2nd Üçge International Cartoon Contest 2012 / 2. UCGE Uluslararasi Karikatur Yarismasi 2012

2nd ÜÇGE International Cartoon Contest-2012

Subject: Shopping is life
Rules and regulations:
1. The cartoon contest is open to all cartoonist of the world.
2. Cartoons can be sent by e-mail or by post. In case of necessity, the executive committee is entitled to request the original cartoons from the participants.
Below are the contact details:
E-mail : info@anadolukarikaturculerdernegi.org
Address: Anadolu Karikatürcüler Derneði, Hüdavendigar Mh. Hýsým Sk. No:1/19 Osmangazi / Bursa / Turkey Tel: +90 224 235 65 00
3. Cartoons need to be in A4 size and JPG format with 300 dpi resolution. Cartoons in different formats will be disqualified.
4. The cartoons must not have been awarded before.
5. Curriculum Vitae (CV) including contact details and a photo is required in word format (doc).
6. Maximum 5 cartoons per artist are allowed in the contest.
7. All rights of the submitted cartoons are transferred to ÜÇGE Company for use in different platforms. Cartoon artists cannot claim any charges for the use of their cartoons by ÜÇGE. ÜÇGE has the right to publish submitted cartoons at different media organs providingö the artists’ signature.
8. Exhibited cartoons cannot be claimed back.
9. Deadline for the contest is the 20th July 2012.
10. Cartoons chosen for the grand finale will be published online at http://www.ucge.com/karikaturyarismasi/ between 23rd and 27th July. At this period, cartoons will be publicly available for evaluation for authenticity, and any inquiries for fraud will be further considered by the organization committee. After this date, objections to authenticity will not be considered.
11. The jury will meet on the 28th of July 2012 and the winner will be announced on the 30th of July 2012.
12. Award ceremony and the exhibition dates will be announced later.
13. All participants who take part in the contest are assumed to be aware of the above-mentioned rules and regulations. Cartoons which do not comply with the above-mentioned rules and regulations will be disqualified from the contest.
1st Place 2.000 USD
2nd Place 1.000 USD
3rd Place 500 USD
Honorable mentions will be given to three participants (plaquet)
The Anatolian Cartoonists Association special prize (plaquet)

Ahmet Aykanat
The Anatolian Cartoonists Association


2. UCGE Uluslararasi Karikatur Yarismasi-2012

Konu; Alisveris hayattir
Katilim kosullari;
1. Yarisma tum ulkelerin profesyonel ve amator cizerlerine aciktir.
2. Karikaturler e-mail ile gonderilecektir. Arzu edenler posta yoluyla da katilabilir. Yurutme kurulu gerekli gordugu takdirde cizerden karikaturlerin orjinalini isteme hakkina sahiptir.
E-mail ile gonderecekler icin : info@anadolukarikaturculerdernegi.org
Posta ile gonderecekler icin : Anadolu karikaturculer dernegi, Hudavendigar Mh. Hisim Sk. No:1/19 Osmangazi / Bursa / Turkey Tel: +90224 235 65 00
3. Katilacak eserler A4 boyutunda ve 300 dpi cozunurlukte, JPG formatinda gonderilecektir. Bu formata uymayan karikaturler degerlendirme disinda kalacaktir.
4. Yarismaya katilan karikaturler hicbir yarismada odul almamis olmasi gereklidir.
5. Yarismacilar karikaturleri ile birlikte ozgecmislerini ve adres bilgilerini, fotograflarini gondereceklerdir. (Word belgesi seklinde gonderilebilir.)
6. Yarismaya en fazla 5 karikatur ile katilim saglanir.
7. Yarismaya katilan karikatur sahibi, yarismanin konusu ile baglantili ve sinirli olmaksizin karikaturu isleme, cogaltma, yayma, temsili ile yayin ve umuma iletimi icin karikaturun kullanim hakkini UCGE Firmasi’na vermis olacaktir. Karikatur sahibi UCGE Firmasi’nin kullanim hakki uzerinde herhangi bir telif hakki talep etmeyecektir. UCGE Firmasi, yarisma sonrasinda yarismaya katilan eserleri eser sahibinin bilgileriyle beraber sergileyecek ve arzu ettigi mecra ve materyaller uzerinde kullanabilecektir.
8. Yarismaya katilan eserler iade edilmez.
9. Yarismaya son katilim tarihi 20 Temmuz 2012’dir.
10. Finale kalan karikaturler, www.ucgekarikaturyarismasi.com adresinde 23-27 Temmuz 2012 tarihleri arasinda yayinlanacak, karikaturler icin yapilacak benzer ya da kopya karikatur tespitleri bu surede kamuoyu tarafindan degerlendirilecektir. Herhangi bir itiraz almayan tum karikaturler, juri karsisina cikartilacaktir. Juri degerlendirmesi yapilip, odul alan karikaturler kamuoyu ile paylasildiktan sonra yapilan hic bir itiraz dikkate alinmayacaktir.
11. Juri toplanti tarihi 28 Temmuz 2012’dir. Odul kazanan karikaturler 30 Temmuz 2012 tarihinde kamuoyuna duyurulacaktir.
12. Odul toreni, sergi tarihi ve yeri daha sonra duyurulacaktir.
13. Yarismaya katilan herkes, yarismaya katilim kosullarini kabul etmis sayilacaktir. Bu kosullara uymayan eserler degerlendirilmeye alinmayacak ve odul hakkini kaybedecektir.

1.lik odulu 2.000 USD + (Plaket)
2. lik odulu 1.000 USD + (Plaket)
3. luk odulu 500 USD + (Plaket)
Mansiyonlar 3 adet verilecektir. (Plaket)
Anadolu Karikaturculer Dernegi ozel odulu (Plaket)

Ahmet Aykanat
Anadolu Karikaturculer Dernegi
Yonetim Kurulu Bsk.

The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA – ROMANIA the 6 th Edition, 2012

The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA – ROMANIA
the 6 th Edition, 2012

Bucovina Museum

The Country Council from Suceava
The Bucovina Museum from Suceava invites you to participate to the International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA – ROMANIA, the 6 th Edition, 2012.

1. The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic has as theme:

" rich and poor"

2. We address to all the professional and amateurs cartoonists regardless their age from all over the world.

3. The number of sent cartoons is maximum five.

4. Please attach in .DOC format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (surname and name, exact address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV)

5. The exhibition prizes is:
– Prize Bucovina = 500ˆ + diploma + gold medal
– Three mentions = diploma + medal

6. The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address:


and they must be of 300 dpi minimum resolution, A4 format, realized in any technique: black and white or colour,
or the cartoons must be sent at the address:

Bucovina Muzeum,
Str. Þtefan cel Mare, no.: 33, Suceava, cod: 720003, Romania

7. All the events of the exhibition will be published in the web page of the Bucovina Museum http://www.muzeulbucovinei.ro/. All the artists who will enter the saloon will receive the virtual catalogue of the exhibition

8. If you want to participate at this event, please send your cartoons

until 15 th of September 2012.

9. The exhibition will be opened for the public in november 2012.

10. Caricatures sent, will not be returned, will enter the Museum’s collection.

Members of Jury:
Mihai Panzaru Pim – cartoonist
George Licurici – cartoonist
Ovidiu Ambrozie Borta BOA- cartoonist


The 6th Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2012

The 6th Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2012

Welcome to Jiaxing, China! Cartoon bring great power to our world!

In The 5th Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2010, exhibition got successe with the great support of international cartoonists, Host Units invited Mr.Cristobal Reinoso from Argentina,

Mr.Rumen Dragostinov from Bulgaria and Mr.Gerard Vandenbrouke, the president of Salon International Du Dessins de Presse et d’Humor and the mayor of Saint-Just,

France to China to attend the award ceremony in Jiaxing city.

Host Units: Artists’s Association of China
The Municipal Goverment of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province


The Jury committee will choose 120 works for exhibition,

there are 10 works provided for

The Best Theme Prize of 2500 RMB each,

10 work provided for The Best Free choice Prize of 2500 RMB each,

the total 20 winning works will be awarded with top grade trophy and Prizes.

Each author whose work selected for exhibition will get one copy of the catalogue of exhibition and certificate, and 600 RMB prizes.

The selected works will be collectted in Puhua gallery, Jiaxing city.

Exhibition: The exhibition of The 6th Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2012 will be held in Jiaxing library in October, 2012 in the gallery of Jiaxing city.

About rules:

Exhibition have two sections:

A) Theme: Water, Human and Homeland; B) Free choice.

Each author may submit no more than 2 works for each section respectively.

Any technique of works will be acceptted, the size of work should not exceed 420 X 297mm,
Author’s name, title, address, postcode, email, telephone should be written on the back of works.

Also a resume should accompany with works.

The deadline is August, 31, 2012.

Program: Host Units will invite the winners to attend the award ceremony and the cartoon

week in October, 2012 in Jiaxing city, Host Units will cover the flight and hotel’s charge.

The Host Units have right to use the selected works for spreading on media.
The works which can not enter the exhibition will be returned to the authors after exhibition.
Authors who submit works to exhibition means they accept all above rules.


No.36 Zhonghe Road, Jiaxing Gallery, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, P.R.China
Postcode: 314000

Telephone: 0086 573 82091028, 0086 573 82071601, 0086 573 82031836
International Email: cartoonfestival@126.com

Web site: http://www.jxmsg.com

Contact: Mr.Ling Jiachun, Mr.Zhong Zhongxiao

Committee of The 6th Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2012


1- La contaminación ambiental, auditiva y visual se ha convertido
en un verdadero problema para e planeta y es urgente despertar
conciencia sobre deste grave problema.
2- Pueden enviar hasta dos obras de su archivo personal o que
hayan sido publicadas o premiadas. Pueden ser elaboradas en
cualquier técnica y deben ser enviadas únicamente correo
electrónico, en ningún caso se admitirán originales.
3- La obra debe tener una resolución de 300 dpi como mínimo, y un
tamaño mínimo de A-4 (30 x 21 cm.)
4- Junto a las obras deberán enviar sus datos personales (Nombre,
dirección, teléfono) un pequeño resumen biográfico, una fotografía
o caricatura y su dirección postal.
4- Las obras se enviarán al E-mail:
5- Los trabajos se deberán enviar hasta el 16 de julio de 2012.
6- La recepción de las obras estará a cargo de los organizadores
del V Salón Internacional de Humor Gráfico – Lima 2012
7- Las obras seleccionadas conformarán la exposición itinerante
que se inaugurará en el 6 de setiembre de 2012.
8- Los artistas seleccionados recibirán un ejemplar del libro de lujo
que publicaremos con los trabajos enviados al Salón.
9- Los artistas nos autorizarán a que sus dibujos puedan ser
usados en afiches, polos, notas de prensa y material impreso para
la difusión del evento.
10- Los artistas aceptan todas las condiciones establecidas en las
bases de convocatoria para el V Salón Internacional de Humor
Gráfico – Lima 2012.












































-The Kosovo Comic Book Artists Association "Xhennet Comics" is organizing the 8’th Internacional Festival of Comics and Cartoons.
– The Festival will be held from 8 until 11 September 2012 on the Gallery "Hamam" in Prizren KOSOVO.
-The Festival is not going to be competitive; however 20 foreign and 10 kosovar artists will be elected from the jury to have the expenses of travel and hotel accommodation covered for 3 days.
-All the participants of the festival will be delivered with The Catalogue, T-shirts with Festival logo, and The Certificate of Gratitude. Those absent will receive the catalogue via e-mail. PDF file or they can download from the official web site of the association .
-The Festival of Comics and Cartoons is held every year in Prizren, Republic of Kosova, organized from the Kosovo Comic Book Artists Association "Xhennet Comics".
-The festival is open for every artist, professional or amateur,from all around the world.

Participating Conditions:
1. The genre and topic are free, whether for Comics or Cartoons.
2. The Works may be done from one or more artists.
3. The works can be posted to us or thay can send throught e maýl whých has to have a good scan at least 300 dpý. The Participant can send his/her work through e-mail-a good scan with minimum 300 dpi.
4. Comics and Cartoons should be from 1 to 6 pages (A3 or A4 format)
5. The language of texts is free to all of the world’s languages (preferable in English).
6. Required details to be sent with the works are: Name, Surname, A short biography, Country, Address, E-mail, and A Photo. ( Attentýon wýthout of these ýnfornatýons the works wýll not be taken to consýderatýon ).
7. The Deadline is 10 August 2012.

The Address for sending the works is:
Kosovar Comic Book Artist’s Association "XhennetCommics"
str. Xhemil Doda nr. 3/a
20000 Prizren
Republic of Kosovo
Cell: +37744288791
E-mail: ganisunduri @hotmail.com
E-mail: xhennetcomics@gmail.com
More info on .www.xhennetcomics.blogspot.com

2nd Internatio nal contest of cartoon “Fun in Vassylivka style” 2012

2nd Internatio​nal contest of cartoon "Fun in Vassylivka style" 2012

We declare new International competition of visual humour "Fun in Vassylivka style". Held competition
for development and support of cartoon, humour and satire in the genre of small graphic arts, strengthening
of creative and professional international contacts, popularizations of local and other brands too.
Also to the exposure and support of young cartoonists.

Main theme: «Castle». Ancient, old, new, ultranew castles

1 prize – gold medal + diploma
2 prize – silver medal + diploma
3 prize – bronze medal + diploma

Another theme: «Rest and entertainment»
1 prize – gold medal + diploma
2 prize – silver medal + diploma
3 prize – bronze medal + diploma

The terms of work of the contest:

Start sending – from 1 june, 2012 – to 15 August, 2012
Juri work: from 25 August, 2012

The choice of prize works of judge and organizational committee of competition reserve,
in obedience to position about a competition. Opening of exhibition and awarding ceremony –
from Septembers, 2 – for October, 15 in 2012

Conditions and rules

1. The competition is open, in contest can take part both professional artists and amateurs.
2. On a competition is accepted only author original works.
3. Works, sent an e-mail, are examined ( .jpg, 300 dpi ).
4. Technique of execution – any.
5. The amount of works is unreserved, minimum 2 works from every theme.
6. The works sent on a competition remain in collection of organizational committee of competition.
7. The inquiry of participant must be filled in a letter of seal by English, Russian or Ukrainian.
( the form of participant is added ).
8. The works sent on a competition can be exhibited in show-rooms of Vassylivka, other museums, galleries,
in decision of organizers and also can be placed on the site of museum.
9. Organizators must write name, surname author, his contry on all works.
10. Copyrights on image, names and texts of works, belong to the author, they do not change.
An author carries responsibility for the works in obedience to the current legislation of Ukraine.
11. Pictures which were the before recipients of an award on other competitions, sending is possible, but with
an obligatory mark, where and when they were the recipients of an award. The fact of participating means
in a competition, that participant accept all terms of competition.

Special conditions

1. On opening of exhibition and ceremony of rewarding of winners can arrive all persons interested,
before that warning the organizers of competition. For passage and dwelling they bear expenses.
2. As a result of competition "Fun in Vassylivka style" there will be given out catalogue. All authors,
whose works, will enter in a catalogue after the conclusions of judge, will get the free catalogue
of competition by mail.
3. Organizers and sponsors of competition can enter a few special prizes after receipt all works on a competition.

Аdress: International contest of cartoon «Fun in Vassylivka style»
Tchekist str. 7/96
Vassylivka city, Zaporozhye reg.
71600 Ukraine

Web-page: vasarthumor.at.ua
e-mail: vasarthumor@mail.ua

With best regards,
Organizer of international contest of cartoon "Fun in Vassylivka style" – Zinoviev Alexander
