Ole possible Kartoenal international cartoon contest 2018 subject: Safety

Ole possible Kartoenal international cartoon contest 2018 subject: Safety

29.s international cartoon contest which will be held in the town of Belgium announced Ole Ole possible Kartoenal 2018 subject: Work Safety (Safety at work). 
Amnesty International special prize subject: befitting a human right to engage in work (Right to decent work). 
Ole contest participation period usually ending in September now only digital (via Internet) and accepts standard size A4 participation. Open section of the competition for young artists also need to remember that is. 
Contributions, from July 1, 2018 will be accepted at the following address: www.olensekartoenale.b to  . 
This year’s "Agriculture" for the winners in the 28th edition titled see .

The Second International Safe Community Cartoon Festival, Mashhad 2018, Iran

The Second International Safe Community Cartoon Festival, Mashhad 2018, Iran

The Second International Safe Community Cartoon Festival
General Topics

Safe and Clean Transportation
Psychological Health in Societies
Ecological Problems
Handicap, Elderly and Children Safety in Cities
Safety Culture and Citizen Role
Special Topic
Megacities and Earthquake
Festival Rules and Regulations
Personal information forms and cartoons are to be sent to festival email.
Cartoons already awarded in other festivals will not be judged.
Cartoons will be used for festival announcements and likes.
Files must be in JPG, 300 DPI and 2000×2000 Pixels.
Cartoons accepted will be printed in festival book, a copy of which will be sent to their artists.
It is mandatory for the awarded artists to attend the closing ceremony in Mashhad.
First prize $1500.00
Second prize $ 1000.00
Third prize $ 750.00
Three Iranian artists each will be awarded IRR 10000000.00.
April 22 – September 22, 2018
Closing ceremony and Exhibition held in Mashhad, Iran and Atsugi, Japan.
Click here for festival information file.
Festival Form on source.

IX “Mullah NYsrYd you” BeynYlxalq Karikaturen to MüsabiqYs 2018, Azerbaijani

IX "Mullah Nəsrəd you" Beynəlxalq Karikaturen to Müsabiqəs 2018, Azerbaijani

IX "Mullah Nəsrəd you" – Azerbaijani – 2018 "to Müsabiqəs of Beynəlxalq Karikaturen

Karikaturaç the Union of Azerbaijani Rəssam "Mullah Nəsrəd you" – Azerbaijani – 2018 "is to Beynəlxalq Karikaturen to Müsabiqəs the elan. 
2018-c ildə "Molla Nəsrəd it" – Azərbaycan "Beynəlxalq karikatura Müsabiqəs 10 yl becomes OK! Məhz this münasibətlə this yl təþkil owned "Molla Nəsrəd you" Beynəlxalq karikatura mövzu of Müsabiqəs "Yubiley" is termed. 
IX Beynəlxalq Karikaturen to Müsabiqəs the Azerbaijani Respublikasi Mədəniyyət və Nazirliy of Tourism, dəstəy of Azerbaijani Rəssam are Ittifaq of və Beynəlxalq Karikaturaçý are Təþkilat of Federasiya ilə it is keçiril. 
Müsabiqən the þərtlər is: 
1. Name of the mövzu Müsabiqən:  
I. " Yubiley " ( "Molla Nəsrəd you" is karikatura müsabiqəs illidan 10). 
II. Yubiley"(Mən I’m 50 years of age would be okay). 
2. Your Cartoon ‘birlikdə ürək your sözləri, və təklifləri your ideas, your eləcə də as revenue yazýb göndərə you bilə. Olunacaq diameter in the Albon birlikdə müsabiqən your Fikirlər you Cartoon ‘. 
3. Müsabiqə internet vasitəsilə is keçiril. 
4. Cartoon ‘300 dpi in jpg format mollanasreddin2018@gmail.co I you bilə göndərə electron title. 
5. EACH rəssa a 2-5 karikatura göndərə is bilə. 
6. Göndərilən Cartoon ‘to Beynəlxalq münsiflə is heyət the qiymət is verəcəkd. 
7. tarix end of the qəbul Ýþlər:  10 oktyabr 2018 . 
8. Müsabiqəyə göndəril have ən yaxþ of the ibarət albom is hazýrlanacaq Cartoon ‘. 
I place – qizil medal və Diplom 
II place – silver medal və Diplom 
III place – Buruncu medal və diplom 
Münsiflə is heyət of xüsu the reward of 
Azerbaijani Rəssam are Ittifaq of xüsu the reward of 
Azerbaijani Karikaturen to Mərkəz of xüsu the remuneration 
Day Hacýzadə 
"Mullah Nəsrəd you" – Azerbaijani " 
Beynəlxalq Karikaturen to təþkilatçý of Müsabiqəs , 
sədr of the Azerbaijani Karikaturaç Rəssam are Birliy. 
AZ1009, Azerbaijani, Baku 
Salatin Əsgərov 86 (Shirvanshakh) 
E-mail: azercartoon@gmail.co I 
‘m www.azercartoon.co  .

International Cartoon Contest CUSCO 2018, Peru

International Cartoon Contest CUSCO 2018, Peru


HONESTY, a weapon against Corruption
For centuries and for different circumstances and factors, our societies have been corroded by a terrible scourge: corruption. This evil is embedded in all levels and spaces where human values are deteriorated or do not exist, conditioning our growth in every way. There is an antidote for this type of pollution of the spirit that can be enormously effective if it is applied and cultivated since childhood. We refer to HONESTY.
That is why the objective of this competition is to add particular and group efforts, private or state, to achieve and/or enhance individual and collective development, with integrity and freedom. CARTA DE TINTA, the PERUVIAN NORTH AMERICAN CULTURAL INSTITUTE, ICPNA CUSCO, and the NATIONAL UNIVERSITY DIEGO QUISPE TITO of CUSCO, invite you to participate in this event with the warm welcome of all the people of Cusco and all Peruvians.
1. All illustrator and cartoonists who live in any part of our Mother Earth, amateur or professionals from 18 to 120 years old regardless civil status, religion or sex can participate. Members of the competition’s Organization can not participate.
2.The theme on which the works should be inspired is HONESTY, a weapon against corruption.
3. Each participant may submit a maximum of 3 illustrations without dialogues, speech or text balloons. The works may or may not have achieved any mention or award in other similar events, but they should be original and belong to the author who send them, it means, copies and/or plagiarism identified by the jury will be disqualified immediately.
4. The technique is totally free, in color or in black and white, and the delivery will be digital, in 21cm x 30cm, in JPG (horizontal or vertical), in RGB colors and in high definition (300dpi). The name of the file must be the title of the work.
5. The title of the work, the name of the author or authors, an e-mail, a phone number, address and country of origin, as well as a brief curriculum (no more than 15 lines), a photo or cartoon of yourself and a miniature of the work must be attached in a Word document when sending each illustration.
6. The deadline to send the works is October 14, 2018. And they must be sent to the following address: carpadetinta@gmail.com
7. Prizes and awards guaranteed by our sponsors:
FIRST PLACE USD 1,000 = +diploma
SECOND PLACE USD 500= +diploma
THIRD PLACE USD 250= +diploma
HONORABLE MENTION (which the jury may consider convenient) diploma.
The results will be announced in November 7, 2018 and will be officially published in:
8. The jury will be integrated by five members, all of them are important and well recognized national and international cartoonist. Their decision is unappealable.
9. If after the jury’s decision, a plagiarism or copy of other work is detected in any of the participating works, the author or authors will assume all the legal responsibility that the situation demands them, as well as the disqualification and return of the prize if the work had been awarded.
10. The most important works will be part of the traveling exposition which will be in different showrooms in Cusco and Peru. A major selection of participant illustrations will be part of the virtual catalogue.
11. The author accepts all conditions mentioned in this rules and waives copyrights of the illustration to the competition Organization to use it in different publications including audiovisual applications related to International Cartoon Contest LA SONRISA INCA.
For further information about the competition, contact to:
Managing Director of the Organization Committee

Uluslararasý Karikatür Yarýþmasý CUSCO 2018, PERU

DÜRÜSTLÜK, Yolsuzluða karþý silah
Yüzyýllar boyunca ve farklý koþullar ve faktörler için, bizim toplumlar bir büyük belanýn tarafýndan aþýnmýþ edilmiþtir: yolsuzluðu. Bu kötü her þekilde büyümemizi, insan deðerleri bozulmuþ veya mevcut olmayan her düzeyde ve mekanlarda gömülü þartlandýrma edilir. Uygulandýðý ve çocukluktan beri yetiþtirildiði takdirde muazzam etkili olabilir ruhunun kirliliðinin bu tip bir panzehir vardýr. Biz DÜRÜSTLÜK bakýn.
Bu yarýþmanýn amacý bütünlüðü ve özgürlük ile, elde etmek ve / veya bireysel ve kolektif geliþimini artýrmak için özellikle ve grup çalýþmalarýný, özel veya devlet, eklemektir nedeni budur. CARTA DE TINTA, PERULU KUZEY AMERÝKAN KÜLTÜR KURUMU, ICPNA CUSCO ve CUSCO ULUSAL ÜNÝVERSÝTE DIEGO Quispe TITO, Cusco ve tüm Perulular tüm insanlarýn sýcak bir karþýlama ile bu etkinliðe katýlmaya davet ediyoruz. 
18 120 yaþýndaki bizim Toprak Ana, amatör ya da profesyonel herhangi bir kýsmýnda yaþayan 1. Tüm illüstratör ve karikatüristler eski olursa olsun medeni hal, din veya cinsel katýlabilir. Yarýþmanýn Örgütü üyelerinin katýlamazlar. 
Eserler ilham edilmesi hakkýnda 2.The tema DÜRÜSTLÜK, yolsuzluða karþý bir silah .
3. Her katýlýmcý diyaloglar, konuþma veya metin balonlarý olmadan 3 çizimler maksimum sunabilir. Eserleri veya benzeri olaylarda herhangi bir ibare veya ödül elde etmiþ olabilir veya olmayabilir, ancak orijinal olmalý ve jüri tarafýndan belirlenen kopya ve / veya intihal derhal diskalifiye edilecektir göndermek yazar, bu demektir, ait olmalýdýr. 
4. teknik renkli veya siyah beyaz olarak, tamamen serbesttir, ve daðýtým dijital olacaktýr x 30 cm 21cm olarak, RGB renk JPG (yatay veya dikey), ve yüksek çözünürlüklü (300 dpi). Dosyanýn adý çalýþmalarýnýn baþlýk olmalýdýr. 
5. eserin baþlýðý, yazar veya yazarlar, bir e-posta, kökenli bir telefon numarasý, adres ve ülke, hem de kýsa bir müfredat (en fazla 15 hat), bir fotoðraf veya karikatür ait ismi her resme gönderirken kendinizi ve iþin minyatür bir Word belgesinde eklenmelidir. 
6. iþleri göndermek için son tarih olan 14 Ekim 2018 . Ve onlar aþaðýdaki adrese gönderilmelidir: carpadetinta@gmail.com
7. sponsorlarýmýzýn tarafýndan garanti Ödüller ve ödül: 
ÝLK YER USD 1.000 = + diploma 
ÝKÝNCÝ BÝR YER USD 500 = + diploma 
ÜÇÜNCÜ BÝR YER USD 250 = + diploma 
mansiyon ödülü (ki jüri uygun) diplomasý düþünebilir. 
: Sonuçlar 7 Kasým 2018 ve resmen yayýnlanacak ilan edilecektir 
hepsi önemlidir, jüri beþ üyeleri tarafýndan entegre edilecek 8. ve iyi ulusal ve uluslararasý karikatürist tanýdý. Onlarýn kararý temyiz edilemez olduðunu. 
Jüri kararýnýn ardýndan, bir intihal veya baþka eserin kopyasý katýlan eserlerin herhangi algýlanýrsa 9., yazar veya yazarlar durum onlarý, hem de diskalifiye ve ödülün geri talep olduðunu tüm yasal sorumluluðu üstlenecek eðer çalýþma ödüllendirilmiþtir. 
10. En önemli eserleri Cusco ve Peru’da farklý sergi salonlarýnda olmayacak yolculuk fuar parçasý olacaktýr. Katýlýmcý resimden oluþan bu önemli seçim sanal katalog parçasý olacaktýr. 
11. Yazar bu kurallarda belirtilen bütün þartlarý kabul eder ve Uluslararasý Karikatür Yarýþmasý La Sonrisa INCA ilgili görsel-iþitsel uygulamalar dahil olmak üzere farklý yayýnlarda kullanmak için rekabet Örgütüne resimde telif haklarýný feragat eder. 
Yarýþma hakkýnda daha fazla bilgi için irtibat: 
yönetme Organizasyon Komitesi Direktörü 
Kaynak: carpadetinta .

International Cartoon Exhibition on Media Literacy 2018

International Cartoon Exhibition on Media Literacy 2018


Not all television shows or radio broadcasts present educational information. The information tends to be packaged according to industry interests. In fact, not infrequently the television and radio media are used for the benefit of a particular group or person. There are many also present violent impressions, ethnic offensive, religion race and intergroup (SARA), and many others who connotes negatively.

Actually, in Indonesia Law no. 32/2002 on Broadcasting in mandated, that the content of the broadcast should contain information, education, entertainment, and benefits for the establishment of intellectuality, character, morals, progress, nation power, maintaining unity and unity, and practicing Indonesian religious and cultural values.

To encourage the realization of healthy broadcasts, it needs to involve a community to control the content of the broadcast. As a form of campaign, the Regional Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPID) of Central Java, Indonesia will hold an International Cartoon Exhibition on Media Literacy. The exhibition is also to commemorate the 85th National Day of Broadcasting (Harsiarnas) in Central Java, Indonesia.

The committee invites cartoonists around the world to participate in this exhibition.

THEME: "Wisely/Being Wise Choosing Television and Radio Broadcasts"

DEADLINE: May 2nd, 2018

EXHIBITION: May 6th, 2018

1. This cartoon exhibition can be followed by cartoonists from all over the world.
2. Free technique.
3. Please send your cartoon to: kpidjateng@yahoo.com
4. File size / format: minimum size: 1 MB; maximum size:15 MB; file format: JPG; Resolution: 300 dpi; Color mode: RGB. The work must be safe and good to be printed on A3 paper.
5. Every cartoonist is entitled to submit maximum work: 5 (five) cartoons.
6. Cartoons are the cartoonists original idea.
8. Participants will get certificates.
7. The copyright of the work of the contest remains in each cartoonist.
8. The exhibition committee is entitled to use the work received for the purposes of publication, branding and others that are still relevant to the exhibition.

5 best works will get “KPID AWARD” certificate and each gift 1.000.000 IDR

1. Abdulloh Ibnu Thalhah (Cartoonist, Art Lecturer UIN Walisongo Semarang) 
2. Bernard Policarpio Fabro (Cartoonist, Founder of Yoyoy – Satiristang Bisaya, Philippines)
3. Budi Setyo Purnomo (Chairman of KPID Jawa Tengah) 
4. M Rofiuddin (Commissioner of KPID Jawa Tengah)
5. Abdul Arif (Chairman of Gold Pencil Indonesia) —Muzaffar Yulchiboev ile birlikte.


KONU: Don Kiþot Ýnsansýz Ütopya’ya Karþý
1- Yarýþma tüm çizerlere açýktýr.
2- Yarýþmaya gönderilen karikatürler daha önce yayýnlanmýþ olabilir. Ancak baþka bir yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmalýdýr.
3- Teknik serbesttir. Çizer yarýþmaya en fazla 5 eserle katýlabilir. Orijinal ya da baskýya uygun 300 dpi.jpg formatýnda olmak üzere e-mail ile de kabul edilebilir. Farklý formatlarda                      gönderilen açýlmayan dosyalardan sorumluluk alýnmaz.
4- Karikatürlerin boyutu en fazla 30X40 cm.olmalýdýr.
5- Katýlýmcýlar eserinin arkasýna adýný, soyadýný, adresini ve telefon numarasýný yazmalý kýsa bir özgeçmiþini de zarfýn içine koymalýdýr.
6- Karikatürler, 5.Haziran.2018 tarihine kadar aþaðýdaki adrese gönderilmiþ olmalýdýr.

Enis Musluoðlu
Yatýrým Finansman Menkul Deðerler A.Þ.
Cumhuriyet Bulvarý
No: 99  Kat : 3
Konak – ÝZMÝR

7- Yarýþma sonuçlarý 19.Haziran.2018 tarihinde açýklanacaktýr.
8- Yarýþmaya gönderilen karikatürler geri gönderilmeyecektir. Dereceye giren veya girmeyen karikatürler kültürel amaçlý kullanýlabilir. Katýlýmcýlar bu þartlarý kabul etmiþ sayýlýrlar.

9- Ödül töreni 7 Temmuz 2018 tarihinde yapýlacaktýr. 

     Barýþ Baklan
     Menekþe Çam
     Turgay Karadað
     Kamil Masaracý
     Enis Musluoðlu
     3 Adet Baþarý Ödülü (Bilgisayar)
     Diðer Ödüller: Çeþitli kuruluþlarýn koyacaklarý ödüller.

ICACF 2018 • Green Gem International Competition

ICACF 2018  Green Gem International Competition


Libo International Children Animation & Comics Festival 2018 (ICACF 2018)Green Gem International Competition organized by Culture & Multimedia International Association is an open competition.

  The entries for the competition include all artworks and animation which reflect content about ethnic children using various subjects by qualified artists implementing a variety of techniques. Children are encouraged to submit their works for competition, exhibition and publication.



1. Children and Nature

2. Topics about Children


1. Category (A): Still image works
 Single-frame work, comic strips, illustrations, caricature, drawings, graphics and other works of original fine art. It is encouraged that the artists create ethic children with unique characteristics and customs from their own countries and regions in order to reflect the rich and various races of the world.



 1. Entry for the Category (A) (Still Image Works):
  a) Maximum A3 (297mm x 420 mm), minimum A4 (210mm

  b) Any printed submission will not be accepted (work can be submitted in either computer or hand drawing; however, the electronic-version of submission is definitely required).

  c) Participants can also send electronic edition (scanned copy) with a minimum size of 300 dpi in .TIFF or .JPG to cmiassn@vip.163.com.


 3. Language:
  a) All works are preferred to be subtitled in English.

  b) The story background, synopsis, brief introduction, and character description are required in either Chinese or English electronic-version.

 4. Entry Form and Photo
 Artwork should be accompanied by their author
s photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a completed Application Form (PLEASE USE CAPITAL LETTERS).

 5. Copyright

 The applicant must be the copyright owner of the submission.


   Awards and Prizes 
 1. Adult Group
 Artwork submitted for competition will be judged by an International Jury. The Jury will award the following cash prizes along with a certificate for each award.

       2 Gold medals, each 1500 USD (1 for category A)

       4 Silver medals, each 1000 USD (2 for category A)

       4 Bronze medals, each 800 USD (2 for category A)

       20 Special prizes, each 300 USD (10 for category A)

  a) The jury has the right of final distribution of statutory prize and all of the jury’s decisions are final.

  b) Organizers plan to award the artist with the best debut and will give him/her the opportunity for an individual exhibition at the Gallery which will be included in the 2018 program.


 2. Children Group
  a) Artwork submitted for competition will be judged by an International Jury. The Jury will award the electronic certificate to the finalists.
   b) Submission finalists would be included in the album. And the electronic certificates and catalogue (if the album is not released on time), will be sent to the finalists.

All results will be announced on July2018.


  Participant Privileges
 1. Artists of work qualified for the exhibition will be given an electronic catalogue.

 2. Artwork sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition.


   Competition Provisions
 1. Organizers reserve the right to use all submitted artwork for advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the artists that include being exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
 2. The prize-winning works become the property of the organizers and will be included in the collection of the Gallery.

 3. The exhibition organizers are the final judges in interpretation of the rules and regulations.

 4. By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations.

 5. By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the publication of the author’s profile in the post-exhibition album.

 6. All the submissions will not be returned.


  Timetable and Contact Information
 1. Submissions
original scripts are preferred) for receipt of artwork:  
  From April 20, 2017 to June 20, 2018 
  Deadline: Date of the postmark June 20, 2018
  Deadline: Electronic submissions midnight June 20, 2018

  Please send your submission(s) to the following mailing address or send to our email address via the internet:

     Organizing Committee ICACF
 902 Suit, 3 Unit, No.3 Building,Tianle Yuan, Beiyuan Road,Chaoyang District, Beijing

 TEL+86 10 84937681
 Mobile: +86 13701001920

 Email: cmiassn@vip.163.com

 Website: www.cmiassn.org  www.icacf.com



The Motorist Great-Coalition (H-1132 Budapest, Váci street 18.) invites all professional and amateur caricaturists to the „Autószektor Caricature Contest” with the following theme:

The Family transport


1. All participants must be a natural person over 18.

2. The contest has 1 turn. Each competitor is allowed to participate in the competition with a maximum of 5 caricatures. Entries should not content any text and should be made in A4 format. File details: CYMK, JPG, good quality, the maximum size of the mail is 10 MB.

3. The registration form – attached to this contest invitation – must be sent back signed and scanned, together with the caricatures – to the grafikuskelemen@gmail.com

4. Deadline: 2018. May 31.

5. Awards:
I. 150 000 HUF (minus TAX)
II. 100 000 HUF (minus TAX)
III. 50 000 HUF (minus TAX)
+ Everyone on the podium gets a diploma

6. By applying, the participants accept that any decision of the jury – in connection with this contest – is final and not appealable.

7. Announcement of results: 2018. Juny 30.

8. By filling the registration form, the participant acknowledges that the Motorist Great-Coalition – referring to the competition – can use the submitted creations free, without the purpose of gaining financial benefits. Forms of use:
– Through mediums cooperating with the Motorist Great-Coalition (
www.jarmuipar.huwww.autoszektor.huwww.riposzt.hu, etc. )
– In digital or printed catalogues
– In the free publication made for the partners of Motorist Great-Coalition, which will not be merchandised
– On exhibitions, or events supported by the Motorist Great-Coalition
– As decoration
Continuous information on the 

If you have any question, contact us at grafikuskelemen@gmail.com!
We wish you good work and a successful participation!

István Kelemen





Subject: “Planet Calling SOS!”

Long before the dawn of the ecological movement in the 1970s, there were already many committed people and groups throughout the world concerned with the relationship between mankind and nature. They were worried about the dismissive way humans were handling nature and they reasoned about the consequences of this behaviour.

What has happened since then? Topics such as climate change, global warming, soil contamination, microplastics floating in the oceans, species extinction etc. are ever-present in our media and by now, everybody should at least have heard about those issues. Unfortunately, little has changed in the behaviours, neither of the individuals nor of societies. How come?

As early as 1972, the Club of Rome, an organisation of individuals who share a common concern for the future of humanity and strive to make a difference, predicted that if there was no awakening, the existing economical system would inescapably lead to a global ecological and economical collapse. They explained that causes and effects of human activities were often set wide apart in terms of time and space. Hence many can’t (or don’t want to) see the impact of their behaviour and simply deny responsibility.

This can’t go on any longer. Our planet is sending an “SOS”, making an emergency call. The Earth is in a critical situation and mankind is at a turning point. For instance, provided that all imaginable measures and precautions were taken, the ozone layer would still need at least 10 years to renew itself. If we are to believe recent research, the world population is expected to be 9 billion in 2050! If we fail to consume our energy and natural resources in a conscious and responsible way, sooner or later, life on our planet will become impossible.

Hence we are now calling upon all caricaturists in the world: Let’s draw our lines and warn the ones who can’t see the oncoming dangers! Let’s save our planet!

Rules of the competition:
1) Joining the competition is possible only via internet planetcallingsos@gmail.com ). (with cv+address..)
2) All submitted pieces of work should be participating in a contest for the first time. In the event of violation of this requirement, any awarded prizes shall be returned.
3) The caricatures are to be submitted in A3 size, with a resolution of 300 dpi  and in Jpeg format (black and white or colour, no restriction as to technical colour processing).
4) The closing date of the competition is June 1, 2018.
5) Based upon the submitted caricatures, the jury will pre-select 100 finalists  from June 01 to 15, 2018. These finalists will then be presented on social media platforms and on INTEGRA’s and Don Quichotte’s websites for the following 10 days.
6) The jury will evaluate the pre-selected works of art from June 25 to 30, 2018 and publish the results on  July 1, 2018.
7) The award ceremony will take place in line with the exhibition opening on July 22, 2018 at the Municipal Art Gallery in Filderstadt.
8) Submitted caricatures will be securely stored within  INTEGRA’s and Don Quichotte’s archives. For any use other than contest related, permission shall be seeked from each author prior to use.
9) A contest catalogue shall be issued in pdf format and published. 


– First Prize: 1.500 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
– Second Prize: 1.000 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
– Third Prize: 500 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
– Special Awards


Jury Members:

– Marilena Nardi (Italy)

– Angel Boligan (Mexico)

– Valeri Kurtu (Germany)
– Peter Nieuwendijk (Netherlands)

– Willem Rasing (Netherlands)
– Bernard Bouton (France)
– Pavel Kuczynski (Poland)
– Trayko Popov (Bulgaria)
– Tan Oral (Turkey)
– Hayati Boyacýoðlu (Germany)
– Erdoðan Karayel (Germany)


Technical Assistant: 

– Saadet Demir Yalçýn (Turkey)






Thema: "Der Planet ruft SOS!"

Lange vor dem Beginn der Umweltbewegung in den 1970er gab es weltweit schon viele engagierte Personen und Gruppierungen, die sich mit dem Verhältnis zwischen Mensch und Natur befassten und sich Gedanken über den rücksichtlosen Umgang des Menschen mit der Natur sowie den daraus resultierenden Folgen machten.

Was hat sich seither geändert? Themen wie Klimawandel, Erderwärmung, Verseuchung der Böden, Microplastik in den Weltmeeren, Artensterben usw. sind in allen Medien omnipräsent und fast alle Menschen haben zumindest von den Problemen gehört – aber sonst? Am Verhalten sowohl des Einzelnen als auch der Gesellschaften hat sich leider kaum etwas getan. Wie ist das zu erklären?

Bereits 1972 hat der Club of Rome, eine gemeinnützige Organisation die sich für eine nachhaltige Zukunft der Menschheit einsetzt, vorausgesagt, dass das bestehende Wirtschaftssystem zwangsläufig zu einem weltweiten ökonomischen und ökologischen Zusammenbruch führen wird. Er zeigte auch, dass Ursache und Wirkung menschlicher Handlungen zeitlich und räumlich weit auseinanderliegen können. Das ist ein Grund dafür, dass Menschen die Wirkungen ihres Handels nicht unmittelbar erkennen (wollen) und Verantwortung von sich weisen.

So kann es aber nicht weiter gehen! Unsere Erde sendet uns ein SOS, denn sie befindet sich in einer sehr kritischen Lage und die Menschheit ist an einem Wendepunkt angelangt. Um nur ein Beispiel zu nennen, sollten jetzt alle denkbaren Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, würde es dennoch mindestens 10 Jahre dauern, bis sich die Ozonschicht erneuert hätte. Wenn man der Forschung Glauben schenkt, wird die Weltbevölkerung im Jahr 2050 voraussichtlich 9 Milliarden betragen. Falls wir nicht umgehend bewusster und verantwortungsvoller unsere Energiequellen und Ressourcen nutzen, wird das Leben auf unserem Planeten über kurz oder lang unmöglich werden.

Daher rufen wir alle Karikaturisten dieser Welt auf: Lasst uns diejenigen warnen, die diese Gefahren nicht sehen! Lasst uns unseren Planeten retten!

1) Die Teilnahme am Wettbewerb ist nur über das Internet möglich (planetcallingsos@gmail.com). (mit lebenslauf+adresse..)
2) Die eingereichten Karikaturen dürfen zuvor an keinem Wettbewerb teilgenommen haben. Bei Feststellung eines Verstoßes gegen diese Regel können verliehen Preise zurückverlangt werden.
3) Die Karikaturen sind in A3-Größe, 300 dpi-Auflösung und JPG-Format einzureichen (schwarz/weiß oder farbig, der farbtechnischen Bearbeitung sind keine Grenzen gesetzt).
4) Einsendeschluss ist der 01. Juni 2018.
5) Die Jury wird vom 01. bis  15. Juni 2018 aus allen eingereichten Karikaturen eine Vorauswahl treffen und 100 Finalisten bestimmen. Diese werden 10 Tage lang in sozialen Medien und auf den Homepages von INTEGRA und Don Quichotte vorgestellt. 
6) Die Jury wird zwischen dem 25. und 30. Juni 2018 diese Arbeiten auswerten und die Ergebnisse am 01. Juli 2018 bekanntgeben.
7) Die Preisverleihung wird im Rahmen der Eröffnung der Wettbewerbsausstellung am 22. Juli 2018 in der Städtischen Galerie Filderstadt stattfinden.
8) Alle eingereichten Karikaturen werden sicher im Archiv von Integra und Don Quichotte aufbewahrt. Verwendung der Werke außerhalb des Wettbewerbs bedarf der vorherigen Zustimmung des jeweiligen Künstlers.
9) Es wird ein Wettbewerbskatalog der eingereichten Karikaturen als PDF-Dokument erstellt und veröffentlicht.


–  Erster Preis: 1.500 Euro + Zertifikat

–  Zweiter Preis: 1.000 Euro + Zertifikat

–  Dritter Preis: 500 Euro+ Zertifikat

–  Besondere Auszeichnungen



– Marilena Nardi (Italien)

– Angel Boligan (Mexiko)

– Valeri Kurtu (Deutschland)
– Peter Nieuwendijk (Niederlande)

– Willem Rasing (Niederlande)
– Bernard Bouton (Frankreich)
– Pavel Kuczynski (Polen)
– Trayko Popov (Bulgarien)
– Tan Oral (Türkei)
– Hayati Boyacýoðlu (Deutschland)
– Erdoðan Karayel (Deutschland)


Technischer Assistent: 

– Saadet Demir Yalçýn/Türkei





Konu: "Gezegenimiz ÝMDAT diyor!

70’li yýllarda henüz çevre ve doðayý koruma hareketi baþlamadan çok önceleri, insan ve doða iliþkilerini inceleyen, insanýn doðaya karþý olan dikkatsizliðinden kaynaklý ortaya çýkan olumsuz sonuçlar üzerine kafa yoran, araþtýrmalar yapan insanlar ve gruplar vardý.

O zamandan beri ne deðiþti? Ýklim deðiþikliði, küresel ýsýnma, topraðýn zehirli atýklarla kirlenmesi, dünya denizlerinde giderek artan mikroplastikler, canlý türlerinin yok oluþlarý vb. gibi konular dünya medyasýnda sürekli yer buluyor. Böylelikle hemen herkes sorunlardan haberdar oluyor. Ama sonucunda ne oluyor? Canlý türünün varoluþunu tehdit eden geliþmeler hakkýndaki farkýndalýðýn bu kadar artmasýna karþýn, hem bireylerin hem de toplumlarýn doðaya karþý davranýþlarýndaki deðiþim yok denilebilecek kadar az! Peki bunu nasýl açýklamalý?

Tüm önlemlerin alýnmasý halinde bile, ozon deliðinin kendini yenileyip kapanmasý en az 10 yýlý bulacak. Araþtýrmalara göre; 2050 yýlýnda dünya nüfusunun 9 milyar olmasý bekleniyor! Eðer, enerji kaynaklarýmýzý ve doðanýn bize sunduklarýný bilinçli þekilde kullanmazsak, gezegenimizde yaþamak olanaksýz hale gelecek.

1972 yýlýnda Roma Kulübü’nün isteðiyle yapýlan bir çalýþma; "Doðanýn bir Ekonomik Sistem olarak Deðerlendirilmesi  ve Ýktisadi Büyümenin Sýnýrlarý‘ný incelemiþ ve mevcut sistemin dünyayý zorunlu olarak ekonomik ve ekolojik bir çöküþe götüreceðini belirtmiþtir. Ayrýca, bu çalýþmada insan kaynaklý davranýþlarýn  etkisi ve nedenlerinin zamansal ve mekansal olarak farklýlaþtýðý üzerinde de durulmuþtur. Bu durum, insanlarýn eylemlerinin etkilerini doðrudan anlamak istememelerinin ve sorumluluðu reddetmelerinin de temel nedenlerinden biridir.

Ýþte tam da bu çeliþki, „Karikatür“ sanatýnýn özünde zaten vardýr. Dünya Karikatüristlerinden beklentimiz; çizgileriyle bu çeliþkiyi, gerçeklik ve insan davranýþýlarýný tatlý bir alay ve hicivle etkili bir biçimde tek bir karede anlatmalarý. Sizleri, deðerli çalýþmalarýnýzla, bizlere ayna tutarak, kendi iç dünyamýza yolculuk yapmamýzý ve düþünce ile davranýþ biçimlerimizdeki inanýlmaz çeliþkiyi sorgulamaya davet ediyoruz! Bizimle Gezegenimizi kurtarmaya var mýsýnýz?





Yarýþma Koþullarý:

1) Yarýþmaya sadece internet üzerinden ( planetcallingsos@gmail.com ) katýlýnabilir. (özgeçmiþ ve adres de eklenerek..)

2) Yarýþmaya katýlacak karikatürlerin daha önce hiç bir yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmasý gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde ödülün geri alýnabilmesi söz  konusu olabilecektir.

3) Karikatürler A3 boyutunda, 300 dpi ve JPG formatýnda olacaktýr. (Siyah-beyaz veya renkli olabilir, her türlü boyama tekniði serbesttir.)

4) Yarýþmaya son katýlým tarihi 1 Haziran 2018‘dir.

5) On Seçici Kurul 01-15 Haziran 2018 tarihleri arasýnda gelen karikatürlerden 100 finalist belirleyecek. Finalistler 10 gün boyunca sosyal medyada, Integra ve Don Quichotte internet sitelerinde yayýnlanacaktýr.

6) Seçici kurul, gelen karikatürleri 25-30 Haziran 2018 arasý deðerlendirecek, sonuçlar 01 Temmuz 2018 tarihinde açýklanacaktýr.

7) Ödül töreni ve sergi, 22 Temmuz 2018 tarihinde Filderstadt Sanat Galerisi‘nde gerçekleþecektir.

8) Gönderilen karikatürler Integra ve Don Quichotte arþivinde muhafaza edilecektir.

9) Yarýþma albümü pdf olarak hazýrlanacak ve ayrýca bastýrýlacaktýr.

10) Ödül alan ve sergilenmeye deðer bulunan karikatürler, gerektiðinde Avrupa’nýn deðiþik ülkelerinde sergilenecektir.



– Birincilik Ödülü: 1.500 Euro+Plaket

– Ýkincilik Ödülü: 1.000 Euro+Plaket

– Üçüncülük Ödülü: 500 Euro+Plaket

– Özel Ödüller

Seçici Kurul Üyeleri:

– Marilena Nardi (Italya)

– Angel Boligan (Meksika)

– Valeri Kurtu (Almanya)
– Peter Nieuwendijk (Hollanda)

– Willem Rasing (Hollanda)
– Bernard Bouton (Fransa)
– Pavel Kuczynski (Polonya)
– Trayko Popov (Bulgaristan)
– Tan Oral (Türkiye)
– Hayati Boyacýoðlu (Almanya)
– Erdoðan Karayel (Almanya)


Teknik Asistan: 

– Saadet Demir Yalçýn (Türkiye)

50th World Gallery of Cartoons – Skopje 2018

50th World Gallery of Cartoons – Skopje 2018

Dear friends cartoonistsIt is a time to conquer the world with your cartoons again!

OSTEN is inviting you to participate in the 50th WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS Skopje 2018 
Download the APPLICATION FORM, fill it, submit it along with your works and you can win one of the following awards:
FIRST AWARD for Cartoon (1000$)
FIRST AWARD for Satiric Drawing (1000$)
FIRST AWARD for Comic / Strip (1000$)
CICO AWARD (for Macedonian cartoonist)

Following our principle of creating and preserving the art on paper, only ORIGINAL WORKS (hand drawn cartoons, satirical drawings and comics) will be considered in the selection process. They should be sent no later than 31st March 2018 to our address:     

8.Udarna Brigada 2, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia

Erdogan BASOL, Turkey (Cartoonist)

Jury members:
Ann TELNAES, USA (Editorial Cartoonist in the Washington Post)
Ross THOMSON, UK (Cartoonist)
Mostafa RAMEZANI, Iran/France (Cartoonist & Graphic Designer)
Vladimir KAZANEVSKY, Ukraine (Cartoonist and Lecturer on the Theory of Cartoon Art)
Mice JANKULOVSKI, Macedonia (Artist, Cartoonist and representative of OSTEN)

The jury activities will take place in April 2017, and the official opening of the 50th WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS Skopje 2018 and
the announcement of the awards will take place on 25th May 2018 at the OSTEN Gallery, Skopje.
Download the APPLICATION FORM, fill it, submit it, follow us on FB, and do not forget to share this information with your colleagues and friends. For additional information, you can always contact us on: cartoons@osten.com.mk