A recent discussion with a friend working in
the fact that art materials are expensive and hard to access on the
island mostly due to the illegal embargo imposed by the
I’ve created a forum where, hopefully, our brother and sister
cartoonists can let us know what supplies they might need. Within
reason, if any of us can help, I’m sure each of us can send some item
within our means.
The forum can be found here:
I hope anyone interested will join me in this effort

70th Cartoon Exhibition
Respected colleagues, cartoonists, ladys, gentleman, friends, readers….
28th of may 2008. we have opened 70th exhibition in Cartoon Gallery «OsijeK»
We talking about splendid cartoonist Makhmudjon Eshonkulov from Uzbekistan who presented his works on theme «Ecology vs. Technology».
Makhmudjon Eshonkulov was born in the village of Telov in Beshariq district of Uzbekistan. Graduated from Tashkent State Pedagogic Institute, faculty of drawing. Member Artist Union of Uzbekista. He lives in Tashkent city. Is a regular participant of countries daily newspapers and magazines. He had personal exhibition in town Krusevac of country Serbia in 2007, he has participated in more than 200 nacional and International Cartoon Exhibitions.
Awards from International Cartoon Contests:
2002.,2003.,2004.,2005.,2007. Honorable Mention «DICACO» Daejeon, Korea
2002. Gold prize «GOGLM» Nanjing, China
2003.,2005. Prizes for Excellence «GOGLM» Nanjing, China
2004. First prize «Int. Comics Communication 2004.», Tokyo, Japan
2004. Special Prize «Int. Don Quichotte C.C.» Stutgard, Germany
2005. Honorable Mention «Int. Karpik C.C.» Niemodlin, Poland
2005.,2006. Success Award «FCW» Shanghai, China
2006.Prize of Kozuchow Castle Castellian, Kozuchow, Poland
2006. Honorable Mention «Int. C.C.» Praha, Czech Republic
2006. Honorable Mention Award «Int. Haifa C.C.» Haifa, Israel.
2006. Excellence Prize «Int. Fes. Caragiale -2006.» Romania
2006. First prize «Int. Piracicaba C. Exhibition» Piracicaba, Brasil
2007. Succes Award «Int. C.C. NAJI AL ALI» Damascus, Syria
2007. Gold Prize «Int. Zagreb Car. Exhibition» Zagreb, Croatia
Exhibition was opend by Marina Pejic, psychology graduate in Osijek. Exhibition was special in lots of ways: insted of performance whe have made a tree of wires, old computer, and put real leaves on it. We wanted to show how harmfully it can be for ecology when we carelessly use tehnicaly developed machines, devices, equipment, installations. On the other hand we wanted to show how we have accustom on artificially instead to fight for the preservation and protection of natural!!
I just want to thanks everyone that was include in this project!
It wouldnt be same without you!
Leader of the Gallery
STela Dušanić

Karikatur Haber’de ”Eseriniz Euro 2008’de sergilenebilir” duyurusunu uzulerek okudum.
Orada adi gecen Nike firmasi cesitli uluslararasi insan haklari orgutlerince,
basta Cin olmak uzere cesitli Asya ulkelerindeki fabrikalarinda kucuk yasta cocuklarin
yok denilecek ucretlerle calistirmasi konusunda yillardir adim atmamis bir firmadir, diye biliyorum.
Ekte gonderdigim calismam, bu konuda bir seri yazi dizisi yapan bir Ingiliz gazetesinde
(London Review) 1996 yilinda yayinlanmisti.
Hakkinda bu cesit sahibeler olan bir firmanin Euro 2008’deki bu faaliyetine
bir karikatur cizeri olarak katilmak istemem dogrusu.
Bilginize sunuyorum.
Firuz Kutal
Grafik tasarimci, ilustrator
Not: Bu iletinin bir kopyasi Don Kisot’a da gonderildi.

Dear friends hereby my similar version..
Willem Rasing

Izmir Buyuksehir Belediyesi’nin Engelliler Haftasi kapsaminda Karikaturculer Dernegi Izmir Temsilciligi isbirligi ile duzenledigi etkinlikte , Inciralti Engelliler Kultur Merkezi’ndeki ogrenciler karikaturculer ile birlikte karikatur cizdiler. Temsilcilik adina Abidin Kose, Seref Guzel, Turan Iyigun, Ayten Kose’nin katildigi etkinlikte, calismalarini ogretmenleri Tolga Sakarya’nin gozetiminde surduren ogrencilere karikatur cizim teknikleri konusunda bilgiler verildi, karikatur uzerine konusmalar yapildi.
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