

Cartoon Gallery “OsijeK presenting

71th exhibition


Croatian cartoonist

Tomislav Zvonarić


With his third exhibition in Cartoon Gallery “OsijeK” Tomislav Zvonarić has introduce himself.


Young cartoonist from Slavonija (Donji Miholjac). He showed his talent in early childhood, and during education he was drawing on books, notebooks and even dask where he sitting was full of his “masterpieces”.

High school was open him an opportunity that his works show in a monthly “Srednjoskolac”, he was working on front and last pages on that newspaper. Even then he understood that he better like cartoons than drawing simple portrets, nature, dead nature…. During one selection in Croatia he had god good reason to seriously start drawing cartoons and ofcourse he had good material for that. He is in HDK. At first he shows his works on where he was known at nickname “Toma Soyer”. His works are often get on the front pages of web portal,…also, his works were finding a way to the other media like HRT, Z1 (“Nocna mora”), Jutarnji List, Klik, Dubrovacki List

2006. in Zagreb he get a job as graphic designer in one small company. After a year he change his workplace and start working as a graphic editor in one sport magazine, nowdays he works there.

You can find his cartoons in a big world companies like T-mobile International, Tele2 in wallpapers format for mobile phone.

Newer Zvonaric`s works can be found on his Facebook profile, in magazine “Hrvatska Kosarka” and also on the web site, which is underconstruction.


Opening night wasselection by visiting of many Croatian cartoonist like Miroslav Gerenčer – Gero, Roko Idžojtić.

Reputable Osijek Cartoonist Gero had only words of praise for Tomislav Zvonaric work wich he graded as extremely talented cartoonist.


Exhibition was opened by Stela Dusanic, manager of Cartoon Gallery.

Quote from speech: “Its an honor and privileges to host so many talented young people in my Gallery. Tearm “joung people” mostly have negative tone, however, my Gallery have the privilege to show public different picture. From month to month we show to all world how joung people don’t have to be threat, problem, but hey can be crative, innovation, a blessing to their city and to make a great influence on future generation.”


Opening was embellish by the sounds of the guitar from Stjepan Vrečko & Filip Pernar… young people who make a difference!!


Using this opportunity I would like to give thanks to all those who came and embellish the opening night!


Thank you all, it will not be the same without you!




STela Dusanic