XVIII Bienal Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico, Cuba 2013

XVIII Bienal Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico, Cuba 2013 

San Antonio de los Baños

Tema: "¿Verdades o Intereses?"


A los humoristas gráficos del mundo se les convoca a defender la razón de los pueblos por otra comunicación. Cuando el presente y el futuro del planeta están en juego frente al orden hegemónico imperial que oprime y distancia a los seres humanos, que impone el signo del mercado a nuestras vidas y que niega la comunicación veraz, hacemos un llamado a borrar fronteras entre los caricaturistas, a defender la validez del humorismo gráfico en el mejoramiento de nuestras sociedades, a defender la vida de los periodistas y trabajadores de la prensa en general, a luchar por medios de comunicación contrarios a intereses imperiales e identitarios de nuestras naciones , a utilizar también la tecnología en la construcción de un mundo superior.

Del concurso de Humor Gráfico

La participación en el encuentro está abierta a todos los humoristas gráficos del mundo que pueden concursar con tema libre, en las siguientes categorías:

. Humor general

. Sátira política

. Historieta Humorística

. Caricatura personal

. Fotografía humorística

Se aceptarán originales u obras procesadas digitalmente (impresas y con la firma del autor) realizadas en cualquier técnica con un formato máximo de 30 x 40 cm.

Se conferirá el Premio on line Tomy en recuerdo del querido caricaturista Tomás Rodríguez Zayas bajo el lema: Mentiras sobre Cuba. El Premio se otorgará a la obra que mejor exprese la manipulación mediática de la realidad cubana, entre las que se halla el caso de Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, un caricaturista cubano preso junto a otros compatriotas en cárceles norteamericanas por luchar
contra el terrorismo en los Estados Unidos donde connotados terroristas y asesinos se pasean libremente. Gerardo por defender a su pueblo enfrenta la absurda condena, de dos cadenas perpetuas más 15 años de prisión.

Solo para este premio se aceptarán las obras enviadas por correo electrónico, a la siguiente dirección: humor@upec.co.cu Cada autor podrá enviar una obra por cada una de las categorías, más al Premio Tomy. Al dorso de los originales, deberán precisarse los siguientes datos del autor:

Nombres y Apellidos (Además nombre artístico)





Dirección particular

Correo electrónico


Iguales datos acompañarán las obras enviadas por e-mail.

Las obras convenientemente embaladas se recibirán hasta el 15 de febrero de 2013 en:

Unión de Periodistas de Cuba (UPEC)

XVIII Bienal Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico

Calle 23 no.452, Vedado, Cuba. CP 10 400

Teléfonos: 832- 37 22 / 832- 45 59 ext.116

De los jurados

Una selección de las obras presentadas, a juicio de un jurado de admisión especializado, se expondrá en el XVIII Salón Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico en San Antonio de los Baños.

Un jurado internacional, integrado por prestigiosas figuras del humor gráfico, otorgará los premios.

De los premios

. Premio Eduardo Abela, máximo galardón del concurso se entrega en homenaje al destacado caricaturista cubano (1889-1965), consistente en Diploma y 1000 CUC.

. Primero, segundo y tercer premios en cada categoría, consistente en diploma.

– Premio on line Tomy consistente en diploma y una reproducción de una obra del autor.

. Como ya es tradición diversas instituciones culturales y sociales cubanas se integran al concurso y entregan premios.

Encuentros de humoristas

Del 31 de marzo al 3 de abril tendrán lugar exposiciones y talleres en San Antonio de los Baños y en La Habana, a fin de que los participantes puedan intercambiar experiencias, dar a conocer su obra y reflexionar sobre el papel del humor en el siglo XXI.

Para ver más detalles de esta Bienal consulte:


The First International Cartoon and Caricature Festival Cartoonmag.com – Iran – Bojnourd – 2013

The First International Cartoon and Caricature Festival Cartoonmag.com – Iran – Bojnourd – 2013

Cartoon Section: Funniest Cartoon

Caricature Section: The face of Issa Gholipour (The musician of North Khorasan Province Of Iran)



The International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon – First Edition

The International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon – First Edition


The International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon is held by „Salt & Pepper" Magazine for visual arts and artists.

1. Themes
We are expecting meaningful and cleaver works at high artistic level

2. Participants
All artists, professional or not, are invited to take part in the Salon, regardless of gender, nationality or country of residence. The works can be send by the author himself, only

3. Works
May be done in black & white or in colour
Each participant may submit max. 3 (three) works on each theme
Good quality images of signed works
In JPG format, 400-800 KB/work, at Min. 300dpi resolution
Only works without text are accepted (text means one or more letters)
The participating works could have been previously published but not have won awards
No works with "adult content" will be accepted, regardless of their artistic quality. Organizers own the right do not admit in the Salon works that may attempt against individual and/or collective rights

4. Technique
Is free of choice of the artist, in two dimensions, such as: graphical art, painting, digital art, cartoon, illustration etc. No photographic art

5. Terms
Deadline of receiving works by e-mail: January 15 th, 2013
Deadline of receiving originals: December 25 th, 2012

6. Participation
Each participant will send in the message’s body, in English language, the following information:
name and surname & pseudonym
home address, e-mail, phone number and personal web-site
personal photo/cartoon self portrait, Max. 250KB at min. 300dpi
short biography
the list of works on each theme
Each work will be identifiable on the participant’s lists by:
theme, position in the list of works, title, technique, dimensions, price (in EUR) and the associated file name
The file names will be defined as following:
theme_international code of the country_name initial_surname initial_verification code_position in the list of works
for example: Ion POPESCU from Romania, with his own code AZ5, the work is the second in his own list of works on the B theme.
Note: the verification code, must be an own sequence of 3 (three) numbers and/or letters, on the artist’s choice, but an only one per artist
Do not send more 2 (two) e-mails containing works and information

7. Awards
Three prizes will be available per each theme
The prizes consist in exposure on the Salon’s website of
name and surname, a short CV, personal photo/cartoon, works, technique, dimension, price/work as following:
1st prize: 10 (ten) works + the awarded work
2nd prize: 5 (five) works + the awarded work
3rd prize: 3 (three) works + the awarded work
The Diplomas will be send by e-mail
The first ranked 25 (twenty five) works on each theme will be exposed on web-site, awarded works including.
The works will be exposed if these respond to all criteria and condition mentioned in this document.
A list of participants will be published as well
The Jury is entitled do not award one or more prizes according to their art’s criteria.
The jury decision cannot be appealed.

8. Winners
Participants whose works are selected to be awarded will be notified by e-mail.
In max 30 days after announcing prizewinners, they must send their works using all the above mentioned conditions.

9. Jury
Mr. Florian-Doru CRIHANĂ, Romania, President of the jury
Mr. Marcin BONDAROWICZ, Poland
Mrs. Irina IOSIP, Romania
Mr. Oleksy KUSTOVSKY, Ukraine
Ms. Yordanka SHIYAKOVA, Bulgaria

10. Submission address
International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon
e-mail: salt.pepper.s1@gmail.com
for originals: Irina IOSIP – for IS&PSAS Ed.2 – CP 196, OP 16, Bucharest, Romania

11. Other specifications
This regulations are mandatory.
The authors remains the owners of their original works if they do not send original works.
The Salon do not sell anything and does not involve and is not responsible in any business transactions between authors and their beneficiaries. The authors themselves will sell their works on buyer’s request.
The authors who wont to participate into itinerant exhibitions will sent originals, these will not be returned.
The album of the Salon will be edited in electronic format, being available on Salon’s web-site.
The participants turns over all rights of their work’s images to International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon and to "Salt & Pepper" Magazine and authorizes them to exhibit, archive and publish those in the media and/or the Internet without limitations. To promote The International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon, "Salt & Pepper" Magazine is entitled to use these later as printed materials with the name of their author on these, without any compensation to authors. The itinerant exhibitions will be announced in media and the artists will be informed about.

Participation in International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon means the acceptance of all of the above regulations.


This Salon do not sale works or give supplementary information.
If you are interested to buy, do not hesitate to contact directly the authors by their e-mails.

Good luck to all of Satirical Artists participating in this exhibition.

The 4th International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2013 “BORDER”

The 4th International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2013 "BORDER"

beginns on the 1st January 2013!!
Login / Registration is not possible before 1st January 2013!!!!!!!!!
Regulations of the Competition General The competition takes place online and over this internet side only!
Sent originals cannot be accepted! A return isn’t possible for organizational reasons.
Sending by e-mail can only be accepted in exceptional case. Subject The theme of the contest 2013 is: "BORDER" Prizes and Awards 1st Prize: 1000 Euro + Golden He-Goat + Certificate + Competition Catalogues
2nd Prize: 500 Euro + Silver He-Goat + Certificate + Competition Catalogues
3rd Prize: 300 Euro + Bronze He-Goat + Certificate + Competition Catalogues
4rd – 8th Prize: 100 Euro + Certificate + Competition Catalogues KURTUKUNST Gallery Prize: 100 Euro + Certificate + Competition Catalogues
LIMES Prize: 100 Euro + Certificate + Competition Catalogues Audience Award: 200 Euro + Certificate + Competition Catalogues Participation conditions Participants: all cartoonists Organizer Valeriu Kurtu (KURTUKUNST Gallery) in cooperation with the LIMES Image Agency
im KU-DAMM Karee, Kurfürstendamm 207-208, Eingang Lietzenburger Str 80, 10719 Berlin
E-mail: contact@limes-net.com Jury The prize winners are determined by an international independent jury. The decision of the jury is final.
Deadline The deadline for receipt of cartoons: 15th March 2013.
The transmittal of the cartoons takes place in digital form via this internet page: limes-net.com/contest. Number of cartoons Max. number of entries per cartoonist: three.
The cartoons must be the original work of the artist. Registration The registration for the competition takes place via this internet page.
First you have to registry as a participants of the competition. After registration an email will be sent to you with your password for your personal area. In this area you can upload your cartoons on our server.
Size / File Format Minimum Size: 500 KB
Maximum Size: 25 MB
File Format: JPG
Color Mode: RGB Production The cartoon can be produced analogue or digital, but it has to be sent to us only in digital format. Caption The caption in English or German takes place only via internet before uploading of the cartoons. Dates The jury starts with the determination of the prize winners from beginning of April 2013.
The exhibition date is not yet fixed. Presentation of the cartoons The contestant allows the organizer to use the cartoons for own puplications only in connection with this competition.
With the sending of the works for the competition the contestant accepts automatically the regulation of the competition and agrees the print of the cartoons for the exhibition and catalogues. Awards Ceremony / Vernissage The awards ceremony of 4th International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2013 takes place in the Schöneberg Town Hall in Berlin. All copyrights are held by the author of the cartoons. The decision is final. Errors and changes excepted.






ND Karikatur Vakfi ve Turkiye Barolar Birligi tarafindan
bu sene 7.si duzenlenen Insan Haklari Sergisi acildi.
Bu yil ki ana konusu Savunma Hakki olan sergide
Tan Oral, Eray Ozbek, Nezih Danyal, Recep Bayramoglu,
Izel Rozental, Ercan Akyol, Semih
Poroy, Ferit Avci, Sait Munzur, Sevket Yalaz, Mustafa Saryal,
Musa Gumus, Muhammet Sengoz, Oguz Gurel,
Hicabi Demirci ve Emre Yilmaz’in karikaturleri yer aliyor.
Acilisi yogun ilgiyle karsilanan sergiye Turkiye Barolar Birligi Baskani
Av. Ahsen Cosar, Baro yoneticileri, avukatlar,
ND Karikatur Vakfi Baskani Nezih Danyal,
cesitli Sendika Baskanlari ve karikaturistler katildi.
10 Ocak tarihine kadar devam edecek sergi Ankara’da
Turkiye Barolar Birligi Avukat Ozdemir Ozok Kultur ve
Kongre Merkezi’nde izlenebilir.

Ayrintilar ve diger fotograflar icin:



















Icehockey Cartoon Contest 2013

Icehockey Cartoon Contest 2013

The Hungarian Icehockey Federation, host to Division I/A World Championship, calls for an
international cartoon contest to promote ice hockey.

Cartoon theme: ICEHOCKEY SPORT

( Hungary stars photos: http://icehockey.hu/oldalak/valogatottak/ferfi_valogatott/alalkategoria )

1.) Participants can submit up to three original cartoons in A/4 or A/3 size, using any technique.
Prints of cartoons produced or coloured with software can also be submitted on condition that it
has the cartoonist’s original signature and the print’s serial number.

2.) The participants should write their name, address, phone number and e-mail address on the
back of the cartoons

3.) Deadline for entries: 18.March.2013.

4.) Postal address for entries (please note the order!):
István Kelemen
Bajza J. u. 19.

5.) For information or enquiries about the competition contact:
e-mail: grafikuskelemen@gmail.com

6.) Participants whose works are selected by the jury for the catalogue will receive a copy via

7.) Categorie Prize: 100.000-100.000 HUF+VAT and 3-3 pcs Diploma.

8.) The entries will be judged by a professional jury in 31. march, 2013
The jury’s decision is not negotiable.

9.) The selected entries will be exhibited in the imminent vicinity of Papp László Budapest Sport
Arena, in he Sport Agora (Sportmúzeum). Open: April, 2013, during the World Championship.

10.) For the gallery of cartoons and for any other information visit : http://www.icehockey.hu/ .

11.) The organiser intends to make use of the entries as follows:
– in posters promoting the exhibition
– in invitation materials to the exhibition
– in the catalogue of the exhibition

– as reference materials for media coverage
– in the programme of the ice hockey world championship

12.) Entries will not be returned.

We wish each contestant successful participation!

Hungarian Ice Hockey Federation

The 19th International (7-77) Ankara Cartoon Festival 2013

The 19th International Ankara Cartoon Festival is going to be held from April 19th to 21th,
2013 during the 84th Children’s Day activities, which are celebrated in our country every year in on the 23rd April .

The international 7-77 Cartoon Competition will be organized under the 19th International Ankara Cartoon Festival. The aim of the competition is to make children familiar with the art of cartooning and to contribute the development of sensitivity towards humour by enriching their world with the help of cartoons you will draw.

All proffessional and amateur cartoonists will be welcomed to join in by drawing cartoons for children.

Cartoons can be drawn in black-white or colourful using any technique in either A4 or A3 size.

Cartoonists can join in the competition with an original cartoon that can be understood by children. Competitors must write their names, surnames and addresses on the back of their cartoons.

The deadline for the competition is February 1st, 2013. Cartoons should be sent to the following address:


The sole prize of the competition is the 7-77 PRIZE (1000 €) and the institutions’ commemorative plates.

The results of the competition will be announced on April 10th, 2013 in the local press and on the web.

The winner of the competition will be invited to Ankara from April 19th to 21th, 2013 as a guest for the activities to be held during the 19th International Ankara Cartoon Festival and will receive the award at the opening of the exhibition.

The International 7-77 Cartoon Competition catalogue and the certificate will be sent to those competitors whose cartoons were chosen by the jury and were printed in the catalogue.

Cartoons will not be sent back and all rights will be reserved by the Cartoon Foundation.

International 7-77 Cartoon Competition exhibition will be opened in various cities of Turkey and abroad.




Karikatür Vakfý tarafýndan düzenlenen 19. Uluslararasý 7-77 Karikatür Festivali 2013

*Karikatür Vakfý tarafýndan düzenlenen 19. Uluslararasý 7-77 Karikatür Festivali 19-21 Nisan 2013 tarihlerinde dört gün süreyle Ankara’da yapýlacaktýr.


*Festival kapsamýnda yer alan 7-17 Karikatür Yarýþmasý’nýn amacý çocuklar arasýndaki kardeþlik, sevgi, dostluk baðlarýný geliþtirmek ve onlarý barýþcýl bir geleceðe hazýrlamaktýr.


*7-17 Karikatür Yarýþmasý 7-17 yaþlarý arasýndaki tüm çocuklara açýktýr.


*Yarýþma konusu, ‘Bilgisayarýn yaþamýmýza etkileri’ dir.

Kullandýðýmýz araç, gereçlerle yaþamýmýza giren ve yaþam biçimimizi deðiþtiren bilgisayar teknolojilerini irdeleyen karikatürler çizebilirler.


*Karikatürler A4 ya da A3 boyutlarýnda her tür kaðýda istedikleri teknikle, siyah-beyaz, renkli olarak çizilebilir.


*Karikatürcüler en çok üç karikatürle yarýþmaya katýlabilirler. Yarýþmacýlar karikatürlerin arkasýna ad-soyadlarýný, doðum tarihlerini, telefonlarýný, okullarýný, adreslerini yazmalýdýrlar.


*Yarýþmacýlar karikatürlerini 1 ÞUBAT 2013 tarihinde kadar ‘7-17 KARÝKATÜR YARIÞMASI – PK:364 YENÝÞEHÝR 06443 ANKARA’ posta adresine göndermelidirler.


*Jürinin seçeceði en iyi karikatürü çizen karikatürcüye SCRÝKSS KALEM ÖDÜLÜ 1.000,00 TL (Bin Türk Lirasý), plaket ve diploma verilecektir. Ayrýca karikatürleri sergilenmeye deðer görülen tüm karikatürcülere diploma gönderilecektir.


*Yarýþmada ödül alan karikatürcü 19-21 Nisan tarihinde yapýlacak 19. Uluslararasý 7-77 Karikatür Festivali’ne davet edilerek 7-17 KARÝKATÜR YARIÞMASI karikatür sergisi açýlýþýnda ödülünü alacaktýr.


*Yarýþma sonuçlarý 10 Nisan 2012 tarihinde basýn, yayýn organlarý ve internetten duyurulacaktýr.


*Jüri tarafýndan seçilip, karikatürleri katologda yer alan karikatürcülere 19. Uluslararasý 7-77 Karikatür Festivali Kataloðu, katýlým belgesiyle birlikte gönderilecektir.


*Karikatürler geri gönderilmeyecek ve basým yayýn hakký Karikatür Vakfý’nýn olacaktýr


*7-17 KARÝKATÜR YARIÞMASI karikatür sergisi daha sonra Türkiye içinde ve yurt dýþýnda çeþitli kentlerde açýlacaktýr.

The 4th International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2013 BORDER beginns on the 1st January 2013

The 4th International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2013 "BORDER" beginns on the 1st January 2013

Regulations of the Competition

GeneralThe competition takes place online and over this internet side only!
Sent originals cannot be accepted! A return isn’t possible for organizational reasons.
Sending by e-mail can only be accepted in exceptional case.

SubjectThe theme of the contest 2013 is: "BORDER"

Prizes and Awards1st Prize: 1000 Euro + Golden He-Goat + Certificate + Competition Catalogues
2nd Prize: 500 Euro + Silver He-Goat + Certificate + Competition Catalogues
3rd Prize: 300 Euro + Bronze He-Goat + Certificate + Competition Catalogues
4rd – 8th Prize: 100 Euro + Certificate + Competition Catalogues KURTUKUNST Gallery Prize: 100 Euro + Certificate + Competition Catalogues
LIMES Prize: 100 Euro + Certificate + Competition Catalogues Audience Award: 200 Euro + Certificate + Competition Catalogues

Participation conditionsParticipants: all cartoonists

OrganizerValeriu Kurtu (KURTUKUNST Gallery) in cooperation with the LIMES Image Agency
im KU-DAMM Karee, Kurfürstendamm 207-208, Eingang Lietzenburger Str 80, 10719 Berlin
E-mail: contact@limes-net.com

SATYRYKON 2013 International Exhibition and competition

SATYRYKON 2013 International Exhibition and competition

(drawings without captions preferred)
 woRKs AwARDeD IN otheR ComPetItIoNs will be excluded from the competition
 The format of works – maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm).
 Works should be sent or delivered by February 1, 2013, packed in a protective cover
 SATYRYKON 2013 International Exhibition is an open competition.
 The objects of the competition are drawings, graphics and other works of fine arts and
photography created with the use of optional techniques, being originals, completed within
the recent two years (2012-13), and qualified by artists to section:

Międzynarodowa Wystawa
Chojnowska 2, Akademia Rycerska, 59-220 Legnica
P o l s k a * P o l a n d * P o l e n * P o l o g n e

organisers are not responsible for transport damages.
the PARtICIPANts ARe KINDLy AsKeD Not to Post the woRKs vIA eLeCtRoNIC
meANs As these wILL Not be ACCePteD FoR the ComPetItIoN.
 Participation in the competition is free of charge. However, organisers reserve the right
to include one of the submitted works in the Satyrykon Gallery.
The work, chosen by the author, will in this way cover our costs of mailing.
 Works should be accompanied by their author’s photo or caricature,
a short biographical note and a filled application form (PLeAse use CAPItALs).


 Works for the competition will be qualified by the international Jury.
 The Jury will award the following prizes:
pure gold key and purse amounting to 8.000 PLN
 2 gold medals
and purses amounting to 6.000 PLN
 2 silver medals
and purses amounting to 5.500 PLN
 2 bronze medals
and purses amounting to 5.000 PLN
and 4 special prizes amounting to 4.000 PLN each
 Director of Legnickie CentrumKultury (Legnica Culture Centre) award
for a photography work in amount of 4.000 PLN
Jury has the right of final distribution of the statutory prizes, change of their amount, or non
– awarding them or non – awarding the GRAND PRIX SATYRYKON.
Jury’s decisions are final.
The competition results will be announced on March 1, 2013 at Satyrykon web site:
N o t e !
AwARDs ARe subJeCt to tAXAtIoN ACCoRDING to the CuRReNt ReGuLAtIoNs.
The condition to pay the authors is their arrival for the opening of the exhibition and collection of their
awards by December 15, 2013, or it can be transferred into a bank account in a currency specified by
the author.
 Authors of work qualified to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition
 Organisers provide competition prize-winners with gratuitous participation in the
SATYRYKON 2013 event on June 13-16, 2013.
 Works sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main
exhibition, and then will be returned to their authors by the end of 2014.
we KINDLy AsK the AuthoRs to NotIFy us About ANy ChANGes to theIR
ADDRess DAtA – RetuRN ADDRess / PhoNe / e-mAIL.
 Organisers reserve the right to use the sent works for SATYRYKON advertising purposes
without any special fees paid to the authors: to be exhibited and reproduced in a variety
of advertising materials, as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
 The prize-winning works become the property of the organisers and will be included
in the collection of the Satyrykon Gallery.
 The exhibion organizers are the final judges in interpretation of the regulations.
 Sending her/his work the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations and
agrees to the publishing of the author’s profile in the post-exhibition catalogue.
 Legnica Centre of Culture and Satyrykon Fundation are organisers of the SATYRYKON –
LEGNICA 2013 International Exhibition.
PL – 59 220 Legnica, Chojnowska 2,
tel. (0-048 76) 852-23-44; e-mail: satyrykon@wp.pl



The Unió de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya (Catalan
Union of Sports Federations) announces its 2nd International
Sports Drawing Competition which is open to all artists over
18 and whose theme is sport in general.
The competition will be biennial, and is intended to bring
sport closer to the work of artists in order to extend and
promote drawing as a singular expression of sport.
The Union also announces its 4th Sports Graphic Humour
Competition which is open to all works published in the print
media or on the Internet and all unpublished works prior to
the deadline established in the competition rules.
You will find all the requirements for works, the prizes, the
jury and the other features of the competition in the attached
rules document which is binding to all participants.
1. goaLs and methods
The Unió de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya, with
the collaboration of the Fundació Catalana per a l’Esport,
announces the 2nd International Sports Drawing Competition
and the 4th Sports Graphic Humour Competition inspired by
sports in general.
2. participants
All artists over 18 years old can participate in these
3. sports drawing
• The original drawings will be in black and white, pencil,
charcoal, Indian ink, pen and normal ink. Collages and
coloration will not be accepted.
• Each author may submit up to two works; only one drawing
will be accepted for each picture or frame.
• The size of the drawings will be between 30 and 80 cm
unframed and if framed with a ribbon of 2 cm, max. The
drawings can be protected with methacrylate.
• On the back of each work, the participant will attach the
data sheet enclosed herein.
• The works will be delivered during the month of January
2013 at the headquarters of the unió de federacions
esportives de catalunya, Rambla Catalunya, 81,
Barcelona; from 10 to 13 and from 16 to 18 pm, Monday
through Thursday

• The original drawings must not have received awards in
previous competitions.
There will be a single indivisible prize of €3,000 (three
thousand Euros), and two honourable mentions with a
prize of €1,000 (one thousand Euros) each, to be awarded
by a majority vote. The jury may declare void the awards.
The works awarded will remain at the Unió de Federacions
Esportives de Catalunya.
4. sports graphic humour
• Sports graphic humour awards are announced with the
aim of spreading and promoting the joke or comic strip as
an outstanding expression of sports humorous drawing.
• The jokes or sports strips must be unpublished or
advertised by any means of publication for the period
January to december 2012.
• a maximum of two works per participant will be allowed.
• the works for the prizes of sports graphic humour must
be submitted: www.ufec.cat/concurs (1mb minimum)
they may also be sent to the headquarters of the unió de
federacions esportives de catalunya, before 31 January
• There will be a prize of €1,500 (one thousand five hundred
Euros) and two honourable mentions with a prize of €1,000
(one thousand Euros) each.
5. Jury
The jury of admission and granting of awards is chaired by
the president of the Unió de Federacions Esportives de
Catalunya and composed of one representative of the Unió de
Federacions Esportives de Catalunya, a patron of the Fundació
Privada Catalana per l’Esport, a representative of the Fundació
Privada Vila Casas, the director of the Saló Internacional del
Còmic de Barcelona (International Comic Fair of Barcelona),
a member of the Associació de Publicacions Periòdiques
en Català (Association of Periodical Publications in Catalan)
(APPEC), a member of the FIACT, a member of the Associació
Catalana de Premsa Comarcal (Catalan Association of
Regional Press) (ACPC), an art critic, three renowned artists,
a sportsman, a member of SPORT newspaper, a member of
Mundo Deportivo, a member 9 Esportiu. All appointed by the
Unió de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya.
A member of UFEC will act as secretary with voice but no vote.
The agreements and the jury’s verdict are not open to appeal.
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these

6. Jury verdict and exhibit
• The jury’s verdict and the selection of works to be exhibited
will be announced during the month of March 2013, in the
public ceremony of awards delivery to be duly called.
• The location of the exhibits will be the hall of exhibitions
of the Museum Colet, and where appropriate, the venue
decided accordingly.
7. returning of works
• The works not selected for the exhibition must be removed,
upon return of the delivery receipt, before the expiry of
three months from the date of the public ceremony or
delivery of awards.
• The works selected for exhibition must be removed, upon
return of the delivery receipt, before the expiry of three
months after the date of completion of the public exhibition
of the works.
• Once past these deadlines, works not removed are
considered as an irrevocable gift to UFEC, which can use
them as it deems appropriate, the authors having no right
to claim them, as it is understood that they have renounced
to their original works and have given them to UFEC.
8. sponsors and contributing organizations
This competition promoted by the Unió de Federacions
Esportives de Catalunya, has as the exclusive sponsor FIACT
insurance and relies on the contribution of the following
• Associació Catalana de Premsa Comarcal (Catalan
Association of Regional Press)
• Associació de Publicacions Periòdiques en Català
(Association of Periodical Publications in Catalan)
• Consell Català de l’Esport (Catalan Sports Council)
• Fundació Catalana per a l’Esport (Catalan Foundation for
• Fundació privada Vila Casas (Vila Casas Private Foundation)
• Saló Internacional del Còmic (International Comic Fair)