

in the fourth year without neco…


it was the month september of 1976…

in that year exact ten thousands persons had applied in order to enter

 on upon five departments of Ýstanbul Practical Fine Arts College where

only eighty students would be accepted.

And we had passed the exam together surpassing ten thousands of persons.

the graph department was almost crawling with the caricaturists in that year.

Þevket Yalaz, Ercan Akyol, Gürcan Gürsel, Necati Abacý, Cevat Özer,

 Süleyman Argun and Erdoðan Karayel…

not easy… we laughed and cried together approximately thirty years.

And since the last four years the caricature world has been rounding without Necati Abacý.

which caricaturist will draw the Art People by Drawings by that fine jokes and such as embroiding?

in the fourth year of  taking his leave of us, we  remember our dear Neco lovingly and

 longingly increasing every year.


Erdogan Karayel

(Thanks to Ýlknur Oguluner, for the translation..)






Necati Abacý, (28 June 1958, Mut-Ýçel – 22 July 2004, Ýstanbul)

  He completed his primary education in Tarsus Atatürk Primary School (1965-1970), secondary education in Tarsus Cengiz Topel High School (1970-1976), higher education in Ýstanbul Applied Fine Arts Academy, Graphic Department (1977-1981). He took his adequacy doctorate degree in Ýzmir Dokuz Eylül University (1986).

His very first caricature was published in Hey (1973) while he was still doing his secondary education; this publication effort continued in other magazines as an amateur. In 1977, he moved to Ýstanbul for his higher education and continued his drawing studies which he started in the rural for Babýâli. For a long time he drew caricatures on politic and social issues in the weekly humour magazine Çarþaf. When this first professional drawing adventure was going on, he participated in many activities of the Caricaturists Society; took part in many national and international caricature competitions and in collective exhibitions. His caricatures on art -especially on portrait and drawing-, literature, culture an politics were published in magazines like Gösteri, Milliyet Sanat Dergisi, Sýfýr, Düþün, Karikatür, Bizim English, Beyazperde, Adam Öykü, Geniþ Açý, Dünya, Temmuz, Diyojen and Güldiken. Between the years 1981 – 1985, he worked as a graphic designer in many media enterprises and advertising agencies. Abacý worked as a faculty member in Ýzmir Dokuz Eylül University, Fine Arts Faculty, Graphic Department between the years 1985-1990. Since 1990, Abacý – keeping on drawing caricatures for art and culture magazines – has been earning his living working as a graphic designer in advertising agencies. Furthermore, he also achieved graphic designes on many issues on culture. He has still been working as a faculty member in Ýzmir Dokuz Eylül University, Fine Arts Faculty, Graphic Department.

Also by using the opportunities of the colors, he mirrored many creators from the Turkish arts community with a magnificent graphic expression. The power of interpretation and the aesthetic level he reached in his portraits have come to a degree to be mentioned in the history of world caricature portrait.

He opened his first personal exhibition in 1982 under the name of “People of Art in Lines” (Ýstanbul). Later on, in 1987 he opened “Women of Art in Lines” and in 1994 “People of Lines” – where he solely interpreted caricaturists. More than the exhibition he opened with Þahin Kaygun in 1983, in 1987 “Graphic Homour” opened to the audience in Ýzmir. He opened his exhibiton called “Striped Photographs” in 2002 in Ýstanbul. His works were taken in Gabrova Humourhouse (Bulgaria, 1981), .Varþova World Poster Museum (Poland, 1988). Main rewards: International Simavi Caricature Competition, “Erol Simavi Special Reward” (1986), Abdi Ýpekçi Friendship and Peace Reward – Poster Category, “3rd rank” (1988), International Nasreddin Hodja Caricature Competition, “Certificate of Achievement” (1992), Yomiori Shiumbon International Caricature Competition, ” Honourable Mention” (1994), Asaf Koçak Caricature Competition , “1st rank” (1997), Graphers Metier Instition , Graphic Works Exhibition, “Emin Barýn Reward” (1998).

Album: “Niçindekiler” (Caricaturists Community Press, 1. Edition, Ýstanbul 2000).

Chapter and verse Biography:
















   Çandarlý belediyesi tarafýndan bu yýl 12’incisi yapýlacak olan uluslararasý Çandarlý Kale Ýçi Kültür ve Sanat festivali 25-26-27 Temmuzda düzenleniyor.Belediye Baþkaný Hasan Aksoy ‘Dolu,dolu geçecek Festivalde konserlerin yaný sýra folklor gösterileri,spor yarýþmalarý,sergi ve söyleþilerle sürecerecek kültürel etkinliklerimize herkezi bekliyorum’ dedi.

   Belediyenin kültür ve sanat sorumlusu Mustafa Aktaþ ‘Geçen yýl olduðu gibi Saat Kulesi Karikatürcüler Grubu bizleri yine onurlandýrdý.Bu yýl Nasreddin Hocanýn 800.doðum yýlý sergisini festivalimizde açacak.Bizde bu konuda üzerimize düþeni yaptýk.Sergi karikatürlerinden oluþan Saat Kulesi dergisini 2000 adet bastýk.Baþta 6 Ülkeden 350 konuk olmak üzere tüm misafirlere,festival ziyaretcilerine daðýtacaðýz’ dedi.


B R A Z I L   C A R T O O N ‘ S   Y E A R   B O O K    2 0 0 8   R U L E S

Brazilcartoon’s Yearbook is an original initiative that will gather the best humor drawings of 2008 exhibited on “the best day’s humor”. The yearbook will be printed and will have attached to it a DVD containing the drawings in high quality for printing. Brazilcartoon’s International Yearbook 2008 will have all drawings and their respective authors, their names, e-mail or the author’s website.
1- Why to participate?
Brazilcartoon’s International Yearbook 2008 will be released nationally and internationally and a lot of people will see it. Besides, it will be a historical document on the drawings of humor.
2- What to send?
Cartoons that deal with a universal subject will be accepted, which means cartoons with no texts. The theme is free, however only cartoons that do not contain any kind of discrimination, be it religious, ethinic or pornographic will be accepted. Another category is Caricature and illustration following the same criteria just mentioned. The caricatured ones must be people internationally known at sports, politics, culture, etc. All techniques will be accepted, since the works are sent digitally.
3- How to send the works?
All information must be provided so that we avoid frauds: Full name, address, picture, short biography, e-mail. Send to
Note: The same drawing must be sent through the system “The Best Day’s Humor” which is available at Brazilcartoon Home Page.
4- Format:
All works must be sent through e-mail: 300 DPIs, color mode RGB, JPG format. Limit 20 x 17 cm.
5- Number of works:
Candidates are allowed to send one work a day. Everyday Brazilcartoon will select three works (caricature, cartoon, Illustration) from different authors that will be part of the gallery “Yearbook 2008”.
6- Selection:
Participants selected for the Brazilcartoon’s International Yearbook 2008, will have the right of receiving a DVD, which will be sent through the mail service. The author must request it and he or she will pay only for the mail expenses.
7- Purchasing it:
Brazilcartoon will sell the yearbooks to provide income for its production. If you are interested in buying it, please contact us through e-mail: or by phone 38 – 3216-1109.
8- Deadline:
The drawings may be sent to:  

from February 1st, 2008 to December 31st, 2008.
9- Copyright:
From the moment the participant sent the drawings to us, he or she transfers their works so that they be part of the Brazilcartoon’s International Yearbook 2008 without any kind of charge for that. The drawings may be used for any kind of publicity concerning to the yearbook.
Brazilcartoon wishes that all cartoonists have a lot of sucess in 2008, because
our mission is to publicize the humor drawings as much as the cartoonist.