Istanbul, yerlesim tarihi 300 bin, kentsel tarihi yaklasIk 3 bin, baskentlik tarihi ise
1600 yila kadar uzanan Avrupa ile Asya kitalarinin kesistigi bir dunya kentidir.
Caglar boyunca cesitli uygarlik ve kulturlere ev sahipligi yapti.
Yuzyillar boyu cesitli din, dil ve irktan insanlarin bir arada yasadigi kozmopolit ve
metropolit yapisiyla dunyanin turistik acidan ilgi ceken onemli merkezlerinden biri olmayi basardi.
Roma ve Bizans uygarliklarina evsahipligi yapan Istanbul,
1453 yilinda Fatih Sultan Mehmet tarafindan Bizanslilardan alinarak,
Osmanli donemine de damgasini vurdu.
Tarihi alanlari UNESCO Dunya Mirasi Listesi"ne 1985 yilinda eklenen Istanbul,
2010 yilinda "Avrupa Kultur Baskenti" secildi.
Yarismamizin amaci „2010 Avrupa Kultur Baskenti" secilen Istanbul’u
dunya cizerleri gozuyle gecmisten gunumuze irdelemek ve karikatur sanati araciligiyla yansitmak.
Birinci secilecek karikaturcuyu, kazanacagi odulun yanisira guzel bir Istanbul gezisi de bekliyor.
Yarisma jurisi ise Istanbullu Turk ve Istanbul’u taniyan yabanci cizerlerden olustu.
1) Yarismaya sadece internet yoluyla katilabilinir.
Karikaturlerin gonderme adresi:
2) Yarismaya katilacak karikaturlerin daha once hicbir yarismada odul almamis olmasi ve
yayinlanmamis olmasi gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde odulun geri alinabilmesi soz konusudur.
3) Karikaturler A3 boyutunda, 300 dpi ve jpeg formatinda olacaktir.
4) Gelen karikaturler on juri tarafindan elenerek 100 final karikaturu belirlenecektir.
Final karikaturleri (www.donquichotte.org) websitemizin "heute/bugun" bolumunde
bir sure sergilenecek. Boylelikle kopya karikaturlerin veya sartnameye uymayan
karikaturlerin elenerebilecektir.
5) Yarismaya son katilim tarihi 15 Agustos 2010’dur.
6) Secici kurul, gelen karikaturleri 15-30 Agustos arasinda degerlendirecektir.
Sonuclar 5 Eylul tarihinde aciklanacaktir.
7) Odul toreni 15 Eylul’de Istanbul-Schneidertempel Sanat Galerisi’nde gerceklesecektir.
8) Yarismaya her yastan karikaturcu en fazla 3 karikaturle katilabilir.
1) Birincilik Odulu: 2000 Dolar
2) Ikincilik Odulu: 1500 Dolar
3) Ucunculuk Odulu: 1000 Dolar
4) "Turhan Selcuk" ozel odulu: 500 Dolar
4) 10 adet mansiyon
Istanbul is the intersecting point of Europe and Asia,
with a settlement history of three hundred thousand years,
an urban history of three thousand years and a capital dating back to the 1600s.
Istanbul has been a home to various civilizations and cultures thorughout history.
Due to Istanbul’s historical cosmopolitan and metropolitan structure it has attracted
people with various religions, languages and races for centuries.
It has now become one of the major touristic centers in the world.
Istanbul hosted the Roman and Byzantinian Empires until Fatih Sultan Mehmet captured
Istanbul from the Byzatines in 1453, which marked the rise of the Ottoman period.
Historical areas of Istanbul were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985 and
Istanbul was chosen as the European Capital of Culture in 2010.
The purpose of our competition is to study the European Capital of Culture:
Istanbul from past to present through the art of caricature and project it to the world audience.
The first cartoonist to be selected, will win a financial prize as well as a beautiful trip within Istanbul.
The jury of this competition is formed by Turkish and Foreign citizens
who are familiar with the city and its culture.
1) You can only participate in this competition by submitting your work through
the e-mail address provided below:
2) The participating work must have not previously received any awards
or have been published in any competition.
Otherwise, the jury committee has the right to withdraw the awards.
3) The designs are to be drawn in A3-Size to be delivered in 300 dpi and in JPEG format.
4) The incoming caricatures are first going to be eliminated by the pre-selector
jury who will determine the 100 final caricatures.
Final caricatures will be temporarily published on our "heute/bugün/today" section of our website
In this manner, we will be able to identify caricatures that are contradicting
with the rules of this competition.
5) The closing date of the competition is August 15, 2010.
6) The jury, which consists from international well-known cartoonists,
will evaluate the forwarded art-works from August 15th to 30th.
Results of this evaluation and the award-winning art-works
will be published on September 5, 2010.
7) The award ceremony will take place in Ýstanbul-Schneidertempel
Art Gallery on September 15, 2010.
8) Participants of all ages can join in this competition
with a maximum of 3 caricatures.
– First Prize: $ 2000
– Second Prize: $ 1500
– Third Prize: $ 1000
– Special Prize of "Turhan Selçuk: $ 500
– 10 mentions