As you know, we humans we have put our world through very big troubles.
The obvious reasons of disaster are countless:
Excessive growth in population, million tones of solid, liquid and gas waste, consumption of water and energy, urban plunder, chopping of forests, wars and bomb experiments, usage of hormones and pesticides, transformed genes, tankship tragedies, etc. And the results: Global warming, polluted waters, the hole in the ozone layer, ascending epidemic diseases, both drought and floods, erosion of the agricultural soil, massive poverty and hunger, extincting plant and animal species… We have to believe that it is still possible to save our only homeland, our world and have to try doing that.
We are calling all cartoonists in the world to produce dramatic pieces for our sensibility in this subject.
In our contest, we hope to see the proficiency of new cartoonists and innovations of masters.
Bülent KAR
Mayor of Manisa-TURKEY