Colombian cartoonist Freddy Pibaque still not received his prize WPC Sintra 2007


Colombian cartoonist Freddy Pibaque still not received
his prize WPC Sintra 2007

From: Nacaro Caricaturas
Date: 08 Kasým 2008 Cumartesi 18:40

Dear Colleague Editor of the humor web page:
Please, publish this article in your home page.
Thank you for your solidarity.
Freddy Pibaque (Nacaro).

In 2007 I participated in WORLD PRESS CARTOON contest and I won second prize in the Caricature section.
But untill today (end of October 2008) I have not received my montary prize,
nor the cartoon catalogue, neither the trophy they promise to the winners.
Since April 2007 I sent messages to the director of wpc, Mr. Antonio Antunez, a
sking him to pay me my money, and nothing. When I denounced it by e-mail to colleagues (including you)
Mr AA replied that it had paid. After he used a lawyer to amendrate:
wpc’s lawyer sent me a message threatening a criminal trial if I continued with my denunce of non-payment.
(I attach you copy of the message). In addition, on this message says the lawyer:
“The prize money can be withdrawn at the direction of …. wpc in Portugal.”
With that message is verified that Mr. Antunez says one thing by e-mail to participants and
says a different thing for me using his lawyer.
It is also proved that wpc has not paid the prize, but AA says yes by e-mail.
But the case is even worse: nowhere in the regulation said that the winners
should make a trip to Portugal to collect their prize. No contest in the world makes this absurd condition.
Wpc does not respect its own rules.
It is all right that a organizer of cartoon contest threatens to a winner cartoonist?
Thank you for your attention.
Freddy Pibaqué.
PS: Please read the attached message sent by the lawyer of the wpc,
also the winner cartoon who never received the prize and a cartoon about wpc.







Anadolu Karikaturculer Dernegi her yil geleneksel olarak TKM’ de actigi sergilerine,
bu sezon ilk sergi olarak Azerbaycan karikatur tarihi sergisi ile basliyor.

Azerbaycan Karikaturculer Birligi Baskani Bayram HACIZADE tarafindan olusturulan
‘Baslangictan Bugune Azeri Karikaturu’ isimli sergide, Azerbeycan karikaturunden orneklerinin sergilenecegi etkinlige,
usta karikaturculerimizden Yurdagun GOKER de katilarak,
Azeri Karikaturunun tarihsel gelisimini anlatacaktir.

1900’lerin baslarinda ‘Molla Nasrettin Dergisi’ etrafinda toplanan Azeri Karikaturculeri
20.yy onemli siyasal ve sosyal hayatini yetkin bir mizahi anlayisla cizgiye dokmusler ve
dunya kulturune buyuk katki saglamislardir.

10-15 Kasim tarihleri arasinda Bursa T.K.M Cemal Nadir Guler Sanat Galerisinde
Bursalilarin izlenimine acilacak olan sergimizin acilisi
10 Kasim 2008 Pazartesi gunu saat 18:00 ‘de yapilacaktir.

Anadolu Karikaturculer Dernegi

Yonetim Kurulu Adina


BBC News: Political cartoons go live online


BBC News: Political cartoons go live online

BBC News:

More than 120,000 British political and social cartoons have been

put live on the internet by a team in Kent.

The British Cartoon archive, based at the University of Kent,

has published the work of more than 250 cartoonists.

The free to access online database features cartoons from the 18th century to the present day.

Part of the Carl Giles collection, which includes the Giles family,

and work by Steve Bell, Ralph Steadman and Martin Rowson are also featured.

‘Cartoon fan’

The team from the British Cartoon Archive has spent nearly two years digitising the collection.

Dr Nicholas Hiley, head of the British Cartoon Archive, said:

“Whether you are a cartoon fan or an academic interested

in using the archive content for teaching and research purposes,

the new website provides the widest possible access to the most important

collection of British newspaper cartooning.

“The development of the site, catalogue and services over the coming

months will extend the use of the resource to a far larger number of academics,

specialists and enthusiasts and build a considerable international community

around these important works.”

The launch of the online archive coincides with the Giles, One of the Family exhibition,

which starts at the London Cartoon Museum on Wednesday.