As you know, we humans we have put our world through very big troubles.

The obvious reasons of disaster are countless:

Excessive growth in population, million tones of solid, liquid and gas waste, consumption of water and energy, urban plunder, chopping of forests, wars and bomb experiments, usage of hormones and pesticides, transformed genes, tankship tragedies, etc. And the results: Global warming, polluted waters, the hole in the ozone layer, ascending epidemic diseases, both drought and floods, erosion of the agricultural soil, massive poverty and hunger, extincting plant and animal species… We have to believe that it is still possible to save our only homeland, our world and have to try doing that.

We are calling all cartoonists in the world to produce dramatic pieces for our sensibility in this subject.

In our contest, we hope to see the proficiency of new cartoonists and innovations of masters.


                                                                                                                Bülent KAR

                                                                                                    Mayor of Manisa-TURKEY


Marlene Pohle : Cartoonist from Germany,

Vladimir Kazanevsky : Cartoonist from Ukraine,

Agim Sulaj : Cartoonist from Italy,

Raþit Yakalý : Cartoonist from Turkey,

Eray Özbek : Cartoonist from Turkey,

Cem Koç : Cartoonist from Turkey,


Prizes will be awarded as follows:


First Prize      : 2500 €

Second Prize : 1750

Third Prize     : 1000


Ø      This contest is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.

Ø      The cartoons may not have been previously awarded and  must be based on the original idea of the artist. Cartoons that are deemed by the jury to be the same or closely similar to that known to be the work of another cartoonist will not be judged. Discussions and probable claims according all sorts of plagiarism  are at the expense of the participant.

Ø      The participation will be only by internet. Consequently, digital artworks will be also accepted.

Ø      The artists shall not present  more than  TWO  works. Otherwise, all of them will not be judged.

The properties of the works :

Ø      Minimum A4 (210 X  297 mm), Maximum A3 (297 X 420 mm),  in JPEG format with 300 dpi resolution. Maximum: 3 MB.

Ø      A separate e-mail for each work. The full name, address, telephone number of the artist is to be stated on the each mail with a  brief CV (max.350 characters).

Ø      The artists will call these cartoons and CV files with their own names. 

      *For example:  Semih Berker-1.jpg  and  Semih Berker.doc

Ø      The young domestic cartoonists under 18 years must add their ages also.

*For example: Semih Berker-1(17). For this category, there is a special “youth” prize.

Ø      Address to send submissions in digital form: cartoon@manisa.bel.tr AND                   karikatur@manisa.bel.tr


Ø      The deadline: Entries to reach the organizers by Wednesday January, 30th 2008, 12.00 am midday.


Ø      If the number of the participating cartoons will be very much; the members of the jury in Turkey will do a primary election before the meeting of the jury. If a foreign juror  wants to see other works, he/she can look at them and can add his/her selections.


Ø      Jury will meet on February 11st, 2008 and at the same day, the winners of the contest will be announced. The Jury’s judgment shall be final.


Ø      Prize giving ceremony will take place and the exhibition of the selected works will open Marh 22nd, 2008 at  the Lale Hall of Cultural Center in Manisa.


Ø      Municipality of Manisa hold the right  to publish the cartoons submitted to the contest in any form.


Ø      A catalogue will be published and one copy will be supplied to each artist whose work has been selected for this catalogue.


Ø      Artists submitting cartoons will automatically agree to abide by the above rules.


Ø      Contact for further information : kultursanat@manisa.bel.tr    








As you know, we humans we have put our world through very big troubles.

The obvious reasons of disaster are countless:

Excessive growth in population, million tones of solid, liquid and gas waste, consumption of water and energy, urban plunder, chopping of forests, wars and bomb experiments, usage of hormones and pesticides, transformed genes, tankship tragedies, etc. And the results: Global warming, polluted waters, the hole in the ozone layer, ascending epidemic diseases, both drought and floods, erosion of the agricultural soil, massive poverty and hunger, extincting plant and animal species… We have to believe that it is still possible to save our only homeland, our world and have to try doing that.

We are calling all cartoonists in the world to produce dramatic pieces for our sensibility in this subject.

In our contest, we hope to see the proficiency of new cartoonists and innovations of masters.


Bülent KAR

Mayor of Manisa-TURKEY




Merry CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year 2008….. the Artists

Secret Art Project
… That will be made public in the year 2050 (twentyfifty)

The Art can not be simply decorative or descriptive,
must innovate, enlightened and propose ideas and give solutions
to the problems afflicting our planet

…gli artisti augurano buon Natale e felice anno 2008

Progetto Arte Segreta
… che verrà resa pubblica nell’anno 2050

L’arte non può essere semplicemente decorativa o descrittiva.
L’arte deve innovare, illuminare, proporre idee,
dare soluzioni ai problemi che affliggono il pianeta