18th World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition

18th World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition


1. The theme for the 18th International Editorial Cartoon Competition is:


The high price of a free press

Press freedom around the world is in danger as journalists are threatened by government censorship, organised crime and commercial pressures. Online content is being controlled by a handful of Internet companies whose processes lack transparency, and most countries restrict access to a range of websites. Donald Trump’s attacks on “fake news” in the US is also sending a message to authoritarian leaders that it is acceptable to crack down on the press. 259 journalists were jailed last year and 79 were killed. There were 426 attacks against journalists and media outlets in Mexico in 2016 alone. Some 150 Turkish journalists were in prison and more than 170 media organisations have been shut down since last year’s coup, including newspapers, websites, TV stations and news agencies, and 2,500 journalists have been laid off.


2. Prizes: three prizes will be given: a first prize of $1000 plus a Certificate from Canadian UNESCO, second and third prizes of $500. All sums are in Canadian dollars. Ten additional cartoons will receive an ‘Award of Excellence,’ Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies the Awards of Excellence.


3. Only one cartoon will be accepted from each cartoonist. It may be either in color or black and white and must not have won an award.


4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.50 by 11 inches. Cartoons should be in jpeg format at 300 dpi


5. The name, address, telephone number and a short biography of the cartoonist must be included in the submission.


6. The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom shall have the rights to use any of the cartoons entered in the Competition for promotion of our Editorial Cartoon Competition.


7. The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day Luncheon held at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, Canada on Thursday May 3, 2018 as well as being advised by e-mail. The winner’s names and their cartoons will be posted on the CCWFP web site.


8. The winning cartoons will be exhibited at the luncheon.


The deadline for receipt of cartoons is midnight GMT, Friday, April 13, 2018.

Send submissions by e-mail to : info@ccwpf-cclpm.ca



Guy Badeaux

Jury president

Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom

Twitter: @CDN_WPF


Dear colleagues,

here you have a Cartoon Contest and an Exhibition coming from Peru. The theme is Corruption and deadline for the contest is October 2018. You find the rules on attachement.



Dear friends

Oggetto: Umoristi a Marostica sta tornando……Umoristi a Marostica is coming back….Edizione 2018 "Water…"



Buongiorno amici "Umoristi"!

La biennale "Umoristi a Marostica" torna in questo 2018 con una nuova tematica, attuale e importantissima: l’acqua…


In attesa dell’aggiornamento del nostro sito web, vi inviamo in allegato il bando e la scheda di iscrizione utili a partecipare al concorso.


Per qualsiasi informazione non esitate a contattarmi a questa mail.


Un caro saluto



11th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest / 2018





Theme: Say NO to "violence against Women!"

We are taking on another global societal issue after covering child marriages. “Violence against Women” will be the theme of 12th Don Quichotte Caricature Contest. 
Violenst against women and childs is one of the most widespread violations of human rights. Some national studies show that up to 70% of women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime from an intimate partner. To raise awareness and trigger action to end this global scourge, the UNobserves International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November. 
Unfortunately, violence against women and girls is deep-rooted in our societies and the international observance serves as a symbol of resistance as well as a call to action to eliminate gendered physical, economic and psychological violence. Violence against Women has been increasing in emerging countries. Femicide-killing women because of their gender-is a longstanding issue in the world. For example, there were 430 female homicides in 2019 alone in Turkey. Although illegal, child marriage in Turkey remains also prevalent along with countries such as India, Iran, Mexico, Ethiopia, Chad and Niger.
The purpose of this contest is to bring global awareness to this issue through the lens of caricaturists around the world and encourage solutions that will end this social crisis.

Rules of the competition:
1) Joining the competition is possible only via internet (violenceagainstwomen2020@gmail.com)(with cv+address..)
2) All submitted pieces of work should be participating in a contest for the first time. In the event of violation of this requirement, any awarded prizes shall be returned.
3) The caricatures are to be submitted in A3 size, with a resolution of 300 dpi  and in Jpeg format (black and white or colour, no restriction as to technical colour processing).
4) The closing date of the competition is 31.03.2020.
5) Based upon the submitted caricatures, the jury will pre-select 100 finalists from April 10 to 20. 2020. These finalists will then be presented on social media platforms and on Don Quichotte’s websites for the following 10 days.
6) The jury will evaluate the pre-selected works of art from Mai 1 to 7, 2020 and publish the results on Mai 15, 2020.
7) The award ceremony will take place in line with the exhibition opening on Juni in Stuttgart.
8) Submitted caricatures will be securely stored within Don Quichotte’s archives. For any use other than contest related, permission shall be seeked from each author prior to use.
9) A contest catalogue shall be issued in pdf format and published. 


– First Prize: 750 Euro+DQ Medal
– Second Prize: 500 Euro+DQ Medal

– Third Prize: 250 Euro+DQ Medal
– Special Awards (Certificates)

Proselector Jury:

– Farzane Vaziritabar (Iran)

– Aslý Alpar (Turkey)

– Shirin Gholipour (Iran)

– Erdogan Karayel (Germany)


Jury Members:
– Adriana Mosquera (Spain)
– Anne Derenne (France)
– Cristina Sompaio (Portugal)
– Doaa Eladl (Egypt)
– Elena Ospina (Colombia)
– Marina Bondarenko (Russia)
– Marlene Pohle (Argentina)
– Martha Barragan Mar (Mexico)
– Maya Tcholakova (Bulgaria)
– Natalia Forcat (Brazil)
– Nicoleta Ionescu (Romania)
– Ramize Erer (Turkey-France)
– Shiva Zamanfar (Iran) 


Technical Assistant:

– Elif Özer (Turkey)





Thema: Sagt NEIN zur "Gewalt gegen Frauen!"

Nach dem Thema Kinderehe haben wir nun einen weiteren gesellschaftlichen Mißstand "Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen" zum Gegenstand des 12. internationalen Karikaturwettbewerbes erkoren.
Die Gewalt gegen Frauen und Kinder ist weltweit eines der am meisten verbreiteten Verstöße gegen Menschenrechte. Nationale Untersuchungen einiger Länder ermittelten Raten von bis zu 70% Frauen, die im Laufe ihres Lebens physischer, psychicher oder sexueller Gewalt durch ihre Familienangehörigen oder ihrer Ehemänner ausgeliefert sind.
Um diesem weltweiten Problem ein Ende zu bereiten, die Sensibilität zu erhöhen und Lösungen zu finden, haben die Vereinten Nationen (UN) den 25. November zum "Tag zur Bekämpfung von Gewalt gegen Frauen" ausgerufen.
Die Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen ist in vielen Völkern tief verwurzelt. Internationale Beobachter glauben, dass dieser Tag zur Beendigung von physischer, ökonomischer oder psychischer Gewaltherrschaft über den weiblichen Teil der Gesellschaft dienen, zumindest ein Symbol des Widerstandes gegen dieses Unrecht darstellen kann. In Entwicklungsländern (in unterentwickelten Ländern) ist die Gewalt gegen Frauen sehr viel verbreiteter. Morde an Frauen aufgrund ihrer Geschlechtszugehörigkeit sind historische und tragische Tatsachen auf der ganzen Welt. Zum Beispiel wurden in der Türkei 430 Morde an Frauen allein im Jahre 2019 begangen. Trotz Verbote von Gesetzeswegen sind Kinderehen in Ländern wie Türkei, Ýndien, Ýran, Mexiko, Äthiopien, Tschad und Niger weit verbreitet.

Der Zweck unseres weltweiten Wettbewerbes ist, die Wahrnehmung dieser globalen Mißstände zu erhöhen und Beiträge zur Lösung zu finden, oder zielführende Anstrengungen dafür zu fördern.

1) Die Teilnahme am Wettbewerb ist nur über das Internet möglich (violenceagainstwomen2020@gmail.com). (mit lebenslauf+adresse..)
2) Die eingereichten Karikaturen dürfen zuvor an keinem Wettbewerb teilgenommen haben. Bei Feststellung eines Verstoßes gegen diese Regel können verliehen Preise zurückverlangt werden.
3) Die Karikaturen sind in A3-Größe, 300 dpi-Auflösung und JPG-Format einzureichen (schwarz/weiß oder farbig, der farbtechnischen Bearbeitung sind keine Grenzen gesetzt).
4) Einsendeschluss ist der 31. March 2020.
5) Die Jury wird vom 10. bis 20. April 2020 aus allen eingereichten Karikaturen eine Vorauswahl treffen und 100 Finalisten bestimmen. Diese werden 10 Tage lang in sozialen Medien und auf den Homepages von Don Quichotte vorgestellt. 
6) Die Jury wird zwischen dem 1. und 7. Mai 2020 diese Arbeiten auswerten und die Ergebnisse am 15. Mai 2020 bekanntgeben.
7) Die Preisverleihung wird im Rahmen der Eröffnung der Wettbewerbsausstellung am Juni in Stuttgart.
8) Alle eingereichten Karikaturen werden sicher im Archiv von Don Quichotte aufbewahrt. Verwendung der Werke außerhalb des Wettbewerbs bedarf der vorherigen Zustimmung des jeweiligen Künstlers.
9) Es wird ein Wettbewerbskatalog der eingereichten Karikaturen als PDF-Dokument erstellt und veröffentlicht.


–  Erster Preis: 70 Euro + DQ Medal

–  Zweiter Preis: 500 Euro + DQ Medal

–  Dritter Preis: 250 EuroDQ Medal

–  Besondere Auszeichnungen (Zertifikate)


Vorab Jury:

– Farzane Vaziritabar (Iran)

– Aslý Alpar (Türkei)

– Shirin Gholipour (Iran)

– Erdogan Karayel (Deutschland)

Adriana Mosquera (Spanien) 
– Anne Derenne (Frankreich) 
– Cristina Sompaio (Portugal) 
– Doaa Eladl (Ägypten) 
– Elena Ospina (Kolumbien) 
– Marina Bondarenko (Russland) 
– Marlene Pohle (Argentinien) 
– Martha Barragan Mar (Mexiko) 
– Maya Tcholakova (Bulgarien) 
– Natalia Forcat (Brasilien) 
– Nicoleta Ionescu (Rumänien) 
– Ramize Erer (Türkei-Frankreich) 
– Shiva Zamanfar (Iran)

Technischer Assistent

– Elif Özer (Türkei) 




Konu: "Kadýna Karþý Þiddet"e HAYIR deyin!.. 

Çocuk evliliklerinden sonra baþka bir toplumsal toplumsal konu olan “Kadýnlara ve kýzlara yönelik þiddet”i, 12. Don Quichotte Uluslararasý Karikatür Yarýþmasý’nýn konusu olarak belirledik.
Kadýnlara ve çocuklara yönelik þiddet, insan haklarýnýn en yaygýn ihlallerinden biridir. Bazý ülkelerin ulusal araþtýrmalarý, kadýnlarýn % 70’inin yaþamlarý boyunca yakýnlarýndan ve eþlerinden psikolojik ve/ya cinsel þiddet yaþadýðýný belirtiyorlar. Bu küresel sorunu sona erdirmek, farkýndalýðý artýrmak ve çözüm üretmek adýna Birleþmiþ Milletler, 25 Kasým’ý "Kadýna Yönelik Þiddetle Mücadele Günü" olarak ilan etti. 
Kadýnlara ve genç kýzlara yönelik þiddet tüm toplumlarda derinlere dayanmaktadýr. Uluslararasý gözlemciler, bu günü toplumsal cinsiyete yönelik fiziksel, ekonomik ve psikolojik þiddeti ortadan kaldýrmak için ayný zamanda bir direniþ sembolü olarak da iþlev göreceðine inanmaktadýrlar. Geliþmekte olan (geri kalmýþ) ülkelerde kadýna yönelik þiddet daha da ileri boyutlardadýr. Kadýnlarýn cinsiyetlerinden dolayý öldürülmesi ne yazýk ki tüm dünyada uzun zamandýr devam eden trajik bir sorundur. Örneðin; Türkiye’de sadece 2019 yýlýnda 430 kadýn cinayeti iþlendi. Yasadýþý olmasýna raðmen çocuk evlilikleri; Türkiye, Hindistan, Ýran, Meksika, Etiyopya, Çad ve Nijer gibi ülkelerde yaygýn þekilde devam ediyor.Y arýþmamýzýn amacý, dünyadaki karikatürcüler aracýlýðýyla bu konuda küresel Yarýþmamýzýn amacý, küresel kriz olarak ele aldýðýmýz bu toplumsal sorunun çözümüne yönelik çabalarý teþvik etmek ve bu alanda farklýlýk yaratmaktýr.


Yarýþma Koþullarý:

1) Yarýþmaya sadece internet üzerinden ( violenceagainstwomen2020@gmail.com ) katýlýnabilir. (özgeçmiþ ve adres de eklenerek..)

2) Yarýþmaya katýlacak karikatürlerin daha önce hiç bir yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmasý gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde ödülün geri alýnabilmesi söz  konusu olabilecektir.

3) Karikatürler A3 boyutunda, 300 dpi ve JPG formatýnda olacaktýr. (Siyah-beyaz veya renkli olabilir, her türlü boyama tekniði serbesttir.)

4) Yarýþmaya son katýlým tarihi 31 Mart 2020‘dir.

5) DQ Ön Seçici Kurulu 10-20 Nisan 2020 tarihleri arasýnda gelen karikatürlerden 100 finalist belirleyecek. Finalistler 10 gün boyunca sosyal medyada ve Don Quichotte internet sitelerinde yayýnlanacaktýr.

6) Seçici kurul, gelen karikatürleri 1-7 Mayýs 2020 arasý deðerlendirecek, sonuçlar 15 Mayýs 2020 tarihinde açýklanacaktýr.

7) Ödül töreni ve sergi, Haziran ayýnda Stuttgart‘ta gerçekleþecektir.

8) Gönderilen karikatürler Don Quichotte arþivinde muhafaza edilecektir.

9) Yarýþma albümü pdf olarak hazýrlanacak ve (sponsor bulunduðunda) ayrýca bastýrýlacaktýr.



– Birincilik Ödülü: 750 Euro+Madalya

– Ýkincilik Ödülü: 500 Euro+Madalya

– Üçüncülük Ödülü: 250 Euro+Madalya

– Özel Ödüller (Sertifikalar)

Ön Seçici Kurul:
– Farzane Vaziritabar (Ýran)
– Aslý Alpar (Türkiye)

– Shirin Gholipour (Ýran)

– Erdogan Karayel (Almanya)

Seçici Kurul Üyeleri:
– Adriana Mosquera (Ýspanya)
– Anne Derenne (Fransa)
– Cristina Sompaio (Portekiz)
– Doaa Eladl (Mýsýr)
– Elena Ospina (Kolombiya)
– Marina Bondarenko (Rusya)
– Marlene Pohle (Arjantin
– Martha Barragan Mar (Meksika)
– Maya Tcholakova (Bulgaristan)
– Natalia Forcat (Brezilya)
– Nicoleta Ionescu (Romanya)
– Ramize Erer (Turkey-France)
– Shiva Zamanfar (Iran) 

Teknik Asistan:

– Elif Özer (Türkiye)





15-18 Kasým 2018 tarihleri arasýnda Meksika yolcusuyuz..
uluslararasý "Brillant Minds/Parlak Beyinler" karikatür festivalinin 5 uluslararasý juri üyesinden biri de benim.. 
karikatürlerinizi bekliyoruz.. son katýlým tarihi: 24 Eylül 2018..


What is the most burning question of today about reading?
Este año como cada en cada edición del Concurso Internacional de caricaturas del Festival de Mentes Brillantes nos lucimos con un jurado de primer nivel, este año nos acompañarán Erdogan Karayel de Turquía, Adriana Mosquera Nani de Colombia-España, Luis Humberto Marcos de Portugal. Omar Zevallos de Perú y Martha Barragan Mar, directora del concurso.

Esperamos sus trabajos para seguir llevando la caricatura a los más importantes escenarios, en donde se reúnen quienes están cambiando al mundo.

Bienvenidas, bienvenidos….

Dead line: 24 de septiembre
Bases: http://n9.cl/gWKQ

Uluslararasý Parlak Beyinler Festivali ‘ nin onuncu uluslararasý çizgi film yarýþmasý: la ciudad de las fikirler / Meksika

Okuma hakkýnda bugün en çok yanan soru nedir?
Bu sene her düzenleme gibi parlak zihin festivali ‘ nin uluslararasý karikatür yarýþmasý ‘ nýn her sayýsýnda birinci sýnýf bir jüri ile görünüyoruz, bu yýl bize eþlik edecek Erdogan Karayel Türkiye ‘ den, Adriana Mosquera nani kolombiya-Ýspanya, Luis Humberto Marcos Portekiz ‘ den. Omar Zevallos Peru ve Martha Barragan Mar, yarýþma müdürü.

Karikatür ‘ü en önemli senaryolar’ a taþýmak için çalýþmalarýný bekliyoruz, dünyayý deðiþtiren insanlarýn toplandýðý yer.

Dead Line: 24 Eylül







LUBW / State Institute for the Environment, Measurements and Nature Conservation Baden-Württemberg
INTEGRA Filder e.V. & Don Quichotte




Subject: “Planet Calling SOS!”

Long before the dawn of the ecological movement in the 1970s, there were already many committed people and groups throughout the world concerned with the relationship between mankind and nature. They were worried about the dismissive way humans were handling nature and they reasoned about the consequences of this behaviour.

What has happened since then? Topics such as climate change, global warming, soil contamination, microplastics floating in the oceans, species extinction etc. are ever-present in our media and by now, everybody should at least have heard about those issues. Unfortunately, little has changed in the behaviours, neither of the individuals nor of societies. How come?

As early as 1972, the Club of Rome, an organisation of individuals who share a common concern for the future of humanity and strive to make a difference, predicted that if there was no awakening, the existing economical system would inescapably lead to a global ecological and economical collapse. They explained that causes and effects of human activities were often set wide apart in terms of time and space. Hence many can’t (or don’t want to) see the impact of their behaviour and simply deny responsibility.

This can’t go on any longer. Our planet is sending an “SOS”, making an emergency call. The Earth is in a critical situation and mankind is at a turning point. For instance, provided that all imaginable measures and precautions were taken, the ozone layer would still need at least 10 years to renew itself. If we are to believe recent research, the world population is expected to be 9 billion in 2050! If we fail to consume our energy and natural resources in a conscious and responsible way, sooner or later, life on our planet will become impossible.

Hence we are now calling upon all caricaturists in the world: Let’s draw our lines and warn the ones who can’t see the oncoming dangers! Let’s save our planet!

Rules of the competition:
1) Joining the competition is possible only via internet planetcallingsos@gmail.com ).
2) All submitted pieces of work should be participating in a contest for the first time. In the event of violation of this requirement, any awarded prizes shall be returned.
3) The caricatures are to be submitted in A3 size, with a resolution of 300 dpi  and in Jpeg format (black and white or colour, no restriction as to technical colour processing).
4) The closing date of the competition is June 1, 2018.
5) Based upon the submitted caricatures, the jury will pre-select 100 finalists  from June 01 to 15, 2018. These finalists will then be presented on social media platforms and on INTEGRA’s and Don Quichotte’s websites for the following 10 days.
6) The jury will evaluate the pre-selected works of art from June 25 to 30, 2018 and publish the results on  July 1, 2018.
7) The award ceremony will take place in line with the exhibition opening on July 22, 2018 at the Municipal Art Gallery in Filderstadt.
8) Submitted caricatures will be securely stored within  INTEGRA’s and Don Quichotte’s archives. For any use other than contest related, permission shall be seeked from each author prior to use.
9) A contest catalogue shall be issued in pdf format and published. 


– First Prize: 1.500 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
– Second Prize: 1.000 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
– Third Prize: 500 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
– Special Awards


Jury Members:

– Marilena Nardi (Italy)

– Angel Boligan (Mexico)
– Valeri Kurtu (Germany)
– Peter Nieuwendijk (Netherlands)

– Willem Rasing (Netherlands)
– Bernard Bouton (France)
– Pavel Kuczynski (Poland)
– Trayko Popov (Bulgaria)
– Tan Oral (Turkey)
– Hayati Boyacýoðlu (Germany)
– Erdoðan Karayel (Germany)


Technical Assistant: 

– Saadet Demir Yalçýn (Turkey)






Thema: "Der Planet ruft SOS!"

Lange vor dem Beginn der Umweltbewegung in den 1970er gab es weltweit schon viele engagierte Personen und Gruppierungen, die sich mit dem Verhältnis zwischen Mensch und Natur befassten und sich Gedanken über den rücksichtlosen Umgang des Menschen mit der Natur sowie den daraus resultierenden Folgen machten.

Was hat sich seither geändert? Themen wie Klimawandel, Erderwärmung, Verseuchung der Böden, Microplastik in den Weltmeeren, Artensterben usw. sind in allen Medien omnipräsent und fast alle Menschen haben zumindest von den Problemen gehört – aber sonst? Am Verhalten sowohl des Einzelnen als auch der Gesellschaften hat sich leider kaum etwas getan. Wie ist das zu erklären?

Bereits 1972 hat der Club of Rome, eine gemeinnützige Organisation die sich für eine nachhaltige Zukunft der Menschheit einsetzt, vorausgesagt, dass das bestehende Wirtschaftssystem zwangsläufig zu einem weltweiten ökonomischen und ökologischen Zusammenbruch führen wird. Er zeigte auch, dass Ursache und Wirkung menschlicher Handlungen zeitlich und räumlich weit auseinanderliegen können. Das ist ein Grund dafür, dass Menschen die Wirkungen ihres Handels nicht unmittelbar erkennen (wollen) und Verantwortung von sich weisen.

So kann es aber nicht weiter gehen! Unsere Erde sendet uns ein SOS, denn sie befindet sich in einer sehr kritischen Lage und die Menschheit ist an einem Wendepunkt angelangt. Um nur ein Beispiel zu nennen, sollten jetzt alle denkbaren Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, würde es dennoch mindestens 10 Jahre dauern, bis sich die Ozonschicht erneuert hätte. Wenn man der Forschung Glauben schenkt, wird die Weltbevölkerung im Jahr 2050 voraussichtlich 9 Milliarden betragen. Falls wir nicht umgehend bewusster und verantwortungsvoller unsere Energiequellen und Ressourcen nutzen, wird das Leben auf unserem Planeten über kurz oder lang unmöglich werden.

Daher rufen wir alle Karikaturisten dieser Welt auf: Lasst uns diejenigen warnen, die diese Gefahren nicht sehen! Lasst uns unseren Planeten retten!

1) Die Teilnahme am Wettbewerb ist nur über das Internet möglich (planetcallingsos@gmail.com).
2) Die eingereichten Karikaturen dürfen zuvor an keinem Wettbewerb teilgenommen haben. Bei Feststellung eines Verstoßes gegen diese Regel können verliehen Preise zurückverlangt werden.
3) Die Karikaturen sind in A3-Größe, 300 dpi-Auflösung und JPG-Format einzureichen (schwarz/weiß oder farbig, der farbtechnischen Bearbeitung sind keine Grenzen gesetzt).
4) Einsendeschluss ist der 01. Juni 2018.
5) Die Jury wird vom 01. bis  15. Juni 2018 aus allen eingereichten Karikaturen eine Vorauswahl treffen und 100 Finalisten bestimmen. Diese werden 10 Tage lang in sozialen Medien und auf den Homepages von INTEGRA und Don Quichotte vorgestellt. 
6) Die Jury wird zwischen dem 25. und 30. Juni 2018 diese Arbeiten auswerten und die Ergebnisse am 01. Juli 2018 bekanntgeben.
7) Die Preisverleihung wird im Rahmen der Eröffnung der Wettbewerbsausstellung am 22. Juli 2018 in der Städtischen Galerie Filderstadt stattfinden.
8) Alle eingereichten Karikaturen werden sicher im Archiv von Integra und Don Quichotte aufbewahrt. Verwendung der Werke außerhalb des Wettbewerbs bedarf der vorherigen Zustimmung des jeweiligen Künstlers.
9) Es wird ein Wettbewerbskatalog der eingereichten Karikaturen als PDF-Dokument erstellt und veröffentlicht.


–  Erster Preis: 1.500 Euro + Zertifikat

–  Zweiter Preis: 1.000 Euro + Zertifikat

–  Dritter Preis: 500 Euro+ Zertifikat

–  Besondere Auszeichnungen



– Marilena Nardi (Italien)

– Angel Boligan (Mexiko)

– Valeri Kurtu (Deutschland)
– Peter Nieuwendijk (Niederlande)

– Willem Rasing (Niederlande)
– Bernard Bouton (Frankreich)
– Pavel Kuczynski (Polen)
– Trayko Popov (Bulgarien)
– Tan Oral (Türkei)
– Hayati Boyacýoðlu (Deutschland)
– Erdoðan Karayel (Deutschland)


Technischer Assistent: 

– Saadet Demir Yalçýn/Türkei





Konu: "Gezegenimiz ÝMDAT diyor!

70’li yýllarda henüz çevre ve doðayý koruma hareketi baþlamadan çok önceleri, insan ve doða iliþkilerini inceleyen, insanýn doðaya karþý olan dikkatsizliðinden kaynaklý ortaya çýkan olumsuz sonuçlar üzerine kafa yoran, araþtýrmalar yapan insanlar ve gruplar vardý.

O zamandan beri ne deðiþti? Ýklim deðiþikliði, küresel ýsýnma, topraðýn zehirli atýklarla kirlenmesi, dünya denizlerinde giderek artan mikroplastikler, canlý türlerinin yok oluþlarý vb. gibi konular dünya medyasýnda sürekli yer buluyor. Böylelikle hemen herkes sorunlardan haberdar oluyor. Ama sonucunda ne oluyor? Canlý türünün varoluþunu tehdit eden geliþmeler hakkýndaki farkýndalýðýn bu kadar artmasýna karþýn, hem bireylerin hem de toplumlarýn doðaya karþý davranýþlarýndaki deðiþim yok denilebilecek kadar az! Peki bunu nasýl açýklamalý?

Tüm önlemlerin alýnmasý halinde bile, ozon deliðinin kendini yenileyip kapanmasý en az 10 yýlý bulacak. Araþtýrmalara göre; 2050 yýlýnda dünya nüfusunun 9 milyar olmasý bekleniyor! Eðer, enerji kaynaklarýmýzý ve doðanýn bize sunduklarýný bilinçli þekilde kullanmazsak, gezegenimizde yaþamak olanaksýz hale gelecek.

1972 yýlýnda Roma Kulübü’nün isteðiyle yapýlan bir çalýþma; "Doðanýn bir Ekonomik Sistem olarak Deðerlendirilmesi  ve Ýktisadi Büyümenin Sýnýrlarý‘ný incelemiþ ve mevcut sistemin dünyayý zorunlu olarak ekonomik ve ekolojik bir çöküþe götüreceðini belirtmiþtir. Ayrýca, bu çalýþmada insan kaynaklý davranýþlarýn  etkisi ve nedenlerinin zamansal ve mekansal olarak farklýlaþtýðý üzerinde de durulmuþtur. Bu durum, insanlarýn eylemlerinin etkilerini doðrudan anlamak istememelerinin ve sorumluluðu reddetmelerinin de temel nedenlerinden biridir.

Ýþte tam da bu çeliþki, „Karikatür“ sanatýnýn özünde zaten vardýr. Dünya Karikatüristlerinden beklentimiz; çizgileriyle bu çeliþkiyi, gerçeklik ve insan davranýþýlarýný tatlý bir alay ve hicivle etkili bir biçimde tek bir karede anlatmalarý. Sizleri, deðerli çalýþmalarýnýzla, bizlere ayna tutarak, kendi iç dünyamýza yolculuk yapmamýzý ve düþünce ile davranýþ biçimlerimizdeki inanýlmaz çeliþkiyi sorgulamaya davet ediyoruz! Bizimle Gezegenimizi kurtarmaya var mýsýnýz?





Yarýþma Koþullarý:

1) Yarýþmaya sadece internet üzerinden ( planetcallingsos@gmail.com ) katýlýnabilir.

2) Yarýþmaya katýlacak karikatürlerin daha önce hiç bir yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmasý gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde ödülün geri alýnabilmesi söz  konusu olabilecektir.

3) Karikatürler A3 boyutunda, 300 dpi ve JPG formatýnda olacaktýr. (Siyah-beyaz veya renkli olabilir, her türlü boyama tekniði serbesttir.)

4) Yarýþmaya son katýlým tarihi 1 Haziran 2018‘dir.

5) On Seçici Kurul 01-15 Haziran 2018 tarihleri arasýnda gelen karikatürlerden 100 finalist belirleyecek. Finalistler 10 gün boyunca sosyal medyada, Integra ve Don Quichotte internet sitelerinde yayýnlanacaktýr.

6) Seçici kurul, gelen karikatürleri 25-30 Haziran 2018 arasý deðerlendirecek, sonuçlar 01 Temmuz 2018 tarihinde açýklanacaktýr.

7) Ödül töreni ve sergi, 22 Temmuz 2018 tarihinde Filderstadt Sanat Galerisi‘nde gerçekleþecektir.

8) Gönderilen karikatürler Integra ve Don Quichotte arþivinde muhafaza edilecektir.

9) Yarýþma albümü pdf olarak hazýrlanacak ve ayrýca bastýrýlacaktýr.

10) Ödül alan ve sergilenmeye deðer bulunan karikatürler, gerektiðinde Avrupa’nýn deðiþik ülkelerinde sergilenecektir.



– Birincilik Ödülü: 1.500 Euro+Plaket

– Ýkincilik Ödülü: 1.000 Euro+Plaket

– Üçüncülük Ödülü: 500 Euro+Plaket

– Özel Ödüller

Seçici Kurul Üyeleri:

– Marilena Nardi (Italya)

– Angel Boligan (Meksika)

– Valeri Kurtu (Almanya)
– Peter Nieuwendijk (Hollanda)

– Willem Rasing (Hollanda)
– Bernard Bouton (Fransa)
– Pavel Kuczynski (Polonya)
– Trayko Popov (Bulgaristan)
– Tan Oral (Türkiye)
– Hayati Boyacýoðlu (Almanya)
– Erdoðan Karayel (Almanya)


Teknik Asistan: 

– Saadet Demir Yalçýn (Türkiye)






Ahmad Momeny
Hossien Rezaye
Nauroz Salehy

Kamel Berrani
Youcef Aimeur

Louis Pol
Stanojevic Boban

Klaus Pitter

Nasim Sayad

Mehedi Haque

Vitaly Bondar

Luc Descheemaeker
Raphaël Donay Rafagé

Rešad Sultanović
Alisson Affonso
Anarco Traço
Anderson Delfino
Cival Einstein
Dinildomar das Chagas de Moura
Eder Santos
Evandro Alves 
Floreal da Silva Andrade
Joao Bosco Jaco de Azevedo (J.Bosco)
Liz França
Raimundo Rucke
Raimundo Waldez C. Duarte
Selói Peters
Silvano Mello
Victor Romanos

Ivailo Tsvetkov
Trayko Popov

Bilig Ba
Black Li Cheng Xuan
Cai Weidong
Fan Jun
Guibao Gai
Kuang Biao
Lei Zou
Li Hai Feng
Li Xiaoyang
Liang Junqi
Liu Daowei
Liu Qiang
Niu Zhong Ju
Shaowei Zhu
Shi Qi
Su Xuebing
Sun Chen
Sun Li Fen
Sun Shen Ying
Xiaoqiang Hou
Xu Shuguang
Yang Liang Yi
Yang Lijie
Yang Xia
Yang Xiaobo
Yu Shi New
Zhou Xi Yue

Alberto Martinez Betto
Andrés Camilo Patiño Olarte
Camilo Andrés Triana Cubillos
Gerardo Antonio Barba
Jairo Peláez Rincón
José Andrés López Sandoval
Luis Eduardo Leon
Mauricio Para
Omar Figueroa Turcios
Raul Grisales Guaico

Borislav Hegedušić
Damir Novak
Mojmir Mihatov
Nikola Listes

Brady Izquierdo Rodríguez
Roberto Sergio Castillo Rodriguez

Musa Kayra

Xavier Bonilla

Dina Abdelgawad Shosha
Eman Fouad
Khaled Marsafy
Maha Tawfiq
Marwa Ibrahim
Omar Seddek Mostafa

Alecus – Ricardo Clement
Carlos Ruiz
Francisco Fuentes González

Alexei Talimonov

Enn Ehala
Ester Lauringson

Aude Mikhaelle Marty
Bernard Bouton
Christophe Lagarde
Frederic Castaing

Amro Banat
Holger Faber
Hossein Eskandri
Hossein Rahimkhani
Martin Sura

Andreas Antonos
Augoustinos Kissamitakis
Grigoris Georgiou
Konstantinos Tsanakas
Ovidiu Serb

István Parázs

Aarya Butolia
Anýl S. Walad
Charu Shakthi
Karunakaran Perambra
Namadev Kagadagar
Pranjita Chakraborty
Rajeendra Kumar C
Rashi Butolia
Satyanarayanan Govind aka Chari 
Shankar Pamarthy 
Siya Butolia
Shivangni Chaudhary
Smitha Bhandare Kamat
Tvg Menon
Venkatesh Jakkula
Vikram Kumar Nayak

Aan Adijaya
Abdul Arif
Achmad Cholid
Agus Eko Santoso
Aris Danar
Armen Hamonangan
Bambang Sulistyo
Bayeneh Shariati Mehr
Budi Hari Pujiono
Djoko Susilo
Eko Noor Rochim
Eko Supa Supargo
Fransiskus Agus Harsanta
Giant Sugianto
Haryadhi Soelistyanto
Jitet Kustana
Mohamad Nurkholis
Muhammad Darusalam
Naufan Noordyanto
Ramli Badrudin
Shaima Hanifah
Supriatin Soeprieketjil
Yasermi Syahrul

Abbas Naaseri
Afra Asadi
Akbar Torabpour
Akef Rahmati
Ali Ghanaat
Ali Rastroo
Ali Shabani
Ali Shafei
Alireza Karimi
Alireza Pakdel
Amir Reza Eidi
Amir Soheili
Armita Sepehri
Arsalan Ahmadinejad
Artemis Lahsaei
Atieh Mehrabi
Efat Amjadipoor
Ehsan Ganji
Elahe Afshar
Emad Salehi
Esmaeil Babaei
Esmaeil Janblaghi
Farah Jaberi
Hamed Bazrafkan
Hamid Ghalijari
Hamid Soufi
Hossein Kazem
Iman Nouri Najafi
Keyvan Ghahramani 
Khodayar Naroei
Korosh Mahmoodi
Mahdi Afradi
Mahdiye Mousazde Mehrabani
Mahmonir Babazadeh
Mahmood Nazari
Malek Sheikhi
Maryam Farajiani
Masoume Soleimani Haji Kandi
Masoumeh Rahimi
Matin Eslami
Mohadeseh Hasanzadeh
Mohamad Javad Ghasemi
Mohammad Mahmoudi
Mohammad Saman Souli
Monireh Ahmadi
Mozhdeh Malekoghli
Nahid Sadeghi Moghadam
Nazanin Fazeli
Niusha Bazmoon
Parviz Karimi
Pooya Abdoli
Razieh Zargaran
Reyhane Abrooei
Rojina Fetanat
Saeed Sadeghi
Salar Eshratkhah
Samin Sadrnejad
Sepideh Aghaei
Sepideh Seifizadeh
Setayesh Rajabiyan
Seyedmeysam Aghaseyedhosseini
Seyyed Hossein Fazeli
Shaghayegh Roshani
Shahram Rezaei
Shahrokh Heidari
Sholeh Pardakhtim
Siamak Gholami Babani
Sohrab Kheiri
Somayeh Abdollahy
Zhaleh Yoosefinezhad

Abdulameer Alrekabi
Raid Al Dolimy

Ilya Katz

Andrea Pecchia
Durando Christian Torino
Flavio Maracchia
Gabriele Corvi
Giovanni Celini
Isabella De Novellis
Marco De Angelis
Mariagrazia Quaranta
Zaza Leonardo

Mike V. Derderian
Rafat Alkhateeb

Galym Boranbayev

Kang’ethe Njenga

Agim Krasniqi

Anas El Lakkis

Jordan Pop Iliev
Miro Georgievski
Zlatko Iv Krstevski

Andrea Arroyo
Angel Boligan
Antonio Rodríguez
Arturo Rosas
Florent Espejel
Gerardo Antonio Barba
Guffo Gustavo Caballero Talavera
Israel Campos de León
Rosario Martínez 
Salvador Adolfo Gonzalez estrada

Darko Drljevic
Luka Lagator

Abdelghani Dahdouh
Fouzi Afou
Jalal Hajir
Naji Benaji

Olivier Siersma
Peter Nieuwendijk
Willem Rasing

Pedro Molina
Wilber Chavarria Centeno

Firuz Kutal
Linn Isabel Eielsen

Hazem Nassar
Khaled Al-Khaldi
Safaa Odah

Brenda Lys Roman Gonzalez
Fernando Barrial
Julio Carrión Cueva
Marco Ramos Trujillano
Omar Zevallos Velarde
Walter Toscano

Andrzej Krawczak
Dariusz Dabrowski
Jacek Majcherkiewicz
Mirela Bukała
Pawel Stanczyk

Helder Teixeira Peleja
Pedro Silva
Ricardo Ferreira
Simone Luzinha
Vasco Gargalo

Borta Ambrozie Ovidiu
Cornel Chiorean
Doru Axinte
Gabriel Rusu
George Licurici
Liviu Stanila
Marian Avramescu
Marian Lupu
Matei Mihai
Mihai Ignat
Simona Constantinescu

Aleksandr Zudin
Igor Pashchenko
Valeri Tarasenko
Vladimir Vasiliev
Vladislav Dubcov

Bobisa Todorovic
Goran Celicanin
Milenko Kosanovic
Mileta Miloradovic
Miroslav Jakovljev
Predrag Srbljanin
Uroš Papeš
Vladimir Stankovski  

Darina Kličková
Vladimír Pavlík

Anne Derene
Javier Zorrilla Berganza
Josef Prchal
Manuel Arriaga
Miguel Villalba Sánchez
Omar Pérez

Elrayah Ombaddi
Nadir Ibrahim Abdel-Halim Mustafa

Alaa Dayoub
Nawar Khalil
Raed Khalil
Shadi Fauzi Alashoush
Wissam Asaad
Yaser Ahmad

Christopher Nyiti
Popa Matumula

Ahmet Ümit Akkoca
Ali Hakan Alan
Aslý Alpar
Asuman Küçükkantarcýlar
Batýkan Özev
Beþir Geroðlu
Bilal Akay
Burak Oktay
Bülent Okutan
Can Sivri
Cemil Safitürk
Coþkun Göle
Deniz Dokgöz
Eda Karaabdurrahmanoðlu
Ediz Çelik
Emrah Arýkan
Emre Yýlmaz
Eray Özbek
Eren Sönmez
Fahriye Çýtaklý
Felek Taþ
Ferhat Demirbaþ
Fethi Gürcan Mermertaþ
Fýrat Rüzgar
Fýrat Saraç
Gülfidan Hitit Biçer
Gülfidan Özdilek
Halit Kurtulmuþ Aytoslu
Hamza Akýn
Hasan Ceylan
Hayrettin Oturgan 
Hikmet Çil
Hilal Özcan
Hüseyin Gani Merttürk
Kaan Saatçi
Kürþat Zaman
Lütfü Çakýn
Mahmut Tarhan
Mehmet Ali Güneþ
Mehmet Kahraman
Mehmet Tayfun Kara
Mehmet Zeber
Melek Çimen
Melek Nurlu Gündoðan
Mikail Çiftçi
Muhammet Bakýr
Murat Dönmez
Musa Keklik
Nesli Karabulut Kavraal
Nuray Tekün
Orhan Ateþ
Ömer Çam
Ömer Güçlü
Önder Önerbay
Özkan Yalçýn
Recep Özcan
Said Coþar
Salih Gürdap
Salih Kütükçü
Selim Tanrýseven 
Senem Yozgat
Serdar Kýcýklar
Serdar Sönmez
Seyit Saatçi
Þener Tosun
Turan Ýyigün
Uður Pamuk
Yahya Uluð
Yaþar Uçar
Yiðit Akyol

Alexander Dubovsky
Dmytro Skazhenik
Michael Mayevsky
Oleg Loktyev
Oleh Smal
Oleksy Kustovsky
Semerenko Vladimir
Sergei Fedko
Vladimir Kazanevsky

Raquel Orzuj

Felipe Galindo (Feggo)
Phu Nguyen
Prabhakar Putheti
Venkata Korasala

Hristina Belousova
Makhmudjon Eshonkulov
Muzaffar Yulchiboev

Edgar Vargas
Nicolás Alberto Pérez López

Arwa Moukbel Saaed



11th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest / 2018

Theme: “Child Brides“


Young girls who have not reached puberty are being forced to marry as child brides in some developing regions of the world. Child marriages are most common in India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Tanzania. Unfortunately, this issue is becoming more common in Turkey as well. Globally, every 1 out of 5 females who is under 18 years old is being forced into marriage in exchange for a dowry.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights prohibits child marriages and states that men and women of full age are entitled to equal marriage rights during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending parties. This statement does not specify the minimum age requirement unlike other conventions and it is subjective.
Globally, every 1 out of 5 females who is under 18 years old is being forced into marriage in exchange for a dowry.
Legislations and precautions that are already in place are not sufficient and non-government organizations have been heavily campaigning to increase awareness on this topic. The purpose of this competition is to bring awareness to child marriages around the world, to study and criticize this social phenomenon. 
We have an important mandate but limited time.
We are calling all caricaturists/cartoonists around the world to contribute their work to raise awareness and come one step closer to solving this issue.


The Rules of Competition:


1) With participation in competition is possible only by Internet. (childbrides@donquichotte.org)
2) All submitted work should be participating a contest for the first time. With an offence, there’s a risk of deprivation of the achieved prizes.
3) The designs are to be drawn in A3-Size to deliver in 300 dpi dissolution and in Jpeg format. They know both and black-and-white, and to be colored, the coloured representation is exactly the same as the colortechnical treatment of the work is incumbent on not a containment.
4) The closing date of the competition is 10.MARCH 2018
5) Pre-selective Jury will determine the 100 finalists between dates 10-13 March 2018. Finalists will be presented in social media and on DQ website for the following 7 days.
6) The jury exists, evaluates the works between 13-15 March 2018. Results of this evaluation and conception of the price-crowned works are published on 20 March 2018.
7) The award of the prize will take place in the context of the opening of the exhibition in 19 April 2018 in the municipal art gallery Maji/Istanbul.
8) Received caricatures will be securely saved in Don Quichotte’s archive. We certainly will get permission from you if we need to use your caricatures for purposes other than displaying it in exhibitions and album. 
9) Contest Album will be developed in pdf and, if sponsored, will be printed.
10) Awarded and best performing cartoons will be exhibited in various European countries.




– First Prize: 1.000 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
– Second Prize: 750 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
– Third Prize: 500 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
– Special Awards
– 10 Mentions


Women Jury Members: 


– Adriana Mosquera (Spain)
– Farzane Vaziri Tabar (Iran)
– Elena Ospina (Colombia)
– Marilena Nardi (Italy)
– Martha Barragan (Mexico)
– Natalia Forcat (Brazil)
– Nicoleta Ionescu (Romania)
– Saadet Demir Yalçýn (Turkey)
– Shiva Zamanfar (Iran)



Organizational Responsibilities:
Don Quichotte/Erdoðan Karayel



Organization Partner:
G&Partner/Gaye Donay











Konu: "Çocuk Gelinler"


"Çocuk Gelinler"
Geliþmekte olan ülkelerin bir çoðunda, kýz çocuklarý daha ergenliðe girmeden evlenmek zorunda býrakýlýyor. Dünya üzerinde 18 yaþ altý her 5 kýzdan 1’inin genç yaþta evlendirildiði, bu evlilikler sýrasýnda baþlýk parasý alýndýðý ve bu çocuklarýn kocalarý tarafýndan þiddet gördüðü tespit edilmiþtir.
Ýnsan Haklarý Evrensel Bildirgesi zoraki çocuk evliliklerini yasaklamýþtýr. Fakat asýl sorun, bu bildirgede kaç yaþýndaki çocuðun evlenmeye razý olabileceði açýkca belirtilmemiþ, sadece yaþýný doldurmuþ her kadýn ve erkeðin evlenebileceði belirtilmiþtir. Bildirgedeki bu açýk, caydýrýcý olmaktan öte neredeyse teþvik edici bir nitelik taþýmaktadýr.
Dünya genelinde, günde yaklaþýk 39.000 kýz çocuðu erken yaþta gelin oluyor!.
"Çocuk Gelinler”e; Hindistan, Bengladeþ, Afganistan, Etiyopya, Tanzanya gibi ülkelerde daha sýkça rastlanýlýyor.. Ne yazýk ki, günümüz Türkiye’sinde de bu oranýn artýþ gösterdiði, bu yönde alýnan önlemlerin ve çýkarýlan yasalarýn yetersiz olduðu kanýtlanmýþtýr. Gittikçe artan olaylar üzerine geçtiðimiz günlerde sivil toplum kuruluþlarý ülke genelinde yoðun bir kampanya süreci baþlatmýþlardýr.
Yarýþmamýzýn amacý, ülke gözetmeksizin, tüm dünyada gittikçe artan "Çocuk Gelinler" konusunu gündeme taþýyarak, mizah yoluyla sorgulamak ve irdelemektir. Konumuz güçlü, ancak süremiz kýsýtlýdýr. Dünyanýn her hangi bir ülkesinde yaþayan vicdan sahibi tüm çizerlere çaðrýda bulunuyoruz. Bu sorunun çözülmesine sizler de çizginizle katkýda bulunun. Çizdiðiniz her karikatür size "Çocuk" olarak geri dönecektir..


Yarýþma Koþullarý:


1) Yarýþmaya sadece internet üzerinden (childbrides@donquichotte.org) katýlabilinir.
2) Yarýþmaya katýlacak karikatürlerin daha önce hiç bir yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmasý gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde ödülün geri alýnabilmesi söz konusu olabilecektir.
3) Karikatürler A3 boyutunda, 300 dpi ve JPG formatýnda olacaktýr. (Siyah-beyaz veya renkli olabilir, her türlü boyama tekniði serbesttir.)
4) Yarýþmaya son katýlým tarihi 10 MART 2018‘dir.
5) Ön Seçici Kurul 10-13 Mart 2018 tarihleri arasýnda gelen karikatürlerden 100 Finalist belirleyecek. Finalistler 7 gün boyunca sosyal medyada ve DQ internet sitesinde yayýnlanacaktýr.
6) Seçici kurul, gelen karikatürleri 13-17 Mart 2018 tarihinde deðerlendirecek, sonuçlar 20 Mart 2018 tarihinde açýklanacaktýr.
7) Ödül töreni ve sergi, 19 Nisan 2018 tarihinde Ýstanbul’da Maji Sanat Galerisi‘nde gerçekleþecektir.
8) Gönderilen karikatürler Don Quichotte arþivinde muhafaza edilecektir. 
9) Yarýþma albümü pdf olarak hazýrlanacak, gerekli sponsor desteði saðlandýðýnda bastýrýlacaktýr.
10) Ödül alan ve sergilenmeye deðer bulunan karikatürler, Avrupa’nýn deðiþik ülkelerinde sergilenebilecektir.




– Birincilik Ödülü: 1.000 Euro+Don Quichotte Madalyasý
– Ýkincilik Ödülü: 750 Euro+Don Quichotte Madalyasý
– Üçüncülük Ödülü: 500 Euro+Don Quichotte Madalyasý
– 10 adet Mansiyon


Seçici Kurul:


– Adriana Mosquera (Ýspanya)
– Farzane Vaziri Tabar (Ýran)
– Elena Ospina (Kolombiya)
– Marilena Nardi (Ýtalya)
– Martha Barragan (Meksika)
– Natalia Forcat (Brezilya)
– Nicoleta Ionescu (Romanya)
– Saadet Demir Yalçýn (Türkiye)
– Shiva Zamanfar (Ýran)



Organizasyon Sorumlusu:
Don Quichotte/Erdoðan Karayel


Organizasyon Partneri:
G&Partner/Gaye Donay


11th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest / 2018 -CHILD BRIDES- NEW DEADLINE: 10 MARCH 2018

11th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest / 2018

Theme: “Child Brides“


Young girls who have not reached puberty are being forced to marry as child brides in some developing regions of the world. Child marriages are most common in India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Tanzania. Unfortunately, this issue is becoming more common in Turkey as well. Globally, every 1 out of 5 females who is under 18 years old is being forced into marriage in exchange for a dowry.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights prohibits child marriages and states that men and women of full age are entitled to equal marriage rights during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending parties. This statement does not specify the minimum age requirement unlike other conventions and it is subjective.
Globally, every 1 out of 5 females who is under 18 years old is being forced into marriage in exchange for a dowry.
Legislations and precautions that are already in place are not sufficient and non-government organizations have been heavily campaigning to increase awareness on this topic. The purpose of this competition is to bring awareness to child marriages around the world, to study and criticize this social phenomenon. 
We have an important mandate but limited time.
We are calling all caricaturists/cartoonists around the world to contribute their work to raise awareness and come one step closer to solving this issue.

The Rules of Competition:

1) With participation in competition is possible only by Internet. (childbrides@donquichotte.org)
2) All submitted work should be participating a contest for the first time. With an offence, there’s a risk of deprivation of the achieved prizes.
3) The designs are to be drawn in A3-Size to deliver in 300 dpi dissolution and in Jpeg format. They know both and black-and-white, and to be colored, the coloured representation is exactly the same as the colortechnical treatment of the work is incumbent on not a containment.
4) The closing date of the competition is 10 MARCH 2018.
5) Pre-selective Jury will determine the 100 finalists between dates 10-13 March 2018. Finalists will be presented in social media and on DQ website for the following 7 days.
6) The jury exists, evaluates the works between 13-17 March 2018. Results of this evaluation and conception of the price-crowned works are published on 20 March 2018.
7) The award of the prize will take place in the context of the opening of the exhibition in 19 April 2018 in the municipal art gallery Maji/Istanbul.
8) Received caricatures will be securely saved in Don Quichotte’s archive. We certainly will get permission from you if we need to use your caricatures for purposes other than displaying it in exhibitions and album. 
9) Contest Album will be developed in pdf and, if sponsored, will be printed.
10) Awarded and best performing cartoons will be exhibited in various European countries.


– First Prize: 1.000 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
– Second Prize: 750 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
– Third Prize: 500 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
– Special Awards
– 10 Mentions

Women Jury Members:

– Adriana Mosquera (Spain)
– Farzane Vaziri Tabar (Iran)
– Elena Ospina (Colombia)
– Marilena Nardi (Italy)
– Martha Barragan (Mexico)
– Natalia Forcat (Brazil)
– Nicoleta Ionescu (Romania)
– Saadet Demir Yalçýn (Turkey)
– Shiva Zamanfar (Iran)

Organizational Responsibilities:
Don Quichotte/Erdoðan Karayel

Organization Partner:
G&Partner/Gaye Donay





Konu: "Çocuk Gelinler"


Geliþmekte olan ülkelerin bir çoðunda, kýz çocuklarý daha ergenliðe girmeden evlenmek zorunda býrakýlýyor. Dünya üzerinde 18 yaþ altý her 5 kýzdan 1’inin genç yaþta evlendirildiði, bu evlilikler sýrasýnda baþlýk parasý alýndýðý ve bu çocuklarýn kocalarý tarafýndan þiddet gördüðü tespit edilmiþtir.
Ýnsan Haklarý Evrensel Bildirgesi zoraki çocuk evliliklerini yasaklamýþtýr. Fakat asýl sorun, bu bildirgede kaç yaþýndaki çocuðun evlenmeye razý olabileceði açýkca belirtilmemiþ, sadece yaþýný doldurmuþ her kadýn ve erkeðin evlenebileceði belirtilmiþtir. Bildirgedeki bu açýk, caydýrýcý olmaktan öte neredeyse teþvik edici bir nitelik taþýmaktadýr.
Dünya genelinde, günde yaklaþýk 39.000 kýz çocuðu erken yaþta gelin oluyor!.
"Çocuk Gelinler”e; Hindistan, Bengladeþ, Afganistan, Etiyopya, Tanzanya gibi ülkelerde daha sýkça rastlanýlýyor.. Ne yazýk ki, günümüz Türkiye’sinde de bu oranýn artýþ gösterdiði, bu yönde alýnan önlemlerin ve çýkarýlan yasalarýn yetersiz olduðu kanýtlanmýþtýr. Gittikçe artan olaylar üzerine geçtiðimiz günlerde sivil toplum kuruluþlarý ülke genelinde yoðun bir kampanya süreci baþlatmýþlardýr.
Yarýþmamýzýn amacý, ülke gözetmeksizin, tüm dünyada gittikçe artan "Çocuk Gelinler" konusunu gündeme taþýyarak, mizah yoluyla sorgulamak ve irdelemektir. Konumuz güçlü, ancak süremiz kýsýtlýdýr. Dünyanýn her hangi bir ülkesinde yaþayan vicdan sahibi tüm çizerlere çaðrýda bulunuyoruz. Bu sorunun çözülmesine sizler de çizginizle katkýda bulunun. Çizdiðiniz her karikatür size "Çocuk" olarak geri dönecektir..

Yarýþma Koþullarý:

1) Yarýþmaya sadece internet üzerinden (childbrides@donquichotte.org) katýlabilinir.
2) Yarýþmaya katýlacak karikatürlerin daha önce hiç bir yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmasý gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde ödülün geri alýnabilmesi söz konusu olabilecektir.
3) Karikatürler A3 boyutunda, 300 dpi ve JPG formatýnda olacaktýr. (Siyah-beyaz veya renkli olabilir, her türlü boyama tekniði serbesttir.)
4) Yarýþmaya son katýlým tarihi 10 Mart 2018‘dir.
5) Ön Seçici Kurul 10-13 Mart 2018 tarihleri arasýnda gelen karikatürlerden 100 Finalist belirleyecek. Finalistler 7 gün boyunca sosyal medyada ve DQ internet sitesinde yayýnlanacaktýr.
6) Seçici kurul, gelen karikatürleri 13-17 Mart 2018 tarihinde deðerlendirecek, sonuçlar 20 Mart 2018 tarihinde açýklanacaktýr.
7) Ödül töreni ve sergi, 19 Nisan 2018 tarihinde Ýstanbul’da Maji Sanat Galerisi‘nde gerçekleþecektir.
8) Gönderilen karikatürler Don Quichotte arþivinde muhafaza edilecektir. 
9) Yarýþma albümü pdf olarak hazýrlanacak, gerekli sponsor desteði saðlandýðýnda bastýrýlacaktýr.
10) Ödül alan ve sergilenmeye deðer bulunan karikatürler, Avrupa’nýn deðiþik ülkelerinde sergilenebilecektir.


– Birincilik Ödülü: 1.000 Euro+Don Quichotte Madalyasý
– Ýkincilik Ödülü: 750 Euro+Don Quichotte Madalyasý
– Üçüncülük Ödülü: 500 Euro+Don Quichotte Madalyasý
– 10 adet Mansiyon

Seçici Kurul:

– Adriana Mosquera (Ýspanya)
– Farzane Vaziri Tabar (Ýran)
– Elena Ospina (Kolombiya)
– Marilena Nardi (Ýtalya)
– Martha Barragan (Meksika)
– Natalia Forcat (Brezilya)
– Nicoleta Ionescu (Romanya)
– Saadet Demir Yalçýn (Türkiye)
– Shiva Zamanfar (Ýran)

Organizasyon Sorumlusu:
Don Quichotte/Erdoðan Karayel

Organizasyon Partneri:
G&Partner/Gaye Donay


“The End of Terrorism” International Poster, Cartoon and Caricature Contest-2018

“The End of Terrorism" International Poster, Cartoon and Caricature Contest-2018

Sections and the Themes:

Poster Section:

The End of Terrorism

Cartoon Section:

– The End of Terrorism

– Aleppo was released

-Mosul was released

Caricature Section:

-Benjamin Netanyahu

– Donald Trump

– Aung San Suu Kyi

– Mohammad Bin Salman


Each participant can send maximum 3 artworks in each section

Sent artworks should not been awarded before

Artworks must be send with png or jpg format, 300 dpi resolution and 2000 pixel length or width

Artists must send their (name and family name, address, Email, Tel (Cell phone), Photo and Resume) in word file

Artists that their artwork published in catalog will receive a copy of catalog

Iranian winners will receive their awards in case of their attending in Closing Ceremony


Cartoon Section:

First Prize: $ 2000 + Trophy and Honorable Mention

Second Prize: $ 1500 + Trophy and Honorable Mention

Third Prize: $ 1000 + Trophy and Honorable Mention

Caricature Section:

First Prize: $ 2000 + Trophy and Honorable Mention

Second Prize: $ 1500 + Trophy and Honorable Mention

Third Prize: $ 1000 + Trophy and Honorable Mention

Poster Section (The Humorous Look of Graphic Artists):

5 Prizes of 20,000,000 Rials + Trophy and Honorable Mention

Jury Members:

Mr, Mohammadhossein Niroumand , Massoud Nejabati &  Mohammadreza Doust Mohammadi,

From Iran, Silvano Mello from Brazil and Alexander Faldin from Russia

New Deadline:Feb.,4th, 2018

Address for sending artworks:




+ 98 21 88 911 214

+ 98 21 88 911 215


+ 98 21 88 911 219

Address of Secretariat of the Contest:

1st Floor, No 55, Vahdat alley, North Hafiz st, Karim Khan Zand ave, Tehran, Iran

A Colorful Human World” International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition Norway 2018

A Colorful Human World” International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition
Norway 2018

A Colorful Human World!
"It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair", Dickens wrote. Words, we recognize only too well. Or rather, we instantly recognize the despair, seeing it in the eye of refugees, who travel across the sea in spite of the danger, because staying would be infinitely more dangerous. We see the refugees, who never make it to Europe, drowning in the attempt, and those who make it ashore, only to be met with hate speech and the suspicion that they are extremists. Mainstream media are stimulating that populist speech, which incites hate, while right wing parties everywhere in Europe are calling on the nation state and closing of the borders to the exclusion of others. There is always some "other" to blame for everything. In fact, our societies consist of many "others" at the risk of a situation of fracture in which everyone is made scared of one another. Cartoonists have an important task at hand, and The International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition 2018 invites all cartoonists to make us forget to be scared and find different ways of (re)connecting. Cartooning at its finest is a spring of hope. It gives us ways to critically rethink and find alternatives to bridge the "us" and "them". We get to see the human in the other. Differences in culture or language are no longer too strange or too much to take in. We see that differences are what make for a colorful world. We deserve to be living in a colorful human world and The International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition 2018 invites all cartoonists to take part to make it a reality.
Theme: Colorful Human World.
Deadline: 15th of March 2018. 
Size: A4, jpg format, 300 dpi. 
Email: colorworld2018@gmail.com
The Contest is open to cartoonists from all over the world. Cartoonists can send their published or unpublished works of art to the Contest.
The cartoon can be produced traditionally or digitally.
Deadline :15th of March 2018
Each participant may present up to 3 cartoons (size A4). Resolution must be at least 300 dpi.
The Prizes
Grand Prize: 5,000 kr. 
Second Prize:3,000 kr.
Third Prize: 2, 000 kr.
Honour Prizes (5): 1000kr.
All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a Digital Certificate of Participation
A short CV, personal photo, the e-mail address, Skype account (if available), and the postal address of each participant is required.
Norwegian and International Jury of ten members will make a selection of the submitted cartoons which are to exhibited in the Norwegian Literature House in Oslo and published in Cartoon Home Network International (Facebook platform):https://www.facebook.com/CHNI2016/
The jury members can be participants only in the exhibition.
They will be exhibited to 100 drawings to be evaluated by the Jury Committee.
All participating drawings may be exhibited in a touring exhibition in Norway or abroad.
The drawings may be used in the advertising campaign of the exhibition. On no account should drawings or copies be sold. Commercial exploitation of part or the whole exhibition is prohibited.
Copyright of the exhibition belongs to the organizers.
Participants will receive a digital catalog of the exhibition.
If you have any questions, we’ll be happy to answer them. Please send an email to: chni2016@gmail.com
You can visit our Cartoon Home Network International on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/CHNI2016/
Good Luck
Cartoon Home NetworkInternational | CHNI

International Cartoon Contest “Humour a Gallarate” 2017, Italylll DEADLINE: LAST 2 DAYS!!!

International Cartoon Contest "Humour a Gallarate" 2017, Italy 

"Humour a Gallarate"
International Cartoon Contest
‘Marco Biassoni’ Grand Prix
“Osvaldo Cavandoli” Prize
January 21 – February 28, 2018
Theme: On the road

During the exhibition Kerouac. Beat Painting organized at the Museo Maga in Gallarate from December 2017 to April 2018 "Humor in Gallarate" chooses as the theme for the XXIII edition the title of his most famous novel. The pictorial and graphic works of one of the 20th century literary icons, Father of Beat Generation, will be exhibited for the first time in Italy, and "On the Road" will also be the leading line in the show of the selected cartoon.


1) The contest is open to all professional cartoonists, caricaturists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world.
2) The competition is divided into three sections: A) Graphic humor B) Satire C) Caricature
Each participant can submit up to three works, one for each section, specifying the title
3) Theme: On the Road
4) The works must be UNPUBLISHED, accompanied by the participation card, biography and photo. Any work already published on paper or on the web will automatically be excluded from the assignement of prizes.
5) Size: A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)
6) Technique: Free.
The artworks Works can be made with any technique, including digital techniques.
7) The artworks could be send in two ways: A) Sending the artworks’ original | B) Electronic submission
A) A) Sending originals by post: each artwork must be signed by the author, with the personal information (name, surname, address), title and technique. The works, accompanied by the participation card, must be sent to:
Pro Loco Gallarate
Vicolo del Gambero, 10,
21013 Gallarate (VA)
B) Electronic submission: The file must include the author’s name and the progressive number (for example Name_1.jpg, Name_2.jpg, etc.). File format: JPG, 300 DPI, Max 2MB for each image.
The files, accompanied by the participation card, should be sent by email to: proloco.gallarate@libero.it
IMPORTANT: In the event of awarding a prize, the winner is required to send the original workthat will become part of the "Humor at Gallarate Collection". In case of digital artwork, the author is required to send an high-definition print with the "unique copy" caption.
8) Deadline: 12.00 PM December 15, 2017
The Jury will meet Saturday, December 16, 2017
9) Prizes: the Jury will assign the following prizes:
 Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni" for the best artwork among all the sections
(Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature) – 1.000 € + diploma
 1st Prize – 500 € + diploma for each section
 One special Mention of Jury – Diploma for each section
 5 mention of honor for each
 “Cava Prize” 500 € + diploma. The special "Cava Award" named after Osvaldo Cavandoli, creator of the celebrated "La Linea" character, will be assigned to the artwork that, chosen from all the sections, will combine the beauty of humorous, satirical or caricatural content with the essence of the core graphic execution.
10) Jury: The selection of works and the awarding of prizes is exclusive jurisdiction of the Jury, appointed by the Pro Loco Gallarate, which will meet on December 16, 2017 in Gallarate. The jury’s decision is final and unquestionable.
11) Exhibition: from January 21, 2018 at Maga Museum (Gallarate).
There will be also Marilena Nardi’s solo art exhibition.
Opening ceremony: Sunday, January 21, 2018, at 11:00 AM
All authors who will attend the opening ceremony are invited to a rustic lunch.
12) Catalogue: Each selected author, exhibited in shows and published in the catalog, will receive a complimentary copy of the same
13) Property and rights: the Organizers reserve the rights to reproduce the cartoons in catalogue, newspapers, or posters to promote the Contest and to exhibit a selection of works in other locations in Italy or other countries. None of works will be returned but will be included in the "Humour Gallarate Collection".
By submitting the artworks, the author accepts the rules and regulations of the Contest and the decisions of the Jury.
Further information:
Tel/Fax (+39)0331.774968
proloco.gallarate@libero.it www.prolocogallarate.it
Regulations + ENTRY FORM (PDF).




– Theme: "Love story – Mihai Eminescu and Veronica Micle"
– Exhibition: In every month
– Prize: 10 GREAT PRIZE for the best artworks.
– Participation: Send digital portraits of Mihai Eminescu at resolution 300 dpi, A3 size, maximum quality. Email: ionita_ploiesti@yahoo.ro
– The artworks nominated for the GREAT PRIZE, must be sent originals, by post (if is not digital art).
– Deadline: December 15, 2017.
More on FB.

“Ekoloji ve Kimya” Konulu Karikatür Yarýþmasý 2017, Türkiye

“Ekoloji ve Kimya” Konulu Karikatür Yarýþmasý 2017, Türkiye

Kimya Mühendisleri Odasý Ýstanbul Þubesi
“Ekoloji ve Kimya” Konulu Karikatür Yarýþmasý
Genel Kurallar ve Katýlým Koþullarý

Yarýþma Düzenleme Kurulu
● Bu yýlki konusu “Ekoloji ve Kimya” olan karikatür yarýþmasý TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odasý Ýstanbul Þubesi’nin 2015 yýlýnda düzenlediði “Savaþ Ýçin Deðil Barýþ Ýçin Kimya” konulu karikatür yarýþmasýnýn devamý niteliðinde üçüncü yarýþmasýdýr. Yarýþma TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odasý Ýstanbul Þubesi tarafýndan düzenlenmektedir.
● Yarýþma tüm profesyonel ve amatör karikatüristlere açýktýr.
● Seçici kurul, konunun uzmaný karikatür çizerlerinden, illüstratörlerden oluþmaktadýr.
● Karikatür Yarýþmasýnýn ödül töreni 13.01.2017 tarihinde gerçekleþtirilecektir. Ayrýntýlý program daha sonra paylaþýlacaktýr.
Genel Kurallar ve Katýlým Koþullarý
1. Yarýþma “Ekoloji ve Kimya” konuludur.
2. Konu ile ilgili karikatürlerin, Türkiye’de ve dünyada canlý türleri ve doða üzerinde kimyanýn etkilerini ele almasý beklenmektedir. Karikatürlerin artan kimyasal üretimi ve tüketiminin neden olduðu kaosu, canlý yaþam biçimlerini etkiliyor oluþunu, hatta bazý türlerin yok olmasýný, doðanýn düzeninin bozulmasýný ve yaþam alanlarýmýzý tahribini, bu sorunlara üretebileceði çözümleri, kimya sektörünün doðaya zarar vermeden nasýl iþleyebileceði vs. üzerine eserler beklenmektedir.
3. Yarýþmaya katýlým karikatür çizip katýlmak isteyen herkese serbesttir. Her profesyonel ve amatör karikatürist bu yarýþmaya katýlabilir.
4. Yarýþmaya orijinal karikatürle katýlýnmalýdýr. Fotoðraf, fotokopi vs. kabul edilmeyecektir. Bilgisayarla çizilmiþ ve renklendirilmiþ karikatürler de, katýlýmcýnýn kendi el çizimi olmasý, kopyalanmýþ ürünler kullanýlmamasý koþulunda kabul edilecektir.
5. Katýlýmcýlar yarýþmaya en fazla 2 karikatür ile katýlabilir.
6. Karikatür seçiminde cinsiyetçi, ýrkçý, heteroseksist/homofobik karikatürler deðerlendirmeye alýnmayacaktýr.
7. Yarýþmaya katýlanlar karikatürlerini, www.kmo.org.tr adresinden ya da TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odasý Ýstanbul Þubesi’nden elde edip dolduracaklarý katýlým formu ile birlikte TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odasý Ýstanbul Þubesi / Osmanaða Mah., General Asým Gündüz Cad., Yeðiner Apt., B Blok, No: 37 Daire: 7, Kadýköy-Ýstanbul adresine posta yoluyla ya da elden ulaþtýrabilirler. CD ile yollanacak eserlerde, CD üzerinde ve CD’nin içine konduðu zarf üzerinde katýlýmcýnýn adý, soyadý yazmalýdýr. E-mail ile gönderilecek çalýþmalar için gönderi adresi ise ercanzincir@kmo.org.tr’dir. Katýlýmcýnýn beyan ettiði e-posta hesabýndan baþka bir hesap ile yollanacak karikatürler ise kabul edilmeyecektir. Katýlým formuna ulaþýlamadýðý durumda Kimya Mühendisleri Odasý Ýstanbul Þubesi’ni arayabilirsiniz.
8. Posta / Kargo sýrasýnda zarar görmüþ karikatürlerden kurumumuz sorumlu deðildir. Bu yüzden, eserlerinizi paketlemeniz hususunda dikkatli olmanýzý ve eserinizi iyi muhafaza edilmiþ bir paketle yollamanýzý rica ederiz.
9. Gönderilen karikatürler Kimya Mühendisleri Odasý arþivinde kalacaktýr. Eserler ödül programýný düzenleyen yayýncý kurulusun hazýrlayacaðý ajanda, takvim, afis, poster, albüm, katalog, kitap, slayt gösterisi, eðitim etkinliði ve web sitesinde eser sahibinin ismini açýk olarak belirterek, kullaným hakkýna eserin ait olduðu kiþinin izni dâhilinde eser sahibi ile birlikte sahip olacaktýr. Eserlerin yayýncý kuruluþ dýþýnda üçüncü þahýslarca, izinsiz kullanýmý durumunda, sanatçý fikir ve sanat eserleri kanunundan doðan haklarýný tek basýna kullanabilir.
10. Katýlýmcýlar katýlým formunu imzalayarak yarýþmaya katýlabilir, imzasýz form ile gönderilen karikatürler yarýþmaya alýnmayacaktýr. Katýlýmcýlar yarýþma koþullarýný kabul etmiþ sayýlýrlar.
11. Yarýþmada ödül kazanan ve dereceye giren karikatürlerden, ödül töreninin yapýldýðý gün bir sergi düzenlenecektir.
12. Yarýþmaya son gönderim tarihi 22.12.2017’dir.
13. Jüri üyeleri ve düzenleme kurulunda görev alan kimse yarýþmaya katýlamaz.
Seçici Kurul
1. Zeynep Özatalay
2. Göksu Gül
3. Sinan Arýk
4. Cansýn Çaðlar
Düzenleme Kurulu
Saadet Selin Top (Kimya Mühendisleri Odasý)
Beril Akaydýn (Kimya Mühendisleri Odasý)
Ercan Zincir (Kimya Mühendisleri Odasý)
Nilgün Mutlu (Kimya Mühendisleri Odasý)
Fahrettin Yýlmaz (Kimya Mühendisleri Odasý)
Birinci: 2000 TL ve birincilik plaketi
Ýkinci: 1500 TL ve baþarý plaketi
Üçüncü: 1000 TL ve baþarý plaketi
Mansiyon (3 Kiþi): Baþarý plaketi ve çizim seti
Son Baþvuru: 22.12.2017
Eser Teslimi: TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odasý Ýstanbul Þubesi
Adres: Osmanaða Mah. General Asým Gündüz Cad. Yeðiner Apt. B Blok, No: 37 Daire: 7 Kadýköy-Ýstanbul
Tel: 0216 449 37 10 – 11 – 12, 0533 486 55 49
Etkinlik Sayfasý: https://www.facebook.com/events/910809345748708/
E-posta: ercanzincir@kmo.org.tr.
Ayrýntýlý bilgi ve Katýlým Formu için týklayýnýz.