Hi artist Yasser Ahmad
Above all I want to tell you that I respect you as much a great artist and I want to tell you
that I love your ideas and your way of drawing and I ask you to excuse me
if I have trouble doing by my statement.
But I want to clarify once again that my drawing was the first to be published on the site.
it is easily verifiable as you can see the historic site. Now if the similarity was proved at the time of selection,
the jury needed to remedy this situation by cancelling outright or two drawings by another procedure.
In doing so this incident does not affect my respect for you as great artist Ahmad Yasser expensive and
for all Syrian artists that I admire very much and good continuation.
Dear Naji
many of cartoons have been arrived in the time of the priod until deadline,
and we had an arshive for these cartoons many of cartoons were in Arshive,and
we used sometimes one by one of these cartoons
and in archive I arranged the cartoons by date,and I found your cartoons arrived after Yaser Ahmad
Please accept this,Beacause I like you,and we have many good friendship,
and I can not bad think about you,
I love your style,I really appreciate your works
Please accept my answer
best wishes
Massoud Shojai Tabatabai
Director of Irancartoon web site
Manager of The Iranian House of Cartoon