1st National Humor Exhibition on Organs Donation 2008

1st National Humor Exhibition
on Organs Donation

The registrations for the 1st National Humor Exhibition
on Organs Donation can already be done.

Participants must register themselves on the website
 http://www.gabriel.org.br/ and send their works until June 30th.
 Participants are supposed to use their artistic and good humored
 view to make people aware of the importance of
the donation of organs aiming to decrease the number
of patients in the line of transplants, whose lives depend on the transplant.

Works will be awarded in four categories: Cartoons,
Comical cartoons, Caricatures and comic strips.

Selected works and awarded ones will be present to
 the press and guests during the first night of the event,
 which will tke place on July 12th at Casaroo Cultural do Pau Preto,
 at 477, Pedro Gon
salves Street, Jardim Pau Preto,
 Indaiatuba, S
ao Paulo,
in a partnership with the Foundation Pr
o-Memoria de Indaiatuba.

The exhibition is an initiative of the NGO GABRIEL
in a partnership with Virgo Publisher and the Studio EMT
and the president will be the architect and cartoonist Denis Mendes.

The directors of Virgo Publisher, Mario Dimov Mastrotti
and the director of Studio EMT, Moacir Torres
are well known graphic artists that have been working
in field for more than 30 years and are very experienced
 in organizing and participating in Humor Exhibitions.

All information and the rules of the exhibition are
available at the website of GABRIEL.
Check it, talk about it and participate in it.
Click Here




Hi artist Yasser Ahmad

Above all I want to tell you that I respect you as much a great artist and I want to tell you
that I love your ideas and your way of drawing and I ask you to excuse me
if I have trouble doing by my statement.
But I want to clarify once again that my drawing was the first to be published on the site.
it is easily verifiable as you can see the historic site. Now if the similarity was proved at the time of selection,
the jury needed to remedy this situation by cancelling outright or two drawings by another procedure.
In doing so this incident does not affect my respect for you as great artist Ahmad Yasser expensive and
for all Syrian artists that I admire very much and good continuation.








Dear Naji


many of cartoons have been arrived in the time of the priod until deadline,
and we had an arshive for these cartoons many of cartoons were in Arshive,and
we used sometimes one by one of these cartoons
and in archive I arranged the cartoons by date,and I found your cartoons arrived after Yaser Ahmad
Please accept this,Beacause I like you,and we have many good friendship,
and I can not bad think about you,
I love your style,I really appreciate your works
Please accept my answer
best wishes



Massoud Shojai Tabatabai

Director of  Irancartoon web site

Manager of The Iranian House of Cartoon




Türk karikatürünün ve çizgi romancýlýðýnýn büyük ustalarýndan Ýsmail Gülgeç,
20 Mayýs’ta Bakýrköy Ýncirli Hastanesi’nde geçirdiði beyin ameliyatýnýn ardýndan döndügü evinde
yeniden rahatsýzlanarak dün yoðun bakýma alýndý…
29 Mayýs Perþembe günü Çapa Týp Fakültesi reanimasyon merkezinde tedavisi sürmekte olan

Sevgili Gülgeç’in bir an önce saðlýðýna kavuþmasýný diliyoruz…






25.05.2008 tarihinde toplanan dernegimizin yonetim kurulu, son gunlerde karikatur gundemini mesgul eden ‘Akdeniz karikatur yarismasi’nin odul iptal karari hakkinda bir aciklama yapma karari almistir.

Bildiginiz uzere, onemli bir karikatur yarismasinin jurisinde yer alan karikatur dunyamizin degerli sanatcilari, kendi sectikleri 1. ve 2.lik odulu alan iki karikaturun benzerlik tasimasini, kopya imasi ile yine kendi kararlari ile iptal etmislerdir. Ilk olarak ciddi bir kuruma yakismayan bu davranisi, Anadolu Karikaturculer Dernegi olarak siddetle kinadigimizi aciklamakta fayda goruyoruz.

Hic bir yarisma jurisinin, kendi hatalarini duzeltmek adina, insanlari tohmet altinda birakacak aciklamalar yaparak, kamu oyunda yanlis bir bilinc yaratma hakki olmadigina inaniyoruz. Ozellikle konu ‘kopya karikatur’ gibi ucu acik ve hassas bir konuysa, biliyoruz ki gunumuz iletisim dunyasinda insanlara atilan camurlarin izinin temizlenmesi, o camuru atmak kadar kolay degildir.

Sonuc olarak, bu gibi durumlarin ulkemizde bir kez daha yasanmamasi adina, yarismalarda gorev alan tum juri uyelerini, aldiklari kararlarin arkasinda durabilecek kadar dikkatli calismaya davet ediyor, yaptiklari gorevin ne kadar onem arzettigini
bir kez daha vurgulamak istiyoruz.

Uyemiz Ali Bulca’nin sonuna kadar arkasinda oldugumuzu, kendisinin basarilarina yenilerini ekleyerek karikatur hayatina devam edecegini ve gecen zamanin yapilan bu buyuk haksizligi gozler onune serecegine olan inancimizi tum karikatur camiasiyla paylasiriz.Sevgi ve saygilarimizla…




Saniyorum uzun yillar daha tartisilacak olan kopya karikatur-benzer karikatur-calinti karikatur konusunda alinacak hayli yol var daha.. Benzer-calinti – taklit – kopya konusula konusula oyle bir hale geldi ki sanki tum bu kavramlar ayni seyler..

Oysa sozluk anlamini birakin baska dolayli anlamlari dahi ayni degil..
Anadolu Karikaturculer Dernegi’nin uyesi Ali Bulca nin arkasinda durmasi goze hosgelse de
one surdugu gerekceler pek oyle degil..
Bir defa cok tartisilsa da ucu acik olsa da cizerlerin kendileri acisindan onemli olan
temel konulari ele alma ve yorum yapma hakki vardir..
Ucu acik kavramini ben kendi sanatsal olculerimde pek kullanmam..
Niye derseniz ucu acik lafi yerine gore bazi seyleri kamufle de edebilir.. Bu bir..
Ikincisi Ali Bulca nin odulunun iptali neden hemen cizere donuk karalama olarak algilaniyor?..
Odul iptalini baska baska yonlere cekmek; ister anadolu, ister avrupa, hangi dernek olursa olsun dogru degil..
“Sizin kopya yaptiginiza inanmiyoruz fakat benzer karikatur su tarihte yapilmis o yuzden odulunuzu iptal ediyoruz” demek niye karalama olsun..
Donkisot’un “benzer karikatur” konusunda yaptigi onemli adimi Anadolu Karikaturculer Dernegi’nin “karalama-ucu acik” gibi kavramlarla tanimlamasi hayret verici..
Ve biraz statukocu bir tutum.. “Ne olursa olsun ben bu odulumu alirim” diyorsaniz o baska..
Ama dunya artik birakin 10 seneyi artik 5 sene onceki dunya degil…..
Dunya artik global bir koy..
Bunu ilk anlayip, ilk hayata tum hiziyla gecirmesi gereken cizerlerin ucu kime dokunursa dokunsun temel sanatsal konularda begenin-begenmeyin bir takim acilimlari karalama olarak gormesi gercekten ilginc..
Benzer karikatur tartismalarini karalama olarak goren arkadaslara tavsiyem donkisot websitesinde yayinlanan ve benzeri yaklasIk 10-15 adet cikan karikatur ornegini gormeleridir..
Ayni karikaturu 15 cizerin cizmesi bence hic anormal degil..
Bu 155 de olabilir.. Mesele bi daha bi daha o karikaturu odullendirmektir..
Tekrar ediyorum, dunya artik herkesin bildigi gibi global bir koy ve bu global koyde cizerlerin
olaylara bakisi kesinlikle 10-15 sene önceki gibi olmamali..
Kavram kargasasi yaratarak belli sanatsal konularin tartisilmamasini talep etmek kanimca dogru degil..
Ali Bulca’nin arkasinda durmak onun odulunun geri verilmesini talep etmek degildir..
Bu noktada Sevket Yalaz in bizzat kendisinin odulunu iadesini o zaman hangi cerceveye oturtacagiz?..
Bi tarafta odulunu eliyle iade eden bir cizer, diger tarafta cizerin iptal edilen odulu icin
basin aciklamasi yapan bir dernek..
Buyrun tercih sizin….
“Ucu acik” diye eger bir seyleri tartismayacak , ele almayacaksak korkarim sonucta
uc-kose-dortgen-eskenar da elimizde kalmaz..

Oguz Gürel





Cartoon Gallery “OsijeK presenting

71th exhibition


Croatian cartoonist

Tomislav Zvonarić


With his third exhibition in Cartoon Gallery “OsijeK” Tomislav Zvonarić has introduce himself.


Young cartoonist from Slavonija (Donji Miholjac). He showed his talent in early childhood, and during education he was drawing on books, notebooks and even dask where he sitting was full of his “masterpieces”.

High school was open him an opportunity that his works show in a monthly “Srednjoskolac”, he was working on front and last pages on that newspaper. Even then he understood that he better like cartoons than drawing simple portrets, nature, dead nature…. During one selection in Croatia he had god good reason to seriously start drawing cartoons and ofcourse he had good material for that. He is in HDK. At first he shows his works on Blog.hr where he was known at nickname “Toma Soyer”. His works are often get on the front pages of web portal Blog.hr, Kosarka.hr…also, his works were finding a way to the other media like HRT, Z1 (“Nocna mora”), Jutarnji List, Klik, Dubrovacki List

2006. in Zagreb he get a job as graphic designer in one small company. After a year he change his workplace and start working as a graphic editor in one sport magazine, nowdays he works there.

You can find his cartoons in a big world companies like T-mobile International, Tele2 in wallpapers format for mobile phone.

Newer Zvonaric`s works can be found on his Facebook profile, in magazine “Hrvatska Kosarka” and also on the web site www.wackedstarz.com, which is underconstruction.


Opening night wasselection by visiting of many Croatian cartoonist like Miroslav Gerenčer – Gero, Roko Idžojtić.

Reputable Osijek Cartoonist Gero had only words of praise for Tomislav Zvonaric work wich he graded as extremely talented cartoonist.


Exhibition was opened by Stela Dusanic, manager of Cartoon Gallery.

Quote from speech: “Its an honor and privileges to host so many talented young people in my Gallery. Tearm “joung people” mostly have negative tone, however, my Gallery have the privilege to show public different picture. From month to month we show to all world how joung people don’t have to be threat, problem, but hey can be crative, innovation, a blessing to their city and to make a great influence on future generation.”


Opening was embellish by the sounds of the guitar from Stjepan Vrečko & Filip Pernar… young people who make a difference!!


Using this opportunity I would like to give thanks to all those who came and embellish the opening night!


Thank you all, it will not be the same without you!




STela Dusanic