icinde ve yurt disinda
cesitli kentlerde acilacaktir.

International Tourism Cartoon Competition 2013

International Tourism Cartoon Competition (2013)

International Tourism Cartoon Competition is held with the cooperation of Association of Tourism Writers and Journalists (TUYED) and Anatolia: A Journal of Tourism Research. The objective of the competition, which was first held in 2009, is to examine tourism, which is one of the biggest sectors in the world, with its various dimensions. Also, the competition aims to put forward cartoonists’ aspects in terms of travelling population’s experiences and relations during their travel. In this respect, the main objective of this competition is to assess such topics, developments and experiences within the tourism industry as accommodation, transportation, food and beverage, recreation, sightseeing, museums, environment, tourist-resident relationships, from cartoonists’ point of view.
Competition is held annually and is open to all cartoonists from all over the world, both amateur and professional. Nearly 120 submitted works which get to the final elimination take place in the Cartoon Book. The reward ceremony of the present competition will be held in Antalya, Turkey.
For more information, please visit web page: 

Uluslararasý Turizm Karikatürleri Yarýþmasý (2013)

Uluslararasý Turizm Karikatürleri Yarýþmasý Turizm Yazarlarý ve Gazetecileri Derneði ve Anatolia: Turizm Araþtýrmalarý Dergisi’nin iþbirliðinde düzenlenmektedir. Ýlki 2009 yýlýnda gerçekleþtirilen yarýþmanýn amacý, dünyanýn en büyük sektörlerinden biri olan turizmi çeþitli boyutlarý ile incelemektir. Tatil amacýyla seyahat eden bireylerin tatil sýrasýnda yaþadýklarý her türlü deneyimler ve ortaya çýkan iliþkiler üzerine karikatür sanatçýlarýnýn bakýþýný ortaya koymaktýr. Bu baðlamda konaklama, ulaþtýrma, yeme-içme, eðlence, rekreasyon, gezme-görme, müzeler, çevre, turist-yerli iliþkileri, vb. turizm sektörü kapsamýnda yer alan konularýn, geliþmelerin ve yaþanan deneyimlerin karikatür sanatçýlarý gözüyle deðerlendirilmesi, bu yarýþmanýn temel amacýný oluþturmaktadýr.
Yarýþma her yýl düzenlenmekte olup, amatör ve profesyonel dünyadaki bütün karikatür sanatçýlarýna açýktýr. Yarýþmaya katýlan eserlerden finale kalan 120 dolayýndaki karikatüre Karikatür Kitabý’nda yer verilmektedir. Bu yýl yarýþmanýn ödül töreni Antalya’da gerçekleþtirilecektir.
Web sayfasý: 


Dear all

Thank you for being a part of Doha Centre for Media Freedom’s first cartoon contest last year. We are reaching out to you because DCMF will be participating at the UNESCO Global Forum on Media and Gender which will be held in Bangkok from Dec 2-4. We would like you to be a part of this forum by participating in a cartoon exhibit that DCMF is organizing based on the theme of "Media and Gender." We will be selecting around 20 cartoons that will be showcased in Bangkok. This is another excellent opportunity to showcase your work at a global level in front of hunders of leaders, decision makers and activists.

Cartoon Exhibition on Media and Gender- General Guidelines

The theme of this exhibition is "Media and Gender." Suggested topics include promoting gender equality and eliminating gender-based stereotypes in the media.

Selected work will be exhibited at UNESCO’s Global Forum for Media and Gender from Dec 2-4, 2013 in Thailand. Click here to read more about it-


DCMF will pay $250 for the 20 cartoons that will be featured during the exhibition in December.

Each participant can contribute more than one cartoon to the competition.

Any text written on the cartoon should be translated into English.

Cartoons can be either black and white or in colour.

Only original work will be accepted.

All submissions must include the name, email address, telephone number and a brief biography of the cartoonist.

Only still cartoons will be accepted.

The image should be in .png. gif. Jpg or . jpeg formats only and the minimum size is 3 MB.

DCMF reserves the right to reuse the received work at various platforms. The organisation does not take responsibility for returning the work to its author after the competition.

The size of the cartoon should be at least A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.50 by 11 inches.

All submissions must be sent to zainab@dc4mf.org by October 31st, 11:59 PM AST.

The 1st international “IlustraMaxima” competition is hereby announced.

The 1st international "IlustraMaxima" competition is hereby announced.

The artists shall carry out their work based on maxims about subjects related to water. (see maxims below the rules)


The competitors must register or identify themselves on the web page and attach their work in JPG format, in the competition section, in the field provided for this purpose.


The competition is free. Anyone that wants to can participate. Candidates must be at least 16 years old. Participants should register on the competition’s web page and upload their work in JPG format. Each participant may present a maximum of three works.


The competition is based on aphorisms or maxims chosen previously by the organiser and its partners. These maxims are all linked to the subject of the current year. For the year 2013, the subject chosen is "water". Each candidate should illustrate a maxim in a single cartoon / illustration, using the technique of their choice. The candidate should indicate, in the lower right margin of the illustration, the number of the maxim chosen. The scenes and characters must be self-created and unpublished.


Each of the works handed in should not exceed a format of 800 x 600 pixels, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.


The work must be sent exclusively through the WEBPAGE by 12th October 2013.


A qualified jury shall choose the best works. The prizes shall be awarded within six weeks following the end of the competition. The jury may declare a certain number of prizes null, and this decision cannot be appealed against. The works shall be evaluated based on three criteria: Quality of the work: 40% Agreement of the work with the subject of the maxim and the competition: 30% Quality of the educational focus of the work: 30%


The IlustraMaxima competition has 4,000 Euros in prizes distributed amongst 5 categories as follows: 1st prize: 1,500 Euros. 2nd: 1,000 Euros. 3rd prize: 700 Euros. 4th prize: 500 Euros. 5: 300 Euros.


The illustrator exclusively cedes to the publisher the rights to reproduction and distribution of the illustrations, for commercial use (digital and paper), in all of the world’s languages and countries, for a duration fifteen years. All of the authors chosen, including the winner, shall receive a free access code to the collective book in one of the languages of the publication.

The organizer of the competition shall create, based on the five prizes, in an undetermined period of time, a limited edition on paper of five numbered copies signed by the president of the jury, as evidence of the awards received. This limited edition shall remain in the possession of the organiser that shall make them available for sale.

The original works shall remain in the possession of the authors.

The rest of the works, including the works presented and subsequently selected by the jury, shall be published by the publisher. In order to correctly display the works, the publisher shall create a book (costing between 2 and 3 Euros) and / or a paper agenda the year after that shall not accrue any pecuniary rights for the authors of the illustrations. Each author published in the e-book / catalogue shall receive an access code in order to be able to read the e-book and use it freely and personally. The granting of this right shall end fifteen years following its publication.

These elements constitute a source of funding of the competition and contribute to the payment of the prize money for the five winning works in Euros and to publish the work of the selected artists.

The publisher reserves the right to exhibit or to allow the works to be exhibited, within the scope of the IlustraMaxima competition, without paying any financial compensation.


Participation in this competition implies acceptance of these rules.


lIlustration contest


This international competition is a call to the citizens of the world to illustrate their deep thoughts; so that this message of accountability and desire for collective action draws a path for water because, as Gaston Bachelard said "Water is the mirror of our future".

According to Paul Claudel, "water is the gaze of the Earth." This maxim is very true, if we look at our planet from space. It is also the element that reflects the health of the Earth, and in which its illnesses first appear. The contamination of aquatic environments (nitrates and phosphates that are industrial or bacterial in nature) are in fact a symptom of the degradation of the biosphere.

This view challenges our consumption of this precious resource, and we must necessarily leave future generations a preserved ecosystem. For this reason, the current managers of territories have a responsibility to respond effectively and appropriately to the challenges of water resource management.

This international competition is a call to the citizens of the world to illustrate their deep thoughts; so that this message of accountability and desire for collective action draws a path for water because, as Gaston Bachelard said "Water is the mirror of our future".

Jean-François Sauré

The first International Universal Tolerance Cartoon Festival

The first International Universal Tolerance Cartoon Festival

Universal Tolerance Organization with the vision of global peace, democracy, peaceful coexistence, respect of human rights, and sustainable development through tolerance organizes this festival to celebrate international day of tolerance in Norway on 16.November.2013.


Religious, racial, ethnic, social, cultural and political tolerance in family, society and state


30 September 2013

Artists may start sending their work from 15.August.2013 to the address mentioned below.

Terms and conditions:

Competition is open to everybody around the world.

The art work must be original and not published or exhibited previously.

The work should be designed and colored digitally.

The artist should sign the original digital artwork, and number the printed version with pencil before mailing it to postal address.

The artwork should be filed as JPG with resolution of 300 dpi.

The artwork should be sent in 3 copies with A4 or A3 paper size.

Name and personal details and contacts (phone, email, country of origin, mailing address) of the artist should be written behind the artwork.

Artists should enclose a personal photo and short biography of themselves.

The artwork should demonstrate one of the subjects mentioned above. International juries will select the artwork for competition.

A collection of artworks will be published to present artistic view about principles of tolerance.

Every artist will receive three copies of the book at the end. Universal Tolerance Organization will have the right to publish the artworks in books, and websites of U.T.O


First winner: 1500 Euros.

Second winner: 1000 Euros.

Third winner: 700 Euros.

Four other winners will each receive 100 Euros as an award from U.T.O.

If under any circumstances the winner is not able to travel to Norway to receive the award, Universal Tolerance Organization will make sure the award goes to the artist from any other possible way.

Tollbugata 4- 3044
Drammen – Norway.

Tel: 0047 41311011




Website: http://universaltolerance.org
