Dear Massoud Shojai,
We have learnt Mohsen Rasolof has been killed in airplane accident.
We are deeply sorry and wish to share this feeling with you and iranian cartoon community- It is a bad lost.
What a pity a talented person at early age faced with this fact.
Our condolences to his family and friends.
Don Quichotte
Sevgili Massoud Shojai,
Mohsen Rasolof’un bir ucak kazasina kurban gittigini ogrendik.
Uzgunuz ve bu duygumuzu siz ve Iran Karikatur camiasi ile paylasmak istedik.
Ne kotu bir kayip, genc ve yetenekli birinin yasaminin erken bir evresinde boyle bir gercekle karsilasmasi.
Ailesine ve dostlarina bassagligi diliyoruz.
Don Quichotte