The 11th Tehran International Cartoon Biennial, Iran-2017

The 11th Tehran International Cartoon Biennial, Iran-2017
Sections and Subjects: 
Thematic Cartoon: Safety and Security
Cartoon : Free
Caricature: World Famous People (Actors, Athletes, Politicians ,…)
– Each Participant can send at least 5 artworks to each section
– Sent artworks should not have won any prize before
– Sent artworks should not be published in the catalogs of this biennial before
– Original artworks must be sent via post 
– Digital artworks must be emailed in png or jpg format, 300 dpi resolution and 2000 pixel width or length
– Minimum size of original artworks must be A4 and maximum A3
– Name , full name, phone number, email address and postal address must be written at the back of original artworks.
– A word file containing full name, postal address, email address, phone number, photo and CV is kindly needed.
– A volume of the Catalog will be sent to the artists whose artworks have been published in 
Grand Prize:(Thematic section) 8000$ with Trophy and Honorable Mention
First Prizes in each section: 2000$ with Trophy and Honorable Mention
Second Prize in each section: 1500$ with Trophy and Honorable Mention
Third Prize in each section:1000$ with Trophy and Honorable Mention

Deadline: 20th April 2017

Mail address:
Iranian house of cartoon, No 44, after Ahmadi Roshan(ketabi) square, west Golnabi st., Shariati st., Tehran, Iran

Email address for sending digital artworks:

Tel: + 98 21 22 86 86 00
Fax: + 98 21 22 84 69 28

The 1st Global Cartoon Festival On Safe Community-2017

The 1st Global Cartoon Festival On Safe Community-2017

 Simultaneously With The International Conference On Safe Community, Mashhad 2017, 

 The First Global Caricature Festival Will Be Held. The Following Topics Are Covered In The Festival:

1.Safety And Urban Transportation

-Making Sidewalks Safe

-Making Urban Streets Safe

-Clean And Safe Transportation

-Vehicle Safety And Standards

-Traffic Rules And Safe Community

 2. Health, Hygiene, And Safe Community

-Trauma Care

-Providing Health Services For Prevention And Control Of Health Disorders

-Safe Community And Mental Health

-Nutrition And Safe Community

3.Safety In Public Places And Urban Environments

-The Promotion Of Safety In Environment With An Emphasis On Innovative Approaches (Especially In Schools, Places Of Worship, Etc.)

– The Role Of Ergonomics And Environmental Health In Creating A Safe Community

 4.Safety And Municipal Services

-The Role Of Municipal Services In Creating A Safe City

-Environment And Safe Community

5.Safety In Urban Design And Urbanization

-Townscape, Visual Comfort, And Mental Health

-Planning And Urban Design Indicators Which Are Effective In The Promotion Of Citizen’s Safety

-The Role Of Urban Lighting And Safety Lighting Design In The Safety Of The City

-Making The Municipal Utilities Safe In Order To Prevent Accidents

 6.Information Technology (IT), Communications, Smartization, And Safe Community

-The Use Of IT And Communication Technology In Detecting, Recording And Analyzing Events Data

-Smartization And Safe Community

– The Role Of IT, Communications, Smartization, And Safe Community

 7.The Culture Of Citizenship And Safe Community

– Citizenship Education And Its Role In Safe Community

– Safe Culture And Citizens’ Role In The Promotion Of Safety In The Community

– Citizenship Rights And Safe Community

-Religious Teachings And Safe Community

 8.Safety Risk Management

-The Indicators Of Urban Disaster Risk Management

-Urban Risk Prevention Strategies

-Primary And Secondary Risks Posed By Climate Change In Cities

Theme: What Will The Future Cities Look Like?

 The Conditions Of Participations:

– The Artists Should Send Their Personal Data Forms And Artworks To The Festival Secretariat Email

– The Artworks, Awarded In Other Festivals Or Competitions, Are Not Accepted And They Will Be Rejected In The Judgment Stage

– The Organizers Of The Contest Are Allowed To Use All The Artworks For Advertising The Safe Community Issues

– The File Should Be In JPG Or PNG Format, 2000 Pixel, And 300DPI

–          The Artworks Entered The Exhibition Will Be Published In A Festival Book, And The Artists Creating Those Artworks Will Receive A Copy Of The Book

Festival Prizes:

The First Winner: 1500 $, Trophy, And Honorable Mention

The Second Winner: 1000$, Trophy, And Honorable Mention

The Third Winner: 750$, Trophy, And Honorable Mention

Send Your Works : Email:

Deadline: 23 February, 2017

The Festival & Exhibition Date: 6-8 March, 2017
Telephone And Fax: 00985138412321

Secretariat Address:
Safe Community Conference Office, Charsoogh1, Art Center, Koohsangi Park, Mashhad, Iran.


Entry Form

1. Uluslararasý Yeþilay Karikatür Yarýþmasý 2016, Ýstanbul, Türkiye

1. Uluslararasý Yeþilay Karikatür Yarýþmasý 2016, Ýstanbul, Türkiye

Yeþilay, kamuoyunun ve özellikle gençlerin baðýmlýlýklara karþý düþünmeleri ve refleks geliþtirmeleri için çalýþmalarýný tüm hýzýyla sürdürüyor. Bu amaçla iletiþim alanlarýný da etkin bir þekilde kullanan Yeþilay, baðýmlýlýk konulu uluslararasý bir karikatür yarýþmasý düzenliyor.

Yeþilay, “baðýmlýlýklardan uzak, saðlýklý bir hayat” mesajlarýnýn mizah aracýlýðýyla aktarýlmasýna yönelik olarak bu yýl ilkini gerçekleþtireceði “Uluslararasý Yeþilay Karikatür Yarýþmasý”ný düzenliyor.

Yarýþma ile evrensel dil olan karikatür aracýlýðýyla kamuoyunun ve gençlerin baðýmlýlýklara karþý düþünmeleri ve refleks geliþtirmeleri amaçlanýyor. Baðýmlýlýk konulu yarýþmada; uyuþturucu madde, tütün, alkol, teknoloji, kumar baðýmlýlýðý gibi alt baþlýklarýn yaný sýra sanatçýlarýn, baðýmlýlýklarýn insana ve topluma verdiði zararlara da deðinmesi bekleniyor.

En iyi 6 eser ödüllendiriliyor
Yarýþma birincisi 3 bin dolar ve baþarý plaketi, baþarýlý bulunan 5 yarýþmacý ise 500 dolar ve baþarý plaketi ile ödüllendirilecek. Katýlým için yaþ sýnýrýnýn bulunmadýðý yarýþmaya gönderilecek eserlerin daha önce ödül almamýþ ve baþka bir yerde yayýnlanmamýþ olmasý gerekiyor. Katýlýmcýlar en çok 3 eserle yarýþmaya katýlabiliyor. Sözel veya yazýlý anlatým yerine daha çok görsel anlatýmýn ön planda tutulmasý istenen eserlerde, A4 veya A3 boyutlarýnda, siyah – beyaz veya renkli (300dpi), yazý gerekli ise Türkçe ve Ýngilizce dillerinde olma koþullarý aranýyor.

Yarýþma jürisinde, Karikatürcüler Derneði Baþkaný Metin Peker ve Yeþilay Bilim Kurulu Baþkaný Prof. Dr. Peyami Çelikcan’ýn yaný sýra karikatürist Gürbüz Doðan Ekþioðlu, Muhittin Köroðlu ve Ýranlý Mehdi Azizi yer alýyor. Yarýþmaya katýlan eserler; sanatsal nitelik olarak 25 puan, konuya uygun mizahi yönüne 25 puan, eserde yansýtýlan konunun günlük yaþamla iliþkili toplumsal ve kültürel etki gücüne ise 50 tam puan verilerek deðerlendirmeye alýnacak.

Katýlým için son tarih 20 Kasým!

Yarýþmaya katýlmak isteyenlerin, sanatçý katýlma formu ile birlikte, belirtilen ölçülerdeki en fazla 5 MB ve JPG formatýndaki eserlerini 20 Kasým 2016 tarihine kadar adresine göndermeleri gerekiyor. 

Ýsteyen sanatçýlar ise karikatürlerini, katýlým formu ile birlikte;
Uluslararasý Yeþilay Karikatür Yarýþmasý, 
Sepetçiler Kasrý, 
Sirkeci 34110 
Ýstanbul, Türkiye 
adresine posta yoluyla gönderebilecekler.

Yeþilay, alkollü içkilerle mücadele amacýyla 5 Mart 1920’de Ýstanbul’da "Hilal-i Ahdar" adýyla kurulmuþtur.

Yeþilay, yurdumuzda ahlâkî ve kültürel bir kalkýnma atmosferi içinde; tütün, alkol ve madde baðýmlýlýðý gibi toplumun ve gençliðin beden ve ruh saðlýðýný tahrip eden baðýmlýlýklar yanýnda, kumar, internet ve teknoloji baðýmlýlýðý gibi gençliðe ve topluma zarar veren bütün zararlý alýþkanlýklarla mücadele etmek, milli kültürüne baðlý nesiller yetiþtirmek amacý ile kurulmuþtur. Yeþilay, bu çerçevede baðýmlýlýklarla mücadele etmek üzere, toplumun bilinç, güç ve kaynaklarýný harekete geçirir; insan onur ve saygýnlýðýnýn korunmasý doðrultusunda her koþulda, yerde ve zamanda desteðe muhtaç insanlara yardým eder; toplumun baðýmlýlýklarla mücadele kapasitesinin geliþtirilmesine sürekli katkýda bulunur. Bu amaç doðrultusunda ulusal ve uluslararasý kamu, özel ve sivil toplum kuruluþlarýyla gerekli iþbirliði ve ortak çalýþma organizasyonlarýný geliþtirir.

1. Uluslararasý Yeþilay Karikatür Yarýþmasý 2016 Teknik Þartnamesi

Amaç: Uluslararasý Yeþilay Karikatür Yarýþmasýyla; mizahýn yani gülen düþüncenin ve onun evrensel dili olan karikatürün, baðýmlýlýklardan uzak bir dünyanýn kurulmasý yolunda mizahi bir araç olarak kullanýlmasý, kamuoyunun özellikle de gençlerin baðýmlýlýklara karþý düþünmelerini ve refleks geliþtirmelerini saðlanýlmasý amaçlanmýþtýr. Yaþ sýnýrlamasý olmaksýzýn herkese açýk bir yarýþmadýr.

Konu: Baðýmlýlýklar (Uyuþturucu madde, tütün, alkol, teknoloji, kumar baðýmlýlýðý) ve insana/topluma verdiði zararlar

Teknik Özellikler
Sayý: En çok 3 eser gönderilebilir, ödül almamýþ olmak þartýyla baþka yerde yayýnlanmýþ eserler katýlabilir.
Boyut: A4 veya A3
Teknik: Siyah beyaz veya renkli / 300 dpi

Dil: Türkçe veya Ýngilizce (Gerektiði halde yazý kullanýlacaktýr. Ancak sözel/yazýlý deðil görsel anlatým ön planda tutulacaktýr)
Yeþilay yarýþmaya katýlan karikatürleri istediði mecrada kullanabilir. Bu eserler için herhangi bir telif hakký doðurmaz.

Büyük Ödül 3,000 $ + Plaket
Baþarý Ödülü 500 $ + Plaket (5 adet)

Metin Peker / Karikatürcüler Derneði Baþkaný
Gürbüz Doðan Ekþioðlu / Karkatürist
Muhittin Köroðlu / Karikatürist
Mehdi Azizi / Karikatürist (Ýran)
Peyami Çelikcan / Yeþilay Bilim Kurulu Baþkaný

Sanatçý katýlma formu ile birlikte karikatürlerini A4 veya A3 ölçülerinde 300 dpi olacak þekilde en fazla 5 MB, JPG formatýnda en geç 20 Kasým 2016 tarihine kadar adresine göndermelidir.

Ýsteyen sanatçýlar karikatürlerini Katýlým Formu ile birlikte postada zarar görmeyecek þekilde Uluslararasý Yeþilay Karikatür Yarýþmasý, Sepetçiler Kasrý, Sirkeci 34110 Ýstanbul / Türkiye adresine posta yoluyla da gönderebilir.


Son Baþvuru Tarihi: 20 Kasým 2016
Ýletiþim e-mail:



8th International Tourism Cartoon Competition – 2016


Satýr içi resim 1

8th International Tourism Cartoon Competition – 2016


International Tourism Cartoon Competition is held with the cooperation of Association of Tourism Writers and Journalists (TUYED) and Anatolia: A Journal of Tourism Research. The objective of the competition, which was first held in 2009, is to examine tourism, which is one of the biggest sectors in the world, with its various dimensions.


Theme: Future of Tourism.



Adult Category: This category is open for the all of cartoonists who are 17 and older. Category should be noted when cartoons are submitting. Grand award, second award, third award, 
Professor Atila Özer recognition award and three mansions will be given in this section. Finalist cartoons in this section will be published in the album.

Young Category: This category is open for the cartoonists who are 16 and younger. Category should be noted when cartoons are submitting. Grand award and two achievement awards will be given in this section. Finalist cartoons in this section will be published in the album.


Evaluation Declarations

1.       Works submitted to the competition will be evaluated in two stages.

2.       In the first stage, all the works will be pre-evaluated at a meeting held by Pre-Evaluation Selection Committee members. At the end of this meeting, finalist works will be determined. No more than 1/5 of the works submitted to the competition will be taken for further evaluation.

3.       Before continuing with the second stage, finalist works will be announced on the internet between 1st and 10th February 2017. Similar and copy works, plagiarism, previously awarded works, and other objections will be decided by the Pre-Evaluation Selection Committee members and due to the reasonable objections, on which the committee will reach a consensus, related works will be eliminated.

4.       At the second stage, finalist works will be re-evaluated by Final Selection Committee Members. This time, evaluation will be done in two sub-stages. In the first stage, the number of finalist woks will be reduced to 45-50 and, in the last stage, winners will be determined.

5.       Evaluation of the submitted works will be done based on three critical issues mentioned below.

·         Selection and convenience of the topic,

·         Quality of humor,

·         Originality of drawing.

Important Dates


First Announcement: July 2016

Deadline for Submission: 31 December 2016

Meeting of the Selection Committee: 21 January 2017

Announcement of finalist cartoons (for possible objections): February 1-10, 2017

Notification of Winners               : April 2017

Award Ceremony: April 2017


Category of Adult Cartoonýsts



The Grand Award

All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons)

The Second Award

All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons)

The Third Award

All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons)

Professor Atila Özer Recognition Award

All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons)

Three Mansions



Category of Young Cartoonýsts



The Grand Award

All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons)

Two Achievement Awards




Nazmi KOZAK, Ph.D.
Anadolu University,
Faculty of Tourism
Yunus Emre Campus,
26470 Eskisehir/TURKEY
Tel:  90 (222) 335-0580/2133
Fax:  90 (222) 335-6651
Gsm:  90 (532) 286-7584

9th Fadjr International Festival of Visual Arts February 2017, Tehran Museum of Contomperary Arts

9th Fadjr International Festival of Visual Arts
February 2017, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Arts, Tehran, Iran


Center for Visual Arts of Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance in collaboration with the Institute for Development of Contemporary Visual Arts will hold The 9th Fadjr International Festival of Visual Arts with the aim of introducing the pure ideas and novel and creative art and research creations in February 2017.
The Festival Organizers hereby invite all artists and researchers throughout the world to participate in this artistic event.
The Festival approach:
The Festival approach is to introduce those works which are performed with new and interactive capabilities in the form of utilizing one or more visual arts field and which show a pure idea as well as an artistic concept.
Method, technique and number of works:
1. To be contemporary, novel and interactive are the basic criteria for the works‘ selection.
2. Subject, technique and method of presentation are free.
3. The space for presentation of volumetric works and arrangement at the exhibition shall be a maximum of 300×300×300 cm.
4. Each artist can participate at the exhibition with maximum 3 works or projects (or combination of both). If a number of works are shown in one composition, arrangement, figure or structure, they shall be considered as parts of one project.
5. Maximum one work or project will be selected from each selected artist.
6. The works submitted to the Festival must new and not submitted to the previous Fadjr Visual Arts Festival.
7. The illustration, calligraphy, ceramic, photography, cartoon, graphic, volumetric and sculptures, paintings, Persian painting, new arts, etc. will be accepted in single media or mixed media form.
Method for submission and selection of the works:
1. Registration, application for participation and submission of a photo of the work will be through the festival web site at:
2. Minimum size of the file should be 1 and maximum 4 MB.
3. All applicants are required to register their resume and their three previous works at the Festival web site.
4. The applicants have to send a statement expressing and explaining their idea and work along with their files. This statement should not exceed the maximum of 100 words.
5. The selection will be carried out in two stages: 1. Art council shall review the resume, photo of the work and statement to choose the selected works and artists. Then the results will be informed to the artists. 2. The selected artists, in interaction with the Art Council, will prepare the final work and submit it to the Festival’s Secretariat. The superior works will be selected by a group of seven juries including the representatives of members of art council and international juries.
1. The sum of US$250 will be paid to every artist whose works are selected at the Festival as a grant for preparing and presenting the work.
2. 10 works will be selected from the selected ones by the juries and each artist will be awarded the Golden Tooba, plaque of honor and US$ 3000 in cash.
3. Certificate of participation and the Festival Proceedings will be presented to all artists admitted in the exhibition.
4. The selected artists shall be invited to Iran. The costs of travel to and from Iran shall be borne by the artists, while the Festival’s organizers shall pay for the costs of 4 days accommodation. Invitation will be sent to selected artists to participation in the prize award ceremony.
The Festival Organization:
Secretary General: Mojtaba Aghaei
Art Secretary: Jamshid Haghighatshenas
Executive Secretary: Abdulrahim Siahkarzadeh
Art Council: Mahnoush Moshiri, Mohammad Bagher Aghamiri, Kambiz Drambakhsh, Ali Shirazi, nader Qashghaei, asghar kafshchian Moghadam, Reza Yasavoli, Mehran Houshyar, S. Nezamoddin Emamifar, Mojtaba Aghaei and Jamshid Haghighatshenas.
Secretary of International Affairs: Shaban Azadi
Terms of Conditions and regulations:
1. The Festival is open to all artists and researchers without any limitations.
2. Preparing, presenting and exhibiting constitute a part of the overall work and shall be the responsibility of the artist.
3. Shipment, transportation and execution of the works at the exhibition are the responsibility of the artist.
4. The Festival’s Secretariat shall have the right to utilize the works in printed and information media, cultural advertisement and exhibition in Iran and abroad subject to mentioning the name of the artist.
5. The Secretariat has no liability for damages caused by improper packing and posting.
6. The final decision about unforeseen events shall be the responsibility of the Festival’s Secretary General.
7. For more information, please refer to Festival web site:
Festival Calendar:
1. October 15, 2016, call for entries and registration through the web site
2. December 11, 2016, 12 P.M., deadline for registration in the web site 
3. December 14-22 2016, preliminary selection of the works 
4. December 22, 2016, results notification of the preliminary selection of the works
5. December 24-January 5, 2017, receiving the selected works from the artists
6. January 7-11 2017, final selection of the works 
7. January 11, 2017, notification of the final results of those works entered in the exhibition
8. February 2017, Festival’s date 
Venue of the Festival:
Tehran Museum of Contemporary Arts
Address & contact of the Festival’s Permanent Secretariat:
No. 17, Shahid Sadoughi Lane, Opposite Laleh Park, above Keshavarz Blv., North Kargar St., Tehran, Iran
P.C: 1418693541
Cell phone: +98-9121306179

The Third International Grand Award Of “Down With Usa”

The Third International Grand Award Of “Down With Usa”

Photograph, Poster, Cartoon
* US & Human Rights
* US & Oppression
* US & Democracy
* US & Dictatorship
* US & Freedom of Speech
* US & 99% Movement (Wall Street)
* US & Supporting Terrorism
* There Is No Time Limitation For The Works And All The Works Which Are Sent Up To The Deadline Will Be Participated In Festival.
* The Format Of Graphics Works Should Be JPG In A3 Size And Maximum 5 Mg.
* The Format Of Photographs Should Be JPG And Maximum 5 Mg.
* The Format Of Cartoons Should Be JPG And Maximum 5 Mg.
* All The Works Will Be Presented To The Participants In Books, Will Be Shown In The Exhibitions And …
November,03, 2016
First Place In Each Part: 2,500 EUR
Second Place In Each Part: 1,250 EUR
Third Place In Each Part: 500 EUR
Jitet Koestana-Indonesia,Hicabi Demirci-Turkey & Mahmood Nazari-Iran

The 2nd International Competition Of “Research Technology & Innovation In The Eyes Of Photographers

The 2nd International Competition Of “Research Technology & Innovation In The Eyes Of Photographers & Cartoonists”

Secretariat Of  The Science Council, Research And Technology And Science Policy Research Center Of Iran To Identify Achievements, Challenges And Opportunities Of Research Technology And Innovation Field In The Eyes Of Photographers And Cartoonists Holds The Second Completion Of “Research, Technology And Innovation In The Eyes Of Photographers And Cartoonists”.

Festival Organizer Invites All Of Interested, Students And Professionals Around The World To Participate In This Competition.

Theme :

Challenges And Opportunities Of Research, Technology And Innovation


Each Participant Can Send Up To 5 Cartoons.

Must Send His (Full Name, Post Address, Email Address& Phone Number) Via Word File.

Send Cartoons Must Be 200 Dpi Resolutions, Width Or Length 2000 Pixel & Jpg Format.

Send Cartoons Must Not Be Won A Prize Before.


Five 1000 $ For Five Cartoonists With Five Honorable Mentions


20 November 2016

Cartoon Must Be Sending To:




   R U L E S


   1.    The contest is open to professional or amateur artists from anywhere in the world. You must be at least 18 to participate.


   2.    All work submitted must be completely original and unpublished. No entries can simultaneously participate in any other contest or event.


   3.    The idea to be developed as a cartoon is this year’s theme for La Ciudad de las Ideas Festival:


   Play the Game




We have many years, many ink occupied pointing out what is wrong with the world and everything remains the same. Many times we make a drawing with the idea that it will make a change of consciousness in someone, in somewhere, will make a change, a difference. In this edition of the Festival of brilliant minds we want to know something different, what would you do to win? win peace, win more love in the world, win economic stability, win global equity, win empathy, win respect, win social growth, personal , politic, win in everything that you perceive that we are losing as humanity.

A game has players, rules, you can win and lose in some way, what do you propose that our game is TO WIN? In which ways can we win? or maybe to win, should we lose something ?, What should we lose that leads us to win? What games should we be playing to win? …. And what are we going to win?


   Play the Game


   Give us your views on, or your answer to this question, (or even another question) in a cartoon. Entries will be judged, among other things, on the    following: ability to approach the core theme of the contest, creativity and mastery of the technique(s) used in the creation of the cartoon you submit.


   *The organization reserves the right to eliminate from the contest any work it deems offensive, or contrary to human rights.


   4.    Contestants are limited to only 3 cartoons (authors who send in more than three will be disqualified). Entries may be submitted via the official webpage of the Ciudad de las Ideas Festival.


   5.    All techniques are eligible (digital or manual, color or b&w.)


   6.    Cartoons may be submitted in a size proportional to 21cm x 29cm, but not larger than that. Digital entries must be submitted in a resolution no less than    300dpi but not greater than 10Mb.


   7.    If you mail the original version of your cartoon, please do so in a closed envelope together with the following information:


       Full name of the author and pseudonym:

       Photo or self-portrait cartoon of the author:

   • Address:

   • Telephone:

   • E-mail:

   • Nationality:

   • Title of each cartoon:

   • Is this the first time you participate?:

   • Brief biographical summary (CV, maximum 15 lines).


   8.    Contestants must sign to certify they accept the potential use of their work. If you send your entry online, fill out the form and click on the acceptance    box; if you send your entry by mail, include and sign a printout of the following legend:


   “I, (name of the author), certify that I am the author of this entry that I hereby submit to the 2016 La Ciudad de las Ideas contest, ‘Play the Game’    I, (name of the author), accept that by submitting this entry in accordance to the rules of the contest, I am allowing Poder Cívico, A.C. to use it for the    purposes it deems pertinent.”

   SIGNATURE: ________________________

   9.    Entries may be submitted either as originals or as electronic files.

   Original: Send mail in an envelope together with the author’s information to the following address:


   8th International Cartoon Contest

   Play the Game    


   Reforma 222, Piso 12, Colonia Juárez, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06600, México D.F.


   Electronic: Most fill out the form and upload the cartoon(s) to this page:

   * Fill out one form for every entry, the resolution of which should not be below 300dpi and not above 10 Mb.


   10.    Selected entries will be displayed at Puebla, Mexico, on November 18-20, 2016 and will also appear in various Poder Cívico A. C. communications as social    media of La Ciudad de las Ideas.


   These cartoons will only be used in Festival releases to various media, and will therefore be reproduced in catalogs, postcards or books; on the internet    or television as per agreements with sponsors of the Festival.


   11.    This invitation will remain effective as of July 15 through September 18, 2016. Entries delivered by e-mail or courier must bear a date or stamp with a date    no later than the deadline.


   12.The results of the contest will be released on the official webpage of La Ciudad de las, on Twitter @cddelasideas, and on Facebook

   Winners will be notified via e-mail, to the address included in their entry information. Please ignore any confirmation mail other than those from the    domain or


   13.    The jury will be appointed by Poder Cívico A. C. and will be empowered to settle any situation in the contest resulting from a breach in these rules.    Should the jury, whose decision is final, deems that none of the entries meet quality standards it may refrain from selecting a winner. The names of the    jury members will be released once this announcement becomes effective.


   14.    Unawarded original entries may be claimed by their authors at the offices of Poder Cívico A. C. three months after the decision of the jury is made public.    Any unclaimed work will remain in the custody of Martha Barragán Méndez, who will address any requests for the return of entries after the date established    by Poder Cívico A. C.


   15.    PRIZES


   • First Place:

   – A fully paid trip to Puebla, Puebla, Mexico including: transportation, lodging and meals.

   – A ticket to attend the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas”, with more than 30 conferences from personalities who are    changing the world.

   – Access to alternative activities at the festival, theme parties, artistic interventions, exhibits and more.

   – Presentation of the winner’s entry during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas.”    – A diploma that will be presented to the winner during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas.”


   • Second Place:

   – A fully paid trip to Puebla, Puebla, Mexico including: transportation, lodging and meals.

   – A ticket to attend the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas”, with more than 30 conferences from personalities who are    changing the world.

   – Access to alternative activities at the festival, theme parties, artistic interventions, exhibits and more.

   – Presentation of the author’s entry during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas.”

   – A diploma that will be presented to the author during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas.”


   • Third Place:

   – A fully paid trip to Puebla, Puebla, Mexico including: transportation, lodging and meals.

   – A ticket to attend the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas”, with more than 30 conferences from personalities who are    changing the world.

   – Access to alternative activities at the festival, theme parties, artistic interventions, exhibits and more.

   – Presentation of the author’s entry during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas.”

   – A diploma that will be presented to the author during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas.”


   There will be three honorable mentions and each one of them will earn a diploma that will be sent to the recipients in the days following the festival.


   Note: Prizes cannot be paid in cash nor transferred to another person.


   If you come from abroad, please have your passport and visa ready to attend the Festival in Puebla, Mexico and collect your award.

   Yours truly,

   Martha Barragán Méndez “Mar”

   Coordinator of the International Cartoon Contest of

   International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas”

   Social Networks:









   For questions or comments contact:

   Tel: +52 (55) 5140-3660 / +52 (55) 8582-5340


Opening Exhibition Of The 8º Salão Medplan de Humor/Brazil, 2016

Opening Exhibition Of The 8º Salão Medplan de Humor/Brazil,2016
On Sunday, July 31, will be open to the public traveling exhibition 8th Medplan Humor Exhibition,  
which in 2016 brought up the topic of "Intolerance". 
The launch event takes place from 18h, on the top floor of Teresina Shopping and is open to the general public.
The thought-provoking and current theme chosen to compose works inspired artists from around the world. 
In all, 991 drawings submitted to the organizing committee of the event, which had the difficult task of selecting the best to compose the exhibition.
Among the Sunday event attractions, it is confirmed special guest caricaturist paraibano William Medeiros. 
It will help in choosing the author of the best caricature, along with the other judges who make up the jury of Medplan Humor Exhibition.
In all, R $ 12 thousand reais in premiums. The 1st place will win $ 5 thousand, 
2nd place will receive R $ 3000, the winner of the Internet Award takes R $ 2,000 and the author of the winning work 
of Medplan Caricature Award will also receive R $ 2000.


Dear Artist,
We have the pleasure of inviting you to take part in the first edition of the international cartoon
exhibition “World Humor Awards”, that will be held in Italy and more precisely in the area that
corresponds to writer and cartoonist Giovannino Guareschi’s “Mondo Piccolo” (Little World).
The event will include a competition for cartoonists and the awarding of prizes for works of
literature, advertising and show business that have made the most of humor.
Participation in the cartoon competition is reserved for a limited number of selected artists and is
therefore not open to entrants other than the cartoonists, caricaturists and professional illustrators
indicated by the organisation.
For this reason, the competition rules and participation form will not be published on the website, as
they will be sent only to the invited artists.
The event will take place from August 24th to December 15th 2016
The launch of the exhibition will take place in the rooms of the “Giuseppe Verdi” Theatre in
Busseto (August 24th)
The exhibition will also travel to Salsomaggiore Terme, Fidenza, Fontanellato e Fiorenzuola.
The award ceremony will take place on 25th of September at the Terme Baistrocchi in Salsomaggiore.
The cartoon competition will be divided into two sections
A) First section: “Cartoon”
Artists are asked to send one or two artworks on the following theme:
“Climate Change”
Artworks without words are preferable. If it is essential to include a joke, the English translation must be
written at the bottom of the artwork.
Artists are asked not to send works containing references to highly topical politics or local events.
B) Second section: “Caricature (humor portrait)”
Each artist invited to enter this section must send two or three caricatures (humor portraits) of
personalities from show business, literature, sport or politics.
You are asked to avoid personalities who are only well‐known in a local area or in your own country.
Artists must choose whether to participate in the “Cartoons” section or in the “Caricature (Humor Portrait)”
section, as it is not permitted to participate in both.
To enter, send artworks in a digital format only by email to the following address:
Artworks must be sent in a standard horizontal or vertical A4 or A3 format, with a resolution of 300
dpi and in jpg format. They can be in colour or black and white and any technique may be used.
Each artwork file must contain the artist’s name and the title.
All of the selected works will be printed onto cardboard for exhibition by the organisers.
The artworks must be sent along with the fully‐completed participation form (address, photo, short CV and
date of the artwork, with information on the technique used for the original).
A catalogue will be printed featuring one work from each artist. A copy of the catalogue will be sent to each
The deadline for sending artworks is July 25th 2016.
The selection of works, their publication in the catalogue and the assignment of awards will be the exclusive
responsibility of the international jury, which will be composed of and chaired by professionals from the
sector. The jury’s verdict is final.
The jury and the organisation reserve the right to exclude from participation any artworks which are
considered to be unworthy of exhibition.
The jury meeting will be held in Busseto on 2th August.
Artists who have won an award will be notified immediately, so that their attendance at the opening
ceremony and award ceremony, that will take place over two days, can be arranged.
The winning and awarded artists will be guests of the organisation and will be given travel and
accommodation expenses for two people for the days of the opening ceremony and award ceremony.
1st Prize : “ World Humor Awards” Golden Trophy
for the best cartoon out of all the entries, considering both the idea and its graphic realisation:
The winner will be in the jury in the following edition of the event and will illustrate the poster of the next year.
2nd Prize: “World Humor Awards” Silver Trophy
3rd Prize: “World Humor Awards” Bronze Trophy
1st Prize : “ Little World Award”
SPECIAL MENTIONS (works of both sections)
5 Mentions : Plaque “World Humor Awards” Excellence
All the winners are given gadgets and gifts consisting of professional equipment or typical local products.
The organisation reserves the right to reproduce the artworks in the catalogue, press releases, newspapers and posters
solely for advertising and promotional use for the show, but not for any commercial use: any use to this effect of one or
more works will be agreed with the individual artists. Travelling exhibitions will be organised, using some or all of the
works exhibited in the current edition. All artists will be notified in advance of any initiatives taking place.
In addition to the exhibition of works from the two sections, the show will include exhibitions dedicated to newspapers,
authors or publishers.
During the days of the opening ceremony and award ceremony there will be round table discussions, screenings and
sightseeing tours of the area, according to a programme which will subsequently be provided.
Exhibition by personal invitation only
Deadline for sending artworks: July 25th 2016
Email address:
Cartoon competition: two artworks
Caricature (humor portrait) competition: two or three artworks
Jury meeting: August 2nd 2016
Exhibition: from August 24th to December 15th 2016
Opening ceremony: August 24th 2016 in Busseto (Parma)
Award ceremony: September 25th 2016 in Salsomaggiore Terme (Parma)
participating, the artist accepts the competition rules, the jury’s decision and the Organising Committee’s choices.
Best regards to all the participating artists
The Organising Committee and
the Artistic Director
Gianandrea Bianchi
With the counseling of
Lucio Trojano e Marco De Angelis