26 Agustos – 2 Eylul tarihleri arasinda SGDF (Sosyalist Genclik Dernekleri Federasyonu) tarafindan
Sotes Tatil Koyu / DIKILI’de bu yil 4. kez ve uluslar arasi nitelikte gerceklestirilmekte olan
yaz kampi etkinlikleri kapsaminda duzenlenen karikatur yarismasi sonuclandi.
Yarismaya Turkiye, Iran, Sirbistan, Ispanya, Bulgaristan, Ukrayna, Polonya, Azerbaycan, Makedonya,
Suriye ve Cin’den gonderilen toplam 95 eseri inceleyen
Kamil Yavuz (Karikaturist), Askin Ayrancioglu (Karikaturist), Aynur Ozbakir (Beksav) ve
Rahsan Kose (Raportor)’den olusan secici kurul 25.08.2008 tarihinde Beksav’da toplanmis ve
odul kazananlari asagidaki gibi belirlemistir;
BASARI ODULU : E. YASAR BABALIK (TURKIYE) / Plaket, Beksav’da karma sergi, Dergi seti
BASARI ODULU : MEHMET KAHRAMAN (TURKIYE) / Plaket, Beksav’da karma sergi, Dergi seti
BASARI ODULU : RAED KHALIL (SURIYE) / Plaket, Beksav’da karma sergi
ONUR ODULU : TAN ORAL (TURKIYE) / Plaket, Beksav’da sergi, Dergi seti
ONUR ODULU : NURI BILGIN (TURKIYE) / Plaket, Beksav’da sergi, Dergi seti
Izmir’in sirin ilcelerinden Tire’de ‘Geleneksel el sanatlari,
uretim kulturu ve turizm festivali ’25 Agustosda basladi.
6 Eylule kadar surecek festivalde 11 gun boyunca konser, soylesi, imza gunleri,
yagliboya resim, fotograf ve karikatur sergileri yer aliyor.
Saat Kulesi Karikaturculer Grubu Nasrettin Hoca sergisi ile yerini aldi.
Alay parkindaki festival acilisinda Vali yardimcisi Haluk Tuncsu, Belediye baskani Mehmet Sitki Icelli’ye
karikatur sergisi hakkinda bilgi veren Lutfu Cakin, Mustafa Yildiz:
‘Bugun Tire’de bu sergi ile olmamizin nedeni Turk mizahinin piri Nasrettin Hocamizin 800.dogum yilini kutlamak.
Sergiyi bircok yere tasiyoruz.Tire halkininda karikaturlere ilgi gostermesi bizim ne kadar dogru is yaptigimizi kanitliyor.
Bu cabalarimiz topluma hosgoru ve gulmeceyi yayabiliyorsa ne mutlu bize’ dediler.
Global warming is currently categorized as one of the greatest threats to life. Within the last decades, this phenomenon has been causing an increase in the average temperature on the surface of the earth, announcing the escalating condition of the greenhouse effect that is destabilizing the energy balance of the planet. The greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide (CO2), methanol (CH4), nitrate oxide (N2O), CFC�s (CFxCl) absorb ultared radiation emitted by the earth’s surface, which then radiates energy that is absorbed by the earth’s surface again, consequently getting hotter, and when in excess, is damaging. Therefore, the excess of gases responsible for the greenhouse effect, initiates a phenomenon known as global warming. The proposal for the Eco Cartoon is a warning for life! The cartoonists will have the challenge of showing the risk that the planet and humanity are running. They are, therefore, invited to create an illustration that depicts global warming and alerts society to the seriousness of the problem.
II – FROM THE 1st International Patio Brazil Humor Saloon On The Environment – ECO Cartoon
It is a competitive exhibition, of cartoon humor, where the main objective is to cause one to reflect on the global warming theme and quality of life. The tools to be used are charges, cartoons, caricatures and comic strips on the theme: Global Warming.
a) Graphic artists in general can compete, be they armatures or professionals, Brazilian or foreigners; b) Each artist can participate entering up to 2 (two) unpublished pieces of work, be it charge, cartoon, caricature or comic strips. c) The standard size of each piece of work would be 30 X 40 cm (horizontal or vertical); d) Each piece of work should be sent in the appropriate packaging, freeing the organizers of the event from the responsibility of any damages caused to the project during shipping; e) No work will be accepted via CD or internet; f) The participants that send more than 2 (two) projects, as well as those who are directly involved in the process of the event will be excluded from participating in this campaign.
a) All of the enrolled work sent for selection will become the permanent property of the Patio Brazil Shopping Condominium, which will exercise, exclusively and without restraint, the right of property, in order to use it to its best interests, which will not bring, by any means, any liability of any nature to the authors; b) After selection, the work that is selected will be on exposition inside the Patio Brazil Shopping and promoted on the www.patiobrasil.com.br
site and could, along with all the others participating works, still have other final destinations; c) The organization will not take the responsibility for any damages caused by third parties when on exposition to the public or due to deterioration from handling of the work during the event.
a) Forms for enrollment will be available at the site: www.patiobrasil.com.br
b) All work should be sent by September 15 along with the filled our enrollment form, via the mail or direct delivery at the Patio Brazil Shopping administration from Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm at the address: SCS Qd. 07 Bl. Administracao � CEP: 70307-902,Brazil
with a highlighted marking of the name of the event on the outside of the package or envelope saying: ECO CARTOON; c) The enrollment is free of charge and will be in effect on act of delivery of the work(s) and the participant should fill out the respective enrollment forms correctly with true updated information; d) The enrollment holds bearing on the acceptance of this regulation, in all its terms, as well as in accepting the final results of the contest and the destination and use of the work.
a) The works will be accepted up to September 15th, 2008.
b) The works of art will be selected on September 17, 2008 and judgment given on September 18, 2008;
c) The exposition will take place from September 19th to the 28th, 2008.
a) In selecting and awarding the works of art, certain criteria, based on creativity, originality and how pertinent it is to the proposed theme, will be followed while judging, which will be the responsibility of the commission of judges, whose decisions should be accepted by the participants without possibility of impugn; b) The selecting commission will choose up to 100 pieces, from all the works of art received, for exposition at the Patio Brazil Shopping. c) From the 100 (one hundred) selected works of art, 4 (four) will be awarded, 3 (three) of them being chosen by the commission of judges and 01 (one) work of art (aside from the 3 winners) will be chosen by popular vote which will occur via coupons placed in an urn located there at the competitive exposition. d) Any eventual issues omitted from the present regulation will be resolved by the commission of judges before a Patio Brazil Shopping referendum at the most opportune time. e) 3 (three) works of art will be awarded by the commission of judges, of which their decisions will be unappeasable.
a) A purchasing award of the following values will be given to those selected:
1st Place …………………………..R$ 3,000.00
2nd Place ………………………….R$ 1,500.00
3rd Place …………………………..R$ 1,000.00 Popular
Vote Winner…………….. R$ 500. 00
b) The announcement of the winners will take place on 09/19/08 at the opening of the exposition at 10:00 am. The winners will be informed of their awards via telegram. c) The awards will be given within 30 days after the announcement, at the mall administration or via the bank if the winner lives outside of Brasilia/DF.
Entry Form:
Ladies and gentlemen and artists:
This year has become the centre of global attention by
the organization of a series of events international character
being made and that call the attention on various topics
and those who participate agents around the world.
In this context Active Communication,
with support from various organizations and private publicans
hold the “First Salon International Humor Lima 2008,
an event that will make for the first time.
The theme of this important Salon be the “Global Warming”,
since because of the danger that hangs over humanity,
it must become aware of this serious To that end we look
forward to your contribution as the participation in this
the first Salon International Humor Only by invitation,
so we’ve picked a hundred artists from different of the world.
This important event to be held on November 6, 2008,
will start with an exhibition roaming through various
popular parks and squares of Lima.
Adem be edited a book of luxury with all participants
and work to be sent by postcard to all guest artists.
We look forward to your valuable contribution,
because that possible realizable of this important.
Theme: “Global warming”
1 – Topic: Anything that focuses on global warming, or their genes, causes and consequences. Further information can be obtained at http://www.paho.org/spanish/dd/pin/whd2008.htm
They can also access the Virtual Library of Sustainable Development
and Environmental Health
2-They can send up to two works from his personnel
file or which have been published or awarded.
It can be prepared in any technique and should be
sent by electronic mail, in case admit No originals.
3 – The work must have a Resolution 300 dpi as minimum, and
A-4 (30 x 21 cm.)
4-Alongside the works duty send your personal data
(Name, address, phone) a summary Biography,
a photograph or a caricature and its postal address.
4 – The works must be to send in this E-mail:
5 – Deadline: September 15, 2008.
6 – The receipt of the works in charge of the organizers
of the First Salon International Humor Graphic Lima 2008
7 – The works received the exposition will inaugurate in the November 6, 2008.
8 – The participating artists receive A copy of luxury
will be released with the work sent to Salon.
9 – The artists allow us to his drawings can be used in posters,
poles, press releases and printed material for diffusion the event.
10 – The artists accepted all the conditions laid down
the groundwork for the convening
The First Salon International Humor Graphic Lima 2008
for more information