11th Tabriz International Cartoon Contest / Iran

11th Tabriz International Cartoon Contest / Iran

Dear Artist,

We sincerely invite you to participate in the 11th  of our cartoon contest. It is a great honor for us to have your submissions this year!

Last contest was an extremely successful – we have received over 1100 cartoons by 500 cartoonists from 56 countries!

Theme of this year :
Please, send us your favorite cartoons which have never won any prizes in other contests

Sincerely yours,

1. The contest is open to all artists worldwide, cartoonists, caricaturists, painters, illustrators, etc.
2. Theme:
3. Inexplicit
4. The size of the works A3-A4
5. Participants should send their cartoons (works not being previously awarded in other competitions).
6. Deadline for entries is  6 Oct  2011 .
7. The works must be original. The authors should have full copyright and be responsible for all the legal responsibilities
related to the productions copyright.
Cartoons accepted for exhibition and prize-awarded cartoons might be published for any kind of publications in press
or advertising concerning the contest.
8. The following Prizes will be awarded:
FIRST PRIZE:  Golden statuette of Tabrizcartoon+ Dyploma+1500 $
SECOND PRIZE:  Silver statuette of Tabrizcartoon+ Dyploma+1000 $
THIRD PRIZE:  Bronze statuette of Tabrizcartoon+ Dyploma+500 $
5 HONORABLE PRIZES:  Statuette of Tabrizcartoon + Dyploma+Catalogue
9. Some of accepted works will be printed in a brochure, on posters, in the world press or other printed matter for the purpose
of publicizing the exhibition.
In these cases any fee for the use of works will not be paid.
10. Remark: the works will not be returned.
Catalog will be sent to all the selected artists.
Results of the contest will be published in
https://donquichotte.org/undefined/    http://www.tabrizcartoons.com/
Address :Iran-Tabriz-Golestan garden-tabriz Art home- tabriz cartoon museum


The First International Biennial of Resistance Cartoon/ Animation Contest

The First International Biennial of Resistance Cartoon/ Animation Contest

Theme: Resistance to Occupation 

2-comic strip

This course: Creating the occupier characters

Animation works would be send on C.D, without restriction period and technique

Cartoon Size:

minA4, maxA3


5 works

Please write your name, surname, and address, phone number in Email or in backside of each work.

Sent works could be won in other contest.


first prize:1000$+diploma + statuette

Second prize: 500 $ + diploma + statuette

Third prize: 250 $ + diploma + statuette

And 5 selected prize: diploma + statuette


1. Sep.2011


Ashtab – martyr Montazeri Crossroads-Foundation for Preservation of Monuments and Publishing Values of Sacred Defense-Tabriz- Iran

Zip code: 51396-13117

Tel: +98 +411 284 30 94


tabrizcartoons@tabrizcartoons.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it










116 yýldýr yayýnlanan Yeni Asýr Gazetesi bünyesinde yýllardýr karikatüre deðer vermektedir.
Türkiye’deki en uzun soluklu haftalýk mizah ekini yayýnlamýþtýr.
Rahmetli Eflatun Nuri Erkoç önderliðinde 1982-1990 yýllarý arasýnda GICIK adýnda çýkan karikatür ekinde
Ege ve Ýzmir’den birçok çizer ve yazar yetiþmiþtir. Birçok kiþiye de meslek kazandýrmýþtýr.
Son dönemde 100 haftadýr siz okuyucularýmýzla buluþan Kirpi Mizah sayfasýnda bu hafta sürpriz yaptýk.
Ýzmir’de yaþayan ve bu iþe emek vermiþ, yaklaþýk 30 yýllýk dostlarým Zafer Güven, Ali Osman Taþ, Yusuf Akýncý,
 Sadýk Pala, Mete Erden, Mustafa Yýldýz, Mümin Durmaz ve Ömer Çam (bu arada da bayaðý yaþlanmýþýz)
beni kýrmayýp birer tane çizdiler. Kirpi’nin 100. sayýsýný kutladýk.
  Daha nice 100 sayýlarda buluþmak dileðiyle.
  Sevgiyle kalýn, kahkahanýz eksik olmasýn.
Yeni Asýr Newspaper which has been published for 116 years welcomes caricatures in its pages for many years.
Yeni Asýr published longest running humor supplement named Gýcýk in Turkey.
And than Yeni Asýr started to publish humor corner in its pages named Kirpi.
In Kirpi which has been published for 100 weeks we have a surprise for you.
My dear cartoonist 30 years friends Zafer Güven, Ali Osman Taþ, Yusuf Akýncý, Sadýk Pala, Mete Erden,
Mustafa Yýldýz, Mümin Durmaz and Ömer Çam drew special cartoons on my request.
I hope to meet new hundreds editions.
You never loose your smile on your face.
Tufan Selçuk





Yaklaþýk 7 aydýr çalýþmalarýný sürdüren Akhisar Belediyesi Karikatür Atölyesi elde ettikleri çalýþmalarý 552. Çaðlak Festivali ve Zeytin Þenlikleri kapsamýnda sergiye açtýlar. Akhisar Belediyesi Sanat Galerisinde festival süresince açýk kalacak sergiden yaklaþýk 120 karikatür tablosu bulunuyor. Akhisar Belediyesi Halkla Ýliþkiler Müdürlüðü tarafýndan organize edilen törende Belediye Baþkaný Salih Hýzlý, Baþkan Yardýmcýlarý Latif Çakmak ve Ömer Ýþçi, Cumhuriyet Baþsavcýsý Hasan Aydýn tarafýndan sergi açýldý.

Karikatür eðitimine vatandaþlarýn büyük ilgi gösterdiðini vurgulayan Akhisar Belediye Baþkaný Salih Hýzlý "Yaklaþýk 7 aydýr öðrencilerimiz çalýþýyor. Ünlü Karikatürist öðretmenimiz Sadýk Pala önderliðinde öðrencilerimizin ortaya çýkarttýklarý eserleri bir kitapçýk haline getirdik. Aslýnda bu çalýþma baþtan çok mütevazi bir þekilde baþladý ancak ciddi anlamda büyüme gösterdi. Bundan önceki Çaðlak Festivalinde 3 saatlik bir eðitimde verdiðimiz çalýþma bizlere büyük bir ilham kaynaðý oldu. Geçen yýl ki çalýþmamýz öncü bir çalýþmaydý ve buna baðlý olarak da diðer sanat atölyelerimizi açtýk. Bundan sonra bu çalýþmalarýmýzýn daha ileriye gideceðine eminim" dedi.

2 öðrencinin ulusal yarýþmalarda ödül aldýðýný belirten Karikatür eðitmeni Sadýk Pala "Geçen yýl 3 saatlik bir atölye çalýþmasý yapmýþtýk. 10 ila 15 öðrencimiz vardý, kendiliðinden gelen öðrenciler bunu devam ettirmek istediler, Belediye Baþkanýmýzýn da olumlu tavýrlarý sonrasý yeni dönem çalýþmalarý baþlattýk. 7 aylýk süren çalýþmada yaklaþýk 180 öðrencimiz oldu ve bu bizi çok þaþýrttý. Bu kadar bir istekli öðrencinin olmasý bizleri haliyle mutlu etti. 7 aylýk çalýþma içerisinde iki öðrencimizde ulusal etkinliklerde dereceye girerek bu çalýþmayý taçlandýrmýþlardýr" dedi.




International Caricature Festival on Safe and Optimal Consumption of Gas. 2011/Iran

International Caricature Festival on Safe and Optimal Consumption of Gas. 2011/Iran

Safe and Optimal Consumption of Gas
(Consumption Optimization and observation the gas safety tips)
Conditions :
Each participant can send maximum 5 artworks
Sending (Name, family name, post address, Email address and Tel) of artists Just by word file is necessary
The catalogue will be send to the entire artist that their artworks published in the catalogue
Artworks must be in 200 dpi by width or length of 1500 pixel by jpg format.
Catalogue of the festival will be dedicated to all artists whose works are printed in the catalogue
Secretariat of the festival has the copyright of printing and exhibiting the received works
Attending in the competition means the artists agree with all rules of the festival

Grand prize: $1000, Honorable mention & Trophy.
First prize: $750, Honorable mention & Trophy.
Second prize: $ 500, Honorable mention & Trophy.
Third prize: $ 250, Honorable mention & Trophy.
5 Honorable mention & troph
Address for sending artworks,
Sending through internet:

Sending through courier:
Public relations Dept. of North Khorasan Gas Company, Behdasht St. (Sarv Alley), South Ferdowsi St., Bojnourd, North Khorasan Province, Iran
Postal Code: 94186-54145
For more information, please send your questions to the following email address:

The Third International Tourism Cartoon Competition

The Third International Tourism Cartoon Competition

The Third International Tourism Cartoon Competition is held with the cooperation of Anadolu University Research Center for Caricature Art, Association of Tourism Writers and Journalists and Anatolia: Turizm Araþtýrmalarý Dergisi (Anatolia: A Journal of Tourism Research). Tourism is one of the fastest developing sectors in Turkey and all over the World. Individuals’ various experiences during leisure travels are evaluated within the concept of tourism. Cartoonists? comprehension of tourism related issues such as accommodation, transportation, travel agencies, food and beverage, entertainment, recreation, sightseeing, museums, environment, tourist-resident relationships and also of the developmental process and of experiences of tourism, constitute the aim of this competition

submission guidelines:

  • The competition is open to all amateur and professional cartoonists.

  • Each performer is allowed to submit maximum three works.
  • The cartoons submitted to the competition may be prepared as original drawings, digital printings or computer printouts. The drawing technique is open-ended. Drawings may be colourful or black and white. On the other hand, performers are required to put signatures on their drawings.
  • Drawings must be minimum A4 (21×27,7cm) and maximum A3 (29.7×42.0cm) size and potential deformation during the sending process should be avoided. Participants are responsible for any deformation caused by the posting procedure.
  • Participants must write their names, surnames and adressess behind their drawings. Also, they must complete the Participant Information Form placed below in the Windows Word format and post it together with their drawings.
  • Cartoons sent may be of the ones previously published somewhere but previously awarded cartoons are not allowed to submit.
  • Cartoons submitted for selection will be able to be printed in Anadolu University and its units, Anatolia: Turizm Araþtýrmalarý Dergisi, and in other printed materials of this organization such as books, catalogs, brochures, postcards, web sites and posters. All rights for any other publishing except these belong to the owner of drawing.
  • Some selected part of the cartoons submitted for selection will be published in the album. Cartoonists whose drawings published in this album will be sent a copy of the album.
  • Regardless of award-winning or taking place in the album, all the cartoons submitted for selection will not be returned and will be archieved in The Anadolu University Museum of Cartoon Art.
  • All the cartoonists participated in the competition are implied to agree on the conditions and regulations of the competition.
  • Award ceremony and the cartoon exhibition will be organized during The East Mediterranean International Tourism and Travel (EMITT) Exhibition which will be held in Istanbul between 10-13 February 2012 . Award-winner cartoonists will be hosted by the scientific committee during the EMITT.
  • Submission deadline is 15 November 2011. The organization committee is not responsible for any delays caused by posting process.


submission deadline: 15 November 2011

Postal adress
Prof. Atila ATAR
Anadolu University
Eðitim Karikatürleri Müzesi,
Akcami Mah., Malhatun Sokak, No: 6,
26030 Eskiþehir/TURKEY

The Second Master Cup International Illustration Biennial 2011

The Second Master Cup International Illustration Biennial

Thanks to the artists all over the world, the First Master Cup International Cartoon and Illustration Biennial had been held successful in 2007. It was a big pity we could not continue the Biennial in 2009 because of some obstacles beyond the exception.
This year we restart the Biennial with the great support from the institutes and gallery of Beijing which are in the list as below. The Biennial aimed to spread the art of illustration, cartoon, printmaking and painting more and more globally. And we believe the art has the great power to touch our soul, increase the culture and to make the development of the real world.
The name of the Biennial changed into the Master Cup International Illustration Biennial as the reason of the opinion – cartoon is a kind of humorous illustration of life.

Host Units:
Master Illustrators’s Federation
Beijing Ziteng gallery
Joint hosts:
Beijing Yingbao Printmaking House
Beijing Cartoon Center
Caijing Visual Arts Center
Sanchen Publishing House
Red Man Art International
1. Participation
The contest is open to all artist–Illustrator, Cartoonist, Printmaker and Painter around world regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc.
A) Noah’s Ark  —  New World, New Age, New Hope…
B) Free Topic  —  Live and Create Freely…
3. Entries
1) No entry fee.
2) The works whether they have been awarded in other contests and exhibitions previously will be accepted.
3) Artist should summit the original works. Any computer prints, slide, photograph, xerox will not be accepted.
4) The maximum seven entries should be submitted for each category.
5) The maximum size of the works should be 350 x 500 mm(13.78 x 19.69 inch) respectively.
6) Author’s resume and photo should be submitted with entries together.
7) First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number and category should be written on the reverse side of the works.
8) There are unlimited technique and medium of works, any painting, print making (cover any printmaking except digital graphics) and mixed art will be acceptted, works finished by computer or xerox will not be considered.
4. Entry Form
Please down load the entry form on web site:
                                      https://service.gmx.net/de/cgi/derefer?TYPE=3&DEST=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bjcartoon.com.cn  ; https://service.gmx.net/de/cgi/derefer?TYPE=3&DEST=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.redmanart.com
At the same time, the self made entry form is also accepted.
5. Deadline and Exhibition
1) The deadline for entry is September, 15, 2011.
2) The Opening exhibition will take place in Beijing Ziteng gallery on October, 1, 2011.
3) Host unit will invite winning artists to hold personal exhibition in Beijing after biennial.
1) The entries must be flat protected with hard cardboard, or rolled in a hard case. The folded works will not be considered.
2) Please send entries to the address as follow:
Ms. Xiaoyu Hu
Master Illustration House
No.364 Lou, 341 Shi,
Jinqiaoshidai Community,
Yunjing Dong Lu, 101121,
Tongzhou, Beijing, P.R.CHINA
3)Please write "Don’t bend" on the cover of envelope to prevent any damage.
7. Judgment
1) The jury will cover the well known panting and printmaking artist, cartoonist, illustrator and critics.
2) The jury meeting will be held on September, 25, 2011.
3) Biennial will announce the result on October, 1, 2011, host unit will contact the winning artists via postal mail or email directly.
8. Prizes
1) Grand Master prize
1-A) Grand Master prize for Category A) Noah’s Ark: Gold Master Cup medal plus 5000 USD for 1 winning works.
1-B) Grand Master prize for Category B) Free Topic: Gold Master Cup medal plus 5000 USD for 1 winning works.
2) Master prize
2-A) Master prize for Category A) Noah’s Ark: 5000 USD in total for 5 winning works, each Silver Master Cup medal plus 1000 US Dollars respectively.
2-B) Master prize for Category B) Free Topic: 5000 USD in total for 5 winning works, each Silver Master Cup medal plus 1000 US Dollars respectively.
3) Best work prize of Master Cup International Illustration Biennial
3-A) Prizes for Illustration: Silver Master Cup medal plus 500 US Dollars for 2 winning illustration respectively.
3-B) Prizes for Cartoon: Silver Master Cup medal plus 500 US Dollars for 2 winning cartoon respectively.
3-C) Prizes for Printmaking: Silver Master Cup medal plus 500 US Dollars for 2 winning Printmaking respectively.
4) Special Prize offered by Host Units and Joint Hosts:
Silver Master Cup medal plus Certificate for 12 winning works.
5) Special Prizes of Jury meeting:
Silver Master Cup medal plus Certificate for 15 winning works.
6) Honorary Prizes: Master Cup Certificate for 30 winning works.
7) Excellent Prizes: Master Cup Certificate for 50 winning works.
8) Host unit will also give selected prizes.
* Each Participator may win multi- prizes in same category or different category.
9. Copyright
Explicitly participators have whole copyright for their entries, of course Host unit may use some works on web site and other media for spreading biennial and artists.
10. Catalog
The authors whose works has been selected will receive a copy of the catalog made for biennial.
11. Provisions
1) The winning works will not be returned, Non winning works can be returned by request in due form and participators should cover the charge of return and package.
2) Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury’s decision.
12.For Information
Secretariat of biennial
Ms. Xiaoyu Hu
Master Illustration House
No.364 Lou, 341 Shi,
Jinqiaoshidai Community,
Yunjing Dong Lu, 101121,
Tongzhou, Beijing, P.R.CHINA

Telephone:  0086 – 010 – 13161975421
Web site:  https://service.gmx.net/de/cgi/derefer?TYPE=3&DEST=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bjcartoon.com.cn  ; https://service.gmx.net/de/cgi/derefer?TYPE=3&DEST=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.redmanart.com