The 6th International Biennial of Caricature THE GOLDEN SMILE  BELGRADE 2008

The 6th International Biennial of Caricature THE GOLDEN SMILE – BELGRADE 2008

December, 2008

*The sixth International Biennial of Caricature THE GOLDEN SMILE – BELGRADE 2008, organised by the ULUPUDS (Association of Fine and Applied Artists and Designers of Serbia) and FECO Serbia, will be held at the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, December, 2008.

*The competition is open to artists from all over the world.

*Theme of the exhibition: TRADITION AND PROGRESS

*Each author is to submit original works (all fine or graphic arts techniques are accepted). Author may enter unlimited number of works. The maximum size of one caricature is 42 X 29.7 cm (format A3). Due to scanning recquirement format A4 (29.7 X 21 cm) image size, is recommended. Digital prints signed by the author, and good quality photo-copies will also be accepted.

*The selection of works will be made by the Council of the Exhibition.

*An international Jury appointed by the Exhibition Council will decide on Awards.


The Golden Medal and 600 EUR

The Silver Medal and 400 EUR

The Bronze Medal and 300 EUR

The Award of the Weekly Magazine NIN for the best graphic print.

*The works, marked on the back with the sticker (or the photocopy of the sticker) filled, should arrive by NOVEMBER 1st, 2008 to the following address:   

ULUPUDS (»The Golden Smile«)

Terazije 26/II

11000 Belgrade, Serbia

To avoid custom problems, please write DOCUMENT, NO VALUE on the envelope

*except on special demand. The exhibition will be shown in other towns in Serbia.

*The organiser will publish an illustrated catalogue ­of the exhibition and all exhibitors will obtain it free of charge. Each exhibitor shall authorise the organiser to ­reproduce his works without reimbursement, for advertising purposes.

*These regulations are subject to interpretation of the Council of the Exhibition. President of the Exhibition Council is Jugoslav Vlahovic, graphic artist and cartoonist.

*For all the further information please contact

ULUPUDS, Tel/fax: +381 11 268 57 80

e-mail: ulupuds@beotel.yu   or




Dilimize, argomuza baþta “Geyik Muhabbeti” olmak üzere pek çok deyim, sözcük ve terim kazandýrmýþ olan, Ýzmir’e son 15 yýlda söyleþi-panel-imza günü gibi etkinlikler için 100’den fazla kez gelen mizah yazarý ve karikatürist Cihan Demirci, 13. Ýzmir Tüyap Kitap Fuarýnda da Ýzmirli okurlarýyla ve muhalif mizahseverlerle birlikte olacak. “Damdaki Mizahçý” olarak da tanýnan, bugüne dek yayýnlanmýþ 32 kitabý 300 bini aþan bir satýþa ulaþan, 2008’de mizahta 30 yýlý geride býrakan Cihan Demirci, Ýzmir Tüyap Kitap Fuarýnda 25 Nisan Cuma günü, 15.45-16.45 arasýnda, 2 nolu konferans salonunda “Damdaki Mizahçýyla Damagojik Dakikalar” baþlýklý söyleþide bulunacak. 26 Nisan Cumartesi günü ise fuarýn 1 Nolu konfernas salonunda 12.00-13.30 saatleri arasýnda “Çocuk Edebiyatýnda Gülmece” baþlýklý söyleþiye Yalvaç Ural ve Mavisel Yenerle birlikte konuþmacý olarak katýlacak. Bugüne dek 13 fuara da düzenli olarak katýlan Cihan Demirci, fuarda 25, 26 ve 27 Nisan günlerinde Ercan Yayýncýlýk standýnda okurlarýna kitaplarýný imzalayacak.