1 – This contest and exhibition is open to all professional and amateur cartoonists of any
nationality religion and ect…
"Olive and Women"
(Cartoons against detroying the olive trees, olive, olive industry, olive oil, olive branch, olive
tree, cutting olive trees, benefit from olive etc…)
3 – Pieces of work to be sent for the contest should have the form of a cartoon… Pictures
and illustrations will not be accepted…
4 – Cartoons to be sent for the contest should be in digital format… The sizes A4 or A3; with
a minimum 300 dpi JPG… Coloural or black and white… Name, surname, address, phone
number and e – mail address of each participant should be indicated… Cartoons submitted
for the contest should not contain any script – writing on them…
5 – The cartoons submitted to the contest which will be pre-elected will be put and exhibited
on a web page for the attention and objection of international cartoon associations to
overcome copying and steeling… Any cartoon which is copied, stolen or awarded in other
cartoon contest will be disqualified…
6 – All participants are allowed to submit maximum two (2) cartoons…
7 – All the cartoons must reach to the specified address till 20 SEPTEMBER 2014…
8 – Being published or not is not important for the cartoons… The important thing is that
they should not be awarded in any contest…
9 – All cartoons eligible for an award or not shall not be returned and shall be stored in
archive of the "Cyprus International Catoon Museum."
10 – Besides those cartoons which will be awarded, all the cartoons approved by the
selection committee will be pubicated in an album and exhibited in Kyrenia village during the
"13. International Olive Festival".
11 – Results of the competition, as well as the selection committee decisions, will be
released to the cartoonists who have qualified to receive awards, all participants and press…
• The transfer and accomodation expenses of the cartoonists who will win the first
three awards will be paid by the Municipality of Kyrenia…
• Only the accomodation expenses of the cartoonists who will win particular/
distinctive awards will be paid by the Municipality of Kyrenia…
12 – All cartoons sent to the contest; card, poster, album, newspaper, magazine can be
reproducible using CD and or other technigues… All participants have accepted the terms of
the contest by submitting their works… The participants financial compensation in the future
for all the above mentioned reproducible works…
1st Prize: 1.000 Euro + Gold Olive (Medal)
2nd Prize: 800 Euro + Silver Olive (Medal)
3rd Prize: 600 Euro + Bronz Olive (Medal)
10 or 20 person "Special Prize" (Olive Medal)



1 – Bu yarisma – din, dil, irk ayrimi yapilmaksizin – amator veya profesyonel tum dunya
karikaturculerine veya karikatur cizebilen herkese aciktir…
A) "Zeytin ve Kadin"
B) "Zeytin"
(Zeytin Agaclarinin Kesilmesine Karsi Karikaturler, Zeytin, Zeytincilik, Zeytin Yagi, Zeytin Dali,
Zeytin Agaci, Zeytin Agaclarin Kesilmesi, Zeytin’in Yararlari vd…)
3 – Yarismaya gonderilecek eserler karikatur tarzinda olmalidir. Resim veya illistrasyon
tarzinda olan eserler kabul edilmez.
4 – Yarismaya gonderilecek eserler dijital olacaktir… Olcu: A4 veya A3… En fazla 300 dpi
JPG… Siyah-beyaz veya renkli… Her katilimci isim, soy isim, adres, telefon, e-posta adresini
yazacaktir… Fotograf ve kisa ozgecmis gonderilecektir… Karikaturler yazisiz olacaktir.
5 – Yarismaya gonderilen ve on elemeden gecen karikaturler, Uluslararasi Secici Kurul
Uyeleri’nin degerlendirmesine sunulmazdan once, olusturulacak bir web sayfasinda
yayinlanacak ve karikaturcu orgutlerin, benzer – taklit – calinti karikaturlere karsi olusturulan
uluslararasi organizasyonlarin dikkatine ve itirazina getirilecektir… Herhangi bir karikaturun
calinti – taklit veya benzer oldugu veya daha once baska bir yerde odul aldigi tesbit edildigi
taktirde o karikatur yarisma disi birakilacaktir…
6 – Yarismaya sen cok iki (2) eser ile katilmak mumkundur…
7 – Eserler en gec 20 EYLUL 2014 tarihine dek belirtilen e-posta adresine gonderilmis
8 – Yarismaya gonderilecek eserlerin yayinlanmis veya yayinlanmamis olmalari onemli
degildir… Gonderilecek eserler daha once herhangi bir yarismada odul kazanmamis
9 – Gonderilecek karikaturler, odul alsin veya almasin, geri iade edilmeyecektir ve Kibris Turk
Karikaturculer Dernegi tarafindan olusturulacak "Uluslararasi Kibris Karikatur Muzesi"nin
arsivine kalacaktir…
10 – Yarismada odul kazanan eserlerin yanisira, secici kurulun uygun gorecegi eserler
bir album halinde yayinlanacak ve "13. Uluslararasi Zeytin Festivali" kapsaminda Girne
Belediyesi onundeki acik mekanda sergilenecektir.
11 – Yarisma sonuclari, secici kurul tutanagi ile birlikte, odul kazanan cizerlere ve basin-yayin
organlarina bildirilecektir…
• Yarismada ilk uc odulu kazanan cizerlerinin odul torenine katilmalari icin gerekli
ulasim ve konaklama giderleri Girne Belediyesi’nce karsilanacaktir…
• "Ozel Odul" kazanan cizerlerinin odul torenine katilmalari kendi imkanlarinca
saglanacak; konaklama ve diger giderler Girne Belediyesi’nce temin edilecektir…
12 – Yarismaya gonderilen tum karikaturler, kart, poster, album, gazete, dergi, kitap, CD
ve benzeri tekniklerle basilip cogaltilabilecektir. Katilimcilar yarismaya eser gondermekle,
yarisma kosullarini kabul ettiklerini ve gonderdikleri eserlerin yukarida belirtilen yerlerde
kullanimi halinde, gelecekte herhangi bir maddi tazmin istemeyeceklerini kabul etmis
1. Odul: 1.000 Euro + Altin Madalya…
2. Odul: 800 Euro + Gumus Madalya…
3. Odul: 600 Euro + Bronz Madalya…
10 veya 20 cizere Ozel Odul (Bronz Madalya)



Yarýþma amatör ve profesyonel tüm karikatür sanatçýlarýna açýktýr.
Her sanatçý en fazla üç eserle katýlabilir.
Yarýþmaya gönderilen eserler orijinal çizim, dijital baský ya da bilgisayar çýktýsýyla hazýrlanmýþ olabilir. Çizim tekniði serbesttir. Renkli veya siyah beyaz olabilir. Ancak, eserlerin üzerinde sanatçýlarýn imzalarýnýn yer almasý gerekmektedir.
Katýlýmcýlar eserlerinin arkasýna ad, soyad ve adreslerini yazmalý ve karikatür gönderme sayfasýna ilgili bilgileri ve küratörünü ekleyerek göndermelidir. Ýstenirse, posta yoluyla da yarýþmaya katýlýnabilinir.
Gönderilen karikatürler herhangi bir yerde yayýmlanmýþ olabilir, ancak daha önce bir yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmalýdýr.
Yarýþmaya katýlan karikatürler Anatolia: Turizm Araþtýrmalarý Dergisi ve Turizm Yazarlarý ve Gazetecileri Derneði ile bu organizasyon ile ilgili kitap, katalog, broþür, kartpostal, web siteleri ve afiþlerde yayýnlanabilecek bunun dýþýndaki tüm yayýn haklarý eser sahibinin olacaktýr.
Ýlk eleme sonrasýnda finale kalan karikatürler 01 – 10 Þubat 2015 tarihlerinde sitede ilan edilecek ve itirazlar bu tarihler arasýnda kabul edilecektir.
Yarýþmaya katýlan eserlerden seçilecek bir bölümü albüm olarak yayýmlanacaktýr. Albümde eseri yer alan her sanatçýya birer albüm gönderilecektir.
Dereceye girsin veya girmesin, albümde yer alsýn veya almasýn hiçbir eser iade edilmeyecektir.
Yarýþmaya katýlan bütün sanatçýlar katýlým koþullarýný kabul etmiþ sayýlýr.
Yarýþmaya posta ile veya online sistem kullarak karikatür gönderilebilir.
Yarýþmaya en son baþvuru tarihi 31 Aralýk 2014’dür.
Posta yolu ile karikatürler aþaðýdaki adrese gönderilebilir:
Anadolu Üniversitesi
Turizm Fakültesi
Yunus Emre Kampüsü
26470 Eskiþehir


International Cartoon Competition Peace through Children

International Cartoon Competition “Peace through Children”
Objectives of the competition:

Sister and Friend Cities of Izmir gather around the International Cartoon Competition.
The competition is to be organized in order to contribute to the friendship of communities with the creative power of culture and art as well as strengthen friendship ties between cities.
The theme of the competition, which will be held for the first time this year, is determined as “Children and International Peace” and the results will be announced on the 1st of September 2014, the World Peace Day.
Today, thousands of children lose their lives and are forced to leave their home lands due to wars. They become disabled, suffer from psychological problems and they are abused. In wars, mostly children die first and for those who survive; they don’t smile anymore since their dreams, hopes and future are taken away from them. Every child has the right to grow up in peace regardless of their color, language, religion and ethnic origin. Ensuring this is the joint responsibility of humanity. With this consciousness, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality would like to invite the cartoonists living in our sister and friend cities to participate in the competition; we believe that their works will increase the sensibility and awareness for peace.

Rules of Participation:

• The International Cartoon Competition with the theme of “Children and International Peace” organized by Ýzmir Metropolitan Municipality is open to all cartoonists.
• Competitors who are under the age of 18 must participate in the competition with the permission of their parents. A document, which shows the acceptance of the conditions, must be signed by the parents and submitted to the Organizing Committee
• Each competitor is allowed to participate in the competition with maximum 5 cartoons. The cartoons that will be sent to the competition may have been published previously; but had not been awarded from a competition. The cartoons that are found out to be rewarded before will be disqualified and the prize will be taken away.
• Participants who send cartoons to the competition are considered to have declared and committed that these works belong to themselves. Izmir Metropolitan Municipality does not accept any responsibility for permission and copyrights about the participants’ cartoons.
• The cartoons can be used on different platforms (brochure, exhibition, periodicals, calendar, etc.) with the artist’s name by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. Participants are considered to have accepted these conditions beforehand.
• Transportation and accommodation expenses of the winners will not be covered by Ýzmir Metropolitan Municipality. The prizes of the winners who could not attend the award ceremony will be deposited to their bank accounts.
• The cartoons which are found to be the most creative by the jury will be exhibited and will be put into an album. The cartoonists of all the exhibited cartoons will be offered or /sent the album after the award ceremony.
• The cartoons that do not comply with the terms and conditions of the competition will be cancelled and disqualified from the competition.

Digital Delivery of the Cartoons

• Applications will be sent via internet. Participants must fill in the application form on www.izmir.bel.tr and click on the “Cartoon Competition” to upload their cartoons.
• The cartoons must be sent in RGB color, 300 DPÝ resolution and JPG format. Any compressor programs such as ZIP or RAR cannot be used.
• The original of the awarded cartoon will be asked to be sent by post.

Competition Calendar Commencement:
20 March 2014 Deadline for application: 1 August 2014
Announcement of the Results: 20 August 2014
Award Ceremony: 1 September 2014

Championship: $1000 and Plate
Second Prize: $750 and Plate
Third Prize: $500 and Plate
For questions and further information Ýzmir Metropolitan Municipality,
EU and Foreign Relations Department Cumhuriyet Bulvari No:1 Konak Ýzmir / TURKIYE
Tel: +90232 293 14 84 Fax:+90232 293 11 56
www.izmir.bel.tr/home/en international@izmir.bel.tr
FORM Name: Surname: Identity Number/ Passport
Number Address: Post Code: City: Country:
Telephone: Fax: E-mail Address:
Bank: Iban Number: CV: Hereby, I declare, accept, and commit that I have understood completely
all the items in the specification of International Cartoon Competition, and I will participate in the competition
by fully accepting these conditions, and that above written information is complete.


Yarismanin Türkce Sartnamesi icin:




Submission Deadline: September 15, 2014

SUBJECT: "Circassians’ Bleeding Wound : Genocide; The Crime of the Crimes "

In todays literature the name of the events that are performed by Russians during their attacks and occupation with a disproportionate power in the Caucasus is called Genocide.

The Russian Historian P. P. Korolenko writes in his book in "Chernomorts " published in 1874: " During the yead 1825, our detachments were destroying beyond Kuban and destroying the villages of highlanders. Fire and raid that killed thousands of Circassians, also the survivors were dying of starvation and disease because food and fuel reserves were also destroyed…"

Again, the Russian Tsar Alexander II, in a letter he wrote June 24, 1861 to the Kuban Cossack Army Commander Adjutant General Yevdakimov was saying: "Now, with the God’s help and the invasion of entire Caucasus entirely has been reached to an end. After that, the task to do with a few years of hard work is to exile the hostile mountaineers from their country and place Russian Christian population to their place where they will live there permanently " ( Caucasian War on archive materials and Circassians in Turkey expulsion ( 1848-1874 ) , Nalchik – 2003, p. 80-81 ) .

in 21 May 1864, Russian Army had held a Celebration Parade for the victory they had from the Russian-Caucasian War in Sochi Kbaada ( Krasnaya Polyana ) region. General Fedayev records that day as follows : " Everything that is done with gunpowder and bullets ended however, there is no peace to us as the mountain people that is kept by coast to be delivered (to Ottoman Empire) are still there. They has to be sent to the Ottoman Empire. " (RA Fedayev Caucasus Letters , The Complete Works , Saint Petersburg -1889 , v.1 , Part 1, p. 197)

Indeed it was … ; nearly to 2 million of Circassian were removed from the territory and sent to the Ottoman Empire .

All of those acts is according to the article 2 of the " UN – Convention on Genocide Prevention and Punishment of" and in in Article 6 of " the Statute of the International Criminal Court " are listed as the
"acts of genocide "
Circassians are for 150 years suffering from this genocide and deportations.
This is as a result of genocide and exile ,
Circassians whom were removed from their homeland and distributed to the 40 countries of the world,
Lost the advantage of ensuring their continued existence " by living in a geographical area with a demographic density "
Due to the dissolution of their population in geographical areas they deported to, has come under the threat of assimilation ,
Today both in homeland and in Diaspora they are in a position where they can not preserve their national language and culture.
In order to increase the awareness of the Circassian genocide and exile practiced, Circassian Associations Federation have held an International Cartoon Contest named, ‘Genocide:The Crime of the Crimes’, in consideration of the effectiveness of the art of cartooning with it language that delivers fast and clear messages to the public.

Of the participants works over the issue of the genocide that Circassians have suffered are expected .


– The contest is organized on an international scale, open to amateur and professional cartoonists.
– Drawing technique is free . Cartoons are submitting artwork as a computer printout has to deliver the final work with a wetseal on (Hand signed).
– Cartoon dimensions: at least A4 ( 21 x 29.7 cm ) and maximum A3 (29.7 x 42 cm) and should not be affixed, glued to any floor .
-Artworks submitted should have had submitted to any other contest and prized with an award. Jury considering similarity with any other cartoons belonging to other cartoonist will not be considered. Participants will be responsible by any possible controversy of stealing or similarity claims.
– Competitors should submit their artwork with a CV including photo, address, phone and e -mail information, and specifications attached to the entry form ( Appendix 1) .
– Contestants can submit up to 5 cartoons .
– On the back of each artwork of information of the participants has to be included( Name, Surname , Address, Telephone and e- mail information). Works do not contain this information will not be considered .
– Participants artworks should be delivered only to the adress of our Federation specified . Works that are not sent to this address will not be considered .
– On the envelope of the Artwork sent please print ‘ Circassian Association FEDERATION Cartoon Contest ‘ with text by typing the artist’s name and surname , artworks should to be sent to the specified address until 15 September 2014 .
– Cartoons should be prevented for any damage and should not be folded. In accordance with the specification should be delivered with a courier , registered mail or by hand .
– Jury Meeting will be held on September 27 , 2014 . Contest results will be announced on 6 October 2014 .
– Awards will be given at NOVEMBER / 2014 during the " International Conference of the 150th year of the Circassian Genocide "
– The cartoons of the jury awarded will be exhibited in the foyer of the first conference day ; flowingly exhibited at the appropriate galleries .
– The travel costs of the winners living out of Istanbul, Turkey will be coverd by our Federation.
– Awards will be sent to the address of the contestants that are unable to attend the award ceremony
– The Copyrights of submitted artworks either received an award or not for a competition will belong to the Circassian Associations Federation.
– The cartoons submitted to the competition will not be returned . All cartoons submitted either awarded or not can be displayed or may be published by the Circassian Associations Federation.
– Sent artworks that are selected by the jury will be collected inan Album. And the Album will only delivered the the award winners and the artists which the artwork has been published on the album. .
The participants whom sent their artworks to the contest accepts the above conditions .


Kuştepe Mah. Mecidiyeköy Yolu Cad.
No:18/A, Daire:14 ŞİŞLİ / İSTANBUL
Contacts: Erol Karayel 90 505-476 39 97 (Turkish)
Didem Bilge 90 536 845 9980 (English)
E-Posta: cerkesfederasyonu@gmail.com
Web: http://www.cerkes-fed.com/

First Prize : 2000 USD
Second Prize: 1000 USD
Third Prize : 500 USD

Nusret Baş (President, Circassian Associations Federation, Turkey)
Oğuz GÜREL (Cartoon Artist)
Hikmet CERRAH (Cartoon Artist)
Kamil YAVUZ (Cartoon Artist)
Faruk KUTLU (Artist)
Emrah ARIKAN (Cartoon Artist)
Adel Baskawi (Justice For North Caucasus, Jordan)
Erol Karayel (Contest Coordinator)

(Appendix 1)

"Circassians Bleeding Wound : Genocide; The Crime of the Crimes "
Circassian Associations FEDERATION



Name – Name : …………………………………………………………………………
Address : ………………………………………………………………………………….
Phone : ………………………………… Fax : ………………………………………..
E-mail: …………………………………. @ …………………………………………
Profession: ………………………………………………………………………………


International Cartoon Competition “Peace through Children”

International Cartoon Competition
"Peace through Children"

Objectives of the competition:
Sister and Friend Cities of Izmir gather around the International Cartoon Competition.
The competition is to be organized in order to contribute to the friendship of communities with the creative power of culture and
art as well as strengthen friendship ties between cities. The theme of the competition, which will be held for the first time this year,
is determined as "Children and International Peace" and the results will be announced on the 1st of September 2014, the World
Peace Day.
Today, thousands of children lose their lives and are forced to leave their home lands due to wars. They become disabled, suffer
from psychological problems and they are abused. In wars, mostly children die first and for those who survive; they don’t smile
anymore since their dreams, hopes and future are taken away from them. Every child has the right to grow up in peace regardless
of their color, language, religion and ethnic
origin. Ensuring this is the joint
responsibility of humanity.
With this consciousness, Izmir
Metropolitan Municipality would
like to invite the cartoonists living
in our sister and friend cities to
participate in the competition;
we believe that their works will
increase the sensibility and
awareness for peace.
Rules of Participation:
• The International Cartoon Competition with the theme of "Children and International Peace" organized by ‹zmir Metropolitan
Municipality is open to all cartoonists.
• Competitors who are under the age of 18 must participate in the competition with the permission of their parents. A document,
which shows the acceptance of the conditions, must be signed by the parents and submitted to the Organizing Committee
• Each competitor is allowed to participate in the competition with maximum 5 cartoons. The cartoons that will be sent to the
competition may have been published previously; but had not been awarded from a competition. The cartoons that are found
out to be rewarded before will be disqualified and the prize will be taken away.
• Participants who send cartoons to the competition are considered to have declared and committed that these works belong to
themselves. Izmir Metropolitan Municipality does not accept any responsibility for permission and copyrights about the participants’
• The cartoons can be used on different platforms (brochure, exhibition, periodicals, calendar, etc.) with the artist’s name by Izmir
Metropolitan Municipality. Participants are considered to have accepted these conditions beforehand.
• Transportation and accommodation expenses of the winners will not be covered by ‹zmir Metropolitan Municipality. The prizes of
the winners who could not attend the award ceremony will be deposited to their bank accounts.
• The cartoons which are found to be the most creative by the jury will be exhibited and will be put into an album. The cartoonists of
all the exhibited cartoons will be offered or sent the album after the award ceremony.
• The cartoons that do not comply with the terms and conditions of the competition will be cancelled and disqualified from the competition.
Digital Delivery of the Cartoons:
• Applications will be sent via internet. Participants must fill in the application form on www.izmir.bel.tr/cartoon/en and click on
the "Cartoon Competition" to upload their cartoons.
• The cartoons must be sent in A4 size (21cmx29.7cm) RGB color, 300 DP‹ resolution and JPG format. Any compressor
programs such as ZIP or RAR cannot be used.
For questions and further information:
‹zmir Metropolitan Municipality,
EU and Foreign Relations Department
Cumhuriyet Bulvari No:1
Konak izmir / TURKIYE
Tel: +90232 293 14 84
Fax:+90232 293 11 56
Competition Calendar:
Commencement: 21 April 2014
Deadline for application: 1 August 2014
Announcement of the Results: 20 August 2014
Award Ceremony: 1 September 2014
$1000 and Plate
Second Prize:
$750 and Plate
Third Prize:
$500 and Plate
Vladimir Kazanevsky
Valeriu Kurtu
Luc Descheemaeker
Eray Ozbek
Omer Cam
Mustafa Yild›z
Sad›k Pala
Dr. Pinar Meric


Uluslararasi Karikatur Yarismasi
"Uluslararasi Baris ve Cocuk"

Yarismanin Amaci:
Izmir’in dost ve kardes kentleri halklarin dostlugunu kultur ve sanatin yaratici gucuyle pekistirmek uzere uluslararasi
karikatur yarismasiyla bir araya geliyor.
Izmir Buyuksehir Belediyesi kentler arasindaki dostluk baglarini guclendirmek uzere "Uluslararasi Karikatur Yarismasi" duzenliyor.
Bu yil birincisi duzenlenecek yarismanin konusu ise "Uluslararasi Baris ve Cocuk" olarak belirlenmis ve 1 Eylul 2014 Dunya Baris
Gunu’nde neticelenecek sekilde planlanmistir.
Bugun dunyada binlerce cocuk savaslar nedeniyle hayatlarini kaybediyor, sakat kaliyor, yerlerinden ediliyor, psIkolojik travmalarla
bas basa kaliyor, istismara ugruyor. Tum savaslarda once cocuklar oluyor, cocuklarin gulusleri, dusleri, umutlari, gelecekleri
olduruluyor. Rengi, dili, dini, etnik kokeni ne olursa olsun her cocugun baris icerisinde buyume hakki vardir. Bunu saglamak
insanligin ortak sorumlulugudur.
Izmir Buyuksehir Belediyesi olarak bu sorumlulugun bilinciyle, dost ve kardes kentlerimizdeki karikatur sanatcilarini
yarismaya katilmaya davet ediyor, cizgilerinin barisa yonelik duyarliligi ve farkindaligi arttiracagina inaniyoruz.
Katilim Kosullari:
• Izmir Buyuksehir Belediyesi’nin duzenledigi, "uluslararasi baris ve cocuk" konulu "Uluslararasi Karikatur Yarismasi" tum
karikaturistlere aciktir.
• 18 yasindan kucukler yarismaya, yasal velilerinin izniyle katilabilir. Ilgili kisinin velisinin sartlari kabul ettigine dair imzali dilekcesi
Duzenleme Kurulu’na sunulmalidir.
• Her yarismaci yarismaya en fazla 5 karikatur ile katilabilir. Yayinlanmis eserler gonderilebilir. Ancak baska bir yarismada odul
kazandigi tespit edilen eser elenir ve odul kazanmissa verilen odul geri alinir.
• Katilimcilar, yarismaya gonderdigi eserin kendilerine ait oldugunu ve tum izinlerinin alindigini kabul, beyan ve taahhut eder.
Izmir Buyuksehir Belediyesi, karikaturlerin telif hakkiyla ilgili herhangi bir sorumluluk kabul etmez.
• Izmir Buyuksehir Belediyesi, bu karikaturleri eser sahibinin ismini kullanarak cesitli mecralarda (brosur, sergi, sureli yayinlar,
takvim vb.) degerlendirme hakkina sahiptir. Yarisma katilimcilari, bu sartlari kabul etmis sayilir.
• Yarismaya Izmir disindan katilip odul kazananlarin, odul torenine katilmak uzere harcayacagi yol ve konaklama masraflari
kendilerine aittir. Torene katilamayanlarin odulleri adreslerine banka araciligiyla gonderilecektir.
• Secici Kurul’un, yarismaya katilan karikaturler arasinda en yaratici buldugu eserler, albumde yer alacaktir. Sergilenen karikaturlerin
sahiplerine birer album gonderilecektir.
• Katilim kosullarina uymadigi anlasilan eserler yarisma disi birakilir.
Eserlerin Gonderilmesi:
• Yarismaya katilim, internet yoluyla yapilacaktir. Yarismacilar www.izmir.bel.tr/karikatur/tr sitesindeki basvuru formunu doldurmali
ve eserlerini "Karikatur Yarismasi" menusunden gondermelidir.
• Gonderilen karikaturler, A4 (21cmx29.7cm) olculerinde, RGB renginde, 300 DPI cozunurlugunde ve JPG formatinda olmalidir.
ZIP veya RAR gibi herhangi bir sIkistirma programi kullanilmamalidir.
Yarisma Takvimi:
Yarisma Baslangic tarihi:
21 Nisan 2014
Son gonderim tarihi:
1 Agustos 2014
Sonuclarin Duyurulmasi:
20 Agustos 2014
Odul Toreni:
1 Eylul 2014
1000 ABD dolari ve plaket
750 ABD dolari ve plaket
500 ABD dolari ve plaket
Vladimir Kazanevsky
Valeriu Kurtu
Luc Descheemaeker
Eray Ozbek
Omer Cam
Mustafa Yildiz
Sadik Pala
Dr. Pinar Meric



The organizer of 10th International festival of cartoon Solin 2014.Is the city Solin.The
festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age,sex, or profesion.
Conditions of entry:
1. All entries must be original cartoons. Framed works,also,will not be accepted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or colored.
3. There should be the name, surname and the address on the reverse side of
4. Maximum 5 entries will be submitted.
5. Maximum size of entries is A3 format (40x30cm)
Entry deadline is the 11. august. 2014. Please write ; PRINTED MATTER- NO
Kralja Zvonimira 50,
21210 Solin, CROATIA
1. PLAQUE…………………………………………….1010 EUR
2. PRIZE CITY SOLIN…………………………….. 3 PRIZE
The exhibition will take place in the galery of the culture home „ZVONIMIR" Solin on
the 21.08.2014.
Authors of works that quality to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the
exhibition catalogue (DVD). The works will be returned only on the special reqest of
an autor.The postage EUR5 will be paid by autor. The organizer reserves the right
to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Solin 2014, as the advertising material
without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used.The prize-
winning works become property of the organizer.


LAST NAME ———————————————
FIRST NAME ——————————————–
PSEUDONIM ——————————————–
STREET —————————————————
POSTCODE ———————————————–
CITY ——————————————————-
COUNTRY ———————————————–
TELEPHONE ——————————————–
E-MAIL —————————————————
MALE-FEMALE —————————————-

Don Quichotte international cartoon e-exhibition ” TRAGEDY of SOMA”

Don Quichotte international cartoon e-exhibition

No specifications!
No prizes!
No certificates!

We invite all caricaturists to participate.
Lets not live SOMA victims alone.
Lets decipher those who do not value labor work conditions and social rights.

Don Quichotte uluslararasý karikatür e-sergisi


Þartname yok!
Ödül yok!
Sertifika yok!

Vicdan sahibi tüm karikatürcüleri.
çizmeye davet ediyoruz..
Somalýyý yalnýz býrakmayalým..
Ýnsan emeðine ve haklarýna deðer vermeyenleri
çizgilerimizle deþifre edelim.




Don Quichotte international cartoon e-exhibition
Don Quichotte uluslararasi karikatur e-sergisi


No specifications!
No prizes!
No certificates!

We invite all caricaturists to participate.
Lets not live SOMA victims alone.
Lets decipher those who do not value labor work conditions and social rights.



Sartname yok!
Odul yok!
Sertifika yok!
Vicdan sahibi tum karikaturculeri.
cizmeye davet ediyoruz..
Somaliyi yalniz birakmayalim..
Insan emegine ve haklarina deger vermeyenleri
cizgilerimizle desifre edelim.


International Cartoon Contest on the topic: BRIDE AND MOTHER IN LAW

The Organization Board of the Cultural Manifestation Bride’s Veneration,
St. Teodor Tiron, v.Konopnica, KrivaPalanka under the Patronage
of the Municipality of KrivaPalanka, organizes an
International Cartoon Contest on the topic: BRIDE AND MOTHER IN LAW

-Milan Alashevikj, cartoonist Grand Prix competition of 2013 (Slovenia)
-Stojanche Velickovski, graphic designer Author of competition (Macedonia)
-Jovcho Savov, cartoonist (Bulgaria)
-Jordan Pop Iliev, cartoonist (Macedonia)
-Nichola Angelkovski cartoonist (Macedonia)
-Arsencho Aleksovski mayor, the Kriva Palanka (Macedonia)
-Dragan Velickovski, director of the City Museum Kriva Palanka (Macedonia)

Criteria for participation:
– One author can participate with only three (3) non textual cartoons;
– Application should be done with an application form attached on krivapalanka.gov.mk
– The application which is not properly completed , will not be qualified furthermore ;
– Filling the application, the applicant certifies that the piece of art is his own
intellectual property and accepts to cede the author`s rights to the organizer of the contest ;
– Applying at the contest the author approves the organizer to use , exhibit,
study and publish the pieces of art without limit for the media , period of time or place of its publication;
– It is preferable for the authors to enclose their short Biography;
– The pieces of art are supposed to be sent using e – mail (original or scanned )
with resolution of 300 dpi and the form should be A 3 (29,7 x 42) to; 2014@bridesveneration.com
– Application deadline is 30th of april 2014 . Process of selection and judging:
– All the pieces of art that applied properly should be taken in the preliminary selection
– The jury should choose to award the arts that will enter the preliminary selection;
– The authors that should be awarded are supposed to supply the original piece of art in 15 days ,
after the Publication of the results. Publication of the results:
– The resul ts will be published on the web site of the Municipality of Kriva Palanka
(www.krivapalanka.gov.mk) not later than 30Th of june 2014 . Presentation:
– All the preliminary selected pieces of art will be published in the catalogue
– All the participating aut hors who take part in the preliminary selection
will receive a catalogue (electronic version) sent on the given address .

http://www.facebook.com/todorica.konopnicakrivapalanka Stojance Velickovski

– First prize Тrophy “Nevestulka “ 250 $ and a Certificate for participation
– Second prize 200 $ and a Certificate for participation
– Third prize 150 $ and a Certificate for participation

Special awards:
Plaque talented young author.

Egyptian Presidential Caricature & Cartoon Contest 2014

Egyptian Presidential Caricature & Cartoon Contest 2014

Egyptian presidential candidates
Last Participation Date:
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Participation way:
Arab Cartoon House Website is pleased to announce the commencement of participation in the Egyptian Presidential Caricature & Cartoon Caricature Contest, subject to the following conditions:
Contest them: Egyptian presidential candidates.
Participation can be through caricatures or cartoons.
Participation is available to all cartoonists from all over the world.
The final date for participation: May 15, 2014.
The value of the first prize: U.S. $ 200, while the organizing committee is entitled to award it to more than one cartoonist.
Cartoonists can participate by three artworks max.
Arab Cartoon House Website has the right to publish, reprint or display the cartoons / caricatures.
The posts can be sent via the following form, the registration form is visible for registered user only.
You can register at the site via the registration link
30% the number of social posts, and the number of ratings.
70% for the jury.