21° Olense Kartoenale
Annual Cartoon Contest – Rules and regulation 2009
1. Participation:
All contestants will be admitted with no distinction made regarding nationality or age.
There are two categories:
· Youth category up to 15 years inclusive;
· Adult category: 16 years and older.
2. Theme:
The theme is „Archeology” and special prize to the best cartoon with theme” poverty &human rights”.
3. Entries:
· Original cartoons in black and white or colour, may bear no captions.
· Dimensions including any passe-partout 21 x 30 cm.
· Works sent rolled and works larger than DIN A4 will not be returned.
· Number of entries per contestant: maximum five.
4. Property rights:
Prize-winning works will become the property of the organizer or the major sponsors.
All works selected may be used by the organizers to promote the contest and the
village of Olen.
5. Catalogue/Cartoon book
Selected works will be considered for inclusion in a catalogue. The authors of these
works will receive a free copy of the catalogue during the prize ceremony or it will be
send afterwards by mail.
6. Return mail
Return of the cartoons happens only on explicit request of the participant. In that case
the return of the works will take place at organizers’ cost approximately six months
after the ‘deadline’.
The organizers will endeavour to handle the return forwardings with the utmost carebut cannot
be held responsible for loss or damages.
7. Deadline
The deadline is 3/10/2009
The entry form and the cartoon(s) must be send to:
Olense Kartoenale
Dorp 1
B-2250 Olen
8. Prizes
For the adult category: For the youth category:
1st prize: 1000 euro 1st prize: 200 euro
2nd prize: 300 euro 2nd prize: 175 euro
3rd prize: 200 euro 3rd prize: 150 euro
4th prize: 150 euro 4th prize: 100 euro
5th prize: 125 euro
Only for Belgian participants:
Prize of the province of Antwerp: week-end (youth and adult category)
9. Prize Ceremony and Exhibition
The prize ceremony will take place at Friday 13th of November 2009 at approximately
20.00 h in the council room of the town hall of Olen, Dorp 1, 2250 Olen. Every
participating artist will be welcome on that occasion.
A selection of the cartoons will also be exhibited at the same address an can be visited:
· Sunday 15th of November 2009
· All working days from Monday 16th of November 2009 till 22/1/2010
10th Caratinga International Humor Salon-2009
Inscriptions: May 05 th to September 10th
Works selection: September 19th
Opening: September 21st
Exibition: Until September 30th
Place: Ziraldo Art and Culture House
Free Theme
“Charge” : Graphic joke about nowadays journalistic theme
Cartoon: Graphic joke with universal and atemporal themes
Caricature: recognizable graphic distortions of personalities
THEMATIC CARICATURE: Agnaldo Timóteo (ACQUISITIVE) singer and Edil from S.Paulo city.
All the works inscribed in this category, independently to be selected or not, will be acquisitives for the Cultural Station Association of Caratinga.
Dimension: 30 cm X 40 cm
Number of works: Each competitor will be able to participate with to three works for each category, that has not won at no other gallery or salon.
The works must be unpublished and original. It won’t be accepted photocopies or computer reproductions.
It will be awarded a total of R$20 thousand Reais in prizes, divided as follows:
A)Three Prizes for 1st Place on the value of R$3,000,00 for each category;
B)Three Prizes for 2nd Place on the value of R$ 2,000,00 for each category;
C)Three Prizes for 3rd Place on the value of R$ 1,000,00 for each category;
D)A prize for the 1st Place “Popular Vote” on the value of R$1,000,00 among the categories;
E)A 1st Place prize to “Thematic Category” on the value of R$2,000,00.
The prizes in cash will be paid by Caratinga City Hall .
(*) All the finalists mentioned above will receive the “Pererê Trophy”, besides the prizes in cash; all of them offered by Caratinga City Council.
It will be awarded by the Judging Commission five Certificates of Honorable Indication in all categories.
There will be a jury for selection and another one for awardness, made up by specialized people on the area.
The awardness jury keeps itself the right of not designating prizes to the categories which don’t achieve a sufficient level, transferring them to other categories or creating a special prize of the Salon.
If the awardness jury confirms any kind of irregularity, fraud or plagiarism in one of the inscribed works, it will be able to cancel the award , offering the same one to the following artist from classification list. Awarded works will be spread on the Salon’s site after its opening and they will be contested in the period of one week after salon’s opening with reasonable proves on any irregularity done without jury’s knowledge. Another prizes and indications will be set according to Organizer Commission.
All of them ACQUISITIVE.
(It will be observed the last day of posting)
The works must be sent to the following addres:
10º Salão Internacional do Humor de Caratinga
Rua Geraldo Alves Pinto , 238 – Centro
Cep: 35.300 -049
Caratinga – Minas Gerais – Brasil
IMPORTANT: On the back of each work it must be mentioned the following information:
Category: Full name of the author
Full address with Zip Code, telephone number, CIC, Identity Card, bank data, e-mail or the candidate can paste a copy of inscription available on the site, with all data filled in.
The works will be returned until the end of one year after the event on September 30th, 2009; only to the artists that has sent a stamped special envelope joined together with the works. Those which were sent without envelope will be automatically given to the itinerant and permanent heap exhibition of the salon.
When inscribing, the author transfers automatically, authorial rights of his works when awarded acquisitivetely, according to the Law Nb. 9610, February,1998 (Authorial Rights Law), therefore, universal and definitely in all use modalities and gratuitous, the rights of the author, guaranteed by the mentioned law; referring to the awarded work in the International Humor Salon of Caratinga and now integrant part of National
Cultural Heap and Research and Graphic Humor Spread from Caratinga Cultural Association Station ; that reserves itself the rights to use them the way it judges better.
Simply the inscription implies automatically that you agree with the terms of this regulation.
Second International Exhibition of Graphic Humor – Lima 2009
1 – Theme: Everything revolves around the looting and destruction of natural forests around the planet and what it means for humanity. We are destroying the natural reserves in the world.
2 – You can send up to two works from his personal archives or have been published or awarded. Can be developed in any technique and should be sent only by mail, in no case shall there be original.
3 – The work must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi and a minimum size of A-4 (30 x 21 cm.)
4 – Along with the work should submit their personal data (name, address, telephone number) is a short biography, a photograph or caricature, and mailing address.
5 – The works will be sent to the e-mail: salonhumorperu@salonhumorperu.com
6 – The work should be submitted between 1 June 2009 and July 30, 2009.
7 – The reception of the works will be undertaken by the organizers of the II International Exhibition of Graphic Humor – Lima 2009.
8 – The works received will form the exhibition will open on 3 September 2009.
9 – The artists will receive a copy of the book-publishing catalog with the papers sent to the Hall. In addition, works will be posted on the page: www.salonhumorperu.com
10 – The artists we are allowed to have their pictures can be used on posters, pin, press releases and printed material for the dissemination of the event.
11 – The artists accepted all the conditions set out in the terms of call for the II International Exhibition of Graphic Humor – Lima 2009.
XVI Annual International Graphic Humor Contest – University of Alcala 2009
The General Foundation of the University of Alcala announces the XVI International Exhibition of Graphic Humour University of Alcala with the title Universal Education (2nd goal of Millennium), and the following conditions of entry:
1. Participation is open to professional Graphic Humour and Cartoon artists who publish or have published in national or international media.
2. In order to participate in the Exhibition, every artist must send a piece on the theme Universal Education (2nd goal of Millennium). It can be a vignette, a comic strip or a caricature. Together with the piece, the artist will properly fill out and send the form that can be found attached to these conditions (also available in www.humor.fgua.es/XVImuestra). The organization reserves the right to invite any author/s it considers appropriate.
3. All art pieces must be original, they will be signed and dated, and can be made using any technique and medium. When using a computer to make the piece, the artist will have to prove that that is his/her habitual work technique, he/she must sign the work and show the number of copy and the total number of copies made (e.g. 2/4, if it is copy 2 out of a total of 4). The maximum format will be 297 x 420 mm. (A3 – 11,7 x 16,5 inches).
4. All pieces will be sent properly wrapped (it is recommended to protect them with flat cardboard). The organization won’t take responsibility on any possible damage occurred during transportation. All shipping charges will be at the participant’s expense.
5. All art pieces will be sent before Aug. 31, 2009 to the following address:
Fundacion General de la Universidad de Alcala
XVI Muestra Internacional de Humor Grafico.
C/ Imagen, 1-3. 28801 Alcala de Henares. Madrid. Spain
It is essential to comply with the noted date for the adequate planning of the catalogue and design of the exhibition.
6. A selection of the pieces submitted (carried out by the Selection Commission) will be exhibited in the XVI International Exhibition of Graphic Humour of the University of Alcala and in other exhibitions that may be celebrated.
7. All pieces submitted will be kept at the Graphic Humour Archives of the General Foundation of the University of Alcala (excepting specific indication to the contrary, for which the artist must write on the reverse of the piece “Devolucion”), and will be used for its spaces, travelling exhibitions and publications.
8. The submission of the piece means that the author authorises the General Foundation of the University of Alcala to reproduce it and exhibit it, as long as the name of the artist is displayed and the objective is the media coverage of the Exhibition and the rest of activities of the Foundation within the field of Graphic Humour and/or of this call (edition of catalogues, posters, leaflets, media coverage, web page, etc.), and in any case it generates any type of obligation on the author’s part.
9. The organisation will communicate through the Exhibition web page or through a letter the list of participants with submitted piece and the list of selected pieces. Those people whose piece is selected will be able to attend the opening and all other parallel activities, for which they will be informed of the accommodation and maintenance conditions.
10. At the end of the exhibition in Alcala, those people with selected pieces will receive a copy of the publication, which will be edited to mark the celebration of the Exhibition.
11. The organisation reserves the right to not exhibit those pieces considered to infringe individual or collective rights.
12. The participation on this Exhibition means the acceptance of these conditions.
Announcement for
2009 Beijing Popular Science Cartoon Competition
I. Goals of the Activity
The activity aims to complete the guideline of popularizing scientific knowledge and improving civil scientific literacy,to promote interactive atmosphere of science popularization in society through lively cartoon works that people love to see, and to seek talented creators of cartoon for science popularization. Any person or group who loves science and cartoon can participate in this Competition.
II. Schedule
Competition Launching:May 17th, 2009
Works Collecting:May 17th – November 15th, 2009
Works Review:November 20th – December 10th, 2009
Award Ceremony:December 18th, 2009
III. Organization Structure
Sponsor: Beijing Association for Science and Technology
Co-organizer: Crystal Digital Technology Co., Ltd
Cooperation unit: Crystal Institute of Digital Education
Crystal CGS
China ACG (Animation&Comic&Competition) Web
Guangzhou Ugee Computer Technology Co., Ltd
Undertaker: Beijing Development Center of Popular Science
Supporting colleges:
City Design school,China Central academy of Fine Arts
Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University
Art Design School, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
School of Arts, Remin University of China
School of Arts, Capital Normal University
Animation School of Beijing Film Academy
Animation School of Communication University of China
School of Design and Arts, Beijing Institute of Technology
Animation and Game Research Center, Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking University
School of Information Science & Technology, Beijing Forestry University
School of Arts and Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts
Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Chengdu of Fine Arts, Sichuan Conservatory of Music
Media College of Nanjing Arts Institute
School of Digital Art and Communication, Shandong University of Art & Design
School of TV and Film, Tianjin University
Academy of Fine Arts, Chengdu University
Department of Arts and Design, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University
School of Arts, Northeast University
Supporting media :
Sci&Tech Channel of People’s Daily Online
Sina Tech
Sohu Science Channel
Comic Channel of People’s Daily Online
IV. Slogan
Love Cartoon ,love Science
V. Theme
Science makes happy life.
XI. Categories of Entries
1. Cartoon image of mascot for the competition
2. Animation (FLASH animation(game), 3D animation, animation of TV and film etc.)
3. Comics (single comic, four cell comic, comic strip, illustration)
4. Scripts of creative for science popularization
VII. Requirements for Content
1. The content should be concerning the hotspot and focal issues of science development and science communication in daily life.
2. Entrants create works through their own understanding and experience about scientific knowledge.
3. The works should be of scientific, creative, and with a novel approach and a distinct theme.
4. With complete plots and normative words
5. The content should be healthy, without pornography and violence or anything colliding with national laws.
VIII. Requirements about Format
1. Cartoon image of mascot for “Beijing Popular Science Cartoon Competition”
The standard size of the works is A4. The format of pictures should be of both tiff and jpg, with horizontal layout. Black-and-white version and colorful version should both take a half respectively. The author should keep the original work if it is hand painted, and upload the scanned pictures. The resolution factor of works shall not be less than 300dpi.
2. Animation (FLASH animation(competition), 3D animation, animation of TV and film etc.)
There is no limitation in length of time, but our suggestion is 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Entries of flash must submit two types of format, both SWF and corresponding FLA source file. The entries of 3D animation should be submitted in MOV format. A thumbnail image is also required, which should be the screenshot of a representative frame chosen from the animation (measurement: 130*100, format: one picture respectively of both GIF and JPG, size of file: below 20K).
3. Comics (single comic, four cell comic, comic strip, illustration)
The standard size for entries is A4. The format of pictures should be of both tiff and jpg. All the entries should be painted by pen (except for colorful entries or electronic form entries). The author should keep the original work if it is hand painted, and upload the scanned pictures. The resolution factor of entries shall not be less than 300dpi.
4. Scripts of creative for science popularization
All the creative script should be edited in WORD file, with size of A4, font of Song typeface in 14 point. The number of words should be above 300.
IX. Notice:
1. Entries must be created after December 31st, 2004.
2. Entries should be created by the individual or group participating in the competition. If any participant is found involving in plagiarism or infringement of other person’s copyright, his will be disqualified. The author himself will be responsible for all relevant disputes.
3. Authors have the ownership of the entries, but the organizing committee of the competition has the right to use them for public welfare activities in non-commercial purpose.
4. The supporting media and cooperating media of the competition have the right to exhibit all the entries.
5. All entries will not be returned, but excellent works will be placed into sponsor’s resource pool for science popularization.
6. The organizing committee of the competition preserves the right for final interpretation of competition and review.
X. Awards Settings
Special prize for cartoon image of mascot for the Competition ( one )
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 3000 Yuan.
First prize (one): Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 10000 Yuan and obtain a Learning Card (senior) provided by Crystal Institute of Digital Education.
Second prize (two): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 8000 Yuan and obtain a Learning Card (Secondary) provided by Crystal Institute of Digital Education.
Third prize (four): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 5000 Yuan and obtain a Learning Card (junior) provided by Crystal Institute of Digital Education.
(Note: Course options include: creative design, architecture, film and television categories, hypermedia, TV packaging. Learning card is valid for one year and only used by the winners, non-transferable or redeemable for cash. Ultimate power of the training interpretation to the Crystal Institute of Digital Education)
First prize (one): Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 5000 Yuan and obtain a Ugee Drawimge Tablet II PF8080.
Second prize (two): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 3000 Yuan and obtain a Ugee Drawimge Tablet II PF8080.
Third prize (four): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 2000 Yuan and obtain a Ugee Drawimge Tablet II PF8080.
Scripts of creative for science popularization:
First prize (one): Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 2500 Yuan.
Second prize (two): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 1500 Yuan.
Third prize (four): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 1000 Yuan.
Best innovated prize(one)
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 2500 Yuan.
Best visual effects prize(one)
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB2500 Yuan.
Best scenarist award(one)
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 2500 Yuan.
Best sound effects prize(for animation category)(one)
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 2500 Yuan.
Best popularity prize(one)
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 2500 Yuan.
Entry prize (100 or less than 100 respectively for animation, comic and creative script in science popularization)
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner certificate.
Organization prize (five agencies)
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
XI. Review of Entries
1. Form Examination: Entries will be examined preliminarily by the organizing committee office of the Game. Entries which meet the basic requirements of the competition will be counted as valid entries, and will enter the next round of review.
2. Review of Shortlisted Entries: Judging panel of the competition will review those valid entries according to both public voting and juries’ opinions. 100 entries of all categories (animation, comic, creative script) will be shortlisted for the final review. (The shortlisted entries may be less than 100.)
3. Final Review: All prizes will be chosen out from those shortlisted entries after remarking and review by judging pane. The choosing of prizes will also consult the public voting result.
XII. Methods for Submitting Entries
1. Upload through internet
Register and download the application form of the competition in the special area named “I want to participate” in the official website of the competition (http://www.bast.net.cn/kjzt/kpdm/index.shtml) and Column of Crystal CGS (http://topic.cgyes.com/kepu.). Fix it carefully, and compress the form and your entry together into ZIP file (not over 8M), then upload it according to the requirements. Submission failures caused by inaccurate format should be responded by entrants.
2. Submit by mail
Register and download the application form of the competition in the special area named “I want to participate” in the official website of the competition (http://www.bast.net.cn/kjzt/kpdm/index.shtml) and Column of Crystal CGS (http://topic.cgyes.com/kepu.). Fix it carefully, and burn the form and your entry together into a CD, then mail it to the below address of organizing committee of “2009 Beijing Competition of Cartoon and Creative for Science popularization”.
Address: Room 209 in Beijing Association for Science & Technology,
NO.98, Yongwai Xigexinli Street, Chongwen District, Beijing China
(中国北京市崇文区永外西革新里98号北京市科协 209室)
Postal Code: 100077
Telephone: (86-010) 8728-4922
(Please mark the words “Entry for 2009 Beijing Competition of Cartoon and Creative for Science popularization” in your mail. Entries of only a print version will not be accepted.)
Committee of 2009 Beijing Competition of
Cartoon and Creative for Science popularization
May 17th, 2009