Cartoon theme: A) Women power, B) Free
Deadline: 15st September 2008
Prizes: 1st Grand Prix: US$ 1.000
that they support the Universidad
de Medellín and the Commercial Center Los Molinos
2st Special prizes
offered by various institutions.
3st Special mentions
Number of entries: Max, 3 per theme
Original cartoons or digital images
signed by the artist (no photography). Works previously
published or awarded are accepted
Digital: Unknown
Format: Max 297mm x 420mm,
Works returned: No
Exhibition: ?
Free catalogue: Unknown
Copyright issues: ?
Address: 4ª Muestra Mundial de Caricatura
“Valle de Aburrá” – Colombia, Carrera 55 # 49-51
Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana-Departamento de
Bienestar Universitario – Medellín – Antioquia – Colombia
Informations: Tel.:270 77 24 – 5112199,
ext. 134 y cel. 314 7771291



Cartoon theme: TV and Culture
Deadline: 30st September 2008
Prizes: 1st Prize: 8.000 EURO
2st Prize: 5.000 EURO
3st Prize: 3.000 EURO
Number of entries: Max, 3
Works previously awarded in any
other contest are excluded from this competition
Digital: Yes, but the print out must be
signed by the artist
Format: Max 297mm x 420mm,
Works returned: Yes , on demand, award-winning
cartoons will not be returned
Exhibition: Yes
Free catalogue: Yes, for the participants artists
Copyright issues: Artworks may be used for
promotional purposes
Address: TV ETHNOS
5 Benaki str.
152 38 Halandri, Greece
For digital works :
(300 dpi / RGB / JPG) Maximum
size up to 5 MB per e-mail.

1. TV ETHNOS Karikatür Ödülü 2008 – Yunanistan
Pegasus yayýn grubuna baðlý “TV Ethnos” dergisi tüm dünya çizerlerine açýk birinci karikatür yarýþmasýný düzenliyor.

1. Konu (Topic): Televizyon ve Kültür (TV and culture)
2. Teknik: Serbest.
3. Orijinal karikatürler ve (ýslak) imzalý dijital çalýþmalar kabul edilir.
4. Dijital çalýþmalar cartoonaward@pegasus.gr adresine e-mail ile gönderilebilir: En az 300 dpi çözünürlük / RGB / JPG. Her e-mail için maksimum büyüklük 5MB.
5. Eserler 30 Eylül 2008 tarihine kadar þu adrese ulaþmýþ olmalýdýr:
5 Benaki str. 152 38 Halandri GREECE
6. Boyut: En az A4 (210 x 297mm), en fazla A3 (297 x420 mm) ve çerçevesiz olmalýdýr. Her sanatçý en çok 3 eserle katýlabilir.
7. Ödüller:
Birincilik 8000 Avro
Ýkincilik 5000 Avro
Üçüncülük 3000 Avro
Ayrýca 3 özel ödül.
8. Daha önce ödül kazanmýþ eserler kabul edilmez.
9. Postada oluþabilecek hasardan düzenleyen kuruluþ sorumlu deðildir.
10. Katýlýmcýnýn kýsa biyografisi ve fotosu eklenmelidir.
11. Seçilen eserler Atina’da ve muhtemelen ilerde Yunanistan’ýn baþka bölgelerinde sergilenecektir.
12. Jüri Ekim 2008’de toplanarak sonuçlarý açýklayacaktýr.
13. Düzenleyen kuruluþ, ilk üç ödülü kazanan çizerlerin Atina’da yapýlacak ödül töreni için ulaþým ve konaklama giderini karþýlayacaktýr.
14. Ödül kazananlar dýþýndaki eserler, yazýlý olarak talep edilirse, geri gönderilir.
15. Yarýþma albümü katýlan sanatçýlara gönderilecektir.
16. Ödül töreni ve seçilen eserlerin sergilemesi Atina’da Aralýk 2008’de yapýlacaktýr.
17. Sonuçlarýn açýklanmasýndan sonra eserler düzenleyen kuruluþun sitesinde yayýnlanacaktýr.
18. Kazananlarýn açýklanmasýndan sonra kazanan eserler hakkýnda daha önce ödül kazandýklarý ya da benzerlik iddiasý bildirimleri için 15 günlük bir süre tanýnacak, bildirim gerekli delillerle þu adrese yapýlacaktýr: cartoonaward@pegasus.gr
19. Bildirimlerin incelenmesinden sonra kesin sonuçlar açýklanacak ve itiraz kabul edilmeyecektir.
20. Seçilen eserler http://www.tvethnoscartoonaward.gr/ sitesinde sergilenecek ve tanýtým amaçlý kullanýlabilecektir.
21. Yarýþmaya katýlanlar yarýþma koþullarýný, özellikle de eserlerinin sergilenmesini ve yarýþma albümünde yayýnlanmasýný peþinen kabul etmiþ sayýlýr.
Katýlým formu için: http://www.irancartoon.com/contests/tv.htm





1st May to 15 August 2008



Rules for press and humorous drawing competition


ARTICLE 1 : Organiser, association 49+ la BD Francophone, head office 91,rue d’Austerlitz 59200 Tourcoing, France, is the organiser of a press and humorous drawing competition open to anyone, amateurs and professionals. This production must obligatorily have one of these topics: “censure” or “Politically correct”


ARTICLE 2 : Competition criteria : Support : use A4 format ( 21 x 29.7 cm). The technical methods used by the cartoonist are totally free, French/English text.  The original drawing must be sent in the following form : the drawing must not be folded, and a short biography must be attached to the drawing. Cartoonists who are minors must attach permission to participate and authorisation for publication from parents or legal guardians in favour of Francine COPPENS, Association 49+ la B.D. Francophone, 25 rue du General  Marchand  F – 59200 TOURCOING

This authorisation from parents or legal guardians must contain surname, first name, address, telephone number, and E-Mail of legal representative. 


ARTICLE 3 : Stages in the competition : The competition begins on 15th August 2008.  Francine COPPENS, association 49+ la BD Francophone,  25 rue du General Marchand  F – 59200 TOURCOING, must receive drawings entered by participants no later than the 31 August 2008


ARTICLE 4 : Participants :   Present: Public concerned: draughtsmen amateurs or professionals. Are not authorized to take part in the contest: members of the board of directors of association 49+ the French-speaking data base, the jury like their close relations.


ARTICLE 5 : Registration : For all entrants, each entry must contain : surname, first name, address, post code, town or city, country, telephone number, E-mail, a short biography, and parental authorisation for minors.


ARTICLE 6 : Criteria of admissibility : The criteria of admissibility are : respecting the theme – originality of the idea submitted – the humour and quality of the drawing. Work considered outside the subject will be disqualified, as will drawings of defamatory and/or racist characters, or characters likely to damage the physical and moral integrity of others. Entrants must also be aware of all these rules, and respect all the instructions.


ARTICLE 7 : Terms and Conditions : Entrants of age and legal representatives of entrants who are minors undertake to give all performance rights and rights of reproduction on all types of communication support for written or web based diffusion to the organisers of the competition. From the very fact of their participation, the authors guarantee the organisers and members of the jury against any action, petition, or appeal by third parties concerning the originality of work presented.

Participation in the competition implies acceptance of the present rules. Only one entry per amateur or professional cartoonist is allowed. Drawings will not be returned.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, entrants have right of access and amendment.

The association 49+ la BD Francophone, it representatives, members, and organisers cannot be held responsible for lost, damaged, or illegal entries.


ARTICLE 8 : The jury : will be composed of 7 people, professional press illustrators and humorous cartoonists, members of association 49+ la BD Francophone, journalists who write for the press, and press attachés. The jury will meet to deliberate before september 10th. There is no appeal against decisions taken by the jury.


ARTICLE 9 : Competition prizes : The 50 preselected drawings will illustrate the catalogue of the international cartoonist 2006 competition.  Three prizes will be awarded : 1st prize : Prix de la Ville de Tourcoing (Town of Tourcoing prize), the winner will receive : Crayon en Nord trophy (Pencil in the North trophy) and the sum of € 750 (seven hundred and fifty Euro).  2nd prize : Prix du Public ; the winner will receive : Crayon en Nord trophy and the sum of € 500 (five hundred Euro).  3rd prize : Prix de l’Association 49+ la BD Francophone ; the winner will receive : Crayon en Nord trophy and the sum of € 350 (three hundred and fifty Euro). These people will be informed of the results by post or E-mail, and after its editing, each person will receive a catalogue.  Winners will receive their catalogue at the address submitted on their entry form. The three winners will be contacted by the association 49+ la BD Francophone in order to obtain relevant bank details for the transfer of the prize monies.



ARTICLE : The present rules are available on the web site : http:// www. bdfrancophone.fr, as well as from the address of : Francine COPPENS ,the association « 49+ la BD Francophone, 25 rue du General Marchand  F – 59200 Tourcoing

As this is a competition, no expenses will be reimbursed.



49+ la BD Francophone Maison Maria et Gustave Dron, 91 rue d’Austerlitz  F  59200 TOURCOING

Tel :    E-mail : bdfrancophone@free.fr    Web site: http:// bdfrancophone.fr 

Siret[1] : 44010761300026    code APE 913 E

[1] SIRET is a fiscal number used in France to identify a business location (Systeme Informatique pour le Repertoire des Etablissements)