Feco Portugal , Associacao de Cartoonistas

1-Theme: “Freedom at risk”. Each artist is free to approach the concept of Expression Freedom in all.
2-The exhibition is opened to all nationalities, professionals or amateurs.
3-All the proposed drawings must be originals, no matter of prior publication or exhibit.
4-Maximum of 3 works is allowed per artist, in any way such as the following: cartoon, caricatures and graphic story (the last one, not exceeding one page). Any technique is permitted including the computer generated.
5- Drawings containing text must be in Portuguese language.
6- Drawing size permitted are A4 (21 x 29,7 cm) and A3 (29,7 x 42 cm), originals (if send, by traditional mail), to:
FecoPortugal , Associacao de Cartoonistas, Rua do Alto Vieiro,
544, 2400-441 LEIRIA,Portugal

or by e-mail, using JPEG file at 300 dpi to:
7- Entry deadline is April 15 – 2009.
8- Drawings will be selected by a Jury composed by 5 elements. Afterwards all works will proceed to an open exhibit properly framed. A catalog is also available. Jury reserves the right to choose a set of works extra-catalog, to be exhibit as well. Non-selected works for the catalog will be mentioned at the same. Jury is composed by a FECO PORTUGAL member, Amnesty International member, one cartoonist, one cartoonist researcher and one writing author.
9- Every selected artist will be given one catalog copy.
10- Drawings sent by traditional mail, must contain the following information: artist’s name, complete address, telephone number and e-mail. If send by e-mail, same is applied as above in an attached file, such as Word.
11- Short curriculum must be included along with the proposed work in paper or computer file.
12- The exhibition will be inaugurated at the “Casa do Artista”
(Lisbon) at May 3rd, Freedom of Expression Day, complemented with other initiatives such as debates and retrospectives on Caricatures and Censorship. Exhibit is staying on place for about two weeks and after that, will go on an itinerancy, not exceeding eight months.
13- All originals will be returned as soon as itinerancy ends. The works send by e-mail, will not.
14 – Organization is not responsible for any damage caused to the works due to mishandle during transportation by mail.
15- Artist’s participation implies accepting the rules and surrender the works for advertising and promotional basis of the event and the catalog publishing as well as the exhibit itinerancy for the eight months as mentioned above. No payments will be made to the participants nor will either any profit result for the organization.

For more information

3rd International Exhibition CarCaricature – Zagreb 2009

3rd International Exhibition CarCaricature – Zagreb 2009

This year 3rd International Zagreb car caricature exhibition 2009 marks the 111th anniversary of the car’s first appearance in Croatia. The car was driven by Count Marko Bombelles to his home in Vinica near Varazdin.
Since those early days, in all its guises, the car has become an essential part of everyday life. “His Majesty”, the car, has become so necessary for work and play that it is difficult to imagine any activity which does not involve the use of an automobile. From basic functions such as travelling to and from work, to every other type economic, sport, cultural, political, recreational, tourist, health, military, police or “romantic” pursuit. It is omnipresent, ever desirable and IRREPLACEABLE! Life without a car is unimaginable. We ask ourselves how did we manage to live without the car for thousands of years.
What do we do with cars that are not in use anymore or are unusable – commonly known as car wrecks??? Those irresponsible throw them everywhere. They abandon all mighty cars in woods, rivers, lakes, seas, national parks and even on islands.
So our focus this year as well as a theme is going to be Car wrecks and Car waste.
With this theme we want to interest authors from around the world to warn public of a need to preserve nature and to change bad and unexpectable life style with the new one that respects basic principles of ecology. We are also joining the eco-action “Lets Clean Croatia from Car wrecks” – that was started by Zagreb’s photograph Romeo Ibrisevic. So far as a result of his initiative there was over 11.000 old cars removed from parks, woods, rivers, and lakes in Croatia.
Opening of 3rd exhibition will take place in Zagreb in a lobby of City Government on 5th of June as a part of World Environment Day celebration.
The right to healthy and clean environment according to Croatian constitution is undeniable right to every man, woman or a child. Last year June 5th World Environment Day echoed a message from Marijana Petir, Croatian Parliament Environmental Protection Committee Chairman, who warned everybody with her explicit message that everyone has to accept responsibility for their actions and that we have to change our living habits so Earth can stay, as it has been for thousands of years so far, place where we can live in accordance with nature so future generations can have the same quality of life we have had, if not even better.
This is fantastic opportunity for caricaturists from all around the world to “speak up” through their drawings and show advantages and disadvantages of their majesty – the Car.

A Note from the Organizers
1. All cartoonists (and those wishing to be one) on the planet Earth have the right to participate.
2. Each entrant may submit a maximum of 2 cartoons.
3. All cartoons must be made on either A4 or A5 paper size (but not smaller than A5 or bigger than A3).
4. Cartoons must be submitted on paper, (either drawn or as a computer print) and signed by the artist. Photocopies and other forms of duplication will not be accepted.
5. Cartoons will be exhibited following selection by the judges appointed by the Organizers, Huna d.o.o. Zagreb.
6. The Organizers will present the following awards:
GRAND PRIZE: 4,000 Eu or 30,000 Kn
1 PRIZE..1,000 Eu or 7,500 Kn
2 PRIZE. 800 Eu or 5,500 Kn
3 PRIZE..500 Eu or 3,500 Kn
Two special recognition prizes: each 300 or 2.200 Kn
In addition to monetary prizes, each winner will receive a certificate.
7. Each participant in the exhibition will be represented in the exhibition catalogue with one cartoon selected by the Organizers.
8. Every artist whose work is exhibited is entitled to a free copy of the exhibition catalogue.

9. The subject matter of the exhibition is: Our everyday car – Car waste and Car wreck.
10. Prizes will be awarded by a committee of at least seven persons, of whom five will be sponsor representatives and two will be experts appointed the Organizers.
11. Cartoons which are awarded prizes become the property of the sponsor awarding the prize to the artist or remain the property of the Organizers.
12. Cartoons which are not awarded prizes become the property of the Organizers or, at the explicit request of the artist, can be returned (on payment of shipping costs) or may be collected from Huna d.o.o. 30 days after the exhibition.
13. All exhibited artists give the right to the Organizers to use, publish and exhibit cartoons, without compensation or payment, for the promotion of future exhibitions and projects.
14. The Organizers reserve the right to utilize cartoons with third-parties to promote the artist and the exhibition.
15. By submitting cartoons to the 3rd International Car Caricature Exhibition Zagreb 2009 the artist agrees and accepts the terms of participation.
16. Cartoons will be accepted for inclusion in the exhibition until
24th of April 2009
 at the Organizers address:
 HUNA d.o.o. Srebrnjak 55, 10000 Zagreb Croatia
17. The exhibition will take place in a lobby of City Government on 5th of June – World Envi ronment Day.

6th Dinosaur Illustration International Contest, 2009

6th Dinosaur Illustration
International Contest, 2009

1. Theme: Dinosaurs and other extinct animals.
The illustrations may portray the animals as life-like appearance,
 including their natural habitat, or any found fossil remains.
2. Identification: The illustrations must have an accompanying
 document that clearly and unequivocally identifies the author
and contains the author�s name, age, e-mail, phone number,
postal address and country. The artwork�s title should include
the names of the depicted species.
3. Participation: Any person over 15 years of age, of Portuguese
 or other nationality may participate.
4. Sizes and techniques: The minimum admissible
size is 148 x 210 mm (5.83 x 8.27 inches).
There is no maximum size. Framed works are preferred,
 although the frame is optional. All illustration techniques
 and materials are accepted. The submission,
with the art work, of a CD with the digital version
of the art work is a positive valuation factor.
5. Digital imagery: Digital images must have a minimum definition of 300 dpi,
real size, uncompressed. In addition to the CD-ROM a printed
copy should be supplied. These materials will not be returned.
6. Art work selection criteria: The art works will be selected based
 on their scientific accuracy and on the quality of the employed techniques. Art work that has been submitted to previous editions of the DIIC is not admissible.
The following are preference criteria:
* Illustrations of Portuguese species
* Animals depicted as life-like appearance, set in their natural habitat.
7. Calendar:
* Submission of art work: up to May 31, 2009.
* Exhibition and announcement of contest winners: up to July 31, 2009.
8. Prizes: The prizes are monetary, in the Euro currency.
1st prize 1000 �
2nd prize 500 �
3rd prize 250 �
5 honorable mentions 50 � each

Two of the prizes are reserved for illustrations of fossils.
9. Sending the artwork: The artwork may be sent, at the author�s expense,
 by mail, or delivered in person to the Museu da Lourinh�.
Any artwork sent via e-mail will not be accepted.
Artwork can be sent to this postal address:
CIID 2009 – Museu da Lourinh�,
 Rua Jo�o Lu�s de Moura,
 95, 2530-158 Lourinh� PORTUGAL

1. GEAL – Museu da Lourinh� accepts no responsibility for any damage
or loss of materials sent to this contest.
Contestants should take good notice that when sending artwork
by mail good wrapping is essential. In previous editions of
the contest many works sent by mail were received in damaged condition.
2. In order to avoid heavy import taxes, contestants
are advised to declare the goods as �no commercial value�
and �bequest� or �loan�. The contest�s organization does
not pay for any import/export taxes.
10. Returning the artwork: The artworks will be returned
 starting in November 2009. Authors can retrieve them
at Museu da Lourinh� or they can be sent by mail.
The organization does not pay for any taxes or insurance
 nor for any return costs above �40,00 (Forty Euros).
11. Jury: The Jury members are Miguel Telles Antunes (paleontologist),
 Fernando Correia (biologist and scientific illustrator),
 Nuno Farinha (biologist and scientific illustrator),
Oct�vio Mateus (paleontologist, organizing committee),
Jos� Projecto (painter) and
Sim�o Mateus (illustrator, organizing committee).

The jury�s decision is final and can not be appealed.
The jury reserves the right to not awarding one or more
 of the prizes if the quality of the entries justifies it.
The contest will only take place if there is a minimum
of ten valid submissions.
12. Reproduction rights: When submitting artwork the author implicitly
accepts the present Regulations and gives to
GEAL – Museu da Lourinh� non-exclusive rights for reproducing
the artwork and advertise the contest, including,
but not exclusively, in books, through the Internet,
on promotional materials, editions, publications,
museum support and scientific studies,
while GEAL agrees to always reference the author in
 any utilization it makes of the artwork.

Organization: GEAL – Museu da Lourinh�
Rua Jo�o Lu�s de Moura, 95
2530-158 Lourinh� PORTUGAL

Tel.: [+351] 261 413 995
E-mail: geral@museulourinha.org

WEB: http://www.museulourinha.org/

Regulations in PDF

18th Daejeon International Cartoon Contest KOREA

18th Daejeon International
Cartoon Contest


1. This year’s contest comprises a theme section (titled Customs / Costume) and a Free section.

2. The size of works should be smaller than 297 mm�420 mm.

3. Any color, free style, and unlimited items.(+3 Works)

4. Each entrant should provide title, name, age, address, career, e-mail, and telephone number on reverse.

5. The deadline for entry is Jun. 30, 2009.

6. Entries should be addressed to the Daejeon International Cartoon Institute, 450, Wolpyeongdong, Daejeon, Seoul 302-280, Korea.

7. The most creative cartoon will win the Grand prize of $3,000, Gold prize of $1,000, Silver prize of $500, Bronze prize of $300, and 300 Selected
works will be awarded.

8. Exhibit the cartoons at the Daejeon Gallery in Oct. 2009.

9. Submitted cartoons will not be returned, but exhibited forever in Korean public halls, art galleries, & museums.

10. Your cartoon may be used for promotional purposes : cards, posters, catalogs, newspapers, magazine, and books etc.

From Dr.Lim, Cheong San, President of the Daejeon Int’l Cartoon Institute
450, Wolpyeongdong, Daejeon, Seoul 302-280, Korea
Tel: 82 (42) 255-9944, 487-5034 C.P: 82-11-425-6115
E-mail: dicaco@paran.com


China Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest 2009

China Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest 2009

1) Themes:
A) Global Financial Crisis
B) Free Theme
2)Hosts & Sponsors:
Hosts: Guangxi City College
Sponsors: FreeCartoonsWeb
3) Deadline:
Aug 28th, 2009 (The arrival of the works)
4) Entries:
(1) Size: A3(297mm
(2) Quantity: 6 pictures as the most for each person
(3) Works must be the hand drawing original by cartoonists, the ways of representation are free. Pictures with color or homophony are both allowed, it would be better if the works are good for exhibition. Computer working pictures are not accepted in this contest.
(4) Works must be drawn independently. The pictures which were rewarded will not be rewarded in this contest.
(5) Please sign the themes, author
s names, address& postal code, E-mail address at the back of the pictures.
5) Mail to:
(1) Mail address: Liang Ming
Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest Committee,
Fusui Stree, Fusui County,
Guangxi Province,532100

(2) Please mail the original works, recommend to use the big envelope. Do not pucker the pictures! Any production which is broken during mailing would not participate in the exhibition.
(3) Please fill in the blank of personal data, mail together with the works.
6) Jury & Secretariat Members:
President of Judgment Committee: Huang Qigong (China)
Members: Xia Dachuan (China), Massoud Shojai Tabatabai(Iran),
          Yuriy Kosobukin(Ukraine),Askin Ayrancioglu(Turky)
Secretary-general: Huang Qigong
Assistant S
ecretary-general: Jiang Lidong, Zhang Wei
7) Choosing and Presenting works:
The contest organization committee will invite the domestic and foreign renowned cartoonists to form the appraisal committee, who will discuss and elect the excellent works, simultaneously, they will host the corresponding evaluation work on the line too.
After the election had ended, we will invite the cartoonists who got the prizes and the appraisal committee to come to the Guangxi City College or the Guangxi Museum to attend the contest presentation ceremony, please pay attention to the announcement of media by the organization committee.
8) Copyrights:
Guangxi City College has the following rights to the participative works:
(1)The works will be displayed permanently on the website of Guangxi City College;
(2) The works can be collected
published, and displayed or auctioned in public;
(3) The works can be published in other media and publications;

(4) The organization unit can authorize others legitimate applications.
All participative authors regarded as tacitly approve this contest rule.
9) Awards:
Gold Medal (1 person): Bonus 18800 Yuan and certificate, picture album
Silver Medal (2 persons): Bonus 8800 Yuan and certificate, picture album
Copper Medal (4 persons): Bonus 3800 Yuan and certificate, picture album
Best Network Human Spirit Prize (1 person): Bonus 6800 Yuan and certificate, picture album
Excellent Prize (20 persons): Certificate, picture album
Being Selected (200 persons): Certificate, picture album
10) Contact:
Guangxi City College website:
Contest organization committee official website: www.gxccfy.com/cartoon Organization committee office email: cygjmh2007@163.com
Contest organization committee address:
Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest Organization Committee, Fusui road, Fusui , 532100 Guangxi , China (apart from Nanning international airport 28 kilometers)
Contact persons: Huang Qigong (telephone: 013878868045) (China)
Liang Ming (telephone: 015977689300) (China)
The application form downloading website:
1) www.newscartoon.com.cn
2) www.fcw.cn


Beijing Science Education Cartoon and Animation Creative Competition 2008 CHINA

Beijing Science Education
Cartoon and Animation
Creative Competition 2008

Deadline: Nov, 30 , 2009
Theme: Daily Lives

2008 Beijing Science Education Cartoon & Animation Creative
Competition has officially started on July 15, 2008.
Activities for the animation enthusiasts and the special organization.
We can improve our cultural qualities and bring honor to Olympic
 spirit with the lively works. Let us use this special form
to celebrate the Olympic Games.
Popular science is relevant to our life. With our country’s developing,
 we can improve citizen’s culture and promote popular science
 consciousness. This big game’s hold will be effective
in promoting the community as a whole atmosphere
of Popular Science. Hope you join us:


1- Organizational structure
Organizers: Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Association
Sponsor: Beijing Popular Science Development Center
Operating command: zhongman.com (Beijing Zhongyatu Culture Developing Co.,Ltd)
Support unit: China Central Academy of Fine Arts
The Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University
Film Art Academy of Shanghai
Shanghai Fantasia Animation Co., Ltd
Support media: �Dietetic Science� magazine

2- Theme
All of our daily lives include living, dining, travel, dress, sports,
automotive, environmental protection and current affairs are relevant
to popular science, which can be as creative themes.
 The participative author can play own imagination fully.

3- Date
Collection time : July 15th 2008 — November 30th 2008
Appraisal time : December 1st 2008 — December 20th,2008

4- Cartoon works request
The work can be Single cartoons, Four-frame comic strips,
Multi-grid comic and Illustrations
The size A4(21*29.7cm) is better. Picture is Tiff or Jpg ,
use Fountain pen except Colored and electronic form manuscript.
 Hand-painted need to preserve the original draft, after scanning,
you then upload the participation. Works resolution shall not
 be less than 300 dpi. If you submitted by mail,
please only use CD-ROMS and accessory detailed writing introduction,
 creativity explanation and so on . Do not accept a separate print version.

5- Animation Works request
The work can conclude Television animation,
Network animation, Flash animation
The work time length is not limit, Suggests
30 second – 3 minute. Flash animation work must submit SWF and FLA
 source document. 3-D animation works should submit MOV form.
Select a representative picture and interception
a part as work index image. ( size: 130*100 form is better, tiff
 and jpg form each, Size: below 20k).
 If you submitted by mail, please only use CD-ROMS and accessory
 detailed writing introduction, creativity explanation and so on .

The participative work must be from the participants or collective creativity.
If discovered that plagiarizes and encroaches other people’s
 property right. Plagiarist will be disqualified.

6. Prize
First prize: one ,10000 RMB with certificate and awarding cup
Second prize: four, 5000 RMB with certificate and rewarding cup
Third prize: six, 2000 RMB with certificate and awarding cup
The cartoon and the animation have the reward below:
Best creativity prize : one , 6000 RMB with certificate and awarding cup
Best technical prize: one, 6000 RMB with certificate and awarding cup
Popularity for the best: one, 6000 RMB with certificate and awarding cup
Nomination prize : Animation, cartoon each 100 people,
 with certificate, awarding cup and Souvenirs
Organization prize: Five units , with certificate, awarding cup and Souvenirs
(No taxes)

7- Appraisal
[1]. Initial assessment: Works by the organizing committee to review .The standard into the next round of competition.
[2]. Short listed assessment: According to the jury and the public to vote on the assessment works. Selected 100 works and Short listed both will receive awards nominations.
[3]. Final assessment: According to the jury and the public to vote the final assessment works. All the assessment works will be exhibit on the Beijing Technical magazine and other websites. Submission outstanding works will be published on www.zhongman.com
and other media to exhibit and promotion.

8- Submission way:
[1]. Email submissions : Sent to kepumanhua@zhongman.com
. In the email, clearly filled in, including name, address, phone number and email.
[2]. Letter submissions
WeiBohao 6-3-1101,
Weigongcun Street #1,
Haidian District, Beijing, China
Postcode: 100081

Phone: 010-88571219/88572986
Note: When mail please write “participates in 2008
Beijing science Education Cartoon & Animation Creative Competition work”

9- Copyright Statements:
The organization has the right to publish all the submitting
 work both on internet and on paper. The authors have
the right to sign their names. The selecting committee
has the right to interpret all the items above.
All the submitting works will not be returned to their authors.

for more information





G. Niza
Brazilcartoon / Journalist

BC: How was the creation of Brazilcartoon?
LEITE: I only do things that I believe. I create; I design and produce, always with great dedication and pleasure. I was lucky to do and see two beautiful children born: one is Maria Clara and the other is Brazilcartoon. The two birthdays are almost at the same time. The Brazilcartoon arose from the desire I had to see everyone together in a democratic space where the key to join is talent.

BC: The Brazilcartoon has become a meeting point for cartoonists and national and international public, in addition to daily news, interviews, scrapbook, competitions and shows results of competitive. The portal also offers space to display portfolios of the cartoonists already established and new practitioners. How do you see all this happening?
LEITE: I am happy in life! It is very rewarding to follow the evolution and recognition of Brazilcartoon. I see the benefit that the portal has provided for many talented people. We found a way to benefit despite the distances of kilometers from the cartoonists. Daily we receive emails from various continents and found that Brazilcartoon is not our but of the world. The cartoonists involved are the fuel for the portal does not stop.

BC: You have won many national and international awards. And currently, which has you participated?
LEITE: I love to attend and when I participate, I send well prepared works with good ideas, which requires time and inspiration. Currently my time to create drawings of humor has remained small due the high demand as a creation director of the advertising agency and director of photography of the video producing. I’m still working at the State University of Montes Claros – Unimontes and I’m editing the Brazilcartoon daily with the team. But even with the shortage of time I want to participate in future contests.

BC: How was the invitation to integrate part of the jury in this important Irancartoon Hall of humor?
That is a great responsibility being jury member. Judge a cartoon and say if it is good or bad, if it deserves reward or not. This requires a lot of maturity, knowledge of cartoon and a sense of justice. And being an event organized by Irancartoon doubles the responsibility, because I have great affection and respect by Massoud and his team. The events organized by them are of great quality. And it is an honor to me to be part of the two big names Leng Mu China – (Director of the website: www.googlm.com) and Karayel Erdogan – Turkey (Director www.donquichotte.org).

BC: What did you think of the car cartoons and the car theme?
LEITE: The findings are the basis of human evolution and the invention of the wheel has to reach to the creation of the car which is now essential to man. The car allows traveling long distances giving humans an idea of greater freedom. It is a pity that this wonderful invention is also a major responsibility for the issue of urban pollution. The issue car is good to work because it opens a range of possibilities and it avoids the possibility of many cartoons with similar ideas. The exhibition of cartoons in the two categories is in high level. Good ideas and high quality graphics. This further increases the challenge to the jury.

BC: What Irancartoon represents in the scenario of the design of humor?
LEITE: I have always been a fan of the wide Irancartoon content and the quality of the event they promote. I had as reference Irancartoon and Syriacartoon to create brazilcartoon. It is good to learn with great references for the success of the project. And we have done that.




Karikatür Vakfý tarafýndan düzenlenen 15.Uluslararasi Ankara Karikatür Festivali
7-17 yaþ grubu çocuklar için yapýlmaktadýr.
Yerli ve yabancý karikatür ustalarýnýn katkýlarýyla 14 yýldýr süregelen festivalin amacý
yerli, yabancý karikatürcüleri çocuklarla kaynaþtýrmak, onlarýn çocuklar için çizdikleri karikatürleri ve
çocuklarýn çizdikleri karikatürleri festival sýrasýnda birarada sergilemektir.
Festival kapsamýnda yer alan Uluslararasý 7-77 Karikatür Yarýþmasý
yarýnýn büyükleri çocuklara karikatürü sevdirmek, mizah duyarlýlýðýnýn geliþimine katkýda bulunmak,
onlarýn dünyalarýný karikatürlerle zenginleþtirmek amacýyla düzenlendi ve yarýþmaya
67 ülkenin karikatür ustalarý çocuklar için toplam 908 karikatür çizip gönderdiler.
Karikatüristler Tan Oral, Willem Rasing (Hollanda), Prof. Atila Özer, Ýzel Rozental,
Ercan Akyol, Kamil Masaracý, Prof. Dr. Efser Kerimoðlu (Psikiyatrist) ve
Nezih Danyal’dan oluþan yarýþma jürisi Mehmet Altuð‘un (Samsun)  
karikatürünü 2000$’lýk ‘7-77 Ödülü’ne uygun buldu.
Yine festival kapsamýnda yer alan çocuklar arasýndaki kardeþlik, sevgi,
dostluk baðlarýný geliþtirmek ve onlarý barýþçýl bir geleceðe hazýrlamak amacýyla
düzenlenen ’23 NÝSAN 80 YAÞINDA’ konulu Ulusal 7-17 Karikatür Yarýþmasý’na
ülkemizin çeþitli kentlerinden çocuklar toplam 989 karikatur çizip gönderdiler.
Yarýþma jürisi Zeynep Mercan‘ýn (Ýstanbul) karikatürünü 1.000 TL’lik 7-17 Ödülü’ne uygun buldu.
Karikatürcüler ödüllerini 17 Nisan Cuma günü Saat: 11.00 de
Kumrular caddesi 26/A adresindekiKarikatür Vakfý Gelerisi’nde yapýlacak.
15.Uluslararasi Ankara Karikatür Festivali açýlýþ töreninde alacaklar.