

Çin’de düzenlenen 2008 China Guangxi City College uluslar arasý karikatür yarýþmasýnda
Türkiye’den karikatür sanatçýsý Aþkýn Ayrancýoðlu jüri üyeliðine seçildi.
Son katýlma tarihi 8 Haziran 2008 olan yarýþmada Aþkýn Ayrancýoðlu ile birlikte Çin’li Qigong Huang,
Dachuan Xia, Ýran’lý Massoud Shojai Tabatabai ve
Ukrayna’lý Yuriy Kosobukin de jüride yer alýyorlar… Geçen yýlki yarýþmada 8000 karikatür arasýnda
Aþkýn Ayrancýoðlu’nun karikatürü birincilik ödülünü kazanmýþtý…

Yarýþmayla ilgili daha geniþ bilgi için:






Weekly Note May 15, 2008 – Cartoon International Expert Committee

Mohammad Ali Khalaji’s similar cartoon was enough to make a loud objection against it and criticize him.
Khalaji who has won more than 100 prizes,
is a young cartoonist that has gotten the most important prizes in recent years,
but his works have similarities. As Ehsan Ganji has mentioned,
similar cartoons can be due to the weaknesses of juryboard and jurors.
Masoud Shojai has really warned Khalaji about his similarities.
He believes Khalai casts doubt on cartoon in Iran.
I really congratulate Pena-Pai and Louise Postruzin for finding similarities.
This week, I want to establish Cartoon International Expert Committee (C.I.E.C)
so we can discuss similarities or any other cartoon problems and send our ideas to contests.
Below comes the names of cartoonists I suggest.
If you accept my invitation, please inform me by email.

Peter Nieuwendijk – Holland
Julian Pena-Pai – Romania
Masoud Shojai – Iran
Huseyin Cakmak – Cyprus
Seyran Caferli – Azerbaijan
Erdogan Karayel – Germany
Alessandro Gatto – Italy
Louis Postruzin – Australia
Yuri Kosobukin – Ukraine
Marcio Leite – Brazil


20° Olense Kartoenale 2008- Belgium

20° Olense Kartoenale 2008- Belgium


Extreme sporten & rare hobby’s
Extreme sports & strange hobbies
Sports extrêmes & passe-temps étrange
Extremer Sport & merkwürdiger Liebhaberei
Deportes extremos & manías extrañas
Sporty ekstremalne & dziwne hobby
20° Olense Kartoenale

Annual Cartoon Contest – Rules and regulation 2008
1. Participation:
All contestants will be admitted with no distinction made regarding nationality or age.
There are two categories:
*- Youth category up to 15 years inclusive;
*- Adult category: 16 years and older.
2. Theme:
The theme is „Extreme sports & strange hobbies“.
3. Entries:
*- Original cartoons in black and white or colour, may bear no captions.
*- Dimensions including any passe-partout 21 x 30 cm.
*- Works sent rolled and works larger than DIN A4 will not be returned.
*- Number of entries per contestant: maximum five.
4. Property rights:
Prize-winning works will become the property of the organizer or the major sponsors.
All works selected may be used by the organizers to promote the contest and the
village of Olen.
5. Catalogue/Cartoon book
Selected works will be considered for inclusion in a catalogue. The authors of these
works will receive a free copy of the catalogue during the prize ceremony or it will be
send afterwards by mail.
6. Return mail
Return of the cartoons happens only on explicit request of the participant. In that case
the return of the works will take place at organizers’ cost approximately six months
after the ‘deadline’.
The organizers will endeavour to handle the return forwardings with the utmost care
but cannot be held responsible for loss or damages.
7. Deadline
The deadline is 22 September 2008.

The entry form and the cartoon(s) must be send to:
Olense Kartoenale
Dorp 1
B-2250 Olen

8. Prizes
For the adult category: For the youth category:
1st prize: 1000 euro 1st prize: 200 euro
2nd prize: 300 euro 2nd prize: 175 euro
3rd prize: 200 euro 3rd prize: 150 euro
4th prize: 150 euro 4th prize: 100 euro
5th prize: 125 euro
Only for Belgian participants:
Prize of the province of Antwerp: week-end (youth and adult category)
9. Prize Ceremony and Exhibition
The prize ceremony will take place at Friday 14th of November 2008 at approximately
20.00 h in the council room of the town hall of Olen, Dorp 1, 2250 Olen. Every
participating artist will be welcome on that occasion.
A selection of the cartoons will also be exhibited at the same address an can be visited:
*- Sunday 16th of November 2008
*- All working days from Monday 17th of November 2008 till 19th of December 2008
during the opening hours of the town hall:
*- Monday 09.00 u – 12.00 u 13.00 u – 16.00 u 17.30 u – 20.00 u
*- Tuesday 09.00 u – 12.00 u
*- Wednesday 09.00 u – 12.00 u 13.00 u – 16.00 u
*- Thursday 09.00 u – 12.00 u
*- Friday 09.00 u – 12.00 u

Entry form




Dear Cartoonists…
 We bring this invitation to the participation of the students of that
recognisable institution on the 16 th Universitarian Salon of humor of
Piracicaba, an artistical and cultural event dedicated to the revelations of
university young talents of grafic humor, drawing, and hq.
We sugest that you pass that email to professors and students of your
contact list to make avaliable to all this event so important and with
international aknowledgment.
We also remind that the final day for inscriptions ends on the 26 th of may.
We are at your service for any doubt and looking foward for the new
university talents of this institution.
Thanks a lot.
Best wishes.

Camilo Riani
President of Organization Comission/2008