Every year, "journey of hope "of thousands of people which is held by highway or seaway, has not always a happy end. Despite measures against this illegal way of immigration, millions of people are dying during this "death ride". Especially, to arrive to the destination is a big luck for the people who prefer seaway. The bad conditions of the weather and unsafe boats are the main reasons of this tragedy. Illegal immigration is not only achieved by seaway, but also there are immigrations which are held by highway. Unfortunately, many of these are ending with tragedy. Moreover, African countries are demanding illegal immigration more than other countries.
It should be noted that there’s an international annuity which is nourished from the people with the dream of a life with higher standards of living, who die tragically. Rising unemployment due to the global economic crisis triggered immigration of cheap and illegal workers. In Italy we have experienced the biggest tragedy, is a kind of survive from underdeveloped countries to developed countries. Just in a boat, the number of deaths was over 350.
We want to get under the spotlight their unsafe journeys from their own countries to other countries, the illegal gangs which left them with danger of death, expulsion reasons of the referencing country for asylum. Our goal is to attract attention of world public opinion to this everlasting tragedy, to contribute with a touch of art.
At the end of the exhibition the most successful 3 cartoons will be awarded with "Don Quichotte" medal. In addition 10 other cartoons will be given "certificate of Don Quichotte" as a reward.
Her yil binlerce insanin kara ve deniz yoluyla gerceklesen "umut yolculugu" ne yazik ki her zaman mutlu sonla bitmiyor. "Olum Yolculugu" da diyebilecegimiz bu yasal olmayan yollardan yapilan goce karsi alinan onlemlere ragmen her yil binlerce insan can veriyor. Ozellikle deniz yolunu tercih edenlerin sag salim gidecekleri ulkeye varmasi buyuk bir sans. Zira olumsuz hava kosullari ve guvenligi olmayan tekneler bu trajedinin en buyuk nedenleri. Kacak goc sadece deniz yoluyla olmuyor. Kara yoluyla da suregelen bu goc trajedilerine her gun dunya medyasinda rastlamak mumkun. Yasadisi yollardan gerceklesen kacak goce en buyuk ilgi Afrika ulkelerinden geliyor.
Daha iyi kosullarda ve insanca yasama hayalleri cogu kez olumle sonuclanan kacak goclerden beslenen uluslararasi bir rantin oldugu gercegini de unutmamamiz gerekiyor. Dunya ekonomisinin icinde bulundugu kuresel kriz nedeniyle artan issizlik, ucuz ve kacak isciye yonelen sistem kacak gocu tetikleyen en onemli nedenleri olusturuyor. Az gelismis ulkelerden gelismis ulkelere gerceklesen bu macerali yolculuklarda en buyuk trajediyi cok yakin bir gecmiste Italya’da yasadik. Sadece bir teknede olenlerin sayisi 350’yi gecti.
Gocmenlerin kendi topraklarindan baska ulkelere tehlikeli ve guvencesiz kosullarda yaptigi yolculuklari, onlari olume davetiye cikaran tehlikelerle basbasa birakan yasadisi ceteleri ve iltica icin basvurdugu ulkelerden sinirdisi edilmelerini mercek altina almak istiyoruz. Amacimiz bitmek bilmeyen bu trajediye dunya kamuoyunun dikkatin cekmek ve cozum uretilmesine sanatsal katkida bulunmak…
Sergi sonunda en basarili 3 karikature "Don Kisot" madalyasi verilecektir. Ayrica on karikatur de "Don Kisot Sertifikasi" ile odullendirilecektir.