Humourfest 15 – Foligno, Italy

Regulations Humourfest 15
1) The Borough of Foligno announces its International Competition of Humour “HUMOURfest 15” devoted to the theme “The Olympic Games – MADE IN CHINA – Beijing 2008”.
2) Participants may present a maximum of 2 original works, illustrations or cartoons, on the theme, size UNI A4 (21,0×29,7 cm). Choice of technique is free. The author is responsible for the content of his/her exhibits.
3) The following prizes have been established:

1st prize of 1550,00 euro; 2nd prize of 1050,00 euro; 3rd prize of 520,00 euro. Popularity prize “Topino d’oro” awarded according to visitors’ votes during the exhibition. The prize-winning works, together with those recommended by the Jury, up to a maximum of 20, will remain property of the Organizers as endowment to the Intemational Humour Centre of Foligno. The exhibition catalogue will contain the names of all participants, as well as a reproduction of the prize-winning and specially-mentioned works. The authors of the latter will receive, free of charge, 2 copies of the catalogue. The winning work will be used as a poster for the enterprise and as a cover for the exhibition catalogue.
4) Requests not to be entered into the competition will be accepted. Such a request will exclude the artist from the prize awards.
5) The works will be submitted to close examination by a qualified Commission of Judges consisting of representatives from the world of art, culture and institutions. The decision of the Commission of Judges is unquestionable.
6) The works, together with a brief curriculum of the artist, must arrive by 2 p.m. on 29th February 2008 post-free, without either frame or glass, indicating the artist’s name, surname and address, as well as the title of the work and the technique used, latin alphabet only. The artist’s unconditioned acceptance of the regulations shall be understood on delivery of the works for participation. The works will be handed back or returned postfree not before 30 days after the exhibition has closed. The exhibition, or part of it, may be temporarily transferred to other centres.
7) The works should be sent with an adequate packing which the Organizers, even though they assure the utmost care in the custody of the works, decline any responsibility for charges or claims, also by third parties, for any damages, tampering with, or theft.
8) The works will be chosen for an exhibition which will be held in Foligno during the Summer of 2008.
9) The works may be reproduced in a catalogue and in other prospective publications (books, newspapers, magazines, etc.). Such reproductions may be distributed to the press and/or publicized by any kind of media.
10) The present regulations are published in Italian, English and French. In case of controversy the Italian version will attest.
11) All communications, requests for explanations etc., should be sent to:
Humourfest – Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Foligno

Piazza del Grano – 06034 Foligno (PG) – Italy

Telef. (0742) 330610 – 330627 – Fax (0742) 340496


Participation card

To be stuck on the back of the work
Name and firstname __________________________________

Place and date of birth ________________________________

Address _________________________________________

Postal Code, Town and Country __________________________

E-mail ___________________________________________

Telephone, fax _____________________________________

Title of the work ____________________________________

Technique ________________________________________

In the competition ( ) Not for competition ( )


We will hold
The 8th Kyoto International Cartoon Exhibition
June 1 to July 6, 2008

Kyoto Seika University 40th Anniversary

Supporting the 2008 G8 Summit in Hokkaido Japan

Theme :
“There is no time left!!”

We must obey the Kyoto Protocol to halt Global Warming.


Deadline: February 12, 2008 (See entry-form for professionals: )


Mail To This Address:

 Residence Iwakura 403, 42-1. Moroki-cho 

Kamitakano, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-0046 JAPAN

Tel [81]-(75)-791-3340 Fax [81]-(75)-791-4760