3rd International Cartoon Exhibition, 2018 in Cakovec, Croatia

3rd International Cartoon Exhibition, 2018 in Cakovec, Croatia

3rd International Cartoon Exhibition, 2018 in Cakovec, Croatia

Age is a competition open to all artists without limitations. However the same competition the Young Illustrators (Youth) 16 years of age will be considered part of the work of six artists (details below). 
Subject (Theme):  Computational / digital (computer style) Thought  (Computer Thinking) 
will be accepted with attendance by e-mail or traditional mail. 
Size:  A4 (210×297 mm) or A3 (297×420 mm); 300 dpi JPG. 
Free technique:  Original or digital. Black / White or Color. 
Issue:  Up to 3 works. Previously the award-winning works will not be accepted. 
First 410, Second 210 Third 110 euros.
The selected works are published in albums and events will be sent to the album with this work. 
Copyright works submitted for the festival’s promotion by the organizers of the event used and published without payment. 
Competition evaluation will be undertaken by an international jury. 
Exhibition:  27 September to 10 October 2018 in Cakovec Cultural Center. 
Contact:  damir.novak3@gmail.co I
Deadline:  September 1, 2018
Shipping address:  cartoondamir@gmail.co I

Original work shipping address:

Mali Mihaljevec
40311 Lopatinec
Young Illustrators 3rd International Cartoon Exhibition, 2018 in Cakovec, Croatia

the work of young artists under the age of 16 will be considered in this section. subject except Awards, size, participation address, and so on. It is as above.
Awards:  The first three winners to the degree certificate + album. Besides, 5 Honorable Mention (+ album) will be given.

Ole possible Kartoenal contest 2018, Belgium: Job Security

Ole possible Kartoenal contest 2018, Belgium: Job Security

Ole possible Kartoenal contest 2018, Belgium

Contributions should be made from the website address; kartoenale@olen.b to  your work to send communications address. Works  Starting July 1st  is to be sent. Thus, the participation form and the work loading page will be available at that time. 
All over the world the competition is held in two categories open to artists: 
a) Youth category:  15 (inclusive) live up to, 
B) Adult category:  they draw 16 and older. 
Subject (Theme):  Work Safety  (Safety at work). 
In addition, Amnesty International (Amnesty International) still gives a special award this year; 2018 subject: befitting a human right to engage in work  (Theme: Right to decent work). 
Number: You can send up to 5 pieces cartoons without any regard: Digital generated or scanned from original drawings, in JPEG format, at least 300 dpi (2480 x 3543 pixels) resolution will be sent as a file (300 dpi and higher resolution scanned / produced works can be uploaded to the competition website; the files are not accepted automatically at a lower resolution: 
http://olensekartoenale.be/  ). 
Technique:  Black-and-white or color. 
Size:  Standard  21 x 30 cm  ( A4 ). 
Contributions will be made by uploading work directly fill out the form on the contest website: www.olen.b to . The site will be searched words:  kartoenal to . 
Selected works will be collected in an album and an album with selected works will be sent to. 
The winning works become the property of the issuing institution or sponsor issues. The selected works can be used for the promotion and the resort’s activities. 
Attention:  Prize winning work of original date requested by the governing bodies following 2 days in Community Olen, Dorp 1, 2250 Olen, Belgium  traditional mail to the address (registered) or sent by courier (to be mail) is difficult. 
Young Category:  Most important domestic and foreign participation (each) 250 euros. 
Adult category:  1500, 700, 400, 300 Euros. 
Worthy of a human right to on" Special Prize: 350 euros. 
Awards Ceremony:  November 9, 2018 Friday 20:00 Olen city council hall, Dorp 1, 2250 Olen. 
Exhibition  same address on November 11, all day Sunday and after the weekdays in working hours can be seen until the end of December 2018. 
Deadline:  September 10, 2018  at 24:00 hours. 
Registration and installation work for the competition site: https://www.olen.be/product/884/olense-kartoenal to (specification can be downloaded in several languages, the end of the specification "Safety" is on the following brief description).

Main theme: SAFETY AT WORK
In every job, in every professional activity, free of risk are involved. Some problems hardly have any physical impact but can cause psychological Disorders. In other professions are hardly inevitable accidents with physical damage.

What if safety Regulations are inadequately practiced? Manuals are not observed? Carelessness and router to have the upper hand? Consequences Which does it have for the materials which are used, the product, the construction, the project in general?

12th International Zagreb Car Cartoon Competition 2018, Croatia

12th International Zagreb Car Cartoon Competition 2018, Croatia

12th International Zagreb Car Cartoon Competition 2018, Croatia 
Artists all over the world can participate.

Subject: (land / air / water)  Interest / Rescue Services  (Towing Service) 
Issue:  Top 2 original work. 
The output of the digital work will be accepted as long wet signing. Work produced in the computer with digital techniques can be sent via e-mail, but must convert .tiff format: info@huna.h’s and / or I prof.lacpa@gmail.co . Photocopying and so on. Replication are not wanted. 
On the back of each work the artist’s name and address must be indicated. 
Participation form  (below) and contest all the conditions http://www.huna.hr/ is located on site. 
Cartoons can be used for promotional purposes. 
Preferred dimensions: A4 ( 21 x 29.7 cm ) or A5 (A5 smaller or larger than A3 are not accepted). 
Grand Prize: € 4,000 or 30,000 Kn + Certification 
1st Prize: € 1000 + Certification Knin or 7,500 
2nd Prize: 800 € 5,500 Kn + Certification or 
3rd Prize: 500 € 3,500 Kn + Certification or 
2 Honorable Mention: 300 Knin € 2,200 + Certification or 
5-10 Total Special Mention: Certificate. 
The winning works  will not be returned. The others, requested in writing and sent back to cover the cost of postage provided (can be taken from the competition following address within 30 days of the end of the exhibition). 
Exhibition  those selected album  will be sent. Each participant will be selected from a work published in the album. 
The exhibition is the result description and the awards ceremony , will be held in autumn 2018 in the Zagreb City Assembly building. 
The competition addresses deadline:  September 14, 2018
Address:  HUN doo Srebrnjak 55, 10 000 Zagreb – Croatia / Hrvatska 
Ivan Palatinus Tel: 385 (1) 2430 302, Fax: 385 (1) 2430 217, e-mail:  the info@huna.h  . 
Source:  caricaturqu to .

2. Uluslararasý Güvenli Toplum Karikatür Festivali Ýran 2018

2. Uluslararasý Güvenli Toplum Karikatür Festivali Ýran 2018

Genel Konu Baþlýklarý

Güvenli ve Temiz Ulaþým

Toplumlarda Psikoloji Saðlýðý

Ekolojik Sorunlar

Þehirlerde Engelli, Yaþlý ve Çocuk Güvenliði

Güvenlik Kültürü ve Vatandaþýn Rolü


Özel Konu Baþlýklarý

Megakentler ve Deprem


Festival Kurallarý ve Yönetmelikler

Kiþisel bilgi formlarý ve karikatürler festival e-posta adresine gönderilmelidir.

Diðer festivallerde ödül alan karikatürler deðerlendirilmeyecektir.

Karikatürler festival duyurularý ve benzeri amaçlarla kullanýlacaktýr.

Dosyalar JPG formatýnda, 300 DPI ve 2000×2000 piksel olmalýdýr.

Kabul edilen karikatürler festival kitabýna basýlacaktýr, kitabýn bir kopyasý sanatçýlara gönderilecektir.

Ödül alan sanatçýlar Meþhed’deki kapanýþ törenine katýlmasý zorunludur.



Birincilik ödülü – $1500.00

Ýkincilik ödülü – $ 1000.00

Üçüncülük ödülü – $ 750.00

 Üç Ýranlý sanatçýya IRR 10000000.00 ödül verilecektir.


Kabul tarihleri:

22 Nisan – 22 Eylül 2018


Kapanýþ töreni ve Sergi Meþhed, Ýran’da ve Atsugi, Japonya’da düzenlenecektir.



Festival bilgi dosyasý için burayý týklayýnýz.


Festival formu için burayý týklayýnýz.



Capric 16th International Cartoon Contest 2018, Poland

Capric 16th International Cartoon Contest 2018, Poland

Capric 16th International Cartoon Contest 2018, Poland

Niemodlin is organized by the Cultural Center. Anyone can join with Rashid. 
Subject:  Fish,  Fishermen, Sprinkler Network  Fishing,  etc.  (Fisher, Fisherman, Cast-net Fishing, etc.) 
(a site I encountered the coincidence  capric ‘s "small carp, sazancýk" I read that meant. Competition is also evident from the winners that focuses more on carp. IR.) 
Number:  Maximum 2 original work . 
Size:  Maximum A3  (29.7×42 cm) 
production work back face of the cartoons (end) date, artist name, surname, postal address, telephone number and / or e-mail address should be written. 
Awards: 2800 PLN gross Grand Prize, First Place 3 pieces (each) 1150 PLN gross (also given Honorable Mention 10-15). Cash awards will be made from the tax deduction. Cash prizes of the artists who participated in the ceremony, mail / by banks, after deducting costs, will be sent. 
Works will not be returned and can be used for promotional purposes may be published. 
Winners are determined first half of October and announced in Niemodlin Culture Center website www.okniemodlin.org . Jury members also describes the end of the competition. 
Exhibited works selected for the exhibition are sent to those gathered in an album. 
For detailed specifications, see English:  caricaturqu to . 
Deadline:  September 30, 2018
contest will be sent to the address Works: 
Ośrodek Kultury w Niemodlini to 
(capric)  ul. M. Rej 1,  
49-100 Niemodlin,  POLAND .

The HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest, the 13th Edition 2018

The HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest, the 13th Edition 2018


17.07.2018: New Contest - HumoDEVA 2018, Romania


The HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest is an open competition for artists all over the world. Anyone may take part, with no restrictions

The participation is free of charge.


You can participate in one, two or in all three themes, with maximum 5 works/theme.

THEME 1: Union Makes Power (1918-2018: Romania 100! – one hundred years since the Great Union): – maximum 5 works

2018 marks 100 years since the formation of the modern Romanian state at the end of Word War 1 – having also been officially declared "The Centenary Anniversary Year" by the Romanian Government and major cultural institutions. Info – Great Union Day.

Watch the movie below (choose subtitle language from Settings).

THEME 2: Bad Luck (Number 13, black cat, friday, etc) – maximum 5 works

Free THEME: Your BEST Of 2017-2018 – maximum 5 works


Graphic Humor – Cartoons or Caricatures without words! (we accept also drawings with a little text in english)


30 September 2018


The Jury, composed of renowned cartoonists, will award the following prizes for the best works: 

GOLD PRIZE – 1000 $, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net

SILVER PRIZE – 500 $, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net 

BRONZE PRIZE – 300 $, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net

10 EXCELLENCE Awards, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net 

Jury’s decisions are final.

Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded. 

The prizes can be paid in Deva or can be posted to the cost of the receiver. The organizer does not assume any liability regarding taxes or bank charges. We will not resend any money prize due to the failure of delivery thereof caused by incorrect information supplied by the participating artists.

Only the original drawings of the prize winning entries should be sent in maximum two weeks from the results announcement, well wrapped and protected against damages. 


Works must be originals and any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artwork.

Entries can be either black and white or coloured. Size of entries is a A4 or A3 format.

The works and your Curriculum Vitae (CV) must be digitized in 300 DPI resolution, RGB, JPG or PNG format, with the maximum limit of 5 MB. 

The name of the cartoons, in english,  must contain the entrant’s given name, family name, country and a few keywords related to the work. 





The cartoons selected for the contest will be permanent exhibitedfree of charge, on BestCARTOONS.net, for the visitors around the world and for the attention of all cartoonists (to prevent similarity, copying and steeling). Any cartoon which is similar, copied or stolen will not be awarded. 

The contest results will be announced on the HumoDEVA 2018 web site .


The eCatalog, in .pdf format, will be sent by email to all selected artists.


By participating, the entrants grant the organizers the right to use their entries as advertising for the HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest and for the site BestCARTOONS.net (e.g. as cartoon books, catalogs, advertising in the press, internet and other media, separate promotional printed works such as posters, leaflets, promotional gifts by the city council and /or cartoon contest organization, calendars, etc) without any special fees paid to the authors. 

By submitting the works to The HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest the artists accept the decisions of the Jury and the rules printed above.

All copyrights are held by the authors of the works.

The HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest, the 13th Edition 2018

The HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest, the 13th Edition 2018


17.07.2018: New Contest - HumoDEVA 2018, Romania


The HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest is an open competition for artists all over the world. Anyone may take part, with no restrictions

The participation is free of charge.


You can participate in one, two or in all three themes, with maximum 5 works/theme.

THEME 1: Union Makes Power (1918-2018: Romania 100! – one hundred years since the Great Union): – maximum 5 works

2018 marks 100 years since the formation of the modern Romanian state at the end of Word War 1 – having also been officially declared "The Centenary Anniversary Year" by the Romanian Government and major cultural institutions. Info – Great Union Day.

Watch the movie below (choose subtitle language from Settings).

THEME 2: Bad Luck (Number 13, black cat, friday, etc) – maximum 5 works

Free THEME: Your BEST Of 2017-2018 – maximum 5 works


Graphic Humor – Cartoons or Caricatures without words! (we accept also drawings with a little text in english)


30 September 2018


The Jury, composed of renowned cartoonists, will award the following prizes for the best works: 

GOLD PRIZE – 1000 $, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net

SILVER PRIZE – 500 $, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net 

BRONZE PRIZE – 300 $, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net

10 EXCELLENCE Awards, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net 

Jury’s decisions are final.

Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded. 

The prizes can be paid in Deva or can be posted to the cost of the receiver. The organizer does not assume any liability regarding taxes or bank charges. We will not resend any money prize due to the failure of delivery thereof caused by incorrect information supplied by the participating artists.

Only the original drawings of the prize winning entries should be sent in maximum two weeks from the results announcement, well wrapped and protected against damages. 


Works must be originals and any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artwork.

Entries can be either black and white or coloured. Size of entries is a A4 or A3 format.

The works and your Curriculum Vitae (CV) must be digitized in 300 DPI resolution, RGB, JPG or PNG format, with the maximum limit of 5 MB. 

The name of the cartoons, in english,  must contain the entrant’s given name, family name, country and a few keywords related to the work. 





The cartoons selected for the contest will be permanent exhibitedfree of charge, on BestCARTOONS.net, for the visitors around the world and for the attention of all cartoonists (to prevent similarity, copying and steeling). Any cartoon which is similar, copied or stolen will not be awarded. 

The contest results will be announced on the HumoDEVA 2018 web site .


The eCatalog, in .pdf format, will be sent by email to all selected artists.


By participating, the entrants grant the organizers the right to use their entries as advertising for the HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest and for the site BestCARTOONS.net (e.g. as cartoon books, catalogs, advertising in the press, internet and other media, separate promotional printed works such as posters, leaflets, promotional gifts by the city council and /or cartoon contest organization, calendars, etc) without any special fees paid to the authors. 

By submitting the works to The HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest the artists accept the decisions of the Jury and the rules printed above.

All copyrights are held by the authors of the works.

IX “Mullah NYsrYd you” BeynYlxalq Karikaturen to MüsabiqYs 2018, Azerbaijani

IX "Mullah Nəsrəd you" Beynəlxalq Karikaturen to Müsabiqəs 2018, Azerbaijani

IX "Mullah Nəsrəd you" – Azerbaijani – 2018 "to Müsabiqəs of Beynəlxalq Karikaturen

Karikaturaç the Union of Azerbaijani Rəssam "Mullah Nəsrəd you" – Azerbaijani – 2018 "is to Beynəlxalq Karikaturen to Müsabiqəs the elan. 
2018-c ildə "Molla Nəsrəd it" – Azərbaycan "Beynəlxalq karikatura Müsabiqəs 10 yl becomes OK! Məhz this münasibətlə this yl təþkil owned "Molla Nəsrəd you" Beynəlxalq karikatura mövzu of Müsabiqəs "Yubiley" is termed. 
IX Beynəlxalq Karikaturen to Müsabiqəs the Azerbaijani Respublikasi Mədəniyyət və Nazirliy of Tourism, dəstəy of Azerbaijani Rəssam are Ittifaq of və Beynəlxalq Karikaturaçý are Təþkilat of Federasiya ilə it is keçiril. 
Müsabiqən the þərtlər is: 
1. Name of the mövzu Müsabiqən:  
I. " Yubiley " ( "Molla Nəsrəd you" is karikatura müsabiqəs illidan 10). 
II. Yubiley"(Mən I’m 50 years of age would be okay). 
2. Your Cartoon ‘birlikdə ürək your sözləri, və təklifləri your ideas, your eləcə də as revenue yazýb göndərə you bilə. Olunacaq diameter in the Albon birlikdə müsabiqən your Fikirlər you Cartoon ‘. 
3. Müsabiqə internet vasitəsilə is keçiril. 
4. Cartoon ‘300 dpi in jpg format mollanasreddin2018@gmail.co I you bilə göndərə electron title. 
5. EACH rəssa a 2-5 karikatura göndərə is bilə. 
6. Göndərilən Cartoon ‘to Beynəlxalq münsiflə is heyət the qiymət is verəcəkd. 
7. tarix end of the qəbul Ýþlər:  10 oktyabr 2018 . 
8. Müsabiqəyə göndəril have ən yaxþ of the ibarət albom is hazýrlanacaq Cartoon ‘. 
I place – qizil medal və Diplom 
II place – silver medal və Diplom 
III place – Buruncu medal və diplom 
Münsiflə is heyət of xüsu the reward of 
Azerbaijani Rəssam are Ittifaq of xüsu the reward of 
Azerbaijani Karikaturen to Mərkəz of xüsu the remuneration 
Day Hacýzadə 
"Mullah Nəsrəd you" – Azerbaijani " 
Beynəlxalq Karikaturen to təþkilatçý of Müsabiqəs , 
sədr of the Azerbaijani Karikaturaç Rəssam are Birliy. 
AZ1009, Azerbaijani, Baku 
Salatin Əsgərov 86 (Shirvanshakh) 
E-mail: azercartoon@gmail.co I 
‘m www.azercartoon.co  .

IX “Mullah NYsrYd you” BeynYlxalq Karikaturen to MüsabiqYs 2018, Azerbaijani

IX "Mullah Nəsrəd you" Beynəlxalq Karikaturen to Müsabiqəs 2018, Azerbaijani

IX "Mullah Nəsrəd you" – Azerbaijani – 2018 "to Müsabiqəs of Beynəlxalq Karikaturen

Karikaturaç the Union of Azerbaijani Rəssam "Mullah Nəsrəd you" – Azerbaijani – 2018 "is to Beynəlxalq Karikaturen to Müsabiqəs the elan. 
2018-c ildə "Molla Nəsrəd it" – Azərbaycan "Beynəlxalq karikatura Müsabiqəs 10 yl becomes OK! Məhz this münasibətlə this yl təþkil owned "Molla Nəsrəd you" Beynəlxalq karikatura mövzu of Müsabiqəs "Yubiley" is termed. 
IX Beynəlxalq Karikaturen to Müsabiqəs the Azerbaijani Respublikasi Mədəniyyət və Nazirliy of Tourism, dəstəy of Azerbaijani Rəssam are Ittifaq of və Beynəlxalq Karikaturaçý are Təþkilat of Federasiya ilə it is keçiril. 
Müsabiqən the þərtlər is: 
1. Name of the mövzu Müsabiqən:  
I. " Yubiley " ( "Molla Nəsrəd you" is karikatura müsabiqəs illidan 10). 
II. Yubiley"(Mən I’m 50 years of age would be okay). 
2. Your Cartoon ‘birlikdə ürək your sözləri, və təklifləri your ideas, your eləcə də as revenue yazýb göndərə you bilə. Olunacaq diameter in the Albon birlikdə müsabiqən your Fikirlər you Cartoon ‘. 
3. Müsabiqə internet vasitəsilə is keçiril. 
4. Cartoon ‘300 dpi in jpg format mollanasreddin2018@gmail.co I you bilə göndərə electron title. 
5. EACH rəssa a 2-5 karikatura göndərə is bilə. 
6. Göndərilən Cartoon ‘to Beynəlxalq münsiflə is heyət the qiymət is verəcəkd. 
7. tarix end of the qəbul Ýþlər:  10 oktyabr 2018 . 
8. Müsabiqəyə göndəril have ən yaxþ of the ibarət albom is hazýrlanacaq Cartoon ‘. 
I place – qizil medal və Diplom 
II place – silver medal və Diplom 
III place – Buruncu medal və diplom 
Münsiflə is heyət of xüsu the reward of 
Azerbaijani Rəssam are Ittifaq of xüsu the reward of 
Azerbaijani Karikaturen to Mərkəz of xüsu the remuneration 
Day Hacýzadə 
"Mullah Nəsrəd you" – Azerbaijani " 
Beynəlxalq Karikaturen to təþkilatçý of Müsabiqəs , 
sədr of the Azerbaijani Karikaturaç Rəssam are Birliy. 
AZ1009, Azerbaijani, Baku 
Salatin Əsgərov 86 (Shirvanshakh) 
E-mail: azercartoon@gmail.co I 
‘m www.azercartoon.co  .