Announcement for 2009 Beijing Popular Science Cartoon Competition

Announcement for

 2009 Beijing Popular Science Cartoon Competition


I. Goals of the Activity

The activity aims to complete the guideline of popularizing scientific knowledge and improving civil scientific literacy,to promote interactive atmosphere of science popularization in society through lively cartoon works that people love to see, and to seek talented creators of cartoon for science popularization. Any person or group who loves science and cartoon can participate in this Competition.

II. Schedule

Competition Launching:May 17th, 2009

Works Collecting:May 17th – November 15th, 2009

Works Review:November 20th – December 10th, 2009

Award Ceremony:December 18th, 2009

III. Organization Structure

Sponsor: Beijing Association for Science and Technology

Co-organizer: Crystal Digital Technology Co., Ltd

Cooperation unit: Crystal Institute of Digital Education

Crystal CGS

 China ACG (Animation&Comic&Competition) Web

Guangzhou Ugee Computer Technology Co., Ltd

Undertaker: Beijing Development Center of Popular Science

Supporting colleges:

       City Design school,China Central academy of Fine Arts

        Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University

        Art Design School, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

        School of Arts, Remin University of China

        School of Arts, Capital Normal University

        Animation School of Beijing Film Academy

        Animation School of Communication University of China

        School of Design and Arts, Beijing Institute of Technology

        Animation and Game Research Center, Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking University

        School of Information Science & Technology, Beijing Forestry University

        School of Arts and Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication

        Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts

        Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

        Chengdu of Fine Arts, Sichuan Conservatory of Music 

        Media College of Nanjing Arts Institute

        School of Digital Art and Communication, Shandong University of Art & Design

        School of TV and Film, Tianjin University

        Academy of Fine Arts, Chengdu University

        Department of Arts and Design, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

        School of Arts, Northeast University

Supporting media

          Sci&Tech Channel of People’s Daily Online

Sina Tech

Sohu Science Channel

Comic Channel of People’s Daily Online


IV. Slogan

Love Cartoon ,love Science

V. Theme

Science makes happy life.

 XI. Categories of Entries

1. Cartoon image of mascot for the competition

2. Animation (FLASH animation(game), 3D animation, animation of TV and film etc.)

3. Comics (single comic, four cell comic, comic strip, illustration)

4. Scripts of creative for science popularization

VII. Requirements for Content

1. The content should be concerning the hotspot and focal issues of science development and science communication in daily life.

2. Entrants create works through their own understanding and experience about scientific knowledge.

3. The works should be of scientific, creative, and with a novel approach and a distinct theme.

4. With complete plots and normative words

5. The content should be healthy, without pornography and violence or anything colliding with national laws.

VIII. Requirements about Format

1. Cartoon image of mascot for “Beijing Popular Science Cartoon Competition”

The standard size of the works is A4. The format of pictures should be of both tiff and jpg, with horizontal layout. Black-and-white version and colorful version should both take a half respectively. The author should keep the original work if it is hand painted, and upload the scanned pictures. The resolution factor of works shall not be less than 300dpi.

2. Animation (FLASH animation(competition), 3D animation, animation of TV and film etc.)

There is no limitation in length of time, but our suggestion is 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Entries of flash must submit two types of format, both SWF and corresponding FLA source file. The entries of 3D animation should be submitted in MOV format. A thumbnail image is also required, which should be the screenshot of a representative frame chosen from the animation (measurement: 130*100, format: one picture respectively of both GIF and JPG, size of file: below 20K).

3. Comics (single comic, four cell comic, comic strip, illustration)

The standard size for entries is A4. The format of pictures should be of both tiff and jpg. All the entries should be painted by pen (except for colorful entries or electronic form entries). The author should keep the original work if it is hand painted, and upload the scanned pictures. The resolution factor of entries shall not be less than 300dpi.

4. Scripts of creative for science popularization

All the creative script should be edited in WORD file, with size of A4, font of Song typeface in 14 point. The number of words should be above 300.

IX. Notice:

1. Entries must be created after December 31st, 2004.

2. Entries should be created by the individual or group participating in the competition. If any participant is found involving in plagiarism or infringement of other person’s copyright, his will be disqualified. The author himself will be responsible for all relevant disputes.

3. Authors have the ownership of the entries, but the organizing committee of the competition has the right to use them for public welfare activities in non-commercial purpose.

4. The supporting media and cooperating media of the competition have the right to exhibit all the entries.

5. All entries will not be returned, but excellent works will be placed into sponsor’s resource pool for science popularization.

6. The organizing committee of the competition preserves the right for final interpretation of competition and review.

X. Awards Settings

      Special prize for cartoon image of mascot for the Competition ( one )

Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.

In addition: Award RMB 3000 Yuan.


First prize (one): Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.

In addition: Award RMB 10000 Yuan and obtain a Learning Card (senior) provided by Crystal Institute of Digital Education.

Second prize (two): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.

In addition: Award RMB 8000 Yuan and obtain a Learning Card (Secondary) provided by Crystal Institute of Digital Education.

Third prize (four): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.

In addition: Award RMB 5000 Yuan and obtain a Learning Card (junior) provided by Crystal Institute of Digital Education.

(Note: Course options include: creative design, architecture, film and television categories, hypermedia, TV packaging. Learning card is valid for one year and only used by the winners, non-transferable or redeemable for cash. Ultimate power of the training interpretation to the Crystal Institute of Digital Education)


First prize (one): Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.

In addition: Award RMB 5000 Yuan and obtain a Ugee Drawimge Tablet II PF8080.

Second prize (two): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.

In addition: Award RMB 3000 Yuan and obtain a Ugee Drawimge Tablet II PF8080.  

Third prize (four): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.

In addition: Award RMB 2000 Yuan and obtain a Ugee Drawimge Tablet II PF8080.

      Scripts of creative for science popularization:

First prize (one): Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.

In addition: Award RMB 2500 Yuan.

Second prize (two): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.

In addition: Award RMB 1500 Yuan.

Third prize (four): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.

In addition: Award RMB 1000 Yuan.

      Best innovated prize(one)

Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.

In addition: Award RMB 2500 Yuan.

      Best visual effects prize(one)

Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.

In addition: Award RMB2500 Yuan.

      Best scenarist award(one)

Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.

In addition: Award RMB 2500 Yuan.

      Best sound effects prize(for animation category)(one)

Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.

In addition: Award RMB 2500 Yuan.

      Best popularity prize(one)

Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.

In addition: Award RMB 2500 Yuan.

      Entry prize (100 or less than 100 respectively for animation, comic and creative script in science popularization)

Organizing committee awards the prizewinner certificate.

      Organization prize (five agencies)

Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.

XI. Review of Entries

1. Form Examination: Entries will be examined preliminarily by the organizing committee office of the Game. Entries which meet the basic requirements of the competition will be counted as valid entries, and will enter the next round of review.

    2. Review of Shortlisted Entries: Judging panel of the competition will review those valid entries according to both public voting and juries’ opinions. 100 entries of all categories (animation, comic, creative script) will be shortlisted for the final review. (The shortlisted entries may be less than 100.)

3. Final Review: All prizes will be chosen out from those shortlisted entries after remarking and review by judging pane. The choosing of prizes will also consult the public voting result.

XII. Methods for Submitting Entries

1. Upload through internet

Register and download the application form of the competition in the special area named “I want to participate” in the official website of the competition ( and Column of Crystal CGS ( Fix it carefully, and compress the form and your entry together into ZIP file (not over 8M), then upload it according to the requirements. Submission failures caused by inaccurate format should be responded by entrants.

2. Submit by mail

Register and download the application form of the competition in the special area named “I want to participate” in the official website of the competition ( and Column of Crystal CGS ( Fix it carefully, and burn the form and your entry together into a CD, then mail it to the below address of organizing committee of “2009 Beijing Competition of Cartoon and Creative for Science popularization”.

Address: Room 209 in Beijing Association for Science & Technology,

NO.98, Yongwai Xigexinli Street, Chongwen District, Beijing China

(中国北京市崇文区永外西革新里98号北京市科协 209)

Postal Code: 100077

Telephone: (86-010) 8728-4922

 (Please mark the words “Entry for 2009 Beijing Competition of Cartoon and Creative for Science popularization” in your mail. Entries of only a print version will not be accepted.)



           Committee of 2009 Beijing Competition of

Cartoon and Creative for Science popularization

May 17th, 2009