Ole possible Kartoenal contest 2018, Belgium
Contributions should be made from the website address; kartoenale@olen.b to your work to send communications address. Works Starting July 1st is to be sent. Thus, the participation form and the work loading page will be available at that time.
All over the world the competition is held in two categories open to artists:
a) Youth category: 15 (inclusive) live up to,
B) Adult category: they draw 16 and older.
Subject (Theme): Work Safety (Safety at work).
In addition, Amnesty International (Amnesty International) still gives a special award this year; 2018 subject: befitting a human right to engage in work (Theme: Right to decent work).
Number: You can send up to 5 pieces cartoons without any regard: Digital generated or scanned from original drawings, in JPEG format, at least 300 dpi (2480 x 3543 pixels) resolution will be sent as a file (300 dpi and higher resolution scanned / produced works can be uploaded to the competition website; the files are not accepted automatically at a lower resolution:
http://olensekartoenale.be/ ).
Technique: Black-and-white or color.
Size: Standard 21 x 30 cm ( A4 ).
Contributions will be made by uploading work directly fill out the form on the contest website: www.olen.b to . The site will be searched words: kartoenal to .
Selected works will be collected in an album and an album with selected works will be sent to.
The winning works become the property of the issuing institution or sponsor issues. The selected works can be used for the promotion and the resort’s activities.
Attention: Prize winning work of original date requested by the governing bodies following 2 days in Community Olen, Dorp 1, 2250 Olen, Belgium traditional mail to the address (registered) or sent by courier (to be mail) is difficult.
Young Category: Most important domestic and foreign participation (each) 250 euros.
Adult category: 1500, 700, 400, 300 Euros.
" Worthy of a human right to on" Special Prize: 350 euros.
Awards Ceremony: November 9, 2018 Friday 20:00 Olen city council hall, Dorp 1, 2250 Olen.
Exhibition same address on November 11, all day Sunday and after the weekdays in working hours can be seen until the end of December 2018.
Deadline: September 10, 2018 at 24:00 hours.
Registration and installation work for the competition site: https://www.olen.be/product/884/olense-kartoenal to (specification can be downloaded in several languages, the end of the specification "Safety" is on the following brief description).
Main theme: SAFETY AT WORK
In every job, in every professional activity, free of risk are involved. Some problems hardly have any physical impact but can cause psychological Disorders. In other professions are hardly inevitable accidents with physical damage.
What if safety Regulations are inadequately practiced? Manuals are not observed? Carelessness and router to have the upper hand? Consequences Which does it have for the materials which are used, the product, the construction, the project in general?