The I U I Youth Cup “Longing for Spring” Anti-Coronavirus International Cartoon Competition (UYACC)

"I U I Youth" Anti-Coronavirus International Cartoon Competition welcome you!

The world has been stormed and disrupted by the contagious Novel Coronavirus for several months. People’s daily lives at all levels are facing unprecedented challenges in regards to work, entertainment, education, and more. Different kinds of isolation are exerting significant influences on both the global landscape and people’s spiritual lives. It is in this context that the I U I Youth Cup “Longing for Spring” Anti-Coronavirus International Cartoon Competition (UYACC), jointly hosted by the Culture & Multimedia International Association and Qing Jin Technology, is launching in Beijing on April 27, 2020.

The UYACC consists of Adult Group and Youth Group and its jury is made up of eleven renowned professional artists from home and abroad. It calls for entries around the world under the theme of “Longing for Spring”, hoping people can convey their love and kindness to the world with their works.

Qing Jin Technology, the host of this event, has committed itself to providing more advanced education resources and opportunities for teenagers by taking full advantage of the Internet and high technology. It makes great efforts to transcend the limits of education raised by geographical locations, education backgrounds and other constraints. On one hand, this competition aims to encourage participants to think beyond themselves and show support and solidarity amid the impact of COVID-19 with their excellent works. On the other hand, it offers all the participants a unique opportunity to appreciate artworks with diverse styles and cultures from different countries, which shall be precious chances to broaden their view and learn from each other.

Artists from both China and international community have done everything in their power to support this preparation. Up to now, artists from 42 countries and regions, such as China, Russia, Germany, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria and more have actively responded to this event by creating special event posters or sending their artworks. This event promises to enjoy great popularity among young generations and artists around the world.

The fog will soon lift and the warm Spring will come. Let’s do something for all the people suffering from the pandemic! Let’s hope for the best!


"I U I Youth" Anti-Coronavirus Uluslararasý Karikatür Yarýþmasýna hoþ geldiniz!
Koronavirüs pandemisi nedeniyle Dünyamýz, birkaç aydan bu yana fýrtýnalý ve dengesi bozulmuþ durumda. Ýnsanlar, günlük yaþam, iþ, eðlence, eðitim ve diðer konularda eþi benzeri görülmemiþ zorluklarla karþý karþýya. Farklý tecrit türleri hem küresel alanlarda hem de insanlarýn manevi yaþamlarý üzerinde önemli etkiler yaratmakta.    Bu baðlamda, Uluslararasý Kültür ve Multimedya Derneði ve Qing Jin Teknoloji tarafýndan ortaklaþa düzenlenen I U I Gençlik Kupasý “Bahara Özlem” Anti-Koronavirüs Uluslararasý Karikatür Yarýþmasý (UYACC) 27 Nisan 2020’de Beijing’de baþladý.

UYACC, Yetiþkin ve Gençlik Gruplarýndan oluþmakta. Seçici kurul, yerel ve yurt dýþýndan 11 tanýnmýþ profesyonel sanatçýdan oluþuyor. “Bahara Özlem” temasý altýnda dünyanýn dört bir yanýndan geniþ bir katýlým beklenirken, sanatçýlarýn deðerli çalýþmalarýyla, sevgi ve ilgilerini dünyaya yansýtabileceðini umuyoruz.

Bu etkinliðe ev sahipliði yapan Qing Jin Technology, Ýnternet ve yüksek teknolojiden tam anlamýyla yararlanarak gençler için daha geliþmiþ eðitim kaynaklarý ve fýrsatlarý saðlamayý taahhüt ediyor. Coðrafi konumlarýn, eðitim geçmiþlerinin ve diðer kýsýtlamalarýn getirdiði eðitimin sýnýrlarýný aþmak için büyük çaba sarf ediyor. Bu yarýþma, bir yandan katýlýmcýlarý, COVID-19’a raðmen, mükemmel çalýþmalarý ile kendilerini aþarak, destek ve dayanýþmayý teþvik etmeyi amaçlýyor. Öte yandan da, tüm katýlýmcýlar,a farklý ülkelerden çok çeþitli stil ve kültürlere sahip sanat eserlerini takdir etmek için eþsiz bir fýrsat sunuyor. Bu da COVID-19 konusundaki görüþlerini geniþletmek ve birbirlerinden öðrenmek için bulunmaz bir þans olacak.

Hem Çinli hem de diðer ülkelerin sanatçýlarý, bu çalýþmayý destekleyebilmek için ellerinden gelen her þeyi yaptýlar. Þimdiye kadar, Çin, Rusya, Almanya, Türkiye, Azerbaycan, Bulgaristan baþta olmak üzere 42 ülkenin sanatçýlarý, özel etkinlik posterleri oluþturarak veya sanat eserlerini göndererek bu etkinliðe aktif olarak katýldýlar. Bu etkinlik, dünyadaki genç kuþaklar ve sanatçýlar arasýnda büyük popülerliðin tadýný çýkarmak için de büyük bir fýrsat olacak.

Sis yakýnda kalkacak ve ýlýk bahar gelecek. Þimdi salgýn hastalýktan etkilenen tüm insanlar için bir þeyler yapma zamaný! En iyisini birlikte umalým!


The I U I Youth Cup “Longing for Spring” Anti-Coronavirus International Cartoon Competition (UYACC)


The I U I Youth Cup “Longing for Spring” Anti-Coronavirus International Cartoon Competition (UYACC) is an open online competition.



1. Anti-Coronavirus  

2. Expressing positive attitudes such as hope, warmth, bravery, environmental protection, joint efforts for a better Earth, etc.

*Both themes are required to be expressed in the artworks.



1. The objects of the competition are cartoons, drawings, graphics or other works of art created by artists.

2. The minimum resolution of electronic editions or scanning copies should be 300dpi in the form of TIFF or JPG.

3. The minimum size of paper works should be A4(210mm×297mm) and the maximum size is A3 (297 x 420 mm) to make sure that the scanned original is clear, undistorted and complete. Original works are also welcome You can find the address in Contact Information.

4. Only submission by email is valid and should be sent to by May 30, 2020. All the submissions should include the entry formthe work and a brief introduction to the work. (No word limitation).


*Photos and Videos are welcome to express support for this global fight against the coronavirus.


*Based on your works, a letter to those who are still struggling against the epidemic, poetry, songs or any other forms showing your feelings are also welcome. Your words may be selected and published in the e-book of selected works of this competition.


All above-mentioned works can be sent along with your entry to the designated email. Let’s contribute our strength to the global fight and hope for the best!




1. The contest will be divided into 2 Groups:

  • Adult Group – 18 and above
  • Youth Group – ages under 18

2. Timetable

  • Submission deadline: Beijing Time 24:00 on May 30, 2020
  • Jury Meeting: June 2020
  • Contest Result will be published on the website in June 2020

3. The Jury has the final right of the ranking of the works, as well as distribution of the statutory prizes. The Jury’s decisions are final.


The Organizers will award the following prizes and diplomas for each winner. AWARDS ARE SUBJECT TO TAXATION ACCORDING TO CHINESE TAX REGULATIONS.




Adult Group: (Ages above 18)

  • Grand Prix (1) 1000 USD
  • Gold Medal (2) 800 USD
  • Silver Medal (3) 500 USD
  • Bronze Medal (4) 300 USD
  • Outstanding Nominated Awards (40) 200 USD

 Youth Group: (Ages under 18)

  • Creative Star (1)
  • Gold Medal (2)
  • Silver Medal (3)  
  • Bronze Medal (4)
  • Outstanding Nominated Awards (40)
  • Presents and certificates will be provided by Qingjin Tec.

 *All the participants will receive an e-book of the selected works in this competition.


Final Provisions:

      1. The Organizers reserve the right:

  • To use the submitted works for advertising purposes such as news reports, media broadcasts, as well as circulation on the internet and social media without any special fees paid to the authors.
  • To use the submitted works for the post-contest art-related activities such as: to be published materials, printed materials, circulated on phones, the internet, in publications, video materials, etc.

2. Organizers are the arbiters of the rules and regulations.

3. By sending her/his work the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations.


Contact Information:

Email Address:

Mailing Address: Organizing Committee of UYACC, 902 Suite, 3 Unit 3,No.3 Building, Tianle Yuan Media Village, Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100107

Tel: 010-84937681   
