1-This contest and exhibition is open to all professional and amateur

cartoonists of any nationality religion and background…


2-Subjects-Topics: Cartoons against detroying the olive trees, olive, olive

industry, olive oil, olive branch, olive tree, cutting olive trees, benefit

from olive etc…


3-The minimum and maximum sizes of each cartoon to be submitted must be  A4

and  A3. Cartoons can be drawn in any colour… There shall be no frame nor

any bandages around the cartoons…


4-The cartoons must be original… Not photocopies…


5-The cartoons submitted to the contest which will be pre-elected will be

put and exhibited on a web page for the attention and objection of

international cartoon associations to overcome copying and steeling… Any

cartoon which is copied, stolen or awarded in other cartoon contest will be



6-All participants are allowed to submit maximum two cartoons… Name, surname

address, e-mail and telephone numbers of  the participants must be  written

at the back of each cartoon… A short resume and photograph must also be



7-All the cartoons must reach to the specified addresss till 01 JUNE 2009…

The cartoonists themselves will be responsible from all losses, delays and



8-Being publicated or not is not important for the cartoons… The important

thing is that they should not be awarded in any contest…


9-All cartoons eligible for an award or not shall not be returned and shall

be stored in archive of the “Cyprus Inernational Catoon Museum.”


10-Besides those cartoons which will be awarded, all the cartoons approved

by the selection committee will be pubicated in an album and exhibited in

Kyrenia Village during the “8th International Olive Festival”.


11-The result of the contest will be announced in local newspapers…


The transfer and accomodation expenses of the cartoonists who will win the

first three awards will be paid by the Municipality of Kyrenia…


Only the accomodation expenses of the cartoonists who will win

particular/distinctive awards will be paid by the Municipality of Kyrenia…




1st Prize:  1.500 Euro+Gold Medal…

2nd Prize: 1.000 Euro+ Silver Medal…

3th Prize:     750 Euro+Bronz Medal…


10 or 20 person “Special Prize” (Bronz Medal)
















1-Bu yarisma -din, dil, irk ayrimi yapilmaksizin- amator veya profesyonel

tum dunya karikaturculerine veya karikatur cizebilen herkese aciktir…

2-Konular: Zeytin Agaclarinin Kesilmesine Karsi Karikaturler, Zeytin,

Zeytincilik, Zeytin Yagi, Zeytin Dali, Zeytin Agaci, Zeytin Agaclarin

Kesilmesi, Zeytin’in Yararlari vd…


3-Yarismaya gonderilecek eserler en AZ A4, en cok A3 olculerinde olmalidir..

Eserler herhangi bir renkte olabilir… Gonderilecek eserlerde cerceve veya

paspartu olmamalidir…


4-Yarismaya gonderilecek eserler orijinal olacaktir… Fotokopi Kabul



5-Yarismaya gonerilen ve on elemeden gecen karikaturler, uluslararasi secici

kurul uyelerinin degerlendirmesine sunulmazdan once, olusturulacak bir web

sayfasinda yayinlanacak ve karikaturcu orgutlerin, benzer-taklit-calinti

karikaturlere karsi olusturulan uluslararasi organizasyonlarin dikkatine ve

itirazina getirilecektir… Herhangi bir karikaturun calinti-taklit veya

benzer oldugu veya daha once baska bir yerde odul aldigi tesbit edildigi

taktirde O karikatur yarisma disi birakilacaktir…


6-Yarismaya sadece 2 eser ile katilmak mumkundur… Gonderilecek eserlerin

arkasina isim ve adres yazilmali, kisa ozgecmis ve  bir adet fotograf

gonderilmelidir… Arzu Eden cizerler, telefon, fax, e-mail  adreslerini  de



7-Eserler en gec 1 HAZIRAN 2009 tarihine dek belirtilen adrese posta ile

ulastirilmis olmalidir… Eserlerin gonderilmesinde meydana gelebilecek

kayip, gecikme ve hasardan cizeri sorumlu olacaktir…


8-Yarismaya gonderilecek eserlerin yayinlanmis veya yayinlanmamis olmalari

onemli degildir… Gonderilecek eserler daha once herhangi bir yarismada

odul kazanmamis olmalidir…


9-Gonderilecek karikaturler, odul alsin veya almasin, geri iade

edilmeyecektir ve Kibris Turk Karikaturculer Dernegi tarafindan

olusturulacak “Uluslararasi Kibris Karikatur Muzesi”nin arsivine kalacaktir…


10-Yarismada odul kazanan eserlerin yanisira, secici kurulun uygun gorecegi

eserler bir album halinde yayinlanacak ve “8. Uluslararasi Zeytinlik

Festivali” kapsaminda Girne Belediyesi onundeki acik mekanda sergilenecektir



11-Yarisma sonuclari, secici kurul tutanagi ile birlikte, odul kazanan

cizerlere ve basin-yayin organlarina bildirilecektir…


         Yarismada ilk uc odulu kazanan cizerlerinin odul torenine

katilmalari icin gerekli ulasim ve konaklama giderleri Girne Belediyes’nce



         “Ozel Odul” kazanan cizerlerinin odul torenine katilmalari kendi

imkanlarinca saglanacak; konaklama ve diger giderler Girne Belediyesi’nce

temin edilecektir…




1. Odul: 1.500 Euro+Altin Madalya…

2. Odul: 1.000 Euro+Gumus Madalya…

3. Odul:    750 Euro+Bronz Madalya…


10 veya 20 cizere Ozel Odul (Bronz Madalya)








2008.11.21 – 16:34:46
Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi’nin Karikatürcüler Derneði iþbirliði ile düzenlediði karikatür yarýþmasý…


 Ýlk yerleþik tarým toplumu Çatalhöyük’ten, ilk Ýmparatorluðu kuran Hititlere; madeni iþleyip sanata dönüþtüren Urartular’dan, ahþabý oyup çivisiz mobilya yapan Frigler’e; paradan ticareti geliþtiren Lidyalýlara ve dünyanýn en bilindik ünlü savaþý Troya’ya kadar insanlýk tarihinin tüm var oluþunda ANADOLU vardý. Ýzmirli Homeros onun efsanesini yazdý Ýlyada da, Bodrumlu Herodotos ilk onun tarihini düþtü yazýya, Miletoslu Herakleitos ilk felsefi tohumlarýný ekti onun altýnda. On bin yýldýr Anadolu; antik kentleri, görkemli tapýnaklarý, hanlarý ve hamamlarý, saraylarý ve yalýlarý, heykelleri, seramikleri ve tüm tarih kokan, tarih yazan kalýntýlarý ile tanýklýk etti insana, insan eli ile yaratýlan uygarlýða…


 Ýnsanlýk tarihinin modern insana býraktýðý en önemli miraslardan biri olan ANADOLU, orantýsýz büyüyen kentler, yollar ve hýzla geliþen teknoloji ile YOK EDÝLÝYOR.
 Modernizm ile sýnýrsýz büyüyen 21. yüzyýl insaný, kendisiyle beraber çevresindeki Kültürel, Tarihsel ve Arkeolojik Mirasý da yok etmeye son hýzla devam ediyor. Büyüyen kentlerin binalarý, barajlarýn sularý, kaçakçýlarýn kazmalarý altýnda yok edilen, görmezden gelinen ya da yok edilme tehlikesi yaþayan ÝNSANLIÐIN ORTAK MÝRASI için bir karikatür de siz çizin. Mirasýmýzýn bir sesi de siz olun! Anadolu’yu siz sahiplenin, yok oluþu kaleminiz anlatsýn, çizgileriniz sorgulasýn. Çizin ki yok olmasýn… Dikkat çeksin, SAHÝPLENÝLSÝN… Tarih onu kaydedenler sayesinde vardýr… Deðerler yok olmadan tarihe çizgilerinizle bir not da siz düþün.


Anadolu’nun kültürel, tarihsel ve arkeolojik mirasýný yeniden anlamak ve sahip çýkmak; tahribattan, yok oluþtan korumak, önemsemek, sahiplenmek ve geleceðe geçmiþimizden kalan mirasýmýzý aktarmak… Karakaleminde aydýnlýk geleceðin ýþýðýný görmek için Kültürel mirasý çiz ki, geçmiþin bize býraktýðý yarýna da kalsýn…





 Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi’nin düzenlediði “Çizgilerde Anadolu” karikatür yarýþmasý;

  Tüm Anadolu karikatürcülerine açýktýr.
  Bir yarýþmacý birden fazla karikatürle yarýþmaya katýlabilir.
  Çizimler A3 (29,7 cm x 42 cm) boyutlarýnda ve paspartusuz olacaktýr. Hem renkli hem de siyah-beyaz çizimler kabul edilebilir.
  Yarýþmaya gönderilecek olan karikatürler, çizen karikatürcünün kendi orijinal düþüncesi olacaktýr.
  Karikatürler orijinal haliyle gönderilecektir. Fotokopi ile çoðaltýlan ya da bilgisayar ortamýndan çýktýsý alýnan karikatürler deðerlendirmeye alýnmayacaktýr. 
  Karikatürler daha önce sergilenmiþ veya yayýnlanmýþ olabilir, ancak hiçbir yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmalýdýr.
  Karikatürdeki yazýlar Türkçe olmalýdýr.
  Yarýþmaya gönderilen karikatürlerin arkasýnda çizenin adý, soyadý, yaþý ve iletiþim bilgileri açýk bir þekilde yazýlacaktýr.

  Katýlýmcýlar karikatürlerini en geç 16 MAYIS 2009 tarihine kadar elden veya posta yoluyla ulaþtýracaklardýr. Bu tarihten sonra gelen karikatürler deðerlendirmeye alýnmayacaktýr.

  Dereceye giren veya girmeyen karikatürler Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi’nde kültürel ve ticari amaçlý çalýþmalarda kullanýlabilir veya yayýnlanabilir. Ticari kullanýmlarda karikatürcünün ismi de mutlaka kullanýlacaktýr. Karikatürler Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi dýþýnda kullanýldýðý taktirde telif hakký sanatçýya aittir.
  Karikatürler ödül alsýn ya da almasýn karikatürcüye iade edilmez.

  Yarýþma jürisinin sergilenmeye deðer bulduðu karikatürler, ödül töreninin ardýndan bir hafta boyunca sergilenecektir.
  Yarýþmaya yollanmýþ olan karikatürler arasýndan jüri üyeleri tarafýndan seçilenler katalog halinde yayýnlanacaktýr. Katalogda çizimi bulunan tüm katýlýmcýlara katalogdan birer örnek gönderilecektir.

Yarýþmaya katýlan tüm çizerler bu þartlarý kabul etmiþ sayýlýrlar.

Aziz Yavuzdoðan (Karikatürcü, Karikatürcüler Derneði Genel Sekreteri)
Güneri Ýçoðlu (Karikatürcü, Leman Dergisi)
Kemal Çoþlu
Metin Üstündað (Karikatürcü, Penguen Dergisi)
Oðuz Gürel (Karikatürcü)
Piyale Madra (Karikatürcü, Radikal Gazetesi)
Veysel Donbaz (Karikatürcü, Arkeolog)
Mehmet Bezdan (Arkeolog, Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi)

Birinci: 1500 YTL
Ýkinci: 1000 YTL
Üçüncü: 500 YL
Ayrýca 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ye sürpriz baþarý ödülleri verilecektir.

Yarýþmaya Katýlým Adresi
Adres  :
Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi
l. Murat Mahallesi Haþim Ýþcan caddesi Aytaç Sitesi C Blok No: 3A/B Edirne
Tel & Faks : 0 284 236 43 54

2009 International Cartoon Festival with theme: World Crisis

2009 International Cartoon Festival with theme: World Crisis

Ufficio Premio Satira e Museo della Satira e della Caricatura
2009 International Cartoon Festival
Theme: “World crisis”
Format: A4, 300 dpi
Please send your works by email to
info@museosatira.it or museosatira@gmail.com
Please do not forget to include your home address.
The catalog of the exhibition will be sent to the participants.
Contacts: Comune di Forte dei Marmi
Ufficio Premio Satira e Museo della Satira e della Caricatura
Piazza Marconi,1, 55042 Forte dei Marmi Lu
Tel. +39 0584 280234 (ore 8-14) Fax +39 0584 280263.
Deadline: February 28, 2009
WEB: http://www.museosatira.it/
Source: ECC

3rd Cyprus Cartoon Contest 2009 with theme: Financial Crisis

3rd Cyprus Cartoon Contest 2009 with theme: Financial Crisis

Cyprus Cultural Association is inviting cartoonists worldwide to take part in the 3rd CYPRUS CARTOON CONTEST.
1) The theme is: “Financial Crisis”
2) Each cartoonist may submit up to 3 cartoons, without captions, size A4 (210X297).
3) Only original cartoons will be accepted.
4) Cartoonists can use any techniques they like.
5) Name and address should be written on the reverse side of each cartoon.
6) The decisions of the jury are final and cannot be appealed.
7) A catalogue will be sent only to the cartoonists who will be included in the catalogue.
8) Entry deadline is the 10th of April 2009
9) The exhibition will be held in May 2009. The winners will be announced at the opening ceremony.
10) The cartoons will not be returned. All participating cartoons will become property of the association and may be used for promotional and other purposes.
11) Participation in this contest, means acceptance of the rules.
12) Entries should be sent to:
Contacts: geocartoons@gmail.com


The Council of Santomera has organised this competition according to the following:
1. All professional cartoonists or not of any countries may take part in this competition.
2. Each cartoonist can submit 2 originals, being essential that the original works have not been submitted to a previous competition.
3. TOPIC: “Immigration and mutual enrichment”.
4. The works must be original, any painting technique being accepted. Top quality prints of works achieved by digital tools will be considered originals as long as the author sings them, and with the indication that it is Print nº 1.
5. The format of the works will be maximum 30×42 cms without frame.
1st PRIZE: 1000 euro
2nd PRIZE: 700 euro
Two runners-up: 200 euro
Special prize best work Murcia: 200 euro.
7. The works should be received by the organization by March 13th, 2009 at 14:00 hours. No works will be accepted after that limit time.
8. Each of the works for submission must carry an identification label, clearly filled in, including name of cartoonist, as well as address, phone number, photograph, e-mail and a brief curriculum.
9. All works must be sent to this address:
Ayuntamiento de Santomera CASAGRANDE (Inmigración)
C/ Cuatro esquinas, 58, 30140 Santomera • Murcia • SPAIN
10. The decisions of the Jury which will be taken by majority vote and will be final, will be made public on March 26th, 2009. The prize might be considered desiertos on the Jury´s decision.
11. The selected works will be exhibited from 1st to 30 April 2009 in Casagrande, in Santomera.
12. The prizewinning works will not be returned to their authors. They will become property of the Council of Santomera. The awarding of a prize to a specific word will automatically imply the waiving of its author’s royalties to the organisation.
13. The works not awarded as winners will be returned to their authors, provided theat this has clearly been by the authors in the identification label. These works will be returned once the Council of Santomera do the exhibitions.
14. It must be made clear that accepting all these regulations is the essential requirement to take part in the competition.
Information: http://humor-grafico-santomera.blogspot.com/

International Forum of Visual Humour KARIKATURUM 5, Surgut – Russia

International Forum of Visual Humour KARIKATURUM 5, Surgut – Russia

The Surgut Fine Arts Museum invites all artists irrespective of age and nationality to take part in the International Forum of Visual Humour KARIKATURUM – 5.
Topic: PASSION… passion as fascination, craze, dependence, hobby, love, pleasure, fear. It is in everything, that we love and do.
Nominations: Caricature, sculpture (small the plastic arts).
Primary prizes:
The “Golden Ushanka” Prize – 2000 euro
The “Silver Ushanka” Prize – 1000 euro
The “Bronze Ushanka” Prize – 500 euro
According to legislation of Russian Federation prize money are taxable.
Time constraints:
1. The deadline for entry is the 1st of July 2009.
2. Action period of the Jury is 9-12 of June 2009.
3. Opening of the Exhibition and the Rewarding Ceremony will be on the 12th of June 2010.
The Jury: Vladimir Stepanov (Russia), Stefan Despodov (Bulgaria), Irgi Sliva (Czekh), Minsalim Timergazeev (Russia), Svetlana Kruglova (Russia).
1. Only original works either new or having partaken in other competitions participate in the competition. The jury will not reward the cartoons which have won prizes in other competitions and Festivals. Creations sent by e-mail will not be accepted.
2. Any style and technique is available.
3. Size: from A4 (210х297) to A2 (420×590). Size of sculpture (small the plastic arts) at discretion of author. On a competition it is possible to present the unlimited amount of works.
4. The works must be carefully packed up. All postal costs are borne by the participants. The Forum has no responsibility for any eventual damage during the sending of the works.
5. The Form of the participant must be filled in with block letters. The works without the filled Form of the participant will not be accepted to the competition. On the back of each work the following information must appear: name of the author, address, telephone/fax number, e-mail, technique and materials used.
6. Submitted cartoons will not be returned and will stay in the collection of the Surgut Fine Arts Museum. The works can be exhibited in the halls of the Surgut Fine Arts Museum, other galleries to discretion of the Museum. The works may be displayed at the Museum website.
On results 4th of the International competitions in the Surgut artistic museum there was unique collection of ironical art (caricature, picture, sculpture), which is claimed not only in Surgut and Russia, but also abroad.
7. The organizers keep the right to publish and replicate the cartoons in the promotional pack of the Forum for promotional purposes of the Forum without feeing. The organizers promise to name the author and the county in all publications.
8. All works are copyright. Each author is responsible of his own creation, the copyright of the eventual texts, titles and images belong to the creators.
9. By submitting the works, the author accepts the rules and regulations of the Contest.
Special conditions:
1. The organizes of the Forum provide the Primary prize-winners for trip to Surgut for the Rewarding Ceremony and back, and accommodation in Surgut.
2. All participants are invited to the Opening of the Exhibition (trip and accommodation are at the expense of the participants).
3. A catalogue will be issued as a result of the Forum. All the cartoonists whose works will be selected for the catalogue will receive a catalogue.
4. The organizers and the sponsors of the Forum can institute some more special prizes after having received all the works.
Contact us:
Tel./fax: +7 (3462) 51-68-16, 51- 68-08, 51-68-12
E-mail: karikaturum@rambler.ru
Address: KARIKATURUM – 5, International Forum of Visual Humour, The Surgut Fine Arts Museum, 21/2, 30 Let Pobedy Str., Surgut, Tyumen region, 628403, Russia
Please, pass information about Forum the friend-artists.
Regulations & Entry-form in PDF


The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom 9th International Editorial Cartoon Competition

The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom 9th International Editorial Cartoon Competition
1. The theme for the 9th International Editorial Cartoon Competition is: “Protecting privacy?”
In the name of national security, governments increasingly encroach on the privacy rights of citizens. At the same time, the privacy of citizens is often invoked by governments and law enforcement bodies as a justification for denying the release of information that should be made public. The privacy of personal information and communication is a key pillar of our individual rights and freedoms – but “protecting privacy” is a concept that is widely abused to hide critical information the powerful do not want the public to see.
2. Prizes: Three prizes will be given: a first prize of $1500, a crystal trophy, plus a Certificate from Canadian UNESCO, a second prize of $750 plus a certificate, and a third of $500 and certificate. All sums are in Canadian dollars. Ten additional cartoons will receive an ‘Award of Excellence.’ Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies the Awards of Excellence.
3. Only one cartoon will be accepted from each cartoonist. It may be either in color or black and white and may be an original or a print. It must not have won an award and will not be returned. 4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.50 by 11 inches.
5. The cartoonist’s name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address (if available) must be in the e-mail to which the cartoon is attached. A short biography of the Cartoonist should be provided.
6. The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom shall have the rights to use any of the cartoons entered in the Competition for promotion of our World Press Freedom Day Luncheon May 5th, 2009. Entrance by the cartoonist in this Cartoon competition is deemed acceptance of this condition.
7. The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day Luncheon held at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, Canada on Friday, May 5th, 2009 as well as being advised by mail/fax or e-mail. The winning names and their cartoons will be posted on the CCWPF web site: http://www.ccwpf-cclpm.ca/
8. The best 30 cartoons will be exhibited at Luncheon.
The deadline for receipt of Cartoons is 5 p.m. Tuesday, 27 March, 2009.
Send submissions by E-mail to: info@ccwpf-cclpm.ca
Cartoons should be in jpeg format at 300 dpi.

X International Festival of Aphorism and Caricature – Strumica 2009 – R. MACEDONIA

X International Festival of Aphorism and Caricature – Strumica 2009 – R. MACEDONIA
Competition Theme: CARNIVAL
APHORISM: In this category each author can participate with a work, consisting of up to 15 aphorisms, printed in three copies, completed with code and particulars of the author, set in a sealed envelope. Authors are allowed to participate even with more works, as group of 15 aphorisms, each with a particular code.
CARICATURE: In this category the author can send up to three caricatures, own choice of technique, max. dimensions A/4.Each caricature to be completed with author’s particulars – on its back side.
The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address.
DEADLINE: The due date for works to be sent is February 14, 2009.
AWARDS: The Organizer will reward three main prizes, (golden plaqe, silver plaqe, bronze plaqe) having the right to decide about some additional prizes.
ADDRESS: The works should be addressed to: National Institution – Culture Centre “Anton Panov” 2400 Strumica R. MACEDONIA with note: For the Competition of aphorism and caricature
COPYRIGHTS: Both categories of received works will stay in the property of author and of the Organizer, who reserves the rights of its public presentation, catalogue preparation or other publication.
JURY AND PRESENTATION: The works received in due date, will be reviewed and estimated by a competent jury. The exhibition and the reward ceremony will be organized on March 2, 2009.
CONTACTS: tel. +389 34 322182 (Correspondence in English: Sofija Dzibulova) e-mail: trimerotikon@yahoo.com
Source: Cartoon Blues


Subject: THE ALCOHOL AND NATIONS (The subject has as many variations as the nations in the world. For example, the Bulgarians and rakia, the Scotsmen and whisky, the Russians and vodka,etc.)*
1. The Biennial for Caricature is open to professional and amateur caricaturists from all over the world;
2. Each participant should send up at least one piece of work 210/297 (A4 format)
3. The caricatures may be colorful or black-and-white;
4. Participants should send their caricatures by 31 July 2009;
5. It is advisable that together with their caricatures, participants also send a photograph or take-off and CV
6. An international jury will nominate 5 caricaturists who will be conferred the title Master of Caricature;
7. Prize caricatures are not sent back;
8. The rest of the caricatures will be sent back if authors state that in written form;
9. The Catalogue of the exhibition will be given free of charge to participants whose caricatures are included in the Catalogue.
Time and venue: on 1 October 2009, at 18.00 p.m. of the Regional Ethnographic Museum.
Submission deadline: 31 July 2009 (mail date)
Address for submissions: Regional Ethnographic Museum, 2, Dr. Chomakov St. 4000 Plovdiv BULGARIA
Caricature is a conception of the world,
Social position, view of life.
It is a human presence,
A peculiar expression of its socially committed author.
Implying signs of serious thinking,
It reflects the essence of movement towards the future.
(after Stefan Fartunov)
* There are lots of nations all over the world having their own favorite alcohol drink which helps them identify to the rest of the world. This special drink has a reserved place among the traditions and rituals of the community, in people’s working days and holidays, in their traditional beliefs and notions. In all cases there is only one intoxicate substance-ethanol (no matter if it is rakia, palinka, tsuika, schnapps, sake, ouzo, cognac, whisky, vodka, gin, rum, tequila, etc.) and only one biological kind (Homo sapiens), but the result is such a big variety of manners.
Can masters of caricature from different parts of the world join in the cross-cultural research on the alcohol?
We are looking forward to your offers.
Phone: ++ 359 32 626328; ++ 359 32 625257
E-mail: etnograph@abv.bg
The Nominated works will be kept in Works of Fine Art Stock of the Ethnographic Museum, Plovdiv.
Source: Cartoon Blues

26th Aydin Dogan International Cartoon Competition 2009 – Turkey


26th Aydýn Doðan International Cartoon Competition 2009 – Turkey

* The Aydýn Doðan International Cartoon Competition is held every year in Turkey by the Aydýn Doðan Foundation.
* The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
* The Jury, composed of foreign members, will meet in June 2009.
* The XXVI. Aydýn Doðan International Cartoon Competition will be celebrated with an award ceremony in November 2009 in Istanbul.
Participation Rules
1) Choice of subject is free.
2) Only original cartoons or internet print outs signed by the cartoonists will be accepted for the competition. Photographs, photocopies, etc… will not be accepted.
3) Size of cartoons should not exceed 29.7 x 42 cm (A3 paper size).
4) Participants are expected to send the filled out participation form, with a short curriculum vitae and a photograph, together with their cartoons. Please find the form attached to the competition booklet and posted on http://www.aydindoganvakfi.org.tr/ . The documents should be sent to:
Aydýn Doðan Foundation, Oymacý Sokak, No:15, Altunizade 34662, Istanbul / Turkey.
5) The Foundation will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during postage and handling.
6) Award-winning cartoons will not be returned to the artists.
7) By filling out the participation form, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he hands over the financial rights (s)he holds over the cartoons vis-à-vis the public to the Aydýn Doðan Foundation without limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties under Articles 21-25 of the Law on Intellectual Property Rights for publication. (S)he agrees that the Aydýn Doðan Foundation may use such cartoons, exhibit them, keep them in its archives and publish them on the Internet or through other media.
8) The Foundation will cover the travel and accommodation expenses of the first three prize-winning cartoonists for the award ceremony in Turkey.
9) Cartoons which do not win awards will be returned to the artists upon written request.
10) Deadline for entries is Friday, May 1st, 2009.
11. Former jury members can not participate in the competition.
The Prizes
First Prize : 8000 US Dollars and the First Prize of the Aydýn Doðan Foundation
Second Prize : 5000 US Dollars and the Second Prize of the Aydýn Doðan Foundation
Third Prize : 3500 US Dollars and the Third Prize of the Aydýn Doðan Foundation
Awards of Success : 500 US Dollars and the Award of Success of the Aydýn Doðan Foundation
(In the event of a tie, the prizes may be shared equally among the winners. A minimum of 5 and maximum of 12 success awards will be granted.)