Beijing Science Education Cartoon and Animation Creative Competition 2008 CHINA

Beijing Science Education
Cartoon and Animation
Creative Competition 2008

Deadline: Nov, 30 , 2009
Theme: Daily Lives

2008 Beijing Science Education Cartoon & Animation Creative
Competition has officially started on July 15, 2008.
Activities for the animation enthusiasts and the special organization.
We can improve our cultural qualities and bring honor to Olympic
 spirit with the lively works. Let us use this special form
to celebrate the Olympic Games.
Popular science is relevant to our life. With our country’s developing,
 we can improve citizen’s culture and promote popular science
 consciousness. This big game’s hold will be effective
in promoting the community as a whole atmosphere
of Popular Science. Hope you join us:


1- Organizational structure
Organizers: Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Association
Sponsor: Beijing Popular Science Development Center
Operating command: (Beijing Zhongyatu Culture Developing Co.,Ltd)
Support unit: China Central Academy of Fine Arts
The Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University
Film Art Academy of Shanghai
Shanghai Fantasia Animation Co., Ltd
Support media: �Dietetic Science� magazine

2- Theme
All of our daily lives include living, dining, travel, dress, sports,
automotive, environmental protection and current affairs are relevant
to popular science, which can be as creative themes.
 The participative author can play own imagination fully.

3- Date
Collection time : July 15th 2008 — November 30th 2008
Appraisal time : December 1st 2008 — December 20th,2008

4- Cartoon works request
The work can be Single cartoons, Four-frame comic strips,
Multi-grid comic and Illustrations
The size A4(21*29.7cm) is better. Picture is Tiff or Jpg ,
use Fountain pen except Colored and electronic form manuscript.
 Hand-painted need to preserve the original draft, after scanning,
you then upload the participation. Works resolution shall not
 be less than 300 dpi. If you submitted by mail,
please only use CD-ROMS and accessory detailed writing introduction,
 creativity explanation and so on . Do not accept a separate print version.

5- Animation Works request
The work can conclude Television animation,
Network animation, Flash animation
The work time length is not limit, Suggests
30 second – 3 minute. Flash animation work must submit SWF and FLA
 source document. 3-D animation works should submit MOV form.
Select a representative picture and interception
a part as work index image. ( size: 130*100 form is better, tiff
 and jpg form each, Size: below 20k).
 If you submitted by mail, please only use CD-ROMS and accessory
 detailed writing introduction, creativity explanation and so on .

The participative work must be from the participants or collective creativity.
If discovered that plagiarizes and encroaches other people’s
 property right. Plagiarist will be disqualified.

6. Prize
First prize: one ,10000 RMB with certificate and awarding cup
Second prize: four, 5000 RMB with certificate and rewarding cup
Third prize: six, 2000 RMB with certificate and awarding cup
The cartoon and the animation have the reward below:
Best creativity prize : one , 6000 RMB with certificate and awarding cup
Best technical prize: one, 6000 RMB with certificate and awarding cup
Popularity for the best: one, 6000 RMB with certificate and awarding cup
Nomination prize : Animation, cartoon each 100 people,
 with certificate, awarding cup and Souvenirs
Organization prize: Five units , with certificate, awarding cup and Souvenirs
(No taxes)

7- Appraisal
[1]. Initial assessment: Works by the organizing committee to review .The standard into the next round of competition.
[2]. Short listed assessment: According to the jury and the public to vote on the assessment works. Selected 100 works and Short listed both will receive awards nominations.
[3]. Final assessment: According to the jury and the public to vote the final assessment works. All the assessment works will be exhibit on the Beijing Technical magazine and other websites. Submission outstanding works will be published on
and other media to exhibit and promotion.

8- Submission way:
[1]. Email submissions : Sent to
. In the email, clearly filled in, including name, address, phone number and email.
[2]. Letter submissions
WeiBohao 6-3-1101,
Weigongcun Street #1,
Haidian District, Beijing, China
Postcode: 100081

Phone: 010-88571219/88572986
Note: When mail please write “participates in 2008
Beijing science Education Cartoon & Animation Creative Competition work”

9- Copyright Statements:
The organization has the right to publish all the submitting
 work both on internet and on paper. The authors have
the right to sign their names. The selecting committee
has the right to interpret all the items above.
All the submitting works will not be returned to their authors.

for more information