International Graphic Humor Contest ” Smile Moche “Posted enen Home

International Graphic Humor Contest " Smile Moche "Posted enen Home

Our humanity is going through a crisis of values ​​expressed in different actions or reactions in different aspects of our daily lives . This is shown with more emphasis on urban life , when violence threatens the physical and spiritual integrity of each and every one of us contributing to the pollution of our ecosystem , a fact that is becoming more complex and global.

MAS Magazine Trujillo , Peru , and the tent of Ink publisher , committed to society and the environment, overwhelmed by anxiety and fear that seized our cities , seek to awaken our consciousness against this situation, from a catalyst language universally readable : GRAPHIC HUMOR .

Therefore, from northern Peru to all continents of the Pachamama , we convened the International Graphic Humor Contest MOCHE SMILE , SAFETY item , an event that also brings jury exponents prestigious National and International Graphic Humor , who will share their professional experiences and approach they take when illustrating similar themes .

We invite you to participate with the warm welcome of Trujillo , of all Peruvians .

1. All illustrators and cartoonists religious or sexual militancy residents may participate in any part of our Mother Earth , amateur or professional , 18 to 120 years old , of any marital status . Members of the Organization of the Contest, or the editorial board of MAS, nor Ink Carp may not participate .

Two . Each participant may submit a maximum of 3 illustrations dialogues, or parliament or speech bubbles . THE subject on which works should be inspired is PUBLIC SAFETY , urban social factor rundown in many cities. Entries may or may not have achieved any consideration or premium on similar events , but must be original author that sends , ie , copies and / or plagiarism detected by the jury will be disqualified immediately ( the story of the mistake of the secretary or homage to a particular teacher, not worth ) .

Three . The technique is completely free, in color or black and white, and your shipment will be digital, ie in 21cm X 30cm in JPG (horizontal or vertical) format, in RGB colors in high resolution ( 300dpi ) . The file name will be the title of the work.

April . Shipment of each illustration should attach a Word document to a page containing the title of the work, the author’s name , email, phone, address, country of origin, and a brief resume of no more than 10 lines a photo or personal caricature and a thumbnail of the work.

May . The last shipping day is 28 September 2014. And the work must be sent to the following address :

6. Awards :
FIRST PLACE USD 1,000. = + Diploma
SECOND PLACE USD 500. = + Diploma
THIRD PLACE USD 300 . = + Diploma
HONORABLE MENTION ( which the jury deems appropriate ) Diploma
The results will be announced on October 27, 2014 and officially published on the website of the journal MAS :

7. The jury will be composed of prominent and experienced national and international professionals , the most awarded and / or former jurors in countless similar contests. Their decision is final.

8. If after the jury’s decision , yet is detected that any of the works awarded or not , it is plagiarism or copying from another work , the author or authors assume all legal responsibility that the situation demands them .

9. By participating in this contest , the author accepts all the conditions mentioned in these rules , and assigns the rights of your illustration to the Competition Organization for use in various publications related to the International Graphic Humor Contest MOCHE SMILE



Genellikle sanatcilar oldukten sonra hatirlanir. Adlarina etkinlikler duzenlenir. Biz bu anlayisi kirmak icin; yalniz Sinop’un degil ulkemizin uluslararasi karikatur alanindaki yasayan, ureten cizgi emekcileri Askin Ayrancioglu ve Seyit Saatci’yi hatirlamak, hatirlatmak istedik. Sinop ve Turkiye’yi uluslararasi karikatur alaninda basariyla temsil ettikleri icin, meslektaslarinin cizecekleri portreleri onlara hediye etmek istedik…
1- Yarisma amator ve profesyonel butun dunya cizerlerine aciktir.
2- Yarismanin konusu; Karikaturistler Askin Ayrancioglu ve Seyit Saatci’nin portreleridir…
3- Karikaturistler Askin Ayrancioglu ve Seyit Saatci’nin fotograflarina asagidaki linklerden ulasilabilir:
4- Yarismaya katilacak eserlerde teknik serbesttir. Eserler daha once yayimlanmis olabilir ancak hicbir yarismada odul almamis olmalidir.
5- Katilimcilar en cok 5 adet eser gonderebilirler. Ancak bir cizere birden fazla odul verilmez.
6- Gonderilecek karikaturler en fazla A3 (29,7 cm x 42 cm) boyutunda, 300 dpi cozunurlugunde ve jpg formatinda olmalidir.
7- Yarismaya katilacak eserler 1 Haziran 2014 tarihine kadar e-posta yoluyla; "" adresine gonderilmelidir.
8- Eserlerle birlikte butun sanatcilar adini, soyadini, posta adresini, telefonunu, e-mail adresini, kisa ozgecmisini ve bir adet fotografini da word dosyasi olarak gondermelidirler.
9- Odul alan ve sergilenmeye deger gorulen karikaturler bir e-albumde yayimlanacak ve bu album internet ortaminda yayinlanacaktir.
10- Oduller:
5 adet kristal madalya (Askin Ayrancioglu portreleri icin…)
5 adet kristal madalya (Seyit Saatci portreleri icin…)
11- Yarisma Jurisi: Askin AYRANCIOGLU (Turkiye), Oguz GUREL (Turkiye), Elena OSPINA (Kolombiya), Seyit SAATCI (Turkiye), Saadet Demir YALCIN (Turkiye).
12- Yarismaya katilan eserler, duzenleyen kurumun arsivinde kalacak afis, takvim, brosur, dergi, gazete vb. organlarda yayimlanabilecektir. Bunun karsiliginda eseri yayimlanan sanatciya o yayindan gonderilecektir.
13- Yarismaya katilan karikaturistler yukaridaki kosullari kabul etmis sayilirlar.
14- Yarismayi duzenleyen kurulus; BOYABAT KULTUR ARASTIRMA DERNEGI, Ozel Idare Carsisi, BOYABAT / SINOP / TURKIYE.

8. Uluslararasi Zagreb Otomobil Karikaturleri Yarismasi 2014, Hirvatistan

8. Uluslararasi Zagreb Otomobil Karikaturleri Yarismasi 2014, Hirvatistan

Tum dunya cizerleri katilabilir.
Konu: Eski / Antika Otomobiller (OLDTIMERS)
Sayi: En cok 2 orijinal eser.
Dijital calismalar islak imzalanma kosuluyla kabul edilecektir. Fotokopi vb. cogaltmalar istenmiyor.
Her eserin arka yuzune sanatci adi soyadi (Name) ile eser adi (Title) yazilmalidir.
Katilim formu (Ustte) ve tum kosullar yarismanin sitesinde yer almaktadir.
Karikaturler tanitim amacli kullanilabilir.
Tercih edilen boyut: A4 (21 x 29.7 sm). (A5’ten kucuk ya da A3’ten buyuk eserler kabul edilmez).
Buyuk Odul: 4000 € veya 30,000 Kn + Sertifika
1. Odul: 1000 € veya 7,500 Kn + Sertifika
2. Odul: 800 € veya 5,500 Kn + Sertifika
3. Odul: 500 € veya 3,500 Kn + Sertifika
2 adet Mansiyon: 300 € veya 2.200 Kn + Sertifika
5-10 adet Ozel Mansiyon: Sertifika.
Kazanan eserler geri verilmez. Otekiler, yazili olarak istenmesi ve posta masrafini karsilama kosuluyla geri gonderilebilir (Sergi bitimini izleyen 30 gun icinde yarisma adresinden de alinabilir).
Sergiye secilenlere album gonderilecektir.
Sergi, Mayis sonu Zagreb Sehir Gunu etkinlikleri cercevesinde Zagreb’te acilacaktir.
Yarisma adresine son teslim tarihi: 18 Nisan 2014
Adres: HUNA d.o.o. Srebrnjak 55, 10 000 Zagreb – Croatia / Hrvatska.
Ivan Palatinuš Tel: 385(1)2430 302 , Faks: 385(1)2430 217, e-mail: .

10. Uluslararasi – Ulusal Fair Play Karikatur Yarismasi 2014-2015, Turkiye

10. Uluslararasi – Ulusal Fair Play Karikatur Yarismasi 2014-2015, Turkiye

Turkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi, Fair Play Konseyi Uluslararasi-Ulusal 10. Fair Play Karikatur Yarismasi 2014-2015
Turkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi, Fair Play Konseyi’nin duzenledigi Uluslararasi-Ulusal Fair Play Karikatur Yarismasi baslamistir. Yarismaya 18 yas alti gencler ve 18 yas ustu amator, usta karikaturculer katilabilirler.
Fair Play Nedir?
Fair Play bir Anglosakson terimidir. Durust oyun, durust davranis anlamini tasir.
Fair Play’in tam anlami ise: Etik ustu davranistir. Etik davranis her konuda kurallari durustlukle ve saygi ile uygulamak demektir. Fair Play ise tum bunlarin ustunde kisisel cikarlari ve hirslari bastirarak yasamda ustun insan ruhunu ortaya koymaktir. Sevgi, dostluk, kardeslik anlayisi olan Fair Play’in siniri yoktur. Dunyada tum sinirlar yapaydir. Cunku en onemli sinir gonullerin siniridir.
Kisa Tarihce
Fair Play’in kullanim kokeni 15. yuzyila kadar uzanir. Sovalyelerin yarismalarda centilmenlik disi davranislari icin "Foul Play" tabiri kullanilmistir. Fair Play bunun tam aksidir. 16. yuzyilda unlu yazar William Shakespare eserlerinde Fair Play tabirini kullanmistir. Spor diline Fair Play 18. yuzyilda Ingiltere’de girmis, iyi oyun anlaminda kullanilmis, uluslararasi bir deyim olmustur. 20. yuzyilin sonuna dogru Fair Play’i bir toplumsal egitim slogani olarak kullanan kuruluslar ortaya cikmistir. sitesinden alinmistir.
Yarismaya Katilim Kosullari:
1- Konu: Fair Play. Dunyada yapilan butun spor karsilasmalarindaki centilmenlik ve kardesligine mizah duygusu katarak karikaturle cizilmesi isteniyor.
2- Boyut: Kesin, 25×35 cm ebatlarini gecmeyecek, olculerdeki kagitlara cizilecektir.
3- Teknik: Renkli veya siyah-beyaz olabilir. Karikaturler kursun kalemle birakilmamali, pilot cinsi veya benzer murekkepli kalemle baski teknigine uygun olarak cizilmelidir. Fosforlu kalemler kullanilmamalidir.
4- Yarismaya yollanacak karikaturler cizenin kendi dusuncesi ve eseri olmalidir.
5- Karikaturler daha once sergilenmis ve yayinlanmis olabilir, ancak hicbir yarismada odul almamis olmalidir.
6- Dijital baski karikaturler kabul edilir.
7- Yarismacilar her karikaturun arkasina adi-soyadi, Yas, adres ve telefon bilgilerini mutlaka yazmalilar.
8- Karikaturler son gonderme tarihinden once posta veya kargo ile yollanmalidir. Eserler katlanmadan, rulo yapilmadan karton arasinda saglam olarak gonderilmeli. Adrese elden de birakilabilir.
9- Yollanan karikaturlerden odul alsin veya almasin juri tarafindan secilecekler arasindan album, poster, sergileme veya cesitli mekanlarda veya okullarda gosterim Turkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi, Fair Play tarafindan uygulanacaktir.
10- Album, eseri olanlara ucretsiz yollanacaktir.
11- Yarismada odul alsin veya almasin eserler geri gonderilmez. Katilimcilar yukaridaki butun sartlari kabul etmis sayilirlar.
Oduller: (Uluslar Arasi – Ulusal, 18 Yas Ustu, cizerler)
1. Odul: 1000 USD + Plaket
2. Odul: 500 USD + Plaket
3. Odul: 250 USD + Plaket
+Basari Plaketleri (juri tarafindan belirlenecek sayida verilecektir.)
* Genclere Basari Odulleri: (Ulusal- Uluslar Arasi Kategori, 18 Yas alti gencler-ogrenciler)
Her biri 100 USD olan maddi odul juri tarafindan belirlenecek sayida verilecektir.
+ Sponsorlarin Cesitli armaganlari, Karikatur Kitaplari + Plaket.
Cafer Zorlu Ozel odulu: Gectigimiz yil yitirdigimiz Turk karikaturunun buyuk ustasi, bundan onceki 9 yarismada juri uyesi olan Cafer Zorlu adina verilecektir.
* Son Katilim Tarihi: 30 Mayis 2014 Cuma
Juri Uyeleri:
* Erdogan Aripinar (TMOK Baskan Yard. EFPM 2.Baskani – Dunya Fair Play Konseyi uyesi)
* Murat F. Ozbay (Turkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi Fair Play Komisyonu Baskani)
* Dogan Sahin (TMOK Uyesi- EFPM Juri uyesi)
* Karikaturculer: Turkiye: Bedri Koraman, Mesut Yavuz, Koksal Ciftci, Sami Caner.
* Darko Drljevic (Podagorica-Karadag), Rahim B. Asgari (Tebriz-Iran), Kamil Yavuz (Turkiye-Organizasyon).
* Yarismaya Katilim Adresi:
10. Uluslararasi ve Ulusal "Fair Play." Karikatur Yarismasi: Turkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi Fair Play Konseyi Atakoy 34158 /Istanbul – Turkiye
Tel: 0212 560 07 07. Faks: 0212. 560 00 55
E-Posta ile gonderimler: adresine 200 dpi cozunurlukten ufak olmamak kosulu ile Jipeg formatinda yollanmalidir.

Kibris Kultur Dernegi 6. Kibris Karikatur Yarismasi 2014

Kibris Kultur Dernegi 6. Kibris Karikatur Yarismasi 2014

1) Konu: Mizahci Gozuyle Sanat Eserleri (Artworks at a Humorous Glance). 

Katilimcilar, klasIk ve modern donemden meshur sanat eserlerini mizahi bakisla yorumlayip donusturebilirler.
2) Her sanatci en az 1 adet yazisiz eserle katilabilir.
3) Katilim internetten e-mail yoluyla yapilacaktir.
4) Yarismacilar eserlerinde diledikleri teknigi kullanabilirler.
5) Her eserle birlikte mesaj govdesinde sanatci adi ve adresi belirtilmelidir.
6) Yarisma e-albumu, icinde eseri yayinlanan sanatcilara birer kopya gonderilecektir.
7) Yarismaya son katilim tarihi: 2 Mayis 2014
8) Mayis 2104’teki sergi acilis toreninde odul kazananlar aciklanacak, kendilerine bilgi verilecektir.
9) Yarismaya gonderilen eserler dernegin ve yarismanin tanitimi icin kullanilabilir.
10) Yarismaya katilmak, tum bu kosullarin kabul edildigini gosterir.
11) Oduller: Birincilik 200 Avro. Ayrica 9 adet Onur Mansiyonu verilecektir.
12) Yarisma jurisinin karari kesin olup itiraz kabul edilmez.
11) Yarismaya katilim adresi:
(Posterdeki bu adresin yanlis oldugu yolunda bir mesaj aldim. Arastiriyorum. Konu netlesene kadar eser gondermemekte veya on deneme ya da haberlesme yapmakta fayda var.8 Mart 2014.
Adresin yanlis oldugunu bildiren, karisIklik yasanan kuzeydeki ulkenin cizeri arkadas, sozkonusu adresle yaptigim yazismayi kendisine yonlendirmem sonucunda, eser yollamayi basarabildigini, nedenini bilemedigi onceki gunku teknik aksama dolayisiyla verdigi rahatsizlik yuzunden ozur diledigini bildirdi.9 Mart 2014. KO).

7. Uluslararasi Salyangoz konulu Karikatur Yarismasi 2014, Ispanya

7. Uluslararasi Salyangoz konulu Karikatur Yarismasi 2014, Ispanya

Tum cizerlere acik bir yarisma.
Konu: Salyangoz (SNAIL)
Her katilimci, daha once odul kazanmamis en fazla 3 adet eser gonderebilir.
Boyut A4 (21 x 29.7 cm) ya da orantili olcude olmalidir.
Tek sahneyi yansitan karikaturler isteniyor, bant karikatur kabul edilmez. Eserde yazi, metin yer alacaksa bu Katalan, Ispanyolca, veya Ingilizce olmalidir.
Eserler sadece site adresinin yonlendirecegi (sag ortada ENTER dugmesi) Facebook basvuru sayfasi uzerinden, basima uygun cozunurlukte, gonderilmelidir. Herhangi bir sorun cikmasi halinde adresinden irtibat kurulabilir.
Her katilimci ad, soyad, adres ve tel no (name, surname, address, telephone) bilgileri ile foto ya da portre karikaturunu tasiyan (basit, standart) bir katilim formu eklemelidir.
Juride, Fecoll, Iltrida Viatges ve Humoralia temsilcileri yer alacaktir. Juri karari kesin olup itiraz kabul edilmez.
Yarismaya son katilim: 11 Nisan 2014
Tek odul: 1.007.- €. Kazanan sanatcinin 23 Mayis’ta yapilacak odul torenine katilimi dolayisiyla iki kisilik yol ve iki gece konaklamasi karsilanir. Kazanan sanatciya Nisan ayinin ikinci yarisinda e-mail ile haber verilecek ve sonuc daha sonra ve sitelerinde duyurulacaktir.
Kazanan sanatci eserin orijinalini, ya da dijital urun ise islak imzali baskisini, Mayis ayinin ilk yarisinda duzenleyen kurulusa elden veya iadeli taahhutlu olarak ulastirmak zorundadir. Adres: Federacio de Colles de l’Aplec del Caragol, C/Obradors, 2. 25002 LLEIDA – SPAIN.
Ayrica nakit karsiligi olmayan bir Halk Odulu verilecektir (sertifika): Ustte 2013 Halk Odulu kazanan eser Gunberk Gulderen, Turkiye. Bunun icin eserler sayfasinda katilim bitiminden iki hafta sonrasina kadar (26 Nisan) sergilenerek oylamaya acik tutulacaktir. Oylamayi tesvik amaciyla oylamaya katilan izleyicilerden birine Kanarya Adalari’nda bir haftasonu iki kisilik tatil odulu verilecektir.
(Birinci gelen ve Halk Odulu kazanan dahil olarak) secilen 50 eser, duzenleyen carsi esnafinin yonetim merkezinde ve gerekirse baska salonlarda sergilenecektir. Duzenleyen kurulus, bu 50 eserin yeniden basimi ve yeniden sergilenmesi hakkini korur.
Katilanlar tum kosullari kabul etmis sayilir.
NOT: Asagidaki yarisma adresinde gelen eserler sergilenmektedir, ancak ben oylamayi basaramadim. Bu adreste birkac dilde yarisma sartnamesi de bulunuyor.KO.)






The Forth International Productivity Cartoon Festival,/Iran 2014

The Forth International Productivity Cartoon Festival,/Iran 2014

The Forth International Productivity Cartoon Festival, furnished with bags of experience from the previous three festivals, is again inviting all artists from around the globe to participate and help the organizers achieve their goals. They are supposed to play their roles in line with the responsibility they have in the society. Objectives which embrace one of the most significant human challenges in developing responsible behavior and drawing up a framework for a decent life in order to safeguard human resources and capitals, and provide more opportunities for man.

Having reviewed the previous festivals and the bagged experiences, the secretariat of the Forth Festival intends to add a main theme, on which the focus of the Festival will be, to lead the Festival toward the proposed subject so that other issues can be followed more specifically and the artists can concentrate on one subject and have a better chance to participate more in changing behaviors toward one single productive behavior. The previous subjects included:

productivity and correcting and modifying consumption patterns;
productivity and home, productivity on technology;
productivity in human resources;
productivity and urban life;
productivity in factories;
productivity and the environment;
This approach attempts to attend to such issues which embrace the general concerns of productivity management in every festival, in addition to a specific subject which is sought to be paid meticulous attention by the honorable artists.

We all believe that education is tied with the next generation’s future and gives life to the picture of the future, this is one of the most important human concerns and perhaps, for many of us, it is the most critical issue of life; therefore, the main theme of this year’s festival is based on this concept. Productivity in education system covers a wide scope. The following list is only some suggestions:

Teaching productivity and its concepts;
The impact of educating children on general productivity;
Technology and its role in education;
Effectiveness of teaching methods;
Managing negative impacts of education on the environment, such as harms of the internet;
Education for everyone;
The effect of education on reducing man’s future problems;
Education and learning through practice;
Education and learning through art;
Understanding cultural and ethnic diversity and respect as the output of education system;
Our expectations from the procedures of children’s education;
Productivity and …….
Like previous festivals, this year’s judgment will be done by international thinkers, scholars, and outstanding artists in the field of productivity. The judgment criteria are as follows:

Originality, innovation, and creativity
Capability to convey productivity concept and its pedagogical aspect
Relatedness with academic and theoretical aspect of productivity (in the sense of efficiency or effectiveness)
The employed techniques
Ability to prescribe and provide solutions
Terms and conditions:

Number of works: a maximum of three works can be sent for each subject
Works must be original (computer-made versions are also accepted, provided that the print out is signed by the cartoonist. The electronic version must also be sent in TIFF format with the resolution of 300 DPI)
Photographs and copies of the works are not acceptable. Works must range between A4 and A3 in size
There is no limitation in the employed techniques
A completed application form bearing a photo , and a brief biography of the artist must be sent along with the work
Sent works will not be returned
Organizers of the Festival will try their utmost in keeping the works safe, yet they bear no responsibility against probable damages
The secretariat of the Festival reserves all rights to publish and showcase the works sent to the Festival
Festival catalogue will be given to those artists whose works will be published ( please apply extreme attention in writing your mailing address and contact information in the form)
By Signing the application form, the artist agrees with the terms and conditions of the Festival
Deadline: May 22th, 2014 at the latest
Send your works to the secretariat of the Forth International Productivity Cartoon Festival: No. 164, 6th Boostan St., Opposite White Tower ( Burj-e-Sefid) , Pasdaran Ave., Tehran, Iran. Tel: +98-21-22768418

First prize: 3000 Euros and a Trophy
Second prize: 2000 Euros and a Trophy
Third prize: 1000 Euros and a Trophy
Ten other selected works will be awarded by the Festival’s sponsors
The group of international judges includes artists (cartoonist judges) and academics (management scholars)
Please send you queries to the following email address:

Present and Future of the”2014 Silk Road International Exhibition” is an open competition

Ironic Art Images about the Past, Present and Future of the"2014 Silk Road 
International Exhibition" is an open competition 

– Ironic Art Images about the Past, Present and Future of the"2014 Silk Road International Exhibition" is an open competition.
– The entries for the competition are to include: Cartoon, comics, caricature, strip , drawings, graphics and other works of original fine art created by qualified artists using a variety of techniques.
The theme categories of the competition are:
1.Ocean, Desert and land
2.City and Countryside
3. Caricatures and People
4. Legend and Folk Arts
5. Science and Technology
6. Nature and Environment
7. Customs and Daily Lives of People
8. Sports and Entertainment
9. "Present Silk Road in the Eyes of Artists"

(Art images are preferred without captions)

– Digital works that received awards in other competitions are welcome.
– Competition will only accept E-mail works, not to accept the original.
Tel/Fax:: 0086-10-84827182 Email:

– Participants wishing to participate in the exhibition and in the catalog only may send a print copy to the mailing address above or email it to (JEPG, 200dpi).
– Participation in the competition is free of charge. However, organizers reserve the right to include submitted works in the Gallery.
– Digital works should be accompanied by their author’s photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a completed application form
– Organizers are not responsible for any transportation damages.


– Artwork submitted for competition will be judged by an International Jury.
– The Jury will award the following cash prizes along with a certificate for each award.
• Grand prize amounting to 5.000 USD
• 2 gold medals amounting to 3.000 USD
• 2 silver medals amounting to 2.000 USD
• 2 bronze medals amounting to 1.000 USD
• 9 special prizes amounting to 300 USD
– The jury has the right of final distribution of statutory prize and all of the jury’s decisions are final.
– Competition results will be announced on May 1, 2014 on this website.
– Organizers plan to award the artist with the best debut and will give him/her the opportunity for an individual exhibition at the Gallery which will be included in the 2014 program.

– Artists of work qualified for the exhibition will be given a presentation copy of the catalogue.
– Artwork sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition.
– Organizers reserve the right to use all submitted artwork for advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the artists that include being exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
– The prize-winning works become the property of the organizers and will be included in the collection of the Gallery.
– The exhibition organizers are the final judges in interpretation of the rules and regulations.
– By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations
– By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the publication of the author’s profile in the post-exhibition album.
– Contact Information

Organizing Committee of SRIC:
2801 Suite, No.7 Building, Tianchang Yuan Media Village Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District Beijing,China Post Code: 100107
Tel/Fax:: 0086-10-84827182

– Submission deadline for receipt of digital work: May 5, 2014
– Post-competition exhibition August 8 to August 28,2014